Linear Vs Non-Linear Analysis
Linear Vs Non-Linear Analysis
Linear Vs Non-Linear Analysis
Non-linear Analysis
of Structures
• Table of content
1. Introduction to structural analysis
2. What is linear analysis?
3. What is nonlinear analysis?
4. Types of nonlinearities?
• Material nonlinearity
• Geometric nonlinearity
• Boundary nonlinearity
• Contact nonlinearity
5. Objectives of nonlinear analysis
6. Conclusions
The results, which are obtained by the analysis may be applied for design of that structural
members. Therefore, the accurate analysis yields the good design. It is also important to
know the real behavior of the structure under loadings.
There are various approaches to carry out the structural analysis (example exact and
approximate analysis). In the case of behavior of structure there are mainly two types of
analysis linear analysis and nonlinear analysis. There is a glimpse of linear and nonlinear
2. What is linear analysis?
It is analytical tool that deals with the study of linear behavior of the structure and
structural system. This field comprises solving the structural problems by linear
constitutive relationship between loads and displacements.
As per figure the material should follow the curve mentioned above. Causes may be stress,
forces etc. where response may be displacement or deformation. From the graph it can be
shown that the material is assumed that it follows linear path during acting any load or
stress and regain its original stress.
1. The equations of equilibrium are generally form based on undisplaced geometry (figure
2(a)). The moment reaction the fixed support will be taken as per old geometry (WL) not
new geometry (WL’).
2. Changes in the length due to ‘bowing’ effects are neglected or axial elongation or
contraction is therefore produced by axial load only. Thus, the horizontal displacement
of simply supported beam is taken as zero under transverse loading (figure 2(b)).
It is important to know that nonlinear analysis is being popular day by day because it
predicts the actual deformations and resultant stresses so engineers can get idea about
the mode of failure during collapse.
• Types of nonlinearities.
There are numerous nonlinearities associated with the structural system which are
mentioned below.
1) Material nonlinearity: -
It is associated with changes in the physical response of a material to stress and appears in
the path dependent and nonunique constitutive laws. In short, material does not show it’s
complete stress strain property as shown in figure.
From the figure 3 it is elaborated that the cause and response does not show linearity. here
cause may be stress and response may be strain. The elastic as well as plastic region is
taken account in it. Concrete and steel both shows nonlinearity after extent of point.
2) Geometric nonlinearity
It is also referred as second order effects, which are produced by finite deformations
coupled with change in stiffness of a structure under applied loadings. In other way, it
considers the geometrical changes under loading.
Figure 4 Vertical cantilever & BMD of cantilever
From figure there is cantilever column under vertical as well as horizontal loading
according to linear analysis and small displacement assumption the moment reaction at
support is Hh. But in case of second order analysis, it would count the moment which is
offered by displacement of column. There two variations associated with column. First is
“P-∆ effect”. It deals with displacements of the member ends. Large P-∆ is important for
overall structure behavior under significant axial load. Second is “P-δ effect”. It is
associated with local deformation relative to the elements.
3) Boundary nonlinearity
It is associated with the changes of boundary conditions on structural elements.
As per figure vertical deflection of the tip is linearly related to the load (if the deflection is
small) until it contacts the stop. There is then a sudden change in the boundary condition at
the tip of the beam, preventing any further vertical deflection, and so the response of the
beam is no longer linear. Boundary nonlinearities are extremely discontinuous: when
contact occurs during a simulation, there is a large and instantaneous change in the
response of the structure.
4) Contact nonlinearity
It arises when the deformation of one or more parts in contact produces a deformation
leading to a change in stiffness due to its surface interaction. It happens due to
deformation of two surfaces.
Figure 5 elaborates the contacting two surface tends the changing loading and it affects
the stiffness of the structure.
Written By,
Nisarg Joshi,
MTech Student at SVNIT
Structural Engineering, DoCE
LinkedIn Profile: Nisarg Joshi