Iso 3308 2012

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Fifth edition

Routine analytical cigarette-smoking

machine — Definitions and standard
Machine à fumer analytique de routine pour cigarettes — Définitions
et conditions normalisées


ISO 3308:2012

Reference number
ISO 3308:2012(E)

© ISO 2012
ISO 3308:2012(E)


ISO 3308:2012


© ISO 2012
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the
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Published in Switzerland

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ISO 3308:2012(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Standard conditions........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Machine pressure drop..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Puff duration.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.3 Puff volume................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.4 Puff frequency........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.5 Puff profile................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.6 Restricted smoking............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.7 Puff number................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
4.8 Cigarette holder....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.9 Cigarette position.................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
4.10 Ashtray position...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Specification for the routine analytical smoking machine........................................................................................ 6
5.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
5.2 Operating principle and puff profile...................................................................................................................................... 7
Reliability and compensation...................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.4 Cigarette holders and smoke traps......................................................................................................................................... 8
Test atmosphere..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.6 Puff counting.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.7 ISO 3308:2012
Ignition............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Smoking enclosure............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Annex A (normative) Ambient air flow around cigarettes in routine analytical smoking machines:
Control and monitoring...............................................................................................................................................................................11
Annex B (informative) Description of the puffing mechanism of a piston-type smoking machine..18
Annex C (informative) Diagrammatic representation of a puff profile..........................................................................23
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25

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ISO 3308:2012(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies
casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 3308 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 126, Tobacco and tobacco products.
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 3308:2000), which has been technically
revised. Subclause 5.8, the last formula in Annex C and the figures have been editorially revised. It
also incorporates the amendment ISO 3308:2000/Amd.1 2009.
ISO 3308:2012

iv  © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved

ISO 3308:2012(E)

Experience and knowledge gained from the use of analytical cigarette-smoking machines has highlighted
a need to specify certain requirements, which are addressed in this International Standard.
No machine smoking regime can represent all human smoking behaviour:
— it is recommended that cigarettes also be tested under conditions of a different intensity of machine
smoking than those specified in this International Standard;
— machine smoking testing is useful to characterize cigarette emissions for design and regulatory
purposes, but communication of machine measurements to smokers can result in misunderstandings
about differences in exposure and risk across brands;
— smoke emission data from machine measurements may be used as inputs for product hazard
assessment, but they are not intended to be nor are they valid as measures of human exposure or
risks. Communicating differences between products in machine measurements as differences in
exposure or risk is a misuse of testing using ISO standards.


ISO 3308:2012

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ISO 3308:2012

Routine analytical cigarette-smoking machine —

Definitions and standard conditions

1 Scope
This International Standard:
— defines smoking parameters and specifies the standard conditions to be provided for the routine
analytical machine smoking of cigarettes;
— specifies the requirements for a routine analytical smoking machine complying with the
standard conditions.
Annex A specifies the ambient air velocities surrounding cigarettes in a routine analytical smoking
machine, the mechanical design of the enclosures immediately surrounding them, and the methods of
air velocity measurement including the location where air velocity is measured.
Annex B describes, as an example, the special characteristics of a typical smoking machine incorporating
a piston type of puffing mechanism.
Annex C includes a diagram of a puff profile and illustrates definitions and standard conditions.
2 Normative references (
The following referenced documents are indispensableISO 3308:2012 for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the
edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3402, Tobacco and tobacco products — Atmosphere for conditioning and testing

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
test atmosphere
atmosphere to which a sample or test piece is exposed throughout the test
NOTE 1 It is characterized by specified values for one or more of the following parameters: temperature,
relative humidity and pressure, which are kept within the specified tolerances.

NOTE 2 The test may be carried out either in the laboratory or in a special chamber termed the “test chamber”,
or in the conditioning chamber, the choice depending on the nature of the test piece and on the test itself. For
example, close control of the test atmosphere may not be necessary if the change in properties of the test piece is
insignificant over the test period.

NOTE 3 Adapted from ISO 558:1980, definition 2.3.

butt length
length of unburnt cigarette remaining at the moment when the smoking is stopped
restricted smoking
condition that exists when the butt end of a cigarette is closed to the atmosphere between successive puffs

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ISO 3308:2012(E)

free smoking
condition that exists when the butt end of a cigarette is completely exposed to the atmosphere between
successive puffs
pressure drop
static pressure difference between the two ends of
— the test piece completely encapsulated in a measuring device such that no air can pass through the
outer membrane (or wrapping); or
— a pneumatic circuit when it is traversed by an air flow under steady conditions in which the measured
volumetric flow, under standard conditions, at the output end is 17,5 ml/s
draw resistance
negative pressure which has to be applied to the butt end, under test conditions (see ISO 3402) in order
to sustain a volumetric flow of 17,5 ml/s, exiting at the butt end, when the cigarette is encapsulated in a
measurement device to a depth of 9 mm
NOTE 1 Any ventilation zones and the tobacco rod are exposed to the atmosphere.

NOTE 2 Measurement values are expressed in pascals (Pa). They used to be expressed in millimetres water
gauge (mm WG). The values given previously in mm WG are converted into pascals using the following conversion
factor: 1 mm WG = 9,8067 Pa.

The concept of draw resistance may also be subjectively judged when a cigarette is smoked by
a consumer/taste panel. Under such circumstances, draw resistance is not measured objectively because the
conditions of the formal definition are not met.

3.7 ISO 3308:2012

puff duration
interval of time during which the port is connected to the suction mechanism
puff volume
volume leaving the butt end of a cigarette and passing through the smoke trap
puff number
number of puffs necessary to smoke a cigarette to a specified butt length
puff frequency
number of puffs in a given time
puff termination
termination of the connection of the port to the suction mechanism
puff profile
flow rate measured directly behind the butt end of a cigarette and depicted graphically as a function of time
dead volume
volume which exists between the butt end of a cigarette and the suction mechanism
cigarette holder
device for holding the mouth end of a cigarette during smoking

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ISO 3308:2012(E)

smoke trap
device for collecting such part of the smoke from a sample of cigarettes as is necessary for the
determination of specified smoke components
aperture of the suction mechanism through which a puff is drawn and to which is attached a smoke trap
element of a smoking machine consisting of one or more cigarette holders, one trap and a means of
drawing a puff through the trap
ability to maintain constant puff volumes and puff profiles when the pressure drop at the port changes
cigarette position
position of a cigarette on the smoking machine
NOTE In particular, it is determined by the angle made by the longitudinal axis of the cigarette and the
horizontal plane when a cigarette is inserted into a cigarette holder in an analytical smoking machine.

mainstream smoke iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
all smoke which leaves the butt end of a cigarette during the smoking process
sidestream smoke ISO 3308:2012
all smoke which leaves a cigarette during the smoking process other than from the butt end
device positioned under the cigarettes in their holders to collect ash falling from the cigarettes
during smoking
clearing puff
any puff taken after the cigarette has been extinguished or removed from the cigarette holder
ambient air flow
air flow around the cigarettes during the smoking process
NOTE See Annex A.

4 Standard conditions

4.1 Machine pressure drop

The whole of the flow path between the butt end of the cigarette and the suction mechanism shall offer
the least possible resistance, and its pressure drop (see 3.5) shall not exceed 300 Pa.

4.2 Puff duration

The standard puff duration (see 3.7) shall be (2,00 ± 0,02) s.

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ISO 3308:2012(E)

4.3 Puff volume

The standard puff volume (see 3.8) measured in series with a pressure drop device of 1 x (1 ± 5 %) kPa
shall be (35,0 ± 0,3) ml. In one puff duration (see 3.7) not less than 95 % of the puff volume shall leave
the butt end of the cigarette.

4.4 Puff frequency

The standard puff frequency (see 3.10) shall be one puff every (60 ± 0,5) s measured over 10
consecutive puffs.

4.5 Puff profile

The puff profile (see 3.12) shall be measured with an impedance of 1 x (1 ± 5 %) kPa as specified in 4.3. It
shall be bell-shaped with a maximum between 0,8 s and 1,2 s from the start of the puff. The increasing and
decreasing parts of the profile shall not have more than one point of inflection each. The maximum flow
rate shall be between 25 ml/s and 30 ml/s (see Annex B). At no point shall the direction of flow be reversed.
NOTE Principles of suction mechanisms using a piston pump to obtain the puff profile are given in Annex B.

4.6 Restricted smoking

An analytical smoking machine shall be a restricted smoker [i.e. fulfil the conditions for restricted
smoking (see 3.3)].
4.7 Puff number
Each individual puff shall be counted and recorded and the puff number (see 3.9) rounded off to the
nearest one-tenth of a puff, based on the puff duration. ISO 3308:2012
4.8 Cigarette holder 598f3e4aed0d/iso-3308-2012

The design of the standard cigarette holder (see 3.14) is such that it shall cover 9,0 mm, with a range of
8,0 mm to 9,5 mm, from the butt end of a cigarette, and shall be impermeable to smoke components and
to air. Labyrinth seals with dimensions appropriate for the diameter of the cigarettes under test shall
be used in the cigarette holder.
Either the cigarette holder or the smoke trap shall be equipped with a perforated disc (washer) of plain
expanded synthetic rubber, closed-cell sponge grade, which partly obstructs the butt end of the cigarette.
The synthetic rubber shall have a density of 150 kg/m3, low swell oil resistance and compression-
deflection range of 35 kPa to 63 kPa. Four labyrinth seals shall be used; the one closest to the butt end
(back seal) shall be reversed. The dimensions of the washer and labyrinth seals are given in Figure 1.
The washer shall be supported by a structure with a hole in its centre of 4 mm diameter.
The axis of the holder shall be within 0° to + 5° of the horizontal and the holder shall ensure that the
cigarette is held within ± 5° of the holder axis.
An example of a suitable assembly is given in Figure 2.
Manufacturing tolerances for the individual components of the cigarette holder result in an uneven
tolerance about the specified 9 mm insertion depth.

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ISO 3308:2012(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

a) Labyrinth seal


ISO 3308:2012

b) Washer
Cigarette diameter A B C
4,5 to 5,49 1,45 2,5 4
5,5 to 6,49 1,7 3 4,5
6,5 to 7,49 1,95 3,5 5,5
7,5 to 9 2,2 4 6,5

Figure 1 — Cigarette holder: Labyrinth seal and perforated disc (washer) (dimensional details)

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ISO 3308:2012(E)

1 labyrinth seals
2 washer support
3 washer
4 labyrinth seal (reversed)
5 labyrinth cap
NOTE Washer support is for use where a central glass fibre smoke trap is used to trap smoke from more than
one cigarette. ISO 3308:2012
Figure 2 — Cigarette holder (schematic)

4.9 Cigarette position

The cigarette holders shall be arranged so that no cigarette influences the burning of any other cigarette.
The cigarette shall be positioned in the holder so that the butt end is in contact with the washer when inserted.
NOTE See 3.19.

4.10 Ashtray position

The ashtray shall be placed in a horizontal plane between 20 mm and 60 mm below the plane of the axes
of the cigarettes.
NOTE See 3.22.

5 Specification for the routine analytical smoking machine

5.1 General
The smoking machine shall comply with the standard conditions (see 4.1 to 4.10) and the special
conditions given in 5.2 to 5.8.

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