ITS - 010 - Rev - 0 - Ev - Bolts - Tighteening - NEW LOGO
ITS - 010 - Rev - 0 - Ev - Bolts - Tighteening - NEW LOGO
ITS - 010 - Rev - 0 - Ev - Bolts - Tighteening - NEW LOGO
n. ITS 010 1 7 0
sheet of rev.
Cassinelli Betti Neroni
rev. date description pag. compiled cheched approv
N° ITS 001 rev. Commessa/Job N° foglio/sheet 2 di/of 6
This specification is applied when bolts tightening values are missing in the drawing.
The technical specification includes the tightening values in the two following conditions :
“Without lubrication” : means fasteners and nuts as well as provided from the supplier
Normally (except for slew bearing fixing) lubrication of washers support plane is not required.
NOTE : If the screws are provided “hot galvanized”, reduce to 90% values above.
N° ITS 001 rev. Commessa/Job N° foglio/sheet 3 di/of 6
Length of
TYPE SCREW class tightening elongation torque
[mm] [mm] [Nm]
GS 360 P
Tightening torques for fixing turret-slew bearing-chassis are determined by the elongation
method , this procedure must be performed from our internal test on a sample of 4 bolts for
each length of tightening.
The average of the tightening torques obtained shall be the tightening torque to adopt in
the yard, with bolts of the same supply and in the same lubrication condition of the threads
(screws, nuts and contact surfaces) according to the following instructions.
As an alternative of what written above the stud bolt tensioner can be used extending the
N° ITS 001 rev. Commessa/Job N° foglio/sheet 4 di/of 6
For the fixing of the slew bearing on the turret and later to the chassis, carefully
follow the operative activities described:
a) verify that the screws concerning the type, lenght and diameter correspond to those
indicated in the drawings;
c) Clean the screws, bolts and washers by degreasing product and dry them by
compressed air;
d) Place the bolts as indicate in the drawing, pay attention the washers plane has to be
clean and burr free, the washers have to be placed with the internal round towards
the head of the screw;
e) grease using “Molikote” grease the thread of the protruding screws, the bolts and the
washers plane;
g) tighten the bolts by a pneumatic (or equivalent) wrench till 100 kgm in a cross
sequence for the first 16 bolts. Complete the operation for the remaining bolts in
whatever sequence;
h) tighten the bolts at 80% of the nominal elongation using a stud bolt tensioner or a
dynamometric wrench in a cross sequence for the first 16 bolts. Complete the
operation for the remaining bolts in whatever sequence;
i) complete the tightening at 100% of the nominal value in a cross sequence for the first
16 bolts. Complete the operation for the remaining bolts in whatever sequence.
Evaluate the real torque to achieve the prescribed elongation by a preliminary test performed
on at least 3 sample bolts using a dial gauge.
N° ITS 001 rev. Commessa/Job N° foglio/sheet 5 di/of 6
Normally controlled tightening is not required for this kind of bolts, otherwise refers to the
following table.
N° ITS 001 rev. Commessa/Job N° foglio/sheet 6 di/of 6
mm Nm kg m Nm kg m