Initial Environmental Examination

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Initial Environmental Examination

Status: Final
Date: 26 March 2019




Prepared by the Solomon Water, Solomon Islands

for the Asian Development Bank

The initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed
herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s or World Bank’s Board of Directors,
Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any
designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the
Asian Development Bank and World bank do not intend to make any judgments as to the
legal or other status of any territory or area.
(as of November 2018)

Currency Unit Solomon Islands Dollar (SBD)

USD 1.00 = SBD 8.023


ADB Asian Development Bank

ADWF Average Dry Weather Flow
AUD Australian Dollar
BCD Bid and contract documents
BMP Building materials permit (issued by Dept of Minerals - Ministry of Mines, Minerals and Rural
BOD Energy)
Biochemical oxygen demand
BOQ Bill of quantities (in the contract)
CAC Community Advisory Committee
CCP Communications and consultation plan (of the Project)
CD Chart datum
CEMP Construction environmental management plan (of the contractor)
COD Chemical oxygen demand
DDSC Design and supervision consultant (supporting the PMU)
CSS Country safeguard system
ECD Environment Conservation Division (in MECDM)
EHSG Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines (of World Bank Group)
EMP Environmental management plan
ESO Environmental safeguards officer (in the PMU)
FGD Focus group discussion
GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism
HDPE High Density Polyethylene
HSP Health and Safety Plan (part of the CEMP)
IEE Initial environmental examination
IES International environment specialist (in the DSC)
MDAPC Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination
MECD Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
MID Ministry of Infrastructure Development
Ml/d Million liters per day
PCCSP Pacific Climate Change Science Program
PER Public Environment Report (under the CSS)
PMU Project Management Unit (in SW)
PDWF Peak Dry Weather Flow
PWWF Peak Wet Weather Flow
ROW Right of Way
SBD Solomon Islands Dollar (code)
SPS Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (of ADB)
STP Septage treatment plant
SW Solomon Islands Water Authority trading as Solomon Water
TOR Terms of Reference
TSS Total suspended solids
USD United States Dollar
WB World Bank
WBSP World Bank Safeguard Policies

WTP Water Treatment Plant

Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................IV

I. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................1

II. POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK.....................................4

III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................10

A. Overview.............................................................................................................10
B. Mataniko and White River Trunk Mains subproject............................................10
C. Service Reservoir Capacity Augmentation subproject.......................................11
D. Sewer Outfall Rehabilitation subproject.............................................................12
E. Sewage Pumping Stations Refurbishment subproject.......................................14

IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT.............................................................16

A. Physical Resources............................................................................................16
C. Ecological Resources.........................................................................................20
D. Socio-Economic Resources...............................................................................22
E. Physical Cultural Resources..............................................................................25


A. Design and Pre-construction Phase...................................................................26
B. Construction Phase Impacts on the Physical Environment................................30
C. Construction Impacts on the Biological Environment...................................35
D. Construction Impacts on the Socio-Economic Environment.........................35
E. Operation Phase Environmental Impacts...........................................................37

VI. CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE........................................40

VII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM.................................................................41

A. Construction Activities Grievances.....................................................................41
B. Complaints to the Environment Conservation Division......................................42

VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN.........................................................43

A. Introduction.........................................................................................................43
B. Institutional Arrangements..................................................................................43
C. Capacity Development Program........................................................................46
D. Environmental Mitigations and Monitoring Matrices...........................................47

IX. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.........................................................86

X. REFERENCES.......................................................................................................87

XI. APPENDICES.........................................................................................................90

List of Figures

Figure I-1: Location Map of subprojects in Honiara...........................................................3

Figure III-1: Mataniko, Kongulai, and White River Areas.................................................11
Figure III-2: Titingge Water Reservoir Site.......................................................................12
Figure III-3: Location Map of Proposed New Outfalls......................................................12
Figure IV-1: Major Natural Hazards in Asia and Pacific...................................................18
Figure IV-2: Existing outfalls discharging sewage to beach areas...................................21
Figure IV-3: Present Honiara Water Supply System........................................................23
Figure IV-4: Present Honiara Sewerage System.............................................................25
Figure V-1: Sensitive Receptors of Mataniko Road up to Naha Outfall...........................31
Figure V-2: Sensitive Receptors of Kongulai to Rove......................................................31
Figure V-3: Sensitive Receptors of Rove to Pt. Cruz.......................................................32
Figure V-4: Sensitive Receptors of Panatina Ranadi.......................................................32

List of Tables

Table II-1: World Bank Safeguard Policies: Main Objectives, Applicability and Triggered
by the Project.....................................................................................................................7
Table III-1: Proposed Outfalls Flows................................................................................13
Table III-2: Details of Proposed Outfalls..........................................................................13
Table III-3: Pumping Stations Projected Design Flows....................................................14
Table V-1: Summary Land Information of Proposed Sites...............................................29
Table V-2: Results of Outfall Discharges Dispersion Calculations with Visual-Plume
Table VIII-1: Summary of environmental management responsibilities in the Project.....43
Table VIII-2: Estimated Budget for Safeguards Implementation......................................46
Table VIII-3: Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan of Mataniko and White River
Trunk Mains subproject....................................................................................................47
Table VIII-4: Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan of Service Reservoir Capacity
Augmentation subproject.................................................................................................55
Table VIII-5: Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan of Sewer Outfall
Rehabilitation subproject..................................................................................................66
Table VIII-6: Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan of Sewage Pumping Stations
Refurbishment subproject................................................................................................77


1. The Project. The Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank (WB) and Solomon
Islands government (the government) have established the Solomon Islands Urban
Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (UWSSSP). The Project aims to improve
access to safe water and improved sanitation in urban and peri-urban areas by
implementing high priority components identified in Solomon Water’s 30-Year Strategic
Plan and 5-Year Action Plan.
2. Safeguards approach. The sector Project overall comprises capacity building, a
water awareness sanitation and health (WASH) component, and physical works—
upgrading existing water supply transmission and distribution and sewerage networks
(including sewer outfalls) and installing new water supply and sewage treatment facilities
—in Honiara and other provincial towns. Several of the components will be identified and
developed following Project approval and during implementation. An environmental
assessment and review framework (EARF) has been prepared to guide the process for
screening, assessment, review and monitoring of components that are designed and
implemented following approval. This initial environmental examination (IEE) is the
assessment of the components that have been defined during project preparation.
3. This IEE was conducted in accordance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement
2009 (SPS), with WB Safeguards Policies (WBSP) and the requirements of the Solomon
Islands Environmental Act (1998), Environment Regulations (2008) and Environmental
Impact Assessment Guidelines (2010). It was reviewed for compliance with WBSP and
no discrepancies were identified. The Project is deemed Category B for environment per
ADB’s environmental screening, based on the most sensitive component, because the
impacts are largely site-specific, related to the construction phase and can be readily
mitigated and/or managed. This category is also appropriate under the WBSP. The IEE
found no significant negative environmental impacts or risks that could not be mitigated.
It determined that a full environmental impact assessment is not warranted. The IEE will
serve as the Project’s final environmental assessment and will be updated based on
detailed design following approval.

4. Component/Ssbproject Description. The four proposed components or subprojects

covered in this IEE are located in Honiara:
i. Mataniko and White River trunk mains: Located in western and central
parts of Honiara, this subproject will construct trunk mains, distribution
mains, and replacement or refurbishment of wells and pumps.
ii. Service reservoir capacity augmentation: This will increase water storage
capacity through construction of additional water tanks in the elevated
areas of Panatina and Titingge.
iii. Sewer outfall rehabilitation: This will construct three new sewerage
outfalls at Point Cruz, Naha, and King George VI.
iv. Sewage pumping stations refurbishment: Located in western, central and
eastern parts of Honiara, this subproject will include refurbishment of two
existing sewerage pumping stations, construction of eight new sewerage
pumping stations, and the construction of sewage transmission pipelines
between pumping stations.
5. The fifth subproject in Honiara, a septage treatment facility, will construct a one-
hectare reed beds filter septage treatment plant, tentatively east of Honiara in the same
area as the existing landfill (Ranadi). As a precise location has yet to be secured for this
facility, this component will be designed and implemented following Project approval in
accordance with the process and procedures set out in the EARF.

6. Anticipated impacts. Scoping and assessment of the four subprojects has identified
social and environmental considerations for the Project’s pre-construction, construction
and operational phases.
 Pre-construction considerations include climate change vulnerability;
updating of the IEE and its environmental management plan based on
detailed design and submission of application for development consent;
(EMP); integration of the updated IEE and EMP and development consent
conditions in the bid and contract documents; update of the Project’s
communications and consultation plan (CCP); grievance redress and
management; disruption of utilities and services; identification of materials
sources, materials extraction and application for building materials
permits; biosecurity issues and introduction of alien and/or invasive
species; land access arrangements;. Actions necessary to address pre-
construction considerations will be included in tender documents and
construction contracts.
 The construction phase impacts ions are site access and clearance; soil
erosion and sedimentation control; haulage and stockpiling of construction
materials; oil and hazardous materials management; dust control and on-
site air pollution; solid waste management; benthic disturbances;
construction noise and vibration; traffic management; community and
occupational health and safety; potential damage to archaeological and
cultural assets. Contractors will be required to prepare construction
environmental management plans (CEMPs) based on the EMP included
as part of the environmental assessment and reflecting their construction
approach and methodology to ensure appropriate environmental
management during the construction period.
 Operational considerations of the water supply and sewerage systems will
include health hazards due to unplanned delivery of poor water quality;
health and safety risks of reservoir, sewerage operation; and ongoing
coastal water quality impacts resulting from the upgraded and rationalized
sewage outfalls. Operational impacts will be addressed by incorporating
the necessary measures, such as a water safety plan, in the design and
use of appropriate operational procedures and by ensuring effective
mitigation and monitoring plan for each subproject.

7. There will be no displacement of people and no impacts on rare or endangered

terrestrial or aquatic species. Subproject sites are in urban or peri-urban settings and will
not require terrestrial habitat alteration. As Project facilities will be constructed in
relatively flat areas, there will be no significant modification of site topography.
8. Environmental management plan. Based on the Project’s EMP, contractors will be
required to prepare their construction EMP (CEMP) to ensure appropriate environmental
management during the construction period. In responding to the Project’s EMP, the
CEMP is to be site and activity specific reflecting the contractor’s construction
methodology and approach and include all sub-plans (health and safety plan, traffic
management plan, erosion and sediment control plan, waste management plan,
hazardous substances management plan) as required.

9. Climate change adaptation. The Project will address the critical need for climate
change resilience, given Honiara’s vulnerability to the effects of intense rainfall. During
the design phase hydrology and onsite flooding studies, including projected rise in sea
levels, will be conducted for all proposed construction sites. For reservoirs, water supply
trunk mains, sewerage pipelines and proposed structures in coastal areas, engineering
assessment of potential site erosion will determine appropriate erosion protection.
10. Institutional arrangements and capacity building. The Ministry of Finance and
Treasury is the executing agency and Solomon Water (SW) is the implementing agency
for this Project. SW’s Project Management Unit (PMU), supported by design and
supervision consultants (DSC) will supervise the construction contractors and ensure
that CEMPs are properly implemented and monitored. The PMU will designate an
environment officer1 who will work with the international environmental specialist in the
DSC and will receive training and capacity building. Overall the DSC will: (i) support the
PMU’s environmental management; and (ii) provide training and guidance on
environmental monitoring and use of a wastewater laboratory for both environmental
monitoring and wastewater treatment facilities operation.

11. Consultation and Participation. SW conducted consultations during Project

preparation and will continue to do so during the detailed design and construction
phases following the guidance set out in the Project’s CCP.

12. Grievance redress mechanism. The Project will adopt and adapt the rievance
redress mechanism (GRM) currently used by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development
(MID) for infrastructure projects. This will ensure procedures meet the requirements of
Solomon Islands, SPS and WBSP..

13. Conclusion and recommendations. The findings of the IEE are that apart from
updating based on detailed design no further environmental assessment is required. As
part of the updating the IEE will be formatted as a PER and support the development
consent application(s). The recommendations are:
 Following update, specific mitigation and/or design specifications of each
subproject EMP will be included in the design process and integrated into
the bid document along with any conditions of the development
 It will be a requirement of the contract that each contractor will be required
to develop and submit a CEMP prior to any physical works commencing.
 Construction contracts will also require the contractors to respond to the
Project’s CCP and GRM in their CEMP.
 Training of SW’s personnel on operation and maintenance of the
rehabilitated and new assets, including the wastewater laboratory should
start before actual operation.
 Improved and strengthened operation stage monitoring of health and
safety is required to reduce risks to the public and SW personnel.
 SW will continue the process of public consultation and information
disclosure during detailed pre-construction, construction and operation
phases as guided by the Project’s CCP.

Exact designation will be confirmed by PMU in due course


1. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and World Bank (WB) are supporting the
Government of Solomon Islands (the government) to develop the Solomon Islands Urban
Water Supply and Sanitation Development Sector Project (the Project) (

2. ). The Project aims to improve access to safe water and improved sanitation in urban
and peri-urban areas by implementing high priority components of the Solomon Water (SW)
30-Year Strategic Plan and 5-Year Action Plan. Project outputs include: secure and safe
urban water supplies; effective, efficient and safe urban sanitation services; enhanced
awareness of hygiene and water issues and sustained improved hygiene behavior; and the
financial and technical sustainability of SW, the state-owned enterprise responsible for the
management and development of urban water resources and sewerage services in
Solomon Islands.

3. The Project will be implemented by SW and the Ministry of Finance and Treasury
(MOFT) will be the executing agency. SW is establishing a project management unit (PMU)
which will be supported by a design and supervision consultant (DSC). The DSC will include
safeguard specialists who will provide training and capacity building to PMU, government
staff (including regulatory agencies) and contractors as required.
4. The Project is designed as a sector modality which means that not all components or
subprojects are known at the time of appraisal. As such, to comply with safeguard
requirements an environmental assessment and review framework (EARF) has been
prepared which establishes the process and procedures that must be followed for the
screening, assessment, review and monitoring of each component or subprojects that will
be prepared during Project implementation. The EARF will ensure that during
implementation, the components and the Project overall, will comply with the requirements
of the country safeguards system (CSS), WB’s Safeguard Policies (WBSP) and the ADB’s
Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS). In addition to the EARF, this initial environmental
examination (IEE) has been prepared for the four subprojects that have been developed
during Project preparation. The IEE provides an assessment of the environmental impacts
and risks created by the subprojects during pre-construction, construction, operations and
maintenance. It is based on field visits to the proposed subprojects’ areas; review of
available information; and discussions with government agencies and communities in
subproject areas.

5. This IEE has been prepared in accordance with the Project’s EARF. The Project has
been screened as Category B for environment due to the significance of its environmental
impacts and risks which are largely site-specific, mainly related to the construction phase
and many of which can be readily managed or mitigated through implementation of the
measures identified in the environmental management plan (EMP).

Figure I-1: Location Map of subprojects in Honiara

Source: Project preparation consultants (2018).



6. The environmental safeguards requirements of the Project will be implemented to

comply with Solomon Islands’ laws and regulations and the SPS and WBSP.

A. Country Safeguards System

7. Environmental Laws and Regulations. The Environment Act (1998) provides the legal
basis for environmental protection and management. It provides the foundation of the
Solomon Islands’ environmental impacts assessment (EIA) system, under the jurisdiction of
the Environment Conservation Division (ECD) of the Ministry of Environment, Climate
Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM).

8. Depending on whether a proposed development is listed as a ‘prescribed activity’, the

Environment Act requires one of two levels of environmental assessment, depending on the
scale and anticipated impacts of a development proposal: (i) public environment report
(PER) or (ii) environmental impact statement (EIS) for developments which may cause more
serious impacts. The Environment Regulations 2008 further define the procedures for
undertaking the environmental assessment of projects and the process of issuing
development consent. ECD has confirmed that the IEE—as the level of assessment
appropriate for Category B projects — is more or less equivalent to the PER of Schedule 1
activities which include the four subprojects or components covered here. Following Project
approval and detailed design, the IEE will be updated and formatted as a PER for each
subproject to facilitate application for development consents for each subproject.

9. Environmental standards for the Solomon Islands are still being developed. However,
ECD generally advises project proponents to follow internationally recognized standards
such as those of the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition, the Project will comply
with World Bank Group’s Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines (EHSG) which
include standards for a range of parameters including air and water quality.

B. Other Relevant Laws

10. The Environmental Health Act (1980) provides for the management and control of
public health in the Solomon Islands. It defines local authority responsibilities in relation to
the construction, operation, and management of sewerage systems, including sewage
disposal works. It also provides penalties for the willful pollution of a water supply source.

11. The Town and Country Planning Act (1997) provides for the administration of town
and country planning in Solomon Islands; preparation of local planning schemes; and
control and development of land. It applies to all urban areas.

12. The Mines and Minerals Act (2008) regulates the mining and extraction of aggregate
or gravels from rivers. It requires that building material permits (BMP) be applied for prior to
any extraction of construction or building materials. The application for BMP and may
require a PER and will require preparation of an extraction plan.

13. International conventions. Solomon Islands is a signatory to a number of international

agreements (treaties and conventions) with environmental and conservation implications as
well as for the protection, promotion and safeguarding of cultural heritage and traditional
knowledge. These are listed in Appendix 1.

C. ADB Safeguard Policy

14. Any investment funded or administered by ADB must comply with the requirements of
the SPS. The SPS promotes the sustainability of project outcomes by protecting the
environment and people from potential adverse impacts. The SPS comprises three
safeguards—environment, involuntary resettlement, and indigenous peoples—which aim to
avoid adverse impacts on the environment and people and if it is not possible to avoid then
to minimize, mitigate, and/or compensate for adverse impacts; and to help borrowers/clients
to strengthen their safeguard systems and develop the capacity to manage environmental
and social risks.

15. In accordance with the SPS, screening and categorization of a project (including its
subprojects and/or components) is undertaken to reflect the significance of potential project
impacts or risks; to identify the level of assessment and institutional resources required for
the safeguard measures; and determine disclosure requirements. Consequently, the SPS
categorizes potential projects or activities into categories of impact (A, B, C or FI) to
determine the level of environmental assessment required. The UWSSSP has been
deemed category B for environment based on the significance of its potential environmental
impacts and risks. An IEE is the appropriate level of assessment for a category B project.

16. The SPS requires compliance with the EHSG.

D. World Bank Safeguards Policies

17. The WBSP aim to prevent and mitigate potential damage to the environment and
communities generated in the development process. The WBSP provide the environmental
and social safeguard requirements that must be complied with during the identification,
preparation and implementation of WB-financed programs and projects.

18. The WBSP applying to the Project include ten safeguard policies established to inform
decision making, ensuring that projects financed by the WB o are environmentally and
socially sustainable. The Project triggers five of these policies: Environmental Assessment
(OP/BP 4.01), Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04), Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11),
Indigenous Peoples (OP/BP 4.10) and Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12). Table II-1
presents these five policies and their applicability to the Project.2

19. The EHSG are technical reference documents with general and industry-specific
examples of good international industry practice. When one or more members of the World
Bank Group are involved in a project, these EHSG are applied as required by their
respective policies and standards. The General EHSG are designed to be used together
with the relevant industry sector EHSG which provide guidance on issues in specific
industry sectors. The EHSG contain the performance levels and measures that are
generally considered to be achievable in new facilities by existing technology at reasonable
costs. The applicability of the EHSG should be tailored to the hazards and risks established
for each sub-project on the basis of the results of an environmental assessment in which
site-specific variables, such as host country context, assimilative capacity of the
environment, and other project factors, are taken into account. The applicability of specific
technical recommendations should be based on the professional opinion of qualified and
experienced persons. When host country regulations differ from the levels and measures
presented in the EHSG , projects are expected to achieve whichever is more stringent.

The Project preparation commenced in early 2018 and therefore the WB’s new Environmental Safeguard
Framework (ESF) does not apply. The ESF applies to projects and programs developed from October 2018 .

20. The General and Industry Sector EHSG are available at the following link - Contractors, as part of their construction environmental
management plan (CEMP), will be required to prepare an occupational and community
health and safety plan for each subproject..

Table II-1: World Bank Safeguard Policies: Main Objectives, Applicability and Triggered by the Project
Safeguard Policies Main Objective Applicability Application to the Project
OP 4.01 The objective of this policy is to
This policy is applicable when a project Triggered:
Environmental ensure that projects financed by
or sub-project has potential to cause
Assessment the World Bank are Environmental risks associated with the project
negative environmental impacts in its
environmentally sound and include continued contamination impacts resulting
area of influence.
sustainable, and that decision from the discharge of untreated sewage, temporary
making is improved through Depending on the project and the noise, waste and air quality impacts associated with
adequate analysis of actions and nature of its impacts, various construction, potential limited vegetation clearing for
their possible risks and instruments can be used. An ESMF the purpose of creating access to new water supply
environmental impacts in the (equivalent to EARF) is required for sources or pipelines, constructing the water
natural environment (air, water projects that comprise several sub- treatment plants, etc.
and soils); human health & projects which will be fully defined only
security; physical-cultural during project implementation. An
resources; and global and ESIA/ESMP (equivalent to IEE) is An Initial Environmental Examination (IEE
transboundary and global required for projects that are fully (equivalent to WB ESIA/ESMP), the EARF
environmental aspects. defined during preparation. (equivalent to WB ESMF) and Resettlement
Framework (RF) (equivalent to WB RPF) and
Resettlement Plan (RF) establish the process to
mitigate these impacts. Consultations with
stakeholders and affected communities are used to
inform the decision-making process.
OP 4.04 Natural This policy recognizes that the This policy is used by any Project or
Habitats preservation of natural habitats is sub-projects considered as potential
essential to protect original bio- originator of significant changes (loss)
diversity; for the preservation of or degradation of natural habitats, be it
environmental services and directly (through the construction) or
products for human society and indirectly (with the human activities
for long term sustainable caused by the project).
Therefore, the Bank supports the OP4.04 defines a natural habitat as
protection, management and land and water areas where (i) the
restoration of natural habitats by ecosystems’ biological communities are
funding projects as well as via formed largely by native plant and
political dialogue, sector work animal species, and (ii) human activity
and the economic sector. has not essentially modified the area’s

Safeguard Policies Main Objective Applicability Application to the Project

By funding projects, the Bank primary ecological functions.”
expects the proponents to apply
the precautionary principle in the
management of natural
resources, in order to ensure
opportunities for sustainable
environmental development.
OP 4.10 Indigenous For all projects proposed Bank This policy is applied when the Project The project is located in areas where Indigenous
Peoples funding that affect indigenous affects direct or indirectly indigenous Peoples are the sole or the overwhelming majority of
peoples, the Bank requires the people. direct project beneficiaries.
borrower to undertake free, prior
and informed consultation with The project will focus on rehabilitating failed water
affected Indigenous Peoples to supply and sanitation infrastructure or providing new
ascertain their broad community infrastructure, this will benefit the community as a
support for projects affecting whole..
The project financed by the Bank An RF has been prepared which sets out the
must include measures to: (a) methodology for land acquisition / acces for the
avoid adverse effects on project, if needed. Once land access is required, the
indigenous populations; or (b) process will include consultations with local
when it is not possible to avoid government, local communities and various
the effects, minimizes, mitigates, community groups (i.e. youth and women groups).
or compensates for such The IEE/EARF will ensure free and prior informed
purposes. consultation is undertaken and broad community
The projects financed by the support is achieved for the project.
Bank are designed with the
assurance that indigenous The preparation of separate Indigenous Peoples (IP)
people receive social and instruments is not required; however, the project
economic benefits that are design and safeguards instruments integrate
culturally appropriate and elements of an Indigenous Peoples Planning
adequate gender and inter- Framework (IPPF) and Indigenous Peoples Plan
generations. (IPP) into the RF.

OP 4.11 Physical The objective of this policy is to This policy is used by any Project or Triggered:
Cultural Resources assists countries to avoid or sub-projects considered as potential to
mitigate adverse impacts on cause changes (loss) or degradation of The project involves construction works in modified
physical cultural resources from physical cultural resources. urban and peri-urban areas, where it is unlikely that

Safeguard Policies Main Objective Applicability Application to the Project

development projects that it unknown physical cultural resources will be
finances. OP 4.11 defines physical cultural encountered. However, a chance find procedure is
resources as movable or immovable included in the IEE to ensure appropriate measures
objects, sites, structures, groups of are taken in the event cultural resources are
Physical cultural resources are structures, and natural features and encountered.
important as sources of valuable landscapes that have archaeological,
scientific and historical paleontological, historical, architectural,
information, as assets for religious, aesthetic, or other cultural
economic and social significance.
development, and as integral
parts of a people’s cultural Depending on the project and the
identity and practices. nature of its impacts, various
instruments can be used. An
Environmental Assessment capturing
impacts on physical cultural resources
is required for the project and sub-
OP 4.12 Involuntary The objective of this policy is to This policy does not cover only physical Triggered:
Resettlement (i) avoid or minimize involuntary relocation but any loss of income
resettlement, where feasible and sources resulting in: (i) relocation or The project involves the rehabilitation and expansion
explore all viable alternative loss of shelter; (ii) loss of assets or of failed water supply and sanitation infrastructure, as
project designs; (ii) assist means of livelihood; (iii) loss of income well as the development of new water supply and
displaced people in improving sources or means of subsistence, sanitation infrastructure. Water and sewerage
their former living standards, whether or not the affected people must networks will likely be subject to lease arrangements.
income earning capacity, and move to another location. This policy Involuntary resettlements, if required, are expected to
production levels, or at let in also applies to the involuntary take place at a very limited scale.
restoring them; (iii) encourage restriction of access to legally
community participation in designated parks and protected areas, A Resettlement Framework (RF) has been prepared
planning and implementing resulting in adverse impacts on the to assess potential impacts and outline measures to
resettlement; and (iv) provide livelihood of the displaced persons. avoid, mitigate or manage these impacts. In the case
assistance to affected people land access is required, a Resettlement Plan (RP)
regardless of the legality of land In these cases, the World Bank will be developed. Communities will be consulted to
tenure. requires the establishment of a ensure there are no pending issues. A formal
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), based grievance redress mechanism will be established to
on the Resettlement Framework (RF) channel and manage potential grievances arising
for any project or sub-project. during project implementation.


A. Overview

21. The four subprojects covered in this IEE and to be financed under the Project are
located in Honiara City, Guadalcanal:
 Mataniko and White River trunk mains;
 Service reservoir capacity augmentation;
 Sewer outfall rehabilitation; and
 Sewage pumping stations refurbishment.

22. Construction activities for subprojects will generally include site clearing and
marking of alignments; identification, extraction, haulage and stockpiling of construction
materials; trench excavation by soil excavators or manual means; pipe laying and
testing; trench backfilling and surface restoration; replacement or refurbishment of
existing equipment; and cleaning and closure of construction sites. Construction
equipment will typically include dump trucks, service trucks, payloaders, small road
rollers, small concrete mixers, excavators, small compactors and small lifting cranes.

23. Where subprojects require pipeline construction, the pipes will be laid in prepared
trenches (either equipment or manually excavated) to a desired depth and provided with
sand bedding for pipe protection. Trenches will be backfilled with selected earth in
layers, watered, rammed, and compacted to the satisfaction of the supervising
engineer. Pipelines will be inspected and tested hydraulically after installation.

B. Mataniko and White River Trunk Mains subproject

B.1 Location and Present Situation

24. The proposed Mataniko and White River trunk mains subproject will improve the
water service in Mataniko, Kongulai, and White River areas (Figure III-2). The existing
water supply network requires continuous maintenance and improvement works due to
the age of the system. It also has a large proportion of small diameter distribution
pipelines, exacerbated by inadequately sized trunk mains feeding the zonal networks,
resulting in poor supply pressures across the networks.
Figure III-2: Mataniko, Kongulai, and White River Areas

Source: Egis Eau. 2018b

B.2 Proposed Components

25. The subproject will construct: (i) three trunk mains (total length 5,450m) in the
Mataniko area; (ii) one trunk main (2,760m) in Kongulai area; (iii) two distribution mains
(total 3,400m) in White River area; and (iv) replacement or refurbishment of wells and
pumps in the White River area. The White River wells will be recommissioned after
cleaning and conducting yield tests.

B.3 Trunk and Distribution Mains Construction Activities

26. Pipe-laying activities will be relatively straight-forward given the size of pipes
(400mm to 560mm) and the alignment of the pipelines alignment will be along existing
roads. Replacement or refurbishment of wells and pumps will be confined to the well
head area, requiring only a small construction footprint which will be enclosed by a

27. This type of work is estimated to employ maximum 100 workers at peak
construction, about 40 of whom are expected to be skilled workers from outside

C. Service Reservoir Capacity Augmentation subproject

C.1 Location and Present Situation

28. The service reservoir capacity augmentation subproject will increase Honiara’s
water storage capacity through construction of additional water tanks at Panatina and
Titingge areas (refer Error: Reference source not found).

29. Honiara’s current available storage capacity is around 45% of average daily
demand. SW aims to increase storage capacity to around 56% of the average daily

Figure III-3: Titingge Water Reservoir Site

Source: Egis Eau. 2018c.

C.2 Proposed Components

30. The subproject will involve construction of ground water reservoirs and around
950m of associated connector pipelines. At Panatina reservoir site, two units of circular
steel 3 million liter per day (Ml/d) tanks will be constructed; two units of circular steel 3
Ml/dtanks will be constructed at the Titingge reservoir site. These reservoirs will be
connected to the existing system.

C.3 Reservoir Construction Activities

31. Earthwork activities will be kept to a minimum as the sites are relatively flat. Peak
construction is expected to employ 50 workers, 30 of whom are likely to be skilled
workers from outside Honiara.

D. Sewer Outfall Rehabilitation subproject

D.1 Location and Present Situation

32. The sewer outfall rehabilitation subproject will involve three new outfalls to be
located at Point Cruz, Naha, and King George VI (KGVI). The proposed new outfalls will
have discharge points without diffusers at: (i) -30m chart datum (CD) 3 for Point Cruz, (ii)
-47m CD for Naha, (iii) and -40m CD KGVI to achieve the minimum dispersion
requirements (150 EC/100ml only in 50% of cases; 1000 EC/100 ml in 10% of cases,
when wind currents bring the plume directly to the coast) to satisfy the ANZECC
microbiological water quality guidelines for marine and freshwater recreational areas

33. SW aims to reduce the current 17 sea and river outfalls to 3 or 5. Until the future
wastewater treatment plant is operational, the Point Cruz Outfall will be retained to
handle additional flows from the west. The Naha Outfall will handle the combined
wastewater flows from thirteen existing outfalls east of the Mataniko River. A new outfall
is needed for the new KGVI gravity mains, which will handle all wastewater flows from
the existing Ranadi-1 Outfall including flows from the Panatina area. Indicative locations
of the proposed outfalls are provided in Figure III-4.

Related to the admiralty chart datum, which is approximately the level of the lowest astronomical tide,
located 0.4m below mean sea level (MSL) (0m CD = -0.4m MSL).
Figure III-4: Location Map of Proposed New Outfalls

Source: Egis Eau. 2018d.

D.2 Proposed Components

34. The Naha and KGVI outfalls are designed according to SW’s 2047 scenario for
sewerage (Table III-2). The Point Cruz outfall is based on a 2037 scenario, by which
time the future WWTP will make the Point Cruz outfall redundant. All outfalls will use
HDPE PE100 SDR17 material, selected on the basis of its flexibility, cost-efficiency, and

Table III-2: Proposed Outfalls Flows

(MLD) (MLD) (MLD) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)
Point Cruz (2037 flows) 5.4 11.4 27.1 0.063 0.132 0.314
Naha (2047 flows) 15.9 33.3 80.7 0.184 0.385 0.934
KGVI (2047 flows) 2.8 5.9 14.1 0.033 0.068 0.163
Notes: ADWF: Average Dry Weather flow; PDWF: Peak Dry Weather Flow = ADWF x 2.1; PWWF: Peak Wet
Weather Flow = ADWF x 5.0
Source: Egis Eau. 2018d.

35. Details of the proposed sewer outfalls are presented in Table III-3. HDPE pipes
have good resistance to hydrodynamic action (waves and currents), ground movement
(soil liquefaction, scouring, differential settling, sliding, etc.), installation related forces,
and impacts from floating wood, or anchors, trawls.

Table III-3: Details of Proposed Outfalls

Inside Diameter Depth of discharge Distance to the coast
Outfall Diameter
(mm) (mCD) (m)
Name (mm)

Point Cruz 500 440.6 -30.0 715

Naha 1,000 881.4 -47.0 785
KGVI 400 352.6 -40.0 495
Source: Egis Eau. 2018d.
D.3 Sewer Outfall Construction Activities

36. Details of the pipeline materials transport and stockpiling will be determined during
the detailed design phase. However, it is common practice to float long pipeline sections
to the site or assemble on-site by welding 12m-long sections and then weighted with
concrete rings. The pipeline laid in trench will be backfilled with the dredged materials.
Typical construction equipment used for this type of construction activities include deck
barges, cranes, excavators, and tugboats.

37. The total workforce for this type of construction works is estimated to be 100
workers at peak construction, 70 of whom are likely to be skilled workers from outside

E. Sewage Pumping Stations Refurbishment subproject

E.1 Location and Present Situation

38. The Honiara Sewerage System currently serves only around 20% of SW water
customers with 12 independent wastewater catchments. The subproject will comprise
refurbishment of the existing sewage pump stations at Point Cruz and King George VI;
construction of eight new pumping stations; and construction of associated sewage
transmission pipelines between pumping stations. The new pumping stations are Rove,
Tuvaruhu, Vara Creek, National Referral Hospital/Mataniko, Naha, Panatina, Solbrew,
and Soap. The structures (wet well, rising main, and emergency storage) are designed
based on horizon 2037, while the pump specifications are given according to 2026
design horizon (Table III-4).

Table III-4: Pumping Stations Projected Design Flows

Design flows
WWPS name ADWF 2037 PWWF
ADWF 2026 (L/s) PWWF 2026 (L/s)
(L/s) 2037(L/s)
Rove 6.6 13.2 26.4 52.7
Point Cruz 17.4 34.8 51.6 103.3
Tuvaruhu 0.0 0.7 0.3 0.7
Vura 1.0 2.1 1.0 2.1
NRH/Mataniko 37.2 74.4 86.7 173.4
Naha (lifting station) 60.0 120.0 116.8 233.6
Panatina 7.4 14.8 7.4 14.8
Solbrew 14.8 29.5 14.8 29.5
King George VI 2.2 4.4 2.2 4.4
Soap 32.6 65.1 32.6 65.1
ADWF = average dry weather flow; PWWF = peak wet weather flow
Source: Egis Eau. 2018e.

E.2 Proposed Components

39. The sewerage pumping stations will have inlet manhole, wet well, valve chamber,
emergency storage, and submersible pumps. Inlet manholes of the sewerage pumping
stations will be equipped with manual vertical bar screens (50mm space) to protect the
pumps against damage due to solids conveyed by the sewage. All sewerage pumping
stations will have single wet-well to temporarily retain the sewage inflows and house the
pumping system.

40. Submersible pumps will be installed in wet-wells to allow less costly and smaller
footprint pumping stations. The valve chamber will house all the necessary gate valves
and check valves for the operation of the pumping stations. The emergency storage
structure will help avoid sewage overflows in case of pumping station failure. The
associated sewage transmission pipelines between pumping stations are rising mains
and gravity main. In order to ensure better constructability and to optimize the pumping
stations’ footprint, it is recommended to construct a circular shaped wetwell, less than
3m diameter, at Rove, Tuvaruhu, Vara Creek, Panatina, Solbrew, and Soap, and a
square or rectangular shaped wetwell above 3 m diameter at National Referral
Hospital/Mataniko and Naha.

E.3 Sewerage Construction Activities

41. The use of pipe jacking method will be evaluated during detailed design. Pipe
jacking is a technique for installing underground pipelines by tunneling. It provides a
structurally sound and watertight pipeline as the tunnel is excavated. A thrust wall is
constructed to provide a reaction against which to jack. A thrust ring is used to transfer
the loads to the pipe to ensure that the jacking forces are distributed around the
circumference of the pipe being jacked.

42. At peak construction, the total workforce for this type of work is estimated to be 100-
150 workers, 50-60 of whom are expected to be skilled workers from outside Honiara.


A. Physical Resources

43. Topography and geology. Honiara, the capital city of Solomon Islands, is located
at the northwestern coast of Guadalcanal. The island of Guadalcanal is mostly steep
and rugged with a mountainous zone in the southern half of the island rising to over
2,300 m with a northwest-to-southeast trending spine. The mountains are flanked on the
northern side by foothills that form an intermediate zone of intensely dissected plateaus,
hills and rolling ridges (Hackman 1980). Guadalcanal Plains in the northern part is an
alluvial zone with minimal relief. Honiara is a narrow low-lying coastal strip of land
bounded by hills in the south.

44. The soils of Guadalcanal are a mixture of volcanic and sedimentary rocks, humus-
rich, and base-poor. Willow loams and clays are at high altitudes, while young loams,
clays and peats are in valleys and coastal plains.

45. Groundwater. Honiara City’s main rock formation is limestone with large cave
system where water is flowing like underground rivers such as the Kongulai spring
(JICA. 2006). Kongulai spring has been the biggest source for water supply of Honiara.
However, its discharge has reduced since October 2005. Small fractures have formed
small springs from which groundwater is seeping out gradually such as Rove Spring
and Kombito Spring.

46. River systems. Honiara has four major water catchments, and a number of small
coastal watersheds. The major water catchments are the Mataniko, Rove, White River,
and Lungga. Mataniko River cuts through the central built-up area of Honiara, while
Lungga River meanders in the eastern part. The Mataniko River, Rove, and White River
are used as recipients of solid and liquid wastes.

47. Severe flooding of Honiara. Honiara is vulnerable to severe flooding and has
suffered flooding as a result of extreme rainfall since 2009. Most recently demonstrated
in April 2014 when a slow-moving tropical depression delivered more than 732mm of
rain over four days in Honiara. The resulting flooding affected approximately 52,000
people and caused severe damage to several residential and commercial areas and
urban infrastructures.

Natural hazards. Solomon Islands has been identified by the WB as one of the top 15
countries exposed to multiple hazards (
48. ). The Project area is within a tropical storm intensity zone 3 (178-209 km/h on the
Saffir-Simpson Scale). It is located in an earthquake zone of intensity VIII of the
Modified Mercalli Scale (OCHA. March 2016): an intensity which is considered ‘severe’
and can cause considerable damage in ordinary substantial buildings with partial
collapse; it can cause great damage to poorly built structures.

49. The threat from tsunamis is real in Solomon Islands due to the occurrence of strong
earthquakes. The tsunami that was triggered by a magnitude 8.1 earthquake in April
2007 caused significant damage and loss of life (PCMSC. 2016). In February 2013, an
8.0-magnitude undersea earthquake generated a tsunami that hit Santa Cruz and other
islands, causing damage.
Figure IV-5: Major Natural Hazards in Asia and Pacific

Source: OCHA. 2016.

50. Climate and climate change. The Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science
Program (PCCSP) in 2014 reported that annual and half-year minimum temperatures
have been increasing at Honiara since 1953 (Figure IV.3). Minimum temperature trends
are generally stronger than maximum temperature trends. There have been significant
increases in warm nights and decreases in cool nights at Honiara, consistent with global
warming. Annual and half-year rainfall trends show little change at Honiara since 1950.
At Honiara, there is a decreasing trend in the number of rain days since 1955.

51. The PCCSP deemed the available data of cyclones as not suitable for assessing
long-term trends. However, it noted that tropical cyclones were most frequent in El Niño
years (39 cyclones per decade) and least frequent in La Niña and neutral years (21
cyclones per decade). It reported: (i) tropical cyclones affect Solomon Islands mainly
between November and April; (ii) an average of 29 cyclones per decade developed
within or crossed the Solomon Islands exclusive economic zone between the 1969/70 to
2010/11 seasons; and (iii) twenty-two of the 82 tropical cyclones (27%) between the
1981/82 and 2010/11 seasons were severe events (Category 3 or stronger). Fifteen of
the 22 intense events occurred in seasons when an El Niño was present.

52. Winds. In the Solomon Islands, the southeast trade winds are usually established in
April and continue until the end of October. During this season, more than 75%of the
winds are easterly, and 60% are from east to southeast. The trade wind is steadier and
stronger over the southern part of the group of islands. From November to April, the
winds blow predominantly between the northeast and northwest, though great variability
marks this season, and appreciable percentages of east and south winds occur (US
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. 2017).

Marine water quality. The available water quality data of the Honiara coastal waters are
from the 2013 port improvement study (
53. ). The values are typical of a coastal environment in the tropics after a rainfall event
(Egis Eau. 2018d). The range of values indicated the influence of urban wastes entering
the coastal waters.
Table IV-1: Marine Water Quality Around Honiara Port

Parameter Unit Valuesa

pH 7.8 – 8.1
O2 mg/l 93.5 – 96.3
TSS mg/l <3
Total N mg/l < 0.3
Total P mg/l 0.014 – 0.027
COD mg/l < 400
BOD mg/l 3.2 – 3.7
Secchi Depth m 4.2 - 11
Total Coliform cfu/100ml 130 – 2,900
range of values of sampling in 2013 near the Honiara Port a few days after heavy rain
Adapted from: JICA. 2013. The Second Preparatory Survey Report for Outline Design on the Project for
Improvement of Honiara Port Facilities in Solomon Islands.

54. Air quality. There are no available air quality levels data of Honiara as there are
currently no environmental standards being implemented for air quality.

55. In general, the peri-urban areas of Honiara, where proposed components will be
located, have no major sources of anthropogenic emissions and noise generators. For
these areas, it is therefore expected that the average ground level concentrations of
sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and particulate matter (PM10) will not
exceed the values in IFC's guidelines (EHS Guidelines of April 2007) which are 20
ug/Ncm, 40 ug/Ncm, and 20 ug/Ncm, respectively.

56. For urban areas, such as along the main roads (Mendana Avenue and Kukum
Highway), particulate matter concentrations are expected to be in elevated levels due to
increased vehicular traffic, particularly during the daytime rush hour periods. Road
paving activities of Kukum Highway is also contributing to localized increased
concentrations of particulate matter.

C. Ecological Resources

57. Marine ecology. Typical of coastal cities, Honiara nearshore has been receiving
fluxes of urban surface waters and runoffs laden with urban nutrients and pollutants.
The Mataniko River is a typical contributor of these processes. The coastal ecology has
been modified.

58. The available information on marine ecology and marine species of the Honiara
coastal intertidal and subtidal marine environments is based on the marine assessment
of the existing coastal intertidal and subtidal marine environments associated with the
Port of Honiara (ADB. 2018). Baseline survey results highlighted: (i) silt is the dominant
benthic surface substrate; (ii) no sessile benthic invertebrate species were observed;
(iii) observed mobile vertebrates, including finfish, have very low population and species
diversity; (iv) the substrate has significant amount of domestic solid waste (plastic and
glass bottles) and other bulky wastes; (v) benthic substrate of the old wharf is highly
modified and can be considered to have relatively low habitat and ecological value; and
(vi) there are no marine or coastal designated protected areas or areas of significant
biodiversity, endangered, threatened, or endemic species or habitats within or nearby
the area of influence.

59. In the old wharf, the seabed substrate is relatively homogenous throughout the
assessment site and is characterized by a bottom layer of coarse sand derived from
terrigenous and coral reef origins and a top fine silt layer derived from river discharge. It
this area, finfish population numbers and species diversity was very low with only a few
individuals. Observed species include moray eel, Gymnothorax sp. and lion fish (Pterois
miles). Diving activities in the old wharf found very limited number of marine
invertebrates species and mostly dominated by Echinoderms, such as sea urchin
(Diademia savignyi), starfish (Linckia laevigata), pin cushion star (Culcita
novaeguineae), sea cucumber (Pearsonothuria graeffei). Very low numbers of Molluscs
were also found. Rock oysters (Crassostera sp.) were found attached to port structures
and rocks/dolos. A juvenile giant clam (Tridacna squamosa) was also found. The
eastern side of the port of Honiara is devoid of coral reefs and associated reef benthic
resources due to the port’s past extensive shoreline reclamation activities. The marine
macro algae density and species assemblages were very low, and the observed
dominant species was from the genius Halimeda sp.

60. The reef systems to the west of Honiara Port are dominated by gently sloping
subtidal reef flat. Observed dominant species are branching corals form (Acropora,
Pocillopora), encrusting (Acropora, Millipora) and the sub massive digitate (Porities,
Monitipora, Favities). Soft coral colonies (Sarcophyton sp.) were present throughout the
upper and lower reef slope and reef edge. Finfish population numbers and species
diversity was very low. Observed finfish species were dominated by reef dwelling
plankitvores (small fish) and herbivores (Acanthuridae, Scaridae). A limited number of
marine invertebrate species were also observed in this area and dominated by
Echinoderms such as long spine black sea urchin (Diademia savignyi), blue starfish
(Linckia laevigata), and sea cucumber (Pearsonothuria graeffei). Also observed were
giant clam (Tridacna maxima), small crayfish (Panulirus vesicolor). No sea grass or
mangroves were identified.

61. Beach and nearshore habitats. The coastal area of Honiara has few beaches with
probably little lateral movement of the deposited sediments. The main sediment sources
are the Mataniko River and Lungga River. The cone-shape of sediments at the
Mataniko River mouth indicates that there is no strong littoral drift to one side or the
other. The littoral drift starts probably to the east at the urban area boundary, just before
the Lungga River mouth, with a drift dominantly oriented to the east (Egis Eau. 2018d).
Most of the sections where there are existing outfalls are receiving raw sewage since
most of the existing outfalls have broken pipeline at its landfall connection and have
been seen discharging raw sewage to the beach. Solid wastes can also be seen littered
on the beach area (see Photo insert). In general, the nearshore area bathymetry has an
average slope of 2.5% to 3% between the coastline and to -10m depth and curve to -
50m depth, except at the Point Cruz area where the slope is very steep (more than
20%) and around the Mataniko River mouth where the slope is gentle between the
coastline and up to -10m depth (Egis Eau. 2018d).

Figure IV-6: Existing outfalls discharging sewage to beach areas


62. Protected areas and species. There is one reserve area in Guadalcanal (Marau
Sound) and this is located far from the subproject areas within Honiara at the eastern
end of the island. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN) has identified five marine turtle species as protected species in
Solomon Islands in the Red List. These species are not known to inhabit beaches or
dune areas within Honiara; they have been observed at Marau Sound and occasionally
at the far western end of the island.

D. Socio-Economic Resources

63. Population. At the last census (2009), Honiara City’s 64,609 inhabitants
represented 12.5% of Solomon Islands’ total population (Error: Reference source not
found). Average annual growth rates ranged from –0.9% to 4.9% for the period 1999 to
2009 in 12 wards. The combined average annual growth rate in those wards was 2.7%.
It is generally known that with temporary migrants and informal settlers the population of
Honiara can be in the order of 150,000.

64. In 2017 SW reported that chlorinated water was supplied to nearly 8,500
connections (55% of households in the urban area surrounding Honiara), while the
sewerage system served an estimated equivalent population of 9,998. The subprojects
will serve the projected population in Honiara’s urban and peri-urban areas.

Table IV-2: Summary of Demographics (Honiara Population Census)

Indicator Total Males Females

Total Population 64,609 34,089 30,520

Average annual increase. 1999-2009 (in numbers) 1,547 669 878
Average annual growth rate, 1999-2009 (%) 2.7 2.2 3.4
Population density (number of people/km2) 2,953
Urban Population 64,609 34,089 30,520
Per cent urban (%) 100.0
Average annual urban growth rate, 1999-2009 (%) 2.7
Reproduced from: SINSO. 2010.

65. Health. Tertiary health care needs are provided by the Honiara National Referral
Hospital, while most primary healthcare services are provided through health facilities
such as health centers, dispensaries, and aid posts. In general, malaria and
tuberculosis are the major public health concerns in Solomon Islands, along with
sexually transmitted infections, acute respiratory tract infections, diarrhea, viral hepatitis,
dengue fever, and measles (SINSO and MOHMS. 2017).

66. Noise levels. There is no available noise data for Honiara. In general, the peri-
urban areas of Honiara, where the proposed components will be located, have the usual
sources of noise. For urban areas, such as along the main roads (Mendana Avenue and
Kukum Highway), noise levels are expected to be higher due to traffic volumes,
particularly during the daytime rush hour periods.
67. Economy. Honiara is the economic, commercial and administrative center of
Solomon Islands. Its economic base is dominated by the services sector, including
whole-sale businesses, retail stores, banks, tourism services shops, restaurants, and
hotels. However, the economy is growing and the government forecasts that the
construction, manufacturing, and utilities sectors will contribute more to the country’s
gross domestic product.

68. Domestic food consumption is supported by several markets such as the Honiara
Central Market in Central Honiara. Vendors from the five surrounding provinces, namely
Central, Western, Guadalcanal, Malaita, and Isabel have been selling fish in the
Honiara Central Market with fish sales estimated at over AUD2 million per annum (M.
Keen and others. 2017).

69. Honiara has a higher cost of living than the rest of the country. Using the poverty
line measure, specified as the minimum expenditures needed to obtain basic food and
non-food goods, a government survey in 2012-2013 reported that Honiara’s poverty line
per adult equivalent per year ($10,300) was almost three times that of the cheapest
area in the country. This was attributed to poor infrastructures, markets not integrated,
costly transport, expensive services, and very high urban housing prices (National
Statistics Office and The World Bank. 2015).

70. Land use. Honiara has a land area of 22.73 km2. By 2012, 65% of the city’s
developable land was already fully developed, 1.5% was held by private developers,
and 13.5% occupied by informal settlements (UN-Habitat. 2012). Today, commercial
developments have continued on the narrow coastal strip of land with more industrial
developments towards the east. More commercial building constructions are ongoing in
the Chinatown area and further to the Panatina area.

71. Transport, communication, and energy. Land transportation route is mainly

served by one route along a narrow strip of coastal land bounded by small hills. This
main route consists of several road sections serially connected with Mendana Avenue
at the central area and the Kukum highway going to the east. Minor roads, found in the
lower, middle and upper catchments of Honiara, are connected to the main land
transportation route. Honiara is served by Henderson Airport where several airlines and
organizations operate. It is the only point of entry in the Solomon Islands for
international flights. Maritime transport is mainly served by the Honiara Port at Point
Cruz area, owned and operated by the Solomon Islands Ports Authority. The port is
experiencing increasing demand for: (i) goods exportation and importation and (ii) inter
island transport of goods and people.

72. Cellular phone services are available in Honiara and the government reported that
in 2017, majority of the population have access to the mobile services networks of either
Our Telekom or Bmobile Vodafone.

73. Honiara’s electricity is supplied by the Solomon Islands Electricity

Authority/Solomon Power using several energy sources. The main power stations are
Lungga (80.73 GWh of electricity produced in 2017) and Honiara (1.65 GWh of
electricity produced in 2017).

74. Water supply system. SW operates Honiara’s large urban water supply system,
which is presently supplied by various wells and springs (
76. ). SW reports that around 58% of the total average daily production comes from 3
spring sources, while the balance comes from 27 wells. The biggest water source is the
Kongulai Spring, supplying 38% of the total average daily production (SW. 2017).
Chlorinated water is supplied to nearly 8,500 connections (55% of households in the
urban area surrounding Honiara). Per capita demand was 177 L/person/day in 2017.

Figure IV-7: Present Honiara Water Supply System

Source: SW. 2017.

77. Sewerage system. Honiara’s sewerage system serves mainly commercial and
government areas (SW. 2017). The system serves only around 20% of SW water
customers. The system includes 12 independent wastewater catchments (Figure IV-8)
that discharge wastewater through 15 sea outfalls on the Honiara seafront and two
located on the Mataniko River.

78. The wastewaters of three subsystems (Rove, Tuvaruhu and Vara Creek) flow into
communal septic tanks before discharging to a water body. The Rove subsystem
discharges to the sea, while the Tuvaruhu and Vara Creek subsystems discharge to the
Mataniko River. Other subsystems discharge raw sewage to the sea through outfalls.
The Point Cruz and KGVI subsystems each have a sewage pumping station for
discharges through a sea outfall. Other subsystems discharge by gravity to their sea
outfalls. The system has 36km of PVC and AC pipeline networks with diameters ranging
from 100 mm to more than 200 mm.
Figure IV-8: Present Honiara Sewerage System

Source: SW. 2017.

E. Physical Cultural Resources

79. In Solomon Islands, special, sacred or restricted sites, or ‘tambu’ areas represent
the history, lineage and society of different clans and lines. The National Solomon
Islands Museum keeps a National Tambu Site Register, which records several
thousand sites of Solomon Islands. Based on information from the Register and the
Honiara City Council, there are no recognized physical cultural resources within the
Project area. There is no information on visible archaeological records such as stone-
faced terraces, platforms, and walls representing earlier village sites, agricultural
complexes, and shrines, in the subproject areas.


80. The subprojects will create both common and site-specific impacts. Separate EMPs
have been developed for each subproject.

A. Design and Pre-construction Phase

81. Design and pre-construction considerations include need for environmentally

responsible procurement; climate change vulnerability; grievance management;
disruption of utilities and services; disposal of excavation spoils; potential damage to
archaeological and cultural assets; extraction of construction materials; and biosecurity
matters. Adequate dispersion of sewage discharges is another issue that needs to be
addressed during the design stage.

82. Environmental management system and environmentally responsible

procurement. Throughout the Project, for implementation of environmental safeguards
to be effective, a robust environmental management and monitoring system will need to
be established. The PMU will ensure that the EMP is updated, as required, based on
detailed design and incorporated into the bid documents. The bid documents will also
specify other environmental management requirements such as: (i) requirements to
comply with applicable standards; (ii) the contractor designating a full-time
environmental, health and safety officer (EHSO) and deputy EHSO and recruiting a
community liaison officer (CLO) from the local community and the
reporting/communication lines and channels; (iii) the monitoring and reporting
requirements; and (iv) delivery of induction, training and awareness sessions for
workers and the community. Prior to works commencing at each subproject site, the
contractor will prepare and submit a site-specific construction EMP (CEMP) to the PMU,
the CEMP will be based on the project EMP and detail the construction methodology
and program to be undertaken at each site, identify the risks associated with that
construction methodology and detail mitigation measures to avoid or reduce the risks.
The PMU and DSC will review and clear the CEMP and advise the supervising engineer
that the CEMP may be approved and no objection to commencement of works given.

83. Once works commence, the EHSO will conduct monitoring of compliance of
activities with the approved CEMP and the DSC and PMU will undertake inspections
and audits of the effectiveness of the contractor’s implementation of the approved
CEMP. The DSC will devise the checklist to be used for the inspections and audits and
will consolidate the inspection/audit findings along with summaries of the contractor’s
monthly reporting. WB and ADB will undertake review missions which will report on,
inter alia, overall implementation of environmental safeguard requirements.
84. As early as practicable after commencement, the project will establish a grievance
redress mechanism (GRM) to address concerns and resolve complaints and issues
raised on any aspect of Project and subproject implementation. Safeguards concerns
will be addressed through the GRM.

85. The CEMP will outline how the contractor will implement the relevant elements of
the GRM and how and when they will provide information about construction activities
and timing to the community. The contractor will be expected to provide information
about the works, impacts and mitigation/control measures to the community in a timely
and effective manner. The contractor’s liaison and communication with the community,
managed by the CLO, will be guided by the Project’s CCP.
86. Workers and sub-contractors will be inducted to the site and this will include
awareness and training on the provisions and requirements of the CEMP and how it is
to be implemented.

87. Climate change vulnerability. Climate change resilience is a critical consideration

because Honiara is vulnerable to the effects of intense rainfall. Changes in the intensity
of extreme weather events and gradual change in climate parameters such as
precipitation could damage proposed water supply and sewerage facilities. Flooding
could be compounded by the effects of sea level rise to affect the structural integrity of
the proposed structures and prevent the system operating effectively.

88. Mitigation. A hydrology and onsite flooding study will be conducted during the
design phase for all sites where proposed structures are to be constructed. In general,
onsite flooding study of the 100-year flood will reasonably provide information to site the
proposed facilities in specific acceptable locations. The study should be able to
adequately describe the nature of the flood hazard and the degree of flood risk for the
specific sites. Results of the study will be used in designing the proposed facilities and
the preparation of engineering specifications to ensure that these facilities are less
vulnerable to the predicted flood events.

89. Engineering assessment on potential site erosion will be made during the design
phase for each site to determine the type of erosion protection that will be appropriate.
This applies to the reservoir sites of the Service Reservoir Capacity Augmentation
subproject, routes of the water supply trunk mains of the Mataniko and White River
Trunk Mains subproject, and routes of the sewerage pipelines of the Sewage Pumping
Stations Refurbishment subproject. For proposed structures in the coastal area, such as
the pumping stations and landward pipeline sections of outfalls of the Sewer Outfall
Rehabilitation subproject, erosion due to sea level rise and increased wave action
should be evaluated to determine the appropriate engineering measures for protection
against coastal erosion. Sea level rise may also affect the hydraulics of the sewer
outfalls resulting in increased pumping energy required for effective wastewater

90. Grievance redress. The SPS and WBSP require that any complaints and concerns
of the affected people must be addressed promptly at no cost to the complainant and
without retribution. The actions to address this particular SPS requirement will be
initiated prior to the start of the construction activities.
 Early during Project implementation SW will establish the Project’s grievance
redress mechanism (GRM);
 publicize the existence of the Project’s GRM through public awareness
campaigns, billboards, public notifications, etc.;
 ensure that the names and contact numbers of GRM representatives are place
on notice boards at agreed locations; and
 the contractors’ CEMP reflect the elements of the GRM the contractors will be
responsible for implementing and require contractors to maintain their own
grievance register.

91. Disruption to utilities and services. Proposed subprojects may disrupt existing
utilities during construction since water supply pipelines and sewerage pipelines will be
installed along roads in the urban area. Construction activities may affect the existing
water supply and sewerage lines, electricity lines, and communication lines. Prior to
construction activities, SW and the contractors will:
 During detailed design SW and the DSC will coordinate with utility providers to
obtain information about locations of services and utilities;
 coordinate with the other utility companies regarding potential disruptions;

 make provisions to preserve the operation of current facilities, and

 notify affected households and establishments well in advance of disruptions.

92. Improper disposal of excavation spoils. Construction activities of subprojects

have the potential to generate excess excavation materials for the installation of water
supply pipelines, sewerage pipelines, and other structures. Improper disposal of
excavation spoils can be avoided by addressing the issue prior to the start of
construction activities. The owner’s Engineer will:
 require the contractors to submit a plan for the disposal of excess excavation
spoils, and
 undertake inspection and approval of the contractors’ suggested disposal sites
prior to actual construction.

93. Damage to unknown archaeological and cultural assets. While there is no

information at present of any archaeological and cultural assets that may be affected by
excavations works, precautions will be taken to avoid potential damage to any
archaeological and cultural assets. These will include:
 inclusion of a chance finds procedure in the EMP; and
 inclusion of provisions in tender and contract documents requiring the contractors
to immediately stop excavation activities and promptly inform the local authorities
and the Solomon Island National Museum on the presence of any unknown
archaeological and cultural assets.

94. Extraction of ocal construction materials. Construction activities are expected to

use local construction materials such as soil, sand, gravel, and rocks. The contractor
will be required to obtain the local materials only from sources that have the required
government environmental approvals. Before the start of activities, the contractor will
provide the Owner’s Engineer with a Materials Procurement Plan providing information
on the sources of materials, transporting modes to sites, stockpiling schemes, and
schedules of deliveries. The information will include locations, scale of operations,
method of transport of materials, schedule of use relative to the overall construction
schedule, and the associated environmental mitigation measures to be instituted in
those locations. Quarries and borrow pits will be required to meet the following criteria:
 Either existing operations with development consents/BMP will be used or the
contractor will be required to obtain development consents/BMP for any new
source they open
 borrow pits will be covered by required government permits or approvals,
 will not be located within 300 meters of any urban area sensitive receptors,
 topsoil will be saved for rehabilitation during closure of the quarries and borrow
pits, and
 will be provided with drainage and sediment flow controls
 proper closure of the quarries and borrow pits will be required. This will include
fencing and placement of warning sign to the public.

95. Land access and use. All subprojects’ proposed facilities are accessible by road.
The Mataniko and White River Trunk Mains subproject and Sewage Pumping Stations
Refurbishment subproject is readily accessible by urban roads, including Mendana
Avenue and Kukum Highway which heavily travelled roads lined by commercial and
institutional establishments. The sites of the Service Reservoir Capacity Augmentation
subproject are located in elevated sections of Honiara which are sparsely populated and
relatively flat grassy areas, accessible by road. The sewer outfall rehabilitation
subproject has landside connections which are relatively flat and accessible from the
road. The Pt. Cruz outfall will be access through the property of the Solomon Islands
Ports Authority. Landfall connections of both Naha and KGVI outfalls area readily
accessible from the highway. Summary information on land access and use issues are
presented in Table V-5.

Table V-5: Summary Land Information of Proposed Sites

subproject Access/ IR Situation Land Status

Mataniko and White Existing trunk mains run along the existing road reserves
River Trunk Mains roads; new trunk mains will be in the same
roads; coconuts and other fruit trees planted by
people along the road may be affected by
proposed pipe laying

Service Reservoir Titingge site is accessible from a road; both private land for both
Capacity reservoir sites are relatively flat grassy areas reservoir sites
Augmentation surrounded by slopes; land acquisition of
2,500m2 each for the Panatina and Titingge
reservoirs sites

Sewer Outfall Pt. Cruz outfall will be access through the private land for both Naha
Rehabilitation property of the Solomon Islands Ports Authority and KGVI outfalls access
(SIPA); Naha outfall location is readily sites; Pt. Cruz outfall access
accessible along the main highway; both Pt. site owned by SIPA
Cruz outfall and KGVI outfalls access sites have
existing structures, while the Naha outfall
location has none; general topography at all
landfall connections are relatively flat

Sewage Pumping The proposed KGVI pumping station will be in private land for both Naha
Stations the same site as the existing pumping station and KGVI sites; Pt. Cruz
Refurbishment located inside the school grounds; the Pt. Cruz site owned by SIPA; NRH
pumping station is the same site of the existing site owned by NRH; road
pumping station located inside a fenced off reserve for all other
property within the Honiara CBD; all proposed proposed new pumping
new pumping stations will be located within the stations
road reserve, except for the one at the National
Referral Hospital (NRH) where a space is
available at the hospital’s existing wastewater
treatment area; all sites are readily accessible
along the main highway; general topography of
all sites are relatively flat

Sources: subprojects’ FS reports; preliminary IR investigations (draft report being prepared)

96. Sewage outfall dispersion. Discharge of raw sewage through deep sea outfalls will
have impacts on nearby water quality, more specifically with regards to nutrients and
microbiological parameters. In the event of shore driven winds and currents, beach
water quality may be affected and impact recreational users and shellfish.

97. During detailed design, final dispersion calculations will need to be undertaken to
ensure dispersion requirements are met at all times. Water quality results in terms of
faecal contaminants will be assessed against the ANZECC microbiological water quality
guidelines for marine and freshwater recreational areas (2003), in the absence of
national marine water quality standards.

98. Initially, microbial dilution is considered as the main design parameter in the
absence of any treatment of the sewage prior to discharge (Egis Eau. 2018d). While
there are no standards for outfall dilution requirements in Solomon Islands, SW’s 5-yr
Action Plan set a screened sewage dilution value of 100:1, which is expected to achieve
the desired health and environmental targets for effluents. However, as requested by
SW, the outfall feasibility study (Egis Eau. 2018d) uses as criteria the ANZECC
microbiological water quality guidelines for marine and freshwater recreational areas
(2003): (i) 150 EC/100ml only in 50% of cases and (ii) 1000 EC/100 ml in 10% of cases,
when wind currents bring the plume directly to the coast.

99. To initially determine the appropriate length of the outfalls that will give acceptable
dilution, sea dispersion calculations have been carried out using the Visual-Plume
software, developed by the USEPA. Consequently, Visual-Plume results indicated
acceptable dilution at 100 m from the coast can be achieved for the outfalls at Point
Cruz, Naha, and KGVI with values of 214:1, 166:1, and 463:1, respectively, for
occasions where wind and currents direct the plume to the Honiara coast. These results
correspond to outfall discharge points of 715m, 785m, and 495m from the shoreline for
Point Cruz, Naha, and KGVI, respectively. However, the frequency of exceedance
calculation has not been carried out yet and needs to be run during detailed design to
confirm compliance with both ANZECC criteria.

Table V-6: Results of Outfall Discharges Dispersion Calculations with Visual-Plume


E. coli
Effluents Depth of Distance to Dilution at concentration
Pipe ID discharge
Outfall Name Horizon flowrate discharge the coast 100m from per 100ml at
(mm) velocity
(m3/s)b (mCD) (m) the coastc 100m from

POINT CRUZ 2037 0.314 440.6 2.1 -30.0 715 214

NAHA 2047 0.934 881.4 1.5 -47.0 785 166

KGVI 2047 0.163 352.6 1.7 -40.0 495 463

Visual-Plume Software developed by USEPA for discharge plume dispersion calculations;
assumed concentration of E.coli at discharge point for raw sewage and stormwater are 2.16E+07 /100ml and
2.16E+06 /100ml, respectively;
for shoreward ocean currents: < 6.9% at Point Cruz and Naha, and <5.2% at KGVI;
E. coli concentration per 100ml at 100m from coast (T90=1.5hrs) as calculated, 1 st value for raw sewage dilution, while
2nd value for stormwater dilution
Source: Egis Eau. 2018d.

100. Introduction of alien or invasive species. To prevent spread of alien and/or

invasive species, imported plant, equipment and materials and the vessels that import
them will be subject to clearance procedures under the Bio-Security Act and Regulations
and may require issue of phytosanitary certificates from Biosecurity Solomon Islands.

B. Construction Phase Impacts on the Physical Environment

101. Impact areas. The water supply pipelines and sewerage pipelines will be
installed along Mendana Avenue and Kukum Highway. Mendana Avenue is the main
road connecting the western and eastern parts of Honiara. It is an urban road lined on
both sides with various urban developments and passes to the central business district.
It connects to Kukum Highway which is lined on both sides with various urban
developments. Kukum Highway is main road connecting the western and central part of
Honiara to the international airport at Lungga.

102. Mataniko and White River trunk mains subproject. Impact areas of this
subproject includes Mataniko Road to the Kukum Highway and along the White River
route up to Mendana Avenue. For the Mataniko route, the trunk mains start from
Tuvaruhu then to Lower West Kola reservoir and then to the Mataniko junction and
ultimately to Panatina area. Sensitive receptors along the Mataniko route are: Tuvaruhu
School, Tuvaruhu Anglican Church, Varamata Church, Honiara High School, Planned
Parenthood Clinic, Mataniko Clinic, Rhema School, Rhema Family Church, Coronation
School, HIPS School, Chung Wah School, National Referral Hospital (indicated in
Figure V-9). For the White River route, trunk starts mains from Kongulai springs then to
White River reservoir, then to Mendana junction up to Rove. Sensitive receptors along
this route are: White River Mosque, White River School, White River Clinic, White River
Baptist Church (indicated in Figure V-10).

Figure V-9: Sensitive Receptors of Mataniko Road up to Naha Outfall

Source: PPA consultant. 2018; red pins = sensitive receptors

Figure V-10: Sensitive Receptors of Kongulai to Rove

Source: PPA consultant. 2018; yellow pins = sensitive receptors
103. Service reservoir capacity augmentation subproject. Impact areas of the
Service Reservoir Capacity Augmentation subproject are the reservoir sites at Panatina
and Titingge. There are no sensitive receptors at the Titingge reservoir site.

104. Sewage pumping stations refurbishment subproject. Impact areas of this

subproject are the sewerage pipeline routes from the Rove to Point Cruz along
Mendana Avenue, then to the Mataniko junction along the Kukum Highway, to Naha
outfall site and the Panatina and Ranadi areas. Sensitive receptors are: Rove Clinic,
Police Academy, St Johns School, YWCA Kindy (indicated in Figure V-11).

Figure V-11: Sensitive Receptors of Rove to Pt. Cruz

Source: Project preparation consultant. 2018; yellow pins = sensitive receptors

105. Sensitive receptors associated with the Mataniko to Naha Outfall include about
20 schools, churches and clinics, shown in Figure 5.1. For the King George sewerage
pumping station and Ranadi areas, the sensitive receptors include King George VI
School, King George VI Clinic, Eden Early Childhood Education School (indicated in
Figure V-12).

106. The impact areas of the sewer outfall rehabilitation subproject are the offshore
outfalls’ alignment and the onshore sections of each sewer outfall. There are no nearby
schools, churches, and clinics but marine environmental values will be impacted.

Figure V-12: Sensitive Receptors of Panatina Ranadi


Source: PPA consultant. 2018; red pins = sensitive receptors

107. Modification of site topography. Construction activities will not involve

significant modification of the construction site topography. Site clearance and
vegetation removal will not be an issue for the Mataniko and White River trunk mains
and service reservoir capacity augmentation subprojects because pipelines will
constructed along existing roads with existing right-of-Way (ROW). For the service
reservoir capacity augmentation subproject, site clearance and vegetation removal will
be contained within very small areas of grassland. The sewer outfall rehabilitation
subproject will construct short pipelines in urban areas; for seaward sections of the
outfall, pipeline installation will be limited to trench excavations for the pipelines to be

108. Soil erosion and sedimentation. Potential sources of sediment runoffs are site
clearing, ground leveling, excavations for structures’ foundation, and pipelaying. These
activities can release soil materials to the surrounding areas if not provided with
sediment control measures. Soil materials can be carried by runoff to the natural
drainage system or to adjacent lots during rainy periods.

109. For the service reservoir capacity augmentation subproject, construction activities
will not involve large earthworks since the sites of the proposed water supply reservoirs
for Panatina and Titingge sites are above ground reservoirs. The relatively flat terrain
and small area requirement for each 3 ML tank will generate moderate sediments
runoffs during construction. The contractor will be required to install small interceptor
dikes, pipe slope drains, grass bale barriers, silt fence, sediment traps, and temporary
sediment basins to divert surface runoffs away from the exposed areas, prevent
sediments from moving offsite, and reduce the erosive forces of runoff waters.

110. For the sewer outfall rehabilitation subproject, installation of a marine outfall in the
sea will involve pipeline trench excavation, pipeline laying, and soil cover placement.
Sediments generation will be due to the disturbance of the bottom marine sediments.
The contractor will be required to control the release of sediments to the surrounding
water body by use of silt curtains or other appropriate methods during outfall pipeline
installation in the sea. Silt curtains will contain the disturbed and resuspended
sediments and allow them to drop within the water column by controlling dispersion.
111.For all subprojects the contractor will be required to prepare an erosion and
sediment control plan as part of their CEMP.
112. Storage, use and transportation of hazardous materials. Typical in most
construction works, use of oil products and other hazardous materials are expected in
the construction activities of the proposed project. Fuel, oil, grease, paints, and solvents
associated with the operation of heavy equipment and vehicles may accidentally be
released to the environment during construction and adversely affect water quality and
aquatic life. Mitigation measures include:
 Prepare a hazardous substances management plan and an emergency response
plan as part of the CEMP;
 provide maintenance shops, fuel and oil depot with impermeable flooring with
sump where wash water and sludge can be collected for proper disposal;
 refuel and service equipment only in specified areas adequately equipped to
avoid leaks and spills that could contaminate soil and water resources;
 store chemicals, hazardous substances and fuel on-site within an enclosed and
covered secure area that has an impervious floor and impervious bund around it,
 locate storage area away from water-courses, flood-prone areas, work camps,
and danger areas,
 provide equipment maintenance areas and fuel storage areas with drainage
leading to an oil-water separator that will be regularly skimmed of oil and
maintained to ensure efficiency;
 regularly check containers for leakage and undertake necessary repair or
 provide sill kits in the vicinity of the storage and fuel/oil areas and train workers in
their deployment;
 store hazardous materials above flood level and in an appropriately sized bund
(approx. 110% of total volume);
 ensure all storage containers are in good condition with proper labeling; and
 store waste oil, used lubricant and other hazardous wastes in tightly sealed
containers to avoid contamination of soil and water resources.

113. Measures for clean-up and handling of contaminated materials will include:
 immediate clean-up of spills,
 oil stained wastes and used oil to be collected and disposed of through
recyclers / authorized waste handlers and disposal in authorized waste facilities;
 ensure availability of spill cleanup materials such as absorbent pads,
 restoration of temporary work sites will include removal, treatment, and proper
disposal of oil contaminated soils,
 discharge of oil contaminated water into the environment to be prohibited; and
 construction personnel designated to handle of fuels/hazardous substances to be
trained particularly in spill control procedures.

114. Air pollution. On-site air pollution from dust generation and use of vehicles and
equipment can be expected during dry periods from activities associated with site
clearing, ground leveling, and excavations for pipe laying. Intermittent episodes of
localized air pollution from dark smoke emitting equipment may also occur. Wind
blowing on large stockpiles of construction materials such as soil and aggregates.
Contractors will be required to:
 conduct regular water spraying of roads, work areas and other construction-
related facilities to minimize dust generation;
 ensure construction materials stockpiles are covered or sprayed with water, as
appropriate, to prevent fine materials from being blown;
 prohibit use of equipment and vehicles that emit dark sooty emissions;
 provide trucks transporting loose construction materials such as sand, gravel,
and spoils with tight tarpaulin cover or other suitable materials to avoid spills and
dust emission; and

 prohibit burning of all types of wastes generated at the construction sites,

workers’ camps as well as other project-related facilities and activities.

115. Improper solid waste management. Construction activities are expected to

generate solid wastes including used wood materials, steel works cuttings, paint and
solvents containers, used packaging materials, on-site office solid wastes, used oil from
equipment, unused aggregates, and surplus earth materials. These solid wastes may
cause aesthetic problems and will be potential sources of contaminants for surface
runoffs and pollution of nearby water bodies. Contractors will be required to:
 Prepare a waste management plan as part of the CEMP;
 provide garbage bins and facilities within the project site for temporary storage of
construction waste and domestic solid waste;
 separate solid waste into hazardous, non-hazardous and reusable waste streams
and store temporarily on-site in secure facilities with weatherproof flooring and
 ensure that wastes are not haphazardly dumped within the subproject site and
adjacent areas;
 regularly dispose of wastes to the Ranadi Landfill; and
 prohibit burning of all types of wastes.

116. After completion of work activities, contractors will be required to remove

construction wastes from sites and implement the required restoration of disturbed sites.

117. All these shall be reflected in the CEMP which shall contain a subproject specific
waste management plan and describing all waste types, amounts, disposal method,
transport documentation requirements, and details of licensed waste treatment/recycling
facilities for each waste stream.

118. Demolition wastes shall be assessed for recycling and disposal, including the
determination if any of the wastes are hazardous and prescribe the appropriate handling
and disposal for such wastes.

119. Removal of existing outfalls and beach clean-up. The sewer outfall
rehabilitation subproject will install three new outfalls to be located at Point Cruz, Naha,
and KGVI. This is line with SW’s strategy to reduce the current 17 outfalls to three.
Consequently, there is a need to remove during the construction phase the unwanted
existing outfalls components and the subsequent cleanup of the beach area of these
outfall locations.

120. The contractor will be required to:

 prepare an inventory of the existing outfalls components to be removed;
 a removal and disposal plan for existing outfalls components, including the
assessment if any of the wastes are hazardous and prescribe the appropriate
handling and disposal for such wastes;
 a beach cleanup plan for the beach area of the existing outfalls, including the
assessment if any beach portions are heavily contaminated and need to be
transported to a disposal site.

C. Construction Impacts on the Biological Environment

121. Impacts on rare or endangered species. There are no Red List terrestrial or
aquatic species in the Project influence area. Even though there have been no sightings
of turtles in the Honiara area, the CEMP to be developed for sewer outfalls subproject
will include measures to ensure that any turtles will not be affected; this may include the
timing of excavation of outfall trench and pipe installation to avoid turtle nesting season.

122. Terrestrial habitat alteration. Construction activities will not involve alteration of
important terrestrial habitats since the subproject sites have been in urban or peri-urban
settings for a long time already. The sites for the water supply and sewerage pipeline
routes, sewer pumping stations, and reservoirs, are along existing roads.

123. Benthic disturbance. Installation of a marine outfall will involve pipeline trench
excavation, pipeline laying, and soil cover placement. As discussed previously, silt
curtains will be installed to prevent disturbed sediments being released into the water
body during construction and dispersed in a wide zone and resuspended sediments
affecting water quality and the penetration of light to lower sections of the seawater

D. Construction Impacts on the Socio-Economic Environment

124. Construction noise and vibration. Trucks and construction equipment, which can
generate noise of 80 dB(A) from a distance of 30 meters are the potential sources of
noise during construction. The issue is mostly applicable along the roads where water
supply pipelines and sewerage pipelines will be installed and the sites for reservoirs and
pumping stations. Construction noise will largely increase the daytime noise levels of
the roads which can be expected to be around 60 dB(A) during peak hours based on
experience. Significant vibration from construction activities are not expected since
pipeline installation will not involve heavy compaction activities. Contractors will be
required to:
 provide prior notification to the community on schedule of construction activities;
 whenever applicable, provide noisy equipment with noise reduction covers;
 position stationary equipment that produce elevated noise levels, such as diesel
generators and air compressors, as far as practicable from houses and other
 prohibit operation of noisy equipment and construction works in populated areas
and where sensitive receptors are found during nighttime (19:00 – 06:00);
 in necessary nighttime operation, ensure prior notification and consultation will be
made with affected people and local officials, and implement suitable noise
reduction measures;
 locate concrete batching plant, and rock crushing plant at a reasonable distance
away from inhabited areas and sensitive receptors;
 conduct regular noise level monitoring to determine compliance with WHO
guidelines for noise which should not to exceed 55 dB(A) near residential areas
during daytime and 45 dB(A) for nighttime.

125. The contractor will be required to exert extra efforts in reducing the noise
generation from their activities near residential areas and other sensitive receptors.

126. Vehicular traffic congestion and hindrance to public access. Construction

activities and any temporary or partial road closures may cause traffic congestion and
hinder public access. Contractors will be required to:
 prepare a traffic management and control plan as part of the CEMP and provide
traffic management personnel to direct the flow of traffic in the vicinity of the
construction sites and construction-related facilities;
 closely coordinate with local authorities for any closure of roads or rerouting of
vehicular traffic;
 provide prior notification to the community on schedule of construction activities;

 provide traffic signs in the vicinity of the construction sites to direct motorists and
 schedule construction activities with consideration to periods of heavy presence
of people such as festivities, processions, parades, etc. to minimize disruption to
local activities.

127. Potential social issues due to influx of workers. Presence of workers from
outside the Project area may cause some social issues such as potential for conflict
with local residents and risk spread of communicable diseases including STIs and HIV.
Measures to mitigate such risks and impacts will include:

 induction of all workers on Project requirements regarding safeguards (including

child protection), GRM and CCP requirements;
 Agreement to and implementation of protocols (including code of conduct)
concerning the workers contact with the local communities;
 contractor(s) to engage an approved service provider implementation a
communicable disease awareness and prevention program;
 priority be given to accommodating workers in existing hotels, motels, dormitories
and the like and construction of a camp for workers only in the instance suitable
existing accommodation is not available;
 ensuring that sufficient water supply and temporary sanitation facilities are
provided for workers at work sites in order that community infrastructure is not
 security at contractor’s camp and yard to control unauthorized access and
prevent entry of the public (especially children).

128. Occupational health and safety. Hazards to construction workers include sharp
edges, falling objects, flying sparks, chemicals, noise and various potentially dangerous
situations. It is contractors’ duty to protect their employees from workplace hazards that
can cause injury. A clean environment is also necessary to enable the workers to
maintain good health and hygiene. Contractors will be required to:
 prepare and implement a health and safety plan (HSP) as part of their CEMP,
 ensure that a properly equipped and resourced first aid station is available at all
 provide potable water and adequate sanitation facilities,
 provide adequate and well-ventilated camps and clean eating areas,
 provide separate sleeping quarters for male and female workers,
 provide personal protective equipment (PPE) suitable to tasks and activities
undertaken to minimize exposure to a variety of hazards, and
 provide fire-fighting equipment and fire extinguishers in workshops, fuel storage
facilities, construction camps, and any sites where fire hazard and risk are
 ensure that all workers are aware of emergency response and medical
evacuation procedures.

129. The contractor’s HSP will provide guidance to its staff on how good work practices
can be carried out on every activity in the construction site to prevent accidents to the
workers and the general public. This will include emergency procedures and the
required resources, clear description of responsibilities and management, specific
requirements of occupational health and safety policies and regulations, training
requirements, and site safety rules. The HSP is one of the inputs to the contractor’s

130. Community health and safety. Many of the measures to manage occupational
health and safety will help mitigate the risk to the community. The movement of
construction vehicles, trench excavations, and various activities may pose hazards to
the public, particularly along Mendana Avenue and Kukum Highway. Reservoir and
pumping station sites, including any deep excavations, may also pose hazards to the
public. Contractors will be required to:
 implement the various plans to minimize health and safety risks to the public;
 use barriers and install signage to keep the public away from constructions sites
and excavation sites;
 provide prior notification to the community on schedule of construction activities;
 provide security personnel in hazardous areas to restrict public access;
 operate construction night light in the vicinity of construction sites;
 provide adequate safe passage for public, as necessary, across construction
sites; and
 ensure that any access to properties or establishments that have been disrupted
or blocked by the ongoing construction activities, are reinstated as quickly as
possible or alternative access is provided.

E. Operation Phase Environmental Impacts

131. Operational phase impacts will include risks to employee and public safety; health
hazards due to poor water quality and sewerage system operation; and foul odor
migrating off-site. In addition, beach water quality may be impacted by the discharge of
raw sewage in deep sea outfalls.

132. Operators will prepare health and safety manuals to address the prevention,
reduction and control of occupational injury and illness in operating water supply and
sanitation facilities. The manuals will include information on: (i) clearly identifying
conditions that may cause acute worker health and safety problems, (ii) requirements
that all workers should comply during normal operations and emergency situations, and
(iii) training requirements for health and safety in operating the facility.

133. Reservoir operational risk and safety. Water supply tanks do not inherently pose
significant risk to workers. However, the use of chlorine gas as a disinfectant may pose
particular safety risks. To reduce the operational risk and safety of water supply tank:
 workers will be trained on health and safety aspects of operating a water supply
 A facility health and safety manual will be prepared;
 chlorine gas cylinders will be kept in separate safety rooms and equipped with
fully automated chlorine gas shutoff systems;
 A system will be established for safe use and handling of chlorine materials in the
work place;
 Workers will be provided with the appropriate PPE for chlorine use and handling;
 a five-foot-high fence will be erected to control access and avoid exposing the
public to any hazard due to the presence of the water supply tank.

134. Health hazard due to unplanned delivery of poor water quality. Contamination
in water sources may be due to the presence of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or
chemicals. The unplanned delivery to customers of poor water quality from Project
facilities can be prevented in a broader scale by:
 implementing SW’s water safety plan as advocated by the WHO. The water
safety plan enables SW to (i) prevent contamination of its water sources, (ii) treat
the water to reduce or remove contamination that could be present to the extent
necessary to meet the water quality targets, and (iii) prevent re-contamination
during storage, distribution and handling of drinking water. It is a best practice
approach in ensuring delivery of potable water to consumers. SW has updated its
water safety plan to conform with WHO requirements;

 to control microbial contamination, SW will continue to practice water chlorination

and ensure that adequate residual disinfection will be maintained.

135. Health and safety risks from sewerage system operation. Sewage spills due to
accidents can seriously threaten the health and safety of personnel. Methane gas may
accumulate within the confined spaces of the structure and may be explosive in certain
concentrations range. To address the health and safety risk of the sewerage system:
 facility hazards identification will be conducted during the initial operation phase
of the pumping stations and updated as necessary;
 a written facility health and safety manual will be prepared.

136. Unplanned outages and emergencies. Unplanned outages and emergencies in

the water supply system will cause loss of adequate water pressure in the network or in
worst cases will result to no water being delivered to customers. This may affect public
health due to the lack of potable water. There is also the risk of bacterial contamination
of the water supply network from contaminated seepages when water pressure is low or
no water at all in the pipelines. Seepages may enter the water supply network through
leaks, cracks, faulty seals, and other openings. When significant quantity of pathogens
has entered the water supply network, chlorine residual normally sustained in the water
supply network may not be enough to maintain the necessary water disinfection level.
This will have adverse health effects to the consumers and in worst cases will result to
outbreak of waterborne disease. Most common causes of unplanned outages and
emergencies are lack of adequate backup power supplies, equipment failure, damage
to WTP, reservoirs, water pipelines and appurtenances, and accidents.

137. To address the unplanned outages and emergencies of the water supply system:
 Identification of potential causes of unplanned outages and emergencies shall be
conducted during operation of the water supply system and updated as
 Written management procedures for unplanned outages and emergencies as
required by the water safety plan implementation (advocated by WHO).
 Regular inspection and maintenance of the backup power supplies and the
associated automatic transfer switch of the backup power at the water treatment
plant and water pumping stations to ensure uninterrupted operation during power
 Regular inspection and maintenance of pumping systems and emergency backup
systems to ensure that these are in good working conditions;
 Implement flushing and disinfection, as necessary, during unplanned outages
and emergencies to prevent microbial contamination of the water supply system;
 Written standard operating procedures manual to be available at the facilities to
provide guidance to the water supply system’s staff on how to handle unplanned
outages and emergencies;
 Regular training of water supply system’s staff on how to handle unplanned
outages and emergencies.

138. Improve overall sewage discharges to the sea. Operation of the proposed
rehabilitated sea outfalls at Point Cruz, Naha, and KGVI will greatly improve the overall
situation of the city’s sewage discharges to the sea. At present, some outfalls have
been broken and are continuously discharging sewage to the beach. The consolidation
of the outfalls from 17 to three would result to a better operational management. The
proposed rehabilitated 3 outfalls will have better sewage dilution at their discharge
points since sufficient distance from the shoreline will be maintained. The outfalls at
Point Cruz, Naha, and KGVI will have discharge points of 715m, 785m, and 495m from
the shoreline, respectively. Discharge depth will be between 30 and 40m deep.
139. Enhancement measures.
 proposed lengths of the three outfalls have to be confirmed during detailed
design to ensure that proper lengths were selected for effective dilution. This can
be done by running an appropriate dispersion modelling of the outfalls using
more information generated during the detailed design stage
 during operation, regular monitoring and effective maintenance of the outfalls are
necessary to ensure that there will be no broken sections in order to maintain
sufficient distance from the shoreline of the discharge points.


140. Information disclosure, public consultation, and public participation are part of the
overall planning, design and construction of the proposed subprojects.

141. Public consultation. In July 2018 SW conducted an initial public consultation to

formally discuss the proposed subprojects with 24 stakeholders (six female and 18
male), including representatives of various civic organizations, community leaders and
government officials. Stakeholders expressed support for the proposed subprojects and
raised the following issues: (i) construction procedures affecting roads and the need to
coordinate with other government agencies; (ii) the need for SW to cover more areas for
the proposed sewerage system improvements; (iii) the need for a sewage treatment
plant since sewage disposal is big issue for the city’s environment due to pollution; and
(iv) the need to address the procedural requirements for project implementation.

142. A second consultation round was held during February 2019, which was attended
by 48 stakeholders comprising local and national government, CSOs, NGOs and land

143. Outcomes of the consultation meetings can be found in the Annexes.

144. Consultations during Project implementation. The Project’s CCP will be

updated early in Project implementation. The CCP will guide the future consultation and
participation activities to be facilitated and undertaken by SW. Whenever necessary,
stakeholder consultations will be conducted for specific issues that may arise during the
design phase. Stakeholder consultations will be continued throughout the construction
phase on an area by area basis to address any potential problems. These will be
conducted by SW’s PMU, contractors, and implementation consultants prior to
commencement of construction activities. The construction consultations will address
stakeholders’ specific concerns related to construction activities in their area, including
the scheduling of activities and the potential nuisances to the public. Records of
environmental and social complaints, received during consultations, field visits, informal
discussions, and/or formal letters, together with the subsequent follow-up and
resolutions of issues will be kept by SW’s PMU.


145. All subprojects will be implemented in accordance with the GRM established for the
overall Project, to ensure that any complaints and concerns may be addressed promptly
at no cost to the complainant and without retribution. The GRM will receive, evaluate,
and facilitate the resolution of people’s concerns, complaints, and grievances about
subproject environmental and social performance. It will aim to resolve grievances and
complaints in a timely and satisfactory manner. The GRM procedures will be disclosed
to the public in consultation meetings during the design phase of the subprojects and
before the start of construction activities.

A. Construction Activities Grievances

146. It is proposed the project adopt the GRM process used by the Ministry of
Infrastructure Development (MID) for infrastructure projects. MID’s GRM is described in
its Safeguards Procedure Manual (SPM). The MID’s SPM was developed in
coordination with ECD in order to reflect requirements set out in the Environment Act.

147. The SPM stipulates that the contractor establish and maintain a community
advisory committee (CAC) for all activities. Membership of the CAC will include the
village/tribal chiefs, elders, women representatives, and land-owning groups residing
within the subprojects’ locations. The CAC should have no less than 5 members. The
CAC’s functions include: (i) solving problems/issues arising between the contractor and
the community; (ii) advises the contractor on matters affecting environment and social
well-being of the community due to construction activities; (iii) provide enabling
environment for the participation of women in the subprojects’ implementation and
management at community level; and (iv) keep a register of grievances. Annex 4 of
MID’s SPM presents the CAC guidelines.

148. First Level GRM. Most grievances during construction can easily be handled by
the contractor’s representatives at the construction site. However, all complaints arriving
at the contractor’s site office will be forwarded to the CAC and entered in a register that
is kept at the site. A duplicate copy of the entry is given to the complainant for their
record at the time of registering the complaint. The register will reflect: (i) date, name,
contact address, and reason for the complaint; (ii) issue to be dealt with by the CAC; (iii)
who has been directed by the CAC to deal with the complaint and date; and (iv) date
when the complainant was informed of the decision and how the decision was

149. Second Level GRM. If the complaint cannot be resolved by the contractor’s
representative and the CAC, the contractor will forward the complaint to SW’s PMU
Manager who will further discuss the matter with the CAC. The PMU Manager has a
maximum of 14 days to resolve the complaint and convey a decision to the complainant.
If the PMU Manager dismisses the complaint, the complainant will be informed of
his/her rights in taking the matter to the next step. A copy of the decision will be sent to
ECD. If the complainant is not satisfied with the PMU Manager’s decision, he/she may
take the complaint to SW’s General Manager who will appoint a third-party arbitrator to
form part of a GRM Committee to hear the complaint. The GRM Committee will be
chaired by SW’s General Manager, SW’s PMU Manager, SW’s Project Engineer, the
contractor, and the appointed third-party arbitrator.

150. Third Level GRM. If the complainant is not satisfied with decision of the GRM
Committee, he/she may take further action through an appropriate legal channel such
as the local court.

151. A consultation and communication plan (CCP) will be developed after completion of
the separate reports being prepared for the project concerning stakeholder analysis and
communication strategy. The CCP will be anchored on these reports and will be
updated as the need arises. It will guide the consultations to be done further during
project implementation.

152. A consultation and communication plan (CCP) will be developed after completion of
the separate reports being prepared for the project concerning stakeholder analysis and
communication strategy. The CCP will be anchored on these reports and will be
updated as the need arises. It will guide the consultations to be done further during
project implementation.

B. Complaints to the Environment Conservation Division

153. In Solomon Islands, complaints about environmental performance of projects

issued a Development Consent may also be brought to the attention of ECD of the
MECDM. ECD is mandated by law (Environment Act of 1998 and the Environment
Regulations of 2008) to monitor the projects issued with a development consent and
address concerns, complaints, and grievances of the public regarding project


A. Introduction

154. Environmental assessment of has determined that the Project will have less than
significant impacts on the local environment. Subprojects can be implemented in an
environmentally acceptable manner with appropriate mitigation measures to avoid or
minimize the environmental impacts. The EMP includes: (i) implementation
arrangement, (ii) mitigating measures to be implemented, and (iii) required monitoring
associated with the mitigating measures. It also describes institutional roles and
responsibilities during pre-construction, construction, and operation phases.

B. Institutional Arrangements

155. The MOFT is the Project executing agency and SW is the implementing agency,
operating through a PMU supported by a DSC which will include various specialists.

156. Project Management Unit. SW has established a PMU to prepare and implement
the Project. The PMU will be supported by a DSC. The PMU will include an environment
safeguards officer (ESO)4 who will receive training and capacity building form the
international environmental specialist (IES) included in the DSC. Together the ESO and
IES will ensure that all subprojects are implemented in accordance with the Project’s
EARF, environmental assessments are prepared, and development consents are
obtained, and compliance with each subproject EMP and development consent
conditions is monitored and reported.

157. Construction contractors. The contractors undertaking the works will be

responsible for ensuring that their activities comply with the environmental safeguard
requirements of the contract including the technical specifications. The contractor will
prepare a CEMP for review and approval by the PMU and DSC. The CEMP will be
activity, site and subproject-specific and detail how the contractor intends to meet the
environmental management requirements identified in the EMP of the IEE/PER. It will
be designed to ensure that appropriate environmental management practices are
applied throughout the construction period. The CEMP will include all of the site-specific
and sub-plans necessary to meet the standards and targets set out in the EMP. The
contractor will be required to employ a full-time environmental health and safety officer
(EHSO) to ensure compliance with all requirements concerning environmental, health
and safety, and labor regulations during construction. For the sewer outfalls subproject,
the contractor is required to engage a specialist suitably qualified in marine ecology as
either the EHSO, or at a minimum to prepare the CEMP and to be on call during the

158. Environment Conservation Division. The ECD will review the development
consent applications and issue, either with or without conditions, the consents. The
ECD will be invited to participate in joint inspections and audits during construction

159. A summary of the environmental management responsibilities for the Project is

presented in Table VIII-7.

Exact designation will be confirmed by PMU in due course
Table VIII-7: Summary of environmental management responsibilities in the Project
Project Implementation Management Roles and Responsibilities

Asian Development Bank / World  Review and clear IEEs/EMPs

Bank  Review bidding documents and clear CEMPs
 Review executing agency and implementing agency’s
submissions for procurement of goods, equipment, works and
 Conducts project review missions, midterm review mission and
project completion review mission to assess project
implementation progress of all outputs, compliance of project to
covenants including safeguards requirements
 Review semi-annual and annual EMR

Ministry of Finance and Treasury  Guide and monitor overall project execution
(executing agency)  Financial and procurement oversight
 Ensure flow of funds to the implementing agency and the timely
availability of counterpart funding
 Review and coordinate evaluation of bids for works, goods, and
consultant services

Project Steering Committee  Responsible for oversight and providing guidance and strategic
(PSC) direction to SW with respect to project implementation
 Ensure that the PMU is provided with the necessary resources to
effectively carry out its duties and responsibilities.

Solomon Islands Water Authority  Responsible for overall project implementation and monitoring at
(implementing agency) the implementing agency level
 Ensure adequate funding available for the PMU
 Submit semi-annual and annual monitoring reports to ADB
 Assist in resolving complaints brought through the GRM that
have not been resolved at lower levels

SW Project Management Unit  Responsible for overall project management, implementation and
 Responsible for supervision of design and supervision
 Responsible for SW’s application for a Development Consent
 Update the IEEs and EMPs based on the detailed design and
submit to ADB for clearance
 Ensure environmental safeguard concerns are incorporated in
the detailed engineering design
 Disclose safeguard documents, as appropriate
 Conduct awareness and consultations as per the CCP
 Submit monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual monitoring
report to SW Management
 Review and clear the CEMP of contractors
 Review contractor’s monthly reports
 Implement the GRM and maintain records of
 Ensure the contractor observes the GRM requirements
 Ensure contractor compliance with required resources for
mitigation measures as reflected in the CEMP

PMU Environment Officer  Ensure IEEs/EMPs are updated based on the final detailed
designs and their disclosure in locations and form accessible to
the public;
 Coordinate with the preparer of bid documents for the inclusion
of IEEs/EMPs and CEMP frameworks in the bidding documents
Project Implementation Management Roles and Responsibilities

and civil works contracts;

 Ensure required government permits and clearances acquired by
SW prior to actual construction activities;
 Establish system for monitoring environmental safeguards of the
Project as described in the IEEs/EMPs;
 Review, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented
mitigation measures and recommend corrective actions
whenever necessary;
 Prepare monthly environmental monitoring reports for
consolidation to the semi-annual monitoring reports for SW and
 Ensure grievance redress mechanism is activated prior to the
start of construction;
 During construction, conduct site visits and coordinate with the
project engineers to ensure that required environmental
mitigation measures are implemented at the construction sites,
 Coordinate with the contractors’ environment and safety officers
to ensure that environmental awareness trainings for workers are

Design and supervision  Responsible for overall design and supervision and monitoring
Consultants  Assist the PMU in updating the IEEs and EMPs based on the
detailed designs
 Evaluate the CEMPs and recommend to PMU for approval
 Evaluate the contractors' overall work schedules relative to the
requirements of the approved CEMPs
 Undertake site inspections prior to execution of construction
activities to ensure contractors' compliance to EMP/CEMP
 Ensure contractor’s implementation of EMP/CEMP
 Assist the PMU in GRM implementation
 Submit monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual monitoring
reports to PMU
 Submit a report to PMU on project's environmental compliance
performance upon completion of the construction activities

Contractor  Prepares and submit prior to construction the CEMP for review
by DSC’s Environment Specialist and for approval by PMU
 Understand the EMP requirements and allocate necessary
resources for implementation
 Activates an Environmental Health and Safety Officer (EHSO) to
ensure that the contractor complies with all requirements
concerning environmental, health and safety, and labor
regulations during construction
 Implement construction activities with the required mitigation
 Conduct environmental monitoring as required by EMP
 Act promptly on complaints and grievances concerning the
construction activities in accordance with the project’s GRM
 Submit monthly progress reports on CEMP/EMP implementation
to PMU

ECD of MECDM  Responsible for processing of SW’s application for a

Development Consent
 Monitors construction progress for compliance with the terms of
the issued Development Consent
 Monitors implementation of the mitigation measures and the
Project Implementation Management Roles and Responsibilities

EMP in general

Ministry of Mines, Energy and  Responsible for processing of contractor’s application for a
Rural Electrification (MMERE) building material permits (BMP) in regard to mining and
extraction of aggregates or gravel from rivers
 Monitors contractor’s compliance with the terms of the issued

C. Capacity Development Program

160. During pre-construction and construction period, the consultants who are providing
support to the environmental management activities of SW’s PMU will provide training
and guidance to SW’s staff on how to use a wastewater laboratory for both
environmental monitoring and wastewater treatment facilities operation. Since SW is
operating the sewerage system and will also operate in the future a wastewater
treatment plant, it is important that SW acquire the capacity for wastewater testing.
Hands-on training will increase staff’s level of proficiency in using a wastewater
laboratory and generate the required data for environmental monitoring and treatment
facilities operation.

161. The consultants’ tasks relative to the wastewater laboratory capacity building will
include the following:

a) Prepare a list of equipment and chemicals to be procured for a small laboratory to

test wastewater parameters indicated in General EHSG for Wastewater and
Ambient Water Quality (2007);

b) Provide guidance to SW staff on how to use a wastewater laboratory in assisting

the operation of the proposed septage treatment facility and the planned
wastewater treatment plant;

c) Prepare a training module on “Wastewater Laboratory Operation” and conduct

training for SW’s staff;

162. Indicative Costs. The costs estimated for implementation of environmental

safeguards (including capacity building, including the initial set-up for a wastewater
laboratory) for the Project are set out in Table VIII-8. SW has allocated a space for a
wastewater laboratory in its future office building.

Table VIII-8: Estimated Budget for Safeguards Implementation

Item Total Cost
PER development and reporting Incl. in DSC
Development consent applications 5,000
Monitoring and training 100,000
Laboratory (equipment, tools, chemicals, etc.) 75,000

Total 180,000

D. Environmental Mitigations and Monitoring Matrices

163. The EMP (including monitoring requirements) are presented below.

Table VIII-9: Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan of Mataniko and White River Trunk Mains subproject
Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Imple- Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure mentation Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency


Climate change vulnerability Climate change adaptation measures are: (i) Part of detailed Design SW’s PMU engineering verify engineering minimal
of Mataniko and White River results of engineering assessment on potential design cost Consultant drawings and drawings and cost
trunk mains site erosion of the routes of the Mataniko and specifications specifications/
White River trunk mains will be the basis for considered once
climate change adaptation considerations; and climate change
(ii) appropriate erosion protection for the trunk adaptation
mains will be determined to avoid structural features
failures of the pipeline when unprotected against
soil erosion.

Improper implementation of Tender documents and construction contract of Part of Design design and CEMP CEMP submittal by part of
the Mataniko and White River the Mataniko and White River Trunk Mains contractors' bid Consultant and supervision prepared by contractors to consultant’s
Trunk Mains subproject’s subproject will include provisions that will: (i) cost Contractor consultant contractors Engineer/ prior to task
EMP require the contractors to prepare their (DSC) and SW’s commencement of (minimal
respective Contractor's Environmental PMU site works cost)
Management Plan (CEMP) prior to the start of
the construction activities with details of staff,
resources, implementation schedules, as well as
monitoring and reporting procedures; (ii) issue a
CEMP framework as guidance for the contractor
in preparing a CEMP as part of his bid proposal;
and (iii) require the Owner’s Engineer to review
and approve the CEMP prior to site mobilization.

Complaints due to project- SW’s PMU and the contractors will: (i) establish Part of Contractor and DSC and SW’s consultation verify meetings part of
related impacts the approved project’s grievance redress contractors' bid SW’s PMU PMU meetings; documentation; consultant’s
mechanism (GRM); (ii) publicize the existence of cost specific Verify tender task
the project’s GRM through public awareness provisions in documents; verify (minimal
campaigns, website, billboards, public tender the in-placed cost)
notifications, etc; (iii) ensure that the names and documents on CACs/ after
contact numbers of representatives of the nuisance & completion of

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Imple- Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure mentation Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
contractors and SW’s PMU are placed on notice problems to meetings; once
boards at agreed locations and/or website. public; GRM after tender
activated with documents
community prepared

Disruption of utilities and SW and the contractors will: (i) coordinate with Part of Contractor and DSC and SW’s contractor’s verify contractor’s part of
services the other utilities companies regarding the contractors' bid SW’s PMU PMU coordination coordination consultant’s
potential disruptions; (ii) make provisions to cost with the other meetings and task
preserve the operation of current facilities, and utility notifications/ after (minimal
(iii) affected households and establishments will companies; completion of cost)
be notified well in advance of such disruptions. notification of meetings and
affected notifications

Improper disposal of The owner’s Engineer will: (i) require the Part of DSC cost DSC SW’s PMU contractor’s DSC disposal part of
excavation spoils contractors to submit a plan for the disposal of disposal plan sites’ inspection/ consultant’s
excess excavation spoils, and (ii) undertake for excess after contractor’s task
inspection and approval of the contractors’ excavation submittal (minimal
suggested disposal sites prior to actual spoils cost)

Potential damage to unknown Tender documents and construction contact will Part of specs Design SW’s PMU specific verify tender part of
archaeological and cultural include a provision that will: (i) require preparation cost Consultant provision in documents/ once consultant’s
assets construction activities to be stopped immediately tender after tender task
upon discovery of any unknown archaeological documents on documents (minimal
and cultural assets; and (ii) the contractor will archeological/ prepared cost)
promptly inform the local authorities and the cultural relics
Solomon Island National Museum about the


Soil erosion and sediment of The contractor will divert surface runoffs away Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s disturbed sites; visual inspection of part of DSC
construction sites from the exposed areas and prevent sediments contractors' bid PMU use of sites; plans contract;
from moving offsite. Measures may include, as cost appropriate verification/ daily minimal
appropriate for site conditions: (i) small sediment during rainy cost to SW
interceptor dikes, (ii) pipe slope drains, (iii) grass controls periods

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Imple- Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure mentation Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
bale barriers, (iv) silt fence, (v) sediment traps,
and (vi) temporary sediment basins; total
exposed area will be minimized as the
conditions allow

Extraction of local The contractor will provide sufficient information Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s government visual inspection of part of DSC
construction materials on the quarries and borrow pits to be used contractors' bid PMU permits or sites; plans contract;
including commercial sources; The following will cost approvals of verification/ weekly minimal
be required for quarries and borrow pits: (i) only quarries and cost to SW
licensed quarries will be used or the contractor borrow pits;
will obtain its own licenses (ii) borrow pits will be operational
covered by required government permits or plan; drainage
approvals, (iii) will not be located within 300 and sediment
meters of any urban area sensitive receptors, flow controls;
(iv) topsoil will be saved for rehabilitation during tops soil
closure of the quarries and borrow pits, (v) will management
be provided with drainage and sediment flow
controls, and (vi) closure will include fencing and
placement of warning sign to the public

Oil and other hazardous To prevent accidental releases, the contractors Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s measures visual inspection of part of DSC
materials releases. will be required to implement the following: (i) contractors' bid PMU required to sites; records contract;
provide maintenance shops, fuel and oil depot cost prevent verification/ daily minimal
with impermeable flooring with sump where accidental cost to SW
wash water and sludge can be collected for releases;
proper disposal; (ii) refueling and servicing of measures for
equipment should only be carried out in clean-up and
specified areas adequately equipped to avoid handling of
leaks and spills that could contaminate soil and contaminated
water resources; (iii) chemicals, hazardous materials;
substances and fuel will be stored on-site within training
an enclosed and covered secure area that has records of
an impervious floor and impervious bund around personnel for
it, (iv) storage area will be located away from hazardous
water-courses, flood-prone areas, work camps, materials;
and danger areas, (v) equipment maintenance records of
areas and fuel storage areas will be provided accidental
with drainage leading to an oil-water separator releases
that will be regularly skimmed of oil and
maintained to ensure efficiency; (vi) regularly
check containers for leakage and undertake
necessary repair or replacement; (vii) store

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Imple- Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure mentation Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
hazardous materials above flood level; (viii)
ensure all storage containers are in good
condition with proper labeling; and (ix) store
waste oil, used lubricant and other hazardous
wastes in tightly sealed containers to avoid
contamination of soil and water resources;
Measures for clean-up and handling of
contaminated materials include: (i) undertake
immediate clean-up of spills, (ii) oil stained
wastes and used oil should be collected and
disposed of through recyclers / authorized waste
handlers and disposal in authorized waste
facilities; (iii) ensure availability of spill cleanup
materials such as absorbent pads, (iv)
restoration of temporary work sites will include
removal, treatment, and proper disposal of oil
contaminated soils, (v) discharge of oil
contaminated water into the environment will be
prohibited; and (vi) construction personnel
designated to handle of fuels/hazardous
substances will be trained particularly in spill
control procedures

On-site air pollution due to The contractor will be required to do the Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s dust Visual inspection part of DSC
construction activities following: (i) regular water spraying of roads, contractors' bid PMU generation, of sites/ daily contract;
work areas and other construction-related cost water spraying, minimal
facilities to minimize dust generation; (ii) cover of cost to SW
construction materials stockpiles and spoils with stockpiles,
potential for significant dust generation to be smoke emitting
covered or sprayed with water, as appropriate, equipment,
to prevent fine materials from being blown; (iii) open burning
prohibit use of equipment and vehicles that emit of materials
dark sooty emissions; (iv) hauling trucks
transporting loose construction materials such
as sand, gravel, and spoils to be provided with
tight tarpaulin cover or other suitable materials to
avoid spills and dust emission; and (v) prohibit
burning of all types of wastes generated at the
construction sites, workers’ camps as well as
other project-related facilities and activities.
Improper solid waste The contractor will be required to: (i) provide Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s construction Visual inspection part of DSC
management garbage bins and facilities within the project site contractors' bid PMU wastes; waste of sites/ daily contract;

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Imple- Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure mentation Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
for temporary storage of construction waste and cost separation, minimal
domestic solid waste; (ii) separate solid waste temporary on- cost to SW
into hazardous, non-hazardous and reusable site waste
waste streams and store temporarily on-site in storage,
secure facilities with weatherproof flooring and regular
roofing; (iii) ensure that wastes are not disposal
haphazardly dumped within the project site and records,
adjacent areas; (iv) regular disposal of wastes to surplus
the Ranadi Landfill; (v) prohibit burning of all materials not
types of wastes; (vi) remove the construction removed upon
wastes from the sites after work completion, and completion
(vii) implement the required restoration of
disturbed sites.

The CEMP shall contain a subproject specific

waste management plan and describing all
waste types, amounts, disposal method,
transport documentation requirements, and
details of licensed waste treatment/recycling
facilities for each waste stream.

Construction noise and The contractor will exert extra efforts in reducing Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s noise levels Use of sound part of DSC
vibration the noise generation from his activities near contractors' bid PMU not to exceed levels meter; visual contract;
residential areas and the following nearby cost 55 dB(A) near inspection of sites/ minimal
sensitive receptors: Tuvaruhu School, Tuvaruhu residential daily cost to SW
Anglican Church, Varamata Church, Honiara areas during
High School, Planned Parenthood Clinic, daytime and
Mataniko Clinic, Rhema School, Rhema Family 45 dB(A) for
Church, Coronation School, HIPS School, nighttime;
Chung Wah School, National Referral Hospital, noisy
White River Mosque, White River School, White equipment not
River Clinic, White River Baptist Church. to be operated
between 19:00
The contractor will: (i) provide prior notification to – 06:00hrs;
the community on schedule of construction regular noise
activities; (ii) provide noisy equipment with noise level
reduction covers whenever applicable; (iii) monitoring by
position stationary equipment that produce contractor
elevated noise levels, such as diesel generators
and air compressors, as far as practicable from
houses and other receptors; (iv) prohibit
operation of noisy equipment and construction
works in populated areas and where sensitive

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Imple- Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure mentation Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
receptors are found during nighttime (19:00 –
06:00); (v) make prior notification and
consultation with the affected people and local
officials for necessary nighttime operation; (vi)
locate concrete batching plant, and rock
crushing plant at a reasonable distance away
from inhabited areas and sensitive receptors;
and (vii) conduct regular noise level monitoring
to determine compliance with WHO guidelines
for noise which should not to exceed 55 dB(A)
near residential areas during daytime and 45
dB(A) for nighttime

Vehicular traffic congestion The contractor will pay more attention at Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s contractor’s traffic plans part of DSC
and hindrance to public Mataniko Road up to the Kukum Highway and contractors' bid PMU traffic plan and verification; visual contract;
access along the White River route up to Mendana cost traffic inspection of sites/ minimal
Avenue and Mataniko junction and ultimately to management daily cost to SW
Panatina area personnel;
traffic signs in
The contractor to: (i) prepare a traffic plan and vicinity of
provide traffic management personnel to direct construction
the flow of traffic in the vicinity of the sites;
construction sites and construction-related contractor’s
facilities; (ii) closely coordinate with local work schedule
authorities for any closure of roads or rerouting related to
of vehicular traffic; (iii) provide traffic signs in the festivities,
vicinity of the construction sites to direct processions,
motorists and pedestrians; and (iv) minimize parades, etc.
disruption to local activities by timing the
construction activities with consideration to the
schedules of festivities, processions, parades,

Community health and safety The contractor to: (i) use barriers and install Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s work sites work sites safety part of DSC
signage to keep the public away from contractors' bid PMU safety plan; plan verification; contract;
constructions sites and excavation sites; (ii) cost warning signs, visual inspection of minimal
provide security personnel in hazardous areas to barricades, sites/ daily cost to SW
restrict public access; (iii) operate construction and night
night light at the vicinity of construction sites; lamps for open
and (iv) whenever necessary, provide adequate excavations,
safe passageways for the public crossing the lighting system
construction sites whose access to properties, for nighttime

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Imple- Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure mentation Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
establishments, etc. has been disrupted or operations;
blocked by the ongoing construction activities adequate safe
for the public
crossing the

Potential social issues due to Measures include: (i) induction of the workers on Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s Check records verification part of DSC
influx of imported workers requirements of the project’s regarding contractors' bid PMU implementation and visual contract;
community health and safety, grievance redress cost of workers inspection minimal
mechanism, and consultation and induction, / at start of work cost to SW
communications plan; (ii) implementation of required and monthly
protocols concerning the workers contact protocol,
between the local communities; (iii) awareness and
implementation of a communicable disease prevention
awareness and prevention program on the risk program on the
of disease spreading including sexually risk of disease
transmitted diseases and the human spreading,
immunodeficiency virus; and (iv) contractor’s workers camp
camp and yard will be secured by a fence and fencing
provided with warning signs to control
unauthorized access and prevent entry of the

Pollution and health risks due The contractor will be required to: (i) install Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s sanitary toilets, visual inspection of part of DSC
to workers’ camp proper sanitary facilities to prevent the contractors' bid PMU garbage bins, sites/ once before contract;
indiscriminate discharge of sanitary wastes at cost runoff controls start of minimal
the camps' surroundings, (ii) implement proper in camps construction and cost to SW
solid waste management, and (iii) prevent once monthly
surface runoffs from flowing into the workers
camps by using temporary diversion drains,
catch drains, and silt-traps

Occupational health and The contractor to implement good practices on Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s health and health and safety part of DSC
safety at work sites occupational health and safety at the contractors' bid PMU safety plan; plan verification; contract;
construction sites by: (i) implementing a cost first aid station; visual inspection of minimal
construction site health and safety management PPE, sites/ daily cost to SW
plan (CSHSMP), (ii) ensuring that an equipped sanitation
first aid station is available at all times, (iii) facilities; fire-
providing the workers with potable water and fighting
adequate sanitation facilities, (iv) providing the equipment and

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Imple- Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure mentation Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
workers with adequate and well-ventilated fire
camps and clean eating areas, (v) providing the extinguishers
workers with separate sleeping quarters for male
and female workers, (vi) providing the workers
with personal protective equipment (PPE) to
minimize exposure to a variety of hazards, and
(vii) providing fire-fighting equipment and fire
extinguishers in workshops, fuel storage
facilities, construction camps, and any sites
where fire hazard and risk are present.


Health hazard due to SW will implement an updated water safety plan Part of SW’s SW’s operations SW’s Operations water safety verify water safety part of
unplanned delivery of poor as advocated by the WHO to: (i) prevent operational cost personnel Dept. Mgt. plan plan SW’s
water quality contamination of the water sources, (ii) treat the implemented; implementation; operational
water to reduce or remove contamination that E. Coli water sampling cost
could be present and meet the water quality bacteria; and laboratory test/
targets, and (iii) prevent re-contamination during physical & monthly for plan
storage, distribution and handling of drinking chemical water and for bacteria;
water parameters annual for physical
& chemical
Public health risk due to Mitigations include: (i) identification of potential Part of SW’s SW’s Operations SW’s Operations written verify regular minimal
unplanned outages and causes of unplanned outages and emergencies operational cost Dept. Dept. Mgt management inspection and cost since it
emergencies of the water shall be conducted during operation of the water procedures for maintenance/ is only
supply system supply system and updated as necessary; (ii) unplanned weekly; verify visual
written management procedures for unplanned outages and implementation of inspection
outages and emergencies as required by the emergencies operating
water safety plan implementation (advocated by (per water procedures
WHO); (iii) regular inspection and maintenance safety plan); manual/ weekly;
of the backup power supplies and the associated schedules of verify
Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) of the backup inspection and implementation of
power supplies at the water pumping stations to maintenance water supply
ensure uninterrupted operation during power of pumping flushing and
failure; (iv) regular inspection and maintenance systems, disinfection plan/
of pumping systems and emergency backup emergency after incidents
systems to ensure that these are in good backup
working conditions; (v) implement flushing and systems, and
disinfection, as necessary, during unplanned automatic
outages and emergencies to prevent microbial transfer switch
contamination of the water supply system; (vi) of the backup
written standard operating procedures manual to power supplies
be available at the facilities to provide guidance at the water

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Imple- Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure mentation Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
to the water supply system’s staff on how to pumping
handle unplanned outages and emergencies; stations;
(vii) regular training of water supply system’s standard
staff on how to handle unplanned outages and operating
emergencies procedures
manual for
outages and
flushing and
plan for
outages and
training of
water supply
system’s staff;
outages and

Source: PPA consultants. 2018.

Table VIII-10: Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan of Service Reservoir Capacity Augmentation subproject
Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency


Climate change vulnerability Climate change adaptation Part of detailed Design SW’s PMU engineering drawings verify engineering minimal cost
of reservoir sites at Panatina measures are: (i) results of design cost Consultant and specifications drawings and
and Titingge areas engineering assessment on potential considered climate specifications/ once
site erosion of the reservoir sites at change adaptation
Panatina and Titingge areas will be features
the basis for climate change
adaptation considerations; and (ii)
appropriate erosion protection for the
reservoir sites will be determined to

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
avoid structural failures of the
reservoirs and the associated

Improper implementation of Tender documents and construction Part of Design design and CEMP prepared by CEMP submittal by part of
the Service Reservoir contract of the Service Reservoir contractors' bid Consultant and supervision contractors contractors to consultant’s
Capacity Augmentation Capacity Augmentation subproject cost Contractor consultant Engineer/ prior to task (minimal
subproject’s EMP will include provisions that will: (i) (DSC) and SW’s commencement of cost)
require the contractors to prepare PMU site works
their respective Contractor's
Environmental Management Plan
(CEMP) prior to the start of the
construction activities with details of
staff, resources, implementation
schedules, as well as monitoring and
reporting procedures; (ii) issue a
CEMP framework as guidance for
the contractor in preparing a CEMP
as part of his bid proposal; and (iii)
require the Owner’s Engineer to
review and approve the CEMP prior
to site mobilization.

Complaints due to project- SW’s PMU and the contractors will: Part of Contractor and DSC and SW’s consultation meetings; verify meetings part of
related impacts (i) establish the approved project’s contractors' bid SW’s PMU PMU specific provisions in documentation; consultant’s
grievance redress mechanism cost tender documents on Verify tender task (minimal
(GRM); (ii) publicize the existence of nuisance & problems documents; verify cost)
the project’s GRM through public to public;GRM the in-placed CACs/
awareness campaigns, website, activated with after completion of
billboards, public notifications, etc; community advisory meetings; once
(iii) ensure that the names and committees (CACs) after tender
contact numbers of representatives created documents
of the contractors and SW’s PMU prepared
are placed on notice boards at
agreed locations and/or website.

Disruption of utilities and SW and the contractors will: (i) Part of Contractor and DSC and SW’s contractor’s verify contractor’s part of
services coordinate with the other utilities contractors' bid SW’s PMU PMU coordination with the coordination consultant’s
companies regarding the potential cost other utility meetings and task (minimal
disruptions; (ii) make provisions to companies; notifications/ after cost)
preserve the operation of current notification of affected completion of
facilities, and (iii) affected households and meetings and
households and establishments will establishments notifications

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
be notified well in advance of such

Improper disposal of The owner’s Engineer will: (i) require Part of DSC DSC SW’s PMU contractor’s disposal DSC disposal sites’ part of
excavation spoils the contractors to submit a plan for cost plan for excess inspection/ after consultant’s
the disposal of excess excavation excavation spoils contractor’s task (minimal
spoils, and (ii) undertake inspection submittal cost)
and approval of the contractors’
suggested disposal sites prior to
actual construction

Potential damage to unknown Tender documents and construction Part of specs Design SW’s PMU specific provision in verify tender part of
archaeological and cultural contact will include a provision that preparation cost Consultant tender documents on documents/ once consultants task
assets will: (i) require construction activities archeological/ cultural after tender (minimal cost)
to be stopped immediately upon relics documents
discovery of any unknown prepared
archaeological and cultural assets;
and (ii) the contractor will promptly
inform the local authorities and the
Solomon Island National Museum
about the presence


Soil erosion and sediment of The contractor will divert surface Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s disturbed sites; use of visual inspection of part of DSC
construction sites runoffs away from the exposed contractors' bid PMU appropriate sediment sites; plans contract;
areas and prevent sediments from cost controls verification/ daily minimal cost to
moving offsite. Measures may during rainy periods SW
include, as appropriate for site
conditions: (i) small interceptor
dikes, (ii) pipe slope drains, (iii)
grass bale barriers, (iv) silt fence, (v)
sediment traps, and (vi) temporary
sediment basins; total exposed area
will be minimized as the conditions

Extraction of local The contractor will provide sufficient Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s government permits or visual inspection of part of DSC
construction materials information on the quarries and contractors' bid PMU approvals of quarries sites; plans contract;
borrow pits to be used including cost and borrow pits; verification/ weekly minimal cost to
commercial sources; The following operational plan; SW
will be required for quarries and drainage and
borrow pits: (i) only licensed quarries sediment flow

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
will be used or the contractor will controls; tops soil
obtain its own licenses (ii) borrow management
pits will be covered by required
government permits or approvals,
(iii) will not be located within 300
meters of any urban area sensitive
receptors, (iv) topsoil will be saved
for rehabilitation during closure of
the quarries and borrow pits, (v) will
be provided with drainage and
sediment flow controls, and (vi)
closure will include fencing and
placement of warning sign to the

Oil and other hazardous To prevent accidental releases, the Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s measures required to visual inspection of part of DSC
materials releases. contractors will be required to contractors' bid PMU prevent accidental sites; records contract;
implement the following: (i) provide cost releases; measures verification/ daily minimal cost to
maintenance shops, fuel and oil for clean-up and SW
depot with impermeable flooring with handling of
sump where wash water and sludge contaminated
can be collected for proper disposal; materials; training
(ii) refueling and servicing of records of personnel
equipment should only be carried out for hazardous
in specified areas adequately materials; records of
equipped to avoid leaks and spills accidental releases
that could contaminate soil and
water resources; (iii) chemicals,
hazardous substances and fuel will
be stored on-site within an enclosed
and covered secure area that has an
impervious floor and impervious
bund around it, (iv) storage area will
be located away from water-courses,
flood-prone areas, work camps, and
danger areas, (v) equipment
maintenance areas and fuel storage
areas will be provided with drainage
leading to an oil-water separator that
will be regularly skimmed of oil and
maintained to ensure efficiency; (vi)
regularly check containers for

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
leakage and undertake necessary
repair or replacement; (vii) store
hazardous materials above flood
level; (viii) ensure all storage
containers are in good condition with
proper labeling; and (ix) store waste
oil, used lubricant and other
hazardous wastes in tightly sealed
containers to avoid contamination of
soil and water resources; Measures
for clean-up and handling of
contaminated materials include: (i)
undertake immediate clean-up of
spills, (ii) oil stained wastes and
used oil should be collected and
disposed of through recyclers /
authorized waste handlers and
disposal in authorized waste
facilities; (iii) ensure availability of
spill cleanup materials such as
absorbent pads, (iv) restoration of
temporary work sites will include
removal, treatment, and proper
disposal of oil contaminated soils, (v)
discharge of oil contaminated water
into the environment will be
prohibited; and (vi) construction
personnel designated to handle of
fuels/hazardous substances will be
trained particularly in spill control

On-site air pollution due to The contractor will be required to do Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s dust generation, water visual inspection of part of DSC
construction activities the following: (i) regular water contractors' bid PMU spraying, cover of sites/ daily contract;
spraying of roads, work areas and cost stockpiles, smoke minimal cost to
other construction-related facilities to emitting equipment, SW
minimize dust generation; (ii) open burning of
construction materials stockpiles and materials
spoils with potential for significant
dust generation to be covered or
sprayed with water, as appropriate,
to prevent fine materials from being

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
blown; (iii) prohibit use of equipment
and vehicles that emit dark sooty
emissions; (iv) hauling trucks
transporting loose construction
materials such as sand, gravel, and
spoils to be provided with tight
tarpaulin cover or other suitable
materials to avoid spills and dust
emission; and (v) prohibit burning of
all types of wastes generated at the
construction sites, workers’ camps
as well as other project-related
facilities and activities.
Improper solid waste The contractor will be required to: (i) Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s construction wastes; visual inspection of part of DSC
management provide garbage bins and facilities contractors' bid PMU waste separation, sites/ daily contract;
within the project site for temporary cost temporary on-site minimal cost to
storage of construction waste and waste storage, regular SW
domestic solid waste; (ii) separate disposal records,
solid waste into hazardous, non- surplus materials not
hazardous and reusable waste removed upon
streams and store temporarily on- completion
site in secure facilities with
weatherproof flooring and roofing;
(iii) ensure that wastes are not
haphazardly dumped within the
project site and adjacent areas; (iv)
regular disposal of wastes to the
Ranadi Landfill; (v) prohibit burning
of all types of wastes; (vi) remove
the construction wastes from the
sites after work completion, and (vii)
implement the required restoration of
disturbed sites.

The CEMP shall contain a

subproject specific waste
management plan and describing all
waste types, amounts, disposal
method, transport documentation
requirements, and details of licensed
waste treatment/recycling facilities
for each waste stream.

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
Construction noise and The contractor will exert extra efforts Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s noise levels not to Use of sound levels part of DSC
vibration in reducing the noise generation contractors' bid PMU exceed 55 dB(A) near meter; visual contract;
from his activities near residential cost residential areas inspection of sites/ minimal cost to
areas. during daytime and 45 daily SW
dB(A) for nighttime;
The contractor will: (i) provide prior noisy equipment not
notification to the community on to be operated
schedule of construction activities; between 19:00 –
(ii) provide noisy equipment with 06:00hrs; regular
noise reduction covers whenever noise level monitoring
applicable; (iii) position stationary by contractor
equipment that produce elevated
noise levels, such as diesel
generators and air compressors, as
far as practicable from houses and
other receptors; (iv) prohibit
operation of noisy equipment and
construction works in populated
areas and where sensitive receptors
are found during nighttime (19:00 –
06:00); (v) make prior notification
and consultation with the affected
people and local officials for
necessary nighttime operation; (vi)
locate concrete batching plant, and
rock crushing plant at a reasonable
distance away from inhabited areas
and sensitive receptors; and (vii)
conduct regular noise level
monitoring to determine compliance
with WHO guidelines for noise which
should not to exceed 55 dB(A) near
residential areas during daytime and
45 dB(A) for nighttime

Vehicular traffic congestion The contractor to: (i) prepare a traffic Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s contractor’s traffic plan traffic plans part of DSC
and hindrance to public plan and provide traffic management contractors' bid PMU and traffic verification; visual contract;
access personnel to direct the flow of traffic cost management inspection of sites/ minimal cost to
in the vicinity of the construction personnel; traffic signs daily SW
sites and construction-related in vicinity of
facilities; (ii) closely coordinate with construction sites;
local authorities for any closure of contractor’s work

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
roads or rerouting of vehicular traffic; schedule related to
(iii) provide traffic signs in the vicinity festivities,
of the construction sites to direct processions, parades,
motorists and pedestrians; and (iv) etc.
minimize disruption to local activities
by timing the construction activities
with consideration to the schedules
of festivities, processions, parades,

Community health and safety The contractor to: (i) use barriers Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s work sites safety plan; work sites safety part of DSC
and install signage to keep the public contractors' bid PMU warning signs, plan verification; contract;
away from constructions sites and cost barricades, and night visual inspection of minimal cost to
excavation sites; (ii) provide security lamps for open sites/ daily SW
personnel in hazardous areas to excavations, lighting
restrict public access; (iii) operate system for nighttime
construction night light at the vicinity operations; adequate
of construction sites; and (iv) safe passageways for
whenever necessary, provide the public crossing the
adequate safe passageways for the construction sites
public crossing the construction sites
whose access to properties,
establishments, etc. has been
disrupted or blocked by the ongoing
construction activities

Potential social issues due to Measures include: (i) induction of the Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s Check implementation records verification part of DSC
influx of imported workers workers on requirements of the contractors' bid PMU of workers induction, and visual contract;
project’s regarding community health cost required protocol, inspection minimal cost to
and safety, grievance redress awareness and / at start of work SW
mechanism, and consultation and prevention program and monthly
communications plan; (ii) on the risk of disease
implementation of protocols spreading, workers
concerning the workers contact camp fencing
between the local communities; (iii)
implementation of a communicable
disease awareness and prevention
program on the risk of disease
spreading including sexually
transmitted diseases and the human
immunodeficiency virus; and (iv)
contractor’s camp and yard will be

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
secured by a fence and provided
with warning signs to control
unauthorized access and prevent
entry of the public.

Pollution and health risks due The contractor will be required to: (i) Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s Sanitary toilets, visual inspection of part of DSC
to workers’ camp install proper sanitary facilities to contractors' bid PMU garbage bins, runoff sites/ once before contract;
prevent the indiscriminate discharge cost controls in camps start of construction minimal cost to
of sanitary wastes at the camps' and once monthly SW
surroundings, (ii) implement proper
solid waste management, and (iii)
prevent surface runoffs from flowing
into the workers camps by using
temporary diversion drains, catch
drains, and silt-traps

Occupational health and The contractor to implement good Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s health and safety health and safety part of DSC
safety at work sites practices on occupational health and contractors' bid PMU plan; first aid station; plan verification; contract;
safety at the construction sites by: (i) cost PPE, sanitation visual inspection of minimal cost to
implementing a construction site facilities; fire-fighting sites/ daily SW
health and safety management plan equipment and fire
(CSHSMP), (ii) ensuring that an extinguishers
equipped first aid station is available
at all times, (iii) providing the
workers with potable water and
adequate sanitation facilities, (iv)
providing the workers with adequate
and well-ventilated camps and clean
eating areas, (v) providing the
workers with separate sleeping
quarters for male and female
workers, (vi) providing the workers
with personal protective equipment
(PPE) to minimize exposure to a
variety of hazards, and (vii) providing
fire-fighting equipment and fire
extinguishers in workshops, fuel
storage facilities, construction
camps, and any sites where fire
hazard and risk are present.


Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
Health hazard due to delivery SW will implement its updated water Part of SW’s SW’s SW’s Operations water safety plan verify water safety part of SW’s
of poor water quality safety plan as advocated by the operational cost Operations Dept. Mgt implemented; E. Coli plan operational cost
WHO to: (i) prevent contamination of Dept. bacteria; physical & implementation;
the water sources, (ii) treat the water chemical water water sampling and
to reduce or remove contamination parameters laboratory test/
that could be present and meet the monthly for plan
water quality targets, and (iii) prevent and for bacteria;
re-contamination during storage, annual for physical
distribution and handling of drinking & chemical

Reservoirs operational risk measures to reduce the operational Part of SW’s SW’s SW’s Operations use of facility health visual inspection; minimal cost
and safety risk and safety of water supply tank operational cost Operations Dept. Mgt and safety manual, records verification/ since it is only
include: (i) workers will be trained on Dept. chlorine handling weekly visual inspection
health and safety aspects of procedures, workers’
operating a water supply tank; (ii) a PPE for chlorine use
facility health and safety manual will and handling, facility
be prepared to address the fence
prevention, reduction and control of
occupational injury and illness. The
manual will among others: clearly
identify conditions that may cause
acute workers health and safety
problems, specify requirements that
all workers should comply during
normal operations and emergency
situations, and specify training
requirements for health and safety;
(iii) reduce the risks associated with
the use of chlorine gas as
disinfectant by observing the
following: chlorine gas cylinders will
be kept in separate safety rooms
and equipped with fully automated
chlorine gas shutoff system,
establish a system for the safe use
and handling of chlorine materials in
the work place, and provide the
workers with the appropriate PPE for
chlorine use and handling; and (iv)
provide the facility with a five-foot-
high fence to control access and
avoid exposing the public to any

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
hazard due to the presence of the
water supply tank.

Public health risk due to Mitigations include: (i) identification Part of SW’s SW’s SW’s Operations written management verify regular minimal cost
unplanned outages and of potential causes of unplanned operational cost Operations Dept. Mgt procedures for inspection and since it is only
emergencies of the water outages and emergencies shall be Dept. unplanned outages maintenance/ visual inspection
supply system conducted during operation of the and emergencies (per weekly; verify
water supply system and updated as water safety plan); implementation of
necessary; (ii) written management schedules of operating
procedures for unplanned outages inspection and procedures manual/
and emergencies as required by the maintenance of weekly; verify
water safety plan implementation pumping systems, implementation of
(advocated by WHO); (iii) regular emergency backup water supply
inspection and maintenance of the systems, and flushing and
backup power supplies and the automatic transfer disinfection plan/
associated Automatic Transfer switch of the backup after incidents
Switch (ATS) of the backup power power supplies at the
supplies at the water pumping water pumping
stations to ensure uninterrupted stations; standard
operation during power failure; (iv) operating procedures
regular inspection and maintenance manual for unplanned
of pumping systems and emergency outages and
backup systems to ensure that these emergencies; flushing
are in good working conditions; (v) and disinfection plan
implement flushing and disinfection, for unplanned outages
as necessary, during unplanned and emergencies;
outages and emergencies to prevent training of water
microbial contamination of the water supply system’s staff;
supply system; (vi) written standard unplanned outages
operating procedures manual to be and emergencies
available at the facilities to provide
guidance to the water supply
system’s staff on how to handle
unplanned outages and
emergencies; (vii) regular training of
water supply system’s staff on how
to handle unplanned outages and
Source: PPA consultants. 2018.

Table VIII-11: Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan of Sewer Outfall Rehabilitation subproject
Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency


Climate change vulnerability Climate change adaptation Part of detailed Design SW’s PMU engineering drawings verify engineering minimal cost
of the Point Cruz, Naha, and measures are: (i) results of design cost Consultant and specifications drawings and
KGVI sewerage outfalls engineering assessment of sea considered climate specifications/ once
level rise and wave action on change adaptation
potential coastal erosion and loss features
of head of the Point Cruz, Naha,
and KGVI sewerage outfalls will be
the basis for climate change
adaptation considerations; and (ii)
appropriate erosion protection for
the landward pipeline sections of
the Point Cruz, Naha, and KGVI
outfalls will be determined to avoid
structural failures of the pipelines
caused by coastal erosion

Improper implementation of Tender documents and Part of Design design and CEMP prepared by CEMP submittal by part of
the Sewer Outfall construction contract of the Sewer contractors' bid Consultant and supervision contractors contractors to consultant’s
Rehabilitation subproject’s Outfall Rehabilitation subproject cost Contractor consultant (DSC) Engineer/ prior to task (minimal
EMP will include provisions that will: (i) and SW’s PMU commencement of cost)
require the contractors to prepare site works
their respective Contractor's
Environmental Management Plan
(CEMP) prior to the start of the
construction activities with details
of staff, resources, implementation
schedules, as well as monitoring
and reporting procedures; (ii) issue
a CEMP framework as guidance
for the contractor in preparing a
CEMP as part of his bid proposal;
and (iii) require the Owner’s
Engineer to review and approve
the CEMP prior to site mobilization.

Complaints due to project- SW’s PMU and the contractors will: Part of Contractor and DSC and SW’s consultation meetings; verify meetings part of
related impacts (i) establish the approved project’s contractors' bid SW’s PMU PMU specific provisions in documentation; consultant’s
grievance redress mechanism cost tender documents on Verify tender task (minimal
(GRM); (ii) publicize the existence nuisance & problems documents; verify cost)

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
of the project’s GRM through to public;GRM the in-placed CACs/
public awareness campaigns, activated with after completion of
website, billboards, public community advisory meetings; once
notifications, etc; (iii) ensure that committees (CACs) after tender
the names and contact numbers of created documents
representatives of the contractors prepared
and SW’s PMU are place on notice
boards at agreed locations and/or

Disruption of utilities and SW and the contractors will: (i) Part of Contractor and DSC and SW’s contractor’s verify contractor’s part of
services coordinate with the other utilities contractors' bid SW’s PMU PMU coordination with the coordination consultant’s
companies regarding the potential cost other utility meetings and task (minimal
disruptions; (ii) make provisions to companies; notifications/ after cost)
preserve the operation of current notification of affected completion of
facilities, and (iii) affected households and meetings and
households and establishments establishments notifications
will be notified well in advance of
such disruptions.

Improper disposal of The owner’s Engineer will: (i) Part of DSC DSC SW’s PMU contractor’s disposal DSC disposal sites’ part of
excavation spoils require the contractors to submit a cost plan for excess inspection/ after consultant’s
plan for the disposal of excess excavation spoils contractor’s task (minimal
excavation spoils, and (ii) submittal cost)
undertake inspection and approval
of the contractors’ suggested
disposal sites prior to actual

Potential damage to unknown Tender documents and Part of specs Design SW’s PMU specific provision in verify tender part of
archaeological and cultural construction contact will include a preparation cost Consultant tender documents on documents/ once consultants
assets provision that will: (i) require archeological/ cultural after tender task (minimal
construction activities to be relics documents cost)
stopped immediately upon prepared
discovery of any unknown
archaeological and cultural assets;
and (ii) the contractor will promptly
inform the local authorities and the
Solomon Island National Museum
about the presence

Beach water quality impacts proposed lengths and discharge Included in Design SW’s PMU Nearshore and beach Results of Included in
from raw sewage discharge to depth of the 3 outfalls have to be Detailed Design Consultant water quality dispersion design

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
sea confirmed during detailed design to Consultant’s parameters modelling for consultancy
ensure that proper lengths were scope and cost detailed design of cost
selected for effective dilution by outfalls
undertaking dispersion modelling
and assessing pathogen and
contaminant concentrations in
nearshore areas

Soil erosion and sediment of The contractor will divert surface Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s disturbed sites; use of visual inspection of part of DSC
construction sites runoffs away from the exposed contractors' bid PMU appropriate sediment sites; plans contract;
areas and prevent sediments from cost controls verification/ daily minimal cost to
moving offsite by using measures during rainy periods SW
appropriate for site condition; total
exposed area will be minimized as
the conditions allow

Extraction of local The contractor will provide Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s government permits or visual inspection of part of DSC
construction materials sufficient information on the contractors' bid PMU approvals of quarries sites; plans contract;
quarries and borrow pits to be cost and borrow pits; verification/ weekly minimal cost to
used including commercial operational plan; SW
sources; The following will be drainage and
required for quarries and borrow sediment flow
pits: (i) only licensed quarries will controls; tops soil
be used or the contractor will management
obtain its own licenses (ii) borrow
pits will be covered by required
government permits or approvals,
(iii) will not be located within 300
meters of any urban area sensitive
receptors, (iv) topsoil will be saved
for rehabilitation during closure of
the quarries and borrow pits, (v)
will be provided with drainage and
sediment flow controls, and (vi)
closure will include fencing and
placement of warning sign to the

Oil and other hazardous To prevent accidental releases, the Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s measures required to visual inspection of part of DSC
materials releases. contractors will be required to contractors' bid PMU prevent accidental sites; records contract;
implement the following: (i) provide cost releases; measures verification/ daily minimal cost to

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
maintenance shops, fuel and oil for clean-up and SW
depot with impermeable flooring handling of
with sump where wash water and contaminated
sludge can be collected for proper materials; training
disposal; (ii) refueling and servicing records of personnel
of equipment should only be for hazardous
carried out in specified areas materials; records of
adequately equipped to avoid accidental releases
leaks and spills that could
contaminate soil and water
resources; (iii) chemicals,
hazardous substances and fuel will
be stored on-site within an
enclosed and covered secure area
that has an impervious floor and
impervious bund around it, (iv)
storage area will be located away
from water-courses, flood-prone
areas, work camps, and danger
areas, (v) equipment maintenance
areas and fuel storage areas will
be provided with drainage leading
to an oil-water separator that will
be regularly skimmed of oil and
maintained to ensure efficiency;
(vi) regularly check containers for
leakage and undertake necessary
repair or replacement; (vii) store
hazardous materials above flood
level; (viii) ensure all storage
containers are in good condition
with proper labeling; and (ix) store
waste oil, used lubricant and other
hazardous wastes in tightly sealed
containers to avoid contamination
of soil and water resources;
Measures for clean-up and
handling of contaminated materials
include: (i) undertake immediate
clean-up of spills, (ii) oil stained
wastes and used oil should be
collected and disposed of through
recyclers / authorized waste

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
handlers and disposal in
authorized waste facilities; (iii)
ensure availability of spill cleanup
materials such as absorbent pads,
(iv) restoration of temporary work
sites will include removal,
treatment, and proper disposal of
oil contaminated soils, (v)
discharge of oil contaminated
water into the environment will be
prohibited; and (vi) construction
personnel designated to handle of
fuels/hazardous substances will be
trained particularly in spill control

On-site air pollution due to The contractor will be required to Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s dust generation, water Visual inspection of part of DSC
construction activities do the following: (i) regular water contractors' bid PMU spraying, cover of sites/ daily contract;
spraying of roads, work areas and cost stockpiles, smoke minimal cost to
other construction-related facilities emitting equipment, SW
to minimize dust generation; (ii) open burning of
construction materials stockpiles materials
and spoils with potential for
significant dust generation to be
covered or sprayed with water, as
appropriate, to prevent fine
materials from being blown; (iii)
prohibit use of equipment and
vehicles that emit dark sooty
emissions; (iv) hauling trucks
transporting loose construction
materials such as sand, gravel,
and spoils to be provided with tight
tarpaulin cover or other suitable
materials to avoid spills and dust
emission; and (v) prohibit burning
of all types of wastes generated at
the construction sites, workers’
camps as well as other project-
related facilities and activities.
Improper solid waste The contractor will be required to: Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s construction wastes; Visual inspection of part of DSC
management (i) provide garbage bins and contractors' bid PMU waste separation, sites/ daily contract;

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
facilities within the project site for cost temporary on-site minimal cost to
temporary storage of construction waste storage, regular SW
waste and domestic solid waste; disposal records,
(ii) separate solid waste into surplus materials not
hazardous, non-hazardous and removed upon
reusable waste streams and store completion
temporarily on-site in secure
facilities with weatherproof flooring
and roofing; (iii) ensure that wastes
are not haphazardly dumped within
the project site and adjacent areas;
(iv) regular disposal of wastes to
the Ranadi Landfill; (v) prohibit
burning of all types of wastes; (vi)
remove the construction wastes
from the sites after work
completion, and (vii) implement the
required restoration of disturbed

The CEMP shall contain a

subproject specific waste
management plan and describing
all waste types, amounts, disposal
method, transport documentation
requirements, and details of
licensed waste treatment/recycling
facilities for each waste stream.

Existing Outfalls Removal and The contractor will be required to Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s Existing outfalls Visual inspection of part of DSC
Beach Cleanup prepare an implement: (i) an contractors' bid PMU components; sites/ daily contract;
inventory of the existing outfalls cost contaminated beach minimal cost to
components to be removed; (ii) a materials SW
removal and disposal plan for
existing outfalls components,
including the assessment if any of
the wastes are hazardous and
prescribe the appropriate handling
and disposal for such wastes; (iii) a
beach cleanup plan for the beach
area of the existing outfalls,
including the assessment if any
beach portions are heavily

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
contaminated and need to be
transported to a disposal site.

Marine bottom disturbance The contractor will use silt curtains Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s silts in seawater, silt Visual inspection of part of DSC
or other appropriate methods contractors' bid PMU curtains or other sites/ daily contract;
during outfall pipeline installation in cost appropriate methods minimal cost to
the sea to prevent the transport of to prevent the SW
marine sediments out of the work transport of sediment
sites (outfall pipeline alignment) out of marine work
and into the surrounding sites

Construction noise and The contractor will: (i) provide prior Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s noise levels not to Use of sound levels part of DSC
vibration notification to the community on contractors' bid PMU exceed 55 dB(A) near meter; visual contract;
schedule of construction activities; cost residential areas inspection of sites/ minimal cost to
(ii) provide noisy equipment with during daytime and 45 daily SW
noise reduction covers whenever dB(A) for nighttime;
applicable; (iii) position stationary noisy equipment not to
equipment that produce elevated be operated between
noise levels, such as diesel 19:00 – 06:00hrs;
generators and air compressors, regular noise level
as far as practicable from houses monitoring by
and other receptors; (iv) prohibit contractor
operation of noisy equipment and
construction works in populated
areas and where sensitive
receptors are found during
nighttime (19:00 – 06:00); (v) make
prior notification and consultation
with the affected people and local
officials for necessary nighttime
operation; (vi) locate concrete
batching plant, and rock crushing
plant at a reasonable distance
away from inhabited areas and
sensitive receptors; and (vii)
conduct regular noise level
monitoring to determine
compliance with WHO guidelines
for noise which should not to
exceed 55 dB(A) near residential
areas during daytime and 45 dB(A)
for nighttime

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency

Vehicular traffic congestion The contractor to: (i) prepare a Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s contractor’s traffic plan traffic plans part of DSC
and hindrance to public traffic plan and provide traffic contractors' bid PMU and traffic verification; visual contract;
access management personnel to direct cost management inspection of sites/ minimal cost to
the flow of traffic in the vicinity of personnel; traffic signs daily SW
the construction sites and in vicinity of
construction-related facilities; (ii) construction sites;
closely coordinate with local contractor’s work
authorities for any closure of roads schedule related to
or rerouting of vehicular traffic; (iii) festivities,
provide traffic signs in the vicinity processions, parades,
of the construction sites to direct etc.
motorists and pedestrians; and (iv)
minimize disruption to local
activities by timing the construction
activities with consideration to the
schedules of festivities,
processions, parades, etc.

Community health and safety The contractor to: (i) use barriers Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s work sites safety plan; work sites safety part of DSC
and install signage to keep the contractors' bid PMU warning signs, plan verification; contract;
public away from constructions cost barricades, and night visual inspection of minimal cost to
sites and excavation sites; (ii) lamps for open sites/ daily SW
provide security personnel in excavations, lighting
hazardous areas to restrict public system for nighttime
access; (iii) operate construction operations; adequate
night light at the vicinity of safe passageways for
construction sites; and (iv) the public crossing the
whenever necessary, provide construction sites
adequate safe passageways for
the public crossing the construction
sites whose access to properties,
establishments, etc. has been
disrupted or blocked by the
ongoing construction activities

Potential social issues due to Measures include: (i) induction of Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s Check implementation records verification part of DSC
influx of imported workers the workers on requirements of the contractors' bid PMU of workers induction, and visual contract;
project’s regarding community cost required protocol, inspection minimal cost to
health and safety, grievance awareness and / at start of work SW
redress mechanism, and prevention program on and monthly
consultation and communications the risk of disease

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
plan; (ii) implementation of spreading, workers
protocols concerning the workers camp fencing
contact between the local
communities; (iii) implementation
of a communicable disease
awareness and prevention
program on the risk of disease
spreading including sexually
transmitted diseases and the
human immunodeficiency virus;
and (iv) contractor’s camp and
yard will be secured by a fence
and provided with warning signs to
control unauthorized access and
prevent entry of the public.

Pollution and health risks due The contractor will be required to: Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s Sanitary toilets, visual inspection of part of DSC
to workers’ camp (i) install proper sanitary facilities to contractors' bid PMU garbage bins, runoff sites/ once before contract;
prevent the indiscriminate cost controls in camps start of construction minimal cost to
discharge of sanitary wastes at the and once monthly SW
camps' surroundings, (ii)
implement proper solid waste
management, and (iii) prevent
surface runoffs from flowing into
the workers camps by using
temporary diversion drains, catch
drains, and silt-traps

Occupational health and The contractor to implement good Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s health and safety plan; health and safety part of DSC
safety at work sites practices on occupational health contractors' bid PMU first aid station; PPE, plan verification; contract;
and safety at the construction sites cost sanitation facilities; visual inspection of minimal cost to
by: (i) implementing a construction fire-fighting equipment sites/ daily SW
site health and safety management and fire extinguishers
plan (CSHSMP), (ii) ensuring that
an equipped first aid station is
available at all times, (iii) providing
the workers with potable water and
adequate sanitation facilities, (iv)
providing the workers with
adequate and well-ventilated
camps and clean eating areas, (v)
providing the workers with

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
separate sleeping quarters for
male and female workers, (vi)
providing the workers with
personal protective equipment
(PPE) to minimize exposure to a
variety of hazards, and (vii)
providing fire-fighting equipment
and fire extinguishers in
workshops, fuel storage facilities,
construction camps, and any sites
where fire hazard and risk are


Improve overall sewage Enhancement measures are: (i) Part of SW’s SW’s sewerage SW’s Operations broken sections of visual inspection/ minimal cost
discharges to the sea regular monitoring and effective operational cost personnel for Dept. Mgt. Point Cruz, Naha, and weekly water testing since it is only
maintenance of the outfalls during regular KGVI sewerage visual
operation to ensure that there will maintenance outfalls; nearshore inspection/
be no broken sections in order to area E. Coli bacteria Operational
maintain the sufficient distance concentrations cost of running
from the shoreline of the discharge waste water
points testing
Public health risk due to Mitigations include: (i) identification Part of SW’s SW’s Operations SW’s Operations written management verify regular minimal cost
unplanned outages and of potential causes of unplanned operational cost Dept. Dept. Mgt procedures for inspection and since it is only
emergencies of sewerage outages and emergencies shall be unplanned outages maintenance/ visual
system conducted during operation of the and emergencies; weekly; verify inspection
sewerage system and updated as schedules of implementation of
necessary; (ii) written management inspection and operating
procedures for unplanned outages maintenance of procedures manual/
and emergencies; (iii) regular pumping systems, weekly; verify
inspection and maintenance of the emergency backup implementation of
backup power supplies and the systems, and water supply
associated Automatic Transfer automatic transfer flushing and
Switch (ATS) of the backup power switch of the backup disinfection plan/
supplies at the sewage pumping power supplies at the after incidents
stations to ensure uninterrupted sewage pumping
operation during power failure; (iv) stations; standard
regular inspection and operating procedures
maintenance of pumping systems manual for unplanned
and emergency backup systems to outages and

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Mitigation Cost Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Parameters Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Enhancement Measure Monitoring to be monitored Monitoring/ Cost
Impact Frequency
ensure that these are in good emergencies; flushing
working conditions; (vi) written and disinfection plan
standard operating procedures for unplanned outages
manual to be available at the and emergencies;
facilities to provide guidance to the training of sewerage
sewerage system’s staff on how to system’s staff;
handle unplanned outages and unplanned outages
emergencies; (vii) regular training and emergencies
ofsewerage system’s staff on how
to handle unplanned outages and
Source: PPA consultants. 2018.

Table VIII-12: Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan of Sewage Pumping Stations Refurbishment subproject
Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Enhancement Mitigation Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Measure Cost Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency


Climate change vulnerability Climate change adaptation measures are: (i) results Part of Design SW’s PMU engineering verify minimal cost
of Honiara’s sewerage of the onsite flooding study and engineering detailed Consultant drawings and engineering
pipelines and sewerage assessment on potential site erosion of the design cost specifications drawings and
pumping stations sewerage pipelines routes and sewerage pumping considered specifications/
stations locations will be the basis for climate change climate change once
adaptation considerations; (ii) appropriate erosion adaptation
protection for the sewer pipelines and pumping features
stations will be determined to avoid structural failures
of the pipelines and pumping stations; (iii) heights of
all above-ground structures will be on sufficient
levels to avoid submergence during large floods; and
(iv) appropriate flood protection works for the above-
ground structures will be determine using results of
the onsite flooding study

Improper implementation of Tender documents and construction contract of the Part of Design design and CEMP CEMP part of
the Sewage Pumping Sewage Pumping Stations Refurbishment subproject contractors' Consultant and supervision prepared by submittal by consultant’s
Stations Refurbishment will include provisions that will: (i) require the bid cost Contractor consultant contractors contractors to task (minimal
subproject’s EMP contractors to prepare their respective Contractor's (DSC) and Engineer/ prior cost)
Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) prior to SW’s PMU to
the start of the construction activities with details of commencement
staff, resources, implementation schedules, as well of site works
as monitoring and reporting procedures; (ii) issue a
CEMP framework as guidance for the contractor in
preparing a CEMP as part of his bid proposal; and
(iii) require the Owner’s Engineer to review and
approve the CEMP prior to site mobilization.

Complaints due to project- SW’s PMU and the contractors will: (i) establish the Part of Contractor and DSC and SW’s consultation verify meetings part of
related impacts approved project’s grievance redress mechanism contractors' SW’s PMU PMU meetings; documentation; consultant’s
(GRM); (ii) publicize the existence of the project’s bid cost specific Verify tender task (minimal
GRM through public awareness campaigns, website, provisions in documents; cost)
billboards, public notifications, etc; (iii) ensure that tender verify the in-
the names and contact numbers of representatives documents on placed CACs/
of the contractors and SW’s PMU are placed on nuisance & after completion
notice boards at agreed locations and/or website. problems to of meetings;
public;GRM once after
activated with tender
community documents

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Enhancement Mitigation Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Measure Cost Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
advisory prepared

Disruption of utilities and SW and the contractors will: (i) coordinate with the Part of Contractor and DSC and SW’s contractor’s verify part of
services other utilities companies regarding the potential contractors' SW’s PMU PMU coordination contractor’s consultant’s
disruptions; (ii) make provisions to preserve the bid cost with the other coordination task (minimal
operation of current facilities, and (iii) affected utility meetings and cost)
households and establishments will be notified well companies; notifications/
in advance of such disruptions. notification of after completion
affected of meetings and
households notifications

Improper disposal of The owner’s Engineer will: (i) require the contractors Part of DSC DSC SW’s PMU contractor’s DSC disposal part of
excavation spoils to submit a plan for the disposal of excess cost disposal plan sites’ consultant’s
excavation spoils, and (ii) undertake inspection and for excess inspection/ after task (minimal
approval of the contractors’ suggested disposal sites excavation contractor’s cost)
prior to actual construction spoils submittal

Potential damage to unknown Tender documents and construction contact will Part of specs Design SW’s PMU specific verify tender part of
archaeological and cultural include a provision that will: (i) require construction preparation Consultant provision in documents/ consultants
assets activities to be stopped immediately upon discovery cost tender once after task (minimal
of any unknown archaeological and cultural assets; documents on tender cost)
and (ii) the contractor will promptly inform the local archeological/ documents
authorities and the Solomon Island National Museum cultural relics prepared
about the presence


Soil erosion and sediment of The contractor will divert surface runoffs away from Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s disturbed sites; visual part of DSC
construction sites the exposed areas and prevent sediments from contractors' PMU use of inspection of contract;
moving offsite. Measures may include, as bid cost appropriate sites; plans minimal cost to
appropriate for site conditions: (i) small interceptor sediment verification/ SW
dikes, (ii) pipe slope drains, (iii) grass bale barriers, controls daily during
(iv) silt fence, (v) sediment traps, and (vi) temporary rainy periods
sediment basins; total exposed area will be
minimized as the conditions allow

Extraction of local The contractor will provide sufficient information on Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s government visual part of DSC
construction materials the quarries and borrow pits to be used including contractors' PMU permits or inspection of contract;

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Enhancement Mitigation Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Measure Cost Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
commercial sources; The following will be required bid cost approvals of sites; plans minimal cost to
for quarries and borrow pits: (i) only licensed quarries and verification/ SW
quarries will be used or the contractor will obtain its borrow pits; weekly
own licenses (ii) borrow pits will be covered by operational
required government permits or approvals, (iii) will plan; drainage
not be located within 300 meters of any urban area and sediment
sensitive receptors, (iv) topsoil will be saved for flow controls;
rehabilitation during closure of the quarries and tops soil
borrow pits, (v) will be provided with drainage and management
sediment flow controls, and (vi) closure will include
fencing and placement of warning sign to the public

Oil and other hazardous To prevent accidental releases, the contractors will Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s measures visual part of DSC
materials releases. be required to implement the following: (i) provide contractors' PMU required to inspection of contract;
maintenance shops, fuel and oil depot with bid cost prevent sites; records minimal cost to
impermeable flooring with sump where wash water accidental verification/ SW
and sludge can be collected for proper disposal; (ii) releases; daily
refueling and servicing of equipment should only be measures for
carried out in specified areas adequately equipped to clean-up and
avoid leaks and spills that could contaminate soil handling of
and water resources; (iii) chemicals, hazardous contaminated
substances and fuel will be stored on-site within an materials;
enclosed and covered secure area that has an training
impervious floor and impervious bund around it, (iv) records of
storage area will be located away from water- personnel for
courses, flood-prone areas, work camps, and danger hazardous
areas, (v) equipment maintenance areas and fuel materials;
storage areas will be provided with drainage leading records of
to an oil-water separator that will be regularly accidental
skimmed of oil and maintained to ensure efficiency; releases
(vi) regularly check containers for leakage and
undertake necessary repair or replacement; (vii)
store hazardous materials above flood level; (viii)
ensure all storage containers are in good condition
with proper labeling; and (ix) store waste oil, used
lubricant and other hazardous wastes in tightly
sealed containers to avoid contamination of soil and
water resources; Measures for clean-up and
handling of contaminated materials include: (i)
undertake immediate clean-up of spills, (ii) oil
stained wastes and used oil should be collected and
disposed of through recyclers / authorized waste

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Enhancement Mitigation Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Measure Cost Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
handlers and disposal in authorized waste facilities;
(iii) ensure availability of spill cleanup materials such
as absorbent pads, (iv) restoration of temporary work
sites will include removal, treatment, and proper
disposal of oil contaminated soils, (v) discharge of oil
contaminated water into the environment will be
prohibited; and (vi) construction personnel
designated to handle of fuels/hazardous substances
will be trained particularly in spill control procedures

On-site air pollution due to The contractor will be required to do the following: (i) Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s dust Visual part of DSC
construction activities regular water spraying of roads, work areas and contractors' PMU generation, inspection of contract;
other construction-related facilities to minimize dust bid cost water spraying, sites/ daily minimal cost to
generation; (ii) construction materials stockpiles and cover of SW
spoils with potential for significant dust generation to stockpiles,
be covered or sprayed with water, as appropriate, to smoke emitting
prevent fine materials from being blown; (iii) prohibit equipment,
use of equipment and vehicles that emit dark sooty open burning
emissions; (iv) hauling trucks transporting loose of materials
construction materials such as sand, gravel, and
spoils to be provided with tight tarpaulin cover or
other suitable materials to avoid spills and dust
emission; and (v) prohibit burning of all types of
wastes generated at the construction sites, workers’
camps as well as other project-related facilities and
Improper solid waste The contractor will be required to: (i) provide Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s construction Visual part of DSC
management garbage bins and facilities within the project site for contractors' PMU wastes; waste inspection of contract;
temporary storage of construction waste and bid cost separation, sites/ daily minimal cost to
domestic solid waste; (ii) separate solid waste into temporary on- SW
hazardous, non-hazardous and reusable waste site waste
streams and store temporarily on-site in secure storage,
facilities with weatherproof flooring and roofing; (iii) regular
ensure that wastes are not haphazardly dumped disposal
within the project site and adjacent areas; (iv) regular records,
disposal of wastes to the Ranadi Landfill; (v) prohibit surplus
burning of all types of wastes; (vi) remove the materials not
construction wastes from the sites after work removed upon
completion, and (vii) implement the required completion
restoration of disturbed sites.

The CEMP shall contain a subproject specific waste


Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Enhancement Mitigation Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Measure Cost Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
management plan and describing all waste types,
amounts, disposal method, transport documentation
requirements, and details of licensed waste
treatment/recycling facilities for each waste stream.

Construction noise and The contractor will exert extra efforts in reducing the Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s noise levels Use of sound part of DSC
vibration noise generation from his activities near residential contractors' PMU not to exceed levels meter; contract;
areas and the following nearby sensitive receptors: bid cost 55 dB(A) near visual minimal cost to
Rove Clinic, Police Academy, St Johns School, residential inspection of SW
YWCA Kindy, Tuvaruhu Anglican Church, Tuvaruhu areas during sites/ daily
School, Varamata SDA Church,Honiara High daytime and
School, Planned Parenthood Clinic, Mataniko Clinic, 45 dB(A) for
Rhema Family Church, Rhema School, Coronation nighttime;
School, Chung Wah School, Lord Howe Settlement noisy
Anglican Church, National Referral Hospital, St equipment not
Barnabas Cathedral, Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom to be operated
Hall, Kukum Clinic, Florence Young School, Kukum between 19:00
SDA School, dKukum SDA Church, Woodford – 06:00hrs;
International School, King George VI School, King regular noise
George VCI Clinic, Eden Early Childhood Education level
School. monitoring by
The contractor will: (i) provide prior notification to the
community on schedule of construction activities; (ii)
provide noisy equipment with noise reduction covers
whenever applicable; (iii) position stationary
equipment that produce elevated noise levels, such
as diesel generators and air compressors, as far as
practicable from houses and other receptors; (iv)
prohibit operation of noisy equipment and
construction works in populated areas and where
sensitive receptors are found during nighttime (19:00
– 06:00); (v) make prior notification and consultation
with the affected people and local officials for
necessary nighttime operation; (vi) locate concrete
batching plant, and rock crushing plant at a
reasonable distance away from inhabited areas and
sensitive receptors; and (vii) conduct regular noise
level monitoring to determine compliance with WHO
guidelines for noise which should not to exceed 55
dB(A) near residential areas during daytime and 45
dB(A) for nighttime

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Enhancement Mitigation Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Measure Cost Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency

Vehicular traffic congestion The contractor will pay more attention to routes from Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s contractor’s traffic plans part of DSC
and hindrance to public Rove to Point Cruz along Mendana Avenue, then to contractors' PMU traffic plan and verification; contract;
access the Mataniko junction along the Kukum Highway, all bid cost traffic visual minimal cost to
the way to Naha outfall site and the Panatina and management inspection of SW
Ranadi areas. personnel; sites/ daily
traffic signs in
The contractor to: (i) prepare a traffic plan and vicinity of
provide traffic management personnel to direct the construction
flow of traffic in the vicinity of the construction sites sites;
and construction-related facilities; (ii) closely contractor’s
coordinate with local authorities for any closure of work schedule
roads or rerouting of vehicular traffic; (iii) provide related to
prior notification to the community on schedule of festivities,
construction activities; (iv) provide traffic signs in the processions,
vicinity of the construction sites to direct motorists parades, etc.
and pedestrians; and (v) minimize disruption to local
activities by timing the construction activities with
consideration to the schedules of festivities,
processions, parades, etc

Community health and safety The contractor to: (i) use barriers and install signage Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s work sites work sites part of DSC
to keep the public away from constructions sites and contractors' PMU safety plan; safety plan contract;
excavation sites; (ii) provide security personnel in bid cost warning signs, verification; minimal cost to
hazardous areas to restrict public access; (iii) barricades, visual SW
operate construction night light at the vicinity of and night inspection of
construction sites; and (iv) whenever necessary, lamps for open sites/ daily
provide adequate safe passageways for the public excavations,
crossing the construction sites whose access to lighting system
properties, establishments, etc. has been disrupted for nighttime
or blocked by the ongoing construction activities operations;
adequate safe
for the public
crossing the

Potential social issues due to Measures include: (i) induction of the workers on Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s Check records part of DSC
influx of imported workers requirements of the project’s regarding community contractors' PMU implementation verification and contract;
health and safety, grievance redress mechanism, bid cost of workers visual minimal cost to
and consultation and communications plan; (ii) induction, inspection SW
implementation of protocols concerning the workers required / at start of work

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Enhancement Mitigation Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Measure Cost Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
contact between the local communities; (iii) protocol, and monthly
implementation of a communicable disease awareness and
awareness and prevention program on the risk of prevention
disease spreading including sexually transmitted program on the
diseases and the human immunodeficiency virus; risk of disease
and (iv) contractor’s camp and yard will be secured spreading,
by a fence and provided with warning signs to workers camp
control unauthorized access and prevent entry of the fencing

Pollution and health risks due The contractor will be required to: (i) install proper Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s Sanitary visual part of DSC
to workers’ camp sanitary facilities to prevent the indiscriminate contractors' PMU toilets, inspection of contract;
discharge of sanitary wastes at the camps' bid cost garbage bins, sites/ once minimal cost to
surroundings, (ii) implement proper solid waste runoff controls before start of SW
management, and (iii) prevent surface runoffs from in camps construction
flowing into the workers camps by using temporary and once
diversion drains, catch drains, and silt-traps monthly

Occupational health and The contractor to implement good practices on Part of Contractor DSC and SW’s health and health and part of DSC
safety at work sites occupational health and safety at the construction contractors' PMU safety plan; safety plan contract;
sites by: (i) implementing a construction site health bid cost first aid station; verification; minimal cost to
and safety management plan (CSHSMP), (ii) PPE, visual SW
ensuring that an equipped first aid station is sanitation inspection of
available at all times, (iii) providing the workers with facilities; fire- sites/ daily
potable water and adequate sanitation facilities, (iv) fighting
providing the workers with adequate and well- equipment and
ventilated camps and clean eating areas, (v) fire
providing the workers with separate sleeping extinguishers
quarters for male and female workers, (vi) providing
the workers with personal protective equipment
(PPE) to minimize exposure to a variety of hazards,
and (vii) providing fire-fighting equipment and fire
extinguishers in workshops, fuel storage facilities,
construction camps, and any sites where fire hazard
and risk are present.


Health and safety risks in facility hazards identification will be conducted during Part of SW’s SW’s SW’s Mgt. facility hazards verify health minimal cost
sewerage system operation the initial operation phase of the pumping stations operational Operations identification and safety since it is only
and updated as necessary; written facility health and cost Dept. conducted manual visual
safety manual will be prepared to address the during initial implementation/ inspection

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Enhancement Mitigation Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Measure Cost Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
prevention, reduction and control of occupational operation; weekly
injury and illness of Honiara City’s sewerage system facility health
operation. The manual will among others: (i) clearly and safety
identify conditions that may cause acute workers manual; spills
health and safety problems, (ii) specify requirements and accidents
that all workers should comply, (iii) specify
management of spills, and (iv) specify training
requirements for health and safety

Public health risk due to Mitigations include: (i) identification of potential Part of SW’s SW’s SW’s written verify regular minimal cost
unplanned outages and causes of unplanned outages and emergencies shall operational Operations Operations management inspection and since it is only
emergencies of sewerage be conducted during operation of the sewerage cost Dept. Dept. Mgt procedures for maintenance/ visual
system system and updated as necessary; (ii) written unplanned weekly; verify inspection
management procedures for unplanned outages and outages and implementation
emergencies; (iii) regular inspection and emergencies; of operating
maintenance of the backup power supplies and the schedules of procedures
associated Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) of the inspection and manual/
backup power supplies at the sewage pumping maintenance weekly; verify
stations to ensure uninterrupted operation during of pumping implementation
power failure; (iv) regular inspection and systems, of water supply
maintenance of pumping systems and emergency emergency flushing and
backup systems to ensure that these are in good backup disinfection
working conditions; (vi) written standard operating systems, and plan/ after
procedures manual to be available at the facilities to automatic incidents
provide guidance to the sewerage system’s staff on transfer switch
how to handle unplanned outages and emergencies; of the backup
(vii) regular training ofsewerage system’s staff on power supplies
how to handle unplanned outages and emergencies at the sewage
manual for
outages and
flushing and
plan for
outages and

Environmental Issues/ Proposed Mitigation Measure or Enhancement Mitigation Implementation Supervision/ Aspects/ Means of Monitoring
Potential Environmental Measure Cost Monitoring Parameters to Monitoring/ Cost
Impact be monitored Frequency
training of
system’s staff;
outages and

Source: PPA consultants. 2018.



164. The four subprojects covered in this assessment will offer benefits to Honiara by
ensuring adequate supply of potable water, improving sewerage and sanitation and
delivering high priority elements of SW’s 30-Year Strategic Plan and 5-Year Action Plan.

165. The environmental screening process has highlighted the environmental issues
and concerns of the proposed four subprojects. The screening has considered the fact
that, apart from the sites of the proposed marine outfalls, all subprojects (new reservoir
and trunk mains, sewerage lines and pumping stations) are in urban and peri-urban
areas. These areas are highly modified and have long been disturbed by human
activities as indicated by the presence of roads, houses, and commercial developments.

166. Based on the screening for potential environmental impacts and risks of the
proposed subprojects, there are no significant negative environmental impacts or risks
that cannot be mitigated or managed. The EMP prepared for each subproject (Tables
VIII 2-5) will be updated based on detailed design and used as the basis for preparation
of the CEMP to be prepared by the contractor. Monitoring and reporting of the approved
CEMP will ensure that each subproject can be implemented in an environmentally
acceptable manner. There is no need for further environmental assessment. The IEE
will updated and reformatted as PER and accompany the development consent
application for each component.

167. In addition to the above, each subproject is hereby recommended with emphasis
on the following: (i) each separate subproject EMP will be included in the design
process; (ii) contracts of design consultants will have provisions requiring the
consultants to consider EMP recommendations in the design process; (iii) tendering
process will advocate environmentally responsible procurement by ensuring the
inclusion of EMP provisions in the bidding and construction contract documents; (iv)
contractor’s submission of a CEMP will be included in the construction contract; (v)
contract provisions on the creation and operation of the community advisory
committees, a GRM requirement, will be included in the construction contracts; (vi)
training of SW’s personnel on operation and maintenance of the septage treatment
plant, and wastewater laboratory will start before actual operation; (vii) monitoring of
health and safety requirements will be given more importance during implementation to
reduce risks to the public and to SW’s personnel; and (viii) SW will continue the process
of public consultation and information disclosure during detailed design and construction

168. It is recommended that as part of detailed design the following studies be

undertaken (and reflected as necessary in the updated IEE/PER): (i) a hydrology and
onsite flooding study for all the sites where proposed structures are to be constructed,
(iii) engineering assessment of potential site erosion to determine the type of erosion
protection that will be appropriate for all proposed sites, and (iv) confirmation of the
initially determined proposed lengths of the three outfalls for the effective dilution of
sewage discharges by running an appropriate outfall dispersion modelling using more
information generated during the detailed design stage.


Australian Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO. 2011. Climate Change in the Pacific:
Scientific Assessment and New Research. Volume 2: Country Reports.

_____. 2014. Climate Variability, Extremes and Change in the Western Tropical Pacific:
New Science and Updated Country Reports. Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science
and Adaptation Planning Program Technical Report. Melbourne.

Asian Development Bank. 2009. Report and Recommendation of the President to the
Board of Directors on a Proposed Asian Development Fund Grant and Administration of
Grants Solomon Islands: Second Road Improvement (Sector) Project. Manila.

_____. 2017. Guidelines for climate proofing investment in the water sector: Water
supply and sanitation. Manila.

ADB. 2018. Draft Marine Ecological Assessment – Honiara Port Development Project.
Trade & Transport Facilitation in the Pacific: Regional Transport Sector Study (TA 8674-

Dilley, M and others. 2005. Natural Disaster Hotspots - A Global Risk Analysis. The
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank and Columbia
University. Washington, DC.

Egis Eau. 2018a. Lungga River Water Source Scheme - Final Feasibility Study. Solomon
Islands Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project. Montpellier.

_____. 2018b. Mataniko and White River Trunk Mains - Final Feasibility Study. Solomon
Islands Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project. Montpellier

_____. 2018c. Service Reservoir Capacity Augmentation - Final Feasibility Study.

Solomon Islands Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project. Montpellier

_____. 2018d. Sewer Outfall Rehabilitation - Final Feasibility Study. Solomon Islands
Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project. Montpellier.

_____. 2018e. Sewage Pumping Station Refurbishment - Final Feasibility Study.

Solomon Islands Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project. Montpellier

_____. 2018f. Septage Treatment Facility - Final Feasibility Study. Solomon Islands
Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project. Montpellier

_____. 2018g. Potential Climate Change Impacts to Water Supply and Sanitation in
Honiara and Recommended Adaptation Measures. Solomon Islands Urban Water
Supply and Sanitation Sector Project. Montpellier

_____. 2018g. Honiara Drought Frequency Analysis Working Paper. Solomon Islands
Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project. Montpellier

Hansell, J. and J. Wall. 1974. The British Solomon Islands Protectorate Volume 2.
Guadalcanal and the Florida Islands. Land Resources Study 18. Qouted in Solomon
Islands Government, Ministry of Environment Conservation and Meteorology. 2008.
Solomon Islands State of Environment Report 2008. Honiara.

International Finance Corporation. 2017. General EHS Guidelines: Environmental, Air

Emissions, and Ambient Air Quality. Washington, DC.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). 2006. The Study Rehabilitation and
Improvement of Solomon Islands Water Authority’s Water Supply and Sewerage
Systems – Part B: Honiara Water Supply and Sewerage.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). 2013. The Second Preparatory Survey
Report for Outline Design on the Project for Improvement of Honiara Port Facilities in
Solomon Islands.

Nordlund, B. 2008. Designing Fish Screens for Fish Protection at Water Diversions.
National Marine Fisheries Service. Lacey.

Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center (PCMSC). 2016. Preliminary Analysis of the
April 2007 Solomon Islands Tsunami, Southwest Pacific Ocean. USGS. URL:

Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC). 2007. National Integrated

Water Resource Management Diagnostic Report - Solomon Islands.

Sheppard, P and R. Walter. 2006. Revised Model of Solomon Islands Culture History.
Research Gate.

Solomon Islands Government, Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination.

2014. Rapid Assessment of the Macro and Sectoral Impacts of Flash Floods in the
Solomon Islands. Honiara.

Solomon Islands National Statistics Office (SINSO). 2010. Report on 2009 Population
and Housing Census – Honiara. Honiara.

Solomon Islands Water Authority. 2017. Solomon Water 30 Year Strategic Plan.

Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC). 2007. National Integrated

Water Resource Management Diagnostic Report - Solomon Islands.

Pauku, R. 2009. Solomon Islands Forestry Outlook Study. FAO Regional Office for Asia
and the Pacific. Bangkok.

Trustrum, N.A., Whitehouse, I.E., and Blaschke, P.M. 1989. Flood and Landslide Hazard
- Northern Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. United Nations Technical Cooperation for
Development. New York.

United Nations Human Settlement Program (UN-Habitat). 2012. Solomon Island:

Honiara Urban Profile. Nairobi.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). 2016. Map of Major
National Hazards in Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok.

US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. 2017. Sailing Directions (enroute) - Pacific

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Walter, R and R. Hamilton. 2014. A Cultural Landscape Approach to Community-based

Conservation in Solomon Islands). Ecology and Society 19(4): 41.

World Health Organization. 2011. Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality. 4th Edition.


Appendix 1 Solomon Islands International Agreements

Appendix 2 Photographs of Proposed Sites

Appendix 3 Minutes of Initial Public Consultation Meeting

Appendix 4 Attendance Sheet of Initial Public Consultation Meeting

Appendix 5 Photographs of Initial Public Consultation Meeting

Appendix 6 Results of Second Round of Public Consultation Meetings

Appendix 7 Attendance Sheet of Second Public Consultation and Information

Appendix 8 Photographs of Second Public Consultation and Information Disclosure

Solomon Islands International Agreements

Solomon Island has been a party to some international agreements on the principles and
actions necessary for sustainable development and environmental protection. This
include international agreements with environmental and conservation implications as
well as for the protection, promotion and safeguarding of cultural heritage and traditional

Regional agreements include: (i) Pollution Protocol for Dumping. Ratified 1998.
Prevention of pollution of the South Pacific region by dumping, (ii) Pollution Protocol for
Emergencies. Ratified 1998. Co-operation in combating pollution emergencies in the
South Pacific region, (iii) Natural Resources & Environment of South Pacific Region
(SPREP Convention). Ratified 1998, and (iv) Waigani Convention on Hazardous &
Radioactive Wastes 1995. Ratified 1998. Bans the importation and the trans-boundary
movement and management of hazardous wastes within the South Pacific region.

International agreements on chemicals, wastes, and pollution include: (i) Liability for
Oil Pollution Damage. Ratified. Liability of ship owner for pollution damage, (ii) (Marine
Pollution Convention (London). Ratified. Prevention of marine pollution by dumping of
wastes, (iii) POPs Convention (Stockholm). 2004. Bans use of persistent organic

International agreements on biodiversity include: (i) CITES, ratified 1998. Regulates

trade in wild animals and plants, (ii) World Heritage Convention. Acceded 1992.
Protection of sites of Outstanding Universal Values, (ii) Desertification (UNCCD).
Acceded 1999. Agreement to combat desertification and drought, (iii) Convention on
Biological Diversity (UNCBD). Ratified 1995, and (iv) Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety.
Acceded 2004. Protection of human health and the environment from possible adverse
effects of modern biotechnology.

International agreements on climate change include: (i) Montreal Protocol. Acceded

1993. Phase out of substances that deplete the ozone layer, (ii) Ozone Layer Convention
(Vienna). Acceded 1993. Protection of the ozone layer, and (iii) Climate Change
(UNFCC). Ratified 1994, and (iv) Kyoto Protocol. Ratified 2003. Reduce greenhouse
gases especially CO2 by an average of 5.2% by 2012.

International agreements on culture and cultural heritage include: (i) World Heritage
Convention. Acceded 1992. Protection of sites of Outstanding Universal Values. (East
Rennelle Island is listed as a World Heritage site), (ii) The Convention for the
Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2003, and (iv) The Convention of the
Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions 2005.




Minutes of the Initial Public Consultation and Information Disclosure held at Star
Events, Tongs Building, Point Cruz, Honiara City, 13 July 2018

Opening/ Presentations:

The public consultation started at 9:30 A.M with Ian Gooden, SW’s General Manager,
welcoming the participants and encouraged them to participate actively in the meeting.
He gave a brief presentation regarding the proposed project. This was followed with a
presentation by Mark Waite, SW’s PMU, on SW’s strategic plan and information
regarding the Solomon Islands Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Development Sector
Project. The PPA consultants presented the details of each proposed subproject. The
participants were informed that this is only an initial public consultation and SW will
conduct more consultations in the future.

Comments, Views, Issues and Concerns

Comment and Question No. 1. Dennis Meone, Chief Executive Officer, Solomon
Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CEO, SICCI)

Dennis had three points to make:

1) That the Information in the presentations be dispersed and made available to the
wider public. For example, SICCI has 200 members, therefore it (SICC) is an
avenue through which information can be channelled and made available to its
Information such as the next phase of the project should be made known and available,
specifying who might be directly affected by any new infrastructure Solomon Water plans
to install in Honiara. e.g. digging of drains or laying of pipes. Some members of the
Chamber and the Business Community might or will be directly affected so these are the
types of Information Dennis thinks should be made available to SICCI members so they
can plan accordingly to accommodate these future changes.
2) His second point was a concern about the road works. The road is currently
being constructed and improved. Should new infrastructure be laid, will it mean
laying pipes across the newly built road?
The answer to that concern was that any new infrastructure laid will be alongside the
road, not across it and if it requires crossing the road, that it will be underneath the road,
not directly across the road.
3) Dennis would like Solomon Water to share any of its initiatives in any of the
phases with SICCI so these can be shared to the Business community and the
Private sector.

Comment and question No. 2. Charles Kelly, City Clerk, Honiara City Council (HCC)
Charles is optimistic and hopeful that the study currently being undertaken will not end
up being shelved as some other past studies have been done. From the presentations,
he is able to discern that ADB, EU and World Bank are interested and if that interest
continues, it will have a positive impact on the City and the Council.
Charles thinks there is a lot of work to do regarding the logistics. At this stage however,
he has not laid eyes on any plans regarding logistics yet.
However, there is much to do in the city right now. The City is growing very fast and
rapidly and the more people there are, the more problems and challenges they will bring.
For example, more people means more people needing more water to drink and more
water to use.
Charles is of the opinion that the HCC needs to be more involved in the logistics and the
plans of construction and looks forward to seeing the Council being more involved right
up until the completion of the Solomon Water project.
Something worth considering is how these plans will affect the greater Honiara. The city
is moving eastwards as more people shift and build towards the east. The greater
Honiara has been mapped and marked.
One of the issues as more people move and shift eastwards will be the issue of provision
of Water for all these people.
However, within the city itself, people are not accessing water. Some of the people are
still collecting water from boreholes, even though they have already been living in these
areas for the last ten to twenty (10 to 20) years. (So how do you plan to address the
issue of water in the greater Honiara especially as the city grows and shifts towards the
east, if the issue of access to water within the city itself is still not being addressed?)
Part of the study shows this can be improved on.
Charles would like to see more flexibility in the current Solomon Water (Solomon Islands
Water Authority) SW)) policy especially with regards to allowing more people to have
access to water. The current Policy states one must be the owner of a piece of land or
one must have title to the land before water is made accessible. Because of these
stringent policies, many people are not able to access water. For example, people who
live in informal settlements such as Gilbert Camp and the Border line area and
communities have been living in these settlements for the last 10 to 20 years and they
are still collecting water from streams. They have been continually approaching HCC to
support their requests and pleas for more access to piped water. Although these may be
minor points, Charles hopes Solomon Water will take these minor points into account so
that a document that is more practical and workable will be produced.
The City Clerk also looks forward to the Waste Water treatment plant. In the
presentations, it was identified where the Outfalls are and the City Clerk now realises
that the whole city does not know but that the whole sea-front in front of Honiara is 100%
polluted. Yet People are still using the sea water to wash their fish.
The solution to these challenges would be through improved technology and although it
is going to be an expensive exercise, the City clerk hopes ADB, EU and the World Bank
will be able to resolve the challenge of pollution through the construction of a Waste-
Water Treatment Plant.

Answer Mark Waite Project Manager- Project Management Unit- Solomon Water
Mark thanked Charles Kelly for his comments and mentioned that there is a plan to
construct a Waste Water treatment plan but it will be later in the project, not in the first
five years of the strategic plan.

Ian Gooden- General Manager Solomon Water

Ian agreed with Charles on the fact that people have been using creeks and streams for
many years. However, he has also noticed in his many walks through parts of the city
that people have been siphoning off water through little pipes and gadgets connected to
the main pipes.
From Ian’s observations, one of the biggest problems and challenges Solomon Water
faces is that people generally are reluctant to pay for water and rather expect water to be
delivered freely. Should people want free water, they will have to collect it themselves
from the streams using their buckets but if they want Solomon Water to pump the water,
treat it and deliver it to their houses, they will have to pay for the added service.
He has noticed though that most people are able to afford to pay for water, because
when they make calls to complain about their water disconnections, they are using a cell
phone to make the call. So it seems as if they are prioritising buying cell phones over
paying water for their families because they are able to purchase a cell phone but are
not prepared to pay for water which they would rather steal. This is quite a big and
challenging issue which Solomon water is confronted with.
The Solomon Water Communications team headed by Michelle will be communicating
the message to people and letting them know that, ‘’People who steal water are actually
stealing money from you and I because we are subsidising and paying for that water for
them! It is therefore, the paying customer/client who ends up paying more as a result of
people stealing water from illegal water connections.”
In addition to what Mark had rightly said with regards to the waste water, Ian added that
future Outfalls will be extended further out into the ocean where there is more ocean
currents which will take the effluent away and give better flushing and dilution. Screens
will also be put on the outfalls to screen out plastics and larger solids so that the actual
biological loading into the ocean is reduced.
While the construction of the wastewater treatment plant is still many, many years away,
the upgrades planned for the pump stations will have a major effect on the quality of the
effluent. Because the Outfalls will be extended further out, it means the effluent will not
be coming back on to the foreshore and we should be expecting these significant
improvements within a year or two.
The City council has planned the city into zones with conditions on building sites for
people to adhere to. The SW General Manager sought the support of the City Clerk in
enforcing legislation and managing the water catchment areas in the city.
For example, Solomon Water has a catchment area in Panatina and another one in the
Rove area. SW has not been actively managing and enforcing legislation in these areas
but if they are to start activating legislation, they will be evicting people from these areas.
There will be no point in building a house with a septic tank quite close to a bore hole
because there will be direct contamination of the water source/table. It will be in
enforcing the legislation around the management of the boreholes and water sources
that SW is seeking the support of the City Clerk and the Honiara City Council.
With regards to Informal settlements, Solomon Water is seeking solutions as to how it
could be more inclusive and accommodating of these areas. Donors such as the
European Union and the ADB are showing particular interest in Solomon Water’s
One of the major challenges Solomon Water has encountered with informal settlements
is people refusing to pay their water accounts and bills. For example, two years ago,
Solomon Water officers were chased out of Burns Creek and threatened with weapons
because they had gone into the area to disconnect water metres from lack of payment of
bills. A lot of Solomon Water infrastructure was also smashed and damaged. For safety
purposes, Solomon Water has had to withdraw their services from the area but are still
optimistic and if settlers in the Burns Creek area have a changed attitude and are willing
to pay for Solomon Water’s services, Solomon Water is open to further discussions and
A probable solution to the above challenge in informal settlements would be to install
Cash water. Similar to Cash Power and the use of cell phones, people disconnect
themselves when they choose not to pay for top ups. It would therefore be a case of, No
top up for cash water, no water!!
Solomon Water has found though, that people use less water and are a lot more
conscious of the cost of water when they have to pay for Cash Water. Everyone
including the ‘wantoks’ and relatives in the house can all chip-in, each contributing
$50.00 to buy more water if the water stops. This will work better than paying for water
through a water metre in which users will keep using the water and just taking it for
granted until they have accumulated an account of say $5000.00 which they will not be
able to pay. In the long run, installing Cash water would be a win-win situation for
The SW General Manager again appealed to the City Clerk and the Lord Mayor to
communicate, collaborate and work together with SW in dealing with and managing
people in the informal settlements. If there were less people in the informal settlements
or if SW had more control over how the informal settlements are developing and
growing, or even if the settlers could be moved to formal settlements, SW would be able
to work better to supply water.
Question and Concern 3- by Andrew Mua, Mayor of Honiara City Council
The Mayor of Honiara City Council had three points and concerns to raise.
1. The Mayor is concerned that the Sea in front of Honiara is totally contaminated
and he feels that Solomon Water is ignoring the pollution of the sea in front of the
city. Although it is polluted, people continue to use the sea water to wash fish that
is being sold in the main Honiara market including fish sold at the Fishing village
market. HCC usually carries out sampling of the sea water every two days and it
has been proven over and over again that the sea water is 100% contaminated.
Due to this concern, the Mayor is asserting that rather than waiting for five years before
constructing the Sewerage Treatment Plant or delaying the construction of one until the
second Phase of the project, he would like to see that Solomon Water sees it as Priority
to install a simple sewage treatment plant with extended outfalls further out to sea that
will help to alleviate the current polluted waterfronts. He asserts that Solomon Water is
ignoring the pollution caused along the sea front for example the Kukum sea front that is
polluted by effluent from the GG’s valley right down to Naha out into the Kukum sea
front. So what he is asking for is not to wait for the second phase before constructing the
Sewerage treatment plant but to prioritise it during the first phase and to deal with what is
a prevalent health challenge and risk right now.
2. Secondly, the Mayor is concerned about the cutting of the road again if new
infrastructure is constructed under the Solomon Water project. Two years ago
there were some consultations on the construction of the road and if Solomon
Water had come on board then, there would have been some understanding by
everyone as to where the new infrastructure under the Solomon Water could be
installed. The mayor asserts that all the damage to the roads in Honiara are done
by three (3) companies, SW (Solomon Water), Telekom and SIEA (Solomon
Power) and this all the way to Didao refilling station.
3. If everyone puts their heads together and these future developments are mapped
out by all stakeholders and partners, there would be less damage done. Currently
HCC does not have the machines to repair roads that are being dug up to make
way for new infrastructure such as laying down of new pipes.
4. The Mayor’s third concern is that Solomon Water activate and enact the Solomon
Islands Water Authority (SW) Act. The General Manager of Solomon Water
raised the issue of where SW is going to put in bore holes but to the Mayor’s
knowledge, he has not seen Solomon Water enforcing the SW Act which is a
very powerful Act especially to evict people who build close to the bore holes. All
the Mayor has seen is the disconnection of water metres in times of no payment
of water. He uses the example of the Botanical Gardens where the Honiara City
Council has moved in and demolished houses built in that area because they are
too close to the water source. However, it was easy for HCC to do that because
HCC had jurisdiction, title and ownership over the area so they were able to
move in and enforce the demolition of houses and move people elsewhere. In
like manner, the Mayor would like SW to take authority and enforce the SW Act
especially in the Panatina Area that SW has title and ownership.
5. The Mayor’s fourth concern was that he thinks the cost of the Consultancy and
the Project package for the Project Management Unit is almost as much as much
as the future project itself. So in his opinion, these would have been funds better
utilised for the project itself.

Answer from Ian Gooden, General Manager (GM), Solomon Water (SW)
Solomon Water is doing the best it can with the resources it has. The GM showed his
appreciation over the specific directives outlined by the Lord Mayor and conceded that
there is contamination of the sea water with some of the outfalls. (The GM showed on a
map, the areas SW is responsible for in the city, about a 1/4 of the total city) whereas the
rest of the city is either on septic tanks, long drops, open defecation and use of the bush.
The GM pointed out firstly, that streams and rivers in the city have become brown and
black due to contamination from pig pens built over rivers and streams and secondly,
from all the houses that have very poor septic tanks and exacerbated by the geology of
the city which does not attenuate effluent well.
He acknowledges that in some areas, Solomon Water is putting in more sewage, but
there is a very large area, about 80% of the city made up of the domestic parts of the city
which is contaminating the river and the water courses as well.
Solomon Water is trying, over time, to improve the collection of sewage in the areas its
work is based in, for example, in the Rove area. Rove is still not up to standards yet, but
SW is trying to pump the Sewage from Rove to the foreshore right next to the cinema
and it will eventually find its way to Point Cruz. Eventually, the Outfalls will be extended
further out into the sea which will enable better flow and dilution.
At the moment, Solomon Water is financially constrained and it is trying to negotiate an
increase in its fees with the government but this will take a couple of months. An
increase in the fees would enable SW to make more improvements because at the
moment, SW is absolutely reliant on donors and its own small contributions. The other
areas which are priority to Solomon Water are the Tuvaruhu and the Vara Creek areas
in which there is direct discharge of sewage into the Mataniko River.

Question and Comment No.4 by Henry from Climate Change, Ministry of

Henry’s concern was about the Sewage. Henry understands, 15% of the population
living in Honiara already have access to running water.
As for sewage, it is the first time Henry has heard of the Sewage Treatment Plant that
Solomon Water operates and that there is a central point of collection for sewage. As far
as Henry knows, all the houses he has ever lived- in in Honiara, (and he has moved four
houses since he has lived in Honiara), only use local septic tanks built purposely for
those houses and not connected to any main sewage lines.
His question was whether there will be plans or future regulations for every single house
in Honiara to be connected to the main sewage treatment plant? Does Solomon Water,
in the future, plan to increase the number of people connected to the main sewage
treatment plant?

Answer- Ian Gooden

Thirty percent (30%) of the city’s population will be connected to the Sewage Treatment
Plant. At the moment, Solomon Water’s area of responsibility is relatively small in terms
of the entire city and will increase to about 30% of the total city while the rest will be the
responsibility of the Honiara City Council. While it may be small area, Solomon Water is
still seeking the support of the City Council. Over time, responsibilities might change but
currently, that is where SW responsibilities are.
Part of the project includes some septage facility which Mark has mentioned, but most of
the city will use septic tanks which is the responsibility of the City Council to monitor and
manage. Septic tanks will need regular cleaning which people need to pay for. If a septic
tank is not cleaned out, the overflow will seep out and be discharged into the ground,
and into the streams. In Honiara, the septic system is further excercebated by its
topography and geology, made up of coral rock which is not permeable and does not
provide good biological treatment and attenuation.
Ian explained that with a septic system, a septic tank is constructed and fitted with pipes
about two feet long and extended into the ground. It is covered with gravel all around
and is shallow, enabling aeration and oxygen flow which allows bio-film and bugs to
grow. When effluent comes into the septic tank at a very low rate, the bugs will eat the
The septic tanks built in Honiara are usually constructed with an end chamber at the
bottom with no disposal fuel which will allow for vaporization and transpiration. When the
effluent is discharged into the septic tank, it goes directly into the ground and because
the coral rock does not attenuate it, the waste water finds its way into the water course.
This is the reason why Solomon Water is very concerned about human development
taking place near its boreholes.

Question and Comment No.5 by Mike from Ministry of Industry and Development
Mike had three (3) comments to make:
Mike wanted more knowledge about Solomon Water’s 30 year Strategic plan because he
now understands that most of the infrastructure and contractors will be working along the
main highways. Similarly, MID has plans for the next 10 years and Mike wonders
whether Solomon Water plans to do the construction within the next ten (10) years.
The new highway being constructed is from the Honiara City Council to the Ministry of
Fisheries at Kukum. The next phase of improvement will be from Ministry of Fisheries to
the Airport after the development of the new International Airport which will be in three to
four years’ time. MID has initiated talks with ADB about funding a project for the
improvement of the road from the roundabout at the Ministry of Finance right up to White
river on which a new four (4) lane road is being planned.
If all these plans, (MID’s plans as well as Solomon Water’s plans) can be better
coordinated, the work could be implemented at around the same time frame so that
issues such as relocation can be avoided. MID has learnt from past experience and with
the current road works that a big chunk of money has been spent just for relocation and
reacquisition of land, which has been quite a considerable cost to the government and
for which MID is still carrying the cost now.
If MID is aware of Solomon Water’s 30 year Strategic plan, especially of future activities
being planned, MID can also align their work plans and programmes with Solomon
Water’s. It will save MID having to lay down infrastructure and later having the
infrastructure being dug up by Solomon Water when it needs to construct and lay its own
As the Mayor has pointed out when he mentioned the new section of road from the HCC
roundabout to the Ministry of Fisheries in Kukum, the type of material being used on the
road is not available here, so it will be a big challenge to repair and clean up the mess if
it is dug up later after it has been newly constructed and completed. Access to Solomon
Water’s 30 year Strategic plan will enable MID to coordinate its work plans and
programmes together and in tandem with each other. The life span of the currently
constructed road will be from ten (10) to twenty (20) years so MID and Solomon Water
all need to think along the same lines to avoid future costs and challenges.
Mikes second point was on the Outfall and Sewage. He is aware of local planning
schemes being put together by Honiara City Council, Ministry of Lands and the
Guadalcanal Province.
Mike wants to know whether Solomon water is aware that the location for the proposed
site for the Outfall in Rove is being planned for a recreational area. It would not be very
pleasant to have an outfall located next to a planned recreational site so Mike is asking if
these plans have been considered by Solomon water as they plan where to locate the
Mike’s third concern was about the sewage line that is being planned to run from
Tuvaruhu, Vara creek the Mataniko area and connect to the National Referral Hospital
Pump station. His concern is about the China Town area and whether it can be included
along the way with the Mataniko and Vara Creek areas. It is a commercial area with lots
of activities happening in its location and vicinity. Currently, most of the rubbish and solid
waste from this area is being dumped in the Mataniko River creating an environmental
hazard. Mike therefore, would like to see that China Town is captured along with
Tuvaruhu, Vara Creek and Mataniko with the main sewage line that will be connected to
the National Referral Hospital pump station.

Answer- Ian Gooden

Ian expressed his appreciation for Mike’s comments about the road interment and also
acknowledged the Lord Mayor’s comments on the subject as well.
He shared his experience in working with a big roading company in New Zealand and
agreed from experience, that the biggest problems his company encountered was from
Water, Electricity, Telekom and companies digging the road especially if they have to dig
across or over the road. If they dug along the road it was not too bad, but when they
cross the road, it might mean some interment.
Ian does not want Solomon Water to dig up the brand new road in the next twenty five
years. If there is a need to place pipes across the road, a tunnel dug underneath the
road will probably be the best solution. Pipes can be pushed underneath the ground
using a technique called the “Thrust.” Solomon Water will do all it can to protect the
In the Rove Area, there are Sewage main trunks that will run from Rove to Point Cruz
and Solomon Water will certainly be working with MID in advance on this. If there are
pipe lines that Solomon Water needs to install in future, they will have them prepared for
when the MID road project will be concentrated in the Rove area to White river area so
that Solomon Water does not need to come back to work in the area after MID has done
the work but the two organisations can complete the work together.
With regards to the China town area, Solomon Water will look more into the issue and
could pick up areas along the way but currently, these areas of responsibility come
under the Honiara City Council to manage.

Question and comments No. 6, by Charles Kelly, HCC Clerk.’

HCC is in the process of reviewing its City Council Building Ordinance which was
developed thirty (30) years ago. It is still being used but the council wants to improve on
it by inserting a Risk and Disaster Assessment clause. In particular, the current Building
Ordinance lacks a Risk Assessment regarding Water. For example, building on the
slopes or building too close to river beds and so forth. The Ordinance is silent on the
system and process of water and the risks of contamination.
SW is on the Town and Country Planning Board and a member of SW usually attends
the Board meetings. As the Building Ordinance is in the process of being reviewed, the
HCC Clerk would like SW to contribute to improving the Building Ordinance by working in
partnership with HCC in strengthening and improving the Ordinance. If HCC and SW can
work together in partnership, they could come into agreement and be on the same page
on whether those planning to build are meeting the criteria or not meeting the disaster
risk assessments. If anyone does not meet all the Risk Assessments then they will not
be issued with permits to build. It would be ideal if SW and HCC could forge a
partnership to achieve this.
The other concern the City Clerk has is the issue of Public toilets which is not enough for
the city. Because of lack of land, there are not enough Public toilets being built. The City
Clerk is appealing to Solomon Water to work with HCC to identify land so that more
public toilets can be built. He reiterated, the more people there are, the more problems
there are to be dealt with.

Question and Comment No. 7, by Kenneth, Property Manager, Solomon Islands

National University, (SINU)
Kenneth emphasised the importance of Water quality and that the quality of water will be
an issue as more students are enrolled and accommodated at the Solomon Islands
National University (SINU).
In a Student Protest which took place earlier in the year, one of the issues highlighted in
the student’s petition presented to the SINU Management was the quality of water in the
students’ hostels. It is an important issue because the quality of water will have impacts
on the health of the students.
The second issue for Kenneth is about land. Kenneth mentioned development because
he had sighted the communications about using SINU land. He asserted that he is aware
of Solomon Water’s proposal to use SINU land under the Solomon Water Project.
However, if Solomon Water is interested in using SINU land, both SINU and Solomon
Water need to continue with discussions because both SINU and Solomon Water each
have their own plans. More discussions will enable both organisations to coordinate and
align each other’s plans together so that both are on the same page, otherwise, it will
end up in a situation where each organisation just gets on with its own plans which would
not be to the advantage of both.
His third point was on Sewage. Currently, the houses and buildings on each of the three
SINU campuses, Panatina, Ranadi and Kukum are all using septic tanks connected to
each building. However, SINU is interested in Solomon Water’s future plans of linking the
sewage to a Waste Water Treatment plant and that SINU would consider being linked to
the sewage treatment plant as well.

Ian Gooden (answer)

It was clarified that the water quality being referred to by Kenneth was about the piped
water coming into the houses.
Ian explained that once the water goes though the water metre on to other people’s
property Solomon Water cannot guarantee the quality of water.
Even water collected from roofs into tanks could be dirty, however, the water provided at
the water metre by Solomon Water meets World standards at about 98% of the time.
Water supplies in Honiara from the Kongulai water source are chlorinated and Solomon
Water is doing some extra work to improve the quality. This is because when it rains, the
Kongulai water source gets some sediment and silt so it has to be shut down. Although it
sounds silly, the water supply is shut down when it rains because the Kongulai gets dirty
including over Kobito as well for the same reason. Solomon water is considering putting
in filters on the Kongulai water supply so water can be supplied at twenty four hours a
However, Solomon Water does test and monitor the quality of the water. The Ministry of
Health also does a bit of testing on the water so generally, about 98% of the time,
Solomon water meets the World Health Standard in terms of e-coli and coliforms which
may cause stomach aches and problems. So generally, Solomon Water is compliant
with World Health Standards.
Solomon Water has a separate dedicated water quality team whose only role is to
manage the water quality. If there is any concern by the Solomon Islands National
University (SINU) on the quality of water, SINU can approach SW who could conduct
some tests on SINU’s property and locations and identify where the source of the
problem might be.

Kenneth mentioned that tests had been done on the water in preparation for the
Melanesian Arts festival, and the Police who did the tests found the water was
very clean.

Question and concerns, no. 8, by Janet Tuhaika from the National Council of
Women (NCW)
Janet’s concern was that information presented by Solomon Water needs to be
communicated across to all levels of the community/society especially to the ordinary
Although Janet has been living in Honiara for many years, much of the information
presented is new to her and is quite technical. Janet though, is better educated and
literate than most of those in her community. It is these ordinary people who really need
to understand the information being presented so they will be able to appreciate not only
the work that SW is doing but also the challenges that SW faces in trying to provide
In Janet’s opinion, it is the issue of Access and Affordability to clean water that are major
issues. A number of people in her community usually buy bottled water for drinking from
the shops because they do not trust the water that comes from SW.
Janet also understands that SW has had issues with the Kongulai water source which is
sometimes shut down by the land owners. Water source shut downs affect people, so
how will the project address these issues? Janet reiterated again the issue of Access
and Affordability because it affects the communities and she hopes the issues
highlighted will be addressed by the sub-projects mentioned in the presentation.

Ian Gooden- Answer

Ian explained that it is the heavy rain catchment that usually affects the quality of water
as the water gets dirty.
In terms of the Konguali source, Solomon Water has been facing land issues at Kongulai
and if the Lunga plant water source is up and running or is in operation, Kongulai may
have to be shut down because of the land issues. Solomon Water has experienced
issues with the land owners but if they are interested in providing an ongoing solution,
then Solomon Water might be prepared to continue using that water source.
Solomon Water has also had lengthy discussions and representations with the
Government and its various Ministers. It has been working with the Ministry of Land to
actually hold the lease to Kongulai which is currently leased by the government through
the Ministry of Lands. Land ownership over water sources is a contentious issue and is
the same with all Solomon Water’s sources such as in Ziata in Noro, Tulagi and most of
the places in which Solomon Water does not own the land. Solomon Water is working
with the government to resolve these issues but it is a slow process and will take time to

Questions and concern no. 9, by Debra from the Ministry of Environment

Debra noted that the Solomon Water project will have impacts on the environment and
she emphasised the importance of the project to include an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA).
Other issues of importance highlighted by Debra are the legal requirements of obtaining
land ownership and land issues as these will be of importance in considering where
infrastructure will be constructed.

Answer Ian Gooden

Ian thanked Debra for raising the issue and reassured Debra that the Environmental
Impact Assessments and the legal requirements in obtaining land ownership will be
closely adhered to.

Question and Concern No.10 by Charles Kelly

Charles understands that although the project is a National Project the discussions have
been very Honiara focused and there has been little mention of other towns outside of
Honiara. He wants to know if the project mentions towns such as Noro, Auki and so
forth. Charles also wants to know how much has been allocated to improve access to
water in the other towns.
Charles also wants to see more tangible outcomes as he thinks there is sometimes too
much talk and discussion on the process but little on deliverables and tangible outcomes.

Ian Gooden- Answer

Ian thanked Charles for his comments and remarked that Solomon Water is also
interested in ensuring more action takes place. To this end, Solomon Water’s first
physical works and contracts will be based in Auki which Solomon water will be
conducting within the next two months.
With regards to the construction of waste water plants, there is secure funding from
European Union which has been available for the last three years. Secondly, Funding
from ADB has also been secured and confirmed but it still needs to be signed off by the
Government as the Government will be the entity overseeing/managing the funding.
Some of that funding will be in the form of loans and some will be in grants.
Thirdly, Solomon Water has also been assured of the World Bank funding facility. It is
not much and Solomon water will be going back to them in three years’ time during WB’s
next funding cycle to seek more funding.
I do not want to make promises and assurances that I will not be able to carry through
but since I have been here for the last three years, I have been able to deliver on some
of the things I said I would deliver. I am therefore assuring you today, that I will be here
for the next three years, so you are stuck with me!!But I can assure you we will do
everything we can to get these projects into action, so that we can turn words into
projects and projects into something that we can all see!
At the end of the day, if the donor funding does not come through, then we are in big
trouble, but that is a risk that we will take. From the number of customers we have who
are registered in Honiara, there are about 9,000 registered customers. If the average
Honiara household comprises of five to seven people, then in total, Solomon Water is
servicing about eighty thousand people.
In auki, Noro and Tulagi, Solomon Water’s customer base is much smaller and is
therefore only servicing a couple of thousands which is why ALL of Solomon Water’s
attention is in Honiara. Because of the spurt of growth in Honiara, water and waste water
are absolutely important.
That is the reason, Honiara takes up about 98 % of my time and also why all of our
establishment and focus is on Honiara. There are Solomon Water officers looking after
the Provinces, otherwise, most of the attention is on Honiara.

Charles Kelly,
Thank you because you know, I know the system of the World Bank and the EU, it takes
a long process and sometimes when they’ve got stuck somewhere until they go so I put
my trust in you.

Ian Gooden- Response

Although we will have access to European Union money/funding, it will be channelled
through ADB which will be administering it.
The World Bank money will come as a separate source of funding which will come later
so it is a little bit more un secure but we are doing everything we can to secure it.
The other one is Green Climate fund. We are putting together an application which will
be submitted to the Green Climate fund. So Solomon Water is not putting everything in
one basket and relying on just one single donor, but it is working with several donors. Ian
and Solomon Water are even talking, for example, to Taiwan because they have offered
to build the stadium for the Pacific games. A while ago, Taiwan was talking to Solomon
Water about Water and Waste water at the National Stadium for the Pacific games
(2024?) So I negotiated with them and discussed that instead of constructing only a
treatment plant just for the games ,how about supporting SW improve our infrastructure
and then it will be there for the long term.

Question No. 11 by Mike of MID

In the first presentation, it was mentioned that there would be a reduction of 15 Outfalls
to 4. Mike wants to know if that plan, to reduce the number of outfalls, would be the
same for the sewage treatment plants.

Comment and question No. 12 by City Mayor- Andrew Mua,

Andrew made the comment that HCC does daily checks of water and HCC has found
that bottled waters e.g such as Blue Water’s bottled Water is not as clean or as safe as
Solomon Water’s piped water. HCC has found that Solomon water’s piped water is
cleaner than water bottled by local companies and sold in the shops because these
water companies in particular, Blue Water, actually get their water from bore holes which
is pumped from bore holes in the ground. The water which is being bottled is not
necessarily clean and safe whereas, Solomon water’s piped water is cleaner and safer to
drink than bottled water sold in the shops. On the other hand, water from SW and
Solomon Water line is checked and it has been proven that it is clean and safe to drink.

Ian Gooden- answer

Ian was appreciative of the comments made by the Lord Mayor on the quality of
Solomon Water’s piped water.
Comment and question No. 13 by City clerk, Charles Kelly.
Charles shared information on how the Honiara City Council had engaged JICA to share
their knowledge and demonstrate a technology from Japan which allows for effluent to
enter a chamber, pass through a soak away or soak hole before passing through a mat
which absorbs and sucks in the waste water while the solids are retained in the chamber.
The water can be used to water grass, flowers and trees. An example of the technology
and system being used is at the Public toilet next to the Public Library. The Public Toilet
system is not connected to a septic but uses the soak away method. If one goes to the
Public Library, one will be able to see nice gardens and there is no odour or smell.
If this technology from Japan can be used, and the criteria for its construction is included
in the City’s Risk Assessment and the Building Ordinance, this sort of technology can be
used when building and constructing houses in Honiara. Most houses in Honiara are
usually designed with small families in mind, including the septic tanks which are
designed for small families. The reality though, is these small houses can be filled by ten
(10) or more people or the whole population of one’s village can come and reside with
the house owner, with all of them all using a septic tank designed for small families. It is
the reason small septic tanks fill up very quickly, within a span of three to four months.
In Charles opinion, it is a matter of choosing to be connected to the main sewage line or
introducing the system and technology used by the Japanese.
The Building Ordinance is studying the various systems and will be determining which
best suits a building plan for certain locations.

Ian Gooden- Answer

Ian knows one of these systems is set up in Saint Nicholas College. The system is ideal
for an isolated area which is not near to another water source and in which land is
available and one has ownership over the land.
One of the things not included in the Strategic plan is costing out the life of and the cost
of the septic tank system which has to be dug every seven (7) to ten (10) years.
Solomon water has since worked out the cost of the last cycle of septic tanks versus the
reticulation system and it has found a sewage system is a lot cheaper per property over
a reticulated system.
The system and technology described by the City Clerk is very good technology and
does work well, but in an environment such as Honiara where there is usually a lot of
rain with a lot of trees, there might not be enough transpiration taking place which is
most needed. Additionally, in a city environment in which people are living very close to
each other, it might not be the most suitable system. However, there will be places
where this system will be absolutely useful and successful to have this type of

Mike MID
Mike was asking again if he could have a copy of Solomon water’s 30 year Strategic
He was assured by Ian Gooden that a copy would be made available to him and also the
website he could go to access a soft copy. Ian also assured Mike that Solomon water
will be communicating what the priorities of the project are.
Mark’s role entailed turning the Strategic Plan into actual Projects, and an example is the
consultancy work currently conducted by Egis which concentrates on five(5) projects:-
Honiara Water, Waste Water, the Trunk Mains, Gizo Water and the Reservoir. Mark’s
role is to oversee all these projects. The rest of the Strategy has not been turned into a
priority plan yet so Solomon water would not be able to provide MID with a definite work
priority plan but in the next year or so, it should be able to come up with more work
priority plans based on the Strategic plan which it can share with MID. Solomon Water
will certainly work with MID so it does not need to dig up the new road again.

Charles Kelly
Charles wanted to know about the situation in Gizo. Since this is a National Project,
Charles wanted to know if it also includes Gizo and what the situation in Gizo is like.
Ian Gooden-Answer
Solomon Water has been talking to the Western Province for the past two years, with the
Solomon Water board agreeing in principle as to what will happen in Gizo.
Solomon Water has secured donor funding for Gizo with part of the funding including
salaries for staff when Solomon Water moves in to manage the facilities.
Solomon Water has not gone in to Gizo yet, because it can’t create water and if it does
go in tomorrow, it would create an embarrassing situation for itself and the Government
because people will be asking where the water is.
If Solomon Water does move in to Gizo, it will have to be Cash water right from day one!
Solomon Water has been doing a lot of work with the Ministry of Mines and Energy and
they have been looking at some short term solutions in Gizo. The short term solutions
may include building dams at Tirokogu, Mile 2. Some water is coming through into the
town, but it is either lost or stolen before it comes into the town. The rural WASH
programme has also been supplying tanks and roofs to service some villages on the
other side of Gizo.
In 2012, a brand new, highly automated plant was built in Gizo. Since then, it has not
been used because no water is coming to it and through it.
Solomon Water therefore believes in long term solutions.
A long term solution would be to build a dam on Kolombangara, bring the water down in
pipes into the ocean and bring it up to Gizo.
The other option is desalinisation. Desalinisation could also supply water to Gizo.
However, while a desalinisation plant is cheaper to build, it will be more expensive to
operate and run therefore making the water more expensive. Desalinisation plants will
need high maintenance costs such as replacing membranes and other parts that may
break down and need replacing.
A dam built on Kolombangara on the other hand will initially be expensive to build and
construct and will mean running two pipes on the ocean bed and surfacing in Gizo but in
the long run will be less expensive to maintain making the water landed in Gizo much,
much cheaper.
It will be similar to how Tulagi is supplied with water. In Tulagi, water is taken from the
main island of Gela, and it is piped and comes on the reef and landed at Tulagi. This is
all done by gravity feed and Tulagi has water twenty four hours a day. So this is one of
the solutions to be looking into.

Meeting closed at 11:50 AM.

Meeting Notes Prepared by: Elsie Wickham (Egis Eau)


Attendance Sheet of Initial Public Consultation and Information Disclosure (13

July 2018)







Stakeholder Questions and Answers

No. Question/Comments Raised By Response Response By

1  Ongoing Consultations Atenasi Ata - SICCI  This is start of the IG
process; there will be
further consultations
during the detailed
design process and
approvals for designs.
2  Will illegal settlers be John Tupe –  Will depend on Lulu
compensated more Tintinge assessment and
than Landowners Landowner evaluation as per
resettlement plan and as
per SIG rates for
resettlement and
3  Coordination with Mike Qaqara -  Noted and will MW
phase 2 road MID coordinate with road
consultants on design consultants
 Pre-treatment at v.
outfalls  Designs as per AS/NZ
Dispersion standards for
appropriate dilution and MW
 Industrial/Business dispersion. EIA Report
waste and discharges  Assess application and
type of discharge, pre-
treatment if necessary
4  High installation cost Jessica Warahiru-  SIG is reviewing
SIWIBA submissions to reduce
the different fees
 Pre-paid meters
5  ADB policy and Duddley Teuwauri  ADB policy refers to Lulu, Sonia
compensation focus - HCC vulnerable households
on women and not which includes female,
youths youth and male that are
on low income
6  Delivery of WASH and Mike Qaqara -  International NGO to be MW
coordination with MID MID engaged for delivery of
wash in collaboration
with local NGO’s
 Happy to suppor
coordination at design
stage especially in the
No. Question/Comments Raised By Response Response By
 IWC to help identify
delivery mechanisms of
WASH in informal
7  Why is water in SI Ellen – Ex SW and  Government subsidies in IG
expensive compared candidate for Fiji is about 80% whilst in
to Fiji or PNG National SI it is about 2%
 Current cost reflects cost
for providing the service
8  Meter reading based Holmes - SICA  Raise issue with to IG
on estimates Customer Care through
 High water bills Michelle to address
 Schools and Churches  Was considered but not
should not be classed allowed under SW
as Commercial policy/classification rules
9  Consideration for Gareth - OXFAM  Climate change report Sonia
climate proofing of compiled and will
infrastructure support the detailed
 Were environmental design input.
issues addressed in  GCF application will be
the design submitted next month
that addresses
adaptation and not
10  Was the previous JICA Mike Qaqara -  No but this project will MW
improvements MID build on improvements
ineffective by JICA from Supply
Duration of 5hrs to
22hrs, target is 24 hrs.
11  Note logging activities Tautele –  SW is aware and is Ray Andresen
around Kongulai area Kongulai working with relevant
Landowner rep. authorities such as
Forestry and ECD to
12  Coordination and Spencer Ala – SI  Agree to consult and IG
working together with Ports Authority work in close
SIPA for future (SIPA) collaboration with SIPA
demand  SIPA to provide a
 Outfall at Port area forecast for future
13  PPP and capacity Mathew - MOFT  Major projects would MW
building opportunity require international
for local contractors expertise and experience
 Could local because of the value,
contractors bid for nature and complexity of
works projects
 SW want to encourage
No. Question/Comments Raised By Response Response By
local participations as
subcontractors or JV
 Propose contractors
forum for information
sharing in April this year
14  Challenges for water Elma – Live and  IWC work to help identify IG, MW
access to informal Learn delivery mechanisms of
settlements and peri- WASH in informal
urban areas settlements.
 SW will be consulting
with NGO’s working in
this area to support
effective project design
and delivery.
15  Propose boring option Mike Qaqara -  Noted as a key issue and IG
over open cut MID concern and will look
construction methods into exploring boring
for roads options
16  Any support to Beven - SIDT  SW is legislated to IG
village/rural supplies provide for urban areas
to support SIDT’s including peri-urban
‘Helpem Village areas only and not rural
People’ theme areas

Attendance Sheet of Second Public Consultation and Information Disclosure (20-

21 February 2019)



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