LM Ict Computer 10 2ndq

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SECOND QUARTER; S.Y. 2021-2022

Before learning on this module, let’s have first an initial activity in which it will recall about your
previous experiences and will assess your background/previous knowledge related to the topics.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully. Choose the BEST answer from the choices given and
write it on the worksheets provided. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a network that covers a relatively small geographical area that connects computers within a firm
or household by wire.

2. It is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs,
multimedia, documents or electronic books.
A. File Sharing B. File Distributing C. File Pairing D. File Networking

3. It is a collection of computers and devices connected together so that they can communicate with
one another.
A. Wide Area Network B. Local Area Network
C. Computer Network D. P2P Network

4. It is created when two or more PCs are connected and share resources without going through a
separate server computer.
A. Wide Area Network B. Local Area Network
C. Computer Network D. P2P Network
5. A computer that seeks any resource from another computer.
A. Customer Computer B. Customer Service
C. Client Computer D. Client Service

6. It is the receiving of data or a file.

A. Loading B. Downloading C. Receiving D. Filing

7. It represents speed at which data is transferred through a modem.

A. Bit rate B. Bit ret C. Bet rate D. Bet ret

8. It is the sending of the data or the file.

A. Loading B. Uploading C. Sending D. Filing

9. It is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices.

A. Internet B. Network C. Networking D. Data

10. This type of connection uses a broadband connection.

A. Cable B. Dial-up C. DSL D. Satellite

11.WWW stands for?

A. World Widen Web B. Word Wide Web
C. Word Weight Word D. World Wide Web

12. A document commonly written in HTML.

A. Website B. Webpage C. Web Browser D. Web Camera

13. It consists of different web pages.

A. Website B. Webpage C. Web Browser D. Web Camera

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14. Software that allows you to find and view websites.
A. Website B. Webpage C. Web Browser D. Web Camera

15. It is a short for web log.

A. Blog B. Wiki C. Forums D. Sites

Introduction to Computer Network

Direction: Files can be shared online or offline. Write OL if it is shared
online. Write OF if it is shared offline. Write your answer directly on the worksheet provided.

1. Sending file via infrared on mobile phone

2. Uploading family picture in Instagram.
3. Transfering file from computer 1 to computer 10 in LAN
4. Downloading a movie from the Torrent
5. Sharing games using mobile phone


Computers by themselves are useful tools. Once they are linked with one another, computers
can communicate and share resources. This network improves the day-to-day life by adding value and
usefulness to the computers.

The primary reasons for networking computers are to share information, to share hardware and
software, and to centralize administration and support.

A computer network consists of a collection of computers, printers, and other equipment that
are connected together so that they can communicate with one another. The illustration below is an
example of a network in a school. Comprising of a Local Area Network (LAN) connecting computers
with each other, the Internet, and various servers.

With the availability and power of today’s personal computers, you might ask why networks are
needed. From the earliest networks to today’s high-powered personal computers, the answer has
remained the same: networks increase efficiency and reduce costs. Computer networks achieve these
goals in three primary ways:
1. Sharing information or data;
2. Sharing hardware and software; and
3. Centralizing administration and support.

More specifically, computers that are part of a network can share:

 Documents (memos, spreadsheets, invoices, ect);
 Email messages;
 Word processing software;

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 Project-tracking software;
 Illustrations, photographs, videos, and audio files;
 Live audio and video broadcasts;
 Printers;
 Fax machines;
 Modems;
 CD-ROM drives and other removable drives, such as Zio and Jaz drives; and
 Hard drives.
The capabilities of networks are constantly expanding as new ways are found to share and
communicate by means of computers.


 LAN (Local Area Network) is a network that covers a relatively small geographical area. It
connects computers within a firm or household by wire.
 WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) is a network that covers a relatively small geographical
area. It connects computer within a firm or household wirelessly.
 WAN (Wide Area Network) is a network that covers a relatively large geographical area. It
connects a greater number of computers and local networks.

File Sharing
It is a practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs,
multimedia (audio, images, and video), documents, or electronic books. File sharing may be achieved
in a number of ways. Common methods of storage, transmission, and dispersion include manual
sharing utilizing removable media, centralized serves on computer networks, World Wide Web-based
hyperlinked documents, and the use of distributed peer-to-peer networking.

In many situations, files can be shared online or offline. Examples of transmitting files online are
uploading photos in social media, downloading movies, and other activities that use Internet

Computer networks can be logically classified as either peer-to-peer networks or client-server


P2P (Peer-to-peer Network)

In its simplest form, a peer-to-peer (P2P) network is created when two or more PCs are
connected and share resources without going through a separate server computer. Peer-to-peer
networks are very popular with people who want to share files directly with one another. The files do not
have to be stored on a central server.

Peer-to-peer networks are good for small business organizations such as a small pharmacy
outlet, an automobile service center, a small clinic, ect. The main disadvantages of peer-to-peer
networks are listed below:

 Everything is kept distributed in different computers.

 User generated files are stored in individual computers. Data backup is extremely difficult.
 Each computer has its own user database. There is no centralized user and user privilege
management. Users need to remember their user IDs and passwords in every computer.
Managing network users is extremely difficult.

As the organization’s network grows, they must gradually upgrade their peer-to-peer network client-
server-based network.

The client/server computer network model is made-up of client computers and server
computers. Now we need to understand the terms client and server.

A computer that seeks any resource from another computer is a client computer. You can think
of a client as a computer in your network, where a network user is performing some network activity like
downloading a file from a file server, browsing the Internet, etc. the network user normally uses a client

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computer to perform his day-to-day work. On the other hand, if a computer has a resource which is
served to another computer, it is a server computer. The client establishes a connection to a server and
accesses the services installed on the server. A server is not meant for a network user to browse on the
Internet or do spreadsheet work. A server computer is installed with appropriate operating system and
related software to serve the network clients with one or more services continuously without a break.

Learning Competency: Identify the different types of networks; (Critical
Thinking, Computing Technology-ICT)

I. Direction: Identify whether the following statements are characteristics of LAN, WLAN, or WAN.
Write your answer on the space provided before each number
________1. Computers are spread over a wide geographic area.
________2. Coverage area is generally a few kilometers.
________3. Communication links between computers are provided by telephone networks, public data
networks, satellites, etc.
________4. This has low cost installation, expansion, and maintenance.
________5. It is more complex; therefore, it may be difficult to troubleshoot.
________6. It has no wiring difficulties.
________7. Multiple computers are connected together.
________8. Installation is relatively simple and has good scalability.
________9. It usually interconnects multiple LANs.
________10. It is simple, cheap, and available in many mobile devices.

II. Directions: Tell whether the following statements are True or False. Write your answer on the
space provided before each number.
________1. You can share both information and device in network computers.
________2. The major types of networks are client/server and P2P.
________3. Client sends requests and server responds to those requests.
________4. The exchange of data between users that have network access is one reason why
computers are connected with each other.
________5. LAN is a network that covers a relatively large geographical area.
________6. All client computers are connected to the server.
________7. Sharing information is one of the primary goals of computer networks.
________8. A printer is a device not available for sharing.
________9. It is possible to collect files from remote computers if they are not shared.
________10. Online means you are connected to the Internet.

Direction: Read the questions carefully and answer each briefly.
Learning Comptency: Understand how computer network operates; (Critical
Thinking, Computing Technology-ICT)
Career Pathing: Writer
1. What is a computer network?
2. What are three advantages of using a computer network?

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3. Give two examples of WAN configuration.


“Computers by themselves are useful tools. It depends on us on how we responsibly used
it. Once they are linked with one another, computers can communicate and share
resources. This network improves the day-to-day life by adding value and usefulness to
the computers.”
Based from the statement quoted above, write your reflection below.



Directions: Following situations below are common issues about computer networks. Solve each issue
through writing the possible solution/s. You can research it on the internet for you to get the possible
solutions in each issue. Write your answer on the space provided in your worksheets.
Learning Competency: Solve particular issue about computer networks. (Critical Thinking,
Computing Technology-ICT)
Career Pathing: Researcher, IT Expert

1. Unable to Connect to Local File or Printer Shares

Quick Solution: ____________________________________________________________________
2. Local Network is Unable to Connect to the internet
Quick Solution: ____________________________________________________________________
3. Slow Internet Performance
Quick Solution: ____________________________________________________________________

Understanding the Internet


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Direction: Match the descriptions in Column A with the terms in Column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided before each number.

Column A Column B
____1. Connects to the Internet through signal-emitting
machines orbiting the Earth a. DSL
____2. Receiving data or a file from the Internet on your
computer b. Uploading
____3. Represents speed at which data is transferred through
a modem c. Facebook
____4. Uses your phone line to connect to the Internet d. Downloading
____5. The world's largest social networking site e. 3G and 4G
____6. Uses broadband connection f. Dial-up
____7. Sending data or a file from your computer g. Email
____8. A wireless connection commonly used with mobile
phones h. Satellite Instant messaging (IM)
____9. Electronic mail j. Bit rate
____10. Short messages sent and read in real time k. Cable


The Internet is a network used by almost everyone around the globe. It is used to access valuable
information through sites developed by skillful people to share personal knowledge. It also allows
people to communicate with one another through email, instant messaging, or chat. The Internet serves
many purposes, primary of these are interconnection and information sharing. There is almost no limit
to what you can do online. With the Internet, it is easy to quickly find information, communicate with
people around the world, manage your finances, shop from home, listen to music, watch videos, and
more. Now, imagine the world without the Internet. How do you think would people do these things
without the Internet?

The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. It is the most
widespread network with nearly 2 billion users. In its early conception, the Internet began as a small
network for simple data exchange. Today however, it is used in many industries and is indispensable in
everyday life. The following are just some ways in which the Internet has penetrated society:
 Banking and Finance: Internet banking (paying bills, transferring funds, access to account,
etc.), electronic trading (stocks, various goods, intellectual services, etc).
 Socializing: social networks, online forums
 News and Trends: news portals, blogs, etc.
 Healthcare: diagnosing diseases, setting appointments for medical examinations, exchanging
medical data between hospitals and institutes, surgery and remote surgery monitoring.
 Education: online universities with webinars (web + seminar), websites with tutorials, expert
advice, etc.

The Internet has many applications that create a huge social impact. Perhaps its most important
trait is information exchange, because information exchange among people enables collaboration.
Aside from the Internet, there are other forms of computer networks that are important. These are the
Intranet and the Extranet.

Intranet is the private network of an organization to which only authorized employees have
access (log in and password), while the Extranet is part of Intranet, to which independent collaborators
have access.

Data Flow Transfer

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When you use data or the WiFi on your smartphone, do you notice that there are blinking
arrows beside your WiFi signal or beside your data signal? It looks are something like this:
The arrows represent data flow transfer. The upward pointing arrow lights up or blinks when
your device or computer is in the process of sending out data or information through the Internet. An
example of this is when you post pictures, videos, or share other content on social networking sites.
This is also referred to as upload. The downward pointing arrow lights up or blinks when your device or
computer is in the process of receiving data or information through the Internet. This occurs when you
stream music, watch videos on YouTube, and open websites. This is also referred to as download.

Downloading means receiving data or a file from the Internet on your computer. Uploading
means sending data or a file from your computer to somewhere on the Internet. These terms describe
activities you may have already learned how to do. If you've ever opened a document in one of the
attachments in your email, you've downloaded that file. If you've ever taken a photo and shared this on
Facebook or another social media site, you've uploaded that photo.

Bit rate represents speed at which data is transferred through a modem (network). It is
measured in bit/s (bit per second). Bit is a measurement unit for speed of digital data flow through the
network. The number of bits transferred in one second tells us how many bits can be transferred
through a network in one second.

1,000 bit/s rate = 1 Kbit/s (one kilobit or one thousand bits per second)
1,000,000 bit/s rate = 1 Mbit/s (one megabit or one million bits per second)
1,000,000,000 bit/s rate = 1 Gbit/s (one gigabit or one billion bits per second)

Speed of data flow can be expressed in bytes per second or bits per second. One byte has
eight bits.
The type of Internet service you choose will largely depend on which Internet service providers
(ISPs) serve your area, along with the types of service they offer. The following are common types of
Internet service:
1. Dial-up - Dial-up Internet uses your phone line to connect your computer to the Internet.
While connected to the Internet, your landline phone cannot make or receive calls.
2. DSL - This connection type uses a broadband connection, which makes it faster than dial-up.
DSL connects to the Internet via a phone line but does not require you to have a landline at home.
3. Cable - Cable service connects to the Internet via cable TV, although you do not necessarily
need to have cable TV in order to get it. It just makes use of the cable lines to hook up to the Internet.
4. Satellite - A satellite connection uses broadband but does not require cable or phone lines; it
connects to the Internet through powerful signals coming from satellites orbiting the Earth.


The Internet has become such an important part of our life. Many people use it to make their
work easier and faster. The following are some ways in which people use the Internet for convenience,
leisure, and entertainment.

Finding Information Online

With billions of websites online today, there is a lot of information on the Internet. Search
engines make information easier to find. It is a web-based tool that enables users to locate information
on the World Wide Web. All you have to do is type one or more keywords, and the search engine will
look for relevant websites. For example, let's say you are looking for a new pair of shoes. You could
use a search engine to learn about different types of shoes, get directions to a nearby shoe store, or
even find out where to buy them online. There are many different search engines you can use, but
some of the most popular include Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.
 Email

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Short for electronic mail, email is a way to send and receive messages across the Internet.
Almost everyone who uses the Internet has his/her own email account, usually called an email
 Social Networking
Social networking websites are another way to connect and share with your family and friends
online, Facebook is the world's largest social networking site, with more than 1 billion users
 Chat and Instant Messaging
Chat and instant messaging (IM) are short messages sent and read in real time, allowing you to
converse more quickly and easily than email.
 Online Streaming
There are many sites that allow you to watch videos and listen to music. For example, you can
watch millions of videos on YouTube or listen to Internet radio on Pandora. If you have a set-top
streaming box, you can even watch them directly on your television instead of a computer
 Everyday Tasks
You can also use the Internet to complete everyday tasks and errands. For example, you can
manage your bank account, pay your bills, and shop for just about anything

Direction: Using the table below, fill it out through identifying and
differentiating the different types of Internet services.
Learning Competency: Identify and differentiate the different types of Internet services. (Critical
Thinking, Computing Technology-ICT)
Career Pathing: Analyst, Researcher

The World Wide Web

Direction: Identify what is described in each number. Write your answer directly
on the worksheet provided.

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______________ 1. This is a central location of various web pages that are all related.
______________ 2. This is the most prominent part of a web address.
______________ 3. This is a short term for web log.
______________ 4. This includes a string of characters after the path.
______________ 5. This is a document commonly written in HTML.
______________ 6. This tells your browser to load a specific page.
______________ 7. This protects a computer or network from intruders.
______________ 8. This type of website promotes a gives information about products or services of
certain entity.
______________ 9. This tells your browser what type of address it is.
______________ 10. This is a word or phrase on a website that is underlined in blue.


In recent years, the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) have become more and more
popular as information resources. Many people believe that the WWW is the same as the Internet. This
is untrue. In this lesson, you will learn how the Web has popularized the use of the Internet and how
this program runs and benefits the millions of computer users when using the Internet around the world.

Google is an example of a popular search engine that runs on the Internet. It is a collection of
interlinked documents that work together using a special computer language called a protocol. This
language allows millions of web documents or pages to be accessed instantly with a click of a button.


Before the World Wide Web, the Internet only provided screens full of text. Although it was
pretty good for exchanging information and for accessing information, it was visually plain. The World
Wide Web improved the net. Not only did it change its appearance, it made it possible for pictures and
sounds to be displayed and exchanged.

Tim Berners Lee created the World Wide Web. The first trials of the World Wide Web were at
the CERN laboratories (one of Europe's largest research laboratories) in Switzerland in December

By 1991, browser and web server software were made available, and by 1992 a few preliminary
sites existed in places like the University of Illinois. The first search engines began to appear in the mid-
1990s, and it didn't take long for Google to come in the scene.

In its early days, the Web was mainly used for displaying information. Online shopping and
online purchase of goods came a little bit later. The first large commercial site was Amazon, a
company which in its initial days concentrated solely on book markets. By 1998 there were 750,000
commercial sites on the World Wide Web. All these developments rapidly changed the way traditional
markets worked.


A web browser is a type of software that allows you to find and view websites on the Internet.
There are many different web browsers, but some of the most common ones include Google Chrome,
Internet Explorer, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox.
A site or website is a central location of various web pages that are all related and can be
accessed by visiting the home page. A web page is a document commonly written in HyperText
Markup Language (HTML) that is accessible through the Internet or other network using an Internet
browser. A web page is accessed by entering a URL address an may contain text, graphics, and
hyperlinks to other web pages and files.

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Each website has a unique address called a URL, short for Uniform Resource Locator. It is like
a street address that tells your browser where to go on the Internet. When you type a URL into the
browsers address bar and press Enter on your keyboard, the browser will load the page associated
with that URL.
Whenever you see a word or phrase on a website that is blue or underlined in blue, it is
probably a hyperlink or link. Links are used to navigate the Web. When you click a link, it will usually
take you to a different web page. Many websites actually use images as links, so you can just click the
image to navigate to another page.
A URL has several parts: the protocol, the domain name, the directory or folder, and the
filename and its extension. Below is an example of URL and its corresponding parts.

The first part of URL is called protocol. In the URL above, the protocol is the HTTP which
enables the web browsing. HTTP or HyperText Transfer Protocol allows the computers in the World
Wide Web to interface with one another. It provides a set of instructions for precise information
The domain name is the second part of the URL. It is a text name that corresponds to the IP
address of the server that serves the web site. Text name is easier to remember that is why domain
name is used instead of the IP address. In our example, the domain name is www.citytech.cuny.edu
There are domain names that end with .com (for commercial), .edu (for education), .org (for
organization),.info (for information), com.ph (for Philippines), co.jp (for Japan), and many more.
Extension Type of Site Example
.com Commercial or for profit business www.microsoft.com
.edu Educational institution www.yale.edu
.gov Government www.irs.gov
.org Professional or nonprofit organization www.pbs.org
.net Web-hosting companies involved in the www.asp.net
infrastructure of the Internet

Another part of the URL identifies the directory name or the folder name. It is the actual
location of the file you want to access. When creating links, Sure that the directory exists and contains
the file you want to link. In the given example, the name of the directory or folder is webpages. A
directory may consist of one or more sub directories.

The last part of the URL is the file name: about.html. In creating links, make sure that the file
exists and make sure to use the appropriate file extension (such as .htm, .html, etc.).

When you're looking for information online, it's a good idea to be aware of the different types of
websites available and the kind of information they contain. on what you're looking for, you may find
that certain types are more relevant to your search than others. Let's take a look at some of the most
common types of websites.

1. Commercial sites - are websites that promote or give information about their products or services.
2. Organizations - - are websites that promote a cause or provide information about it.
3. News sites - are websites that contain news and TV information. News websites are usually updated
frequently, and older articles may be kept on the site for years. modify content. The most famous
4. Blog - is short for web log. It is a site used to find the latest information about a company, person, or
topic (like technology).
5. Wiki - is a site that lets users add or example is Wikipedia, which is an online encyclopedia.
6. School Sites – contain general information about the school, faculty, students, and other school-
related content.

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7. Forums - are websites where people can have discussions.

Online Privacy
It is extremely important to protect your online privacy by following these important guidelines:
 Never give out personal information unless a parent or guardian allows you to.
 If you do give out personal information, make sure you know who is receiving the information
and that it is secure.
 Use different usernames and passwords for different sites.

Organizations and individuals may use firewalls. This is a hardware or software that protects a
computer or network from intruders to protect their computers and users' personal information. They
may also use blocking or filtering software to prevent a user from viewing certain kinds of sites.

Direction: Using the table below, fill it out through identifying and
differentiating the different types of websites.
Learning Competency: Identify and differentiate the different types of websites. (Critical
Thinking, Computing Technology-ICT)
Career Pathing: IT Expert, Researcher

Congratulations! It seems that you are now equipped with knowledge from the lessons
presented and tackled in this module, it’s time for you to summarize all the lessons through answering
this post-assessment.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully. Choose the BEST answer from the choices given and
write it on the worksheets provided. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a network that covers a relatively small geographical area that connects computers within a firm
or household by wire.

2. It is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs,
multimedia, documents or electronic books.
A. File Sharing B. File Distributing C. File Pairing D. File Networking

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3. It is a collection of computers and devices connected together so that they can communicate with
one another.
A. Wide Area Network B. Local Area Network
C. Computer Network D. P2P Network

4. It is created when two or more PCs are connected and share resources without going through a
separate server computer.
A. Wide Area Network B. Local Area Network
C. Computer Network D. P2P Network
5. A computer that seeks any resource from another computer.
A. Customer Computer B. Customer Service
C. Client Computer D. Client Service

6. It is the receiving of data or a file.

A. Loading B. Downloading C. Receiving D. Filing

7. It represents speed at which data is transferred through a modem.

A. Bit rate B. Bit ret C. Bet rate D. Bet ret

8. It is the sending of the data or the file.

A. Loading B. Uploading C. Sending D. Filing

9. It is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices.

A. Internet B. Network C. Networking D. Data

10. This type of connection uses a broadband connection.

A. Cable B. Dial-up C. DSL D. Satellite

11.WWW stands for?

A. World Widen Web B. Word Wide Web
C. Word Weight Word D. World Wide Web

12. A document commonly written in HTML.

A. Website B. Webpage C. Web Browser D. Web Camera

13. It consists of different web pages.

A. Website B. Webpage C. Web Browser D. Web Camera

14. Software that allows you to find and view websites.

A. Website B. Webpage C. Web Browser D. Web Camera

15. It is a short for web log.

A. Blog B. Wiki C. Forums D. Sites



Learning Competency: Create a poster making and reflective essay that shows distinguished life
with an ICT and life without an ICT. (Critical Thinking, Computing Technology-ICT, Creativity and
Career Pathing: Artist, Writer

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The Information and Communication Technology Department of Sto. Niño Institute of Getafe,
Bohol, Inc joined the Arts Culmination of the said institution. The organization of Arts Club did contest
that really hone students’ skills especially in drawing. Since the ICT Department joined and
collaborated with the said contest, they come up a contest about Poster Making with reflective essay
with a theme about a life with an ICT and a life without an ICT and made a twist on putting reflective
essay after realizing the poster they’ve made. Your Homeroom Class Adviser found out that you have
the capacity and skills to do it as a young student. Your task is to create a poster making with
reflective essay about a life with and without ICT. Output will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Organization, Appropriates, Creativity and Innovation, and Neatness:


(25) (22) (20) IMPROVEMEN
Organization The poster was The poster is The poster is The poster was
perfectly organized, organized, not organized
organized, well- arranged, and arranged, and correctly that
arranged, and best suited to the theme. suited to the may lead to
suited to the The reflective essay theme. There are confusion. The
theme. The was organized some lines of the reflective essay
reflective essay correctly that can essay that doesn’t doesn’t suit to
was organized be understood by suited to the topic. the theme
correctly that can anyone. It is direct There are 3-5 provided.
be understood by to the point and errors found in the
anyone. It is direct follow proper writing output.
to the point and strategy that really
follow proper suited to the topic
writing strategy provided. There are
that really suited to 1-2 errors found in
the topic provided. the output.
Appropriateness The poster and The poster and The poster is The poster and
reflective essay reflective essay are appropriate to the reflective essay
are very appropriate to the provided topic but are irrelevant to
appropriate to the given topic. the reflective the topic
given topic. essay doesn’t provided.
coincide with it.
Creativity and The poster and The poster and Some errors were The poster was
Innovation reflective essay reflective essay found. Some part copied from the
were creative and were creative and of the poster and internet and
innovative enough innovative enough some lines of the even the
wherein these wherein these were reflective essay reflective essay
were made by made by own. were copied from was copied
own. Apply colors Apply colors but the internet. also from the
in making the some colors did suit internet. No
posters and the to the poster. application of
essay was colors at all and
readable enough. it’s boring.
Neatness The poster and The poster was There are many Very untidy to
reflective essay neat enough but erasures found in look.

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were neat that some words are not the output.
everyone can readable because
really appreciate it. of the erasures
found in reflective

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