Paenoia Lactiflora Radix Extract

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31 January 2017

Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC)

Assessment report on Paeonia lactiflora Pallas, radix

(Paeoniae radix alba)

Based on Article 10a of Directive 2001/83/EC (well-established use)

Based on Article 16d(1), Article 16f and Article 16h of Directive 2001/83/EC (traditional use)

Herbal substance(s) (binomial scientific name of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas, radix

the plant, including plant part) (Paeoniae radix alba)

Herbal preparation(s) Not applicable

Pharmaceutical form(s) Not applicable
Rapporteur(s) W. Knöss
Assessor M. Peikert
Peer-reviewer H. Pinto Ferreira

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© European Medicines Agency, 2017. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Table of contents
Table of contents ................................................................................................................... 2

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Description of the herbal substance(s), herbal preparation(s) or combinations thereof .. 4
1.2. Search and assessment methodology ..................................................................... 5
2. Data on medicinal use ........................................................................................................ 6
2.1. Information about products on the market .............................................................. 6
2.1.1. Information about products on the market in the EU/EEA Member States ................. 6
2.1.2. Information on products on the market outside the EU/EEA .................................... 6
2.2. Information on documented medicinal use and historical data from literature .............. 7
2.3. Overall conclusions on medicinal use ...................................................................... 8
3. Non-Clinical Data ............................................................................................................... 8
3.1. Overview of available pharmacological data regarding the herbal substance(s), herbal
preparation(s) and relevant constituents thereof ............................................................. 8
3.1.1. Primary pharmacodynamics ................................................................................ 8
3.1.2. Secondary pharmacodynamics .......................................................................... 25
3.1.3. Safety pharmacology ....................................................................................... 25
3.1.4. Pharmacodynamic interactions .......................................................................... 25
3.1.5. Conclusions .................................................................................................... 25
3.2. Overview of available pharmacokinetic data regarding the herbal substance(s), herbal
preparation(s) and relevant constituents thereof ........................................................... 26
3.3. Overview of available toxicological data regarding the herbal substance(s)/herbal
preparation(s) and constituents thereof ....................................................................... 28
3.3.1. Single dose toxicity .......................................................................................... 28
3.3.2. Repeat dose toxicity......................................................................................... 28
3.3.3. Genotoxicity ................................................................................................... 29
3.3.4. Carcinogenicity................................................................................................ 29
3.3.5. Reproductive and developmental toxicity ............................................................ 29
3.3.6. Local tolerance ................................................................................................ 29
3.3.7. Other special studies ........................................................................................ 29
3.3.8. Conclusions .................................................................................................... 29
3.4. Overall conclusions on non-clinical data ................................................................ 30
4. Clinical Data ..................................................................................................................... 30
4.1. Clinical pharmacology ......................................................................................... 30
4.1.1. Overview of pharmacodynamic data regarding the herbal substance(s)/preparation(s)
including data on relevant constituents ........................................................................ 30
4.1.2. Overview of pharmacokinetic data regarding the herbal substance(s)/preparation(s)
including data on relevant constituents ........................................................................ 30
4.2. Clinical efficacy .................................................................................................. 30
4.2.1. Dose response studies...................................................................................... 31
4.2.2. Clinical studies (case studies and clinical trials) ................................................... 31
4.3. Clinical studies in special populations (e.g. elderly and children) .............................. 39
4.4. Overall conclusions on clinical pharmacology and efficacy ........................................ 39
5. Clinical Safety/Pharmacovigilance ................................................................................... 39
5.1. Overview of toxicological/safety data from clinical trials in humans ........................... 39

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5.2. Patient exposure ................................................................................................ 39
5.3. Adverse events, serious adverse events and deaths ................................................ 39
5.4. Laboratory findings ............................................................................................. 40
5.5. Safety in special populations and situations ........................................................... 40
5.5.1. Use in children and adolescents ......................................................................... 40
5.5.2. Contraindications ............................................................................................. 40
5.5.3. Special warnings and precautions for use ........................................................... 40
5.5.4. Drug interactions and other forms of interaction .................................................. 40
5.5.5. Fertility, pregnancy and lactation ....................................................................... 41
5.5.6. Overdose ........................................................................................................ 41
5.5.7. Effects on ability to drive or operate machinery or impairment of mental ability ...... 41
5.5.8. Safety in other special situations ....................................................................... 41
5.6. Overall conclusions on clinical safety ..................................................................... 41
6. Overall conclusions (benefit-risk assessment) ................................................................. 41

Annex .................................................................................................................................. 42

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1. Introduction

1.1. Description of the herbal substance(s), herbal preparation(s) or

combinations thereof

• Herbal substance(s)

Paeonia lactiflora Pallas, radix is not yet covered by the current European Pharmacopoeia 8th edition
(2015). A draft monograph of the EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA COMMISSION Pharmeuropa 27.1
defines the herbal substance.

Pharmeuropa 27.1 (draft): “PEONY ROOT, WHITE; Paeoniae radix alba; Baishao;白芍 is the whole or
fragmented, peeled, boiled and dried root of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas with rhizome and rootlets
removed. Content: minimum 1.6% of paeoniflorin (C23H28O11; Mr 480.5) (dried herbal substance)”.
The absence of paeonol is part of the identification.

The herbal substance is described in further pharmacopoeias:

British Pharmacopoeia (2014) Volume IV: White Peony Root is the dried whole root of Paeonia lactiflora
Pallas (Paeonia albiflora Pallas; Paeonia edulis Salisb.; Paeonia officinalis Thunb.). It contains not less
than 1.6% of paeoniflorin (C 23 H 28 O 11 ), calculated with reference to the dried material. Processed
White Peony Root has been boiled, peeled and dried. It contains not less than 1.6% of paeoniflorin
(C23H28O11), calculated with reference to the dried material.

Pharmacopoeia of the People´s Republic of China (2010): White Peony Root is the dried root of
Paeonia lactiflora Pallas. The herbal substance is collected in summer or autumn, washed clean,
removed from two ends and rootlet, either peeled after boiling in water or boiled after peeling, and

The pharmacopoeia of Japan XVI (2011): Peony Root is the root of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas

The Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopoeia: PAEONIAE ALBA RADIX 白芍 Bai Shao / Bai Shao/ Peony root is the
peeled and dried root of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. (Fam. Ranunculaceae).

WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants 1999: Radix Paeoniae is the dried root of Paeonia
lactiflora Pallas (Paeonaceae) with reference to the Pharmacopoeia of Japan and the Pharmacopoeia of
the People´s republic of China.

Main characteristic constituents of the herbal substance

According to Blaschek et al. (2013) the herbal substance contains monoterpenes and monoterpenes
glycosides (as paeoniflorin, albiflorin, oxipaeoniflorin), gallotannines, triterpenoids as ß-sitosterol,
daucosterol, benzoic acid, carbohydrates.

There is a great variation in the content of constituents depending on the harvest period and usage of
peeled or unpeeled herbal substance.

Paeonols are mainly found in the root bark of P. suffruticosa, which is not part of this herbal substance.


Radix Paeoniae lactiflorae alba, English: Peony, Peony root; German: Weiße Pfingstrosen Wurzeln;
Chinese: Baishao; Japans: Paishao.

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Potential confounding materials

Paeonia lactiflora var. trichocarpa Stern; Paeonia japonica (Makino) Miyabe & H. Takeda; Paeonia
suffruticosa Andrews syn; Paeonia moutan Sims (Herbal Medicines Compendium, 2013).

The Pharmeuropa 27.1 contains a test of thin-layer chromatography for identification of the herb and
specification of the absence of paeonol.

White peony is distinguished from red peony by the process of peeling, cooking in water and drying of
the root of Paeonia lactiflora. (Bruneton, 1995).

• Herbal preparation(s)

Herbal preparations described in the pharmacopoeias: Comminuted herbal substance (Pharmeuropa

27.1), Powdered Peony Root (JP XVI 2011)

Assessors ‘comment:
Potential confounding is possible as a lot of different definitions of “peony radix” exist in parallel and
the published non clinical and clinical literature does not always gives exact information. For example
the pharmacopoeia of Japan XVI (2011) and the WHO does not distinguish red and white peony.

In conclusion, in cases where publications refer to “white” ore “red” peony they are only cited in the
respective monograph and supporting documents. In cases where the publications refers to “Paeonia
lactiflora” or “peony root” in general, the literature is considered in both monographs and supporting

• Combinations of herbal substance(s) and/or herbal preparation(s) including a description of

vitamin(s) and/or mineral(s) as ingredients of traditional combination herbal medicinal products
assessed, where applicable.

Not applicable

1.2. Search and assessment methodology

A literature search was performed using the DIMDI (Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation
und Information)-database information system (in ZT00; CC00; CCTR93; CDSR93; DAHTA; CDAR94;
AR96; GA03; GM03; INAHTA; MK77; NHSEED; ED93; ME60; CV72; CB85; AZ72; IA70; BA70; EM47;
DH64; EA08; DD83; II78; IS74), the database of the division for Complementary and Alternative
Medicines of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) and information received from
other member states or submitted as response to the call for scientific data by EMA. Additional hand
searches were performed in books on herbal medicines and plant monographs in the BfArM own
library. The bibliographies of included trials and other relevant reviews were searched to identify
further potential trials.

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2. Data on medicinal use

2.1. Information about products on the market

2.1.1. Information about products on the market in the EU/EEA Member


Information on medicinal products marketed in the EU/EEA

According to the information provided by the National Competent Authorities in the EU (Belgium,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom) no
authorised or registered medicinal products are on the market.

The drug is used in combinations of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and homeopathic medicine.
The use in combinations cannot proof efficacy and safety for single herbal substances in European
Union monographs.

Information on relevant combination medicinal products marketed in the EU/EEA

Not applicable

Information on other products marketed in the EU/EEA (where relevant)

Not applicable

2.1.2. Information on products on the market outside the EU/EEA

White peony root is traditionally used in TCM in combination with other herbal substances. Information
on products marketed in China is not available.

Klein et al. (2010) analysed prescription patterns of Chinese Medicinal Herbs in Switzerland from the
database of Lian Chinaherb AG. Bai shao (Paeoniae radix alba) was one of the most commonly used
herbs and was used in 41.4% of the TCM-prescriptions. Paeoniae radix rubra was used less frequently.

The table 2 shows, the whole or fragmented dried root of Paeonia lactiflora (Paeoniae radix rubra) and
a different use in the TCM compared with peeled, boiled and dry root (Paeoniae radix alba).

Table 1: Comparison of the TCM-use of white and red peony root

Pharmacopoeia of the People´s Republic of Pharmacopoeia of the People´s Republic of China

China (2010): indication for peony root, white (2010): indication for peony root, red

Indications (TCM) Indications (TCM)

Blood deficiency and sallow complexion Heat entering nutrient-blood aspects

Menstrual irregularities Macula and papula caused by warm toxin

Spontaneous sweating Hematemesis and epistaxis

Night sweating Red painful swelling eyes

Hypochondriac pain Liver depression with hypochondriac pain

Abdominal pain Amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea

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Pharmacopoeia of the People´s Republic of Pharmacopoeia of the People´s Republic of China
China (2010): indication for peony root, white (2010): indication for peony root, red

Spasm and pain of limbs Abdominal pain caused by aggregation and

Headache and dizziness
Injuries from falls

Swelling abscess

Sore and ulcer

Feng et al. (2010) and Zhang (2013) reported, Paeoniae radix rubra and Paeoniae radix alba are both
TCM products commonly used in China. Although being of similar origin, the clinical efficacy of both is
regarded, as two independent medicines.

2.2. Information on documented medicinal use and historical data from


White peony root is used in Chinese herbal medicines/TCM. As it is presented in table 2, European
pharmacopoeias or accepted collections in the European Union Member States have not introduced
white peony root. Thus, there are no data available on posology or indications for medicinal use within
the European Union.

Table 2: Overview of historical data

Herbal Documented use / Pharmaceutical Reference

preparation Traditional use form

Comminuted Action (TCM): Daily dose: 6-15 Pharmacopoeia

herbal substance To nourish blood and regulate g of the People´s
menstruation (TCM: decoct) Republic of
Astringe yin to check sweating China (2010)
Emolliate the liver and relieve pain
Pacify and repress the liver yang
Indication (TCM):
Blood deficiency and sallow complexion
Menstrual irregularities
Spontaneous sweating
Night sweating
Hypochondriac pain
Abdominal pain
Spasm and pain of limbs
Headache and dizziness
Comminuted Action (TCM): Tonifying and replenishing Daily dose: 6-15 Taiwan Herbal
herbal substance medicinal (Blood-tonifying medicinal). g Pharmacopeia
(TCM: decoct)
Comminuted Uses supported by clinical data: None Daily dose: 6-15 WHO
herbal substance Uses described in pharmacopoeias and in g monographs
Dried root of traditional systems of medicine: crude plant (1999)
Paeonia lactiflora As analgesic, anti-inflammatory and material, powder,
P. but not antispasmodic in the treatment of decoction
Paeonia veitchii Amenorrhoea
Lynch. Dysmenorrhoea
Pain in the chest and abdomen

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Herbal Documented use / Pharmaceutical Reference
preparation Traditional use form

Spasm of the calf muscles

Liver disease
Comminuted The use according ChinP IX is not Blaschek et al.
herbal substance recommended as the efficacy is not HagerROM
proved 2013
Comminuted Negative-monograph for paeonia radix Kommission E
herbal substance (public statement) (1988)
and preparations
P. officinalis L., Antispasmodicum, No information Hoppe (1981)
Radix paeoniae Use in folk medicine for asthma, cramps
and gout
P. officinalis L., Antispasmodicum, cramps of the stomach, tincture of wine Madaus (1976)
Radix paeoniae antiepilepticum (1:5): Single
dose: 5-10 drops

2.3. Overall conclusions on medicinal use

There is no herbal preparation for which 15 years of medicinal use in the EU could be confirmed from
the literature or based on the regulatory status overview in EU. The requirement laid down in Article
16a(1)(d) of Directive 2001/83/EC that “the period of traditional use as laid down on Article 16c(1)(c)
has elapsed”, is not fulfilled.

3. Non-Clinical Data

3.1. Overview of available pharmacological data regarding the herbal

substance(s), herbal preparation(s) and relevant constituents thereof

3.1.1. Primary pharmacodynamics

Antispasmodic activity



Kimura et al. (1984) found blocking effects of paeoniflorigenone, isolated from cold aqueous extracts of
peony root, on neuromuscular junctions of frogs and mice. The suppressing effect by paeoniflorigenone
(300 µg/ml) was not reversed by neostigmine. Paeoniflorigenone (100 µg/ml) inhibited weakly
acetylcholine (5 µg/ml) induced slow contractions. Paeoniflorigenone decompressed on heating,
therefore, the authors concluded that it may not necessarily play a predominant role in the clinical
therapy of muscle pain.

Assessor’s comments
For in-vitro data, a physiological correlation is not possible. The tested substance paeoniflorigenone is
only one component of the root. The results do not highlight any specific activity for the aqueous
extract of the whole root.

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Anti-inflammatory activity and arthritis activity


Total glycosides of Paeonia lactiflora Pall root (TGP)

(ethanol reflux, ethylacetat extraction, dried powder, consists of 90% paeoniflorin)

Chang et al. (2009) showed that TGP (312.5 µg/ml) significantly inhibited the proliferation of
synoviocytes, decreased the production of IL-1, TNF-α, PGE2, and elevated the level of cAMP. The
authors concluded the results indicated that TGP might exert its anti-inflammatory effects through
inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory mediators in synoviocytes with collagen induced arthritis
(CIA) rats, which might be associated with its ability to regulate cAMP-dependent EP2/EP4-mediated


Chen JY et al. (2012) showed that paeoniflorin inhibited proliferation of fibroblast-like synoviocytes
through suppressing g-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2. As compared with the normal rats, the
expression or g-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 increased significantly in fibroblast-like synoviocytes
from CIA-rats. After treatment with paeoniflorin (105 -8 mol/l) the expression of g-protein-coupled
receptor kinase 2 in fibroblast-like synoviocytes (in-vitro) decreased evidently.

Jiang B et al. (2012) examined the inhibitory effect of paeoniflorin on the inflammatory vicious cycle
between adipocytes and macrophages. The authors concluded, paeoniflorin exhibits anti-inflammatory
properties by inhibiting the vicious cycle between 3T3-Li-adipocytes and RAW 264.7-macrophages.



Li et al. (2012) treated collagen-induced arthritis rats with Paeoniflorin (25, 100 mg/kg) intragastrically
from day 18 to 38 after immunization. In CIA-rats the levels of anti-CII antibody, IgA, IgG and IgM in
serum enhanced, BAFF/BAFF-R, PI3K, p-Akt and m-TOR were highly expressed. Paeoniflorin
(100 mg/kg) decreased arthritis score, relieved ankle and paw swelling, improved spleen
histopathology and decreased the levels of IgA, IgM, IgG and anti-CII antibody.

Wu et al. (2014) determinates paeoniflorin in rat plasma, following the oral administration of Paeoniae
radix alba aqueous decoction, showing to be absorbed. In the pharmacological experiment paeoniflorin
was administered for four weeks in a low, middle and high dose (0.5; 1 and 3 mg/kg per day) in rats
with collagen-induced arthritis. Paeoniflorin significantly improved the disease resistant ability of RA
rats and reduced the levels of the inflammatory cytokines IL-1ß and TNF-α.

Zheng YQ et al. (2007) studied the effects and mechanisms of paeoniflorin, a bioactive glucoside from
peony root, on adjuvant arthritis in rats. Rats were treated with paeoniflorin (5, 10, 20 mg/kg) orally
from day 14 to 20 after inducing adjuvant artritis. Paeoniflorin an 10, 20 mg/kg per day suppressed rat
AA at least partly by inhibiting abnormal proliferation of synoviocytes and the production of IL-1, PGE2,
IL-6, VEGF and GM-CSF by synoviocytes and reducing Cox-2 expression.

Total glucosides of peony (TGP)

Zheng YQ and Wei (2005) found that TGP suppressed adjuvant arthritis in rats and intervenes
cytokine-signalling between different types of synoviocytes. Intragastric administration of TGP (25, 50,
100 mg/kg bw, days 14-21) significantly decreased secondary inflammatory reaction, bone destruction
and ultrastructure change of synoviocytes in in adjuvant arthritis rats The results suggested, TGP
possesses anti-inflammatory effects by modulating the pro-inflammatory mediators production from

Assessment report on Paeonia lactiflora Pallas, radix (Paeoniae radix alba)

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MLS and phosphorylation of macrophage like synoviocytes (MAPKs) from fibroblast-like-synoviocytes

Zhu L et al. (2005) analysed the effect and mechanisms of TGP on joint damage in rat collagen-
induced arthritis. TGP (25, 50, 100 mg/kg per day) was orally administered to rats from day 14 to 28
after immunisation. The therapeutic effect of TGP could be associated with its ability to ameliorate the
secretion and metabolism of synoviocytes and to inhibit the abnormal proliferation and VEGF, bFGF,
MMP-1 and MMP-3 production by FLS.

Zhu L, Wei W, Zheng YQ (2006) found that TGP had inhibitory effect on hyper functional synoviocytes
from rats with collagen-induced arthritis. The authors suggested, its mechanism may be related with
the inhibition of abnormal proliferation and secretion of synoviocytes.

Xu HM et al. (2007) analysed in-vitro the effects and mechanisms of TGP on adjuvant arthritis in
rats. Intragastric administration of TGP (50, 100 mg/kg bw) significantly decreased secondary
inflammatory reaction in adjuvant arthritis rats. Suppressing the activity of IL-1 and TNFα, decreased
PGE2 and increased cAMP levels in synoviocytes of AA rats were observed after TGP administration. In
the immunoblot analysis TGP could up-regulate the expression EP2 and EP4.

Lin J et al. (2012) found that TGP inhibited Th1/Th17 cells via decreasing dendritic cells activation in
rheumatoid arthritis. TGP treatment (150 mg/kg i.p.) significantly decreased percentage and number
of Th1 and Th17 cells in CIA in mice. TGP treatment inhibited dendritic cells (DCs) maturation and
reduced production of IL-12 and IL-6. Moreover, TGP treatment in RA patients showed shank
population of matured DCs and IFN-γ-, IL-17-production cells.

Wei et al. (2013) administered orally TGP at 60 mg/kg bw for 3 months to New Zeeland rabbits with
antigen-induced arthritis. The authors concluded that TGP prevent juxta-articular bone loss and
prevent subchondral bone destruction in experimental arthritis.


“Baishao” extract/White peony root extract

Jiang et al. (2011) examined the influence of Paeonia lactiflora roots extract on cAMP-
phosphodiesterase activity and related anti-inflammatory action. Baishao extract was prepared
according to the methods of traditional aqueous extraction and ethanol sediment. Finally the extract
was filtered and lyophilized and the average yield was 11.7% (w/w). The extract had significant
inhibition on cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity, had dose dependent restrain on neutrophils respiratory
burst, inhibition at low concentration and promotion at high concentration on elastase release.
At 10 mg crude herb/g body weight (intraperitoneal), swelling was inhibited by 58.2%, 50.48% and
35.67% at 3 hours, 6 hours, 15 hours respectively in the rat arthritis model.

Assessor’s comments
The tested substance paeoniflorin is only one component of the root. The results do not highlight any
specific activity for the aqueous extract of the whole root. For in-vitro data with paeoniflorin a
physiological correlation is not possible. The in-vivo data with orally administered TGP hint an anti-
inflammatory activity. The tested dose is unclear, as no information on the DER of the extracts is given
and the extraction solvent is not described clearly. The used alcoholic extract (TGP) is not part of the
preparations discussed in this AR. One in-vivo study (Jiang et al., 2011) refers to the whole plant
extract but was administered intraperitonealy, so physiological conclusions are limited.

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Analgesic activity



The results of the study Lee KK et al. (2011) showed Paeoniae radix and Gentianae radix extracts
orally administered, did not induce significant anti-nociception in non-diabetic mice. However peony
root (250, 500 mg/kg, no DER information) dose-dependently increased the nociceptive threshold in
diabetic mice between 0.5 and 2 hours after administration. Both paeoniflorin (30 mg/kg) and albiflorin
(10 mg/kg) significantly elevated the nociceptive threshold between 0.5 and 3 hours and between 0.5
and 1 hour after oral administration, respectively.

Zhang XJ et al. (2009) found that the analgesic effect of paeoniflorin in rats with neonatal maternal
separation-induced visceral hyperalgesia is mediated through adenosine A(1) receptor by inhibiting the
extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) pathway. Paeoniflorin was administered by i.p.
injection (180 mg/kg bw) and morphine (5 mg/kg bw) was chosen as positive control.

Assessor’s comments
The results for peony root extract (no further information) are contradictory regarding anti-nociception.
The tested substance paeoniflorin is only one component of the root. Results are not relevant for
establishing a monograph.

Antipyretic activity


Aqueous extract

Rawat and Malviya (2010) tested the antipyretic activity of aqueous root extract of Paeoniae radix
(100 and 200 mg/kg orally, the percentage yield of the prepared extract was 12%±0.51 (w/w)) in
rats. The root extract showed significant reduction in normal body temperature and yeast-provoked
elevated temperature comparable to that of paracetamol. The antipyretic effect started after 1 hour
and lasted for at least 4 hours after administration.

Assessor’s comments
The tested extract concentrations 100 and 200 mg/kg orally correspond to approximately 7-14 g
extract/58-116 g herbal substance in a 70 kg person. The tested concentrations are higher as the used
human doses in TCM. Results are not relevant for establishing a monograph.

Androgen modulating activity and phytoestrogenic-like effects


Hao et al. (2009) studied phytoestrogenic-like effects of four kinds of Chinese medicine including
Paeoniae radix alba (no information on herbal substance/extract) in female SD rats. The rats were
treated 4 days. Paeoniae radix alba could increase the immature rat´s uterus wet weight and the ratio
of uterus to body weight (p<0.05). The serum stimulated proliferation of MCF7 cell respectively
compared with normal control. The serum could increase the expression of ERα (p<0.05).

Assessor’s comments
The results hint a phyto-estrogenic effect of the herbal substance, but are of limited relevance, as the
tested dose is unclear, as no information on the DER of the extracts is given and the extraction solvent
is not described clearly.

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Ethanolic extract, Paeonol, Paeoniflorin

Lee B (2008) analysed the anti-allergic effect of the root of Paeonia lactiflora (80% ethanolic extract)
and its constituents paeoniflorin and paeonol in the model of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in mice.
The test agents were orally administered for 5 days. Paeonia lactiflora extract, paeoniflorin and
paeonol potently inhibited passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction and scratching behaviours in mice.
Paeoniflorin exhibited the most potent inhibition against scratching behaviours and the acetic acid-
induced writhing syndrome in mice. Paeonol most potently inhibited passive cutaneous anaphylaxis
reaction and mast cells degranulation.

Assessor’s comments
The results hint an anti-allergic effect of the herbal substance, but are of limited relevance for
establishing a monograph as the tested dose is unclear and the DER of the extracts and the dosages
are not described clearly. Paeoniflorin is only one component of the root.

Immuno-modulatory activity



Chen Y et al. (2007) analysed the effects of paeoniflorin on the level of antibodies and cAMP produced
by splenocytes in rats with adjuvant arthritis. Paeoniflorin (25, 50, and 100 mg/kg bw) were given by
intragastric administration for 7 days from the 17 day after immunization. Paeoniflorin
(50 and 100 mg/kg bw) reduced the levels of circulating immune complexes, anti-C II antibody and
anti-TB antibody in serum in rats with adjuvant arthritis. The inhibition ratios were dosage dependent.
Paeoniflorin (12.5, 62.5 and 312.5 mg/l) decreased the elevated levels of cAMP in spelnocytes in-vitro.

Total glycosides of peony (TGP)

Li CL et al. (2013) examined the effects of total glucosides (100 mg/kg per day intragastrically) of
peony for delaying onset of Sjogren's syndrome in an animal study using non-obese diabetic mice
model. Compared to normal saline group, in TGP group saliva flow rate, submandibular glands index
and the ration of regulatory T cells were significant higher, while anti-SSA/SSB and lymphocytic foci
were significant lower. TGP demonstrated a similar effectiveness as hydroxychloroquine in delaying the
onset of Sjogren´s like disease in mice.


Total glycosides of peony (TGP)

Jia et al. (2012) showed, that TGP in 1562.5 µg/ml regulates cytokines production in lupus CD4+ T
cells from systemic lupus erythematosus patients. IL-10 mRNA and protein levels were increased, in
contrast the mRNA levels of IL-6 and IL-17A significantly decreased.

Zhao M et al. (2012) examined the molecular mechanism of TGP in prevention of autoimmune
response. They found, TGP (1562.5 µg/ml) induced regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells by increasing
Foxp3 demethylation in lupus CD4(+) T cells. The IFN-γ andIL-2 expression was enhanced in TGP
treated lupus CD4 T cells.

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Methanolic extract

Leem et al. (2004) tested Paeonia lactiflora root extracts on the secretions of chemokines as monocyte
chemotactic protein-1 and -3 in human nasal fibroblasts. The extract significantly decreased the
secretion of MCP-1 and MCP-3. The authors concluded Paeonia lactiflora may play a role in nasal


Tsuboi et al. (2004) investigated whether paeoniflorin induces DNA fragmentation in murine T
lymphocytes and human T-cell leukemia Jurkat cells. Paeoniflorin induces fragmentation of DNA in
murine thymocytes, spleen cells, splenic T-cells and Jurkat cells in a concentration dependent manner.
DNA fragmentation was also induced in some but not all non-T-cell lines. The results suggest that
sensitivity of paeoniflorin depends on cell type and that T-lineage cells are included in the highly
sensitive group.

Yang L et al. (2013) conducted a comparative study on bioactivities of Paeoniae radix alba and
Paeoniae radix rubra. The authors concluded Paeoniae radix alba and its major compounds possess
more significant bioactivities on J774 macrophage cells than Paeoniae radix rubra and its major
compounds, and the herbal substances should be classified into different categories in TCM.

Paeoniae radix alba Paeoniae radix rubra

LPS induced inflammation Cell viability enhaced:1 mg/ml Cell viability inhibited: 1 mg/ml

Cell proliferation Activated by 1 mg/ml Inhibited by 1 mg/ml

Early cell apoptosis Higher increase increase

LPS production in J774 cells 0.1 and 1 mg/ml reduce NO 0.1 and 1 mg/ml reduce NO
production production

Assessor’s comments
No experimental studies were conducted with the aqueous extract or tea preparations. The in-vitro
experiments were conducted with concentrations of 1562.5 µg/ml TGP. For in-vitro data it should be
kept in mind that for clear effects seen at concentrations of >100 µg/ml a physiological correlation is
not plausible. Dose dependent effects of paeoniflorin on the level of antibodies could be shown in-vivo.
The tested substance paeoniflorin is only one component of the root. The results have limitations and
are not relevant for establishing a monograph.

Anticoagulant and antiplatelet activity


Aqueous extract of Paeonia lactiflora Pall.

Ishida et al. (1987) measured the plasma recalcification time in mice, what was find to be useful for
following the anticoagulative activity and isolated the active principles as paeoniflorin and

Different fractions of a methanolic extract

Kang et al. (1991) analysed platelet anti-aggregation of peony root. The ethylacetate soluble fraction
showed strong inhibition at the concentration of 1 mg/ml against collagen or arachidonic acid induced
aggregation and at 3 mg against ADP induced aggregation. The aqueous fraction did not inhibit the
platelet aggregation.

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Ye J et al. (2001) evaluated the anti-thrombosis effect of paeoniflorin in a photochemical reaction

thrombosis model in-vivo in rats. The time of the beginning of the irradiation to the occlusion of the
vein was defined as the thrombosis time. Paeoniflorin injected in the mesenteric venue, could
significantly prolong thrombosis time (no information about the used concentration). Ten, 50, and 250
µg/ml increased tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) activities in HUVEC. However, no significant
effect was observed in plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) activity.


Koo et al. (2010) analysed the platelet anti-aggregatory and blood anti-coagulant effects of
compounds isolated from Paeonia lactiflora and Paeonia suffruticosa by the turbidimetric method and
measurement of coagulation time. Paeonol, paeoniflorin and benzoylpaeoniflorin were found to be the
major common active constituents and they would collectively contribute to improving blood

Assessor’s comments
In-vitro studies with unknown concentration of the substances paeoniflorin and benzoylpaeoniflorin
hint an anticoagulant and antiplatelet activity. As in-vivo paeoniflorin was injected in the mesenteric
venue, or missing information, no conclusion can be drawn for oral use and clinical effects. No
preclinical studies were conducted with the aqueous plant extract.

Atherosclerosis effects



Li JZ et al. (2013) found inhibitory effects of paeoniflorin on lysophosphatidylcholine-induced

inflammatory factor production in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). The results suggest
that PEP suppresses LPC-induced inflammatory factor production through inhibition of the HMGB1-
RAGE/TLR-2/TLR-4-NF-κB pathway.

Aqueous extracts

Zhu et al. (2013) compared the chemical components between Baishao and Chishao aqueous extracts
and their effects on proliferation of rat thoracic aorta smooth muscle cells. The results indicate the
extracts have different chemical components and produce different biological effects. (Chinese, only
English abstract)


Total glycosides of peony

Li J et al, (2011) analysed the effects of total glucosides from peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall) roots
(120 mg/kg, 240 mg/kg) intragastrically administered for 15 weeks on experimental atherosclerosis in
rats. Compared to control, TGP significant lowered the serum level of total cholesterol, triglyceride,
LDL-C, TNF-alpha, IL-6, C-reactive protein increased the ratios of HDL-C/LDL-C and ApoA1/ApoB,
decreased the intima media-thickness of abdominal aortal wall and improved the morphological change
of the aorta. The authors concluded the beneficial effects are associated with lowering blood lipids and
inhibiting the expression of inflammatory cytokines.

Assessor’s comments
In-vivo studies with oral administered TGP hint to atherosclerosis effects. No preclinical studies were
conducted with the aqueous plant extract.

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Antiviral activity


Aqueous extract from Paeonia veitchii L and Paeonia lactiflora Pall.

Guo et al. (2006) analysed in an in-vitro screening 16 aqueous extracts (20 g herbal substance boiled
in 1000 ml water) of traditionally used medicinal plants in China against enteroviruses. Both Paeonia
herbal preparations exhibited the strongest anti-Coxackie virus B3 activity on viral replication. Paeonia
veitchii possessed an EC 50 of >500.0 (mg/L).

Aqueous extract

Lin TJ et al. (2013) tested the anti-viral activity of decoct of Paeonia lactiflora pallas (100 g herbal
substance was decocted with 1000 ml water three times, decoctions collected, mixed, concentrated, no
DER information of the final extract) against human respiratory syncytial virus in human respiratory
tract cell lines. The final concentration was at 10, 30, 100 and 300 mg/ml for bioactivity assay and up
to 3000 µg/ml for cytotoxicity test. Paeonia lactiflora decoct was time-dependently and dose-
dependently effective against HRSV in Hep-2 and A549 cells. 10µg/ml had a comparable anti-HRSV
activity with 10 µg/ml ribavirin. Paeonia lactiflora was effective against viral penetration and stimulated
IFN-ß secretion.

Assessor’s comments
In-vitro studies hint an antiviral activity of aqueous extracts. As the extracts were concentrated (no
information on the DER), the data are not relevant for establishing a monograph.

Antibacterial activity


Methanolic extract from Paeoniae radix and its fractions

Im and Lee (2012) evaluated the nitric oxide production inhibitory effect and antibacterial activity of
the methanol extract and fractions from Paeoniae radix. As a result the ethyl acetate fraction of the
methanol extract showed the highest antibacterial activity and the ethyl acetate fraction in the highest
nitric oxide production inhibitory effect. The aqueous fraction showed no activity in all the tests

Steam distillate

Ngan et al. (2012a) examined the inhibiting effects of Paeonia lactiflora root steam distillate
constituents and structurally related compounds on human intestinal bacteria. The yield of the oil was
0.01% on dry weight basis of the root. Paeonia lactiflora root steam distillate was proven to have high
growth-inhibiting activity against B. fragilis, B. thetaiotomicron, C. paraputrificum, S. typhimurium,
and B. breve. Seven pure compounds were used in the study. The four major constituents were
paeonol, myrtenol, myrtenal and (Z)-myrtenol. Paeonol, the major compound exhibited moderate to
low growth-inhibiting activity against the test bacteria.

Ngan et al. (2012b) found growth-inhibiting, bactericidal, and urease inhibitory effects of Paeonia
lactiflora root constituents and related compounds on antibiotic-susceptible and resistant strains of
Helicobacter pylori.

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Assessor’s comments
No preclinical studies were conducted with the aqueous plant extract. In-vitro studies with different
lipophilic fractions and constituents of unknown concentrations hint possible antibacterial effects. The
data are not relevant for establishing a monograph.

Antifungal activity

Ethanolic extract of Paeoniae radix

Kim et al. (2009) analysed the antifungal activity of seven herbal plant extracts against five different
Candida species by agar diffusion assay. The ethanolic extract (100% ethanol, no DER information) of
Paeoniae radix showed no antifungal activity.

Anti-hyperlipidaemic effects

In-vivo and in-vitro

Aqueous extract of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas radix

Goto et al. (1999) examined the effect of Paeoniae radix extract on endothelial function. The extract of
Paeoniae radix was prepared by boiling in water. The yield was 11.0 g Paeoniae radix extract from
100 g of herbal substance. Male springue rats were divided in four groups: control group, high
cholesterol diet group, low PRE group (high cholesterol plus 60 mg per day Paeoniae radix extract )
and high Paeoniae radix extract group (high cholesterol plus 360 mg per day extract). After 10 weeks
of treatment, the body weights in high cholesterol, low and high Paeoniae radix extract groups were
significantly lower compared with that of the control group. Plasma total cholesterol level was
significantly increased by about 9-10 fold in the HC, low Paeoniae radix extract from and high Paeoniae
radix extract from groups compared with the control group after 2 weeks. There were no differences in
body weight, plasma total cholesterol and triglyceride levels among the high cholesterol, low Paeoniae
radix extract from and high Paeoniae radix extract groups. In endothelium-dependent relaxation to
acetylcholine in aorta of rats, the relaxation of the high Paeoniae radix extract group was greater than
the high cholesterol and low Paeoniae radix extract group.



Yang HO et al. (2004) isolated paeoniflorin from Paeonia lactiflora and analysed the antihyperlipidemic
effect in experimentally induced hyperlipidemic rats. Paeoniflorin showed a lowering effect of total
cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels compared with the control group at the dose of 200 and
400 mg/kg p.o. once a day for 4 weeks.



Lin HR (2013) evaluated the activity of paeoniflorin against LXR by the mammalian one-hybrid and
transient transfection reporter assays. Paeoniflorin (20-100 µM) transactivated GAL4 rat cholesterol
7 α-hydroxylase, phospholipid transferprotein and ATP-binding cassette A1 gene promotors in dose-
dependent manner. The authors suggested paeoniflorin acts as a liver X receptor agonist.

Assessor’s comments
In-vivo studies with oral administered paeoniflorin hint a lowering effect of total cholesterol, LDL and
triglyceride levels. Oral administered aqueous extract showed contrary results (Goto H et al., 1999).
There were no differences in body weight, plasma total cholesterol and triglyceride levels among the
high cholesterol group and peony root extract groups. The yield was 11.0 g Paeoniae radix extract

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from (PRE) 100 g of herbal substance. The daily dose of 60 mg per day PRE and 360 mg per day PRE
corresponds to 0.5 g/3.3 g herbal substance per rat of 350-380 g. The dose corresponds approximately
95 g (low dose)/632 g herbal substance (high dose) in a 70 kg human person and is higher than the
doses used in humans in TCM.

Cardiovascular disorders


Aqueous extract from Paeonia lactiflora

Goto et al. (1996) showed that an extract from Paeoniae radix relaxed prostaglandin F2a precontracted
aortic ring preparations of isolated rat aorta that contained endothelium. The active component was
gallotannin. Paeoniflorin and paeonol lacked a vasodilator effect.


Total glycosides of peony (TGP)

Long et al. (2012) analysed the cardioprotective effect of total peony glycosides against isoprenaline-
induced myocardial ischemia in rats. Compared with model rats, TGP treatment (269.4 mg/kg
intragastralic administration for 3 days before ISO administration and 449 mg/kg for 3 days after ISO
administration) exhibited significantly reduced activities of GOT, LDH and CK, increased activity of SOD
and lower levels of MDA. The protective effect of TGP treatment was even better than that of

Paeonol and Paeonoflorin

Nizamutdinova et al. (2008) investigated the effect of paeonol and paeoniflorin, the postulated main
active principles of Paeonia albiflora, on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Administration
10 mg/kg paeoniflorin or paeonol i.p. 1 hour prior to reperfusion injury resulted in a significant
improvement of the hemodynamic parameters. The administration of paeoniflorin or paeonol reduced
myocardial infarct size, through inhibition of apoptosis.

Assessor’s comments
No preclinical studies were conducted with the aqueous plant extract. The experiments of Long et al.
(2012) were performed with the isolated TGP in high doses (269.4 mg/kg intragastric administration
corresponds to 19 g TGP in a 70 kg person). Results are not relevant for establishing a monograph.

Anti-diabetic activity


Ethanolic extract of the root of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas

Juan et al. (2010) examined the anti-hyperglycemic effect of Paeoniae radix extract (95% ethanol, no
DER information) via the transcriptional suppression of phosphoenopyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) in
H4IIE cells of rats with streptozotozin-induced diabetes. The suppressive effects on hyperglycaemia
and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase were dose and time-dependent. Paeonol and paeoniflorin did
not suppress phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase expression at testing concentration.


The results of Kong et al. (2013) showed effects of paeoniflorin on tumour necrosis factor-alpha-
induced insulin resistance and changes of adipokines in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Potential mechanism for

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the anti-inflammatory actions were suppression of the activation of IKK/NF-κB and JNK/SAPK which
interrupt insulin signalling pathway and induce inflammatory factors expression, and enhancement of
PPARγ expression, which improves insulin signalling pathway and increases adiponectin expression.

Assessor’s comments
No preclinical studies were conducted with the aqueous plant extract and no in-vivo studies are

Antitumor activity


Aqueous extract of Paeoniae radix alba

Kwon et al. (2006) investigated the mechanism of Paeoniae radix alba extract induced apoptosis in HL-
60 leukemic cells. The results suggest, that Paeoniae radix alba extract –induced apoptosis is
stimulated by release of cytochrome c to cytosol, by procaspase-9 processing and via a caspase-3
dependent mechanism. The extract is effective collapsing the mitochondrial membrane potential.

According Kwon et al. (2007) a lot of examples of the induction of apoptosis by nutritional supplements
and herbs through the generation of reactive oxygen species exist. The authors concluded, however
nutritional supplements and herbs must be used with caution, as few research studies have actually
evaluated their safety and efficacy and no guidelines for dose and usage are available.

Paeoniae radix extract (no information on plant species, DER, extraction solvent)

Abdelhamed et al. (2013) screened 138 medicinal plant extracts in a concentration of 1 µg/ml against
TRAIL-sensitive and insensitive TNBC cell lines MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB 468. Among them only five
plants did not cause apparent cytotoxicity as a single regimen but showed significant synergistic effects
against both cell-lines. The paeonia plant extract did not meet the criteria.


Fang S et al. (2012) reported that paeoniflorin may effectively modulate multidrug resistance of the
human gastric cancer cell line SGC7901/vincristine via the inhibition of NF-κB activation and down
regulation its target genes MDRI1, BCL-XL and BCL-2. It is suggested, that NF-κB activation may play
a role in the development of chemotherapy resistance in carcinoma cells.

Aqueous extract of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas

Lee et al. (2002) examined the cell growth of HepG2 and Hep 3 B cells in the presence of various
concentrations of Paeoniae radix extract. The Paeoniae radix extract inhibited hepatoma cells growth
by inducing apoptosis in a p53 independent pathway at a concentration of 4.6 and 4.4 mg/ml. The PRE
could induce the internucleosomal DNA fragmentation of HepG2 and Hep3B cells. The authors
concluded it may be a promising anticancer agent for inhibiting the growth of p53-deficient tumours.

Monoterpene glycosides

Washida et al. (2009) isolated a new monoterpenes glycoside 3-O-galloylpaeoniflorin and four known
compounds from Paeonia lactiflora roots, which showed androgen receptor binding activity. The activity
of pentagalloylglucose was equivalent to flutamide (IC 50 5.0 µmol). The authors proposed that
pentagalloylglucose inhibits prostate cancer cell growth by acting as an androgen receptor antagonist.

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Total glycosides of peony (TGP)

Xu HY al. (2012) analysed the antitumor activity of total peony glycoside against human chronic
myelocytic leukemia K562 cell lines in-vitro and in-vivo in nude mice. TGP (1.5 g/kg) or CTX
(25 mg/kg) was administered via intraperitoneal injection every 4 days. At 32 days TGP showed a
significant decreased tumour volume and tumour weight in nude mice inoculated with k562 cells.

For in-vitro data it should be kept in mind that for clear effects seen in concentrations of >100 µg/ml a
physiological correlation is not plausible, so results with concentrations of 4.6 and 4.4 mg/ml are not
convincing. In other in-vitro experiments the paeonia plant extract did not meet the criteria for
effectiveness. No in-vivo experiments were conducted with aqueous extracts. From in-vivo
experiments via intraperitoneal injection no conclusion can be drawn for oral use.

Cerebral ischaemia and cognitive effects



Abdel-Hafez et al. (1998) evaluated 8 paeoniflorin-derivates on their effect on the memory deficits
induced by scopolamine using a step-down type of a passive avoidance task in mice at concentrations
of 0.002-0.02 mmol/kg. The results indicated that full methylation in the chemical structure
significantly enhanced the ameliorating effect. No correlation to the natural concentration of the
derivates in the plant was given. The authors assumed further clarification is necessary for (chemical)
design of more potent candidates.


Xiao et al. (2005) examined the effects of paeoniflorin on the cerebral infarction, behavioural and
cognitive impairments at the chronic stage of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats. One
day (10 mg/kg twice s.c.) or seven-day (2.5 times 10 mg/kg, twice a day, s.c) injection of paeoniflorin
significantly reduced the infarct volume as well as ameliorated the deficits in neurological symptoms
caused by transient middle cerebral artery occlusion at chronic stage.

Tang et al. (2010) tested the anti-inflammatory effect of paeoniflorin (10 mg/kg intravenously) on
cerebral infarction induced by ischemia-reperfusion injury in Sprague-Dawley rats. The results
indicated that both pre-treatment and post-treatment with paeoniflorin reduced the ratio of cerebral
infarction area. Pre-treatment also reduce the neurological deficit score.

Total glycosides of peony (TGP)

Liu et al. (2004) analysed the protective effect of TGP on complete cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury
in rats. TGP (20 mg/kg) possessed protective effects on the histopathological changes of ischemia
cerebral tissues in rats. (Chinese, only English abstract)

Zhang AP et al. (1993) showed that TGP, (50 mg/kg 7d, ig) could enhance the episode duration of
slow-wave sleep in normal rats and restore the sleep parameters in the insomniac rats induced by
caffeine (12.5 mg/kg 7 days, i.p.). (Chinese, only English abstract)

Aqueous extract of peony root, paeoniflorin

Ohta et al. (1993) analysed the effect of four herbs Japanese angelica root, cnidium rhizome, peony
root and rhemmania root on the scopolamine induced spatial working memory disruption in rats. Doses
of the extracts were expressed as dried herb weight per kg body weight. Among the component herbs,

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disruption of the choice accuracy peony root extract (corresponding 0.25 and 1 g dried herb/kg, orally)
exhibited the most antagonizing effect on the scopolamine. Paeoniflorin (0.01-1 mg/kg, PO) dose-
dependent attenuated the scopolamine-induced impairment in the choice accuracy.

Aqueous extract of peony root

Tsuda et al. (1997) evaluated the protective effects of peony root aqueous extract (no DER
information) and its components on neuron damage in the hippocampus induced by the cobalt focus
epilepsy model in rats. Neuron damage in the CA1 area of the hippocampus and frequent spike
discharges induced by application of metallic cobalt to the cerebral cortex of rats were completely
prevented when the extract was continuously administered orally at 1 g/kg per day for 30 days prior to
cobalt application. The use of paeoniflorin alone had no effect. The gallotannin fraction had incomplete
protective action. A combination of the gallotannin and paeoniflorin fraction showed complete action in
the same way as peony root extract.

Total glycosides of peony (TGP)

Yang J et al. (2000) analysed the protective effect of TGP against cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury
model in mice. TGP could improve the learning and memory capacity of model mice in step down test.
(Chinese, only English abstract)

Yang J et al. (2001) analysed the protective effects of TGP on cerebral ischemia mice. TGP could
prolong gasp time of decapatative mice, lessen cerebral water content and decrease permeability of
cerebral capillary significantly. (Chinese, only English abstract)

Yang J et al. (2000) analysed the improvement effects of TGP on ability of learning and memory in
model mice induced by medicinal products. TGP could reduce irritated time, prolonged duration of safe
staying, lessen the times of error and adjust latent duration. In model mice of spatial resolution TGP
increased ratio of successful landing, reduced times of mistake and lessoned the time of landing.
(Chinese, only English abstract)

Assessor’s comments
Neuron damage in the CA1 area of the hippocampus and frequent spike discharges induced by
application of metallic cobalt to the cerebral cortex of rats were prevented when an aqueous extract
was continuously administered orally. In disruption of the choice accuracy, peony root extract exhibited
antagonizing effect on the scopolamine. The doses correspond to 17.5-70 g dried herb for a 70 kg
person and hint to possible effects.

Gastrointestinal activity



Ono et al. (2000) found that Pentagalloylglucose, an antisecretory component of Paeoniae radix,
inhibits gastric H+, K±ATPase with an IC 50 of 166 nmol/l and may be responsible for inhibition of acid
secretion by Paeoniae radix.

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Liver protective activity


Total glucosides of peony (TGP)

Results of a study in rats by Dai LM et al. (1993) showed that pre-treatment with TGP (10, 20, mg/kg
per day times 7 days, i.p.) diminished the hepato-cellular degeneration and necrosis induced by D-
Galactosamine or CCl 4 . (Chinese, only English abstract).

Wang H et al. (2005) evaluated effects of TGP (60 and 120 mg/kg, oral) on immunological hepatic
fibrosis in rats. Histological results showed that TGP improved the human albumin-induced alterations
in the liver structure, alleviate lobular necrosis and significantly lowered collagen content.

Zheng LY et al. (2008) concluded by their study results TGP (0.15 g/kg bw, 0.05 g/kg bw, intragastric)
may protect liver function and modulate serum lipid for the fatty liver rats caused by insulin resistance,
and its action mechanism may be concerned with enhancing sensitivity and antioxidative ability,
decreasing serum lipid.


Li et al. (2009, 2010) investigated the effects of paeoniflorin on hepatic fibrosis of mice infected with
S. japonicum. Paeoniflorin was administrated orally on the 12th day (30 days of successive
administration) after infection. Paeoniflorin (30 mg/kg per day) ameliorates schistosomiasis liver
fibrosis through regulating IL-13 and its signalling molecules in mice.

Paeoniae radix rubra and Paeoniae radix alba alcoholic extract

Wang R et al. (2012) found, that oral administered Paeoniae radix rubra and Paeoniae radix alba
extract (12 g/kg for 6 days, no DER information) attenuate CCl 4 -induced acute liver injury in rats. The
extracts reduced the serum levels of several bile acids while they increased the serum levels of choline
and 5-methylenetetrahydrofolate.


Ethanolic extract

The results of Kuo et al. (2012) in the in-vitro experiment in rat HSCs and LX-2, a human HSC cell line,
show Paeoniae radix extract (80% ethanol) and its active components paeonol reduces PDGF-
stimulated hepatic stellate cell migration. Hepatic stellate cells play a key role in the pathogenesis of
liver fibroses.

Assessor’s comments
The experiments of Wang R et al. (2012) were performed with ethanolic extracts in high doses
(12 g/kg corresponding to 840 g in a 70 kg person). TGP, what are isolated substances of peony, may
protect liver function and modulate serum lipids in-vivo. No preclinical studies were conducted with the
aqueous plant extract. Results are not relevant for establishing a monograph.

Lung protective activity



Ji et al. (2013) found paeoniflorin attenuated bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice by

suppressing the synthesis of type I collagen via inhibiting the activation of TGF-ß/Smad pathway and

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increasing the expression of IFN-γ. In mice orally treated with bleomycin consecutive 21 days,
paeoniflorin (50 mg/kg) significantly prolonged the survival periods.

Assessor’s comments
The experiments have methodological deficiencies as they were conducted with preparations of
unknown composition /DER, i.v. injection or only from isolated substances. Results are not relevant for
establishing a monograph.

Neuroprotective activity



Cao BY et al. (2010) evaluate a neuroprotective effect of paeoniflorin and found that paeoniflorin
(50 µM) protects PC12 cells from MPP and acidic damage via autophagic pathway.

Methanolic extract

Lee et al. (2008) examined the protective effects of Paeonia lactiflora pall on hydrogen peroxide-
induced apoptosis in PC12 cells. The total phenolic content was 89.65 mg per g of extract. After
2 hours of cell exposure to 0.5 mM H 2 O 2 a marked reduction in cell survival was observed in the MTT
reduction assay and LDH release assay.


Aqueous extract

Huang et al. (2011) found that Paeoniae alba radix aqueous extract (no DER information) caused
enhancement of the nerve growth factor-mediated neurite outgrowth from PC12 cells as well as their
expression of growth associated protein and synapsin I in-vitro. In the in-vivo study silicon rubber
chamber filled with PR aqueous extract were used to bridge a 10 mm sciatic nerve defect in rats. At
the conclusion of 8 weeks, regenerated nerves in the PR groups had a higher rate of successful
regeneration across the wide gap, relatively larger mean values of total nerve area, myelinated axon,
count and blood vessel number and significantly larger nerve conductive velocity compared to the
control group.


Liu et al. (2005) examined the neuroprotective effect of paeoniflorin on transient ischemic model in rat
by activating adenosine A1 receptor in a manner different from its classical agonists. The
administration of paeoniflorin (2.5 and 5 mg/kg bw s.c.) produced a dose-dependent decrease in both
neurological impairment and the histologically measured infarction volume. Similar results were
obtained when paeoniflorin was given in permanent ischemia model.

Assessor’s comments
No in-vivo experiments were conducted with orally administered extracts.

Uterine activity


Methanolic extract of peony root

Harada et al. (1984) analysed the effects of Japanese Angelica root and peony root extracts (3 g/kg,
no DER information) on uterine contraction in the rabbit in situ. Intra-duodenal administration

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increased uterine activities. In some animal preparations inhibiting effect of the extracts on uterine
contraction was noted after the uterotonic effect terminated.

“Crude alcoholic extract”

Madari and Jacobs (2004) reported, Paeonia officinalis was used in traditional medicine of ancient
Persia as abortificient. A crude alcohol extract of the root of Paeonia officinalis produced uterine
stimulation in rat confirming the traditional use as abortificant.

Assessor’s comments
There is no information on the dosages used for abortification in the report of Madari (2004). The in-
vivo experiments of Harada (1984) were conducted with very high doses 3 g/ kg corresponding to 210
g herb for a 70 kg person, so no conclusions for clinical relevance can be drawn. The possible effect
should be considered for safety reasons.

Antioxidant activity



Chen T et al. (2011) analysed the protective effects of paeoniflorin extracted by Paeonia lactiflora Pall.
against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
(HUVECs). Paeoniflorin increased significantly the percent cell viability of HUVECs injured by H 2 O 2
using the MTT assay. By flow cytometric analyses paeoniflorin attenuated H 2 O 2 induced apoptosis and
intracellular reactive oxygen species production.

Methanol extract

Im and Lee (2011) analysed the tyrosinase inhibitory activity and melanin production inhibitory activity
of the methanol extract and fractions from Paeoniae radix. The total polyphenol content of the
methanol extract was 73.45 mg/g. The tyrosinase inhibitory activity of the ethyl acetate fraction
showed higher activity than arbutin used as a positive control. In nontoxic concentration range, the
ethylacetate fraction showed strong melanin production inhibitory effect and the authors considered it
could be applicable to functional materials for skin-whitening agents.

In-vivo and in-vitro

Ethanolic extract

The results of the experiments of Lee et al. (2005) showed, the oral administration of 50% ethanol
extract of peony root (no DER information), gallic acid and methyl gallate potently inhibited the
formation of micronucleated reticulocytes in the mouse peripheral blood induced by a KBrO 3 treatment
in-vivo. The ethanolic extract exhibited a significant free radical scavenging effect against DPPH radical
generation and had an inhibitory effect on lipid peroxidation as measured by the level of
malondialdehyde formation.

Effect on renal tubule-interstitium in rats


Total glucosides of peony (TGP)

Fang F et al. (2008) administered TGP 50, 100, 200 mg/kg per day orally once a day for 8 weeks in
diabetic rats. Increased indices for tubulointerstitial injury were significantly ameliorated by TGP
treatment with 100 and 200 mg/kg bw. Elevated expression of osteopontin protein was inhibited with

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100 and 200 mg/kg bw, and increased expression of α-smooth muscle actin with 50, 100, and
200 mg/kg bw.

Zhang CQ et al. (2014) examined the effect of TGP on TLR signal pathway in the kidney from diabetic
rats. TGP 50, 100, 200 mg/kg per day was administered orally once a day for 8 weeks in diabetic rats.
Western blot analysis showed, that the increased levels of TLR2, TLR4, MyD88, p-IRAK1, p-IRF3 and
NF-κB p65 in the kidneys of diabetic rat were significantly suppressed by TGP treatment.

Wu et al. (2009) analysed the renoprotective effect of TGP and its mechanism in streptozotocin-
induced diabetic rats. The rats were treated orally with TGP for 8 weeks. Treatment at 50, 100 and
200 mg/kg significantly lowered 24-h urinary albumin excretion rate. One hundred and 200 mg/kg
reduced indices for tubolointerstitial injury in diabetic rats.

Assessor’s comments
No in-vivo experiments were conducted with orally administered extracts. The in-vivo experiments with
orally administered TGP may hint a renoprotective effect for very high doses of isolated substances of
peony root. Results are not relevant for establishing a monograph..

Wound healing effect


Aqueous extract

Malviya and Jain (2009) examined the wound healing activity of aqueous extract (no further
information) of Paeoniae radix by incision, incision and dead space wound models on Wistar rats. The
results indicated that radix Paeoniae extract accelerates the wound healing process by decreasing the
surface area of the wound and increasing the tensile strength. The histological examination of the
granulation tissue of treated group showed increased cross-linking of collagen fibres and absence of

Anti-depressant-like effect


Total glycosides of peony (TGP)

Mao et al. (2009) examined the effects of peony glycosides on mice exposed to chronic unpredictable
stress. Chronic unpredictable stress induced depression, as indicated by increase in immobility time in
the tail suspension test, was alleviated by s.c. administered TGP (160 mg/kg). The authors suggest the
effect is probably mediated by inhibition of monoamine oxidation.

Mao et al. (2012a) found that peony glycosides (160 mg/kg, s.c.) reverse the effects of corticosterone
on rats. Depression-like behavior was suppressed and brain–derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
expression was increased in the rat model.

In a mini-review Mao et al. (2012b) summarised the results of literature regarding the anti-
depressant-like effect. The peony extract was active in the mouse forced swim test and tail suspension
test, and produced anti-depressant effects in chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced depression
model in mice and rats. The mechanisms of peony were likely mediated by the inhibition of monoamine
oxidase activity, neuroprotection, modulation of the function of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis,
inhibition of oxidative stress and the up-regulation of neurotrophins.

Assessor’s comments
The experiments were performed with applied s.c. TGP. No in-vivo experiments were conducted with
orally administered traditional preparations (aqueous extracts, decoction).

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Blood enriching


Zhang JJ et al. (2013) conducted a comparative study on effects of blood enriching on mouse model of
blood deficiency syndrome induced by compound method of bleeding, starved feeding and exhausting
of Paeoniae radix alba and Paeoniae radix rubra (2 g/kg bw, no information on preparation)
paeoniflorin and albiflorin. At the 7th day Paeonia radix alba has a better effect of blood enriching than
Paeoniae radix rubra. Albiflorin was more effective than paeoniflorin.

Assessor’s comments
It is unclear which preparation or whether the crude herbal substance was administered. The dose of
2 g/kg corresponds to 140 g for a 70 kg person and is higher as traditionally (TCM) used dosage

Effect on colitis



Zhou et al. (2010) found that paeoniflorin increases beta-defensin expression and attenuates lesion in
the colonic mucosa from mice with oxazolone-induced colitis through regulating the expression of HBD-
2, IL-6 and IL-10. (English abstract only).

3.1.2. Secondary pharmacodynamics

Not available

3.1.3. Safety pharmacology

Not available

3.1.4. Pharmacodynamic interactions

Not available

3.1.5. Conclusions

The preclinical studies were often performed with isolated substances as paeoniflorin or TGP. Wang C
et al. (2012) reported, when administered orally, paeoniflorin was absorbed poorly in gastrointestinal
tract, leading to a very low bioavailability of 3-4%. Therefore experiments with paeoniflorin are
considered of minor relevance. Aqueous extracts were often administered over the doses ranges
known from the TCM. Often no information on the DER of the final administered extracts was available.

No conclusions can be drawn from preclinical experiments and pharmacological data. No therapeutic
posology in humans is known for the use in Europa. In summary, available data are not adequate to
support establishment of a European Union monograph.

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3.2. Overview of available pharmacokinetic data regarding the herbal
substance(s), herbal preparation(s) and relevant constituents thereof


In-vitro: rat everted gut sacs


Dong et al. (2009) showed that the absorption of paeoniflorin was linear at different intestine
segments and dosages. The square of degrees correlation coefficient exceed 0.9, which is consistent
with a zero order rate process. The K α of paeoniflorin showed a dose-dependent increase along with
the raised dose of extractive Paeoniae radix alba, indicated it was a mechanism of passive absorption.
(English abstract only)

Tan et al. (2011) tested the absorption ingredients of three concentration of Paeoniae radix alba in-
vitro-everted intestinal sac (VEIS). Albiflorin and paeoniflorin shaped linear absorption (R2>0.9),
confirming a zero order absorption rate. The values in K a in the jejunum and ileum were increased
along with the raised dosage, indicating a passive absorption manner. (Chinese, only English abstract)

In-vivo: rats

Pharmacokinetic comparison between Paeoniae radix rubra and Paeoniae radix alba

Wang CH et al. (2008) conducted a comparative pharmacokinetic study of paeoniflorin after oral
administration of decoction of Paeoniae radix rubra and Paeoniae radix alba in rats. There was a
significant difference between the pharmacokinetic characteristics of Paeoniflorin alone, Paeoniae radix
rubra and Paeoniae radix alba (3.24%, 4.26% and 1.82%). The results suggested that the
bioavailability of paeoniflorin in rats after oral administration was very low, about 3%. The T max ,
AUC 0-∞, C max were increased after oral consumption of Paeoniae radix rubra compared to Paeoniae
radix alba.

Feng et al. (2010) reported a significant difference between the pharmacokinetic characteristics of
Paeoniae radix rubra and Paeoniae radix alba by the HPLC-ESI-MS method. Aqueous solutions of the
herbal substances were given to rats at a dose of containing 0.2 g/g crude herbal substance to rats.

Paeoniae radix rubra Paeoniae radix alba

C max paeoniflorin 185.24±26.24 ng/ml 34.44±13.43 ng/ml

AUC 0-∞ paeoniflorin 52.274.73±489.32 ng h/ml 315.08±85.44 ng h/ml

T max paeoniflorin 0.67±0.07 ng/ml 0.33±0.02 ng/ml

T 1/2 paeoniflorin 1.86±0.27 0.85±0.11

The increase of AUC suggested, paeoniflorin was absorbed better from the decoction of Paeoniae radix
rubra than from Paeoniae radix alba. The longer T max and T 1/2 implied the delay of absorption and
slower of elimination of paeoniflorin.

Hsiu et al. (2003) investigated the metabolism and pharmacokinetics of paeoniflorin by oral
administration in rats. The paeoniflorin levels in serum were below the detection limit through the
study. In conclusion paeoniflorin was not absorbed per se, whereas its aglycone paeoniflorigenin was
absorbable and circulating in the bloodstream.

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Tang and Eisenbrand reported in the Handbook of Chinese Medicinal Plants, Chemistry, Pharmacology,
Toxicology (2011) that paeoniflorin seemed to be poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract,
resulting in an extremely low bioavailability.

Wang C et al. (2012) reported, according previous studies, when administered orally, paeoniflorin was
absorbed poorly in gastrointestinal tract, leading to a very low bioavailability of 3-4%. The causes of
paeoniflorin´s poor bioavailability are poor permeation efflux via P-glycoprotein and hydrolytic
degradation by esterase in the intestine. Therefore they compared the pharmacokinetics of paeoniflorin
microemulsion with paeoniflorin saline after repeated dosing in rats with adjuvant arthritis. The plasma
concentration of 25, 50 mg/kg were undetectable by the HPLC assay. The AUC 0-1 , the mean retention
time and the C max were increased in the 100 mg/kg microemulsion group, indicating a better
absorption of the formula.


In-vivo: mice


Chen LC (1999) administered orally peony root extracts to mice (24.6 g dry extract obtained from
200 g crude material; extraction solvent aqua) at a dose of 10 mg/kg paeoniflorin for quantification of
paeoniflorin. The calibration curve for paeoniflorin was linear over the concentration range
10-200 ng/ml. The recoveries of paeoniflorin from mice plasma were found to be 74.49, 76.83, 80.38,
and 80.56% for concentrations of 30, 80, 120, and 160 ng/ml respectively. The plasma concentration-
time curves fitted with mean terminal half-lives of 94.16 minutes.

Cao et al. (2006) determined the paeoniflorin concentration in the cortex of normal and cerebral
ischemia-reperfusion rats and plotted the time course profile in rat cortex. Paeoniflorin could quickly
penetrate through the blood-brain barrier after intravenous administration in a dose of 60 mg/kg bw.
The cortex concentration in ischemia-reperfusion rats were lower 5 minutes after dosing and declined
more slowly than in normal control.

Radix Paeoniae alba (aqueous) extract

Li et al. (2011) analysed the pharmacokinetic properties of albiflorin and paeoniflorin after oral
administration of pure compound, Paeoniae radix alba extract and danggui-shaoyao-san extract
(composed of 7 plants) to rats. After oral administration of Paeoniae radix alba extract and danggui-
shaoyao-san extract albiflorin reached maximum concentrations of 4637±2774 ng/ml and
226±122 mg/ml and PAE 2132±569 ng/ml and 143±65 ng/ml respectively. Compared to the AUC 0-t
value for albiflorin and paeoniflorin after administration of monomers, larger value of albiflorin and
paeoniflorin after administration of Paeoniae radix alba extract (10 g/kg bw) and smaller value after
administration of DSS (10 g/kg bw) extract were obtained.

Sun et al. (1996) reported glycosidases, produced in E. coli as a cytoplasmic protein, convert natural
glycosides to bioactive compounds. Paeoniflorin was biotransformed to paeonimetabolins I and II.
While paeoniflorin shows depressant, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects, the
paeonometabolin I showed anticonvulsive effects, which was interpreted as increased pharmacological


Dried powder of Paeoniae radix alba

Chen et al. (2014): The extract of Paeoniae radix alba (50.0 g herbal substance extracted in 400 ml
water, 2 times for each 2 hours, diverse follow up processes,) was given orally at a dose of 3 g/kg

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(corr. 18.75 g/kg for crude herbal substance) daily in rats. A total of 65 compounds were detected in
rat bile, plasma and urine samples including 11 parents compounds and 54 metabolites. The results
indicated that glucuronidation, hydroxylation and methylation were major metabolic pathways of the
components of Paeoniae radix alba extract.

Pharmacokinetic interactions


Aqueous extracts

Chen LC et al. (2002) analysed the pharmacokinetic interactions between carbamazepine and Paeoniae
radix (Paeonia lactiflora) extracts (300 mg/kg; 24.6 g extract weighting from 200 g of raw material by
decoct and drying) in rats. The significant decrease of T max indicated that simultaneous oral
administration of PR contributes to more rapid absorption of carbamazepine. A significant decrease in
protein binding rate was found (62.7 and 68.1%), what was considered probably free from clinical
consequences because the wide fluctuations in carbamazepine concentrations between doses. There
were no changes in AUC, T 1/2 , C max .

Chen LC et al. (2001) analysed the pharmacokinetic interactions between phenytoin and Paeoniae
radix (Paeonia lactiflora) extracts (300 mg/kg; 24.6 g extract weighting from 200 g of raw material by
decoct and drying) in rats. The significant increase of T max indicated that simultaneous oral
administration of PR delayed the absorption of phenytoin. No significant decrease in protein binding
rate was found. There were no changes in AUC, T 1/2 , C max, MRT, CL/F of phenytoin.



Dong et al. (2009) showed, paeoniflorin is a substrate of P-glycoprotein, and extractive Paeoniae radix
alba could induce expression of the P-glycoprotein in-vitro in the everted gut sac model. (Chinese, only
abstract in English)

3.3. Overview of available toxicological data regarding the herbal

substance(s)/herbal preparation(s) and constituents thereof

3.3.1. Single dose toxicity


Water soluble extraction of Paeoniae radix alba (paeoniflorin sulfonate)

Huang et al. (2012) evaluated the toxicity of paeoniflorin sulfonate by in-vitro cytotoxicity carried out
on mouse and human primary hepatodytes and by acute oral toxicity test carried out on mice.
Paeoniflorin sulfonate does not have any cytotoxicity to cells at all the tested concentrations
(≤300µmol/L) in the in-vitro cytotoxicity assay. The maximum tolerance dose of paeoniflin sulfonate
solution and water solubel extraction of Paeoniae radix alba to mouse was 5 g/kg and 80 g/kg
respectively (nor further information on DER).

3.3.2. Repeat dose toxicity

Not available

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3.3.3. Genotoxicity

Ethanolic extracts of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas and Paeoniae radix rubra (P. albiflora var. hortensis
Makino): Chang et al. (1989) examined 40 Chinese herbal drugs for mutagenicity in the SOS
chromotest (E. coli PQ37) and in the SOS umu test. The ethanolic herbal extracts in 4 mg/ml showed
no mutagenicity.

Aqueous extracts of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas and Paeoniae radix rubra (P. albiflora var. hortensis
Makino): Chang et al. (1989) examined 40 Chinese herbal drugs for mutagenicity in the SOS
chromotest (E. coli PQ37) and in the SOS umu test.

The results of the aqueous extracts of Paeonia lactiflora were not presented. The authors assumed,
non of the 40 Chinese herbal drugs seem to exhibit mutagenic activities under the experimental
conditions. The aqueous extracts of Paeoniae radix rubra (P. albiflora var. hortensis Makino) in 4mg/ml
and 50 mg/ml showed no mutagenicity in the SOS umu test (-S9: 82; +S9: 69 versus–S9:
38;+S9:72; mitomycin: 566 ß-Galactosidase activity/unit). Aqueous extracts of Paeonia radix and
Paeoniae radix rubra (P. albiflora var. hortensis Makino) exhibited an antimutagenic activity against
mitomycin C and aflatoxin B1 in SOS umu test.

Yu et al. (2004) examined the toxicological safety and stability of the components of an irradiated
Korean medical herb, Paeoniae radix. The mutagenicity of the aqueous extract was examined
triplicatedly in Salmonella reversion assay at 5 dosages from 62 to 5000 µg/plate. The number of
revertant colonies of each strain in test group did not increased comparing with negative control group.
The increase of the colony formation by irradiate sample was not appreciated in both direct non-
activate and indirect activated tests. The extract did not show cytogenetic toxicity in the culture of the
Chinese hamster ovary cells. The authors concluded, chronic toxicity tests are needed for public
acceptance in the application of irradiation for the hygienic technology of the herbs.

3.3.4. Carcinogenicity

Not available

3.3.5. Reproductive and developmental toxicity

Not available

3.3.6. Local tolerance

Not available

3.3.7. Other special studies

Harada et al. Y (1984) analysed the effects of Japanese Angelica root and Peony root extracts (3 g/kg,
no DER information) on uterine contraction in the rabbit in situ. Intra-duodenal administration
increased uterine activities. Madari H and Jacobs RS (2004) reported Paeonia officinalis was used in
traditional medicine of ancient Persia as abortificient. A crude alcohol extract of the root of Paeonia
officinalis produced uterine stimulation in rat confirming the traditional use as abortifacient.

3.3.8. Conclusions

Only limited toxicological data are available from literature. Adequate tests on genotoxicity,
carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity and local tolerance are not available. There

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are some hints for abortificient effects. Consequently, the use in pregnants should be contraindicated
(also in the combination preparations of the TCM) for safety reasons.

3.4. Overall conclusions on non-clinical data

Non-clinical information on the safety of peony root is limited. The preclinical pharmacological data are
not appropriate to document clear pharmacological actions for the aqueous extracts used in TCM. The
limited data available on single and repeated dose toxicity reveal no suspicion of safety concerns
regarding human therapeutic TCM doses. There are some hints for abortifacient effects which should
be considered for safety reasons. Test on carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity and
local tolerance are not available. Specific data on pharmacokinetics and interactions are not available.

Numerous publications on Paeoniae radix or constituents exist, however, often an appropriate

description of herbal substance or herbal preparations used are missing. Available data are not
sufficient to establish a European Union monograph.

4. Clinical Data

4.1. Clinical pharmacology

4.1.1. Overview of pharmacodynamic data regarding the herbal

substance(s)/preparation(s) including data on relevant constituents

Total glucosides of peony (TGP)

Lin J et al. (2012) treated 10 patients with diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with TGP by oral
administration of 15 mg/kg per day more than 3 months, while another 10 RA patients did not take
TGP. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were obtained from patients by Ficoll-Hypaque separation.
TGP treatment led to decreased percentage of matured DC and Th1/Th17 cells in peripheral blood of
patients. The results were in accordance with the in-vivo tests in the model or collagen induced
arthritis (CIA) in mice. The authors conclude the results may explain the functions of TGP in reducing
inflammation and immune response in autoimmune disease.

Wang Z-J (1994) reported improvements in immune function by total glycosides of peony in
rheumatoid arthritis patients. (No further information, Chinese, only English abstract).

Liao Dun and Luo Quingfeng (2005) reported Baishao (Radix Paeoniae alba) had antispasmodic, pain-
killing and diuretic effect, which is particularly suitable for the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

4.1.2. Overview of pharmacokinetic data regarding the herbal

substance(s)/preparation(s) including data on relevant constituents

Wang C et al. (2012) reported TGP contain more than 90% of paeoniflorin. Paeoniflorin was absorbed
poorly in gastrointestinal tract, leading to a very low bioavailability (3-4%). TGPs slow effect seriously
limited its application to RA patients (Liu DZ et al, 2005) and must be improved by novel formulations
as microemulsions.

4.2. Clinical efficacy

According the review article “Peony” in Herbal Medicines (2013), there is limited reliable clinical
information available for the pharmacological effects and its main constituents. Many studies are
available where peony is combined with other herbs in TCM or Traditional Japanese Medicine (TJM) or

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given with conventional treatment, so that clinical information on the action of peony alone is generally
not available and therefore the effects found cannot always be attributed to peony.

4.2.1. Dose response studies

Not available

4.2.2. Clinical studies (case studies and clinical trials)

Patients with active rheumatoid arthritis

Total glucosides of peony (TGP) of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas

Zhao YX and Liu (2006) conducted a clinical observation on effects of leflunomid (LEF) (no information
on dose) and TGP on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Forty persons were treated with TGP and
leflunomide and the control group of 40 persons was treated with LEF alone for 12 weeks. The total
effective rate was higher in the treatment group than in the control group
(97.5% vs 85.0%) without significant difference in adverse reactions.

Chen Z et al. (2013) analysed in a 24-week, open label, randomized clinical trial the efficacy of TGP
and the protective effect on hepatotoxicity in the combination treatment with methotrexate and
leflunomide in 204 patients with active rheumatoid arthritis. No statistically significant differences were

Du and Dong (2005) analysed the clinical efficacy of methotrexate combined with TGP on rheumatoid
arthritis for 3 months. Thirty patients were only administered orally methotrexate, while 31 patients
were treated with methotrexate plus TGP (no dose information). The total effective rate was 90%,
94% 100% in the methotrexate plus TGP group and 87%, 90% 94% in the methotrexate group at
4, 8 and 12 weeks. (Chinese, only English abstract)

Wang Y and Xing (2007) conducted a clinical observation on the effect of TGP combined with
methotrexate on rheumatoid arthritis for 24 weeks. Two hundred and sixty patients were assigned to
two groups the treated group (180 cases) was orally administered with methotrexate and TGP (no
information on dose) and the control group (80 cases) with methotrexate plus sulfasalazine. The total
effective rate at the 4th, 8th, 12th,24th week of the treatment was 70%, 81%, 94%, 98% in the treated
group and 60%, 85%, 93% and 94% respectively. The authors concluded TGP combined methotrexate
treatment shows a quicker initiation with fewer side effects. (Chinese only English abstract).

Zhang W and Dai (2012) reported a preparation of TGP was approved by State Food and Drug
Administration of China to enter market as a disease-modifying drug for RA in 1998. However, there
was no report available to show whether TGP treatment can retard the radiographic progression of the

Patients with psoriatic arthritis

Total glucosides of peony (TGP) of Paeonia lactiflora Pallas

Wang YN et al. (2014) analysed the beneficial effect of TGP on psoriatic arthritis links to circulating
Tregs and Th1 cell function in clinical observation study. Nineteen patients received in a 12-week-
treatment 3x 600 mg TGP per day. The response was evaluated at 12 weeks, by determining whether
at least a 25% reduction of disease activity score (DAS28) was met. Six patients (32%) exhibited
≥25% decrease of DAS28 and were defined as responder. All responders displayed a continuous
decrease in Treg and Th1 numbers, concomitant with decrease in Th1-type cytokine levels and
decrease in serum IL-6 levels. Non-responders lacked these alterations.

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Patients with chronic urticaria

Total glycosides of peony (TGP)

Long et al. (2010) conducted a clinical observation on the treatment of chronic urticaria with TGP
capsules combined with cetirizine to assess the effect and adverse reaction. A total of 120 patients
were assigned to two groups by lottery, 65 in the treated group and 55 in the control group. They all
were orally treated with cetirizine tablet 10 mg per day, but to the treated group, additional 0.2 g TGP
was given three times per day. The therapeutic course for both groups was 4 weeks. The effectiveness
of treatment was observed, and the changes of total symptom score, serum levels of interleukin-4
(IL-4), and immunoglobulin E (IgE) were measured before and after treatment. Moreover, a follow-up
was carried out one month after ending the treatment.


There were two dropout cases in the treated group and seven in the control group. Thus the study was
accomplished on 63 patients in the treated group and 48 patients in the control group. The total
effective rate was assessed at 73.02% (46/63) in the treated group, which was significantly higher
than 47.92% (23/48) in the control group (P<0.01). After treatment, the total symptom score
decreased in both groups, but the decrement in the treated group was more significant (P<0.05).
Serum levels of IL-4 and IgE in the treated group lowered significantly, while the changes in the
control group were insignificant, so statistical significant differences were shown between groups
(P<0.01). A follow-up study showed that the relapse rate in the treated group was 30.00% (6/20),
while that in the control group was 90.00% (9/10), and the former was lower than the latter (P<0.01).
Adverse reactions, revealed as drowsiness, dizziness, and weakness, were seen in eight cases and
seven cases in the two groups, respectively. Besides, mild diarrhea occurred in two cases of the
treated group. No toxicity on liver, kidney and nerve system was found.

The authors recommended more than 4 weeks medication, as through the observation in the first two
weeks no relevant differences were between the groups. The symptom improving began in the latter
two weeks of the treatment.

Patients with alopecia areata

Total glycosides of peony (TGP)

Yang DQ et al. (2012) conducted a randomized controlled trial comparing a TGP capsule and a
compound glycyrrhizin tablet for alopecia areata 3 months long. A total of 86 outpatients were
randomised into two groups. The TGP group of 44 patients received 10 mg Vitamin B2 and three times
600 mg TGP daily. The control group received 3 times daily 50 mg glycyrrhizin. In the treatment group
the cured and markedly effective rate was 36.36%, 50.00% and 68.18% at the end of the first, second
and third month of treatment, versus 38.10%, 57.14% and 71.43% respectively. There was no
statistic difference between the groups.

In the TGP group 12 adverse reactions occurred: abdominal pain (2), loose stool (6) and increase of
stool frequency (4). In the glycyrrhizin group 14 adverse reactions occurred: hypokalemia (2),
increased blood pressure (3), edema (5), increased weight (2), decrease in muscle strength (1).

Patients with Non-systemic Involved Sjögren Syndrome

Total glycosides of peony (TGP)

Zhang HF et al. (2007) conducted a retrospective clinical observation on effect of TGP in treating
patients with non-systemic involved Sjögren syndrome. Twenty-seven patients received TGP and 20
patients received hydroxychoroquine (HCQs) for over 2 years. In the TGP group saliva secretion was

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significant increased from the 6th month, as in the HCQ group. Y-globulin decreased significantly from
the 6th month in the TGP group and in the HCQ group from the 3rd month. Mild diarrhea occurred in 4
cases in the TGP group, one case with severe diarrhea was dropped. In the HCQ group 2 patients were
dropped because of sever adverse reactions. The authors concluded TGP has an equivalent efficacy to
HCQ but a better safety. (Chinese, only English abstract)

Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

Zhang HF et al. (2011) conducted a clinical study of TGP in patients with systemic lupus
erythematosus. Twenty-nine patients of the TGP1 group took orally TGP for 5 or more years. Forty-
seven patients took TGP for more than one year (TGP2 group). 20 Patients served as control. The
average daily dose of prednisone, total CTX dose and SLE disease activity index were lower in the
TGP1 group than in the TGP2 group. The average daily dose of prednisone, total CTX dose were lower
in the TGP2 group than in the control group. The authors concluded TGP could reduce the average
daily dose of prednisone and the total CTX dose especially for the medication of more than five years.

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Table 3: Clinical studies on humans, in rheumatoid arthritis

Type Study Test Product(s) Number of Subjects Outcomes Statistical Clinical

subjects analysis relevance

Zhao YX and Liu clinical 1. leflunomid (LEF) (no Test group: Patients with The total effective rate was No Only TGP
Y (2006) effects observation information on 40 persons rheumatoid higher in the treatment group information and not the
of leflunomid dose) and total TGP and arthritis than in the control group (97.5% about whole plant
(LEF) (no 12 weeks glucosides of peony leflunomide vs 85.0%) without significant methods (decoct)
information on 2. leflunomid control difference in adverse reactions available was
dose) and total group: from analysed
glucosides of 40 persons publication
peony on LEF alone
Chen et al. 24-week, TGP group: 204 Patients with Protective effect on Mean Only TGP
(2013), open label, MTX: 10 mg per week patients rheumatoid hepatotoxicity standard and not the
efficacy of total randomized LEF: 29 mg per day 18-75 arthritis, ALT>1.5 to≤2 times= 1.9% vs deviation, whole plant
glucosides of clinical trial TGP: 3x0.6 g daily years, disease active 10.1% TGP vs CG; median, t- (decoct)
peony (TGP) and 10 score in 28 AST>2 to≤3 times= test, Mann- was
the protective Control group: withdrew joints 2.9% vs 12.4% TGP vs CG; Whitney U- analysed;
effect on MTX: 10 mg per week the study (DAS28)>3.2 Elevated liver enzymes 3 times Test, No
hepatotoxicity in LEF: 29 mg per day TGP group: the ULN: 4.8% (TGP) and 12.4% Kruskal- statistically
the combination TGP group: 5.98±1.14 (CG) Wallis-test significant
treatment with 105 Control group No statistically significant differences;
methotrexate Control (CG): difference No placebo
(MTX) and group: 89 6.28±1.34 Efficacy group;
leflunomide (LEF) Reduction of the DAS28 values: No
TGP: 2.07±1.3 conclusion
CG: 2.01 ±1.11 on efficacy
Patients with good or moderate in patients
response at week 12: TGP: with RA is
81.9%; CG:74.6% possible

Assessment report on Paeonia lactiflora Pallas, radix (Paeoniae radix alba)

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Type Study Test Product(s) Number of Subjects Outcomes Statistical Clinical
subjects analysis relevance

No statistically significant
Du J and Dong B 3-month, No information 31 patients Patients with The total effective rate was 90%, No No placebo
(2005) efficacy of open label, TGP+MTX rheumatoid 94% 100% in the MTX plus TGP information group;
total glucosides randomized 30 Patients arthritis group and 87%, 90% 94% in the about
of peony (TGP) in clinical trial MTX MTX group at 4, 8 and 12 weeks methods No
the combination Insignificant difference (p>0.05) available conclusion
treatment with from on efficacy
methotrexate publication in patients
(MTX) with RA is
Long JW et al. Clinical TGP group: 120 Chronic The total effective rate: No Only TGP
(2010): observation 1 times daily 10 mg patients, urticarial for 73.02% (46/63) in the treated information and not the
treatment of cetirizine 65 over 3 group, about whole plant
chronic urticaria 3 times 0,2 g TGP treatment months, 47.92% (23/48) in the control methods (decoct)
with total group 16-60 years group (P<0.01) available was
glucosides of Cetirizin group 55 control old, no other from analysed;
peony capsule 1 times daily 10 mg group treatment relapse rate publication no placebo
combined with cetirizine treated group 30.00% (6/20), group.
cetirizine to control group 90.00% (9/10),
assess the effect 4 weeks treatment, Significant
and adverse 4-weeks follow up IL-4 (ng/ml) treated group: differences
reaction Pre-treat.:151.23±31.00 in relapse
Post-treat: 105.97±9.52 rate hint to
IL-4 control group: possible
Pre-treat.:155.92±24.22 clinical
Post-treat: 150.96±30.79 relevance
IgE (IU/ml)
treatment group

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Type Study Test Product(s) Number of Subjects Outcomes Statistical Clinical
subjects analysis relevance

Post-treat: 300.00±169.19
control group:
Post-treat: 943.35±240.86
Wang Y and Xing Clinical TGP group: TGP group: Patients with total effective rate at the 4th, No Only TGP
HY (2007): observation MTX 180 rheumatoid 8th, 12th,24th week of the information and not the
efficacy of total TGP patients arthritis treatment about whole plant
glucosides of TGP group methods (decoct)
peony (TGP) in Control group: Control 70%, 81%, 94%, 98% available was
the combination MTX group: Control group from analysed;
treatment with Sulfasalazine 80 patients 60%, 85%, 93% and 94% publication no placebo
methotrexate group.
(MTX) on Significant
rheumatoid differences
arthritis hint possible
low clinical
Wang YN et al. Observation 12 weeks, 19 patients Patients with disease activity score (DAS28) No Low number
(2014) beneficial al study 3 times daily 600 mg active, Six patients (32%) exhibited information of patients,
effect of TGP on TGP psoriatic ≥25% decrease of DAS28 about no control,
psoriatic arthritis arthritis, methods only
no anti- available supportive
inflammatory from
medicinal publication

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Type Study Test Product(s) Number of Subjects Outcomes Statistical Clinical
subjects analysis relevance

essant 4
weeks before
the study; no
treatment 2
weeks before
Yang DQ et al. Randomized 3 month TGP group Patients from Four grades of cured No No placebo
(2012) controlled TGP group 44 cases 18-65 years 1. Cured: 100% hairs grew information control,
Efficacy of TGP trial 3 times daily 600 mg Glycyrrhizin with alopecia again about concomitant
on Alopecia TGP group areata≤S3 2. markedly effective: 70% methods use of
areata 10 mg Vit B2 42 cases (the area of 3. effective: 30% available vitamin B2;
Glycyrrhizin group hair loss is 4. failed from only TGP
3 times daily 50 mg not greater In the TGP group cured and publication and not the
glycyrrhizin than 50-75%) markedly effective rate was whole plant
10 mg Vit B2 36.36%, 50.00% and 68.18% at (decoct)
the end of the first, second and was
third month of treatment, versus analysed
38.10%, 57.14% and 71.43%.
No significant difference between
Zhang HF (2007) retrospectiv 2 years non- Increase of saliva secretion No Only TGP
efficacy and e clinical TGP group systemic TGP group from the 6th month, information and not the
safety of TGP in observation hydroxychoroquine involved as in the HCQ group. about whole plant
non-systemic (HCQs) group Sjögren Decrease of γ-globulin methods (decoct)
involved Sjögren syndrome TGP group from the 6th month in available was
syndrome 27 patients the from analysed
TGP HCQ group from the 3th month. publication
20 patients

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Type Study Test Product(s) Number of Subjects Outcomes Statistical Clinical
subjects analysis relevance

Zhang HF, Xiao retrospectiv Duration: More than 5 TGP1: 29 patients with average daily dose of No Only TGP
WG, Hou P e clinical years cases systemic prednisone:TG1<TG2<control information and not the
(2011) efficacy observation 1. TGP1 group: 5 TGP2:47 lupus total CTX dose: about whole plant
and adverse years or more years. cases erythematosu TG1<TG2<control methods (decoct)
reaction of TGP in 2. TGP2 group: one to Control s SLE disease activity index: available was
patients with 5 years group: 20 TG1<TG2 from analysed
systemic lupus 3. Control group cases No adverse reaction correlated to publication
erythematosus All groups: TGP

Assessment report on Paeonia lactiflora Pallas, radix (Paeoniae radix alba)

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4.3. Clinical studies in special populations (e.g. elderly and children)

Not available

4.4. Overall conclusions on clinical pharmacology and efficacy

Clinical pharmacological data of peony root decoction/preparations are not available. The published
studies were often conducted with total glycosides of peony (TGP, which contains approximately 90%
paeoniflorin). No placebo controlled studies were available. The prospective controlled clinical studies
were often conducted with a low number of patients and comedication was used.

In summary, the available clinical data are not considered sufficient to fulfil the requirements of a well-
established medicinal use with recognised efficacy and to be eligible for a marketing authorisation
according to Art. 10a of Directive 2001/83/EC.

5. Clinical Safety/Pharmacovigilance

5.1. Overview of toxicological/safety data from clinical trials in humans

Chen Z et al. (2013) analysed in a 24-week, open label, randomized clinical trial the efficacy of TGP
and the protective effect on hepatotoxicity in the combination treatment with methotrexate and
leflunomide in 204 patients with active rheumatoid arthritis. The incidence of gastrointestinal tract
disturbances, mostly diarrhoea, were higher in the TGP group (TGP plus methotrexate plus leflunomide
) than in the control group methotrexate (plus leflunomide), (12.4% vs 1.1%, p=0.002). The authors
concluded, although most of these events were mild and self-resolved in 1 to 2 weeks, more attention
is needed in clinical praxis.

He and Dai (2011) reported in a review article the first prospective double blind trial of TGP was
conducted 1993 in 450 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. They were randomized to receive TGP 1.8 g
per day or methotrexate (10 mg per week) for 12 weeks. Therapeutic response was achieved in 71.7
of TGP-treated patients and 81.7 of methotrexate. The adverse events occurred in 13.3% patients and
most of them were gastrointestinal tract disturbances, mostly mild diarrhoea. Most of them were self-
resolved in 1 to 2 weeks.

Yang DQ et al. (2012) conducted a randomized controlled trial comparing TGP capsule and compound
glycyrrhizin tablet for alopecia areata 3 months long. A total of 86 outpatients were randomized into
two groups. The TGP group of 44 patients received 10 mg Vitamin B2 and three times 600 mg TGP
daily. The control group received 3 times daily 50 mg glycyrrhizin. In the TGP group occurred 12
adverse reactions: 2 times abdominal pain, 6 times loose stool and 4 times increase of stool frequency.
In the glycyrrhizin group occurred 14 adverse reactions: 2 times hypokalemia, 3 times increased blood
pressure, 5 times edema, 2 times increased weight, 1 decrease in muscle strength.

5.2. Patient exposure

No data available.

5.3. Adverse events, serious adverse events and deaths

Timmermans et al. (2009) reported a case of contact dermatitis due to peony in a 56-old nursery man
presented a 1 year history of facial eczema. A positive patch test reaction was interpreted as allergic
and not as irritant reaction as patch tests with the extracts in 20 controls were negative.

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Ward (2005) reported in “The Essential Guide to Clinical Safety” that a statement, bai shao or chi shao
were found to be hepatotoxic, was based on one reference that had been incorrectly interpreted and
no further evidence supported this. The Traditional Remedies Surveillance Team has repeatedly stated
that no single ingredient has been implicated in the cases of hepatic reactions to herbs. There is still a
lack of incidence data to fully define this problem, which is not unique to Chinese herbal medicine.

Ahmad et al. (2012) reported from the traditional TCM use adverse reactions as blistering of mouth
and throat, diarrhoea, dizziness, fainting, gastroenteritis, haematuria, nausea, salivation, stomach
pain, vomiting and/or possible death were known.

5.4. Laboratory findings

No data available.

5.5. Safety in special populations and situations

No data available.

5.5.1. Use in children and adolescents

No data available.

5.5.2. Contraindications

No data available.

5.5.3. Special warnings and precautions for use

No data available.

5.5.4. Drug interactions and other forms of interaction

According to Landmark (2008) antiepileptic medicinal products have a high propensity to interact with
concomitant medications. The administration of phenytoin in combination with Paeoniae Radix
increased phenytoin T max 3-fold in rat model and this was attributed to a delay of phenytoin
absorption. In a clinical experimental study with valproate no changes in biochemistry analyses were

Chen LC et al. (2000) evaluated clinical interactions between the antiepileptic substance valproic acid
and Paeoniae Radix, used as adjunct in some epileptic patients. The pharmacokinetics of VPA were
investigated in a randomized, open-label, two-way crossover study. Six healthy volunteers received
the following treatments in a crossover design:

(i) 1-2 g extract powder of Paeoniae Radix once daily for 7 days and one 200 mg VPA on day 7 or

(ii) one 200 mg VPA tablet alone on day 7

The mean maximum plasma concentration of VPA was attained at within 6 h after oral administration
VPA alone and 3-4 h after oral administration in combination with PR. The plasma level of VPA declined
with a half-life of 11.71 and 11.91 hours respectively. No statistically significant difference was
obtained in the pharmacokinetic parameters T max C max , AUC, t 1/2 , MRT, CL/F and V d /F and the protein
binding rates of VPA. No concomitant treatment during 7 days was analysed, as VPA was given only
one tablet on day 7.

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In the Alternative medicine Review (2001) it was assumed, peony may not be combined with
antibiotics. Damage to the gut flora by antibiotics might interfere with the process for cleaving the
aglycons of peony and theoretically decreasing peony´s efficacy.

5.5.5. Fertility, pregnancy and lactation

Zhang and Dai (2012) report, that traditional use of peony root in TCM indicated that Radix Paeoniae
may have abortifacient activity, so the use should be contraindicated in pregnancy for safety reasons.

5.5.6. Overdose

No data available.

5.5.7. Effects on ability to drive or operate machinery or impairment of

mental ability

No data available.

5.5.8. Safety in other special situations

No data available.

5.6. Overall conclusions on clinical safety

Available data are not sufficient to establish a European Union monograph.

6. Overall conclusions (benefit-risk assessment)

No clinical studies support the well-established use of peony root in any (western medicine) indication.

The requirements for TU (self-medication character, specified strength/posology, appropriate route of

administration, period of traditional use, plausibility and safety) are not met. No constituent with
known therapeutic activity or active marker can be recognised by the HMPC.

A public statement on Paeonia lactiflora Pallas, radix (Paeoniae radix alba) is suggested. In conclusion,
the following requirements for the establishment of a European Union herbal monograph on traditional
or well-established herbal medicinal products containing Paeonia lactiflora Pallas, radix are not fulfilled:

- the requirement laid down in Article 10a of Directive 2001/83/EC that the active substance has a
recognised efficacy and an acceptable level of safety and that the period of well-established medicinal
use has elapsed

- the requirement laid down in Article 16a(1)(b) of Directive 2001/83/EC that the herbal substance or
herbal preparation is “exclusively for administration in accordance with a specified strength and

- the requirement laid down in Article 16a(1)(d) of Directive 2001/83/EC that “the period of traditional
use as laid down on Article 16c(1)(c) has elapsed”

- the requirement laid down in Article 16a(1)(e) of Directive 2001/83/EC that “the data on the
traditional use of the medicinal product are sufficient; in particular the product proves not to be
harmful in the specified conditions of use and the pharmacological effects or efficacy of the medicinal
product are plausible on the basis of long-standing use and experience”

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The HMPC acknowledges the existence of numerous publications on Paeoniae radix or constituents;
however, often an appropriate description of herbal substance or herbal preparations used are missing.
Available data are not sufficient to establish a European Union monograph.


List of references

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