Options Introduction - TsugiTrades

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Options Introduction - TsugiTrades

Options Introduction - TsugiTrades

Step 1: Open A Brokerage Account

Make sure when you open a Brokerage, it is a Cash Account and not Margins. Cash account
will prevent your account from getting the PDT Rule (Limit to Only 3 Day Trades and a 90
Day Restriction if its Margins Account below $25k)

1. Td Ameritrade

TD Ameritrade. Make sure to click Individual Account and open a Tier 2 Cash Account.
Do not sign up for Margins Account. If you don't know if your account is Margins
please call Customer Service or go online desktop and log into your account and click
on profile and then general to view status of your account. Customer Service is helpful.

2. Webull

Use My Link Above for Webull To Receive Free Stocks. Webull is also a beginner and
‫تعديل باستخدام تطبيق ا'ستندات‬
user friendly brokerage.
‫خرين‬8‫ وا@شاركة مع ا‬،‫ وإدخال التعليقات‬،‫ت‬G‫يمكنك إجراء التعدي‬
3. Sign Up For E-Trade Here
ٍ ‫للتعديل في‬.

Are ‫ا‬you
ً ،'looking
to ‫على‬ ‫الحصول‬
trade but you are International? No Worries
The Brokerage below can be opened if you live Internationally. European Countries can use
Interactive Brokerage or Tastyworks. If you are from Canada you can open Questrade or
Interactive Brokerage

4. IBKR Sign Up Here

5. Tastyworks Sign Up Here

These are recommended brokerages if you are looking to Trade Options. If you live
internationally or from Canada you can look into Interactive Brokerage, Tastyworks, or

I live in the U.S so I personally use ThinkorSwim With TD Ameritrade.

Step 2: Chart Set Up:

1. Use the link below to sign up for TradingView: This will be your main charting platform.
Available via mobile or desktop.

Tradingview Sign Up

2. Here is a quick video on how to set up Think or Swim Chart Setup

3. Here is a video on how to set up Active Trader on Think Or Swim:

Fastest way to Trade Options using TOS Active Trader

Step 3: Download News Apps:

Here are Free Apps to download to get notified about Credible Stock market news: Download
these on Mobile or Search on Desktop Web Browser:

● Seeking Alpha
● Investing.Com
● Marketwatch
● Stocktwits
● Atom Finance
● Quartr

Step 4: Options Training Videos:

If you are new to Options trading, please give these three highly recommended videos a watch.
Take notes on these components:

● What are Calls?

● What are Puts?
● When do contracts expire?
● What is a strike price?
● What are Greeks?
● How does a trader profit?
● What are ATM contracts?
● What are ITM Contracts?
● What are OTM Contracts?

1. Options Trading for Beginners (The ULTIMATE In-Depth Guide)

2. How to Trade Options on Robinhood for Beginners | Comprehensive Guide by InTheMoney

3. ULTIMATE Guide to Options Trading on WeBull (applies to ALL brokerages)

You are one step closer to being financially free!

Step 5: Brokerage Training:

Below are videos on how to navigate your brokerage platform found in Step 1.

Here is an overview on how to use Think or Swim Platform on Mobile IOS.

Mobile TOS Platform Overview CLICK HERE

Here is an overview on how to use Think or Swim Platform on Mobile Android. Mobile TOS
Platform Overview Android CLICK HERE

Here is an overview on how to use Think or Swim Platform on IOS IPad.

Mobile Platform Think or Swim Overview iPad CLICK HERE

Here is an overview on how to use Think or Swim Platform on Desktop. These are
infographics: Infographic
How to Use Webull Mobile:
1. How To Buy And Sell Options On Webull | Webull Mobile App Tutorial

2. How To Trade Options on Webull (Step-by-Step)

Step 6: What is Trading Style:

1. Scalpers: These types of traders are looking for quick executions resulting in smaller
percentage gains. They think on the spot, they are quick and attentive to charts. Intermediate to
Expert Trading Style.

Duration: 1-5 min Hold/Trade Best Used: This strategy is best when there’s volatility. Best used
during the first 1hr and last hour of the market.

Level: This style is considered advanced since you are trading on the spot and have to be quick
with executing trades. Does this match your personality?

2. Day Traders: These types of traders are intraday traders looking to capitalize on longer
moves. They hold trades throughout the day and keep trailing stops to capitalize on large
percentage gains. They don’t need to watch charts every minute since they are focused on longer
time frames.

Duration: 1hr+ Hold/Trade Best Used: This strategy is best when there is direction in the market.
Best used after the first few hours of the market.

Level: This style is beginner friendly however it has advanced strategies Does this match your

3. Swing Traders: These types of traders are looking to capitalize on overnight moves. They buy
and get into positions towards the end of the day and manage trades the following days/weeks.
Note: News overnight can drastically change price.

Duration: Overnight/Days/Weeks/Months Best Used: This strategy is best when you are
expecting price to continue in a direction or convicted it will have a significant move overnight.

Level: This style is intermediate/advanced. Does this match your personality?


4. Position Traders: These types of traders are long term investors. They are patient with their
trades since they are convicted that price overtime will go in their favor.

Duration: Weeks/Months/Years

Best Used: This strategy is best during a bear market. Buy low, sell high. Buy when in fear and
sell when there is greed.

Level: This style is beginner friendly. Does this match your personality?

Understanding what type of Trader you are will play a big role in different market conditions and
essentially your trading results.

Everyone has different trading styles because everyone has different personalities. Ask yourself,
am I a person that can think on the spot or do I need to analyze and give time to my analysis?

Am I patient with holding trades or am I someone who panics during trades?

You have to ask yourself these questions in order to figure out your trading style. I say give
yourself 6-8 months of Trading and you will truly find out what type of style fits your personality.

Step 7: Risk Management:

Risk Management is a way for us traders to have control when participating in any markets.

This is probably one of the biggest factors that will make or break a trader. Implementing risk
management allows you to gain an edge in the market.

Having a Trading Plan, Risk Management, and Discipline are factors that will play a huge role in
the success you will have during your trading journey. Without this, you will find yourself losing
and initially following what the 90% of traders are doing.

Flow Bank Worth The Read

Risk Management Incorporates:

•Account Size: How much are you willing to start and are the funds extra funds you can afford to
•Risk Tolerance: Based on your income, what amount are you comfortable risking in the market.
As your income grows your risk tolerance becomes higher. Or if you’re a pure gambler your Risk
Tolerance will be high. We all have different risk tolerance. When someone makes $1000 profit
just know they risked a lot to make that amount and you should not replicate or compete against
that. Trust me slow and steady gains will always win.

•Stop Loss: What are you willing to lose Per trade? 10-15-20%? Different types of Stop Losses:

•Mental Stop Loss: What you are willing to lose without overly becoming emotional if the stop loss

•Technical Stop Loss: What you are willing to lose based on what technicals are showing.

•% Stop Loss: A controlled % rate of what you’re willing to lose per trade. Scalping for example
needs to have stricter stop losses than swing trade or day trades.

•Risk Management also incorporates having a plan. What days are you most available to trade?
What type of trading style? What state of mind are you in? What are you going to trade that day?
What are your entries and exits? How many contracts (Position sizing)? Have rules for yourself.
Don’t chase or FOMO

Step 8: Trading Psychology:

Mark Douglas Trading Psychology Training:

1. https://youtu.be/TrEb4AkXj4E
2. https://youtu.be/uvcgwtu5jUI
3. https://youtu.be/k50Hbq9i6_E
4. https://youtu.be/4zga87v4vnE
5. https://youtu.be/iCJGc1jiCko
6. https://youtu.be/bf2nYX2WDWE
7. https://youtu.be/GVTRK2LigcQ



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