English Around The World ThinkFC1
English Around The World ThinkFC1
English Around The World ThinkFC1
English Around the World
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A few centuries ago, English was hardly
FIRST THOUGHTS spoken by anybody outside the British Isles.
Yet nowadays, millions ofpeople around the world
Look at these reasons for studying English and use it in their everyday lives. In many countries it
number them in order ofimportance for you. has become a political issue. In sorne places, laws
discourage people from using English instead of
the mother tongue. However, it is the behaviour of
To get a goodjob.
individuals which mostly concerns us here. Today,
To pass an examination. we are going to look at sorne ofthose people and
For travel.
find out who they are, why they use it, and how
To speak to foreign visitors. they feel about it.
To understand the culture of a
foreign country better. •
To study abroad. •
To please someone else. • I'm Kurt Thommen from
Zurich in Switzerland. I'm
READING a photographer for a wildlife
magazine. I need English
because lots ofhandbooks are
1 written in it and I travel a
"You are going to read an article about why different lot. N ext month I'm going to
people around the world use English. Choose the most visit South East Asia. I hope l'11 be able to make
suitable heading A-H for each part ofthe article (1-6). myselfunderstood. I've found it is often easier to
There is one extra heading which you do not have to speak English to other foreigners than to native
use. There is an example at the beginning (O)." speakers! One American colleague doesn't speak
slowly enough for me to understand him. It is
useful to know English, but I don't approve of
foreigners using English expressions in their own
A There's no stopping it.
B Foreigners are clearer.
C We are victims ofnecessity.
D It was all so different.
E Ashamed of my mother.
F You'll need it at conferences.
G Songs are best!
H English around the world.
B Foreigners are clearer.
Interpretation: The paragraph this heads is
2 Let's take the headings A, B and C as examples. obviously going to mention that it is easier to
We need to interpret each heading and then find understand other foreigners than native speakers.
evidence which supports its use. Evidence: Kurt Thommen says the same thing but
in a different way: "I've found it is often easier to
A There's no stopping it! speak English to other foreigners than to native
Interpretation: This shows that the person seems speakers."
to have a negative attitude towards English. They
believe that nothing can be done to stop its growth. C We are victims of necessity.
Evidence: Veronique Arnaud says: "1 don't like the Interpretation: This seems to say that the person
way English seems to be taking over." So this heading uses English because they have been forced to. It
fits best with paragraph 2. suggests that it is an unwelcome choice.
Evidence: These ideas seem to summarise best whai
Adebayo Omere has to say in the whole ofhis
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English Around the World