Deep Work
Deep Work
Deep Work
Do you know the feeling when you are busy the whole day but
when you have a look at what you accomplished it turns out to
be very little?
This is the shallow and distracted work that most people do.
They do not get results even when they work long hours. It is
draining and unfulfilling. The mind cannot unfold its potential
when it is scattered.
Deep Work
What is deep work? Cal Newport defines deep work as:
Deep work allows you to finish tasks that usually take 8 hours
and do it in 3 hours.
Getting started with deep work
Take same time to go through the steps below to define how you
are going to bring deep work into practice:
1. Define a goal: Find a task that requires deep work and that
you continually want to work on, like writing a book. You
can break down the different chapters into different deep
work sessions.
5. Be lazy: When you are done with your work allow yourself
to relax and stop thinking about work. The work you will do
in the evening is not productive anyways. To ensure a high
quality of work your brain needs rest.
Improve your ability to concentrate
The fact that it’s uncomfortable only shows you how much you
need to do this. With time doing nothing will become less
draining and the need to grab your phone all the time will go
Now that does not mean that you are never allowed to be
distracted. You do not want to be distracted involuntarily. You
are the one who decides. Which brings me to the last point…
Set times during the day where you allow yourself to play with
your phone, browse the web or do whatever you want. When
you find yourself wanting to check Twitter you can say to
yourself “wait, it’s not the time yet”. This makes saying no to
distractions much easier.
Whatever you do, keep in mind that your work sessions and
how you live your life are not separated. When you binge watch
tiktok the night before you can’t expect to be focused the next
morning. Every single thing you do affects everything else you
The perfect deep work session
After we have laid out the foundation, it is time to start your first
deep work session.
First you should set a specific goal for your work session and
only work on one thing during that session.
Once you have determined the task you want to work on, block
out a time slot to work on it. You should have nothing else to
think or worry about at this time.
your brain to associate the music with a concentrated state and
will help you to focus faster.
That’s it.
Follow these steps and you can easily double your productivity.
With practice you will get even better at this. While you might
only be able to perform 1 hour of deep work in the beginning
you can train and work your way up to 4 hours. I would not
recommend doing more than 4 hours a day of deep work as
your ability to focus will decrease strongly after that time. Go
hard for 4 hours and then go out and enjoy the rest of the day,
you earned it!
If you want to take your productivity to the next level and get
better results effortlessly, check out my course Flow and Focus.