NWchem Tdopt
NWchem Tdopt
NWchem Tdopt
© 2013 American Chemical Society 5490 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct4007772 | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5490−5503
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Article
(A − B)iaσjbτ = δστδabδij(εaσ − εiσ ) + cxδστ[(jaσ |ibσ ) The most significant consequence of eq 8 is that derivatives of
the Lagrangian functional with respect to geometric perturba-
− (abσ |ijσ )] (3) tions or external fields (for polarizabilities) can be evaluated by
keeping the MO coefficients fixed at the ground state optimized
In eqs 2 and 3, fxc
στ is the XC kernel values. This enables gradients of the excitation energy to be
5491 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct4007772 | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5490−5503
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Article
calculated at a cost comparable to a ground state energy Q iaσ = Hia+σ(T) + ∑ {(X + Y )ibσ Hab+ σ[(X + Y)]
gradient. Evaluation of eq 8 is required to determine the b
Lagrange multipliers and makes frequent use of the trans- −
+ (X − Y )ibσ Habσ [(X − Y)]}
formation from atomic orbital (AO) indices (μ, ν, λ, κ, ...) to
MO indices. For an arbitrary quantity Vpqσ, this transformation +2 ∑ [giaxcσkcτldυ](X + Y )kcτ (X + Y )ldυ
kcτldυ (14)
can be written as
Q aiσ = ∑ {(X + Y )jaσ H ji+σ[(X + Y )]
Vpqσ = ∑ CμpσVμνσCνqσ j
μν (9)
+ (X − Y)jaσ H −jiσ[(X − Y)]} (15)
The derivatives on the right-hand side of eq 8 can be
evaluated by employing the definitions of G[X,Y,ω], the Fock Q abσ = ω ∑ {(X + Y )iaσ (X − Y )ibσ + (X − Y )iaσ
matrix, and overlap matrix. For the Fock and overlap matrices, i
+ (rpυ|qsυ)]]Vrsτ (17)
∑ ∑ Wrsτ rsτ Cμqσ = (1 + δpq)Wpqσ −
H pqσ [V ] = ∑ {[cxδστ[(rqσ |psσ ) − (qsσ |prσ )]]}Vrsτ
μ rsτ , r ≤ s
∂Cμpσ (11) rsτ (18)
For the functional G[X,Y,ω], the derivatives of the orbital where the vector T is the unrelaxed one-particle difference
rotation Hessians with respect to the MO coefficients are density matrix, defined as
required. 1
Tabτ = ∑ {(X + Y )iaτ (X + Y )ibτ
2 i
∂G[X, Y, ω]
Q pqσ = ∑ Cμqσ + (X − Y )iaτ (X − Y )ibτ } (19)
μ ∂Cμpσ
⎧ 1
1 ⎪ ∂ Tijτ = − ∑ {(X + Y )iaτ (X + Y )jaτ
= ∑ (X + Y )kcτ ⎨∑ [(A + B)kcτldυ ] 2 a
2 kcτldυ ⎩ μ ∂Cμpσ
+ (X − Y )iaτ (X − Y )jaτ } (20)
⎪ 1
× Cμqσ ⎬(X + Y )ldυ + ∑ (X − Y )kcτ Tiaτ = Taiτ = 0 (21)
⎭ 2 kcτldυ
and the third derivative of the XC functional is
⎧ ⎫
⎪ ∂ ⎪
× ⎨∑ [(A − B)kcτldυ ]Cμqσ ⎬(X − Y )ldυ xc δ 3E xc
⎩ μ ∂Cμpσ
⎭ gστυ =
δρσ (r ) δρτ (r′) δρυ (r″) (22)
By combining eqs 13 through 16 with eqs 10 and 11, four
These derivatives lead to lengthy expressions but may be linear equations are obtained that enable the Lagrange
simplified by looking at different blocks of the matrix Qpqσ. For multipliers Z and W to be determined.
the occupied−occupied block (p = i ≤ q = j), occupied−virtual Q ijσ + Hij+σ[Z] = (1 + δij)Wijσ (23)
block (p = i and q = a), virtual−occupied block (p = a and q =
i), and virtual−virtual block (p = a ≤ q = b), the expressions Q iaσ + εaσ Ziaσ + Hia+σ[Z] = Wiaσ (24)
Q aiσ + εiσ Ziaσ = Wiaσ (25)
Q ijσ = ω ∑ {(X + Y )iaσ (X − Y )jaσ + (X − Y )iaσ
a Q abσ = (1 + δab)Wabσ (26)
× (X + Y )jaσ } − ∑ εaσ {(X + Y )iaσ (X + Y )jaσ Taking the difference between eqs 24 and 25, it is possible to
a evaluate Z
+ (X − Y )iaσ (X − Y )jaσ } + Hij+σ[T] ∑ (A + B)iaσjbτ Zjbτ = −R iaσ
+2 ∑ [gijxcσkcτldυ](X + Y )kcτ (X + Y )ldυ jbτ (27)
kcτldυ (13) where the right-hand side vector is
5492 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct4007772 | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5490−5503
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Article
R iaσ = Hia+σ[T] + ∑ {(X + Y )ibσ Hab+ σ[(X + Y)] Table 1. Definitions of the XC Functionalsa
functional definition
+ (X − Y )ibσ Habσ [(X − Y)]} LDA Slater + VWN 5
BP86 Becke 88 + Perdew 86
+2 ∑ [giaxcσkcτldυ](X + Y )kcτ (X + Y )ldυ
BLYP Becke 88 + LYP
− ∑ {(X + Y )jaσ H ji+σ[(X − Y)] B3LYP Slater (80%) + Becke 88 (nonlocal, 72%) + HF Exchange (20%)
j + LYP (81%) + VWN 1 RPA (19%)
PBE0 PBEx (75%) + HF Exchange (25%) + PBEc
+ (X + Y )jaσ H ji−σ[(X − Y)]} (28) BHLYP Slater (50%) + Becke 88 (nonlocal, 50%) + HF Exchange (50%)
The Lagrange multiplier W can be evaluated after we obtain Z CAM- CAM-Becke 88 (α = 0.19, β = 0.46, ω = 0.33) + LYP
1 LC-PBE CAM-PBE (α = 0.00, β = 1.00, ω = 0.30) + PBEc
Wijσ = (Q + Hij+σ[Z])
1 + δij ijσ LC-PBE0 CAM-PBE (α = 0.25, β = 0.75, ω = 0.30) + PBEc
BNL Baer−Neuhauser−Livshits (α = 0.00, β = 1.00, ω = 0.33) + LYP
LC- LC-ωPBE (α = 0.00, β = 1.00, ω = 0.30) + PBEc
1 ωPBE
Wabσ = Q
1 + δab abσ (30) LC- LC-ωPBE (α = 0.20, β = 0.80, ω = 0.20) + PBEc
Wiaσ = Q aiσ + εiσ Ziaσ LC-BLYP CAM-Becke 88 (α = 0.00, β = 1.00, ω = 0.33) + LYP
(31) a
The table is separated between the local and semilocal functionals,
With Z and W, the gradient of the Lagrangian can be evaluated global hybrids, and long-range corrected hybrids. For the latter, we
to obtain the gradient of the excitation energy. The expression report the α, β, and ω parameters.
for the gradient of the excitation energy is
(TDA) can be used to evaluate gradients for restricted singlet,
ωξ = ∑ hμνξPμνσ − ∑ SμνξWμνσ restricted triplet, and unrestricted calculations.
μνσ μνσ 2.2. Calculating Vibronic Coupling Parameters. The
xc(ξ) vibronic coupling parameters (dimensionless displacements)
+ ∑ V μνσ Pμνσ + ∑ (μν|κλ)ξ Γμνσκλτ are related to the gradient of the excited state energy (E0k,
μνσ μνκλστ
which is equivalent to ω from section 2.1) along normal mode
+ ∑ f μνσκλτ (X + Y )μνσ (X + Y )κλτ Qa. This is shown in Figure 1. In this section, the normal mode
μνκλστ (32)
Figure 2. Structures of organic dye molecules used in this work. The numbered dyes correspond to those presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Absorption Maxima, Emission Maxima, and Stokes Shifts (S.S.) for a Test Set of Dye Molecules Using BLYP, LC-
BLYP, B3LYP, and CAM-B3LYP Using the 6-31G* Basis Seta
dye Abs. Em. S.S. Abs. Em. S.S. Abs. Em. S.S. Abs. Em. S.S. S.S.
1 3.09 2.12 0.97 3.72 3.04 0.68 3.55 2.72 0.83 3.79 3.07 0.72 0.86b
2 3.68 3.62 0.06 5.00 4.79 0.21 4.16 4.06 0.10 4.73 4.56 0.17 0.23c
3 2.84 2.16 0.68 4.00 3.54 0.46 3.36 2.85 0.51 3.85 3.48 0.37 0.44d
4 2.63 2.49 0.14 3.71 3.34 0.37 3.11 2.90 0.21 3.58 3.26 0.32 0.19e
5 1.94 1.87 0.07 1.97 1.77 0.20 2.09 2.01 0.08 2.08 1.94 0.14 0.02f
6 1.99 1.26 0.73 2.70 2.45 0.25 2.31 2.09 0.22 2.64 2.41 0.23 0.10e
7 3.16 (I) − 3.97 3.31 0.66 3.54 2.93 0.61 3.88 3.29 0.59 0.68g
8 2.14 1.90 0.14 3.15 2.60 0.55 2.49 2.16 0.33 2.78 2.45 0.33 0.36h
9 1.94 1.89 0.05 1.96 1.83 0.13 2.09 2.02 0.07 2.07 1.97 0.10 0.02f
10 1.47 1.29 0.18 1.97 1.94 0.03 1.94 1.76 0.18 2.13 2.11 0.02 −
ME 0.07 0.08 0.01 0.02
MAE 0.18 0.10 0.06 0.08
RMSD 0.26 0.12 0.07 0.09
Values are given in eV. Instabilities in the optimized excited state are labeled (I). Mean errors (ME), mean absolute errors (MAE), and root mean
square deviations (RMSD) are reported in eV in comparison to experiment. bReference 93. See text for discussion. cReference 94. dReference 95.
Reference 96. fReference 100. gReferences 97 and 98. hReference 99.
by 0.98 to account for anharmonicity in the normal modes and functionals to determining accurate Stokes shifts. Sections
limitations of the basis set.88−91 4.2−4.4 use the excited state energy gradients to evaluate
vibronic coupling parameters, illustrating the capabilities of the
code for studying radicals, molecules with charge-transfer
The results presented in this section show applications of the
analytical excitation energy gradient implementation to a set of excitations, and fluorescent dyes. In section 4.5, the timings of
selected systems. Section 4.1 highlights the available excited the current development version of the TDDFT gradient code
state geometry optimization code for several types of XC are shown.
5495 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct4007772 | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5490−5503
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Article
Figure 3. (a) Absorption (green and violet lines) and fluorescence (red and blue lines) spectra from 2,3,5-trifluorobenzaldehyde in the syn and anti
conformations. (b) Simulated fluorescence spectra of the syn and anti conformations compared with the experimental fluorescence spectrum.93
Results are calculated with B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ.
4.1. Absorption and Emission by Organic Dyes. In this hydroxybenzylidene-2,3-dimethylimidazolinone) are more sen-
section, we investigate the dependence of Stokes shifts on the sitive to the amount of HF exchange, and the most accurate
XC functional for 10 organic chromophores. The test set functional is the range separated hybrid LC-BLYP. For dyes 3
includes the chromophores used in ref 92, which are illustrated and 7, this is a consequence of the S1 ← S0 transition involving
in Figure 2. Dye molecules 1−6, 8, and 9 have experimentally an intramolecular charge transfer event. It was not possible to
measured absorption and fluorescence spectra in the gas phase, optimize the bright excited state of dye 7 using BLYP due to
allowing a direct comparison of the Stokes shifts with the the presence of a nearby spurious charge transfer transition. On
calculated results. Dye 7 (4′-hydroxybenzylidene-2,3-dimethy- the other hand, dye 2 involves excitations of electrons in a
limidazoline) is a model of the chromophore in green highly delocalized π system, where traditional XC functionals
fluorescent protein and only has available absorption and perform poorly in general. Asymptotic corrections to the XC
fluorescent data in the protein environment.97,98 While the functional are known to be important for describing charge
simulations presented here neglect environmental effects, such transfer excitations42,103−113 and potential energy surfa-
as implicit or explicit solvation, this only has a small effect on ces.114,115
the results presented in this section. It should be stressed that The measured absorption spectrum93 of dye 1 shows a
in situations where simulated results are compared with weakly allowed S1 ← S0 transition and strongly allowed S2 ← S0
experiments measured in polar solvents or where environ- transition. Fluorescence for dye 1 was measured by exciting to
mental interactions are important, solvation effects generally the S2 state, but the observed spectrum is largely obscured by
must be included for accurate results.46,101,102 Table 2 presents the overlapping phosphorescence spectrum. On the basis of the
the calculated absorption and emission maxima along with low intensity and proximity to the absorption feature of the S1
Stokes shifts in comparison to the measured results. All excited state, it is likely that the emission comes from the S1 state rather
state geometry optimizations were performed for the lowest than S2, so the excited state optimization in the TDDFT
energy strongly allowed excitation. This usually corresponded calculations was performed for the S1 state. The intense
to the S1 state of the chromophore. phosphorescence and overlapping onset of the S2 state
The experimentally measured Stokes shifts span values absorption with the S1 state absorption make it difficult to
ranging between nearly coincident absorption and emission determine the Stokes shift experimentally. We therefore
maxima (free pthalocyanine, dye 5) to large shifts of ∼0.80 eV simulated the absorption and fluorescence including vibronic
(2,3,5-trifluorobenzaldehyde, dye 1). In general, DFT captures effects to estimate the Stokes shift.
the correct magnitudes of the Stokes shifts but is sensitive to Figure 3a shows the simulated absorption and fluorescence
the choice of XC functional. The BLYP functional, on average, spectra of dye 1. Simulations for both the syn and anti
yields the worst agreement with experimental measurements conformations of the aldehyde were used, although the anti
with a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.18 eV and root-mean- conformation is ∼0.10 eV (774 cm−1) more stable. The spectra
square deviation (RMSD) of 0.26 eV. Inclusion of 20% HF were simulated with the 0−0 peak of the vibronic progression
with the B3LYP functional improves the results substantially for absorption and fluorescence coincident with the exper-
with a MAE of 0.07 eV and RMSD of 0.08 eV. The range imental measurements (26 040 and 26 015 cm−1, respectively)
separated hybrid CAM-B3LYP yields comparable performance for both the syn and anti conformations.93 For the anti
with B3LYP, while LC-BLYP (which includes 100% HF conformation, the absorption and fluorescence spectra show a
exchange at large interelectronic separation) slightly worsens progression in the carbonyl stretching frequency (1730 cm−1).
the agreement with experimental results (MAE = 0.10 eV and The peak of the absorption occurs between the third and fourth
RMSD = 0.12 eV). It is suggested through these results that HF peaks, while the peak of fluorescence occurs at the third peak of
exchange is required to improve the calculation of excited state the progression. This yields an estimated Stokes shift between
properties in these systems. 0.86 and 1.07 eV, in agreement with the values determined
In general, the Stokes shift is best described by the global using the TDDFT optimization.
hybrid B3LYP for the test set presented here. However, dye 2 Figure 3b compares the simulated and measured fluorescence
(coronene), dye 3 (coumarin 153), and dye 7 (4′- spectra of dye 1. The analysis presented in ref 93 determined
5496 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct4007772 | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5490−5503
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Article
Figure 4. (a) Absorption spectrum for the D3 ← D0 transition of the phenoxyl radical complex simulated with B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ (blue line) in
comparison to the experimental spectrum (black line) adapted from ref 124. (b) Simulated resonance Raman spectrum using B3LYP compared with
the experimental spectrum124 at 399 nm.
that the fluorescence almost entirely results from the anti In general, the magnitudes of the differences between simulated
conformation based on DFT calculated frequencies and the and experimental Stokes shifts are comparable to those of
small amount of syn conformers at room temperature. Among section 4.1. However, it is found that the BLYP functional gives
the features marked by arrows in the measured fluorescence the best agreement with experimental data. The overestimation
spectrum, the first, third, fifth, and sixth peaks can be explained of the Stokes shift by the different functionals may be attributed
by emission by the anti conformer. However, the fourth to the neglect of solvent effects on the absorption and
vibronic peak corresponds strongly with the syn conformer. emission.49,125,126
This indicates that emission from both conformers is observed Figure 4 presents the simulated OPA and RRS spectra for the
experimentally, so an isomerization process between the more D3 ← D0 transition of the phenoxyl radical compared with the
stable anti conformer to the syn conformer likely occurs in the experimental spectra of ref 124. The simulated OPA spectrum
excited state. yields many of the observed features in the vibrational
4.2. Optical Processes of the Phenoxyl Radical. The progression, although the features are blueshifted from the
phenoxyl radical is a model system for investigating the tyrosyl positions observed in the experiment. This behavior was also
radical,116 which is important in biological processes such as the observed in a recent study by Santoro et al. regardless of
formation of deoxyribonucleotides,117 water oxidation during whether Duschinsky rotations were included in the simu-
photosynthesis,118 and an important intermediate in the lation.122 Tentatively, we attribute this disagreement to
oxidation of benzene.119 Characterization of the phenoxyl interactions between the solvent and phenoxyl radical that are
radical often proceeds using spectroscopy due to its short not included in the present model. Such effects, including both
lifetime. Simulated and experimental OPA120−122 and explicit and bulk interactions, which have been included in
RRS54,122−124 have facilitated the understanding of the several previous studies of absorption and emission processes,
electronic and structural properties of the phenoxyl radical have been demonstrated to be important.46,49,101,102 The RRS
and enabled characterization of the tyrosyl radical also. spectrum (Figure 4b) shows good agreement with the
Tripathi and Schuler characterized the phenoxyl radical and experimental spectrum. The four most prominent features
its isotopomers using OPA and RRS in aqueous solution (see (528, 990, 1398, and 1505 cm−1) are vibronically coupled to
Figure 4).123,124 The RRS measured on resonance with the 2B1 the electronic transition, and this is captured in the simulation.
← 2A2 transition possesses a broad background between 1300 These results are confirmation that scattering from the
and 1900 cm−1 (between 420 and 440 nm) and is argued to phenoxyl radical results from an A term (Franck−Condon)
result from weak fluorescence of the phenoxyl radical. On the mechanism. Weaker features labeled in the experimental
basis of the experimental OPA and RRS spectra, the Stokes spectrum are absent in the simulations and have been
shift of the phenoxyl radical is 0.21 eV. Table 3 presents demonstrated to arise from Herzberg−Teller coupling terms
simulated results compared with the experimental Stokes shift. that are not included here.122 The peak at 1585 cm−1 in the
simulation is not well resolved in the experiment due to the
broad fluorescence background in that region of the RRS
Table 3. Absorption Maxima, Emission Maxima, and Stokes
Shift (S.S.) for the Phenoxyl Radical Resulting from the D3
4.3. Charge Transfer in a Molecular Host−Guest
← D0 (2B1 ← 2A2) Transition Using BLYP, LC-BLYP,
Complex. The host−guest complex of tetrathiafulvalene
B3LYP, and CAM-B3LYP Using the 6-31G* Basis Seta
(TTF) with cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene) (CBPQT4+) is a
method Abs. Em. S.S. model system for studying analyte binding processes. This
BLYP 3.37 3.07 0.30 complex is shown in Figure 5. It was demonstrated previously
B3LYP 3.59 3.27 0.32 that resonance Raman scattering is a powerful analytical
CAM-B3LYP 3.81 3.44 0.37 technique for determining binding energies while also obtaining
LC-PBE 3.85 3.45 0.40 structural information about complexation.127 The formation of
Exp. 3.11 2.90 0.21 the TTF⊂CBPQT4+ complex results in an excited state located
at 865 nm, which is caused by an intermolecular charge transfer
Values are given in eV. The experimental data is from ref 124. (CT) state between TTF and CBPQT4+. The simulated
5497 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct4007772 | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5490−5503
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Article
Figure 6. (a) Absorption spectra of the TTF⊂CBPQT4+ complex simulated with B3LYP and LC-ωPBE in comparison to the experimental spectrum
(black line). (b) Simulated resonance Raman spectra using B3LYP and LC-ωPBE compared with the experimental spectrum127 at 785 nm.
Acetonitrile solvent lines in the resonance Raman spectrum are designated with MeCN.
Figure 8. Absorption spectra of rhodamine 6G using different XC functionals in comparison with experimental data.130 Spectra are shifted so that
the absorption maximum coincides with the experimental absorption maximum.
Figure 9. Resonance Raman spectra of rhodamine 6G using different XC functionals. Simulations are performed assuming a wavelength of 514.5 nm.
have spectra comparable to the global hybrid functionals. It was these methods. Surprisingly, however, CAM-B3LYP, LC-PBE,
thought, because long-range corrected hybrids generally use LC-ωPBE, and LC-ωPBEh do not possess problems in the
100% HF exchange at large interelectronic separations, that a OPA spectrum, so further investigation requires the vibrational
pure HF calculation might elaborate on deficiencies of some of information provided by RRS.
these functionals. The HF calculation gives similar results to Figure 9 shows the RRS spectra of rhodamine 6G using the
BNL and LC-PBE0, demonstrating the connection between same functionals. For comparison, the experimental surface-
5499 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct4007772 | J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2013, 9, 5490−5503
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Article
Table 5. CPU Timings (s) for a TDDFT Energy + Gradient multiprogram national laboratory operated for DOE by the
of P2TA (Dye 10 in Figure 2) and TDDFT Gradient of the Battelle Memorial Institute under Contract DE-AC06-76RLO-
First Excited Statea 1830. D.W.S. and L.J. acknowledge support from the U.S.
National Science Foundation under Grant Number CHE-
NCPUs TDDFT energy + gradient TDDFT gradient
0955689. N.G. acknowledges support from the U.S. Depart-
32 3260 1477 ment of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Grant
64 1714 742 No. DESC0008666 of the SciDAC program.
128 969 377
256 687 224
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* Supporting Information
Optimized structures of various dye molecules in the ground (18) Casida, M. E. In Recent Developments and Applications of Modern
state using the B3LYP functional. This material is available free Density Functional Theory; Seminario, J. M., Ed.; Elsevier: Amsterdam,
of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org/.
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(19) Hirata, S.; Head-Gordon, M. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1999, 314, 291.
AUTHOR INFORMATION (20) Stratmann, R. E.; Scuseria, G. E.; Frisch, M. J. J. Chem. Phys.
Corresponding Authors 1998, 109, 8218−8224.
*E-mail: niri.govind@pnl.gov. (21) Masunov, A.; Tretiak, S. J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 899−907.
*E-mail: jensen@chem.psu.edu. (22) Zhao, L. L.; Jensen, L.; Schatz, G. C. Nano Lett. 2006, 6, 1229−
Notes (23) Aikens, C. M. J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113, 10811−10817.
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
(24) Marques, M. A. L.; Gross, E. K. U. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 2004,
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