Kamal - JeevanUmang - 3-2-2024 7.26.51
Kamal - JeevanUmang - 3-2-2024 7.26.51
Kamal - JeevanUmang - 3-2-2024 7.26.51
Prepared By
This is proposed to
Proposer Details
Name kamal
Age 24
Plan Name 945-Jeevan Umang
Sum Assured 750000
Policy Term 76
PPT 15
DAB Rider 0
AD & DB Rider 750000
Term Rider 0
PWB Rider -
0 0 911745 0 0 10720500 0 0
You have to pay the premium for 15 yrs
(from Age:24 - Age:38)
If you take the payment mode as yly then you have to pay Rs.62029 for the first
year,from 2nd year onwards Rs.60694
Natural Risk Cover is as shown in the above table under Natural column.....For
example In case of Natural Death at Age-29, Nominee will receive Rs.1038000
If you close the policy you will receive the amount as shown in the above table
under CashValue Column.....For example
if you close at Age-80, you will receive Rs.5799900
You can take the loan as shown in the above table under Loan Column.....For
at Age-59, you can take a loan of Rs.315000
Medical Report: For Proposers under NMS(Including NRIs/FNIOs of group V
countries), And NMG(Professional) and NMG(Self-Employed) Criteria upto age
60 LBD
----NMS & NMG(Professional)----
Disclaimer : The Benefits shown in this presentation are calculated based on the
current bonus rates, Actual values may vary depends on the corporation profits and