Endocrine Medicine

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Don’t forget these 7 Endocrine Med 4 eS Levothyroxine e Endocrine Y, INDICATIONS * Hypothyroidism * Myxedema coma " KEY SIDE EFFECTS * Palpitation & Tachycardia * Weight reduction * Heat intolerance Ly REMEMBER * Full therapeutic effect can only see * after around 6 weeks What is the difference of T4 and T3 hormone? Pioglitazone € Endocrine Qa INDICATIONS * Type 2 Diabetes * Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (" KEY SIDE EFFECTS * Weight gain * Chronic heart failure * Peripheral edema Ly REMEMBER * This medicine is rarely used due to unfavorable benefit-to-risk profile Do you know the boxed warning of Pioglitazone? Metformin e Endocrine Qa INDICATIONS * Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) * Polycystic ovary syndrome (") KEY SIDE EFFECTS * Weight loss * Vitamin B12 deficiency (long-term use) * Lactic acidosis Vy REMEMBER * Temporarily discontinue Metformin for 48 hours before injecting iodinated contrast 9 Why it is contraindicated in severe LJ renal impairment? Hydrocortisone e Endocrine Yn, INDICATIONS * Adrenal insufficiency * Anti-inflammatory agent " KEY SIDE EFFECTS * Cushingoid features, like moon face * Osteoporosis * Gastrointestinal ulcer Ly REMEMBER + After long term use, steroids will cause HPA suppression and require tapering Can you name one more side effect for steroid? Dapagliflozin e Endocrine Qa INDICATIONS a * Type 2 Diabetes en * (esp in pts with risk in ASCVD) (") KEY SIDE EFFECTS * Urinary tract infection * Acute kidney injury * Risk of bone fractures Ly REMEMBER * Cannot use in severe renal failure (eGFR <30) 9 Why this medicine is not effective in LA renal failure pts? Oxytocin e Endocrine Ya INDICATIONS * Induction of labor * Postpartum uterine bleeding " KEY SIDE EFFECTS * Cardiac arrhythmia * Postpartum hemorrhage * Water intoxication Ly REMEMBER * In some conditions, such as partial placenta previa, do not use oxytocin 1?) What is partial placenta previa? Insulin Cp Endocrine Qn INDICATIONS * Diabetes mellitus (11 & T2) * Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) (") KEY SIDE EFFECTS * Hypoglycemia (hypo) * Hypokalemia * Lipodystrophy Ly REMEMBER * Classified by duration of action as rapid, short, intermediate, long-acting. 9 Can you name the longest-acting LJ insulin?

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