Grade 7 Appreciation LP - Footnote To Youth

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Republic of the Philippines


Laboratory High School
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students can
a. identify the key elements of the short story ‘Footnote to Youth’ by Jose Garcia
Villa through a group presentation;
b. value the story’s message about marrying too young and suffering through
the rest of marriage by sharing what they have observed around them; and,
c. interpret the theme/life lesson of the story through writing a letter to Jose
Garcia Villa.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: The Elements of the Short Story: “Footnote to Youth” by Jose Garcia Villa
Reference: Bernardo, J. (2022b, October 12). 21st century literature Basic
Elements of a Short Story (1).pptx. basic-elements-
Materials: Laptop, projector, Power point presentation, Pictures, jigsaw puzzle

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Daily Routine
1. Opening Prayer
Good morning class! Let us start this wonderful day
with a prayer.

(The student teacher will lead the prayer.)

Please bow your head and feel the presence of our

Lord, Jesus. In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Dear Lord and Father
of all. Thank you for this another day that you have
given us to feel how blessed we are living in this
world. We thank you for your protection and love
that we feel every time we wake up in the
morning. Help us to focus our hearts and minds now
on what we are about to learn. Inspire us by your Holy
Spirit as we listen to our teacher’s discussion and
when we do our class activities. Guide us by
your eternal light as we discover more about the world
around us. We ask all this in the name of Jesus, our
Lord, Amen.
2. Greetings

Once again, good morning class! How are you today?

Good morning Ma’am! We feel wonderful today.

It’s good to hear that you are all feeling good today. I
hope everyone is refreshed, energized, and full of
enthusiasm to learn our new topic today.

Yes, we are Ma’am.

3. Classroom Management

Okay class, before we start, please make sure that

your surroundings are clean. Everyone, please
stand up and pick up the pieces of paper that
you see behind your chairs.

We are done cleaning Ma’am.

Everyone, return to your seat.

Okay Ma’am.

4. Checking of Attendance

Class who is absent today?

Good morning Ma’am. No one is absent in the class
Okay, very good class.

B. Motivation
Before we proceed to our topic, let’s first have a
Are you familiar with 4 pics 1 word?
Yes, ma’am.

Okay, it seems that you are ready to play.

Here is how it will be played, I will be showing pictures
and if you know the correct answer, you may raise
your hands. You will only be given 1 minute to
analyze the picture.



Ma’am the answer is early pregnancy.
Very good. Okay next.

Very good! The last picture.

Ma’am the answer is regret.

Okay, very good class.

Ma’am the answer is marriage.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

Engaging with literature is an excellent means of

acquiring both knowledge and moral values. In our
discussion today, we will be closely examining the
elements of the short story entitled "Footnote to
Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa with the goal of extracting
valuable moral lessons from its narrative.
To provide you with a clear understanding of what we
hope to accomplish, please read the lesson
At the end of the lesson, students can
a. identify the key elements of the short story
‘Footnote to Youth’ by Jose Garcia Villa
through a group presentation;
b. value the story’s message about marrying too
young and suffering through the rest of
marriage by sharing what they have observed
around them; and,
c. interpret theme/life lesson of the story through
writing a letter to Jose Garcia Villa.

Keep those mind in order for you to be guided.

Unlocking Difficulties

Before we proceed in the guide questions and reading

the actual story, I have here simple activity which will
help you identify the meaning of the uncommon words
that can be found in the story. Read the sentences
first before answering.

Please raise your hand if you want to answer.

Directions: Identify the meaning of the underlined
words using context clues.
1. The sun was hazy during the cloudy day.
a. Blurry
b. clear
c. uncertain Ma’am, the answer is blurry.

2. To men, numerous offspring are living symbols of

a. emptiness
Ma’am, the answer is manliness.
b. nobility
c. manliness

3. Dodong stood in the sweltering noon heat and his

clothes is wet with his sweat.
a. foggy
b. suffocating Ma’am, the answer is extremely hot.
c. extremely hot

4. Blas came home flustered about his problem.

a. comfortable Ma’am, the answer is worried.
b. careless
c. worried

5. Dodong looked wistfully at his young son in the

a. regret Ma’am, the answer is regret.

b. seeking
c. happy

D. Guide Questions
In order to facilitate comprehension, I will present to
you series of questions to guide you as we read the
Would someone like to volunteer to read? As the
volunteer reads, please follow along with your eyes.

1. What was the story about?

2. Where did the story happen?
3. Who were the characters in the story?
4. What was the most interesting part of the story?
5. How many children did Dodong and Teang had?
6. What made Dodong feel that he was no longer a
boy but already a man?
7. Why did Teang regret?

Thank you for reading.

E. Reading of the Selection

Now, we'll start reading the story. I'll begin with the
first paragraph, and you'll continue with the rest.
Some of our volunteers will read the lines of the
Please read the text with emotions and expression.
I will begin reading the first paragraph.
Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa.

The sun was salmon and hazy in the west. Dodong

thought to himself that he would tell his father about
Teang after he had unhitched the carabao from the
plow and went home.

(The students read the dialogue of the story)

F. Intellectual Discussion
Last time, I already grouped you into four. Each group
was assigned a specific element to focus on. Please
proceed to your assigned groups.
These are the groups and the elements that have
been assigned to them:
Group 1: Character
Group 2: Setting
Group 3: Plot
Group 4: Conflict
Directions: Every group will receive a mystery
envelope containing different tasks related to the
elements of the short story. Choose representatives
from your groups. For the setting and plot groups,
please paste your outputs on the board. You will be
given 2-3 minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to
Let's move on to the presentations. Group 1, you
were assigned the element of character.
(The envelope contains the name of the characters of
the story.) In the story we meet seven characters.
A. Dodong- the main character of the story. At
the age of seventeen, he decided to marry
Teang. He had several children throughout the
B. Dodong’s father- it is whom Dodong asked
permission so that he can marry Teang.
C. Dodong’s mother- together with Dodong’s
father, she helped with the birth of Dodong’s
D. Teang- the wife of Dodong. She married
Dodong at a very young age.
E. Blas- the son of Dodong and Teang. Just like
Dodong, he asked his father to allow him to
marry at a young age.
F. Tona- sweetheart of Blas.
G. Lucio- suitor of Teang.

Thank you for including what type of characters they

are. May we give the first group a round of applause!
Characters are defined as the people, animals, or
objects that take part in the action of a story or literary
work. There are two main types of characters: the
protagonist and the antagonist.
Do you have any questions about character of the
This time, we proceed with the group 2, you were
assigned the element of setting.
(The envelope contains jigsaw puzzle.)
The story took place in a rural area where they work
Thank you very much. as a farmer. After Dodong had unhitched the carabao,
he went home and he tell his plan about marrying
The setting is defined as the place (locale) and time
(period) when the story happens. The setting may be
based on real place and real time or may also be
based on the author’s imagination. Sometimes,
settings are indirectly stated. Hence, the responsibility
falls on the reader to analyze the available information
and connect the dots to determine the time and place
in which the story happened.
Do you have any question before we proceed with the
next presenter?
Let us proceed to group 3. Your group were assigned
with the element of plot.

(The envelope contains series of sentences that

represent the plot of the story that the students will

1. Dodong was fully decided to marry Teang and

intended to tell it to his father.
2. Teang regretted to be married at their early age.
3. Blas was at his eighteen years of age, he asked
permission to his father Dodong to marry Tona.
Thank you for providing detailed plot.
4. Dodong was helpless. He couldn’t do anything but
Again, plot is the story-line of the literary work. It is the to give his consent.
series of events and characters’ action that lead to the
highest point of the story. 5. Dodong was really feel sad and sorry for his son.

Let's move on to the next group. Your group has been

assigned the task of identifying the conflict in the

(The envelope contains a skit that tells the conflict of

the story that the students will present.)
1. There is a conflict between the father and the son.
First, was with Dodong and his father, that he want to
marry Teang at a young age and Dodong with his son
Blas that he also want to marry Tona at his young
2. Dodong was somewhat felt guilty of his decision of
Very well. marrying at a young age. He battled it during the
Again, the conflict in a story refers to the struggle or delivery of their first born, and also with Teang.
problem that the characters face. Basing from the sentences, there are two conflicts of
There you have it, the elements of the short story the story namely, Man vs. Man and Man vs. Himself.
Footnote toYouth. Do you have any question about
the elements of the short story?

H. Aesthetic Discussion

We will now delve on the lessons that you may be

able to learn from the story.
What do you think is the theme of the story?

The central theme of the story is regret people will

always go with their feelings without hesitations they
will do anything just to get what they want especially
the youth and then regretting at the end. It also
tackles the responsibilities and realities that come
with marriage and the family life.
This story teaches us to think a million times before
we can plan about what is happening in our life. And
as a daughter or son we must do also our
responsibilities to show to our parents that we could
also turn the, back all the sacrifices that they’ve given

Thank you. Let’s take a closer look to every

characters in the story.
First, Dodong and Teang. In the story, what did you
learn from Dodong and Teang?

Ma’am we learned that, in life we should not just

decide on our own just because we love that person,
and marry them at a very young age, instead we
should use them as an inspiration to reach our goals
in life. Because if we marry someone without stable
job, our life will be put in a chaos.

Very well said.

Okay, in your real life did you encounter some people
around you who are like the situation of Dodong and
Yes Ma’am, we have neighbor who are like Teang
and Dodong and I feel pity with their children because
they have no work and they are still continuing their
So class, that is a lesson for us, before doing
something we must think of it for a million times so
that in the end we will not regret our decisions.
Okay, now what is the purpose of the story Footnote
to Youth?

To emphasize to young people the challenges

associated with teenage marriage, Footnote to Youth
highlights its unique characteristics. For young people
who frequently succumb to the delusion of love, the
title alone serves as a harsh warning of the dangers
of an unanticipated and unrequited relationship.

Lastly, what is the significance of this story to you?

The story serves a warning to us, youth, as the title
itself suggests. It reminds us of the responsibilities
and realities that come with marriage and the family
life. It advises us that life after marriage is difficult
especially when we are yet incapable of the
responsibilities and challenges that life gives.
Therefore, we should not rush into something that we
will be regretting in the end.

Excellent. I hope that you have learned something

from the story.

I. Generalization

To recap what we have discussed, let us attempt to

answer some of the guide questions presented
What are the elements of short story that is being
used in Footnote to Youth? Ma’am, we have the Character, Setting, plot and

Very Good. Who are the characters in the story?

Ma’am the characters in the story are Dodong, Teang,
mother and father of Dodong, Blas, Tona and Lucio.

Who is the author of the story?

Ma’am the author of the story is Jose Garcia Villa.

What was the most interesting part of the story?

The interesting part of the story ma’am is Dodong
married at a young age and his first born son also
marry at a very young age. Teang also regretted to
marry at a very young age ma’am because she feel
difficult of being a mother at an early age.

Very well said. So, we should consider also our action

being a teenager. We should not just decide on our
own. And I hope you learn something from the story.
Before we proceed with our activity, do you need any
clarification or would you like to provide any additional
IV. Evaluation
Complete the phrases below to express to the author how the story he wrote gave you wisdom
in coming up with realizations and learning in life.

Dear V.Jose Garcia Villa,

VII.reading the story “Footnote to Youth” I realized that
X. that
I learned

V. Assignment
In one half sheet of paper, discuss the values that the story Footnote to Youth gives and its
impact to you as youth. Limit your answer with 200 words.

Prepared by: Judy-ann M. Ambong

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