Pilsner 1
Pilsner 1
Pilsner 1
Pilsner beer based on the Bavarian
Pilsner style. Light pale color, hoppy
notes from Saaz with a refreshing finish.
The fresher the better will be those
noble herbs and spices notes from
Saaz Step 1: Mashing
Mash-in and follow the profile below
Keep the pitching rate high pH 5.3 Mix Ratio 3.0 L/kg
to have a cleaner beer. Mash-in at 63°C
Only drop the temperature to 8°C Rest for 45min at 63°C Rise to 72°C at 1°C/min
when diacetyl and acetaldehyde have Rest for 15min at 72°C and do the Iodine Test
been below acceptable levels. Rise to 78°C at 1°C/min
Rest for 2min at 78°C to mash out.
Castle Malting S.A., Once the mash is done, filter and sparge with water at 78°C
94 rue de Mons,
Step 2: Boiling
7970 Beloeil, Belgium
Boil for 60min.
Tel: +32 (0) 87 66 20 95
Hop addition 1: At the beginning of boil add 225g of Saaz
Hop Addition 2: After 40min add 200g of Saaz
Hop Addition 3: After 55min add 175g of Saaz
Whirlpool to remove the trub