Urban History 05 Renaissance CounterReformation Alt
Urban History 05 Renaissance CounterReformation Alt
Urban History 05 Renaissance CounterReformation Alt
Grigor Doytchinov
Renaissance | Counter-Reformation
Institute of Urbanism
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
Areas of urban design in the Renaissance period
- fortification systems
- regeneration of parts of cities by the creation of new public spaces
and related streets
- restructuring of existing cities by the construction of new main
streets which extended to the city’s limits and continued as
regional routes; these new streets frequently generated further
- addition of extensive new districts, usually for residential purposes
- in some cases, completely new towns were designed
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
Components of urban design in the Renaissance period
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
Ideal cities of the Renaissance
- Vitruvius
- Alberti
- Filarete – “Trattato dell’Architettura”
- Leonardo
- Cataneo – 8 books “L’Architettura”
- Scamozzi – Palma Nuova (“L’idea dell’Architettura Universale”)
- Lorini
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
Italian Renaissance
Italian Renaissance- Firenze, Piazza della Santissima Annuziata
- Firenze
Giovanni Caccini, Philippo Bruneleschi, Antonio di Sangallo, 16th century
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
French Renaissance
Place Royale
Expansion of Paris
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
New Renaissance towns in France
- Neuf-Brisach
- Nancy – medieval nucleus and Ville-Neuve
Counter Reformation
- the bourgeois culture of the Renaissance creates a geometric urban shape and
expresses the idea of an unified urban form
- the elements of the urban shape are equal parts of one wholeness (primus inter
- the autonomy of the Renaissance City declines in the period of the Counter-
Reformation due to the power of the Church
- in the Baroque period the upper classes create urban ensembles to demonstrate
their high-ranking social status and stress their uniqueness
- the Baroque urban design ideas are enforced by the restriction of the individual
artistic freedom
- Baroque urbanism is an expression of spectacle and ceremony (the city as a
synthesis of the arts)
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
Renaissance versus Baroque
The planned Colonial City
The rectangular street patern,
Habana 1519
The basic elements of the Colonial City
The Public Place
The basic elements of the Colonial City
The representative Passeo
The basic elements of the Colonial City
The City Garden
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
Colonial cities in America – Philadelphia
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
Colonial cities in America – New York
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
Colonial cities in America – Chicago
Urban Design History | Renaissance_Counter-Reformation
Late Renaissance - Amsterdam
Late Renaissance - Amsterdam
Amsterdam exrension plan –
a precursor of modernity
The Golden Age of the city was 1585-1672 when it developed to the world’s
most important financial centre and trade metropolis. The planned urban
extension took place in 1613 and 1663, following the principles of the