Father Name
Registration / Student I.d
Q.1 what are the deficiencies in the existing curriculum of the grade VIII? Discuss
principles of curriculum construction and suggest strategies to upgrade the existing
The curriculum development plan carefully sets out what will be taught, who will be taught,
and how it will be taught. Each part touches and interacts with the other parts. For example,
what is to be taught is influenced by who is being taught (e.g., their stage of growth, maturity,
and education). The ways in which content is taught are influenced by who is being taught,
their characteristics and background. In considering the above three key areas, the following
are generally considered to be important considerations in the experience of learning in
informal settings:
Key Factors for Curriculum Development:
Issue / problem / need identified (issue ® in),
Features and needs of students (who the target audience ® is),
Changes aimed at learners (results / objectives ® what learners will be able to achieve),
Important and important content ® (s),
Ways to achieve the desired results ® (how),
Strategies for testing methods, content, and intended outcomes ® (What works?)
The curriculum development model on the next page (Figure 2) shows how these components
relate to the curriculum development process. It starts when a problem, concern, or problem
needs to be addressed. If education or part-time training will help solve the problem, then the
curriculum to support the educational effort becomes a priority for human resources and
allocated finances.
The next step is to build a curriculum development team. The team makes systematic
decisions about target audience (student features), target outcomes (objectives), content,
methods, and assessment strategies. With input from the curriculum development team,
curriculum products are developed, tested, evaluated, and redesigned - if necessary. When the
final product is produced, volunteer training is done. The model shows a circular process in
which volunteer training provides feedback on innovations or reviews of an existing
The stages and steps of curriculum development (See Figure 2 on the previous page) also
show how the 12 essential steps progress from one to another. It also demonstrates the
linkages and relationships of the four key components of the curriculum development
process: (I) Planning
(II) Contents and Methods
(III) Implementation
(IV) Monitoring and Reporting.
It is important to admit that things do not always work as shown in the model! Each section
has a few steps or tasks that need to be completed in a logical sequence. These steps are not
always separate and distinct, but they may overlap and occur simultaneously. For example,
the curriculum development team is involved in all the steps. Assessment should take place in
many stages of progress assessment. The team learns what works and what doesn't and
decides the impact of the curriculum on students once it is implemented. Each step logically
follows the previous one. It would not make sense to design learning activities before the
student's results are described and identified. Similarly, content cannot be determined before
student results are described.
In the experience of the author, and confirmed by other curriculum experts, the following
steps to develop the curriculum are often ignored or ignored. These steps are essential to
successful curriculum development and need to be emphasized.
The purpose of the Curriculum
We have suggested that the curriculum refers to the methods and resources that the learner
interacts with. In order to determine what those methods and materials are, we must
determine what we want the curriculum to reveal. What will include the “educated” person in
our community? In other words, what purpose does the curriculum serve?
The things that teachers teach represent what the great community wants children to learn.
Besides teaching literacy, however, what are some of the essential elements that should be
taught? Is it really necessary to teach science? Does teaching mathematics really lead to
logical thinking, or does it simply provide students with some basic math skills that may or
may not be practical in the future? You may feel that answering such questions is not
something that the teacher should be able to do, but be assured that at some point a parent
will ask you such questions. As a teacher, you will be a representative of the “curriculum”
that parents and students turn to for answers. The purpose of the curriculum is to prepare the
learner to be as successful in society as he or she is — and that includes the power of change
and positive growth.
He actually has four subjects
There are four lesson plans that apply to most educational programs: explicit, explicit, void,
and complementary, or curriculum. You are probably familiar with clear curriculum ideas
and extracurricular activities. The subtlety of curriculum debate and design goes hand in hand
with a vague and futile curriculum.
There are four subjects:
Explicit curriculum: subjects to be taught, the identified "purpose" of the school, and the
knowledge and skills the school expects graduates to acquire
A meaningless curriculum: lessons from school culture and behaviour, attitudes, and
expectations that characterize that culture.
Nursery: topics or ideas that are not directly covered by the curriculum
Additional curriculum: school-sponsored programs aimed at adding an element of school
Explicit Curriculum
Clarity means “obvious” or “obvious,” and that is exactly what the curriculum is about: the
subjects to be taught, the “purpose” of the school, and the knowledge and skills that the
school expects successful students to acquire. . If you are talking to a supervisor at your
school or where you are doing your observations or work, ask about the curriculum; it is this
definition that has been announced publicly (and publicly approved) of the school's message
to be explained. A clear curriculum can be discussed about working hours, contact hours, or
Carnegie units (high school debt studies). It may be appropriate in terms of specific,
measurable learning criteria.
UN vague Curriculum
Sometimes referred to as a hidden curriculum, the ambiguous curriculum refers to lessons
from the school culture and behaviours, attitudes, and expectations that characterize that
culture. While being a good citizen may be part of a clear curriculum, encouraging ethics, for
example, the acceptance and cooperation of many nations can also mark a school. This is not
to say that parents, teachers, and administrators sit at a table and say, "Hey, let's encourage
acceptance of different racial values in the context of American experience." That would be
nice, of course, but it often falls into the category of explicit curriculum. Due to the high
enrolment of many nations, a particular school may have a culture of international
One school, divided by its enrolment primarily for one nation, may promote a different kind
of culture. Each in-school, or in-school classrooms that share the same clear curriculum, may
differ significantly in terms of an ambiguous curriculum. This is not a bad situation at all, but
to a large extent the vague curriculum is less focused than a clear curriculum.
Q.2 Define the concept of content selection in curriculum development. Discuss the
different elements which usually affect the selection of curricular contents.
There have always been excellent teachers of social studies in the elementary schools, and
today is no exception. Many teachers are working hard to provide elementary students with
high quality, meaningful social studies instruction. At the same time, they would like to
improve their teaching practices to ensure that students learn important social studies content,
concepts, and skills.
Assuming that elementary teachers who join a professional organization focused on the social
studies are among those who regularly include social studies in their instruction, we sent
questionnaires to all NCSS members who identified themselves as elementary teachers in
spring 1997. Two general questions guided our development of the survey questions:
What current trends in elementary social studies education are being implemented by
elementary teachers who are members of NCSS?
What concerns do these elementary teachers have about the teaching of social studies today
and during the next five years?
The questionnaire used a combination of check-off responses and short, open-ended
questions. In addition to asking for standard demographic characteristics and information
about teacher preparation, the survey asked what methods teachers used to teach social
studies in their classrooms. Three open-response items related to the topics being taught, the
resources in use, and the ways teachers dealt with individual differences in student interests
and abilities. A fourth open-response question asked teachers to express what concerns they
had about teaching social studies now and during the next five years. Most teachers included
detailed responses to these questions.
Responses from 98 teachers, or about one-third of those surveyed, are included in the
analysis. Sixty-two present of the respondents were teaching in grades four to six, while only
17 percent taught in grades one to three. A third group, identified as “others,” included
supervisors, principals, and recently retired teachers whose responses, for the most part, were
similar to the active teachers’ responses. These respondents provide the profession with the
first set of data on characteristics, concerns, and practices of elementary teachers who belong
to NCSS.
Teacher Characteristics
Seventy percent of the survey’s respondents were veteran teachers with an average of 16
years of teaching experience in one or more grades. Sixty-five percent taught in a self-
contained classroom.
These teachers regularly took time for their own professional development and on-going
learning. Nearly two-thirds reported attendance at the NCSS annual meeting or state or
regional social studies conferences. And, 86% reported regular reading of social studies
journals, with Social Education and Social Studies and the Young Learner overwhelmingly
identified as the professional journals they read regularly. Respondents also listed
Educational Leadership, Journal of Geography, and Phi Delta Kappa as publications they
read on a regular basis. Over one-third said they had published either an article or a teaching
idea in a journal or teaching guide.
Taken altogether, these teachers reported that they enjoyed teaching social studies and
thought they provided quality social studies instruction for their students. They also indicated
that they strongly believe it is important for their students to study social studies. They
identified their greatest satisfaction from teaching social studies as feeling that they teach
important content, concepts, and skills for children to learn (61%). One 5 th grade teacher
noted, “Our district has an excellent social studies program. I have always been encouraged
and challenged to do my best instruction. It has changed a lot in the past 20 years, but it is
always exciting.” Another teacher reported that she integrates language arts into social
studies, not social studies into language arts. A veteran teacher who had recently retired said
she would really like to see social studies used as an “umbrella” for teaching many subject
areas, because social studies is informative and can engage kids in active learning.
When asked about the NCSS standards for social studies, Performance Expectations, 90% of
respondents said they were familiar with it, and respondents considered these standards to be
helpful. A fourth- and fifth-grade integration teacher wrote, “I think the new NCSS standards
set me free to teach the way I always do!” One teacher noted the impact of NCSS standards
on her as “making her aware of the things I should include in my teaching.”
Three-quarters of the teachers also had information about the content of their district and
local standards. Several indicated that their districts and districts were in the process of
developing new social studies guidelines, but were unsure of what would be included in the
new guidelines. About one-third of educators were involved in the development of district or
regional social studies standards and performance appraisal activities.
Methods for Teaching Social Studies
Teachers pointed out that their teaching methods were different and that their choice of
teaching activities depended on their goals and the topic being studied. Teachers reported that
they used a variety of tactics in their teaching. The majority of samples (65%) still teach in
private classes, and 47% reported teaching social studies as an independent subject.
Teachers were asked how often they used textbooks, media, and computers. Eighty-one
percent reported using map / globe / satellite imagery at least once a week, and 67% reported
using these location tools several times a week. Although 90% indicated that they use a
textbook for instruction, 45% said that they do not use it more than once a week and 8% do
not use a textbook. The media was used in 67% of the classrooms, but teachers reported using
the film or video less than once a week. Less than 25% of respondents use the computer at
least once a week, with many teachers indicating that the software programs available during
the study are not the same as the content of their curriculum learning units.
Many teachers counted the few teaching aids they used regularly, and 50 different resources
were identified (see Table 1). Different types of text dominated selected teaching aids, and
the use of images and other images was gradually reported. Teachers note that the skills
needed to translate different types of visual information are also important when working
with computers and online sources of information. Geographical tools, especially atlases and
globes, also required additional data collection and translation skills and were among the
most widely used teaching aids. Resources that include social interaction — such as guest
speakers, interviews, live experiences, role, and personal information — have been used
The majority of teachers (54%) described their best teaching approach as focusing on social
science, e.g history, geography, economics, or social studies as a single field. Twenty-six
percent indicated that their social studies program is based on textbooks. Sixty-nine percent
indicated that they sometimes teach social studies as part of an integrated, multidisciplinary
curriculum component. Although multidisciplinary studies are common for social work
teachers, many states in recent years have encouraged the integration of content by theme
units across the primary school curriculum. The questionnaire contained seven questions
designed to provide information on teacher training and the use of integrated curriculum
content. Specifically, teachers were asked if their background and knowledge prepared them
to teach integrated / multidisciplinary courses, and what preparation they received to do so.
For those who answered the question, “How did you learn to do integrated teaching, multi-
disciplinary teaching?” Both experienced teachers (1960s students) and new teachers (those
five years of age or under teaching) received instruction. In integrated units in their initial
teacher preparation programs. Some have reported that they have learned this technique using
different knowledge of further education.
Teachers are asked to provide examples of themes or topics they have included in their
integrated social studies. Twenty-one teachers did not provide a summary of their
questionnaires. The remaining 77 teachers have written 217 topics / topics of one or two
words used in their classrooms. These data show that many basic social science teachers use
multi-disciplinary, integrated, or thematic units to teach social studies to elementary school
The most frequently cited topics were “Native Americans,” “Western Organization,” “Civil
War,” and “Colonial America,” but not a single theme combined with two digits.
Primary and secondary school teachers emphasized universal cultural education — such as
housing, food, culture, and the world of culture and the environment — through local or
international studies. This choice of titles clearly reflects the long-term expansive concept,
which still dominates a series of basic textbooks and study guides, with a slight modification
of the fact that the United States is now more international and accommodating immigrants
from various countries. .
From third grade, the largest number of articles assigned to integrated or portable units falls
into the history category. Local history or group history (such as immigrants, blacks, and
composers) often dominated the content. Area themes, the second largest category, focus on
regions and map reading. A few third-grade teachers discussed topics related to economic
education and political science / sociology / democracy.
Teachers in grades four to six, and those who answered in the “others” category, gave a
variety of answers. However, integrated study units focus primarily on history, secondly on
anthropology (culture, integrating multicultural studies), and third on geography. When
instructions that are usually unrelated to history and social studies are included in the
integrated unit, respondents indicated that scientific fields such as the physical environment
were often associated with social studies. When literature was used as a compilation, it was
about the teaching of the Holocaust or other cultures. One experienced educator noted that
elementary school teachers need training and resources to address issues related to economic
and globalization.
Giving Student Differences
Teachers reported that they used a variety of strategies to respond to the different needs of
their students (see Table 2). These include recorded lessons, peer-to-peer instruction,
journals, shifted tasks (as expected for alternative studies), overtime to complete work
(including exams), and calling specially trained resource teachers. Obviously, the key trend is
about providing environmentally friendly services, including collaborative learning activities,
student selection of projects, modelling, and journal writing.
Most respondents wrote unique words or short phrases that answered a question about
providing diversity for learners' skills and interests. Some lengthy statements cover the terms
and are detailed.
Knowing the specific skills, abilities and interests of children allows me to challenge those
who need a challenge… [For] children who need help, I provide the right kind of research
activities / materials so that they do not feel frustrated. They are all challenging, but they are
allowed to work at their own pace [and encouraged] to try their best.
I use a variety of teaching strategies such as: collaborative reading, role-playing, taking
notes / writing notes, discussion. I also change the types of functions and rarely (if possible)
provide a function from the text.
[I] prepare activities for visual / auditory / relatives students each day. I have started
introducing performance evaluation strategies and individualized rubrics.
Concerns about Social Work Education
New educators are being asked to raise two or three major concerns about social studies now
and over the next five years. All but eight of the respondents responded, giving 208 ideas
collected in fourteen categories. Each category included at least five expressions of concern,
and could be defined in terms of deficiency (see Table 3) or deficiency (see Table 4) for
something. A common concern was the lack of priorities in school and district social studies
programs. This low value was sometimes seen as the emergence of other teachers or school
policies that suppressed integrated units instead of social studies or indicated that language /
math, math, or science education were the main areas of instruction for elementary students.
In addition, new regional and provincial policies were seen by many teachers as weakening
social studies in favour of literacy and numeracy. One teacher wrote, “In Texas, some
subjects are given priority by the government and / or school system. Texas explores literacy
and numeracy in fifth grade and social studies in eighth grade. "A California teacher
reported," My headmaster told us this year that the state had abolished all social studies, so
we did not need to be educated. It’s very disappointing! I'm still working hard in the social
studies field! ” Some educators also point out that this growing lack of prioritization of social
studies has been fuelled by special interest groups that have been opposed to certain aspects
of social studies content.
A second major concern was the need for additional staff development in social studies for
both experienced and beginner teachers. This concern reflects both the rapid changes in
knowledge and technology, as well as the fact that teaching degrees for students provide only
the minimum amount of content knowledge needed to teach social studies — and is less
likely to expire in today's world. Topics suggested for staff development included both
expanding content knowledge in public studies and adding new teaching strategies based on
the use of content in social studies.
One educator who strongly supported high-level human resource development programs
reported that “because of all the workshops I have attended and what I have done with
regional and local standards, I find some elementary teachers looking to me as an expert.
Although I am far from an expert, I find that I have more experience than a regular teacher. ”
This is a powerful statement about the need to continue learning.
Concerns about assessment focus on (1) misuse of test results to assess teacher and student
achievement in order to measure formal schools in a district or province, and (2) a lack of
parental understanding of test results and rubrics applied elsewhere. To check. Several
teachers have noted the need for social work leaders to work with classroom teachers to
revise the curriculum to meet the new standards of social work that have been adopted. They
also noted that there should be strong links between curriculum, education and assessment.
Teachers were eager to find good computer software for additional topics, as well as to
protect the Internet to help students and teachers learn social studies.
Q.3 “Economic Foundations of Curriculum can accelerate the development”. Justify this
statement with specific arguments.
There have always been some very good teachers of social studies in elementary schools, and
the same is true today. Many teachers work hard to provide their students with high quality,
meaningful social instruction. At the same time, they would like to improve their teaching
methods to ensure that students learn the important content of social studies, concepts, and
Considering that elementary school teachers who join a professional organization focused on
social studies are among those who often incorporate social studies in their education, we
sent a list of questions to all NCSS members who identified themselves as primary school
teachers in the spring of 1997. Two common questions guided our development of research
What are the current trends in primary education in social studies by NCSS primary school
What are the concerns of these primary school teachers about the teaching of social studies
today and over the next five years?
The questionnaire used a combination of test answers and short and open questions. In
addition to asking about common mathematical features and information about teacher
preparation, the survey asked what methods teachers use to teach social studies in their
classrooms. Three open-ended items related to the topics taught, the resources used, and the
ways in which teachers handle individual differences in students' interests and skills. The
fourth open-ended question asked teachers to express their concerns about teaching social
studies now and within the next five years. Most teachers also include detailed answers to
these questions.
Responses from 98 teachers, or about one-third of those tested, were included in the analysis.
62% of respondents taught in grades four to six, and only 17% taught in grades one to three.
The third group, identified as “the others,” included supervisors, principals, and recently
retired teachers whose response was, in large part, similar to the responses of diligent
teachers. These respondents provided expertise with the first set of data on the characteristics,
concerns, and procedures of elementary school teachers under NCSS.
Signs of teachers
Seventy percent of respondents were experienced teachers with 16 years of teaching
experience in one or more grades. Sixty-five percent taught in the private classroom.
These teachers always gave themselves time for self-improvement and continuous learning.
About two-thirds reported attending the NCSS annual conference or regional or regional
social studies conferences. Also, 86% reported regular reading of social work journals, with
Social Work and Social Studies and Young Student being identified as the most frequently
read professional journals. Respondents also listed Education Leadership, Country Journal,
and Phi Delta Kappa as publications they read regularly. More than a third says that they
have published an educational article or concept in a journal or teaching guide.
Taken together, these teachers reported that they enjoyed teaching social studies and thought
that they were providing high quality social studies instruction to their students. They also
expressed a strong belief that it is important for their students to do social studies. They have
identified their greatest satisfaction in teaching social studies such as hearing that they teach
the important content, concepts, and skills that children should learn (61%). One Grade 5
teacher commented, “Our district has a very good social studies program. I have always been
inspired and challenged to do everything I teach. It has changed a lot in the last 20 years, but
it has always been fun. ” One teacher reported that he incorporated language art into social
studies, not social studies to language art. A veteran teacher who recently retired said she
would really like to see social studies used as an “umbrella” for teaching multiple subjects,
because social studies teach and can engage children in further learning.
When asked about the NCSS standards for social studies, Performance Expectations, 90% of
respondents said they were familiar with it, and respondents considered these standards to be
helpful. A fourth- and fifth-grade integration teacher wrote, “I think the new NCSS standards
set me free to teach the way I always do!” One teacher noted the impact of NCSS standards
on her as “making her aware of the things I should include in my teaching.”
Three-quarters of the teachers also had information about the content of their district and
local standards. Several indicated that their districts and districts were in the process of
developing new social studies guidelines, but were unsure of what would be included in the
new guidelines. About one-third of educators were involved in the development of district or
regional social studies standards and performance appraisal activities.
Methods for Teaching Social Studies
Teachers pointed out that their teaching methods were different and that their choice of
teaching activities depended on their goals and the topic being studied. Teachers reported that
they used a variety of tactics in their teaching. The majority of samples (65%) still teach in
private classes, and 47% reported teaching social studies as an independent subject.
Teachers were asked how often they used textbooks, media, and computers. Eighty-one
percent reported using map / globe / satellite imagery at least once a week, and 67% reported
using these location tools several times a week. Although 90% indicated that they use a
textbook for instruction, 45% said that they do not use it more than once a week and 8% do
not use a textbook. The media was used in 67% of the classrooms, but teachers reported using
the film or video less than once a week. Less than 25% of respondents use the computer at
least once a week, with many teachers indicating that the software programs available during
the study are not the same as the content of their curriculum learning units.
Many teachers counted the few teaching aids they used regularly, and 50 different resources
were identified (see Table 1). Different types of text dominated selected teaching aids, and
the use of images and other images was gradually reported. Teachers note that the skills
needed to translate different types of visual information are also important when working
with computers and online sources of information. Geographical tools, especially atlases and
globes, also required additional data collection and translation skills and were among the
most widely used teaching aids. Resources that include social interaction — such as guest
speakers, interviews, live experiences, role, and personal information — have been used
The majority of teachers (54%) described their best teaching approach as focusing on social
science, e.g history, geography, economics, or social studies as a single field. Twenty-six
percent indicated that their social studies program is based on textbooks. Sixty-nine percent
indicated that they sometimes teach social studies as part of an integrated, multidisciplinary
curriculum component. Although multidisciplinary studies are common for social work
teachers, many states in recent years have encouraged the integration of content by theme
units across the primary school curriculum. The questionnaire contained seven questions
designed to provide information on teacher training and the use of integrated curriculum
content. Specifically, teachers were asked if their background and knowledge prepared them
to teach integrated / multidisciplinary courses, and what preparation they received to do so.
For those who answered the question, “How did you learn to do integrated teaching, multi-
disciplinary teaching?” Both experienced teachers (1960s students) and new teachers (those
five years of age or under teaching) received instruction. In integrated units in their initial
teacher preparation programs. Some have reported that they have learned this technique using
different knowledge of further education.
Teachers are asked to provide examples of themes or topics they have included in their
integrated social studies. Twenty-one teachers did not provide a summary of their
questionnaires. The remaining 77 teachers have written 217 topics / topics of one or two
words used in their classrooms. These data show that many basic social science teachers use
multi-disciplinary, integrated, or thematic units to teach social studies to elementary school
The most frequently cited topics were “Native Americans,” “Western Organization,” “Civil
War,” and “Colonial America,” but not a single theme combined with two digits.
Primary and secondary school teachers emphasized universal cultural education — such as
housing, food, culture, and the world of culture and the environment — through local or
international studies. This choice of titles clearly reflects the long-term expansive concept,
which still dominates a series of basic textbooks and study guides, with a slight modification
of the fact that the United States is now more international and accommodating immigrants
from various countries. .
From third grade, the largest number of articles assigned to integrated or portable units falls
into the history category. Local history or group history (such as immigrants, blacks, and
composers) often dominated the content. Area themes, the second largest category, focus on
regions and map reading. A few third-grade teachers discussed topics related to economic
education and political science / sociology / democracy.
Teachers in grades four to six, and those who answered in the “others” category, gave a
variety of answers. However, integrated study units focus primarily on history, secondly on
anthropology (culture, integrating multicultural studies), and third on geography. When
instructions that are usually unrelated to history and social studies are included in the
integrated unit, respondents indicated that scientific fields such as the physical environment
were often associated with social studies. When literature was used as a compilation, it was
about the teaching of the Holocaust or other cultures. One experienced educator noted that
elementary school teachers need training and resources to address issues related to economic
and globalization.
Giving Student Differences
Teachers reported that they used a variety of strategies to respond to the different needs of
their students (see Table 2). These include recorded lessons, peer-to-peer instruction,
journals, shifted tasks (as expected for alternative studies), overtime to complete work
(including exams), and calling specially trained resource teachers. Obviously, the key trend is
about providing environmentally friendly services, including collaborative learning activities,
student selection of projects, modelling, and journal writing.
Most respondents wrote unique words or short phrases that answered a question about
providing diversity for learners' skills and interests. Some lengthy statements cover the terms
and are detailed.
Knowing the specific skills, abilities and interests of children allows me to challenge those
who need a challenge… [For] children who need help, I provide the right kind of research
activities / materials so that they do not feel frustrated. They are all challenging, but they are
allowed to work at their own pace [and encouraged] to try their best.
I use a variety of teaching strategies such as: collaborative reading, role-playing, taking
notes / writing notes, discussion. I also change the types of functions and rarely (if possible)
provide a function from the text.
[I] prepare activities for visual / auditory / relatives students each day. I have started
introducing performance evaluation strategies and individualized rubrics.
Concerns about Social Work Education
New educators are being asked to raise two or three major concerns about social studies now
and over the next five years. All but eight of the respondents responded, giving 208 ideas
collected in fourteen categories. Each category included at least five expressions of concern,
and could be defined in terms of deficiency (see Table 3) or deficiency (see Table 4) for
something. A common concern was the lack of priorities in school and district social studies
programs. This low value was sometimes seen as the emergence of other teachers or school
policies that suppressed integrated units instead of social studies or indicated that language /
math, math, or science education were the main areas of instruction for elementary students.
In addition, new regional and provincial policies were seen by many teachers as weakening
social studies in favour of literacy and numeracy. One teacher wrote, “In Texas, some
subjects are given priority by the government and / or school system. Texas explores literacy
and numeracy in fifth grade and social studies in eighth grade. "A California teacher
reported," My headmaster told us this year that the state had abolished all social studies, so
we did not need to be educated. It’s very disappointing! I'm still working hard in the social
studies field! ” Some educators also point out that this growing lack of prioritization of social
studies has been fuelled by special interest groups that have been opposed to certain aspects
of social studies content.
A second major concern was the need for additional staff development in social studies for
both experienced and beginner teachers. This concern reflects both the rapid changes in
knowledge and technology, as well as the fact that teaching degrees for students provide only
the minimum amount of content knowledge needed to teach social studies — and is less
likely to expire in today's world. Topics suggested for staff development included both
expanding content knowledge in public studies and adding new teaching strategies based on
the use of content in social studies.
One educator who strongly supported high-level human resource development programs
reported that “because of all the workshops I have attended and what I have done with
regional and local standards, I find some elementary teachers looking to me as an expert.
Although I am far from an expert, I find that I have more experience than a regular teacher. ”
This is a powerful statement about the need to continue learning.
Concerns about assessment focus on (1) misuse of test results to assess teacher and student
achievement in order to measure formal schools in a district or province, and (2) a lack of
parental understanding of test results and rubrics applied elsewhere. To check. Several
teachers have noted the need for social work leaders to work with classroom teachers to
revise the curriculum to meet the new standards of social work that have been adopted. They
also noted that there should be strong links between curriculum, education and assessment.
Teachers were eager to find good computer software for additional topics, as well as to
protect the Internet to help students and teachers learn social studies.