TFN Transes
TFN Transes
TFN Transes
proposition theory assumption
A basic generalization that is accepted
as true and that can be used as a basis
for reasoning or conduct. NURSING
THEORY o A body of knowledge that
describes or explains nursing and is
used to support nursing practice. o An
organized and systematic articulation of
a set of statements related to questions
in the discipline of nursing.
A mental idea of a phenomenon.
A comprehensive idea or The most basic beliefs, concepts, and
generalization. attitudes of an individual or group o An
An idea that brings diverse elements analysis of the grounds of and concepts
into a basic o relationship. expressing fundamental beliefs o Is the
A unit of knowledge abstracted from a next knowledge level after
set of o characteristics attributed to a metaparadigm. It specifies the
class of objects, o relations or entities. definition of metaparadigm concepts.
o A unit of thought.
A general idea formed in the mind.
Something understood or retained in
the mind, from experience, reasoning,
and/or imagination, a generalization or
abstraction of a particular set of
instances or occurrences. • Examples:
person, health, environment, nursing
Information, skills and expertise
acquired by a person through 1. Education
formal/informal learning.
• nursing theory was used primarily to
PHENOMENON establish the profession’s place in the
A set of empirical data or experiences • provide a general focus for
that can be physically observed or curriculum design.
tangible such as crying or grimacing • guide curricular decision making
when in pain.
2. Research
• nursing research identifies the
Nursing encompasses autonomous and philosophical assumptions or
collaborative care of individuals of all theoretical frameworks from which it
ages, families, groups and communities, proceeds.
sick or well and in all settings. It • offer a framework for generating
includes the promotion of health, the knowledge and new ideas.
prevention of illness, and the care of ill, • assist in discovering knowledge gaps
disabled and dying people. (WHO) in specific field of study.
• offer a systematic approach to
identify questions for study, select
In science and philosophy, a paradigm is variables, interpret findings and
a distinct set of concepts or thought validate nursing interventions.
patterns, including theories, research 3.PRACTICE
methods, postulates, and standards for
what constitutes legitimate • the primary contribution of nursing
contributions to a field. theory when employed in a clinical
setting is the facilitation of reflection,
HYPOTHESIS questioning, and thinking about what
Translates a research question into a nurses do.
prediction of expected outcomes. - • assist nurses to describe, explain, and
research question identifies the predict everyday experiences.
variables/ concepts under investigation • serve to guide assessment,
and asks how the concepts might be intervention, and evaluation of nursing
related - hypothesis is the predicted care.
answer • provide a rationale for collecting
reliable and valid data about the health
RESEARCH status of clients, which are essential for
effective decision making and
Research comprises "creative and implementation.
systematic work undertaken to increase
the stock of knowledge, including TYPES OF NURSING THEORY
knowledge of humans, culture and
society, and the use of this stock of Meta-theory - the theory of theory. Identifies
knowledge to devise new applications. specific phenomena through abstract concepts.
Grand theories – broad and complex Middle-
range theories- address specific phenomena through the development and use of
and reflect practice nursing theory.
o Clearly nursing is recognized as a profession o Genevieve and Roy Bixler who were against
today having used the criteria for a profession the status of Nursing as a profession 1945,
to guide development\ appraised nursing according to their original
seven criteria as follows:
1. Utilizes in its practice a well defined and well 6. Has practitioners who are motivated by
organized body of knowledge, which is on the altruism( the desire to help others) and who are
intellectual level of the higher training. responsive to human interests.
o Theories structure what the scientists o ▪ Peplau developed the first theory of nursing
perceived in the empirical world. practice in her book, Interpersonal Relations in
Nursing (1952) ▪ Journal of Nursing Research
o Presupposed theories and observable data (1952) ▪ 1960s and 1970s – analysis and debate
interact in the process of scientific investigation on the metatheoretical issues related to theory
➢ Postpositivism focuses on discovering the
o A theory should be judged based on the basis patterns that may describe a phenomena.
of scientific o consensus.
➢ Interpretive paradigm tends to promote
o The acceptance of scientific hypothesis understanding by addressing the meanings the
through research depends on the appraisal of participants social interaction that emphasize
the coherence of theory situation, context and multiple cognitive
constructions that individuals create on
o Dubin identified when scientific consensus is everyday events.
➢ Critical paradigm for knowledge
1. on the boundaries of the theory; the development in nursing , provides framework
phenomenon it addresses and what it excludes for inquiring about the interaction between the
2. on the logic used in constructing the theory social, political, economic, gender and cultural
to further understanding from a similar factors and experiences of health and illness.
perspective “Philosophy of science without history of
science is empty; history of science without
3. that the theory fits the data collected and
philosophy of science is blind - Imre Lakatos
analyzed though research ISSUES IN NURSING
fundamental patterns of knowledge in Nursing
(Carper, 1978)
o Empirical knowledge