Informative Speech Essay
Informative Speech Essay
Informative Speech Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of an "Informative Speech Essay" can be both challenging and
rewarding. On one hand, the task involves researching and gathering relevant information to provide
a comprehensive understanding of the chosen subject. This requires time and effort to sift through
various sources, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
Crafting an informative speech essay also demands effective organization and structure. The
information needs to be presented logically, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
Ensuring a smooth flow of ideas and maintaining the reader's interest throughout the essay is crucial.
Moreover, it's essential to strike a balance between providing enough detail to educate the reader and
avoiding overwhelming them with excessive information. Finding the right tone and style to convey
the message in an engaging and accessible manner adds an additional layer of complexity.
Additionally, choosing a compelling and relevant topic is a critical aspect of the essay. It requires
careful consideration of the audience's interests and the significance of the subject matter.
In conclusion, while writing an informative speech essay may present challenges, the process also
offers an opportunity for personal growth and the development of valuable research and
communication skills. As with any writing task, it's important to approach it with dedication,
creativity, and a commitment to delivering a well-crafted piece of work.
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Informative Speech Essay Informative Speech Essay
The Evolution of Total Quality Management
The Evolution of Total Quality Management
A useful way to begin to understand the evolution of TQM is to link it to show how the
industrial world was developing at the time TQM was evolving.
Until the industrial revolution in the mid 18th century, most goods were custom made.
Industrialisation brought about a fundamental shift from cottage industry production to
large scale manufacturing. Simultaneously, industrial activity underwent extensive
mechanisation. As explained by Ho, craftsmen were diminishing and being replaced by
mass production and repetitive work practices. The aim with the new industrial era was
to produce large numbers of the same product which required processes to be put in
place to control quality as it could not be ... Show more content on ...
So gradually, during the post war years (as Cali explains) ... a sea change began taking
place in American management philosophy. as managers began to understand that work
of employees needed to be acknowledged and that workers needed to be consulted if
quality was to be improved.
In Deming s book Out of the Crisis he explains in his fourteen principles that inspection
is not the way forward if a businesses is to ensure quality. He says Cease dependence on
inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for massive inspection by building
quality into the product in the first place
It is around the time that we begin to see the emergence of quality assurance with
more emphasis focused on the training and development of staff, recording of data and
the accuracy in which things were measured. Brown et all describes how In the 1980s,
leading edge corporations sparked a revolution as they implemented Total Quality
programmes across entire organisations. In such a programme the responsibility for
quality is with the whole workforce. Each employee is responsible for the quality of
their own job, their own actions. It could be said that responsibility for quality lies with
100% of the workforce.
Another TQM guru, Joseph Juran also influenced the thinking at this time by promoting
the need for education and training in the
Product Placement Thesis
A study of the effectiveness of the use of leisure entertainment as an advertising tool in
marketing strategy
1.0INTRODUCTION The introduction will contain a brief background on the chosen
research topic, problem statement upon which the research questions have being built. It
will further give an insight into the scope, objectives, purpose and significance of the
research. 1.1BACKGROUND
Rotfeld (2006), suggested that avoidance of mass media advertising has become easier
for target audience as it is considered to be time for breaks such as; snacks time,
refreshing time, toilet and other activities. Invention of technologies in recent years have
also worsened and deepened the difficulty in ... Show more content on ...
The research questions shall serve as guide in the entire research exercise. * RQ1Does
the communication process in the use of leisure entertainment better eliminate Noise? *
RQ2Do adverts from leisure entertainment such as product placement drive audience to
take action as expected by sponsors? * RQ3Do adverts from leisure entertainment
enhance the product knowledge and value in consumers?
The objectives of this research are given below; * Provision of better understanding on
the use of alternative media strategies in today s marketing strategy building. * To
investigate and identify the advantages of the use of leisure entertainment as a mass
communication media tool as compared to the traditional tool. * Better understanding on
how sponsors adopt the use of leisure entertainment as a marketing strategy. * To identify
ways through which leisure entertainment can be used as a technique to overcome noise
problem in communication process.
This research
Kagemusha(Shadow Warrior) by Akira Kurosawa Essay
Research Paper
Shadow Warrior by Akira Kurosawa The film Shadow Warrior also known as
Kagemusha was made by Kurosawa in the year of 1980. The film recounted the actual
historical event about the death of a great samurai Shingen Takeda who was known as
the head of Takeda family. The film started in the year of 1573 while all samurai
families competed with each other and the final goal was to unite Japan as a whole.
The period was also known as Sengoku period. The story began in Shingen s place
while his younger brother, Nobukado found a thief who looked almost exactly like his
brother. The safety for the head of family was top priority during Sengoku period.
Therefore, the using of substitute in order to confuse enemies was a common ... Show
more content on ...
These four signs are exclusive for Shingen himself or the head of family. During last
battle fought by Shingen s son and alliance of Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu,
Kurosawa emphasized on these four sign heavily and tried to parallel different armies
action with the meaning of the signs. So we could actually feel the speed of the wind
while Takeda Family s cavalry was moving. The rows on rows of cavalry bewitching
the world with noble horsemanship, the brilliant ensigns in their primary colors
representing the different noble houses, the incomparable swiftness of the warriors in
their movements and their swordplay, the peremptory long distance shouts, the
precision of the gunfire, the instantaneous obedience of the foot soldiers to their
commanders: all bespeak the beauty, glory, and efficiency of an elegant warfare, even
in defeat. (Manheim)The heavy emphasis on the signs also showed us steps one by
one how Takeda Family was defeated. Because the strong connection between these
signs with the Takeda Family, while the Kagemusha found the flag with those 4 signs
in the water we immediately understand Takeda Family was defeated totally with
nothing left. One other great scene was when most of Takeda family s army was
defeated by enemy s gunmen, the wound soldiers and horses lying on the ground
struggled to die. In Kagemusha he adds the very effective shots of dying horses to be a
The Politics Of Texas Citizens
Texas citizens now is the time to ensure our state elected officials are made accountable
for their actions while serving in the senate congress and house of representative. When
our elected officials take office they know they are under inspection of the work they do
as a public servant and this includes spouses and possible immediate adult family
members. Public servants know certain aspects of their immediate adult family members
are under inspection like employment, charities, and other activities for evaluation for
nepotism. This is expected of you good citizens of Texasin your personal life and most
definitely at your place of employment. Many places of employment have employees sign
documents saying they will not do... Show more content on ...
This in turn created the Texas Ethics Commission to impose new restrictions on
lobbyists and required lawmakers to reveal their business dealings with lobbyists. It
has been more than 25 years since a major rework has been done on the state s ethic
laws. The current legislature is again under scrutiny for flimsy disclosure rules,
legislative conflicts of interest, lobbyist wining and dining congressional members,
and extravagant lifestyles fueled by special interest groups. Dark money has had a
corrupting influence on politics so without reforms those abuses will eventually visit
Texas. It does not matter what your party affiliation is; unethical actions hurt everyone.
Make your voice be heard. It is easier than ever with e government websites. There are
Texas Legislature Online, Texas Legislative Guide, The Texas Senate, and Texas House
of Representatives to name a few websites to gather data from. These sites are a wealth
of information on Texas legislation before the senate and the house. One of the great
features is being able to receive email alerts on particular bills that matter the most to
citizens. The Texas Public Information Act gives citizens the right to access government
records without any questions asked. There are several watchdog websites that are
nonpartisan that explain the legislative laws in layman terms. They are written to give
the pros and cons of
Operant Conditioning In Jurassic Park
Zach and Gray were sent to Jurassic World to visit their Aunt Claire, who is the park s
manager. Jurassic World, a dinosaur amusement park built on the island that was once
home to the original Jurassic Park, sought to increase park attendance by genetically
creating a new dinosaur. Masroni, the owner of the amusement park, asks Claire to
consult with American Navy veteran and Velociraptors trainer Owen Grady on the new
dinosaurs containment. This new attraction, the Indominus Rex, proves to be extremely
dangerous, uncontrollable, and uncontainable. The Indominus Rex ends up escaping and
goes around the island killing both people and dinosaurs. Claire decides to have the park
evacuated, but Zach and Gray ignore the evacuation order, opting... Show more content
on ...
The general response syndrome is known as Selye s concept of the body s adaptive
response to stress in three phases alarm, resistance, exhaustion (Myers, 2014, p.393).
The constant stressor in the movie would be the Indominus rex who poses as a threat
to their safety and confronts them with the need to stay alive, to survive. Phase one of
the GAS, alarm, can be seen when Owen and the guard realize Indominus is with them
inside the paddock. We see them become more alert and we can guess that their hearts
have begun to race. During Phase 2, resistance, your temperature, blood pressure, and
respiration remain high. Your adrenal glands pump hormones into your bloodstream.
You are fully engaged, summoning all your resources to meet the challenge (Myers,
2014, p.393). Owen experiences phase two as he runs as fast as he can towards the
slight opening as Indominus follows close behind. Adrenaline has kicked in and he s
using everything in him to run faster. We can only guess that Owen experiences Phase
three, exhaustion, as he lies under a truck covered in oil or gasoline, when we see him
breath with relief after Indominus failed to distinguish his
Joy Harjo s The Woman Hanging From The Thirteenth Floor...
When creating a persona authors provide an insight into their own lives. Even if an
author is not creating an autobiographical persona, they are writing from their
experiences, feelings, or memories. For that reason, they are creating something from
within. The persona usually conveys a story or provides a message to the reader from
the author. Thus, creating a strong persona is essential to the piece of literature to
convey its point. Since, the persona is the readers focus. Joy Harjo s poem The Woman
Hanging from the Thirteenth FloorWindow is a true example of an author writing from
personal experiences, feelings, and her own memories. She utilizes all these factors to
convey a heartfelt meaning to her readers, mainly to Native American... Show more
content on ...
First, the setting of the poem is in east Chicago (Kelly 140). Second, the line she is a
woman of children, of the baby Carlos connects with the image she had of the women
rocking the baby. (Kelly 140). Throughout the poem, Harjo makes many references to
children, which ties them to the children she imagined rocking in the chair. Third, Harjo
makes the remark that the women who is hanging from the window could have been
in the chair. Harjo puts this idea into the poem by writing, it was in the farther north
and she was the baby then. They rocked her (Kelly 140). The women from the poem
who is hanging could have been in the chair moments before, remembering when she
was a child being comforted. Ultimately, if Harjo had not been a Native American she
would not have been at the urban Indian center, which inspired her to create the poem.
Native American women and their struggles would not have affected her. However,
Harjo says, I always write with especially these women in mind because I want us all
to know as women, as Indian people, as human beings, that there is always hope, that
we are whole, alive, and precious (Harjo 40). Harjo, a Native American woman that with
her experience was able to create two relatable personas that spoke to Native American
Research Paper On Alzheimer s Disease
Alzheimer s disease Alzheimer s disease is a form of dementia. It is a brain disease
that slowly causes memory loss. It causes a loss of a person s reasoning skills and
their thinking skills. People with this disease used to be called senile. There are no
words to explain how watching a person with this disease just drifts away. Grief
stricken, morbid, somber, or heartbroken are some of the words that only come close to
explaining how it feels to watch a person with Alzheimer s disease slip away from you.
It is even more heart breaking to watch how they know they are forgetting things and
how it scares them. Learning about Alzheimer s disease may not seem like an important
subject to many people. However, it can benefit families that have... Show more content
on ...
This is the very severe cognitive decline or the late stage Alzheimer s. At this stage
they don t remember anything. Sometimes they may have a break through moment.
They can t carry on a conversation with you. They need help with almost everything
including their eating, using the bathroom, or daily care. Their muscles get rigid and
they even have a hard time swallowing. This is the stage where my grandpa had to go
into a facility for people with Alzheimer s. It is so sad to have to take them from their
home that they have lived in for years and take them somewhere like that. Sometimes
you don t have a choice ( Seven Stages of