MDSA 812 - Aviation Safety & Security Management0001
MDSA 812 - Aviation Safety & Security Management0001
MDSA 812 - Aviation Safety & Security Management0001
Course Code: MDSA-812
Appendix............................................................................................................. 277
UNIT 1 Airport Surface Operations 1
Unit 1 __________________
Airport Surface Operations __________________
Part-I __________________
AIRPORT LAYOUT __________________
Aerodrome or airport is defined as a defined area on land or
water (including any buildings, installations and equipment)
intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival,
departure and surface movement of aircraft.
Notes Normally the airport is divided into two basic parts, 'city
__________________ side' and 'air side'. 'City side' is what a travelling passenger
__________________ is well familiar with and includes airport terminal building,
__________________ ticket counters, airline and other offices, waiting halls,
__________________ security lounges, customs, immigration, outside car park,
cargo building, outside roads etc. The 'air side' consists of
the areas of the airport used mainly for aircraft operation
purposes like runways, taxiways, apron, Radio Navigational
aids, landing aids etc.
In addition, Airport support elements include air traffic
control tower, aircraft rescue and fire fighting (ARFF)
facilities, airport administration facilities, fuel storage, City
maintenance facilities, Medical Centre, Catering and utility
systems etc.
The runways are named according to their Magnetic Bearings
(the direction it is "pointing towards") with reference to
North rounded to nearest 100. The runway number is the
whole number nearest one-tenth the magnetic azimuth of __________________
the centre line of the runway, measured clockwise from the __________________
magnetic north. As two 'ends of the runway' point out in two __________________
different directions (Each separated by 1800), thus each __________________
runway has two names separated by 1800. For example the __________________
Runways at Delhi (IGI Airport) are 09/27 & 10/28 and
Runways at Mumbai are 09/27 & 14/32.
Each digit of runway name is pronounced separately for
clarity in radio communications. Thus, Runway Three Six
would be aligned in roughly a 360 degrees direction (i.e.
magnetic north), Runway Nine would be used for a runway
with a 94 degree-alignment (i.e. close to magnetic east), and
Runway One Seven for 168 degrees. Thus, Runway One Zero
(100°) becomes Runway Two Eight (280°) when used in the
opposite direction and Runway One Eight (180°) becomes
Runway Three Six (360°). For runways less than 100° include
the leading "zero", e.g. Runway Zero Two or Runway Zero
One Left.
4 Aviation Safety and Security Management
The Runway Stripw is the cleared, grassy area around
the paved runway. It is kept free from any obstacles that
might impede flight or ground roll of aircraft, although
the grass is not always necessarily in good condition.
The grass is often marked with white cones or gables.
The centre line is shown with white broken lines. Runway __________________
lights are also white in colour. __________________
8 Aviation Safety and Security Management
Rotating Beacons
Pilots identify airports at night by looking for rotating
beacons. Civil airport beacons flash alternating white and
green lights. Military airports flash two white lights followed
by a green light. Seaplane landing areas and lighted heliports
use different sequences. If the rotating beacon is turned on
during the day, it usually indicates that IFR conditions
prevail, but this isn't always the case.
UNIT 1 Airport Surface Operations 9
Apron Notes
Apron flood-lighting
Apron floodlighting is provided on an apron, on a de-icing/
anti-icing facility and on a designated isolated aircraft
parking position intended to be used at night.
10 Aviation Safety and Security Management
UNIT 1 Airport Surface Operations 13
Notes The PAPI is usually located on the left side of the runway
__________________ and has an effective visual range of 5 NM (8 kms) during the
__________________ day and 20 NM (32 kms) at night similar to VASIS.
A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the
movement area in order to convey aeronautical information.
UNIT 1 Airport Surface Operations 15
Runways centre line markings are white stripes with broken __________________
All runways used for night use have Edge, Threshold and
End Lighting. Centre line and Touchdown Zone Lighting is
provided as additional guidance in support of low visibility
edge lights are employed, the light fixtures may be located Notes
on the grass shoulder just beyond the declared runway width. __________________
Runway Edge Lighting is white except in the following
(a) Caution Zone Lighting __________________
Taxiway Lights
Radio Communication/Navigation Facilities & Landing
Very High Freq Between 30 MHz to 300 MHz VOR, Short Distance Air
(VHF) Ground Comm.
Ultra High Freq Between 300 MHz to 3000 ILS, DME, RADAR
Exta or Super High Between 3 GHz to 30 GHz
Freq (SHF)
Notes NDBs have one major advantage over the more sophisticated
__________________ VOR: NDB signals follow the curvature of the earth, so they
__________________ can be received at much greater distances at lower altitudes.
__________________ However, the NDB signal is affected more by atmospheric
__________________ conditions, mountainous terrain, coastal refraction and
electrical storms, particularly at long range. However, it is
not possible for an aircraft pilot to know the exact bearing of
the aircraft. Hence at most of the airports, they are using
VOR, comparatively a superior radio navigational aid.
VHF omnidirectional range (VOR)
__________________ VOR, short for VHF Omni-directional Radio Range, is a
type of radio navigation system for aircraft. VOR broadcasts
a VHF radio composite signal including the station's Morse
code identifier, and data that allows the airborne receiving
equipment to derive the magnetic bearing from the station
to the aircraft (direction from the VOR station in relation to
the earth's magnetic North). This line of position is known
as the "radial". The intersection of two radials from different
VOR stations on a chart allows for a "fix" or specific position
of the aircraft.
The VOR was designed to provide 360 courses to and from
the station selectable by the pilot. The VOR's major
advantage is that the radio signal provides a reliable line
(radial) to or from the station which can be selected and easily
followed by the pilot.
VORs operate in the range of VHF Frequencies, and thus
are relatively free from in-built deficiencies of MF (As in
NDB) such as static interference, man made and electrical
noise, less course bending around terrain features and
coastlines, and less interference from bad weather &
thunderstorms etc. Because of their VHF frequency, VOR
stations rely on "line of sight" -- if the transmitting antenna
could not be seen on a perfectly clear day from the receiving
antenna, a useful signal would not be received. This limits
VOR (and DME) range to the horizon, or closer if mountains
intervene. This means that an extensive network of stations
is needed to provide reasonable coverage along main air
UNIT 1 Airport Surface Operations 23
Vacate the runway and observe the tower for light signal
While operating at the airport area, the aircraft; landing,
taking off, taxiing, and parked on the apron are to be provided
safe separation from other movements. On the other hand, a
large number of vehicle movements at the operational area
make the things difficult. The Air Traffic Controller is
UNIT 1 Airport Surface Operations 29
such a manner that there are no conflicts and no incidents & __________________
accidents within its control. __________________
Designated positions of aircraft in the aerodrome
traffic and taxi circuits.
The following positions of aircraft in the traffic and taxi __________________
circuits are the positions where the aircraft normally receive
aerodrome control tower clearances from ATC. Where
practicable, all clearances should be issued without waiting
for the aircraft to initiate the call.
Notes (b) vehicles shall give way to other vehicles towing aircraft;
(c) vehicles shall give way to other vehicles in accordance
__________________ with ATS unit instructions;
(d) notwithstanding the provisions of a), b) and c), vehicles
and vehicles towing aircraft shall comply with
__________________ instructions issued by the aerodrome control tower.
When an aircraft is landing or taking off, vehicles shall not
be permitted to hold closer to the runway-in use than:
(a) at a taxiway/ runway intersection - at a runway holding
position; and
(b) at a location other than a taxiway/ runway intersection
- at a distance equal to the separation distance of the
runway-holding position.
Move off the landing area or taxiway and watch out for aircraft
Take-off clearance.
UNIT 1 Airport Surface Operations 35
Subject to the provisions in, the vehicles shall remain at safe Notes
distance from taxiing aircraft. __________________
OPERATIONS. __________________
Taxiway lighting.
Where required to provide taxi guidance, taxiway lighting
shall be turned on in such order that a continuous indication
of the taxi path is presented to taxiing aircraft. Taxiway
lighting or any portion thereof may be turned off when no
longer needed.
Obstacle lighting.
Obstacle lighting associated with the approach to or
departure from a runway or channel, where the obstacle does
not project through the inner horizontal surface should be
turned off and on simultaneously with the runway lights.
1. ICAO Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation-Volume I-' Aerodrome Design and Operations',
Fourth Edition, July 2004
UNIT 1 Airport Surface Operations 39
General Questions
1. Describe the functioning of a Visual Approach Slope
Indicator System (VASIS) or a Precision Approach Path
Indicator (PAPI)
i. Instrument runway
b. i. Instrument runway
c. West to East
f. Blue
g. False
Unit 2 __________________
Crew Alerting Management __________________
General __________________
There are 3 type of ACAS equipment presently available.
Smoke warning
In case of any serious trouble the pilot can not continue the
flight and makes an Emergency Landing. The ATC unit under
such an event would provide full assistance and top priority
to the aircraft.
Some typical examples of problems leading to Emergency
Landing are given below;
Fire on aircraft
Malfunction of any Control system
Major Failure of any critical part/Instrument
Aircraft loosing height due multi engine failure
Acute Fuel shortage
Aircraft in distress due to any other reason.
Thus the aircraft would need immediate descent below 9000 Notes
ft. Thereafter, the flight can be continued in normal manner __________________
(Provided the aircraft has not remained with Pressurization __________________
Failure for a long duration, when the passengers may need __________________
immediate medical attention). __________________
Many controls of the aircraft like flaps, Landing Gears, Brake __________________
actuating systems etc. are normally operated hydraulically.
In case of Hydraulic Failure, the pilot may face tremendous
problems in operating the controls/ systems etc, and may
need priority landing. The aircraft on landing may require
longer length of runway for landing, and may block the
runway as it will not be able to taxi on its own; and may have
to be towed out.
First the wheels might be extended but the warning may be false
due to some reason. In such cases the pilot flies the aircraft low
across the Air Traffic Control Tower for visual inspection of the
Landing Gears. However, if the Landing Gears are actually not
extended, the pilot make attempts to extend the gears through
mechanical methods or manually. If all efforts fail, the pilot tries
to make a belly-landing which is a case of full emergency.
There may be a case when the pilot is not able to retract the
L/G after it is airborne. In such cases the pilot would not
like to continue the flight and instead would return for
landing. This may be a precautionary landing.
50 Aviation Safety and Security Management
(c) enlist the aid of any other ATS unit or other services
which may be able to provide assistance to the aircraft;
(e) obtain from the operator or the flight crew such of the
following information as may be relevant: number of
persons on board, amount of fuel remaining, possible
presence of hazardous materials and the nature thereof;
(b) monitor and plot the progress of the flight with the
means available, and coordinate transfer of control with
adjacent ATS units without requiring transmissions or
other responses from the aircraft, unless communication
with the aircraft remains normal;
Fuel dumping
An aircraft in an emergency or other urgent situations may
need to dump fuel so as to reduce to maximum landing mass
in order to effect a safe landing. Under such circumstances,
the ATC unit should then coordinate with the flight crew
and give clearance for the route to be flown, which, if possible
(should be clear of cities and towns, preferably over water,
and clear of weather); the level (should be not less than 6
000 ft); and duration of the fuel dumping.
1. Aeronautical Information Circular No. 03 of 2006 issued
by DGCA Dt 19th May 2006.
i. ——
i. ——
UNIT 2 Crew Alerting Management 55
whenever; __________________
i. —
g. In case of a fire on one of its engines, the aircraft may; __________________
i. Make an Emergency landing.
Unit 3 __________________
Transportation of Hazardous __________________
Material __________________
"Dangerous goods" or "Hazardous Material" means articles
or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health,
safety, property or the environment and which are listed as
such in the Technical Instructions or which are classified
according to the Technical Instructions. The above
mentioned Technical Instructions known as "Technical
Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by
Air" are in the form of an ICAO document (ICAO Doc 9284)
issued by ICAO and is available for sale at ICAO and at their
authorised dealers.
(There are certain exceptions for personal care medical needs sporting
equipment and items to support physically challenged travellers.)
During investigation it was found that the fire has emerged __________________
The operator shall provide information in writing to the
pilot-in-command about the dangerous goods before
departure of the aircraft.
The operator shall provide such information in the __________________
Operations Manual so as to enable the flight crew
member to carry out their responsibilities with regard
to the transport of dangerous goods and shall also
provide instructions as to the action to be taken in the
event of emergencies arising involving dangerous goods. __________________
Operators shall ensure that information is promulgated
in such a manner that passengers are warned as to the
types of goods which they are forbidden from
transporting aboard an aircraft as provided in the
Technical Instructions.
Notes Transport Series 'L' Part III dated 4th October 2006,
__________________ containing the provisions of the requirement of
__________________ transport and training on the carriage of dangerous
__________________ goods by air, and Air Safety Circular No. 2 of 1962 and 2
__________________ of 1989 dated 13th January, 1989 containing the
Instructions regarding handling of Radio active
materials and aircraft emergencies containing Radio
active materials. These circulars are given in the
The Central Government may, by general or special
order in writing, exempt any aircraft or class of aircraft
or any person or class of persons from the operation of
these rules, either wholly or partially, subject to such
conditions, if any, as may be specified in that order.
General Questions
1. How ICAO defines 'Dangerous Goods'
72 Aviation Safety and Security Management
iv. True
UNIT 4 Administrative Practices & Procedures 73
Unit 4 __________________
Administrative Practices & __________________
Procedures __________________
National Regulations and Requirments __________________
The operational and functional control of aviation in India __________________
rests with a number of organizations; some of them are
Government bodies, some Public Sector Undertakings and
some private bodies. The Regulatory functions and policy
matters for almost total aviation sector, however rests with
the DGCA and BCAS under the overall control of Ministry
of Civil Aviation.
Technical Centre,
TEL : 91 - 11 -24622495
FAX : 91 - 11 - 24629221
Safdarjung Airport
74 Aviation Safety and Security Management
FAX : 91 - 11 - 24699216
Commissioner of Customs (Gen)
I.G.I. Airport
FAX : 91 - 11 – 25653495
AFS : Nil
Foreign Regional Registration Office,
Hans Bhawan,
New Delhi
91 - 11 -3319489(Off)/ 25652386(Airport)
UNIT 4 Administrative Practices & Procedures 75
91 - 11 - 3755183(Off)/25696075(Airport) Notes
AFS : Nil
Safdarjung Airport
TEL : 91 - 11 – 24693160
FAX : 91 - 11 – 24629221
Directorate of Plant Protection
76 Aviation Safety and Security Management
1.1 International flights into, from or over Indian territory
are required to be subjected to the current Indian regulations
relating to civil aviation and other national laws relating to
immigrations, customs, passport and health etc. These
regulations correspond in all essentials to the Standards and
Recommended Practices contained in Annex 9 to the
Convention on International Civil Aviation.
82 Aviation Safety and Security Management
3.3 Application
3.3.1 The request for the flight clearance should be submitted
to DGCA in the prescribed Application form, duly signed by
the operator/owner of the aircraft or his authorised
representative and submitted to the Director General of Civil
Aviation (Attention: Deputy Director Air Transport),
Technical Centre, Opposite Safdarjung Airport, Sri Aurbindo
Marg, New Delhi-110003.
1.1 Incoming Passengers All the goods imported into India
by air are subject to clearance by Customs authorities, except
the goods within the limits of duty free allowance. For the
purpose of Customs Clearance of arriving passengers, a two
channel system has been adopted i.e. Green Channel for
passengers not having any dutiable goods and Red Channel
for passengers having dutiable goods.
(a) Export of most species of wild life and articles made
from wild flora and fauna, such as ivory, musk, reptile
skins, furs, shahtoos etc. is prohibited.
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances.
Pornographic material
UNIT 4 Administrative Practices & Procedures 93
2.1 Pre-requisite for entry into India:
(i) Foreigner should have valid travel documents such as
visa, passports etc.
Notes (vi) Foreigner should not have been sentenced abroad for
__________________ an extraditable offence.
(vii) His entry should not have been banned by any
government agency.
__________________ (viii) Foreigners coming from or through yellow fever
countries must come with proper vaccination
__________________ (ix) Disembarkation/ Embarkation card provided by
__________________ Immigration should be carefully filled up by the
passengers and presented to the immigration desk with
travel documents. Red and Green ink should not be
used for filling up the cards. There should not be any
tick marks or any other marks put on the cards by the
passengers. The cards also should not be folded.
2.1.3 Seamen:
(i) Seamen being repatriated:
Foreign seamen, who are signed on at an Indian port,
are under the terms of their articles required to be
UNIT 4 Administrative Practices & Procedures 97
Note :
5. Prohibited areas:
6. Personnel of Aircraft:
Rule 59A of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 provides the details __________________
of procedures to be followed in case of defect(s) in a __________________
foreign registered aircraft. __________________
General Questions
1. What are the main functions and responsibilities of
Ministry of Civil Aviation?
UNIT 4 Administrative Practices & Procedures 111
ii. DGCA
iii. True
iv. True
UNIT 5 Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Services. 113
Unit 5 __________________
Aircraft Rescue and __________________
Notes (1). The three sides consist of fuel (combustible matter), heat,
__________________ and oxygen. After extensive research, the presence of a fourth
__________________ element has been identified. It is the chemical chain reaction
__________________ (fig.5-2) that takes place in a fire that allows the fire to both
__________________ sustain itself and grow.
which its vapours can be ignited and would continue to burn. __________________
At this temperature, the vapour would ignite spontaneously __________________
in the air. Also, substances don't have to be heated to this __________________
ignition temperature throughout in order to ignite. __________________
Notes not be considered extinguished until the entire mass has been
__________________ cooled below its ignition temperature. Smothering (removing
__________________ the oxygen) is not effective for class A fires because it does
__________________ not lower the temperature of the smouldering embers below
__________________ the surface. The extinguishing agents most effective for class
A fires are solid water stream, both high- and low-velocity
fog, CO2, and water immersion.
AFFF is composed of synthetically produced materials
similar to liquid detergents. These film-forming agents are
capable of forming water solution films on the surface of
__________________ flammable liquids.
AFFF concentrate is non-toxic and biodegradable in diluted
form. When proportioned with water, AFFF provides three
fire-extinguishing advantages.
__________________ 1. An aqueous film is formed on the surface of the fuel that
prevents the escape of the fuel vapours.
2. The layer effectively excludes oxygen from the fuel
The flash point (by closed cup method at sea level) of AVGAS
is -50°F (-46°C). The rate of flame spread has also been
calculated to be between 700 and 800 feet per minute.
JP-4 jet fuel is a blend of gasoline and kerosene and has a
__________________ flash point from -10°F (-23°C). The rate of flame spread has
__________________ also been calculated to be between 700 and 800 feet per
__________________ minute.
The control of the fire around the fuselage section under these
conditions presents a very complex problem. The top portion
of the tank is more void of liquid than any other section of
the tank. Because of the restraining cushion of the liquid
UNIT 5 Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Services. 121
Alkaline or nickel-cadmium batteries may get hot from
internal shorting or thermal runaway. The overheated
battery is hazardous to both aircraft and personnel and hence
__________________ proper type extinguishing agent available for instant use.
__________________ Inhalation of composite fibres resulting from aircraft fires
__________________ and/or aircraft material damage may be harmful. Composite
__________________ materials that are reinforced with carbon/graphite fibres
__________________ provide superior stiffness, a high strength-to-weight ratio,
and ease of fabrication. As a result, this material is being
used extensively in advanced aircraft, to replace heavier
metal components. Unfortunately, carbon or graphite fibres
can be released into the atmosphere if their epoxy binder
burns. Once free, these small lightweight fibres can be
transported up to several kilometres by air currents and,
because of their high electrical conductivity, can damage
unprotected electrical/electronic equipment.
Fuel spills can be caused by ruptured fuel lines. These spills
should be swept clear of the aircraft. Water streams should
be used to be followed up with a layer of foam to halt
vaporization. An aircraft should NEVER be dragged or moved __________________
Notes then the category for that aeroplane is taken as one category
__________________ higher. The level of protection is appropriate to the
__________________ aerodrome category so determined.
Availability of ARFF services including level of protection
__________________ and watch hours is notified through Aeronautical Information
__________________ Publication and any temporary change in the status of service
__________________ is notified through NOTAM (Notice to Airmen).
Table 5-1: Aerodrome category for rescue and fire fighting.
Aerodrome Aeroplane overall length. Maximum
category. . fuselage width.
__________________ (1) (2) (3)
1 0 m up to but not including 9 m 2m
2 9 m up to but not including 12 m 2m
3 12 m up to but not including 18 m 3m
4 18 m up to but not including 24 m 4m
5 24 m up to but not including 28 m 4m
6 28 m up to but not including 39 m 5m
7 39 m up to but not including 49 m 5m
8 49 m up to but not including 61 m 7m
9 61 m up to but not including 76 m 7m
10 76 m up to but not including 90 m 8m
Table 5-1A
Kochi __________________
5.10 Vehicle performance. __________________
Table 5-4
Fire tests Performance level B
1. Nozzle (air aspirated).
Branch pipe. “UNI 86” foam nozzle.
Nozzle pressure. 700 kPa.
2.5 litre per minute per square meter.
Application rate.
11.4 litre per minute
Discharge rate
2. Fire size 4.5 square meter approx. (circular)
3. Fuel (on water substrate) Kerosene
4. Preburn time 60 seconds
5. Fire performance.
extinguishing time. Equal to or less than 60 seconds.
total application time. 120 seconds.
25% reignition time. Equal to or more than 5 minutes.
B-737 31 m 3.8 m
A-320 38 m 4.0 m
A-300 54 m 5.7 m
B-747 71 m 7.5 m
1 0 m to less than 9 m 2m
2 9 m to less than 12 m 2m
3 12 m to less than 18 m 3m
UNIT 5 Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Services. 133
c. Chain Reaction.
d. True
Unit 6 __________________
ICAO Standards & __________________
Notes Twenty four hours a day, 365 days of the year, an aeroplane
__________________ takes off or lands every few seconds somewhere on the face
__________________ of the earth. Every one of these flights is handled in the same,
__________________ uniform manner, whether by air traffic control, airport
__________________ authorities or pilots at the controls of their aircraft. Behind
the scenes are millions of employees involved in
manufacturing, maintenance and monitoring of the products
and services required in the never-ending cycle of flights. In
fact, modern aviation is one of the most complex systems of
__________________ interaction between human beings and machines ever
__________________ created.
This clock-work precision in procedures and systems is made
possible by the existence of universally accepted standards
known as Standards and Recommended Practices, or SARPs.
SARPs cover all technical and operational aspects of
international civil aviation, such as safety, personnel
licensing, operation of aircraft, aerodromes, air traffic
services, accident investigation and the environment.
Without SARPs, our aviation system would be at best chaotic
and at worst unsafe.
A. The ICAO Bulletin: This document is published 12
times annually and contains a digest of ICAO meetings
and activities for the previous period.
Recommended Practice
A Recommended Practice is any specification for physical
characteristics, configuration, material, performance,
personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is
recognized as desirable in the interest of safety, regularity
or efficiency of international air navigation, and to which
Contracting States will endeavour to conform in accordance
with the Convention. States are invited to inform the Council
of non-compliance.
Why are Standards Necessary?
Sixteen out of eighteen Annexes to the Convention are of a
technical nature and therefore fall within the responsibilities
of the Air Navigation Bureau and its sections. The remaining
two Annexes, Facilitation and Security, are under the
UNIT 6 ICAO Standards & Recommended Practices 141
Development of SARPs
For technical SARPs, proposals are analysed first by the Air
Navigation Commission, or ANC. Depending on the nature
of the proposal, the Commission may assign its review to a
specialized working group.
meetings that most of the work is finalized and the necessary Notes
consensus reached. __________________
In the development, a number of consultative mechanisms
are used:
Air Navigation meetings are divisional-type meetings __________________
devoted to broad issues in the air navigation fields. They
can be either divisional meetings dealing with issues in one
or more related fields or air navigation conferences normally
having a “theme” covering issues in more than one field. All
Contracting States are invited to participate in these __________________
1. Various related ICAO Annexes & Documents
General Questions.
1. Write different steps involved in development of SARPs
starting from “Proposal stage” till “implementation”.
b. shall
c. should
UNIT 7 Civil Aviation Security 149
Unit 7 __________________
Civil Aviation Security __________________
Civil Aviation Security refers to the techniques and methods
used in protecting airports, aircraft, passengers and
personnel associated with aviation from crime, sabotage and
Large numbers of people pass through airports every day.
Such a large gathering of people presents a natural target
for terrorism and other forms of crime due to the number of
people located in a small area. Similarly, the high
concentration of people on large airliners, the potential high
lethality rate of attacks on aircraft, and the ability to use a
hijacked airplane as a lethal weapon provide an alluring
target for terrorism.
It includes espionage, sabotage, kidnapping, extortion,
hijacking, robbery, bombing, holding a person prisoner or
hostage or any “threat” or “attempt” to kidnap, extort, bomb
or hold prisoners or hostage or any threat to do any injury to
a human being, animal or personal or real property or any
conspiracy to do any of the above in order to compel an act
or omission by any person or any government entity.
eight others on board the aircraft. This was the first instance Notes
when Heads of two nations got simultaneously killed under __________________
a single air casualty. __________________
In Nov. 96, an Ethiopian Airlines B767 aircraft on flight from
Addis Ababa to Abjdan (Ivory Coast W.Africa) was hijacked __________________
by three persons just after take-off. The airliner crashed into __________________
the sea just one Km off the beach due shortage of fuel and __________________
the fuselage broke into two parts. Out of 178 Persons on board, __________________
only 55 could be rescued. __________________
The Rome and Vienna airport attacks in December 1985 were __________________
Never the less, the most tragic security related incident was
that of the horrific attack & destruction of World Trade
Centre in New York by using the hijacked aircraft as missiles
on 11th September 2000 (Known as 9/11).
Airport security provides a first line of defence by attempting
to stop would-be attackers from bringing weapons or bombs
into the airport. If they can succeed in this, then the chances
of these devices getting on to aircraft are greatly reduced.
As such, airport security serves two purposes: To protect
the airport from attacks and crime and to protect the aircraft
from attack.
4. The passenger then goes to get the boarding pass, and Notes
then gives the “Security Checked” baggage to the airline __________________
counter for moving it to conveyor belt for loading on to __________________
the aircraft. __________________
In good old days there used to be no system as security
checking with regard to passengers and their baggage. Like
a rail passenger or a bus passenger the airlines and airport
agencies could just make sure that the air traveller is
holding a valid ticket and then he could freely board the
aircraft. At most some police personnel could be posted at
the airport just to ensure that only authorised people enter
the airport “operational area” so that there are no incidents
of pilferage or thefts and no one disturbs or interferes with
operation of aircraft (this was done more with a view to
ensure safety of aeroplanes rather than from the security
angle). During those days there used to be a free
atmosphere and passengers could carry almost any thing
within the permissible load limits except perhaps the
inflammable articles like petrol or kerosene that could
endanger the safety of aircraft.
therefore they were not allowed to board the aircraft. The Notes
remaining 3200 were arrested. And then about 2000 guns __________________
35000 pounds of ammunition and about 23,000 knives and __________________
other dangerous weapons were recovered from them. __________________
(However many of the above articles were carried by girls __________________
travelling alone possibly for self-defence).
After such strict checking the number of weapons carried by __________________
air travellers started decreasing. Perhaps by that time it was __________________
well understood by all that it was difficult to carry these __________________
items in view of intensified security measures at various __________________
airports. Perhaps due to the same reasons even there was
considerable reduction in number of cases of unlawful
It is now becoming a regular practice at most of the airport
to check the person and baggage of passengers before
boarding the aircraft. This examination is normally done by
physical checking and through X-ray machines metal
detectors and various other means. For this purpose special
training is provided to security personnel in handling airport
Many countries adopt additional preventive measures.
Among these nations Israel is considered as one of best. In
addition certain other countries are also quite strict.
Notes in this regard have also been given in respect of Iraqi airlines
__________________ crash near Jordan on 25 December 1986 in which a large
__________________ number of passengers and crew were killed as a result of a
__________________ shoot out between hijackers and the armed guards and that
__________________ of El Al flight of 1969 when Leila Khaled narrowly missed
from blasting a grenade.
__________________ However this is not always true. Pressurised bombers B-29
__________________ were frequently hit by bullets and riddled by sharpenels
__________________ during raids over Japan during World War II yet were able
to return safely. Of course if by chance the bullets happen to
hit the crucial fuel or hydraulic lines or a part of the engines
perhaps there could be a problem. It may be mentioned that
usually the sky marshals use low-velocity bullets to lessen
the risk. On most of the flights passengers are not allowed
to enter the cockpit without any valid reason and even this
can be done only with the specific permission of the pilot in
command. For this purpose Israel was the first nation to
introduce bullet proofing and automatic door closing
technique of the cockpit doors in their aircraft. This was soon
followed by many other airlines.
The inherent danger posed by Semtex plastic that had caused __________________
the crash of Pan Am Jumbo over Lockerbie had been troubling __________________
the security authorities all over the world. __________________
The cost of this machine was more than 500,000 lbs. Certain
TNA machines have already been installed at JFK airport
in New York, Miami Airport, London airport etc.
TNA takes about six seconds to scan a single bag. Since TNA
equipment uses some amount of radiation it cannot be used
for screening passengers nor is it suitable for screening
“carry-on baggage”. The high cost of the machine is another
hitch in fast implementation of this equipment at all airports.
With introduction of strengthened efforts and advanced
techniques in the field of Civil Aviation Security, the security
situation at various airports has improved at tremendous
pace. Thus even now though, hijacking continues to occur
but with a reduced pace and intensity. It is also felt that
through the security and punishment measures that had been
instituted in most of the countries it has probably been
UNIT 7 Civil Aviation Security 165
General Questions.
1. Write different steps taken by various security
personnel for security checking of a passenger travelling
from Delhi Airport to Mumbai with baggage.
Unit 8 __________________
Role of DGCA/BCAS in __________________
agent; __________________
BCAS is the regulatory authority for civil aviation security
in India. It is headed by an officer of the rank of Director
General of Police and is designated as Commissioner of
Security (Civil Aviation).
Conducting -
General Questions.
1. What are the main functions/responsibilities of BCAS
in India?
c. False
UNIT 9 Aviation Safety Human Factor 173
Unit 9 __________________
Aviation Safety Human Factor __________________
OBJECTIVE __________________
flight crews only. However, now it has been established that __________________
human factors problems affect on the performance of __________________
maintenance people, and other ground staff also. __________________
SAFETY __________________
The best way to illustrate the effect on safety of a lack of __________________
proper application of Human Factors is through the example
of accidents. A few accidents in which aspects of Human
Factors are relevant are described here as examples.
(Ref: National Transportation Safety Board NTSB, USA
Aircraft Accident Report No. & Date NTSB-AAR-79-7, June
7, 1979)
UNIT 9 Aviation Safety Human Factor 177
Medical Health Problems:
- DENIAL Notes
- NOISE/VIBRATION STRESS __________________
The last two categories are ties together. There are a number
of folks who will go to work even when they are quite ill. In
some jobs, this may not affect performance. In aviation,
however, being in good health is critical to optimizing
performance. Still, there are those who, as we shall see, feel
that being ill is not a sufficient reason to go temporarily 'hard
down'. These folks tend to try to suppress symptoms of their
illness by self-medication; an option clearly forbidden to
aviators. Sadly, there are still instances where crews are
found to betaking medications while in flying status.
These are some of the causes for the onset of aero medical
problems. It is interesting to note here that by definition,
people in aviation tend to be highly competitive, zealous
individuals. These attributes are reinforced throughout the
person's career and are often manifested outside of the
workplace. Anything that may disturb the inertia toward
peak performance is to be avoided or, when that is not
possible, denied. The remainder of the causes listed reflect
both physiological and emotional factors which are
manifested as medical problems.
- CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR __________________
182 Aviation Safety and Security Management
There are a number of physiological issues which are
addressed under the umbrella term of 'human factors'. Many
184 Aviation Safety and Security Management
Notes of them fall under one of the four general categories are listed
__________________ here.
__________________ SURVIVAL AND SAFETY
__________________ Aircrew performance has been shown to be affected by the
__________________ nature and scope of these factors.
UNIT 9 Aviation Safety Human Factor 185
The effects of altitude on performance become clearest during __________________
physiology training. The effects of pressure changes and lack __________________
of oxygen are demonstrated in controlled altitude chamber __________________
'Simulated flights'.
The physiologist is also the expert in protective equipment __________________
and systems; the 'gear' which is designed to ensure safety __________________
and survival. __________________
186 Aviation Safety and Security Management
UNIT 9 Aviation Safety Human Factor 187
References __________________
1. The Human Factor in Naval Aviation Safety, Cdr Andy
Bellenkes Force Aviation Human Factors Safety Officer,
Comnavairlant Code N452, USA
General Questions.
1. What are the primary categories of human factors that
may adversely affect the performance of aircraft
personnel, and may result into an aircraft accident or
Unit 10 __________________
Air Operation Areas __________________
Runway incursions
Specialized services
Ramp operations
The ramp area (Apron) is generally designed for the aircraft,
and not for the vehicles that service and/or operate in the
proximity of the aircraft. On the other hand, the ramp area
sees a diverse collection of high placed activities that involve
aircraft, vehicles and individuals working in close proximity
to one another. This may include activities such as;
The problem of de-icing occurs mainly at US or European
airports, and at places where temperature goes normally
below freezing point.
Notes the take off of the aircraft, by the spray of de-icing fluid. The
__________________ fluid should be used with care failing which, it may cause
__________________ damage to sensitive aircraft controls like angle of attack
__________________ sensors, pitot & static sensors, engines etc. It is also
__________________ hazardous for the health of personnel.
Runway Incursions
__________________ A runway Incursion is defined as an occurrence at an
__________________ aerodrome involving the incorrect or unauthorized presence
of an aircraft, vehicle or person on the protected area of a
surface, designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft.
A large number of cases of runway incursions take place at
many airports in some form or the other. There are many
reasons for occurrence of runway Incursions. Main reasons
can be divided into the following groups;
1. Pilots of aircraft.
3. Aerodrome owner/operator.
Airport knowledge
SMS has two main purposes. The first is to reduce the safety-
risks for passengers, aircraft, personnel or property to a level
UNIT 10 Air Operation Areas Safety Management 201
First, it's not new: other major industries have implemented
SMS for decades and to revert to the "old days without SMS"
is simply unthinkable for them. They gained too much. The
best companies in business aviation have also been benefiting
from SMS for years, and they won't step back either.
Safety promotion
SMS Features
Systematic- Safety management activities are in accordance
with a pre-determined plan, and applied in a consistent
manner throughout the organization.
Responsibilities of SMS
A Systematic approach to managing safety, including the
necessary organizational structures, policies and
1.5 Documentation
3. Safety Assurance
4. Safety Promotion
Safety Culture
Airports Authority of India will develop a culture among all
its Executives and Staff which fosters an increasing
understanding of the importance of safety in all its activities
and the resultant responsibility of each individual. Airports
Authority of India will provide the environment, support and
training necessary to achieve this goal.
Airports Authority of India will ensure that the air traffic
management systems and technology it uses, whether
developed internally or bought externally, meet specified
and appropriate system.
basis. __________________
References __________________
Unit 11 __________________
Air Transport Safety __________________
Notes operators, and the safety target is not more than 0.5 fatal
__________________ accidents per 100 000 hours for airline operators).
11.4.13 Establishing acceptable level(s) of safety for the safety
programme does not replace legal, regulatory, or other
__________________ established requirements, nor does it relieve States from
__________________ their obligations regarding the Convention on International
__________________ Civil Aviation (Doc 7300) and its related provisions. Likewise,
__________________ establishing acceptable level(s) of safety for the SMS does
__________________ not relieve operators/service providers from their obligations
under relevant national regulations, and those arising from
the Doc 7300.
(a) 0.5 fatal accidents per 100 000 hours for airline operators
(safety indicator) with a 40 per cent reduction in five
years (safety target);
(c) 200 major aircraft defect incidents per 100 000 hours
flown (safety indicator) with a 25 per cent reduction over
the last three-year average (safety target);
Modern perspective
operation or practice).
3. Accept the risk and continue operations
4. Mitigate the risk by implementing measures to
reduce the risk or at least facilitate coping with
the risk.
Safety oversight
11.5.8 The term safety oversight refers to the activities of a
State under its safety programme, while safety performance
218 Aviation Safety and Security Management
this does not mean that the risk is eliminated. Some level of Notes
risk remains; however, the individual or society has accepted __________________
that the residual risk is sufficiently low that it is outweighed __________________
by the benefits. __________________
11.7.1 ICAO requires States to establish a safety programme
in order to achieve an acceptable level of safety in the
operation of aircraft. As part of their safety programme,
UNIT 11 Air Transport Safety Management Principle 221
11.8.2 Incident reporting systems are one of an operator's
most effective tools for proactive hazard identification, a key
element of effective safety management. Policies, procedures
and practices developed within an organization sometimes
introduce unforeseen hazards into aircraft operations. These
latent conditions (hazards) may lie dormant for years. They
are usually introduced unknowingly, often with the best of
intentions. Examples include poor equipment design,
inappropriate management decisions, ambiguously written
procedures and inadequate communication between
management and line personnel. Line management can also
introduce such hazards by instituting operating procedures
that do not work as intended under "real world" conditions.
In short, hazards may have their origins far removed in space
and time from the incidents that may eventually result from
222 Aviation Safety and Security Management
(c) decompression;
ICAO requirements
11.11.5 Although ICAO does not require cabin crew to be
licensed, Chapter 12 of Annex 6 - Operation of Aircraft
specifies requirements with respect to:
(a) the flight and duty time limitations are complied with;
crew training and refresher courses, all the new operations Notes
and safety circulars and bulletins, major accident/incident __________________
case studies shall be discussed. __________________
11.13.12 The operators shall specify procedures for ensuring
flight crew proficiency for: __________________
i. Commencement of operations after long leave/
grounding i.e. more than 30 days;
ii. Corrective training and checks after failure in a __________________
proficiency check. __________________
procedures/precautions for:
11.13.36 The operators shall emphasize to all their pilots that Notes
they should meticulously record the snags in the aircraft as __________________
and when observed. __________________
11.13.37 While accepting an aircraft, the pilots shall ensure
that snags carried forward, if any, are not beyond the scope __________________
Notes 11.13.43 The operators shall take into account relevant human
__________________ factors aspects when developing operating procedures and
__________________ training of personnel. The operators are encouraged to
__________________ engage in cooperation and mutual exchange of information
__________________ on problems related to influence of human factors on the
safety of aircraft operations.
__________________ 11.13.44 The operators shall lay down in their Training
__________________ Manuals, the policies relating to the initial and recurrent
__________________ training of their flight crew and operations personnel.
__________________ 11.13.45 The Chief of Training shall prepare necessary
__________________ training programmes for their flight crew and other
operations personnel keeping in view the background of the
persons recruited and the operating requirements. Approval
of the training programmes shall be obtained from DGCA
before commencing the training.
PROGRAMME. __________________
Review of implementation of the safety regulations and
oversight programme shall be carried out as and when
required by the DGCA Headquarters jointly with the
operators to assess functioning and effectiveness of the
programmes. The Deputy Director, Flight Crew Standards __________________
ICAO Doc 9859-AN/460-Safety Management Manual
Notes Questions
__________________ General Questions.
__________________ 1. What is the difference between the Safety Performance
__________________ Indictors and Safety Targets? Give examples.
2. What is meant by Safety Management System (SMS)?
What are its advantages and describe various steps
involved in implementation of SMS?
3. In establishing States' requirements for the management
of safety, how ICAO differentiates between safety
programmes and safety management systems (SMS).
b. Proactive
UNIT 12 Principles of System Safety 239
Unit 12 __________________
Principles of System Safety __________________
12.1 Definition of System Safety __________________
System safety is a specialty within system engineering that __________________
supports program risk management. It is the application of __________________
engineering and management principles, criteria and __________________
techniques to optimize safety. The goal of System Safety is
to optimize safety by the identification of safety related risks,
eliminating or controlling them by design and/or procedures,
based on acceptable system safety precedence. System Safety
Management as a critical functional discipline to be applied
during all phases of the life cycle of an acquisition. SSM
contains a five step approach:
1. Plan: The safety risk management process shall be
predetermined, documented in a plan that must include
the criteria for acceptable risk.
2. Hazard identification: The hazard analyses and
assessments required in the plan shall identify the
safety risks associated with the system or operations
under evaluation.
3. Analysis: The risks shall be characterized in terms of
severity of consequence and likelihood of occurrence in
accordance with the plan.
Table 12-3:
Notes 2
Aircraft Performance Comparative Safety Assessment
__________________ Model (APRAM), Rannoch Corporation, February 28, 2000
Table 12-6 Most Severe Consequence Used for Classification
Figure 12-5: Example of a Comparative
__________________ Safety Assessment Matrix
12- 11 Early in a development phase, performance objectives
may tend to overshadow efforts to reduce safety risk. This is
because sometimes safety represents a constraint on a design.
For this reason, safety risk reduction is often ignored or
overlooked. In other cases, safety risk may be appraised, but
not fully enough to serve as a significant input to the decision
making process. As a result, the sudden identification of a
significant safety risk, or the occurrence of an actual incident,
late in the program can provide an overpowering impact on
schedule, cost, and sometimes performance. To avoid this
situation, methods to reduce safety risk must be applied
commensurate with the task being performed in each
program phase.
Notes Examples:
__________________ Design for Minimum Risk: Design hardware systems as per
__________________ specifications, e.g. use low voltage
rather than high voltage where access
__________________ is provided for maintenance activities.
__________________ Incorporate Safety Devices If low voltage is unsuitable, provide
__________________ interlocks.
1. FAA System Safety Handbook, Chapter 3: Principles of
System Safety December 30, 2000
Unit 13 __________________
Reliability Fundamental __________________
Theories __________________
Reliability Theory __________________
Failure rate
Failure rate is the frequency with which an engineered
system or component fails, expressed for example in failures
per hour. It is often denoted by the Greek letter ë (lambda)
and is important in reliability theory. In practice, the
reciprocal rate MTBF is more commonly expressed and used
for high quality components or systems.
lives might be lost if such factors are not taken into account. __________________
These factors account for many safety and maintenance __________________
practices in engineering and industry practices and
government regulations, such as how often certain
inspections and overhauls are required on an aircraft. A
similar ratio used in the transport industries, especially in
railways and trucking is ‘Mean Distance Between Failure’,
a variation which attempts to correlate actual loaded
distances to similar reliability needs and practices. Failure
rates and their projective manifestations are important
factors in insurance, business, and regulation practices as
well as fundamental to design of safe systems throughout a
national or international economy.
Safety engineering
Safety engineering is an applied science strongly related
to systems engineering and the subset System Safety
Engineering. Safety engineering assures that a life-critical
system behaves as needed even when pieces fail.
Data Analysis
The data can then be studied and analysed. The results will
provide us the steps to be taken for controlling the risk.
UNIT 13 Reliability Fundamental Theories 269
this level. The cost versus loss of lives has been considered __________________
appropriate at this level by FAA for aircraft under Federal __________________
Aviation Regulations. __________________
Other countries also more or less follow similar procedures.
The Bow-Tie Diagram __________________
Notes The left-hand side of the diagram is often called a ‘Fault Tree”,
__________________ which is a detailed analysis of the combination of causes
__________________ (‘faults’) that can possibly give rise to an undesirable incident,
__________________ while the right hand side is often called an Event Tree, which
__________________ is a detailed analysis of the Outcomes or Consequences of an
undesirable Incident.
__________________ (The Bow-Tie sequence is also termed:
Hazard Preventative Controls Incident Mitigating
Controls Consequences in some Safety Management
__________________ areas.)
In essence, the diagram attempts to answer the two
‘fundamental questions”: “what is the potential frequency of
a particular scenario occurring [i.e. left side/Fault Tree] and
secondly, what is its potential loss severity [i.e. right side/
Event Tree]”?
1. Radatz, Jane (Sep 28, 1990). IEEE Standard Glossary of
Software Engineering Terminology (PDF), New York,
NY, USA: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, 84 pages. ISBN 1-55937-067-X.
2. Vesely, W.E.; F. F. Goldberg, N. H. Roberts, D. F. Haasl
(Jan, 1981). Fault Tree Handbook (PDF), Washington,
DC, USA: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, page V-
3. NUREG-0492. Retrieved on 2006-08-31.
3. Gompertz, B., (1825). On the Nature of the Function
Expressive of the Law of Human Mortality, and on a New
Mode of Determining the Value of Life Contingencies .
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London,
Vol. 115 (1825).
4. Weibull, W. (1951) “A statistical distribution function of
wide applicability” J. Appl. Mech.-Trans. ASME 18(3),
5. Safety First – Scenario Analysis under Basel II Patrick
Mc Connell, and Martin Davies April 2006
6. EUROCONTROL (2004) “Review Of Techniques To
Support The EATMAP Safety Assessment Methodology
Volume 4” European Organization for the Safety of Air
Navigation; http://
UNIT 13 Reliability Fundamental Theories 275
APPENDIX 1 __________________
Aerodrome. A defined area on land or water (including any __________________
buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used
either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface
movement of aircraft.
Aerodrome beacon. Aeronautical beacon used to indicate
the location of an aerodrome from the air.
Aerodrome certificate. A certificate issued by the __________________
appropriate authority under applicable regulations for the
operation of an aerodrome.
Aerodrome elevation. The elevation of the highest point of
the landing area.
Aerodrome identification sign. A sign placed on an
aerodrome to aid in identifying the aerodrome from the air.
Aerodrome reference point. The designated geographical
location of an aerodrome.
Aerodrome traffic density.
(a) Light: Where the number of movements in the mean
busy hour is not greater than 15 per runway or typically
less than 20 total aerodrome movements.
(b) Medium: Where the number of movements in the mean
busy hour is of the order of 16 to 25 per runway or
typically between 20 to 35 total aerodrome movements.
(c) Heavy: Where the number of movements in the mean
busy hour is of the order of 26 or more per runway or
typically more than 35 total aerodrome movements.
Note 1: The number of movements in the mean busy hour is
the arithmetic mean over the year of the number of
movements in the daily busiest hour.
Note 2: Either a take-off or a landing constitutes a movement.
Aeronautical ground light. Any light specially provided
as an aid to air navigation, other than a light displayed on
an aircraft.
278 Aviation Safety and Security Management
APPENDIX 2 __________________
This AIC is issued under the provisions of Rule 133A of the __________________
Aircraft Rules, 1937 for information, guidance and
compliance by the concerned operators operating air
transport services to, through within and over flying the
Indian airspace. The information contained in this AIC has
also been circulated vide Civil Aviation Requirements,
Section 2 - Airworthiness, Series ’I’ Part VIII Revision 3 dated
27th April, 2006.
(K Gohain)
1.1 With the liberalisation of air transport operations in the
country, the domestic operations have increased
considerably. Besides, there is congestion in the Indian
airspace on account of large number of international flights
over flying or transiting through India. While the air traffic
services and associated facilities are continuously being
upgraded and modernised by the Airports Authority of India
for ensuring safety of aircraft operations in the Indian
airspace, it is also considered necessary to upgrade the
airborne equipment of aeroplanes to reduce the risk of midair
collisions between aircraft. Installation of Airborne Collision
Avoidance System (ACAS), which is an airborne equipment
290 Aviation Safety and Security Management
For the purpose of this CAR, the following terms shall have
the meanings as given against each:-
3.1 Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) :
An aeroplane system based on Secondary Surveillance
Radar (SSR) transponder signals which operates
independently of ground-based equipment to provide
advice to the pilot on potential conflicting aeroplane that
are equipped with SSR transponder
3.2 ACAS I:
An ACAS which provides information as an aid to ‘see
and avoid’ action but does not include the capability for
generating resolution advisories (RAs).
3.3 ACAS II:
An ACAS which provides vertical resolution advisories
(RAs) in addition to the traffic advisories. TCAS – II with
change 7 is equivalent to ACAS II.
3.4 Commercial air transport operation.
An aircraft operation involving the transport of
passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire.
3.5 General aviation operation.
Appendix 291
7.1 The Airplane Flight Manual shall contain the
appropriate procedures for the ACAS II or ACAS I, as
applicable, duly approved by the concerned regulatory
7.2 The Operations Manual and the Training Manual of the
operator shall respectively include the operational
procedures and the training required for the flight crew
on the ACAS.
294 Aviation Safety and Security Management
Notes 7.3 The operating crew shall be adequately trained and kept
__________________ proficient on the functioning of the ACAS. It should be
__________________ emphasised that maximum benefit of 5 ACAS is obtained
__________________ when pilots of both the aeroplanes respond promptly
__________________ and correctly to their respective TAs/RAs.
__________________ Note 1: Procedures for the use of ACAS equipment are
__________________ specified in the procedures for Air Navigation Services
__________________ - Aircraft operations (PANS –OPS, Doc 8168), Volume I
– Flight procedures.
__________________ ACAS Training Guidelines for pilots are provided in
__________________ PANS – OPS, Volume I, Attachment A to Part VIII.
Note 2: Appropriate training, to the satisfaction of
DGCA, to competency in the use of ACAS equipment
and the avoidance of collisions may be evidenced, for
example by:
(a) possession of a type rating for an aeroplane
equipped with ACAS, where the operation and use
of ACAS are included in the training syllabus for
the type rating; or
(b) possession of a document issued by a training
organization or a person approved by the DGCA to
conduct training for pilots in the use of ACAS,
indicating that the holder has been trained in
accordance with the guidelines referred to in Note.
1; or
(c) a comprehensive pre-flight briefing by a pilot who
has been trained in the use of ACAS in accordance
with the guidelines referred to in Note 1.
7.4 In addition to the other applicable requirements, the
following procedures shall be followed by the flight crew
for the operation of ACAS:
(a) The pilots shall not manoeuvre the aeroplanes in
response to a TA only. The pilots, however, shall
search for the approaching traffic.
(b) In the event of RA to alter the flight path, the search
for the conflicting traffic shall include a visual scan
Appendix 295
RA. __________________
(d) Pilots who deviate from an ATC clearance in
response to an RA, shall promptly return to the
terms of the previous ATC instruction or clearance __________________
APPENDIX ‘A’ __________________
Aircraft Operator_______________ Pilot_________ Observer ___________ __________________
Name____________________ Telephone__________ SSR ____________ __________________
Own aircraft position FIR ______ VOR ______ Radial ______ DME ______
TA Information
RA Information
If applicable, did ATS instruction conflict with the RA ? YES ____ NO _____
298 Aviation Safety and Security Management
__________________ Note: The report should be forwarded to the Director of Air Safety, Office of the
Director General of Civil Aviation, Opp. Safdarjung Airport, Aurobindo Marg,
New Delhi - 110003 (Phone 24620272, Fax No. 24633140).
With a copy to the Director of Air Routes and Aerodrome (Operations), Airport
Authority of India, Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110003
(Phone 24631684,Fax 24629567)
Appendix 299
APPENDIX 3 __________________
The Aircraft (Carriage of Dangerous Goods) Rules,
(Promulgated by DGCA vide “Aeronautical Information __________________
Circular AIC 03 of 2004 Dated 24th Feb 2004) __________________
2003 __________________
1. Short title, extent and application:
(1) These rules may be called the Aircraft (Carriage of
Dangerous Goods) Rules, 2003.
(2) They extend to whole of India and apply also –
(a) to aircraft registered in India or aircraft
operated by an operator who has his principal
place of business or permanent place of
residence in India, wherever they may be;
(b) to all aircraft for the time being in or over
India; and
(c) to persons operating air transport services to,
from, within and over India, shippers of
dangerous goods or their agents
(3) They shall come into force on the date of their final
publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions and interpretation; In these rules, unless
there is anything repugnant in the subject or context
(1) “aerodrome” means any definite or limited ground
or water area intended to be used, either wholly or
in part, for the landing or departure of aircraft, and
includes all buildings, sheds, vessels, piers and
other structures thereon or appertaining thereto;
(2) “aircraft” means any machine which can derive
support in the atmosphere from reactions of the
air other than reactions of the air against the earth’s
surface and includes balloons whether fixed or free,
airships, kites, gliders and flying machines;
300 Aviation Safety and Security Management
Notes the provisions of the Aircraft Act, 1934 (22 of 1934), the
__________________ Aircraft Rules, 1937 or these rules, relating to packing,
__________________ marking, labelling, acceptance, handling, loading,
__________________ unloading, storage, training and any other process or
__________________ procedure connected directly or indirectly with the
carriage of dangerous goods by air.
__________________ 14. General Power to exempt: The Central Government
__________________ may, by general or special order in writing, exempt any
aircraft or class of aircraft or any person or class of
persons from the operation of these rules, either wholly
or partially, subject to such conditions, if any, as may be
specified in that order.
15. Cancellation or suspension of licence, certificate
and approval: Where the Director-General, after giving
an opportunity of being heard, is satisfied that any
person has contravened or failed to comply with the
provisions of these rules, he may, for reasons to be
recorded in writing, cancel or suspend any licence,
certificate or approval issued under these rules or under
the Aircraft Rules, 1937.
[Principal Rule published vide GSR 206(E) dated
Amended by – (i) GSR No. 795(E) dated 6.10.2003,
(ii) GSR No. 796(E) dated 6.10.2003
(iii) GSR 600(E) dated 27.9.2006
(iv) GSR 231(E) dated 19.3.2007]
Appendix 315
APPENDIX 4 __________________
AIR SAFETY CIRCULAR 2 OF 1962 __________________
(Air Safety Directorate) __________________
(No. 5/25/60-Acc)
Sub: Instructions regarding handling of radioactive
The following extracts from ICAO Aircraft accident __________________
Investigation manual are forwarded for information of
Y.R. Malhotra
New Delhi
APPENDIX 5 __________________
EAST BLOCK II & III, R.K.PURAM, NEW DELHI-66. __________________
AIR SAFETY DIRECTORATE __________________
Air Safety Circular No. 2 of 1989
AV. 15011/1/87-AS 13th January, 1989.
Subject:-Emergency Response Procedures for __________________
Transport of Radioactive materials. __________________
Encls. as above.
318 Aviation Safety and Security Management
This person may represent Police or other local authorities
at the site of accident. If the persons accompanying the
shipment are disabled, then police or other local authorities __________________
Notes Chapter IV
Part 2 Emergency during transport of radioactive materials
through India
__________________ Action Plans for Airport Managers of Indian Airports
__________________ In an emergency involving a shipment originating in a foreign
__________________ country bound for a foreign country which is in transit in an
__________________ Indian Airport, the Airport Manager should implement the
__________________ procedures specified in action plan AP-6.
Action Plan : AP-6
Part 3
If the package is received in an Indian Airport in a damaged
condition or is damaged upon arrival or during storage or is
involved in an accident, the following measures should be
taken by the Airport Manager:
Rescue the injured, if the package was involved in an
Fight fire if any.
Cordon off a space of 3 m around the package.
Inform the consignor and the consignee (address may
be obtained from the transport documents or on the
packages) requesting the consigner to arrange to collect
the package immediately.
Inform Head, DRP,BARC,Bombay-400 085
(Telephone : 5511917, telegram: HEAD DRP BARC Bombay,
CHEMBUR) regarding the incident, seeking his advice and
act accordingly.
If the labels on the package are defaced or if the address
of the consignor/consignee cannot be obtained, inform
Head, DRP, BARC, Bombay-400085 regarding the
incident, seek his advice and act accordingly.
In no case should be package be auctioned or otherwise
disposed of without obtaining specific clearance from
Head, DRP, BARC, Bombay-400085.
Appendix 321
APPENDIX 6 __________________
PER B.C.A.S. (This includes security related items
Prohibited items are weapons, explosives, incendiaries, and __________________
include items that are seemingly harmless but may be used __________________
as weapons—the so-called “dual use” items. You may not
bring these items to security checkpoints without
authorization. If you bring a prohibited item to the
checkpoint, you may be criminally prosecuted or, at the least, __________________
Lighters * Yes * No
Electronic Devices
Camcorders Yes Yes
324 Aviation Safety and Security Management
Sporting Goods
Baseball Bats No Yes
Carryon Checked
BB guns No Yes
Flare Guns No No
Gun Lighters No No
Gun Powder No No
Explosive Materials
Blasting Caps No No
Dynamite No No
Fireworks No No
Appendix 327
Gas Torches No No
Lighter Fluid No No
Strike-anywhere Matches No No
Liquid Bleach No No
Spray Paint No No
Tear Gas No No
__________________ Telephone No. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Sl. No. 06 /2006
__________________ Telegraphic Address: AERONAUTICAL
__________________ SERVICES
Commercial : DIRECTOR GENERAL OF 14 October,
__________________ OPPOSITE
Aeronautical : NEW DELHI-110 003
__________________ VIDDYAYX
E Mail:
Fax : 01124629221
(K Gohain)
1. Pilots of aircraft.
Appendix 329
Airport knowledge
positions. __________________
3. Do not use conditional phrases such as: - “behind landing
aircraft” or “after departing aircraft” for movements
affecting active runways unless appropriate pilot or the
controller both see the aircraft concerned.
APPENDIX-8 __________________
1.1 The main objective of the safety regulation and oversight
of flight operations to ensure:
3.1 In accordance with Rule 134 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937, Notes
no person shall operate any air transport service in __________________
India without obtaining the necessary permit for __________________
operating such services. The operating permit shall be __________________
maintained current and valid and the operations shall __________________
be conducted within the scope and provisions of the
3.2 The operators shall demonstrate, before grant of the __________________
permit, their capability to safely operate the air __________________
transport services sought to be operated. It shall be __________________
ensured that the manpower, infrastructure, facilities,
systems and operating capability does not degrade
below the required level at any time and is enhanced
continually commensurate with expansion of operations.
3.11 All the flight crew members shall undergo periodic Notes
refresher and flight safety courses as stipulated. During __________________
the crew training and refresher courses, all the new __________________
operations and safety circulars and bulletins, major __________________
accident/incident case studies shall be discussed. __________________
3.14 The operators shall lay down and obtain DGCA approval
of their airport weather minimums and ensure
adherence to the same by their flight crew members.
( H.S. KHOLA )