Panasonic PT-DZ680
Panasonic PT-DZ680
Panasonic PT-DZ680
1-Chip DLP™ Projectors
The PT-DZ680LS/DZ680LK, PT-DW640LS/DW640LK, and PT-DX610LS/DX610LK are not equipped with a lens.
The cabinet for each model is available in silver (PT-DZ680S/DW640S/DX610S) or black (PT-DZ680K/DW640K/DX610K).
Panasonic PT-DZ680 Series 1-chip DLPTM projectors, featuring a dual-
lamp system, are compact but powerful. The RGB Booster ensures WUXGA
vivid, colourful images, and the original Eco Filter eliminates the PT-DZ680 (1,920x1,200) 6,000 lm
need for filter replacement for up to 12,000 hours. A host of terminals WXGA
and advanced management functions provides enhanced system PT-DW640 (1,280x800) 6,000 lm
Color wheel
By modulating the lamp power, we can Simulation Mode*1
maximize the colour reproduction of each
This imaging mode is
colour without sacrificing brightness. Light
similar to DICOM part 14,
usage is optimised, and colour balance is
which is a medical imaging
obtained without lowering the brightness.
standard. It reproduces
X-ray images with
remarkable clarity.
Color wheel
Lamp power
Rec. 709 Mode for HDTV Projection
Optimal colour reproduction can be achieved by selecting this mode, compliant with
Because the lamp power is fixed in ITU-R Recommendation BT.709, when images from an HDTV source are projected.
conventional projectors, colour reproduction
is enhanced by sacrificing brightness.
Full 10-Bit Picture Processing (PT-DZ680 Only)
The use of a full 10-bit image processing system provides smooth tonal expression.
For example, skin tones appear natural and true to life.
Eco Filter that Needs No Maintenance Flexible Installation
for up to 12,000 Hours*2 The wide adjustment range of the powered
The original Eco Filter consists of two Micro Cut Filters (electrostatic filters), a pre-filter horizontal/vertical lens shift function
and a main filter, which use an ion effect to collect extremely small dust particles. assures convenience and versatility during
The pre-filter has a honeycomb configuration and the main filter is pleated to achieve installation. It lets you easily make
a large surface area that raises its dust collecting performance. Thanks to these adjustments with the remote control.
features, the Eco Filter has a replacement cycle of up to 12,000 hours*2, which The unit can also be rotated 360 degrees
reduces the hassle of maintenance. And, as an environmental consideration, vertically. This means you can install it at
the filter can be washed with water and reused*3. any angle you want, to accommodate
different installation conditions. 360°
A Wide Selection of
Optional Lenses
Main filter
Choose from a wide lineup of optional
lenses for your system, including
short-throw zoom lens, long-throw zoom
and fixed-throw lenses for rear projection
Pre-filter use. The additional lenses make it easy to
adapt your projector to the installation site.
Multi-Screen Support
Dual-Lamp System Prevents Image Interruptions System Seamlessly
The Dual-Lamp System eliminates the Connects Multiple Screens
need to interrupt a presentation if a lamp The Multi-Screen Support System optimally adjusts multiple screens:
should burn out (in dual-lamp operation Edge blending, colour matching and multi-screen processor.
mode). The Lamp Relay mode also
operates the lamps alternately to enable Edge Blending
24/7 projector operation. The replacement The edges of adjacent screens can be blended and their luminance controlled.
lamp unit*4 can be used with all of the Colour Matching
Panasonic PT-DZ770 Series*5, PT-DZ6700 This function corrects for slight variations in the colour reproduction range of
Series*6 and PT-DZ570 Series*7 projectors. individual projectors.
This reduces the number of lamp types
that need to be kept in stock when Multi-Screen Processor
multiple projectors are used. The PT-DZ680 Series projector can project large, multi-screen images without any
additional equipment. Up to 100 units (10 x 10) can be edge-blended at a time.
Liquid Cooling System Attains a High Level of Reliability Colour matching Edge blending
The liquid cooling system directly cools the DLP chip to improve performance and
enable operation up to 45°C (113°F).*8 This allows use in a wider variety of environments,
while stabilizing performance and keeping the unit quiet even in harsh conditions.
PT-DZ21K Series
DLPTM chip
Reservoir tank
Lens-less models are also available. The specifications are the same as those
of the projectors supplied with standard lens.
LAN Silver models: Black models:
PC e-mail
Ecology-conscious Design
Panasonic works from every angle to minimize environmental impact in the
product design, production and delivery processes, and in the performance
of the product during its life cycle. The PT-DZ680 Series projector reflects
the following ecological considerations.
Ceiling mount bracket Replacement ET-DLE250 ET-DLE055
for low ceilings filter unit Zoom lens Fixed-focus lens
min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max.
1.27 0.82 1.04 1.38 2.01 1.90 2.57 2.42 3.87 3.80 5.81 5.66 9.12 0.83
(50”) (2.7) (3.4) (4.5) (6.6) (6.2) (8.4) (7.9) (12.7) (12.5) (19.1) (18.6) (29.9) (2.7)
2.03 1.35 1.68 2.23 3.25 3.09 4.16 3.92 6.23 6.16 9.38 9.23 14.78 1.35
(80”) (4.4) (5.5) (7.3) (10.7) (10.1) (13.6) (12.8) (20.4) (20.2) (30.8) (30.3) (48.5) (4.4)
2.54 1.70 2.11 2.81 4.08 3.88 5.22 4.92 7.81 7.74 11.76 11.62 18.55 1.70
(100”) (5.6) (6.9) (9.2) (13.4) (12.7) (17.1) (16.1) (25.6) (25.4) (38.6) (38.1) (60.8) (5.6)
3.81 2.57 3.19 4.24 6.14 5.85 7.86 7.41 11.75 11.68 17.71 17.58 27.97 2.58
(150”) (8.4) (10.5) (13.9) (20.1) (19.2) (25.8) (24.3) (38.6) (38.3) (58.1) (57.7) (91.8) (8.5)
5.08 3.44 4.27 5.67 8.20 7.83 10.50 9.91 15.70 15.61 23.66 23.54 37.39 3.45
(200”) (11.3) (14.0) (18.6) (26.9) (25.7) (34.5) (32.5) (51.5) (51.2) (77.6) (77.2) (122.7) (11.3)
7.62 5.18 6.43 8.53 12.33 11.78 15.79 14.91 23.59 23.49 35.56 35.46 56.24 –
(300”) (17.0) (21.1) (28.0) (40.4) (38.6) (51.8) (48.9) (77.4) (77.1) (116.7) (116.3) (184.5) –
10.16 6.93 8.59 11.39 16.45 15.73 21.08 19.90 31.48 31.46 47.46 47.38 75.08 –
(400”) (22.7) (28.2) (37.4) (54.0) (51.6) (69.2) (65.3) (103.3) (102.9) (155.7) (155.4) (246.3) –
12.70 8.67 10.75 14.25 20.58 19.68 26.37 24.90 39.37 39.23 59.36 59.30 93.93 –
(500”) (28.5) (35.3) (46.7) (67.5) (64.6) (86.5) (81.7) (129.2) (128.7) (194.7) (194.6) (308.2) –
15.24 10.42 12.91 17.11 24.70 23.63 31.66 29.89 47.25 47.11 71.25 71.22 112.77 –
(600”) (34.2) (42.3) (56.1) (81.01) (77.5) (103.9) (98.1) (155.0) (154.6) (233.8) (233.7) (370.0) –
Throw distance
Diagonal ET-DLE080 ET-DLE150 Supplied lens ET-DLE250 ET-DLE350 ET-DLE450 ET-DLE055
image size
(throw ratio) 0.8–1.0:1 1.4-2.0:1 1.8–2.5:1 2.4–3.8:1 3.8–5.7:1 5.6–9.0:1 0.8:1
min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max.
1.27 0.87 1.09 1.45 2.12 1.92 2.56 2.54 4.06 4.0 6.11 5.96 9.60 0.87
(50”) (2.8) (3.6) (4.7) (6.9) (6.3) (8.4) (8.3) (13.3) (13.1) (20.1) (19.5) (31.5) (2.9)
2.03 1.42 1.77 2.35 3.42 3.11 4.13 4.12 6.55 6.48 9.86 9.71 15.53 1.42
(80”) (4.7) (5.8) (7.7) (11.2) (10.2) (13.5) (13.5) (21.5) (21.3) (32.3) (31.9) (51.0) (4.7)
2.54 1.78 2.22 2.95 4.28 3.91 5.18 5.17 8.20 8.13 12.36 12.22 19.49 1.79
(100”) (5.9) (7.3) (9.7) (14.0) (12.8) (17.0) (16.9) (26.9) (26.7) (40.5) (40.1) (63.9) (5.9)
3.81 2.70 3.36 4.45 6.45 5.90 7.80 7.79 12.35 12.27 18.61 18.47 29.38 2.71
(150”) (8.9) (11.0) (14.6) (21.2) (19.3) (25.6) (25.5) (40.5) (40.2) (61.0) (60.6) (96.4) (8.9)
5.08 3.62 4.49 5.95 8.61 7.88 10.42 10.41 16.49 16.40 24.85 24.73 39.28 3.63
(200”) (11.9) (14.7) (19.5) (28.3) (25.9) (34.2) (34.2) (51.1) (53.8) (81.5) (81.1) (128.9) (11.9)
7.62 5.45 6.76 8.96 12.95 11.86 15.66 15.65 24.77 24.67 37.35 37.25 59.06 –
(300”) (17.9) (22.2) (29.4) (42.5) (38.9) (51.4) (51.4) (81.3) (80.9) (122.5) (122.2) (193.8) –
10.16 7.28 9.02 11.96 17.28 15.83 20.90 20.90 33.06 32.94 49.84 49.76 78.85 –
(400”) (23.9) (29.6) (39.2) (56.7) (51.9) (68.6) (68.6) (108.4) (108.1) (163.5) (163.3) (258.7) –
12.70 9.11 11.29 14.96 21.61 19.81 26.15 26.14 41.34 41.20 62.33 62.28 98.64 –
(500”) (29.9) (37.0) (49.1) (70.9) (65.0) (85.8) (85.8) (135.6) (135.2) (204.5) (204.3) (323.6) –
15.24 10.94 13.56 17.96 25.94 23.78 31.39 31.39 49.62 49.47 74.82 74.80 118.43 –
(600”) (35.9) (44.5) (58.9) (85.1) (78.0) (103.0) (103.0) (162.8) (162.3) (245.5) (245.4) (388.5) –
min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max.
1.27 0.81 1.01 1.34 1.97 1.79 2.38 2.36 3.78 3.71 5.68 5.53 8.91 0.81
(50”) (2.6) (3.3) (4.4) (6.5) (5.9) (7.8) (7.7) (12.4) (12.2) (18.6) (18.1) (29.2) (2.7)
2.03 1.32 1.64 2.18 3.18 2.90 3.84 3.83 6.09 6.02 9.17 9.02 14.44 1.32
(80”) (4.3) (5.4) (7.2) (10.4) (9.5) (12.6) (12.6) (20.0) (19.8) (30.1) (29.6) (47.4) (4.3)
2.54 1.66 2.07 2.74 3.98 3.64 4.82 4.80 7.63 7.56 11.50 11.35 18.12 1.66
(100”) (5.4) (6.8) (9.0) (13.1) (11.9) (15.8) (15.8) (25.0) (24.8) (37.7) (37.2) (59.5) (5.5)
3.81 2.51 3.12 4.14 6.00 5.49 7.26 7.24 11.49 11.41 17.31 17.18 27.33 2.52
(150”) (8.2) (10.2) (13.6) (19.7) (18.0) (23.8) (23.8) (37.7) (37.4) (56.8) (56.4) (89.7) (8.3)
5.08 3.36 4.18 5.54 8.02 7.34 9.70 9.69 15.34 15.26 23.13 23.00 36.54 3.38
(200”) (11.0) (13.7) (18.2) (26.3) (24.1) (31.8) (31.8) (50.3) (50.1) (75.9) (75.5) (119.9) (11.1)
7.62 5.07 6.29 8.33 12.05 11.04 14.58 14.57 23.06 22.96 34.76 34.66 54.97 –
(300”) (16.6) (20.6) (27.3) (39.5) (36.2) (47.8) (47.8) (75.6) (75.3) (114.0) (113.7) (180.3) –
10.16 6.77 8.40 11.13 16.08 14.74 19.46 19.45 30.77 30.65 46.39 46.31 73.39 –
(400”) (22.2) (27.5) (36.5) (52.8) (48.3) (63.8) (63.8) (100.9) (100.6) (152.2) (151.9) (240.8) –
12.70 8.48 10.51 13.92 20.12 18.44 24.34 24.33 38.48 38.35 58.02 57.96 91.81 –
(500”) (27.8) (34.5) (45.7) (66.0) (60.5) (79.8) (79.8) (126.2) (125.8) (190.4) (190.2) (301.2) –
15.24 10.18 12.62 16.72 24.15 22.14 29.22 29.22 46.19 46.05 69.65 69.61 110.23 –
(600”) (33.4) (41.4) (54.9) (79.2) (72.6) (95.9) (95.9) (151.5) (151.1) (228.5) (228.4) (361.7) –
440 (17-5/16)
MODEL PT-DZ680/DZ680L PT-DW640/DW640L PT-DX610/DX610L When the STANDBY MODE is
Power 120 V ac, 7.3 A, 50/60 Hz 120 V AC, 6.8 A, 50/60 Hz, 220–240 V AC, 3.8 A, 50/60 Hz set to ECO , network functions
220-240 V AC, 4.0 A, 50/60 Hz
such as power on over the
Power 120 V AC 750 W (790 VA)(0.2 W when standby mode set to eco*1, 710 W (740 VA) (0.2 W when standby mode set to eco*1, 6 W when standby mode set to normal)
consumption 6 W when standby mode set to normal) LAN will not operate. Also,
220−240 V AC 730 W (930 VA)(0.3 W when standby mode set to eco*1, 690 W (860 VA) (0.3 W when standby mode set to eco*1, 8 W when standby mode set to normal) only certain commands can be
8 W when standby mode set to normal) received for external control
using the serial terminal.
Measurement, measuring
conditions, and method of
DLPTM Chip Panel size 17.0 mm (0.67 in) diagonal (16:10 aspect ratio) 16.5 mm (0.65 inches) diagonal (16:10 aspect ratio) 17.8 mm (0.7 inches) diagonal (4:3 aspect ratio)
Display method DLP™ chip × 1, DLP™ projection system DLP™ chip × 1, DLP™ projection system DLP™ chip × 1, DLP™ projection system
notation all comply with ISO
Pixels 2,304,000 (1,920 × 1,200) pixels 1,024,000 (1,280 × 800) pixels 786,432 (1,024 × 768) pixels
21118 international standards.
Lens PT-DZ680/DW640 Powered zoom (throw ratio 1.8–2.4:1), Powered zoom (throw ratio 1.8–2.4:1), powered focus F 1.7–2.0, f 25.6–33.8 mm Brightness becomes 3,000 lm with
/DX610 powered focus F 1.7–2.0, f 26.8–35.7 mm CONTRAST MODE set to HIGH .
PT-DZ680L/DW640L Optional powered zoom/focus lenses and fixed-focus lens Brightness becomes 3,250 lm with
Lamp 280 W UHM lamp × 2 *5
Screen size (diagonal) 1.27–15.24 m (50–600 in), 1.27–5.08 m (50–200 in) with the ET-DLE055, 16:10 aspect ratio 1.27–15.24 m (50–600 in), 1.27–5.08 m
Optical axis shift function
(50–200 in) with the ET-DLE055, 4:3 aspect ratio cannot be operated when used
Brightness *2
6,000 lm (dual-lamp, lamp mode: normal) 6,500 lm (dual-lamp, lamp mode: normal) with the ET-DLE055.
Centre-to-corner uniformity *2 90 % +45% from center of screen
Contrast*2 2,000:1 (full on/full off, contrast mode: high*3) 2,000:1 (full on/full off, contrast mode: high*4) with the ET-DLE080.
Resolution 1,920 × 1,200 pixels 1,280 × 800 pixels (Input signals that exceed this 1,024 × 768 pixels (Input signals that exceed this *7
For the PT-DZ680/DZ680L only.
resolution will be converted to 1,280 × 800 pixels.) resolution will be converted to 1,024 × 768 pixels.) *8
Scanning HDMI/DVI-D fH: 15–91 kHz, fv: 50–85 Hz, dot clock: 25–162 MHz
Compliant with VESA CVT-RB.
frequency RGB fH: 15–91 kHz, fv: 50–85 Hz, dot clock: 162 MHz or lower
With legs at shortest position
YPBPR (YCBCR) fH: 15.75 kHz, fv: 60 Hz [525i (480i)] fH: 37.50 kHz, fv: 50 Hz [750 (720)/50p] fH: 27.00 kHz, fv: 24 Hz [1125 (1080)/24p] Average value. May differ
fH: 31.50 kHz, fv: 60 Hz [525p (480p)] fH: 33.75 kHz, fv: 60 Hz [1125 (1035)/60i] fH: 27.00 kHz, fv: 48 Hz [1125 (1080)/24sF] depending on the actual unit.
fH: 15.63 kHz, fv: 50 Hz [625i (576i)] fH: 33.75 kHz, fv: 60 Hz [1125 (1080)/60i] fH: 33.75 kHz, fv: 30 Hz [1125 (1080)/30p] *11
fH: 31.25 kHz, fv: 50 Hz [625p (576p)] fH: 28.13 kHz, fv: 50 Hz [1125 (1080)/50i] fH: 67.50 kHz, fv: 60 Hz [1125 (1080)/60p]
The operating temperature
fH: 45.00 kHz, fv: 60 Hz [750 (720)/60p] fH: 28.13 kHz, fv: 25 Hz [1125 (1080)/25p] fH: 56.25 kHz, fv: 50 Hz [1125 (1080)/50p] range is 0°C to 40ºC (32°F to
Video/S-Video fH: 15.75 kHz, fv: 60 Hz [NTSC/NTSC4.43/PAL-M/PAL60], fh: 15.63 kHz, fv: 50 Hz [PAL/PAL-N/SECAM] 104°F) when the high altitude
Optical axis Vertical +50% from center of screen (powered) +60% from center of screen (powered) +50% from center of screen (powered)*6 mode is set to on (for altitudes
shift*5 Horizontal ±10% from center of screen (powered) ±10% from center of screen (powered) ±10% from center of screen (powered)
from 1,400m to 2,700m (4,593ft
Keystone correction range Vertical: ±40° (±30° with the ET-DL E055/DLE080) to 8,858ft) above sea level).
Installation Ceiling/floor, front/rear
Terminals HDMI HDMI 19-pin × 1 (Deep Color *7, compatible with HDCP)
525p (480p), 625p (576p), 750 (720)/60p, 750 (720)/50p, 1125 (1080)/60i, 1125 (1080)/50i, 1125 (1080)/25p, 1125 (1080)/24p, 1125 (1080)/24sF,
1125 (1080)/30p, 1125 (1080)/60p, 1125 (1080)/50p
VGA (640 × 480)–WUXGA (1,920 × 1,200)*8, compatible with non-interlaced signals only, dot clock: 25–162 MHz
DVI-D IN DVI-D 24-pin × 1
(DVI 1.0 compliant, compatible with HDCP, compatible with single link only)
525p (480p), 625p (576p), 750 (720)/60p, 750 (720)/50p, 1125 (1080)/60i, 1125 (1080)/50i, 1125 (1080)/25p, 1125 (1080)/24p, 1125 (1080)/24sF,
1125 (1080)/30p, 1125 (1080)/60p, 1125 (1080)/50p
VGA (640 × 480)–WUXGA (1,920 × 1,200)*8, compatible with non-interlaced signals only, dot clock: 25–162 MHz
RGB 1IN BNC × 5 (RGB/YPbPr/YCbCr × 1)
RGB 2IN D-Sub HD 15-pin (female) × 1 (RGB/YPbPr/YCbCr × 1)
VIDEO IN BNC × 5 (RGB/YPbPr/YCbCr × 1)
S-VIDEO IN Mini DIN 4-pin × 1 (S-Video)
SERIAL IN D-sub 9-pin (female) × 1 for external control (RS-232C compliant)
SERIAL OUT D-sub 9-pin (male) × 1 for link control (RS-232C compliant)
REMOTE 1 IN M3 × 1 for wired remote control
REMOTE 1 OUT M3 × 1 for link control (for wired remote control)
REMOTE 2 IN D-sub 9-pin (female) × 1 for external control (parallel)
LAN RJ-45 × 1 (for network connection, 10Base-T/100Base-TX, compliant with PJLink™)
Cabinet materials Molded plastic
Dimensions PT-DZ680/DW640 498 × 175*9 × 440 mm (19-19/32 × 6-7/8*9 × 17-5/16 in)(with supplied lens)
(W × H × D) /DX610
PT-DZ680L/ 498 × 175*9 × 432 mm (19-19/32 × 6-7/8*9 × 17 in) (without lens)
Weight*10 PT-DZ680/DW640 Approximately 16.0 kg (35.3 lbs) (with supplied lens)
PT-DZ680L/DW640L Approximately 15.1 kg (33.3 lbs) (without lens)
Operating environment Operating temperature: 0–45 °C (32–113 °F)*11, operating humidity: 20%–80% (no condensation)
Supplied accessories Power cord, power cord secure lock, wireless/wired remote control unit, batteries (R6/AA type × 2), software CD-ROM (Logo Transfer Software,
Multi Projector Monitoring & Control Software) (× 1)