Lea 3& Ballistic
Lea 3& Ballistic
Lea 3& Ballistic
This module provides concepts of security and security management that present a general
overview of security. To give better understanding to the students under this course subject, a
definition of security management is given for students to understand the groundwork of the
administrative processes or procedures in the operational environment of security as applied in
the Philippine setting.
Defining Security
Security – It is the state of being safe and the condition of being protected against physical,
social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, or other types of
consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be
considered not desirable.
IT fields
The following are the fields of security classified according to each sphere or subjects;
Data Security – is the means of ensuring that data is kept safe from corruption and that
access to it is suitably controlled. Thus, data security helps to ensure privacy which also helps in
protecting personal data.
Physical security
Physical Security – describes measures that prevent or deter attackers from accessing
a facility, resource, or information stored on physical media. It can be as simple as a locked
door or as elaborated as multiple layers of armed guard posts.
Airport Security -refers to the techniques and methods used in protecting airports and
by extension aircraft from crime and terrorism.
Home Security – are those methods of protecting residential homes or town sites which
include the interior protection of a house against property losses or damages.
Political field
National Security – refers to the requirements to maintain the survival of the nation-
state through the use of economic, military and political power and the exercise of diplomacy.
Financial Security – refer to the methods applied for the protection of fungible,
negotiable instruments representing financial value. It is broadly categorized into debt securities
such as banknotes, bonds and debentures, and equity securities, etc.
Hotel Security – a type of security applied to hotels where its properties are protected
from pilferage, loss, damage, and the function in the hotel restaurants are not disturbed and
troubled by outsiders or the guests themselves. This type of security employs house detectives,
uniforms guards and supervisors and ensures that hotel guests and their personal effects are
Bank Security – this type of security is concerned with bank operations. Its main
objective is the protection of bank cash and assets, its personnel and clientele. Security
personnel are trained to safeguard banks and assets while in storage, in transit and during
VIP Security – a type of security applied for the protection of top-ranking officials of the
government or private entity, visiting persons of illustrious standing and foreign dignitaries.
Schools Security – a type of security that is concerned with the protection of students,
faculty members, and school properties. Security personnel are trained to protect the school
from theft, vandals handling campus riots and detecting the use of intoxicated drugs and alcohol
by the students.
Its purpose is to ensure that a firm hires those best suited to assist the firm in achieving its goal
and objectives and once hired assist in providing necessary security to the workforce while
carrying out their functions.
3. Document and Information Security – this involves the protection of documents and
classified papers from loss, access by unauthorized person, damage, theft and compromise
through disclosure.
Classified documents need special handling. Lack of indoctrination and orientation among the
personal handling of them can result in the leakage, loss, theft and unauthorized disclosure of
the documents.
Management tools such as information classification, risk assessment and risk analysis are
used to identify threats, classify assets and to rate system vulnerabilities so that effective control
can be implemented.
Form of law and consequently form of enforcement can be traced back to the dawn of
civilization. Four thousand years before the birth of Christ in the Nile, Valley, man knew law
enforcement which is security. The Chinese, the Greeks, the Hebrews, the Persians and the
Roman empires are replete with historical background of security. In the Christian era or after
the birth of Christ, the watchman, forerunner of the security guard was known in the old
Security or law enforcement more often than not appeared to be military troops. During the
time that the countries were governed by royal families, military bodyguards or guardsmen
picked from the elite troops composed of the household troops assigned to Royal Families.
Famous among them the Praetorian Guards of Ancient Rome and the Mameluke of Egypt.
Today, the only remaining are the Swiss Guards at the Vatican in Rome.
During the Age of Feudalism, the Anglo-Saxons brought with them the England
organizations made up of individuals to protect civil and military groups. The formal systems of
security during the middle ages follows largely the refinements of existing practices. The Anglo-
Saxons from Germany, for six hundred years consolidated England under a fairly legal system.
The basic ties of society were kinship and the voluntary association between lord and man.
Kinship was the bond on which the individual depends for security and mutual aid in all his
affairs. Between Lord and man, the fact was bilateral. In return for such relationship man
provided the lord with weapons, horses, land and treasures and gave total unswerving loyalty.
The system of social structure was known as the “frank-pledge”; groups of ten householders
were considered a unit called tithing, ten “tithing” constituted the police organization in criminal
matters. During these times the Anglo-Saxons in the exercise of law used the oath or the ordeal
for a system or justice. Failure to appear before the court to answer a charge made one an
In the Philippines, it would be wise to trace the steps leading to the final signing by
President Ferdinand E. Marcos on June 13 1969 of Republic Act 5487, the Private Security
Agency Law. This law was assigned the most important role of the Security Guard Force in
assisting the Police in its mission to safeguard lives and properties. The then Philippine
Constabulary (PC) played a great role in supervising all the Private Constabulary issued Staff
Memo dated August 4, 1969 creating the Philippine Constabulary Security and Investigation
Agency Supervisory Office (PCSIASO). After barely two (2) months another General Staff
Memo was issued renaming PCSIASO to PCSOSIA. On June 29, 1970, it was again renamed
as PC Supervisory Unit for Security and Investigation Agency (SUSIA). However, the
supervision was later on transferred to the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA).
With the intention of continuously professionalizing the security industry, several Presidential
Decrees were issued such as PD No. 11 issued on October 1972, amending certain sections of
RA 5487 particularly Sections 4 as to who may organize a security and watchman agency; PD
100 on January 17, 1973 further amended Sections 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 which permits the
watchman or security guard to assist in cases of emergency disaster or calamity.
With the creation of the Philippine National Police on January 1, 1991 pursuant RA
6975, PCSUSIA became the Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies
(SOSIA) and on January 01, 1995 it was renamed as PNP SAGSD (Security Agencies and
Guards Supervision Division). This unit of the PNP was given the same functions to that of the
PCSOSIA but more challenging and expanding tasks. To date, there are more or less Two
thousand (2,000) registered security agencies operating in the Philippines, Five Hundred Sixty
Thousand (560,000) licensed security personnel and One Hundred Twenty-four (124) Private
Security Training Institutions.
Private Detective Agency - is any person who for hire or reward or on commission conducts or carries on or h
himself out as conducting or carrying on a detective agency or detective service.
Private Detective - any person who is not a member of a regular police agency or armed forces who does dete
work for hire,reward or commission.
Watchmen/Security Guard - person who offers or renders personal service to watch or secure either resident
business establishment or both or any building,compound or area for hire or compensation or as an employee
Security Agency - any person, association, partnership or corporation who recruits, trains, muster ,furnishes,
solicit individuals or business firms, private or government owned or controlled corporation to engage his serv
or those of its watchmen.
In case of corporation, association, or partnership - must be 100 % owned and controlled by Filipino
No person shall organize or have interest in more than one agency.
An elective or appointive government employees who may be called upon on account of the function o
their respective offices in the implementation and enforcement of the provision of RA 5487 and person
related to such government employees by affinity or consanguinity in the third civil degree shall not ho
any interest, directly or indirectly in any security guard agency.
Who can Issue rules and regulations to carry out the purpose of RA 5487? ans. the chief PNP, in consulta
with the Philippines Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators.
What are the penal provisions for violation of RA5487 or its implementing rules? ans.
1. Suspension, fine or cancellation of license to
operate with the forfeiture f bond filed with the
Chief PNP.
2. Imprisonment ranging from 1 to 4 years and fine, in
the discretion of the courts.
Physical security - describes the measures that are designed to deny access to unauthorized personnel from
physically accessing a building, facility, stored information and guidance on how to design structures to resist
potentially hostile acts.
- a system of barriers placed between a potential intruder and the material or installation to
Security - the predictable state or condition which is free from harm, injury, destruction, intimidation or fear.
Freedom from fear or danger or defense against crime.
Physical Security System - a barrier or system of barriers placed between the potential intruder and the matte
be protected. Protective device against hazards, threats, vulnerability and risks.
1. gates
2. doors
3. locks
Vigiles (in Rome) - origin of the watchmen although their principal duty was as a fire brigade.
1. Frank Wills - detected the Watergate burglars ultimately leading to the resignation of US president
Richard Nixon.
Target hardening - the reduction in criminal opportunity, generally through the use of physical barriers,
architectural design and enhanced security measures of a particular location.
Defensible Space - the range of mechanisms that combine to bring an environment under the control of its
2 Kinds of Barriers
1. Natural
2. Artificial
5 Types of Barriers
1. Human
2. Animal
3. Natural
4. Energy/Electrical/Electronic
5. Structural
3 Line of Defense
1. Perimeter Barrier - 1st line of defense.
2. Building Exterior - 2nd line of defense.
3. Interior Controls - 3rd line of defense.
Perimeter Barrier - main purpose is to deny or impede access or exit of unauthorized persons.
Other Purposes
1. It defines the boundary of the property to be
2. It creates a physical and psychological deterrent
to unauthorized entry.
3. It delays intrusion, thus facilitating apprehension
of intruders.
4. It assists in a more efficient and economical
employment of guards.
5. It facilitates and improves the control of pedestrian
and vehicular traffic.
1. Types of Fencing (solid/full view)
2. The top guard
3. Types of Protective Alarms Systems
4. Types of Protective and Emergency Lighting's
5. CCTV Cameras and other Electronic Security
Systems/Energy Barriers
Natural barriers or features - such as cliffs,ravines,and rivers which delay or make more difficult to entry of
Structural barriers - features constructed by man regardless of their original intent that tends to delay the
Human barriers - guards,charges of quarters,office personnel,shop workers etc. who stand between the intrud
and the matter to be protected.
Animal barriers - usually guard dog.ex. trained German shepherds used as guards,goose,and turkeys can also
Energy barriers - usually electrical or electronics devices used to provide assistance to guard personnel.ex.
protective lightnings,anti intrusion devices.
Full view fence - it is designed primarily to prevent physical access between two areas.Constructed in such a w
that visual access is permitted through the fence.
Visitor control - the measures used would depend on the sensibility of the installation but could include the
1. Escort - expensive but most secure
2. Time traveled - if there is a long delay or time lapse
between the departure and arrival,the visitor may
be required to show cause for the delay.
3. Visitors logs - should contain identifying data,
reasons of visit,time in and hour etc.
4. Visitors entrances - separate access for visitors and
separate for employees .
Utility and maintenance personnel - escort system could be used.If these people visit the installations on a regu
basis some of the systems previously could be used.
Package control - there should be provisions made to check packages being taken in and taken out.
Photography - extreme caution must be exercised in areas where classified information is displayed to preclud
unauthorized taking of pictures of the installation.
Kinds of Alarms
1. Intrusion alarm - any detecting devices using
electric and their combinations to signal an alarm
when actuated.
2. Laser beam alarm - a laser emitter floods the wall or
fence with a beam so that when this beam is
disturbed by a physical object,an alarm is activated
3. Photocell alarm - an invisible or visible beam is
emitted and when disturbed,it activates an alarm
or mechanical device that opens a door or lift
movable barriers,activated by light.
Security Survey - The detailed check and audit of what an installation or plant does not have in relation to its
protection from hazards.
Security hazards - an act or condition which result in a situation conductive to a breach of the protection syste
and the subsequent loss or compromise of defense,information,company secrets,or damage to
property,personnel,or facilities.
Protective Security - measures taken by an installation or unit to protect against sabotage,espionage or subver
and at the same time provide freedom of action in order to provide the installation or unit with the necessary
flexibility to accomplish its mission.
3 Aspects of Security
1. Physical Security - measures taken to prevent
physical access or entry to an installation.
2. Personnel Security - measures taken to insure
that only authorized personnel have access to
classified documents or information.
3. Document and Information Security
Types of Security
1. Physical Security - the most broad.
2. Industrial Security - security of business
installations and industrial plants.
3. VIP Security - protection of high level officers and
important personnel.
4. Bank Security - security of money and assets
stored or in transit.
5. Hotel Security - security for hotel guest and their
personal belongings and property as well as
properties of the hotel.
6. Document security - protection of vital records
from loss or unauthorized access.
7. Communication Security - measures to prevent or
delay the unauthorized person in gaining
information through communication.
Physical Security
* Protective barrier - is the physical type of security.
* Barrier - any structure or physical device capable
of restricting,deterring,delaying illegal access into
* Perimeter barrier - a medium or structures which
define the physical limits of an installation or area
to restrict or impede access thereto.Any physical
barrier used to supplement the protection of the
inside perimeter.
* Inside Perimeter - a line of protection adjacent to
the protected area and passing through points of
possible entry into the area.ex. doors and windows
* Outside perimeter - a line of protection but some
what removed from the protected area.ex.fence
Protective Alarms - supplemental physical barriers in a form of sound that cause alarm installed indoors or
outdoors in an installation.
Kinds of Alarms
1. Bill Traps
2. Foot Rail Activator
3. Knee or thigh button
4. Foot button
5. Double squeeze button
Protective Lighting - provide illumination on areas to be secured that adds psychological deterrence.
Types of Locks
1. Lever locks - used in cabinets,drawers,safe
deposit box.
2. Disc-Tumble Locks - used in car doors.
3. Warded Locks - offer little security,used only to
provide privacy.
4. Combination Locks
5. Card Operated Locks
6. Electromagnetic Locks
7. Code operated Locks
Types of Keys
1. Master Key - a special key of opening a series
2. Grand Master Key - a key that will open
everything in a system involving two or more
master key groups.
3. Change Key - a key to a single lock within a master
keyed system.
4. Sub Master Key - a key will open all lock with a
particular area or grouping in a given facility.
Protective Cabinets - considered as the third line of defense against unauthorized persons.
Key Control - a system of controlling keys devised and regulated for disposal,storage and withdrawals.