Supplementry Work GG

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For Measurement Certificate No-1

Main Contract 6584944.00
Supplementary Agreement
#NAME? Varation Work Order No-1
Location:- East Hararghe, Goro Gutu/ Karamile Town Varation Work Order No-2
Client: - Goro Gutu Woreda Administration Varation Work Order No-3
Date of Signing Contract:- _________________ VAT15% 987741.60
TOTAL WITH VAT 7572685.60




DATE Amount
Amount Paid To
Returned Amount Remeining Deductions AMOUNT(Eth.Birr) 2704870.36
So Far

PREVIOUS PAYMENT 1. Previous Payment

AMOUNT(Eth.Birr) 2. Rebate 6 %
No Date
Due to ContractorVAT 15% 3. Retention 5% 135243.52
1 Adv. Pymt 81146.11 4. Penalty ______Days
2 0.00 5. Ad. Payment 20% 540974.07
3 Total Deductions 676217.59 676217.59
4 Net Sum Due To Contractor (A) 2028652.77
5 15% VAT For Total Executed Works (B) 385444.03
6 15% VAT Paid For Previous Payment (C) 81146.11
7 15% VAT For This Payment (B-C=D) 304297.92
9 Total Pay on This Certificate With VAT(A+D+E) 2332950.68
TOTAL 0.00 81146.11

We certify that the above mentioned Contractor is entitled to the Payment Of Eth Birr 1,087,127.34

(One Million Eighty Seven Thousand One Hundred Twenty Seven & 34/100) Only
__________________ ___________________ Date
Certified by Checked by

PROJECT:- Goro Gutu Administration Office

CLIENT:- Goro Gutu Woreda Administration
AKLD Building, Road & Bridge Construction
Micro Enterprise
LOCATION:- East Hararghe, Goro Gutu/ Karamile Town

Previos payment with VAT

Date No Amount
Final Final
Total 0.00

Retention without VAT

Date No Amount (Birr)
1 155,530

Total 155,530.05

Advance payment with VAT

Advance taken (Birr)
Advance Repaid 1
Advance Repaid 2
Advance Repaid 3
Advance repaid final
Advance repaid to date
Advance Remain
We certify that the contractor is know entitled to the sum of birr 3,141,396.74( Three Million, One Hundred F
Hundred Ninety Six & 74/100 ) Birr only

Prepared By:- Supervisor:-

Name:_______________ Name:_______________________
Sign:______________ Sign:________________________



Format Amount (Birr)

Main Contract before Vat 6,584,944.00

Supplementary Contract -

15%Vat 987,741.60
Total Sum with Vat 7,572,685.60 6762000

Excuted Work Amount (Birr)

Total volume up to date before VAT 2,704,870.36

VAT(15%) 405,730.55
Total volume up to date with VAT 3,110,600.91
Previous Payments with VAT -
Rebate (%)
Retention (5%) with VAT 155,530.05

Advance Repayment (20%) with VAT

Total Deductions 155,530.05
Add pevious cumulative retention
Net due to pay 2,955,070.87
Net due to pay before VAT 2,569,626.84
Net payment this time VAT 385,444.03
Net paymet this time withVAT 2,955,070.87 2,955,070.87

,141,396.74( Three Million, One Hundred Fourty One Thousand, Three

Checked by:- Approved by:-

Name:_________________ Name:_____________
Sign:___________________ Sign:_____________
For Measurement Certificate No -ONE
Details of Works Executed and/or Materials Supplied To Date

Amount (Eth. Birr) Total (Eth. Birr)

No Description
Contract Executed Contract Executed
B- Super Structure
1. CONCRETE WORK 2,719,726.00 2,704,870.36
2. BLOCK WORK 410,900.00
4. CAREPENTRY & JOINERY 287,500.00
5.ALUMINIUM WORK 373,350.00
6. FINISHING 1,781,223.00
7. PAINTING 204,900.00
TOTAL FOR SUPER STRUCTURE (B) 6,584,944.00 2,704,870.36
TOTAL (B) 6,584,944.00 2,704,870.36
6,584,944.00 ###
I _____________________ here by certify that the above figures are correct and that the value of Works
Executed and or of Materials Supplied to date is Eth Birr 'T


Project:- Goro Gutu Administration Office

Location:- East Hararghe, Goro Gutu/ Karamile Town
Client: - Goro Gutu Woreda Administration
Contractor: - AKLD Building, Road & Bridge Construction Micro Enterprise
Quantity contract
Item No Description Unit Rate Excuted amount Total
Contract Executed amount
B. Super Structure
1. Concrete Work
1.1 C-25 Concrete In
a) Elevation Columns M3 17.50 16.23 4,500.00 78,750.00 73,052.28
b) Top Tie Beam M3 37.00 1.40 4,500.00 166,500.00 6,300.00
c) Stair Case M3 12.40 7.09 4,500.00 55,800.00 31,905.56
d) 150mm thick floor slab M2 78.00 69.90 4,500.00 351,000.00 314,556.75
1.2 Formwork for sides of - -
a) Elevation Columns M2 250.00 208.68 410.00 102,500.00 85,557.98
b) Top Tie Beam M2 360.00 466.65 410.00 147,600.00 191,326.50
c) Stair Case M2 20.00 38.11 410.00 8,200.00 15,623.46
d) 150mm thick floor slab M2 520.00 520.00 410.00 213,200.00 213,200.00
1.3 Reinforcement Steel - -
a) Diameter 8mm Kg 4436.00 1857.40 82.00 363,752.00 152,307.17
b) Diameter 10mm Kg 5664.00 9750.74 78.00 441,792.00 760,557.70
c) Diameter 12mm Kg 436.00 782.51 76.00 33,136.00 59,470.51
d) Diameter 14mm Kg 7500.00 3439.30 74.00 555,000.00 254,508.50
e) Diameter 16mm Kg 4293.00 7590.33 72.00 309,096.00 546,503.95
SUM 2,517,230.00 2,704,870.36 405,730.55
Variation 187,640.36 3,110,600.91
Total Carried to Summary 2,704,870.36
2. Block Work
2.1 20cm thick HCB wall M2 420 419.36 420.00 176,400.00 176,131.20
2.2 Ditto but 15cm thick wall M2 670 667.70 350.00 234,500.00 233,695.00
Total Carried to Summary 409,826.20
4. Carpentry & Joinery
4.1 Door -
4.2 Size 100*280 No 25.00 11,500.00 -
Total Carried to Summary -

___________ ________________ ____________

Contractor Checked by Supervisor


Item No Description Unit Rate Sub Total Total
Contract Executed

5.1 W 1: size 290x180cm No 24 6,500.00 -
5.2 W2: size 150x180cm No 7 4,500.00 -
5.3 W3: size 400x180cm No 1 13,350.00 -
5.4 TW: size 120x68cm No 20 2,500.00 -
Aluminium staircase and hand
5.5 rails complete work H=90cm m 35 3,500.00 -
Total Carried to Summary -
6. Finishing Works
6.1 External exposed concrete & concr M2 470 419.36 165.00 77,550.00 69,194.40
6.2 Internal exposed concrete & concr M2 1470 1464.23 165.00 242,550.00 241,597.95
6.3 Concrete ceiling surface M2 520.00 520.04 165.00 85,800.00 85,806.60
6.4 Stair belly & sides M2 40.00 30.32 165.00 6,600.00 5,002.80
6.5 Apply fine coat of fine cement sand M2 1470 1984.27 165.00 242,550.00 327,404.55
48mm thick cement sand screed
6.6 under plastic tile flooring
finished smooth M2 520.00 520.04 250.00 130,000.00 130,010.00
2mm thick pvc floor tile stuck to
6.7 floor with approved type of
adhesive glue. M3 477.00 420.00 200,340.00 -
6cm high plastic tile skirting
6.8 stuck to wall with approved type
of adhesive glue. ml 397.00 155.00 61,535.00 -

2mm thick terrazzo tile beddedon

and including 3cm thick cement
sand screed and joints grouted in
cement mortar. m2 117.00 480.00 56,160.00 -
10×2cm terrazzo tile skirting
6.1 bedded on & including cement
mortarbacking. m 490.00 420.00 205,800.00 -
2cm thick white martle tile
flooring m2 14.00 1,670.00 23,380.00 -
10/2cm marble tile skirting
bedded on and including cement
mortarbacking. m 25.00 6,700.00 167,500.00 -

6.11 White marble tile window cill

bedded on ccement mortar 1:3,
placed with 2% slope out ward. - -
6.12 Size 27/3cm m 224.00 647.00 144,928.00 -
White marble slab steps thread &
6.13 riser bedded in cement mortar
1:3. - -
6.14 Thread size 30/3cm m 35.00 837.00 29,295.00 -
6.15 Riser size 17/2cm m 35.00 837.00 29,295.00 -

6.16 Supply
100mm and fixU
thick PVC (Dia
concrete pavement
bedded ondown pipe with 100mm
and including an
thick red ashdistance
bed withofjoints
80cm m2 124.00 450.00 55,800.00 -
with appropriate fixing
accessories. The price shall
6.17 includes all the necessary works
ml 164.00 162.00 135.00 22,140.00 21,870.00
Total sum 1,781,223.00 880,886.30
Total Carried to Summary 1,290,712.50
193,606.88 1,484,319.38
___________ ________________ ____________
Contractor Checked by Supervisor


Item No Description Unit Rate Sub Total Total
Contract Executed

8. Painting Work
Prepare and apply three coats plastic emulsion paint to:-
8.1 Internal plastered surfaces. M2 1470 419.36 48.00 20,129.28
8.2 Plastered concrete celling surface M2 520 520.04 47.00 24,441.88
8.3 Stair case belly and sides surface. M2 40 #REF! 45.00 #REF!
Quartize paint according to the manufacturer instruction
8.4 External plastered wall surface. M2 470 230.00
Total Carried to Summary #REF!



Item No Description Unit Rate Sub Total Total
Contract Executed

9. Electrical Installation
9.1 Power & Tele Intake (Provision Quantity) PVC Pipes
(110 mm Diameter) m 100 240.00
(50 mm Diameter) m 100 115.00
(25 mm Diameter) m 275 110.00

Sub Distribution Board

6 pcs
m.c.b. of 16A/1p No 1 8,000.00
8 pcs
m.c.b. of 16A/1p No 2 8,000.00

9.4 Light Point

PVC insulated conductors of
2x2.5mm² inside PVC conduits
of 13 mm diameter No 165.00 375.00

9.5 Switches
Flush mounted singel switch No 35.00 475.00
Flush mounted two way switch No 35.00 475.00 -
Flush mounted Double switch No 4.00 475.00 -

9.6 Socket Outlet Points -

PVC connectors of 3x5mm² Pcs 112.00 475.00 -
Flush mounting socket outlet of
16Amp1-Ph fed through PVC
conductor of 3x2.5mm² Pcs 112.00 475.00 -

9.7 Type of Light Fittings and Lamps or Equivalent

Disano 773 comfort(141345) wit No 3.00 1,070.00 -
Disano 773 comfort(141345) wit No 32.00 1,070.00 -
RZB 59222.002Q with A60 60W No 20.00 1,650.00 -

9.8 Data /Telephone Points -

PVC sheated copper wire 2x0.8 in No 12.00 480.00 -
Telephone box 300*200*80mm No 12.00 105.00

PVC Sheathed PVC Cable of 4x4 No 40.00 105.00 -

3*25/16+1*16mmsq No 100.00 3,500.00 -
PVC Diameter 40mm Ml 150.00 275.00 -
PVC Diameter 40mm No 150.00 275.00 -
Total Carried to Summary -

___________ ________________ ____________

Contractor Checked by Supervisor
Project:- Goro Gutu Administration Office Date:-
Location:- East Hararghe, Goro Gutu/ Karamile Town Page:- 01
Client: - Goro Gutu Woreda Administration Block Type: - Office Building
Contractor: - AKLD Building, Road & Bridge Construction Micro Enterprise
Item Dim Squaring Description Item Dim Squaring Description
B. Super-Structure 1.2 Form work for super structure
1.1 Rcc work in class of C-25 a/ Form work for columns (Swan
a. Concrete work for first floor columns zigba form work) for first floor

55 0.3 C-1 (0.3 x 0.3 ) For C1 (0.35 x 0.3) including working space of 25mm
on both sides of fw
0.3 Total width of the formwork is Where:-
2.8 13.86 m3 Total Quantity W= w1+w2+w3+w4 Where:- w1=w3=35cm
& w2=w4=30cm
3 3.14 Ditto but for Circular Column T4 W=2*0.35+2*0.3=1.3m
0.09 Where Volume V=𝜋𝑟^2h W=1.3m & H=2.8m
2.8 2.37384 m3 Total Quantity 55.00 2.80
1.30 200.20 m2 Total column form work for 1st floor
16.23 m3 Total volume of concrete for 1st foor columns
Ditto but formwork for circular column
b) Concrete Work for 2nd floor beam C-25 3 3.14 Where 𝐴=𝜋 〖𝑟ℎ〗 ^
14 FFB (0.25 x 0.4) 0.3
1 0.25 Total length of the Second FB is l =393m 3 8.478 m2 Total Quantity for circuar column
0.4 1.40 m3 Total volume of concrete for 2nd FB
208.68 m2 Total column form work for 2nd floor
c) Staircase
20 1.425 i) For triangle pan of each stair b/ Form work for first floor beam ( FFB)
0.3 Length L=393m
0.15 1.282 m3 Total Width ( Three sides) which is left,right
& bottom sides W=2*0.45+0.3=1.2m
2 1.425 Ditto but for rectangle part of the ( Soffit of the 1 393.00
3.35 stair ) x2=y2+z2 1.20 471.60 m2
0.15 1.432125 m3 Where =number of steps are 10
x = 0.32 + 0.15 2 55.00 0.3 Deduction for dimentions of column
x = 0.335m 0.3 4.95
Total length = 10x 0.335m = 3.35m
466.65 m2 Total FFB form work for 2nd floor
Ditto but for landing with a
2 2.95 depth of 0.15m thicknes
1.3 C) Form work for stair case

0.15 1.15 m3
20 1.43 i) Form work for riser of stair
0.15 4.290 m2
1 4 For the soffit part of the stair
0.25 Supportive beam for landing 2 1.43 Where :- w=1.43 & l=3.35
0.4 0.40 m3 LSB= ( 0.25 X 0.40) where Length l= 4m 3.35 9.581 m2

20 1 ii) For triangle pan of each stair For the side part of the stair is l=3.35m on each side of
where the length of flight
0.3 4 0.22 the stair
0.15 0.900 m3 3.35 2.948 m2

Ditto but for rectangle part of the ( soffit of the 1 2.95 Landing soffit Formwork
stair ) x2=y2+z2 1.3 3.835 m2
Where =number of steps are 10
2 1 x = 0.32 + 0.15 2 1 2.6 For the side part of the stair for landing
3.35 x = 0.335m 0.22 0.572 m2 length l=2*1.3=2.6m & tickness =22cm
0.15 1.005 m3 Total length = 10x 0.335m = 3.35m
1 4 Form work for Supportive beam for landing
1.2 4.8 m2 where l=4m & width w=2*0.45+0.3=1.2m
2 2 Ditto but for landing with a
1.2 depth of 0.15m thicknes 23.078 m2 Total area for longer stair
0.15 0.72 m3
20 1 ii) Form work for riser of stair
2 Supportive beam for landing 0.15 3.000 m2
1 0.25 LSB= ( 0.25 X 0.40) For the soffit part of the stair
0.4 0.20 m3 Length l= 2m 2 1 Where :- w=1 & l=3.35
3.35 6.7 m2
Total volume of concrete work
7.09 m3 for stair case including landing For the side part of the stair
where the length of flight is l=3.35m on each side of
4 0.22 the stair
d)-Concrete work on C-25 for 3.35 2.948 m2
2nd foor slab, thickness 0.15
Typical for panel 1 1 2 For soffit part of landing
4 W= 4 M 1.2 2.4 m2
20 4 L= 4M
0.15 48.00 m3 1 2.4 For the side part of the stair for landing
Typical for panel 2 0.22 0.528 m2 length l=2*1.2=2.4m & tickness =22cm
4 W= 2 M
16 2 L= 4M 1 2 Form work for Supportive beam for landing
0.15 19.20 m3 1.2 2.4 m2 where l=2m & width w=2*0.45+0.3=1.2m
Typical for panel 3
2 W= 2 M 15.028 m2
2 2 L= 2M
0.15 1.20 m3 Total area of form work for stair case
38.11 m2 including landing and supportive beam
Typical for panel 4
4 W= 1.1M d) Form work for first floor slab
2 1.1 L= 4M thickness 0.15m
0.15 1.32 m3
Typical for panel 5 Typical for panel 1
1.1 W= 1.1 M 20 4 W= 4 M
1 1.1 L= 1.1M 4 320.00 m3 L= 4M
0.15 0.18 m3 m3
Typical for panel 2
16 4 W= 2 M
69.90 m3 Total concrete volume for 1st slab work 2 128.00 m3 L= 4M

1.3 Reinforcement steel bars Typical for panel 3

1 1857.4 a. Dia. 8mm 2 4 W= 2 M
1857.40 kg 4 32.00 m3 L= 2M
1 9750.74 b.Dia. 10mm
9750.74 kg Typical for panel 4
1 782.5067 c.Dia. 12mm 2 4 W= 1.1M
782.51 kg 4 32.00 m3 L= 4M
1 3439.304 d.Dia. 14mm
3439.30 kg Typical for panel 5
1 7590.333 e.Dia. 16mm 1 4 W= 1.1 M
7590.33 kg 2 8.00 m3 L= 1.1M
Reinforcement Bar Type of Reinforcement Bar Diameter Remark
Length Total
No Location Type Dia
(m) No.Bar No. Mem Timizing Amount 6mm 8mm 10mm 12mm 14mm 16mm 20mm

B.Super Structure

2nd floor Elevation

C1 16 4 8 55 440 1760
stirrup 10 1.2 15 55 825 990
Ditto but,Circular Column
C1 16 4 8 3 24 96
stirrup 8 1.2 15 3 45 54

2 1st floor Top tie Beam

on axis A,B & F'
For top bar 16 12.2 2 3 6 73.2
For intermediate 16 8.1 2 3 6 48.6
For bottom 16 11.5 4 3 12 138
stirrup 8 1.2 50 3 150 180

On axis C,D & E

For top bar 16 14.65 2 3 6 87.9
For intermediate 16 8.2 2 3 6 49.2
For bottom 16 13.95 2 3 6 83.7
Ditto,but for bottom 16 7.15 2 3 6 42.9
stirrup 8 1.2 60 3 180 216

on axis F & G
For top bar 16 31.9 2 2 4 127.6
For intermediate 16 20.15 2 2 4 80.6
For bottom 16 31.2 3 2 6 187.2
Ditto,but for bottom 16 15.6 1 2 2 31.2
stirrup 8 1.2 130 2 260 312

on axis H & I
For top bar 16 29.15 2 2 4 116.6
For intermediate 16 15.85 2 2 4 63.4
For bottom 16 28.45 3 2 6 170.7
Ditto,but for bottom 16 16.1 1 2 2 32.2
stirrup 8 1.2 120 2 240 288

On axis 1,2,3 & 4

For top bar 16 23.75 2 4 8 190
For intermediate 16 16.2 2 4 8 129.6
For bottom 16 16.25 4 4 16 260
Ditto,but for bottom 16 6.8 3 4 12 81.6
stirrup 8 1.2 100 4 400 480
on axis 1,2,3,4,5& 6
For top bar 16 13.55 2 6 12 162.6
For intermediate 16 6.3 2 6 12 75.6
For bottom 16 11.95 4 6 24 286.8
stirrup 8 1.2 50 6 300 360

on axis 7 & 8
For top bar 16 13.85 2 2 4 55.4
For intermediate 16 8.1 2 2 4 32.4
For bottom 16 13.15 2 2 4 52.6
Ditto,but for bottom 16 6.8 2 2 4 27.2
stirrup 8 1.2 60 2 120 144

on axis 4'
For top bar 16 9.6 2 1 2 19.2
For intermediate 16 8.2 2 1 2 16.4
For bottom 16 8.9 2 1 2 17.8
stirrup 8 1.2 40 1 40 48 48

on axis 4''
For top bar 16 6.5 3 2 6 39
For intermediate 16 4.2 2 2 4 16.8
For bottom 16 5.8 4 2 8 46.4
stirrup 8 1.2 30 2 60 72
4 Top tie Beam
on axis A,B & F'
For top bar 14 12.2 2 3 6 73.2
For intermediate 14 8.1 2 3 6 48.6
For bottom 14 11.5 4 3 12 138
stirrup 8 1.2 50 3 150 180

on axis C,D & E

For top bar 14 14.65 2 3 6 87.9
For intermediate 14 8.2 2 3 6 49.2
For bottom 14 13.95 2 3 6 83.7
Ditto,but for bottom 14 7.15 2 3 6 42.9
stirrup 8 1.2 60 3 180 216

on axis F & G
For top bar 14 31.9 2 2 4 127.6
For intermediate 16 20.15 2 2 4 80.6
For bottom 16 31.2 3 2 6 187.2
Ditto,but for bottom 16 15.6 1 2 2 31.2
stirrup 8 1.2 130 2 260 312

on axis H & I
For top bar 14 29.15 2 2 4 116.6
For intermediate 14 15.85 2 2 4 63.4
For bottom 14 28.45 3 2 6 170.7
Ditto,but for bottom 14 16.1 1 2 2 32.2
stirrup 8 1.2 120 2 240 288

On axis 1,2,3 & 4

For top bar 14 23.75 2 4 8 190
For intermediate 14 16.2 2 4 8 129.6
For bottom 14 16.25 4 4 16 260
Ditto,but for bottom 14 6.8 3 4 12 81.6
stirrup 8 1.2 100 4 400 480

on axis 1,2,3,4,5& 6
For top bar 14 13.55 2 6 12 162.6
For intermediate 14 6.3 2 6 12 75.6
For bottom 14 11.95 4 6 24 286.8
stirrup 8 1.2 50 6 300 360

on axis 7 & 8
For top bar 14 13.85 2 2 4 55.4
For intermediate 14 8.1 2 2 4 32.4
For bottom 14 13.15 2 2 4 52.6
Ditto,but for bottom 14 6.8 2 2 4 27.2
stirrup 8 1.2 60 2 120 144

on axis 4'
For top bar 16 9.6 2 1 2 19.2
For intermediate 16 8.2 2 1 2 16.4
For bottom 16 8.9 2 1 2 17.8
stirrup 8 1.2 40 1 40 48

on axis 4''
For top bar 16 6.5 3 2 6 39
For intermediate 16 4.2 2 2 4 16.8
For bottom 16 5.8 4 2 8 46.4
stirrup 8 1.2 30 2 60 72

Re bars for 2nd floor solid

On axis A,B b/n 1-4 10 6.9 71.42 1 71.42 492.798
10 6.9 28.57 1 28.57 197.133
10 9.5 28.57 1 28.57 271.415
10 4.9 28.57 1 28.57 139.993
10 2.7 71.42 1 71.42 192.834

Ditto but on axis B & C b/n 1-4 10 4.6 71.42 1 71.42 328.532
10 6.9 28.57 1 28.57 197.133
10 9.5 28.57 1 28.57 271.415
10 4.9 28.57 1 28.57 139.993
10 2.7 71.42 1 71.42 192.834
Ditto but on axis C & D
10 4.6 85.71 1 2 171.42 788.532
and D & E b/n 1-4
10 9.5 28.57 2 2 114.28 1085.66
10 4.9 28.57 1 2 57.14 279.986
10 2.7 128.57 1 2 257.14 694.278

Ditto but on axis E & F b/n

10 4.6 71.42 1 71.42 328.532
10 6.9 28.57 1 28.57 197.133
10 9.5 28.57 1 28.57 271.415
10 4.9 28.57 1 28.57 139.993
10 4 71.42 1 71.42 285.68

Ditto but on axis F,G & H b/n 1-4 10 6.9 71.43 1 71.43 492.867
10 4.6 42.85 1 42.85 197.11
10 9.5 42.85 1 42.85 407.075
10 4.9 71.43 1 71.43 350.007

Ditto but on axis H & I b/n 1-4 10 6.9 71.43 1 71.43 492.867
10 5.03 28.57 1 28.57 143.7071
10 9.5 42.85 1 42.85 407.075
10 4.9 28.57 1 28.57 139.993
10 4 71.43 1 71.43 285.72

Ditto but on axis 4 & 5 and

10 5.03 71.43 2 142.86 718.5858
5 & 6 b/n F-I
10 9.5 42.85 2 85.7 814.15
10 6.9 28.57 2 57.14 394.266
10 4.9 28.57 2 57.14 279.986
10 4 71.43 2 142.86 571.44

Ditto but on axis 6 & 8 b/n

10 9.5 100 1 100 950
10 6.9 42.85 1 42.85 295.665
10 6.9 14.28 1 14.28 98.532
10 4.9 114.28 1 114.28 559.972
10 2.7 71.43 1 71.43 192.861

4 Stair case & landing

Stair case 1
on axis b/n C & D and axis 1 & 2 10 1.7 6 1 6 10.2
12 1.7 14.5 1 14.5 24.65
12 2.3 19 1 19 43.7
10 1.45 29 3 87 126.15
8 2.53 14 1 14 35.42
8 1.52 9 1 9 13.68
8 0.76 19 10 190 144.4
12 2.23 19 1 19 42.37
10 1.45 11 1 11 15.95
12 2.3 19 1 19 43.7
8 2.7 9 1 9 24.3
10 1.45 29 1 29 42.05
12 0.76 19 1 19 14.44

8 1.35 9 1 9 12.15
12 2.3 19 1 19 43.7
8 1.35 9 1 9 12.15
8 2.53 9 1 9 22.77
12 0.76 19 10 190 144.4
12 2.23 19 1 19 42.37
8 0.76 9 1 9 6.84
8 0.76 9 1 9 6.84
10 1.45 29 3 87 126.15
12 1.7 15 1 15 25.5
12 2.3 19 1 19 43.7
10 1.7 29 1 29 49.3
Supportive beam for landing
on axis 1 b/n axis C & D
For top bar 16 4.7 3 1 3 14.1
For intermediate 16 2.1 2 2 4 8.4
For bottom 16 4 3 1 3 12
stirrup 8 1.2 20 1 20 24

Stair case 2
on axis b/n H & I and axis 6 & 7 8 1.35 6 1 6 8.1
12 2.3 13 1 13 29.9
8 1.35 6 1 6 8.1
8 2.08 6 3 18 37.44
8 0.76 6 10 60 45.6
12 2.08 13 1 13 27.04
8 0.76 6 1 6 4.56
8 0.76 6 1 6 4.56
10 1.45 25 2 50 72.5
12 1.7 10 1 10 17
12 2.3 13 1 13 29.9
12 1.7 13 1 13 22.1

8 3.47 6 1 6 20.82
12 0.76 13 10 130 98.8
12 2.33 13 2 26 60.58
8 0.76 6 1 6 4.56
12 2.3 13 1 13 29.9
12 1.71 13 1 13 22.23
12 1.7 13 1 13 22.1
12 1.71 13 1 13 22.23
12 2.3 13 1 13 29.9
10 1 28 3 84 84

Supportive beam for landing

on axis 8 b/n axis 6 & 7
For top bar 16 2.7 3 1 3 8.1
For intermediate 16 2.1 2 2 4 8.4
For bottom 16 2 3 1 3 6
stirrup 8 1.2 10 1 10 12

Total Length (m) 0 4702.29 15803.468 880.21 2842.4 4803.4 0

Unit Weight(Kg/m) 0.222 0.395 0.617 0.889 1.21 1.5802 2.469
Total Weight (Kg) 0 1857.4046 9750.7397 782.50669 3439.304 7590.33268 0 19980.98

82.00 78.00 76.00 72.00

829.5 152,307.17 760,557.70 59,470.51 - 546,503.95




1. Sub Structure
1.1 Earth Work
1.1.1 Demolishing Existing Block #NAME?
1.1.2 Bulk Excavation #NAME? Pit Excavation #NAME? Trench Excavation #NAME?
1.1.3 Back Fill #NAME?
1.1.4 Cart Away #NAME?
1.1.5 Hard Core #NAME?

1.2 Concrete Work

1.2.1 Lean Concrete #NAME?
1.2.2 Structural Concrete
1.2.3 Reinforcement Bar
1.2.4 Form Work

1.3 Masonry Work

2. Super Structure
2.1 Concrete Work
2.1.1 Structural Concrete
2.1.2 Reinforcement Bar
2.1.3 Form Work
2.2 Block Work
2.2.1 External Wall
2.2.2 Internal/ Partition Wall

2.3 Carpentry Work

2.3.1 Truss
2.3.2 Window & Door Opening
1.1.1 Ceiling Baton & Ceiling
1.1.2 Hand Rail

1.2 Roof Work

1.3 Finishing Work
1.3.1 Plastering & Rendering
1.3.2 Ceiling
1.3.3 Painting
1.3.4 Floor Finishes
1.3.5 Wall Cladding (If Exist)

1.4 Metal Work

1.4.1 Truss
1.4.2 Window & Door Opening
1.4.3 Hand Rail

1.5 Glazing

1.6 Sanitary Installation

1.6.1 Sanitary Line (Pipe)
1.6.2 Sanitary Appliances
1.6.3 Others, Like Storage Tanks

1.7 Electrical Installation

1.7.1 Cabling
1.7.2 Out Lets Like Light Point, Socket, Switch
1.7.3 Others Like Lightening Protection .
Description Length No of bar No of member Total Amount Type of bar #10
1 st slab work 12 1000 1 1000 12000

Total Length (m) 12000

Unit Weight(Kg/m) 0
Total Weight (Kg) 0
4.6 4.6 1.5
0.14 0.14 0.14
32.85714 32.85714 10.71429
2 4 4
6121 65.71429 131.4286 42.85714
60 4.6 1.5 4.6
367260 302.2857 197.1429 197.1429 696.5714
367260 13931.43
4.6 2.6 4.6 2.6
0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14
32.85714 18.57143 32.85714 18.57143
1 1 2 2
32.85714 18.57143 65.71429 37.14286
2.6 4.6 0.7 0.7
85.42857 85.42857 46 26 242.8571

0 367260 367260

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