Paavola - Explaining Multilevel Environmental Governance
Paavola - Explaining Multilevel Environmental Governance
Paavola - Explaining Multilevel Environmental Governance
Jouni Paavola
April, 2008
No. 10
SRI Papers (Online) ISSN 1753-1330
First published in 2008 by the Sustainability Research Institute (SRI)
The opinions presented are those of the author(s) and should not be regarded as the
views of SRI or The University of Leeds.
Explaining Multi-Level Environmental Governance
Contents……………………………………………………………………….. 3
Abstract ………………………………………………………………….......... 4
About the author ……………………………………………………………... 4
Introduction ………………………………………………………………….... 5
Multi-level environmental governance ...................................................... 6
Economic rationale(s) of MLEG …………................................................. 10
Conclusions ………………..........………………………….......................... 15
Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………... 16
References ……………………………………………………………………. 17
1 Introduction
The manuscript argues that there are a number of possible economic explanations
for the emergence of multi-level environmental governance solutions. One new
institutional explanation sees MLEG solutions as ways to overcome the collective
action challenge of a large number of actors. Another explanation is that governance
functions may have different optimal scales of implementation. That is, a multi-level
structure may be needed for the efficiency of governance solutions in the light of
governance / transaction costs. Thirdly, MLEG solutions could arise from economies
of scope, institutional constraints and / or path dependency. Further economic
explanations would draw attention to the multi-functionality of some environmental
resources, their spatially different benefit “catchments”, and spatial attributes of user
groups. MLEG solutions can broker and institute redistribution between these groups
for the optimal provision of a resource.
The manuscript will discuss these alternative explanations in greater detail in the
following sections. The manuscript does not seek to discredit any of the explanations
but rather to show that any one explanation is partial and that the strength of any
explanation is likely to be context-dependent. For example, arguments based on
collective action theories are pertinent to the emergence of multi-level voluntary or
contractual governance solutions, but they may not shed much light on the
mandatory solutions or solutions mixing voluntary and mandatory strategies. The
latter kind of solutions are more likely to arise from multi-functionality and the
optimisation of governance costs. In the same vein, an explanation based on multi-
functionality or economies of scope does not shed light on the challenges of
collective action.
In what follows, the second section will discuss multi-level environmental governance
in somewhat more detail to clarify its definition and to characterise different kinds of
multi-level environmental governance. The third section will discuss various
economic explanations of multi-level environmental governance more closely, and
the final section presents conclusions based on the earlier discussion.
I find it useful to use the term “environmental resources” for the object of
environmental conflicts. Environmental resources include conventional natural
resources such as fisheries and forests, but they also include “newly discovered
environmental resources” such biodiversity, the ozone layer, and the global
atmospheric sinks for greenhouse gases. The term is also flexible enough to
encompass environmental safety and the quality of environmental media such as
water and air (see Paavola, 2007). Many environmental resources are multi-
functional and generate streams of ecosystem services that are used by different
groups of users in different “ecosystem service catchments” (see Balmford et al.,
2002; Turner et al., 2003). In essence, environmental resources are complex
resource systems rather than monolithic single-use resources. This means that
environmental conflicts can emerge over an individual service stream. For example,
there can be a conflict over which of the competing irrigators can divert water from a
watercourse to his or her consumptive water use. But environmental conflicts can
also emerge as a result of claims to different service streams. For example, claims to
consumptive use of water for irrigation and claims to recreational in-stream uses of
water can be in conflict with each other.
making, rather than being the logical extension or continuation of the latter (Frank,
1997; Frank et al., 2000).
The top down processes usually generate institutional structures where smaller
jurisdictions are nested within larger jurisdiction(s). Hooghe and Marks (2003) call
these kinds of multi-level governance solutions as “Type 1”; ones based on
permanent, general-purpose jurisdictions with relatively few levels and non-
intersecting membership. Examples of Type 1 solution include the federal state and
many environmental policies established in federal political systems. Hooghe and
Marks (2003) also identify “Type II” multi-level governance solutions which are often
based on non-permanent and special-purpose jurisdictions and which can have
numerous levels and intersecting memberships. Special districts for the provision of
public services are examples of these kinds of multi-level governance solutions (see
Blomquist, 1992; Foster, 1997). These kinds of governance solutions are more likely
to emerge as the results of bottom up negotiation processes.
In essence, Hooghe and Marks (2003) project the notions of monocentric and
polycentric government and governance to multi-level governance. Doing so does
provide new insights into multilevel environmental governance. However, the key
interest of Vincent Ostrom was on the horizontal dispersion of authority to govern and
this is also what became imported into the distinction of Hooghe and Marks (2003).
Vertical structuring of governance and authority to govern is also involved in the
examples Ostrom et al. (1961) and Ostrom (1972) discuss. It is clearly considered an
element of polycentricity in these seminal works, but it does not become a central
issue of interest in them. Horizontal dispersion of authority was at the time novel and
attractive enough phenomenon, one which the established notions of government
and governance were not well placed to account for.
While the types of governance suggested by Hooghe and Marks (2003) do indeed
capture important aspects of classes of multi-level environmental governance
solutions, the reality is probably more complex than their terminology can portray.
Casual observation suggests that hybrid forms of governance combining elements
from Type 1 and Type 2 governance also exist. For example, many international
environmental conventions are explicitly constituted as special purpose jurisdictions
vested with limited decision-making and other powers, and they frequently rely on
pertinent national and sub-national general jurisdictions at lower levels of
governance. Particularly in developing countries but elsewhere as well, public service
provision and some governmental functions are occasionally performed by non-
governmental organisations at the national or sub-national levels. This is the case
with Church of England Schools in the United Kingdom, for example.
In light of the model proposed by Hooghe and Marks (2003), and the arguments of
Vincent Ostrom and others about polycentricity, a continuum between monocentric
and polycentric multi-level environmental governance could be argued to exist.
Another way to approach the phenomenon would be to say that the degree of
horizontal dispersion of authority varies in multi-level governance solutions. Other
concepts are needed to characterise the vertical features of multi-level governance
solutions. I suggest that the concept pair “vertical symmetry” and “vertical
differentiation” is helpful for mapping multi-level environmental governance solution
across another continuum, one where in one extreme solutions are identical at each
level, and in the other extreme there is complete differentiation across levels. The
second important attribute of multi-level governance solutions is the way in which
they emerge: bottom up as a result of voluntary collective action and bargaining, or
as a result of top down mandated processes. Together these two concept pairs help
to map multi-level governance solutions as suggested below in Figure 1.
Federations of fishermen’s
Bottom up
However, my emphasis in the reminder of this manuscript will be on the potential
economic explanations for the adoption or emergence of multi-level solutions. Some
of these solutions will be discussed in greater detail in the next section.
There are several possible starting points for explaining the economic rationale of
multi-level environmental governance solutions. In what follows, I will briefly discuss
explanations for the existence of multi-level environmental governance solutions
based on collective action, governance costs, economies of scope and path
dependency, and multi-functionality. The list of possible starting points is not
intended to be exhaustive. Further starting points and explanations are likely to exist,
but the range of discussed potential explanations is sufficiently broad to make the
case for multiple causation and to discuss its implications.
Coordination between several small primary collective action groups can be achieved
by establishing larger-scale solutions where primary collective action groups are
represented. The introduction of representation reduces the large numbers situation
to a situation of small numbers, where the primary collective action groups are
treated as individuals. That is, a multi-level environmental governance solution can
emerge or be adopted as an instrument which facilitates collective action and
overcomes the challenges of collective action in large groups. Federations of
irrigators’, fishermen’s and pasture owners’ associations are examples of these kinds
of solutions that have emerged through bottom up processes (Ostrom, 1998). But the
challenges of collective action can also be recognised through a top down
intervention. For example, in Finland the governance of freshwater fisheries and
game is partly based on three tiers of self-governing user organisations but the
formation of these organisations is mandated in law and the incorporation statutes
also vest the user organisations with their legal powers and responsibilities (Paavola,
2002a: 23).
Another explanation of multilevel governance starts from the observation that all
environmental governance solutions have several generic governance functions
which may have different optimal scales of implementation. This starting point
suggests that a multi-level governance solution may be needed to ensure the
efficiency of governance solutions in the light of transaction or governance costs. To
understand this explanation, it is necessary to make a brief detour to governance
There has been a notion of governance functions in the new institutional literature
from the outset. For example, when discussing common property arrangements,
Schlager and Ostrom (1992) distinguish between “ownership functions” and
“management functions” (see also McCay, 1996). A more detailed typology of
governance functions can be distilled from the lists of common features of successful
governance solutions presented by for example Ostrom (1990: 88-102) and Agrawal
(2002). On the basis of these lists, I have suggested (Paavola, 2007) that generic
environmental governance functions include:
In uniplanar governance solutions all of these functions are organised at the same
spatial level of action and jurisdiction, although the way in which they are organised
may vary. For example, monitoring and enforcement may be based on users
monitoring each other and evoking enforcement functions when they observe
violation of rules. This was the case with the governance of water quality under
common law in the nineteenth century United States (see Paavola, 2002b). Another
solution is to appoint “officials” to take the responsibility for monitoring and
enforcement functions. Both of these solutions can be and are used in uniplanar
environmental governance solutions. But when the involved resources are large, it
may be that different governance functions have different economies of scale or
different optimal scales of implementation (see Ostrom et al., 1961). This may involve
for example making the key collective environmental decisions at a higher level, and
organising the provision of the resource at a lower level.
decisions centrally at the national level and others, such as monitoring and
provisioning, locally. Multi-level governance of biodiversity in the European Union is
also based on differentiation of functions across levels. The provision of biodiversity
takes place locally at the Natura 2000 sites (see Paavola, 2004), but within the
constraints set forth by the Habitats and Birds Directives, the European level of
decision-making in the European Commission, and national legislation implementing
the European directives. Multi-level governance of biodiversity is also common in
other settings (see Ostrom, 1998).
Path dependency, increasing returns and economies of scope offer the third route for
explaining the emergence of multi-level environmental governance solutions. Path
dependency reasoning suggests that starting points, contingencies and
developmental trajectories matter because they can shape the future menu of
alternatives and their relative merits. My key contention below is that MLEG solutions
can be understood to replicate some of the key features of governmental templates
established earlier. That is, once established, multi-level governmental templates
structure and shape later solutions such as MLEG solutions by influencing their
relative costs (see Pierson, 2000).
While Pierson (2000) sees that large set-up costs of institutions are a reason for
increasing returns in politics, I would argue that economies of scope also play a role
– especially when it comes to explaining the dominant role of the state in political
matters. States and sub-national political sub-divisions could be argued to enjoy
economies of scope just like a firm producing multiple goods or services. This would
mean that the state adoption of new functions could lower the costs of carrying out its
already existing functions (Panzar and Willig, 1980; Teece, 1980). Teng (2000)
argues that this kind of complementarity exists between the two core governmental
functions of taxation and enforcement of private property rights. Further functions
such as defence, the provision of law and order, public service delivery, and the
provision of public goods could also involve economies of scope.
I am not making an empirical claim that states and local governments in fact do have
economies of scope and that the portfolio of functions that they perform is
economically efficient. Rather, I want to propose that the concept of economies of
scope offers one way to account for the emergence of multi-level governance
structures. If states and local governments do enjoy economies of scope, over time
they would become the lowest-cost undertakers of the functions that they perform:
stand-alone alternatives would have narrower bundles of functions and thus higher
A similar argument could be based on the work of Coase (1937). Coase argued that
firms exist because their internal hierarchies entail lower transaction costs in carrying
out certain functions than performing the same functions over the market. In other
words, the boundaries of organisations adjust in the light of the relative transaction
cost implications of internal organisation and markets. The volume of transactions is
likely to influence unit transaction costs because of economies of scale in
transacting. However, economies of scope can also prevail in transacting. This would
establish the cost-advantage of a portfolio of functions which helps to attain a larger
volume of transactions than a single function would entail. Williamson (1999) has
also identified other reasons for why governmental organisations could enjoy
transaction cost economies.
To summarise, for better or worse, we have established social entities such as states
and local governments. Their establishment may have pre-empted or at least
increased the relative cost of using other possible institutional solutions. As a
consequence, many collective efforts are based on the central role of these collective
action templates. In the light of this logic, states are obvious players in discussions
and actions on large-scale environmental issues. It is ultimately the states that have
to act if any goals are to be achieved, either by acting directly to achieve these goals
or by authorising private actors to take responsibility. Local governments occupy a
similar when scale is smaller, whilst remaining subsidiaries of the state. The same
logic is extended further in federal governmental structures.
3.4 Multifunctionality
scales. A multiplicity of governance arrangements will thus emerge to take advantage
of these varied optimal scales of provision. Ecosystem services are not produced in
the same sense as public services are, but they do generate benefits to spatially
specific groups of beneficiaries, which will differ from ecosystem service to another
one. Moreover, the continued existence of these services has to be provided for, and
the provisioning involves both direct costs and opportunity costs. These costs are
again accrued to spatially specific groups. Just like with the provisioning of public
services, the provisioning of a multitude of ecosystem services is best arranged by
using a multitude of spatially divergent governance solutions. This is the efficiency-
based explanation for the emergence of multi-level environmental governance
solutions for multifunctional resource systems.
That is, the varying spatial scales of benefit catchments may require multiple
jurisdictions and solutions to link them together for decision-making and benefit and
burden sharing. This is again a different rationale in comparison to the earlier ones.
Here the underlying rationale of MLEG solutions is the maximization of total value of
ecosystem service benefits, and fair distribution of burdens and benefits of
ecosystem service provision as one of its possible preconditions. In contrast, the
governance cost model looked at the costs of governance rather than at the benefits
it generates, and the collective action explanation only focuses on the costs of
collective action.
4 Conclusions
Multilevel environmental governance has become a part of the political reality in the
past several decades but there has been relatively little interest in different research
strands of economics, including ecological economics, to try and account for the
phenomenon. In part this reflects a more general neglect of institutional
arrangements in the economic literature on the environment. But somewhat
surprisingly, even the more institutionally oriented scholarship in ecological and other
strands of economics has not really considered why multi-level environmental
governance solutions would emerge.
effectiveness and impacts can appear more pressing. Nevertheless, the
consideration of possible theoretical explanations for the emergence of multi-level
environmental governance solutions can make some contributions. This manuscript
has demonstrated that there is no shortage of starting points for explaining the
emergence of multi-level environmental governance solutions. The manuscript has
demonstrated that collective action, governance cost minimisation, path dependency
and economies of scope, and multi-functionality offer somewhat distinct starting
points for economic explanations of the emergence of multi-level environmental
governance solutions. The manuscript has also demonstrated that these theoretical
strategies of explanation are complementary rather than competing. Their
applicability varies and they also have somewhat different implications to how we
ought to understand multi-level environmental governance.
The manuscript has argued that top down and bottom up processes of establishment
and vertical symmetry and differentiation are the key factors that distinguish between
different kinds of multi-level environmental governance solutions. Collective action
and economies of scope explanations both account for symmetrical nested multi-
level governance solutions, the first providing the bottom up account and the second
one being more pertinent to top down solutions. Governance cost based
explanations can highlight why different governance functions can be organised at
different levels and it applies to both bottom up and top down solutions. Multi-
functionality appears to provide the broadest explanation, having a capacity to
encompass all four key types of multi-level environmental governance solutions.
This article manuscript is based on research which was financially supported by the
European Union (European Commission, Marie Curie RTN GoverNat, Contract No.
0035536, I thank Tim Foxon, Felix Rauschmayer and Arild Vatn
for good discussions and comments and suggestions to an earlier version of this
manuscript. As usual, all shortcomings remain my responsibility.
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