FWD Travel Policy Wording Oct 2023 v2
FWD Travel Policy Wording Oct 2023 v2
FWD Travel Policy Wording Oct 2023 v2
V3 | Oct 2023
About your policy
Thank you for choosing FWD Singapore Pte. Ltd. We’re pleased to protect you so that you
can focus on living life to the fullest.
Accident or Accidental Natural disaster You have declared that all of the following are true at
Child(ren) Period of insurance
the point of purchasing this policy
Endorsement Policy ■ You are a resident of Singapore possessing a valid FIN or
Family member Rebooking fees
■ You have never been refused when buying/renewing any
Hospital Scheduled public transport
insurance policy of a similar nature or type, nor have you
Initial trip deposit Serious public event
had any insurance policy of a similar nature or type
Injury Travel companion cancelled/voided by your insurer;
Interested party Travel insurance summary ■ You have booked/will only book trips to countries that are
Jewellery Trip permitted for travel by local government authorities and
Medically necessary We, us, and our which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not advised
Medical practitioner You, and your against travelling to and/or recommended travel to be
■ (only applicable when traveller is under 16 years old) You
are the parent or guardian of the applicant and give
consent to the applicant entering into this insurance
contract; and
■ No material fact has been withheld and to the best of your
knowledge, the information furnished is true and
complete. You understand that, otherwise, we have the
right to either decline your claims or cancel the policy and
treat it as never having existed.
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About your policy
Afghanistan Somalia
Belarus South Sudan
Cuba Sudan
Democratic Republic of Syria
Congo Yemen
Iran The territories of Crimea
Libya including Sevastopol,
Liberia Donetsk, Luhansk,
North Korea Zaporizhzhia and Kherson
Your policy
Your policy is a contract of insurance between you and us. It is
made up of the documents listed below.
■ This policy wording
■ Your travel insurance summary
■ Any endorsement to your policy
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Quick summary of your benefits
Your policy benefits at a glance
The table of benefits below shows you the maximum benefit limits that are payable to you
per policy per trip. Note that some limits and benefits depend on the plan chosen by you.
For details of the limits that apply to your plan, you can check the table below, along with
your insurance summary.
The following amounts are the maximum benefit limits that are payable to you per policy per trip.
Trip postponement
S$500 S$1,000 S$1,500
If you have to postpone your trip from Singapore
Insolvency protection
S$1,000 S$3,000 S$5,000
If your travel service provider is insolvent
Trip diversion
S$500 S$1,000 S$1,500
S$100 for every six hours diverted while overseas
Travel delay
S$100 for every six hours delay while overseas S$300 S$500 S$1,000
S$100 for the first six hours delay in Singapore
Missed connections
S$300 S$500 S$500
S$100 for every six hours you are stranded
Trip disruption
S$1,000 S$2,000 S$3,000
If your trip is disrupted while you are on your trip
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Quick summary of your benefits
The following amounts are the maximum benefit limits that are payable to you per policy per trip.
Sub-limit for all other items (per item) S$300 S$500 S$500
Loss of passport, travel documents & theft of money S$300 S$600 S$1,000
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Quick summary of your benefits
The following amounts are the maximum benefit limits that are payable to you per policy per trip.
Personal accident
Lump sum payment for death or disability from accident
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Quick summary of your benefits
The following amounts are the maximum benefit limits that are payable to you per policy per trip.
Hospitalisation visit
S$5,000 S$7,500 S$10,000
Paying for a family member to visit you in the hospital
Child companion
S$5,000 S$7,500 S$10,000
Paying for an adult family member to visit to look after your child(ren)
Compassionate travel
S$5,000 S$7,500 S$10,000
Paying for a family member to arrange return of body
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Quick summary of your benefits
The following amounts are the maximum benefit limits that are payable to you per policy per trip.
Pet care
S$150 S$150 S$150
S$50 for every six hours of delay
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What you’re covered for
In this section, we explain what insurance benefits you are covered for, and any specific
exclusions or conditions that apply to those benefits. General exclusions also apply - see
section on ‘General exclusions’.
*Check the table below to see what events you can claim for.
cancellation Trip Trip cut
What events you can claim for postponement short
and loss of
Please refer to the table below to see what travel costs are covered.
cancellation ¹Trip ¹Trip cut
What we pay postponement short
and loss of
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What you’re covered for
What we pay
Travel delay
We will reimburse the following costs you pay as a result
We will pay this benefit if your trip is delayed for 6 continuous
of the insolvency.
hours or more if:
■ Accommodation and transport expenses (air, sea or ■ your scheduled public transport is delayed; or
land travel), excursions, tours and activities that you ■ you are forced to travel at another time because your
have paid in advance and cannot get back from any
scheduled public transport is overbooked,
other source.
■ Additional transport and accommodation expenses before you eventually reach your scheduled destination.
(economy class for transport and standard room for
Missed connections
We will pay this benefit if you: You can only claim under one of the following benefits
for the same event, but not under more than one benefit:
■ are travelling on a scheduled public transport; and
■ Trip diversion.
■ are diverted to another destination for 6 continuous hours
or more,
■ Travel delay.
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What you’re covered for
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What you’re covered for
Please refer to page 3 (Quick summary of your benefits) for the maximum benefit limit payable for each of the covered items
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What you’re covered for
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What you’re covered for
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What you’re covered for
Total and permanent severance or loss of use of two or more limbs above the wrist or ankle 100%
Third degree burns to 8% or more of the head or more than 20% of the body 100%
Third degree burns to between 15% and 20% of the body 50%
Total and permanent severance or loss of use of one limb above the wrist or ankle 50%
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What you’re covered for
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What you’re covered for
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What you’re covered for
We will reimburse the costs you pay for reasonable and For more details about FWD SG app, please refer to the
section on ‘Making a claim’.
necessary treatment. We will pay for treatment for a
period of up to 30 days from the date you return to
Singapore if you seek treatment overseas or within 48
hours of returning to Singapore. Not covered
We do not pay for the following:
Not covered
■ Dental treatment due to tooth or gum or oral diseases, or
from normal wearing of the teeth.
Treatment received from an interested party.
■ Dental expenses related to non-natural teeth such as
dental dentures, bridges, implants, fillings and crowns.
Medical expenses incurred in Singapore ■ Treatment received from an interested party.
We will pay this benefit if you: Daily hospital cash while in Singapore
■ suffer an unexpected illness or injury while overseas on a If you are confined to a hospital in Singapore:
trip; and
■ within 48 hours of your return to Singapore; or
■ as a result of that illness or injury, need to get medically
necessary treatment after you return to Singapore.
■ within 30 days after you return from a trip if you had
sought medical treatment during your trip,
Treatment must be sought overseas or within 48 hours
of returning to Singapore as a result of an unexpected illness or injury you suffered
while overseas on a trip, we will pay this benefit for every
You can only claim this benefit if:
continuous 24-hour period that you are confined to a hospital
■ you have received medical treatment overseas for the in Singapore. The admission to a hospital must be medically
same illness or injury that is being treated in Singapore; or necessary.
■ you seek medical treatment within 48 hours of returning to
Singapore for the illness or injury suffered overseas.
Double daily hospital cash benefit for ICU
What we pay The daily hospital cash amount will be doubled for each
24-hour period you are confined in an intensive care unit.
We will reimburse the costs you pay for medically
necessary treatment in Singapore. We will pay for
treatment for a period of up to 30 days from the date you
return to Singapore if you seek medical treatment within
48 hours of returning to Singapore.
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What you’re covered for
Optional cover
The options you choose are shown in your travel insurance summary. Please note that general exclusions apply - see section on
‘General exclusions’.
Please refer to the table below to see what travel costs are covered.
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What you’re covered for
What we pay
Not covered
We will reimburse the amount of the excess or
We do not pay for the following: deductible paid by you.
■ Trip cancellation for any reason benefit
» any amounts refunded or compensation received What you should know
regardless of the form of such refund/
compensation. Examples of forms of refund/ You need to provide copies of the car rental agreement,
compensation include any cash, voucher, or form original receipts showing the amount paid for rental
of credit, points or miles received as a refund or excess, along with any reports related to the loss or
compensation. damage to the rental car.
■ Trip postponement for any reason benefit The rental car must also have been collected overseas in
» any amounts refunded or compensation received your planned destination.
regardless of the form of such refund/ We will only pay one claim for the insured rental car
compensation. Examples of forms of refund/ under this or any other policies while being rented by
compensation include any cash, voucher, or form you.
of credit, points or miles received as a refund or
» any expenses to upgrade you to a better class or
category of transport or accommodation
compared to that in your original itinerary. For
example, changing your flight from a budget airline
to a full-service airline or an upgrade from an
economy class seat to one in a better class; and
» any extra travel and accommodation costs that is
not included in your original itinerary.
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What you’re covered for
If you choose this cover, we will pay the benefit if, during your
trip, your:
■ sports equipment is stolen or accidentally damaged; or
■ sports equipment is lost or stolen while in the custody and
care of any airline operator, transport or accommodation
Sports equipment
Sports equipment covered are:
■ golf clubs, diving gear, skis (boards and poles),
snowboards, wakeboards, bicycles and fishing
tackle equipment; and
■ specialist apparel for diving, skiing and
What we pay
We will pay the following:
■ the cost of renting replacement sporting equipment,
capped at S$100 per day; and
■ compensation for the stolen or damaged sports
How we decide how much to pay
■ We will not pay more than the original purchase price
and will decide whether to replace, repair, or pay a
cash amount for the stolen or damaged items.
■ We may treat a damaged item as beyond repair. If we
do so, we will become the owner of that item.
■ We will treat items that are a pair or a set as one item
for the purpose of this benefit, and only one amount
will be payable for the pair or set.
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What you’re covered for
How much we pay with proof How much we pay without proof
Age of sports equipment
of purchase of purchase
Please refer to page 3 (Quick summary of your benefits) for the maximum benefit limit payable for each of the covered items
Not covered
We do not cover any damage that happens while your sports equipment is in use, whether for practice or play.
Home contents
Sub head L2
Home contents
Increased space before
decresed contents
sapce after means all household furniture
and furnishing, domestic electronic appliances
and personal belongings, owned by you and
in your home. Cash and travellers’ cheques
are not treated as home contents.
What we pay
If you choose this cover, we will pay this benefit if your home contents are lost or damaged because of fire or burglary, while
you are on your trip.
■ We will decide whether to replace, repair, or pay a cash amount for the stolen or damaged items.
■ We may treat a damaged item as beyond repair. If we do so, we will become the owner of that item.
■ We will treat items that are a pair or a set as one item for the purpose of this benefit, and only one amount will be payable
for the pair or set.
How much we pay with proof How much we pay without proof
Age of item
of purchase of purchase
Please refer to page 3 (Quick summary of your benefits) for the maximum benefit limit payable for each of the covered items
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General exclusions
These general exclusions outline scenarios that this policy does not cover, and apply to the
whole policy unless stated otherwise.
We won’t pay for claims that are, directly or indirectly, caused by or result from the following.
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General exclusions
■ Any sexually transmitted infection; or
■ Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or any HIV-related
illness including acquired immunity and deficiency
syndrome (AIDS) or any mutant derivative or variation of
these, no matter how it is caused.
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Making a claim
Need to make a claim? Read this section to find out how.
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Making a claim
to access our claims portal
You must lodge your claim using our standard forms. You must
provide us with any information and assistance that we need to
process your claim, including attending court to give evidence.
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Making a claim
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Making a claim
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Starting or ending your policy
This section explains when your policy starts and ends, and what you’ll receive if you cancel
Cover before your trip starts This policy does not start in some situations
You are covered for these benefits from the date your trip is This policy (and cover) will not start in the following
booked (see the benefit description for important details) or situations.
30 days before your trip starts, whichever is later.
■ You buy a policy with the incorrect covered geographical
■ Trip cancellation and loss of deposit. area.
■ Trip postponement. ■ You buy a policy with a coverage start date that begins
■ Insolvency protection. after you would have departed from Singapore.
■ You buy a policy after you have departed from Singapore.
Cover during your trip If any of the above happens, we won’t pay any claims. We will
refund any premium you have paid.
Your cover for these benefits starts 3 hours before your trip is
scheduled to begin.
■ Trip cut short. When your policy ends
■ Trip diversion.
Your policy (and cover) ends on the earliest of the following
■ Missed connections.
■ Trip disruption.
■ the coverage end date;
■ Travel delay.
■ 3 hours after you pass through Singapore Immigration;
■ Baggage delay.
■ 180 days after your trip started (if you have a single trip
■ Theft of or damage to baggage or personal belongings.
■ Loss of passport, travel documents & theft of money. ■ 90 days after your trip started (if you have an annual trip
■ Chinese medicine practitioner, physiotherapist and plan); or
chiropractor expenses. ■ the date your policy is cancelled by other terms and
■ Emergency medical evacuation & repatriation. conditions of this policy.
■ Personal liability while on your trip.
■ Medical expenses incurred overseas.
■ Daily hospital cash while overseas.
■ Hospitalisation visit.
■ Child companion.
■ Compassionate travel.
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Starting or ending your policy
Complete months
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
remaining for policy
However, we will not refund anything if there are any benefits payable under your policy or if the premium refund amount is less
than S$25.
If we cancel your policy, we will send the notice to the postal address we received from you. We will refund the pro-rata premium
you have paid for any period after the date we cancel.
You will still be able to claim a benefit for an event that happened before we cancelled the policy.
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Important things to know
In this section, we explain the important legal rights and obligations under your policy.
The information you give us needs to be All amounts are in Singapore dollars
correct and complete All amounts payable by you or us in relation to this policy will
be in Singapore dollars. We will convert any eligible expenses
Read all parts of your policy to make sure they are correct you incur overseas into Singapore dollars at a reasonable
Your policy is based on the information you gave us during the foreign currency exchange rate that we choose. We are not
application process, as the information given helped us to legally responsible for any exchange rate-related losses that
decide if you were eligible for the policy, and how much you you may incur.
needed to pay. It is, therefore, important that the information
provided is correct, and you were truthful and accurate with
No benefits are paid if they are illegal
all of the information you provided.
We will not pay any benefit under this policy if paying that
You should let us know immediately if the information you benefit is illegal in Singapore under its economic and trade
gave us during the application was inaccurate, misleading, or sanctions.
exaggerated. You should also let us know immediately if the
information you gave us changes after your policy is active.
No rights for others under the policy
You need to provide correct and complete information You and we are the only parties to your policy. Any person
who is not a party to this policy has no rights under the
Under Section 23(5) of the Insurance Act 1966, we must tell
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2001 to enforce any of
you that you have a duty to provide correct and complete
its terms.
information. For the information to be complete, you need to
tell us:
■ everything you know; and Legal action against you
■ everything you could reasonably be expected to know;
If there is legal action against you under this policy, you have
that is relevant to our decision to insure you.
to do the following:
■ You should inform us immediately.
If we later find out that any information is incorrect, or ■ Forward all communication that you receive regarding any
incomplete, we may do any of the following. legal action to us.
■ Not pay your claim. ■ Check with us before communicating to any third party
■ Change your insurance coverage by charging a different (including the police) about any legal action.
premium. ■ You or any person acting for you must not negotiate, admit
■ Cancel your policy and treat it as if it had never been taken or reject any claim without our approval in writing.
We may take over to settle or defend any legal claim
If you need to change your information, or if We may take over any rights to defend or settle any claim and
you have any questions, please contact us at to take legal action in your name to enforce your rights, or
+65 6820 8888 or contact.sg@fwd.com. ours, against any other person.
This is a Singapore insurance contract We may also take legal action in your name (at our own
expense) to recover any payment we have made under this
Your policy is a contract of insurance between you and us, policy to anyone else.
and is governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore.
Under this contract of insurance, we agree to provide the
benefits and protection based on the terms and conditions set
out in your policy, and you agree to keep to those terms and
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Important things to know
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How to reach us
In this section, we explain your options if you have a query or a problem with your policy.
Write to us
You can also email us at contact.sg@fwd.com.
Call us
Alternatively, you can call us at +65-6820-8888 if you prefer to speak to our
customer service team.
Step 1 The first thing you should do is talk to one of our consultants about your concerns or
complaints. Call our hotline at +65 6820 8888 (9am to 10pm – Mondays to Fridays,
9am to 1pm - Saturdays (excluding public holidays)). The consultant may be able to
Talk to us
resolve your concerns or complaints. If not, they may refer you to a manager.
The consultant will try to resolve your complaints or concerns as soon as possible.
Step 2 If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved, you can write to:
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How to reach us
Step 3 If we cannot arrive at a mutual agreement, you may approach the FIDReC, a free, independent and
fair dispute resolution centre for resolution of disputes between financial institutions and consumers.
You can lodge your concerns or complaints by post, online, or in-person. The FIDReC’s details are:
Seek an external
review from Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre
the Financial 36 Robinson Road
Industry Disputes #15-01 City House
Resolution Centre Singapore 068877
(FIDReC) Tel: +65 6327 8878
Email: info@fidrec.com.sg
Website: www.fidrec.com.sg
You need to remember to quote your policy number in any communication with us or with FIDReC.
Step 4 Any unresolved dispute must first be referred to FIDReC as above. If the sum involved in
the dispute is outside the jurisdiction of FIDReC, you agree to resolve the dispute through
mediation via the Singapore Mediation Centre in accordance with their mediation rules.
Mediation and
If you agree to take part in the mediation, you and we will be required to agree to
participate in good faith and agree to adhere to the terms of any settlement reached.
If you choose not to take part in mediation or if mediation fails, the dispute will be referred
to arbitration in Singapore according to the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International
Arbitration Centre that apply at the point in time. The outcome of the arbitration will be final.
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Important words and phrases
The list below explains the meanings of important words and phrases shown in your policy.
Accident or Accidental Refers to a sudden, unexpected and unintentional event occurring during the period of
insurance that is the only cause of damage or injury to a person, or his or her property’s
external appearance.
Child(ren) Who is/are 21 years of age or younger or up to 25 years of age if they are still studying
full-time on the coverage start date.
Endorsement An extra document attached to your policy that outlines any adjustments that we make
to your policy.
Family member Your spouse or legally recognised partner, children, parents, brothers and sisters,
parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in- law, grandparents, grandparents-in-law,
daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, or grandchildren.
Initial trip deposit The first booking you make for your trip. This can include bookings made for your
transportation, accommodation, or entertainment tickets. Entertainment tickets
include tickets to concerts, sports events, theater performances, amusement parks and
other entertainment purposes.
Injury Damage or harm caused to the body by an external force suffered during the period of
insurance and which is caused only by an accident.
Jewellery Objects such as rings, bracelets, brooches, necklaces, bangles, earrings, watches
(excluding smart watches and fitness trackers), lockets or any ornamental accessory
worn on the body which has inclusions of precious metals or precious or semi-precious
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Important words and phrases
Medically necessary The medical service, procedure or supply is necessary according to a medical
practitioner to treat an accidental injury (or illness if applicable).
Also, that medical service, procedure, or supply is:
■ necessary because your medical condition will be negatively affected without it;
■ widely accepted within the medical profession in Singapore, or the country of
treatment, as being effective, appropriate and essential to treat the injury or illness
based on recognised medical standards of the specialty involved;
■ not for cosmetic or aesthetic purposes;
■ not elective, preventative or screening in nature;
■ not for your personal convenience or comfort, or for you to make a profit; and
■ not experimental, unless it is widely recognised by the medical profession in
Singapore as having the potential to become part of conventional western medicine.
Medical practitioner A person who has a medical degree, is licensed or registered in the country in which
they operate, and is accredited by a medical board or equivalent organisation to render
medical services, in the region they practice.
Natural disaster Any event or force of nature that has catastrophic financial or environmental
consequences, or loss of human life, such as an earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption,
flood, typhoon or hurricane. Weather conditions that cause little or no effect on
financial, environmental or human loss will not be considered a natural disaster.
Period of insurance The period of time between the coverage start date and coverage end date (both
inclusive) as shown in the Travel insurance summary.
Policy The contract of insurance between you and us. It is made up of the documents listed
below. We will provide them to you in electronic form.
■ This policy wording;
■ Your policy summary;
■ Any endorsement to your policy.
Rebooking fees Reasonable transport expenses (for air, sea or land travel) and accommodation
expenses together with any administrative fees incurred by you to make the trip after
postponing the original trip.
Scheduled public transport Includes modes of transports like planes, buses, ferries and trains that are pre-booked,
where advanced booking or reservation of your seats are required. They must be run by
a licensed carrier or operator to carry fare-paying passengers, and must operate on a
schedule with specific and pre-defined routes and timings set by the operator. This
excludes any taxis, private hire vehicles, or any other ride-hailing or on-demand
services, as well as transportation privately arranged for tours.
Travel companion A person with a travel reservation or confirmation to accompany you on your trip.
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Important words and phrases
Travel insurance summary The document attached to your policy. The summary shows important information
about your policy, including the following:
■ policy number;
■ policyholder and insured’s details;
■ plan name;
■ geographical area;
■ the period of insurance;
■ your premium details;
■ the optional benefits that you paid additional premium for.
We, us, and our FWD Singapore Pte Ltd, the issuer of your policy.
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