12 Jewels of Islam 1972

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The Twelve Jewels of Life

Jnne 13' 1972

By llebr* F*yz*hrEdneatior*t Direetress ll{nhmm*d t1dversities sf kl*m

TFffi BENEFICENT, the Merciful Almighty Allah, Whoc.ane in t}te Person sfMa$er
Fard Muhammad prepared the Flbnorable Elijah Muhammad for a missisn,in life
unerlraled to, Bny task givr:n to,man inr history.
From a 'gem in the rough," Allah made the mosl precious je.rvel on Earth, The Honorahle
Elijah Muhammad. My Divine Teacher is now forming and polishing His followers with
theblessings ofNewLife, the TwelveJewels of Life-
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has given us the WISDOM to perceive the Truth of
Almighty Allah, The True and LivingGad.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has given us the KNO}}T,EIIGE of our True Religion
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has given us UNDERSTAI{DING to knor+'why the
devil was grafted and the reasons for his existence.
The Honorabtre Elijah httuhammad has given us JIiSTICE. Only He took time to clean
up the condition of the dejecte{ despised, degraded Blacknran in Amsrica.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has given us EQUALITY. The Messenger ofAllah
has joined us together w{th the love and respect of our Black Brothers and Sisters around
the world
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has given us FOOD vvhich is the spiritual
nourishment our minds need and acquire through the teachings of Our Great lxader at
the Temple andl{uhammad Unil'ersity of Islam. Those of us *'ho vrurk closely rvith Our
Beloved Apostle, receive this "food" at His table.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad gives us CLOTHIHG af truth, to dress our minds, to
be guided along the right path to Salvation.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad gives us the SHELTER of proof, which we find in
Mathematics, the problems, methods, and solutions to lteep u.s in the Universal Order of
The Honorable Eldah Muhamrnad:g!'es us fEACE of mind to thirik ot the I'alues of the
Muslim thmily, the home, and Islam as our,Religion-
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad grvss usHis LOVE to elevate us to the perfect state
raguired to be in the New World with Master Fg5$ Muha{nrr,qd to whom all pmises are
With these eleven 'Jewels" The Honorable.Elijah Muhammad has given us the t*'elfth
one of HAPPINESS in our daily existince.iHe hhs setlvle in Hsav€n ov.ernight as the
Saviour,told Him he woutd do. Wr calr neuel offei enpug! praise to Altah for the
Hdrilfi"nifii;M"#;d. Al,H*ii4*a qaup*-ido qredl,re to *lldh1

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