Atys-Iec61439 Technical-Guide 2016-11 Doc224023 en
Atys-Iec61439 Technical-Guide 2016-11 Doc224023 en
Atys-Iec61439 Technical-Guide 2016-11 Doc224023 en
ATyS p ATyS d
I-0-II 4P I-0-II 4P
The ATyS are three-phase motorised transfer switches with positive break indication. They enable the on load transfer of two three-phase
supplies via remote volt-free contacts, from either an external automatic controller, using pulse logic, or a switch for a very basic version. The
most pronounced version in automatic mode enable the monitoring of, and the on load transfer switching between, two power supply sources, in
accordance with the parameters configured via pushbuttons and an LCD screen.
They are intended for use in low voltage power systems where interruption of the load supply is acceptable during transfer.
This quick-acting source transfer switch incorporates:
1. Power Section: transfer switch assembly 2 3 4 5 6
with inherent mechanical interlock
2. Front: switch number 1 terminals (3 or 4 pole)
3. Back-plate mounting ATYS fixing lugs
4. Back: switch number 2 terminals (3 or 4 pole)
5. Switch position indication window: I (On) – O (Off) – II (On)
6. ATS control module with integrated dual power supply
7. Motorized Control Unit 7
8. Motor housing
9. Green LED Indication: power 8
10. Auto / Manual mode selector switch 17 9
11. Emergency manual operation “Direct Handle”
12. Red LED Indication: Product Unavailable / 10
Manual Mode / Fault Condition
13. Padlocking facility
(up to 3 padlocks of dia. 4 – 8mm)
Facility for locking all controls in the zero position
using a RONIS EL11AP Lock 11
14. Output contacts x 4 (position indication I-O-II
and product availability outputs)
16 15 14 13 12
15. Input contacts
16. Sliders for terminal shields
17. Emergency manual operation shaft location
(accessible only in manual mode)
Description No. of poles Part number Aux. supply Switch type Application
3P 9523 3***
ATYS r Remote Transfer Switch Equipment
4P 9523 4*** Remote Transfer
3P 9533 3*** Switch (RTS)
ATYS d Dual power supply
4P 9533 4***
3P 9543 3*** Automatic controller to manage mains/
ATYS t 230 VAC
4P 9543 4*** mains applications
3P 9553 3*** Automatic Transfer Automatic controller to manage mains/
4P 9553 4*** Switch (ATS) genset applications
3P 9573 3*** Functions for energy management
4P 9573 4*** communication options
** - stands for a two caracters of a partnumber depending on the rating of the switch
800 to 3200 A / B6 to B8
Thermal current Ith at 40°C 800 A 1000 A 1250 A 1600 A 2000 A 2500 A 3200 A
Frame size B6 B6 B6 B7 B8 B8 B8
Rated insulation voltage Ui (V) (power circuit) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp (kV) (power circuit) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Rated insulation voltage Ui (V) (operation circuit) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp (kV) (operation circuit) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Rated operational currents Ie (A) according to IEC 60947-6-1
Rated voltage Utilisation category A/B(1) A/B(1) A/B(1) A/B(1) A/B(1) A/B(1) A/B(1)
415 VAC AC-31 B 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200
415 VAC AC-32 B 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2000 2000
415 VAC AC-33 B 800 800 800 1000 1250 1250 1250
Rated operational currents Ie (A) according to IEC 60947-3
Rated voltage Utilisation category A/B(1) A/B(1) A/B(1) A/B(1) A/B(1) A/B(1) A/B(1)
415 VAC AC-20 A / AC-20 B 800/800 1000/1000 1250/1250 1600/1600 2000/2000 2500/2500 3200/3200
415 VAC AC-21 A / AC-21 B 800/800 1000/1000 1250/1250 1600/1600 -/2000 -/2500 -/3200
415 VAC AC-22 A / AC-22 B 800/800 1000/1000 1250/1250 1600/1600 -/2000 -/2500 -/3200
415 VAC AC-23 A / AC-23 B 800/800 1000/1000 1250/1250 1250/1250 -/1600 -/1600 -/1600
500 VAC AC-20 A / AC-20 B 800/800 1000/1000 1250/1250 1600/1600 2000/2000 2500/2500 3200/3200
500 VAC AC-21 A / AC-21 B 800/800 1000/1000 1250/1250 1600/1600 -/2000 -/2500 -/3200
500 VAC AC-22 A / AC-22 B 630/630 800/800 1000/1000 1600/1600
500 VAC AC-23 A / AC-23 B 400/400 630/630 800/800 1000/1000
Fuse protected short-circuit withstand as per IEC 60947-3 at 415 VAC
Prospective short-circuit current (kA rms) 50 100 100 100
Associated fuse rating (A) 800 1000 1250 2 x 800
Circuit breaker protected short-circuit withstand with any circuit breaker that ensures tripping in less than 0.3s(2)
Rated short-time withstand current 0.3s Icw (kA rms) 47 64 64 78 78 78 78
Rated short-circuit withstand without protection
Rated short-time withstand current 60ms Icw (kA rms) as per IEC 60947-6-1 at
16 20 25 32 40 50 50
415 VAC
Rated short-time withstand current 1s Icw (kA rms) as per IEC 60947-3 at 415 VAC 26 35 35 50 50 50 50
Rated peak withstand current (kA peak) as per IEC 60947-3 at 415 VAC 55 55 80 110 120 120 120
Maximum Cu cable cross-section (mm²) 2 x 185 2 x 240
2 x 100 2 x 100 2 x 100
Minimum Cu busbar cross-section (mm²) 2 x 50 x 5 2 x 50 x 5 2 x 60 x 5 2 x 80 x 5
x 10 x 10 x 10
Maximum Cu cable cross-section (mm²) 2 x 300 4 x 185 4 x 185 6 x 185
Maximum Cu busbar width (mm) 63 63 63 100 100 100 100
Tightening torque mini / maxi (Nm) 20/26 20/26 20/26 40/45 40/45 40/45 40/45
Switching time (Standard setting)
I - II or II - I (s) 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2 2 2
I-0 or II-0 (s) 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1 1 1
Duration of "electrical blackout" I - II (s) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1 1 1
Power supply
min / max (VAC) 166/332 166/332 166/332 166/332 166/332 166/332 166/332
Control supply power demand
Power supply 230 VAC inrush / nominal (VA) - ATYS 460/184 460/184 460/184 460/230 812/322 812/322 812/322
Power supply 230 VAC inrush / nominal (VA) - ATYS d, t, g, p 482/206 482/206 482/206 482/252 834/344 834/344 834/344
Mechanical characteristics
Durability (number of operating cycles) 4 000 4 000 4 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000
Weight ATYS 3/4 P (kg) 27.9/32.2 28.4/32.9 28.9/33.6 33.1/39.4 50.7/61.6 50.7/61.6 61.0/75.3
Weight ATYS d 3/4 P (kg) 28.5/32.8 29.0/33.5 29.5/34.2 33.7/40.0 51.3/62.2 51.3/62.2 61.6/75.9
Weight ATYS r, t, g, p 3/4 P (kg) 29.0/33.3 29.5/34.0 30.0/34.7 34.2/40.5 51.8/62.7 51.8/62.7 62.1/76.4
(1) Category with index A = frequent operation - Category with index B = infrequent operation.
(2) Value for coordination with any circuit-breaker that ensures tripping in less than 0.3s.
For coordination with specific circuit-breaker references, higher short-circuit current values are
available. Please consult us.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
D Enclosure Cabinet compartment
Kn = 1 Kn = 0,87 Kn = 0,94 Kn = 0,81
Dimensions of the Functional Unit Mounting Kn = 0,88
Max operational current, le (A) Kn = 0,75 Kn = 0,68
H (mm) W (mm) D (mm) Enclosure Orientation 125 A 160 A 200 A 250 A 315 A 400 A 500 A 630 A
Fig. 1/2 V(2) 125 160 200 250 300 370
400 500 320
Fig. 1/2 H(2) 125 150 180 250 290 330
Fig. 1/2 V(2) 315 400 470 500
600 500 330
Fig. 1/2 H (2)
300 360 450 500
800 600 400 Fig. 1 V(2) 500 630
Min cross-section, mm2
Insulated flat copper braids (mm2) P/N 4516 xxxx 25 25 50 50 120 120 240 240
Cable (mm2) 50 70 95 120 185 240 2 x 150 2 x 185
Cu busbar (mm2) 2 x 30 x 5 2 x 40 x 5
Kn = 0,88 Kn = 0,75 Kn = 0,68
Heat dissipation
Rating (A) 800 1000 1250 1600 1800 2000 2500 3200
Switch heat dissipation W/pole 41.7 46.9 80 122 153 178 255 330
VL 160X VL 160 VL 250 VL 400 VL 630 VL 800 VL 1200 VL 1600 VF 1250 VL 2500
lcu 3VL1 3VL2 3VL3 3VL4 3VL5 3VL6 3VL7 3VL8 3VF7 3VF8
ln 70 kA 100 kA 100 kA 100 kA 100 kA 100 kA 100 kA 100 kA 68 kA 64 kA
125 A 27 25 - - - - - - - -
160 A 27 25 - - - - - - - -
200 A 27 25 - - - - - - - -
250 A 54 48 43 - - - - - - -
315 A T T T 26 23 21 - - - -
400 A T T T 26 23 21 - - - -
500 A T T T 53 46 40 - - - -
630 A T T T 53 46 40 - - - -
800 A T T T 80 70 63 27 27 - -
1000 A T T T T T T 47 47 44 40
1250 A T T T T T T 47 47 44 40
1600 A T T T T T T T 75 T 64
1800 A T T T T T T T T T 64
2000 A T T T T T T T T T T
2500 A T T T T T T T T T T
3200 A T T T T T T T T T T
800 A T T T T T T T 40 40 40 40 25 25
1000 A T T T T T T T T T T T 40 40
1250 A T T T T T T T T T T T 40 40
1600 A T T T T T T T T T T T T T
1800 A T T T T T T T T T T T T T
2000 A T T T T T T T T T T T T T
DOC 224023 - 12 / 16
2500 A T T T T T T T T T T T T T
3200 A T T T T T T T T T T T T T
* - Subjected to MCCB’s short circuit current liming curves reading precision and data. T- coordination possible up to the Max Icu value of the breaker
Values are based on characteristics published by breaker manufacturers at the time of the publication. Socomec cannot be held responsible for any modifications of those characteristics or for non-
performance of circuit breakers