61st Legal Update A Commentary On The Children Act 2022
61st Legal Update A Commentary On The Children Act 2022
61st Legal Update A Commentary On The Children Act 2022
26 September 2022 - 8 min read
"Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future"
1. Introduction
It is well within our knowledge that the Children Act No. 29 of 2022 (hereina er referred to as the “Act”) repealed
AUTHORS the old Children Act of 2001 (hereina er referred to as the “repealed Act”). The new law is progressive by mirroring
and protec ng children in this contemporary world. The main objec ves of the Act include primarily giving power to
Ar cle 53 of the Cons tu on of Kenya, by making expansive provisions on the rights of children, children in need of
care and protec on, parental responsibili es, alterna ve care, children in conflict with the law, children services
administra on and even the establishment and regula on of the Na onal Council for Children’s Services.
Kennedy Kithinji
Coming almost twelve years a er the promulga on of the Cons tu on of Kenya, the Act is progressive, informed
and supported by other Acts that speaks to ma ers children, for instance, Births and Deaths Registra on Act, the
Basic Educa on Act, 2013, the Legal Aid Act, 2016, the Vic ms Protec on Act, 2014, the Counter Trafficking in
Persons Act, 2010, the Sexual Offences Act, 2006, the Protec on Against Domes c Violence Act, 2015 and not
forge ng the two interna onally acclaimed trea es , the Conven on on the Rights of the Child and the African
Mercy Mulevu
Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children.
2. Notable provisions
2.1 Best interests of the child considerations
It is worth no ng that the first schedule of the new Act has laid down elaborate considera ons on the Best interest
Elvis Omondi of the child's considera on. It cements the inocula on created by Ar cle 53(2) of the Cons tu on of Kenya against
adverse ac ons, omissions, considera ons and treatment that might be meted against a child.
Specifically, the second schedule is centered around the following reflec ons, as an embodiment of the best interest
of a child:
This is a great stride towards codifying key highlights that ought to be considered when deciding on ma ers rela ng
to children.
The repealed Act did not contain elaborate provisions on the Best interests of a child. Under Sec on 4(2) and (3) of
the repealed Act, there was only a men on of the same. The rest was le to judge-made laws, legal importa on
from other jurisdic ons, regional and interna onal trea es thereby giving a wide berth as to certainty of
considera ons to be taken.
The Act has been cognizant of the judicial decisions made over the years on the child’s best interests. For instance,
in the case of EKM v EBO [2020] eKLR Jus ce Chacha Mwita restated what Lord Kerr specified the case of ZH
(Tanzania) (FC) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] UKSC 4:
“[48] “It is a universal theme of the various interna onal and domes c instruments to which Lady Hale has
referred that, in reaching decisions that will affect a child, a primacy of importance must be accorded to his or her
best interest. This is not, it is agreed, a factor of limitless importance in the sense that it will prevail over all other
considera ons. It is a factor, however, that must rank higher than any other. It is not merely one considera on
that weighs in the balance alongside other compe ng factors. Where the best interests of the child favour a
certain course, that course should be followed unless countervailing reasons of considerable force displace them.
It is not necessary to express this in terms of a presump on but the primacy of this considera on needs to be
made clear in empha c terms. What is determined to be in a child’s best interests should customarily dictate the
outcome of cases such as the present, therefore, and it will require considera ons of substan al moment to
permit a different result.”
It is worth no ng that this provision has usurped Sec on 14 (1) of the Penal Code which provides in verba m that a
person under the age of eight years is not criminally responsible for any act or omission. Moreover, subsec on 2 of
the same sec on excluded children from criminal liability unless the court was sa sfied that thy had capacity to
differen ate right and wrong. This has also been increased to 14 years in the new Act. The widening of the berth on
the number of years for children in conflict with the law aims at protec ng more children, who may not be well
developed mentally to discerning right from wrong.
It is a step in the right direc on that the new Act has elaborately provided for the use of the Legal Aid Fund in that
specific circumstance. In contrast, the repealed Act under Sec on 77 provided that where an unrepresented child is
brought before a court, the court may order that the child be granted legal representa on and any expenses
incurred in rela on to the legal representa on of the child under shall be defrayed out of monies provided by
Parliament. This sec on of the repealed law was absurd due to the uncertainty of where the expenses would be
go en from. The new Act now, clearly, definitely and elaborately directs the legal expenses to be severed from the
Legal Aid Fund.
It is a step in the right direc on that the new Act has elaborately provided for the use of the Legal Aid Fund in that
specific circumstance. In contrast, the repealed Act under Sec on 77 provided that where an unrepresented child is
brought before a court, the court may order that the child be granted legal representa on and any expenses
incurred in rela on to the legal representa on of the child under shall be defrayed out of monies provided by
Parliament. This sec on of the repealed law was absurd due to the uncertainty of where the expenses would be
go en from. The new Act now, clearly, definitely and elaborately directs the legal expenses to be severed from the
Legal Aid Fund.
Equal parental responsibility has been a bone of conten on especially between mothers and fathers a er a divorce.
With the coming of the new Act, coupled with the case of PKM v ANM [2020] eKLR where a judge gave an equal
parental responsibility on the parents towards the payment of school fees for the child un l further orders were
Informa vely and recognizably, Sec on 2 of the Act has defined intersex children elaborately to mean a child with a
congenital condi on in which the biological sex characteris cs cannot be exclusively categorised in the common
binary of female or male due to inherent and mixed anatomical, hormonal, gonadal or chromosomal pa erns,
which could be apparent prior to, at birth, in childhood, puberty or adulthood.
Under Sec on 7 of the new Act, the Principal Registrar of Births has been instructed to take measures towards the
registra on of intersex children as such. Further, Sec on 21 has provided that an intersex child shall have the right
to be treated with dignity, and to be accorded appropriate medical treatment, special care, educa on, training and
considera on as a special need category in social protec on services. Moreover, Sec on 26(3) and 64(3) of the Act
stresses the importance of having separate holding facili es and children protec on units respec vely desegregated
by gender.
To appreciate this step, it is worth no ng that the repealed Act had absolutely no men on of intersex children,
leaving them out to dry with regards to the protec on of their rights as a special group.
A person convicted of cyberbullying or stalking or sexual exploita on on a child online, shall be liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or to a fine not exceeding two million shillings, or to both.
2.8 Diversion
Sec ons 224, 226 and 227 of the new Act now codifies the concept of diversion of children cases unlike the
previous Act. Diversion is a process whereby children in conflict with the law are dealt with outside the formal
criminal jus ce system and in par cular from formal court processes. It promotes reintegra on of such children into
the society and has been viewed as an important element of restora ve jus ce as it includes development of
strategies aimed at reforming such children involved in criminal ac vi es.
As a best interest of a child, UNICEF has over the years advocated for the use of diversion in channeling children in
conflict with the law away from court trials by urging states to develop and implement programmes, procedures and
structures that help children avoid criminal records. As much as diversion has been a policy prac ced in Kenya, the
new Act has codified it.
3. Conclusion
The Act’s progression is notable. The changes brought in go a long way towards the protec on of the modern child.
The Act creates a clear picture of its determina on to promote the protec on of a child by enhancing the best
interests of the child succinctly.
The Act also promotes adequate alloca on of resources to child welfare programmes, effec vely co-ordinate all
stakeholders in the child protec on sector so as to enable children to be er access the services that they offered,
safeguards children’s right to parental care and inclusion of alterna ve care services, and in the spirit of devolu on,
it makes provisions for the roles of the county governments in discharging their mandate towards the
administra on of children’s services. These include developing policies on children’s ma ers, establishing child care
facili es, as well as facilita ng access to pre-primary educa on, play and recrea onal centres for children.
This ar cle is provided free of charge for informa on purposes only; it does not cons tute legal advice and should be
relied on as such. No responsibility for the accuracy and/or correctness of the informa on and commentary as set in
the ar cle should be held without seeking specific legal advice on the subject ma er. If you have any query
regarding the same, please do not hesitate to contact Li ga on vide li ga on@wamaeallen.com