Chapter 8 Formulation of A Seismic Resistant Building Guideline, Its Dissemination and Human Resource Development
Chapter 8 Formulation of A Seismic Resistant Building Guideline, Its Dissemination and Human Resource Development
Chapter 8 Formulation of A Seismic Resistant Building Guideline, Its Dissemination and Human Resource Development
8.1 Confirmation and Review on the Building Standards to Prepare for Future Earthquake
After the 1988 earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 on the Richter Scale in eastern Nepal resulting in
heavy loss of life and numerous buildings including hospitals, and severe damage to schools, the
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW), the current Ministry of Urban Development
(MoUD), which was the Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning at that time, and the
Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC), which was the
Department of Buildings at that time, drew attention to the urgent need for a Nepal National
Building Code (NBC) and a draft National Building Code was prepared in 1993.
NBC is classified as per application in the construction industry of Nepal, which is given in Table
8.1.1 and Table 8.1.2.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Design horizontal seismic coefficient
C = Basic seismic coefficient,
Z = Seismic zoning factor, (shown in Fig.1)
I = Importance factor,
K = Structural performance factor
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Therefore, design seismic force coefficient, of wall type masonry structure (K = 4) would be
calculated as follows:
Source: NBC105
2) Structural Codes
For designing a masonry structure, the use of NBC202 for cement mortar and NBC203 for mud
mortar are popular, however these MRT were not based on structural calculation, but guidelines
based on experience from past earthquakes.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The NBC000, which determines the basic principles of the building code in Nepal, dictates that The
return period for the onset of damage for a typical building of ordinary importance has been chosen
as 50 years. The return period for the strength of buildings has been chosen as 300 years. This
explains that earthquakes with the return period of 50 years and 300 years shall be used in the
building code for defining the damage limit and the safety limit, respectively.
The “Seismic Hazard Mapping and Risk Assessment for Nepal” is a document that has been used
as reference in the preparation of NBC105, which dictates the building code for seismic resistant
buildings. The document indicates a map of estimated Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of
earthquakes in Nepal with the return period of 50, 300 and 500 years in three different soil types,
with reference to an attenuation model by Kazuhiko Kawashima. When applying Type II (Medium
Soil Sites) as the soil type, the PGA in around Kathmandu and other areas affected by the
earthquake can be estimated as follows:
The Magnitude of the earthquake that hit Nepal on 25th April 2015 was 7.8 on the Richter scale,
and the strongest quake recorded by USGS at Kantipah, which is located in the central part of the
Kathmandu Valley, was 164 gal. Furthermore, the seismogram in Kathmandu Valley, which is the
only seismogram recorded in the area, also indicates that the PGA was smaller compared to that
estimated for a 300 year return period earthquake (320gal). Based on these figures, it can be said
that the NBC105 has been developed with the aim of coping with earthquakes larger than the one
that hit Nepal in 2015.
On the other hand, the shear force coefficient (base shear coefficient) explained in NBC105 is
significantly dependant on the increment rate of the structural performance factor (K factor). In case
of masonry structures, the standard becomes more strict compared to that of the neighbouring India,
but for structures with high rigidness such as reinforced concrete, the standard becomes more loose
because the increment factor is low. Taking into consideration the difference in seismic demand
between different types of structures, further discussions should be made focusing on the K factor.
Furthermore, the results of the ERAKV indicate the possibilities of earthquakes larger than that
assumed in the NBC may occur in Kathmandu Valley. Discussions on future revisions of the NBC
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
should be continued taking into consideration factors such as PGA, K factor and development of
high-rise buildings in the area.
The Bureau of Crisis Prevention and Recovery (UNDP/BCPR) with the support of the Government
of Japan initiated an Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness (ERRP) programme in
five high risk South Asian countries: Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. The ERRP
project in Nepal is a part of the five country regional programme in South Asia that seeks to support
regional cooperation through knowledge sharing and the development of the best practices in the
context of the SAARC Comprehensive Framework on Disaster Management agreed in February
2006. The country programme is designed to strengthen the institutional and community level
capacity to plan and implement earthquake risk reduction strategies and disaster recovery
preparedness in Nepal, a country that stands as 11th in the world with respect to vulnerability to
earthquake hazards (BCPR, 2004). The ERRP Project was implemented by the Ministry of Physical
Planning and Works (MoPPW) in close coordination with the Ministry of Local Development
(MoLD), the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and Programme Municipalities with the financial
support of the Government of Japan and UNDP-Nepal. The project has carried out various activities
related to earthquake safe construction, earthquake preparedness, earthquake resistant standards
including the NBC and recovery planning in Nepal.
The project supported local governments, specifically, programme municipalities, to enable their
capacity for the implementation of NBC to reduce seismic risks to lives and property. Although the
project document was signed between UNDP and the Government of Nepal in Oct. 2007, the real
implementation only started in Feb 2008. The project period was from 2007 to 2010. ERRP
provides a way for the municipalities to solve their own earthquake risk preparedness and
motivating risk reduction policy development and implementation by:
In July, 2009, the ERRP project published a report titled “Recommendation for Update of Nepal
National Building Code Final Report” submitted by the Khwopa Engineering College, MULTI
Disciplinary Consultants Ltd and K.D. Associates Ltd. The conclusions are attached in the Attached
Document 1 including detailed recommendations for each NBC.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Only a few municipalities have started the implementation of NBC because of the lack of
engineers in the municipalities, etc. There has been a lack of technical staff in municipalities,
a lack of dissemination action by national and professional organizations and NGOs, and a
lack of understanding by the executive officers or mayors and residents after the 2015
earthquake disaster.
Even for implementing municipalities, it is difficult to execute final inspections after
completion because of illegal additions, etc. Because the municipality has no manpower to
inspect, granting permission before construction based on design documents has been made
possible. The final procedure for inspection cannot be implemented as there are many illegal
constructions that are undertaken after the completion of the formal construction as planned.
Necessity of dissemination/improvement of Electronic Building Permit System (E-BPS)
started in two cities.
Necessity of revision/review of NBC 1994 by the 2015 earthquake disaster
In “UNCRD Housing Earthquake Safety Initiative (2008, Jishnu Subedi)” the following points are
raised as challenges for building code implementation.
(3) Challenges of Building Code Implementation in Nepal claimed by Amod Dixit, 2008
There are mainly four levels in the implementation process for adequate building construction.
First, is high level awareness, which enables the constructor to do proper work.
Secondly, is what is considered usually as the code, which transmits the methodologies of
(earthquake) safe housing.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
It might be difficult to differentiate many types of buildings from various social and economic
backgrounds; from poor to rich populations, but the guidelines ensure that any type of building can
be earthquake resistant as long as it can follow adequate modalities with appropriate manpower and
8.2.1 Characteristic and Observations on Collapsed Houses and Schools due to the Earthquake
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Barpak in Gorkha District on 25th April, 2015. Soon after this
earthquake, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake occurred in Sindhupalchok District on 12th May, 2015. 31
of the country’s 71 districts have been affected by the earthquakes. The damage situation regarding
houses and schools in Nepal and the Target Areas of the Project caused by the earthquakes are as
(1) Housings
Table 8.2.1 shows the housing damage by the earthquakes by damage level and by type of housing
A total of 755,549 houses have been damaged by the earthquakes in 31 districts in Nepal. Of which,
498,852 houses (66.0%) were completely destroyed and 256,697 houses (34%) were partially
The large-scale destruction of houses resulted primarily from the seismic vulnerability of the low
strength stone or brick masonry with mud mortar houses that predominate in rural areas in Nepal.
In the total of 755,549 damaged houses, 647,892 houses (85.8%) were made of low strength stone
or brick masonry with mud mortar.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project Team obtained the data on the damage situation of houses in Gorkha District as shown
in Table 8.2.2. According to the data, there are a total of 72,075 houses in 62 VDCs/Municipalities
in the district. Of the 72,075 houses, 67,364 houses (93.5%) were damaged by the earthquakes.
Details of the housing damage are as follows: A total of 59,523 houses (88.4%) were judged as
“Fully Destroyed” and 7,841 houses were judged as “Partially Damaged”, and of the 67,364
damaged houses, 66,223 houses (98.3%) used mud mortar and 1,141 houses (1.7%) uses cement
Table 8.2.2 Housing Damages in Gorkha District
Cement Mortar
Level of Damage Low Strength Masonry Total
Fully Destroyed 59,300 233 59,533
Partially Damaged 6,923 918 7,841
Total 66,223 1,151 67,374
Source: Post Disaster Needs Assessment (Vol. A: Key Finding)
Damage surveys in affected areas, such as Gorkha and Sindhupalchok Districts were conducted.
The most damaged/destroyed houses in these areas were constructed using random rubble masonry
and bricks stacked in mud mortar. Most of them had corrugated galvanized iron sheet roofing. No
earthquake resisting measures were used.
3) Findings
Non-Engineered Construction
This type of construction is spontaneously and informally constructed in the traditional manner
without any, or only a little, intervention by qualified architects and engineers in their design.
In Nepal, especially in rural areas, most residential houses are built by the house owner and
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
masons who are not educated in engineering. Therefore, most of the damaged houses were
Non-Engineered Construction which caused damage by having no regard for earthquake
resistance design.
Unreinforced mud mortar masonry is the structural method most vulnerable to earthquakes.
This is because mud as a joint material is very friable when it receives vibrations. In the rural
areas, most houses use masonry employing rubble or dressed stone and brick, and the joint
material is mud mortar. Even in urban areas, this type of construction, which was built in
1970s to 1990s, still exists.
Failure Pattern
In the masonry walls, out-of-plane is the most typical failure pattern, and diagonal shear cracks
as in plane failure also usually occur. But in this earthquake, wall separation (delamination)
failure came into prominence. Such houses are destroyed because of the weakness of the
mortar used and the absence of bond stones across the thickness of the stone walls resulting in
delamination of the inner and outer walls along with the separation of the walls, at the corners.
These finally resulted in the total collapse of the buildings.
Figure 8.2.2 Damaged Stone Masonry in Mud Mortar Structures in Mountain Areas
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
(2) School
The project for the reconstruction of schools has been carried out by JICA and ADB together with
DOE. The project covers the damaged schools from the ECD (Early Childhood Development) stage
to grade-1214.
Out of the fourteen districts which were highly affected by the earthquake, JICA decided to support
six districts; Gorkha, Dhading, Rasuwa, Nuwakot, Makwanpur, and Lalitpur, and ADB decided to
support eight districts; Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Sindupalchok, Kavrepalanchok, Dolakha,
Ramechhap, Sindhuli, and Okhaldunga.
1) Preliminary Damage Survey and Field Survey Regarding Schools in Nepal and in Project
Target Areas
DOE made a preliminary survey for school damage immediately after the earthquake immediately.
Table 8.2.3 shows the result by damage level in the six districts which JICA decided to support
under this Project. There were 2,419 primary, lower secondary, secondary and higher secondary
schools in these districts and the total number of classrooms is 25,503. Out of these classrooms,
9,058 (36%) were fully damaged including collapse, 2,819 (11%) suffered major damage, and
3,969 (16%) suffered minor damage. This mean 63% of classrooms have suffered some damages.
The largest number of fully damaged classrooms was in Gorkha, and the second is in Nuwakot. On
the other hand, the ratio of fully damaged classroom was highest in Raswa.
Primary school: grade1-5, Lower secondary school: grade 6-8, Secondary school: grade 9-10, and Higher secondary school: grade
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project Team visited several schools and made surveys in July 2015. Figure 8.2.5 shows the
result of the surveys for damaged buildings in four schools in three districts; Gorkha,
Sindhupalchok and Kathmandu.
The structural type of buildings A, C, and D is “tubular steel frame with stone masonry wall” and
the stone masonry walls of these three buildings have been damaged due to the earthquake.
Whereas the damage to the wall of building A was limited only around the gable, damage of the
walls of buildings C and D ran through all walls, where some of the collapsed stones were already
moved outside of the buildings. The structural type of building B was “brick masonry wall” and
damage to the wall was limited to only around the gable as same as the damage to the wall of
building A.
There was no “lintel beam” or “top-tie beam” which would increase the strength of masonry walls,
in buildings A, B, C, and D. In addition, the joint material of both stone and brick masonry walls
was mud mortar. These factors might have affected the collapse of the walls. Also, building D was
constructed on sloping land. This also might have affected the collapse.
Buildings E and F were constructed by contractors. The structural type of buildings E and F were
“reinforced concrete frame and with brick masonry wall” and there were no cracks on both the
concrete frame and brick wall.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Building A Building B
Tubular Steel Frame with Stone Masonry
Structural Type Brick Masonry wall
District/Village Sindhupalchok District, Pipal Dada Village
Building B Building D
Tubular Steel Frame with Stone Masonry Tubular Steel Frame with Stone Masonry
Structural Type
Wall Wall
District/Village Kathmandu
School Ratna Rajya Secondary School
Figure 8.2.5 Result of Surveys for Damaged Four Schools in Three Districts
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
A detailed survey for school damage, named as SIDA15, was conducted by the World Bank.
However the result was not shared as planned. In April 2016, the World Bank (WB) shared the
SIDA Report phase 116 and the following points were the contents and key findings of the result.
SIDA Report consists of eight chapters and the contents are shown in Table 8.2.4.
Key findings written in the SIDA Report are shown in Table 8.2.5.
World Bank, SIDA: Structural Integrity and Damage Assessment of Educational Infrastructure in Nepal
Phase 1 targets eight districts out of fourteen damaged districts: Kathmandu, Makwanpur, Lalitpur, Ramechhap, Bhaktapur,
Sindhuli, Kavre, and Okhaldhunga
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project Team is in close cooperation with the survey teams from the Architectural Institute of
Japan (AIJ), National Research Institute Earthquake Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED), and
members from SATEPS.
8.2.2 Confirmation and Review of the Building Standards to Prepare for Earthquake Disasters
The DUDBC of MPPW developed the NBC in 1993 with the assistance of the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlement
(UN-HABITAT). The Ministry published a notice in the Gazette in 2006 and NBC has become
mandatory in all municipalities and some Village Development Committees (VDCs) in Nepal. In
2002, prior to the formal entry to enforce the code, Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City (LSMC)
initiated the implementation of NBC, becoming the first municipality in Nepal to implement the
NBC. Kathmandu Metropolitan City followed in 2004, Dharan Municipality in 2006, Illam in 2008,
Hetauda in 2010, Birgunj in 2011, and Byas Municipality in 2011. Other municipalities have also
been applying NBC with the passage of time. In total, twelve municipalities have implemented the
NBC by 2012 within the 191 total municipalities in Nepal. A total of five municipalities in 2013
and nine municipalities in 2014 have newly started applying the NBC and in total, 26
municipalities have started implementing the NBC in Nepal as of date.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
A building permit system exists in Nepal. However, the implementation of the system is limited
only to Kathmandu District and some municipalities including Gorkha, Chautara and Melamchi.
The system has never been implemented in VDCs. The main reason for not implementing the
system is shortage of engineers in the DUDBC in the MOUD and its local offices.
The target of the system is for buildings having a floor area of 1,000 ft2 and more.
(3) Implementation of NBC, and Clarification of Both the Background and Mechanism of Illegal
Implementation of NBC can be considered the same with the implementation of building permits in
Nepal. A building permit system exists in Nepal, however only some municipalities have been
implementing the system as of date17. None of the other municipalities and none of the VDCs have
been implementing the system. Therefore, it is not possible to determine whether structural design
and building usage follow the NBC in these areas or not. There has been a proposal to increase the
number of municipalities which implement the system. However, the main problem is the shortage
of technical officers in many municipalities.
Result of interview for DUDBC, Gorkha municipality and Chautara municipality
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
(1) Housings
a) Outline of the Design Catalogue for the Reconstruction of Earthquake Resistant Houses
The Design Catalogue for the Reconstruction of Rural Housing has been developed to support rural
households to commence the reconstruction of their homes from a solid basis, by providing
prototypes and flexible house designs which can be adopted and adapted in all earthquake affected
communities. The designs provided in the catalogue cover four broad categories of building
materials and typology:
The designs provided in this catalogue have all been prepared in compliance with the revised
National Building Code of Nepal and approved by the DUDBC.
For each design included in the catalogue, the following information is provided:
The number of manpower days for skilled and unskilled labour, as well as the quantity of materials
required for the construction of the design was also provided, with a broken down of requirements;
to construct up to the plinth level, up to the ring beam level, and for the construction of the roof.
Designs included in the Design Catalogue for Reconstruction of Rural Housing can be selected and
used as is, the prototype designs, or can be adapted based on the parameters as defined in the
National Building Code of Nepal, as described in the flexible designs. Once a design has been
selected, this can be used by the household as part of the building permit application process. The
Design Catalogue for Reconstruction of Rural Housing can also provide guidance in terms of
budgeting, and estimating the quantity of material required, and as a general guide for basic
earthquake resistant construction techniques.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project Team has supported the creation of this catalogue by DUDBC, which was published in
November, 2015.
Source: Design Catalogue for Reconstruction of Earthquake Resistant Houses Volume 1, DUDBC
The list of model houses in this catalogue is shown in Figure 8.2.8. Those models have been
approved by the technical working group which was organized by DUDBC.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
JICA has been promoting the implementation of “Build Back Better”, which is one of the priorities
for action in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. The concept has
already been discussed in the Nepal Reconstruction Plan through the co-organization of the “Build
Back Better Reconstruction Seminar for Nepal” which was held on 25th May, 2015 with the
government of Nepal. The design of the JICA prototype models follows this concept.
The six prototypes which the Project Team prepared are; SMC-1.1, SMC-1.2, SMC-2.1 with Stone
Masonry in Cement Mortar, and BMC-1.1, BMC-1.2, BMC-2.1 with Brick Masonry in Cement
Mortar. These prototypes follow the NBC 202, and were presented in the Technical Workshop on
Rural Housing Design organized by the NPC on 13th September, 2015.
As an example, Model SMC-1.1 is a one-story house which can accommodate 3-5 people. It
consists of two rooms with dimensions of 2650 x 4300 mm, and a veranda with dimensions of 1500
x 6350 mm. The design focuses on earthquake resistant construction using locally available
construction materials. Similarly, stone masonry in cement mortar has been used for structural type,
where CGI sheet is used for covering the roof along with wooden rafters and purlin. All designs
have been based on the NBC in order to ensure that earthquake resistant construction measures
were included. This includes the provision of horizontal bands, vertical reinforcement, corner
reinforcement, and T-junctions to improve diaphragm effectiveness. The design concept and the
objective of the design were to contribute towards resilient models to improve safety in future
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Structural calculations were performed using two methods; static structural calculation and
structural analysis using FEM. The list of models of structural analysis is shown in Table 8.2.7.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Table 8.2.8 and Table 8.2.9 show the result of the structural calculation of SMC-1.1 and shows
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
b) Analysis by FEM
Applied Conditions
The modelling is based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) using commercial software
SAP2000 Ultimate v18.
The prototype structures are load-bearing masonry walls with horizontal bands to resist all
load combinations, both gravity and lateral.
Safe bearing capacity for all prototypes of houses is assumed 150 kN/m2; soft to medium soil.
Spring constants are applied at the bottom of the model to represent the soil condition.
All analysis is based on the assumption that the bonds between walls and horizontal bands
are perfect18.
Applied Seismic standards and codes were as follows:
RC band RC band
SMC-1.1 SMC-2.1
Source: JICA Project Team
In reality, this might not be the case, particularly if the mud mortar becomes dry.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Result of Analysis
The results of FEM analysis are shown in Figure 8.2.13 to Figure 8.2.15.
Around the openings of a wall there was stress, however this stress can make an exception of the
area by IS1905-5.4.3.
2 2.87 kg/cm
2.3 kg/cm
2 2
Working stress (kg/cm ) Ultimate stress (kg/cm )
Maximum stress of Working Stress Method Maximum stress of Limit State Method
Source: JICA Project Team
2 2
3.78 kg/cm 4.7 kg/cm
Maximum stress of Working Stress Method Maximum stress of Limit State Method
Source: JICA Project Team
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
According to structural calculations, SMC-1.1 and SMC-2.1 satisfy the NBC105 seismic
requirement. The tensile stress and shear stress are below the limit.
On the other hand, SMM-1.1 with a timber band, stress was exceeded as follows:
For out-of-plane strength, the stone masonry in mud mortar with wooden band cannot
prevent the out-of-plane failure of stone masonry in mud mortar walls. This model does not
satisfy the criteria of NBC 105.
The stiffness and integrity of the diaphragm is important for earthquake resistance.
The diaphragm stiffness of the wall is insufficient for out-of-plane behaviour. For example,
adding a buttress to a wall, or a wooden brace on the top of the wall has to be provided to
strengthen the diaphragm stiffness.
Therefore, this model of stone masonry with mud mortar with wooden bands has the
possibility of out-of-plane failure during an earthquake. Even if the shear strength of stone
masonry in mud mortar are below the limit.
However, in actual reality, mud is the most typical vernacular material and there are several types of
mud mortar stone masonry in the fields. In addition, in academics, there are very few studies of mud
mortar structures, and the data of material property is not enough for observation.
The result of the structural calculation depends on material properties, so this value is "only
advisory". This is the result of structural analysis which has its starting points for a mud mortar
NRA launched its reconstruction programme on 16 January 2016 and organized the TSC
(Technical Standardization Committee) at the end of February. In this committee, it was discussed
whether NBC105 should be applied to residential buildings in the reconstruction programme as the
seismic requirement. Following this discussion, the MRs for residential building in reconstruction
programme was developed. There are four MRs by types of construction methods as follows:
For the dissemination of these MRs for residential buildings in the reconstruction programme for
the beneficiaries, posters of each model were developed. After this, the Technical Handbook for the
Reconstruction of Earthquake Resistant Houses for Masons and Craftsmen, and the Guidebook for
the Reconstruction of Earthquake Resistant Houses have been prepared and published.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Table 8.2.10 Minimum Requirements for Stone Masonry in Cement Mortar (SMC) (1/3)
Source: Minimum Requirements for building construction with Stone masonry in Cement mortar for residential
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Table 8.2.10 Minimum Requirements for Stone Masonry in Cement Mortar (SMC) (2/3)
Source: Minimum Requirements for building construction with Stone masonry in Cement mortar for residential
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Table 8.2.10 Minimum Requirements for Stone Masonry in Cement Mortar (SMC) (3/3)
Source: Minimum Requirements for building construction with Stone masonry in Cement mortar for residential
The 1st TC in Japan was held to share the overall picture of the project, and to exchange opinions
for getting advice for the future direction of the Project. The topics discussed in the 1st TC are as
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
In addition, the following were pointed out to further discuss on how to set the targets from the view
of BBB.
The GoN considers the reconstruction of houses following NBC200s as BBB reconstruction.
The houses on the Housing Catalogue will be subsidized by the GON. The Catalogue
includes brick/stone masonry buildings with mud mortar, NBC203.
The Project Team proposed brick/stone masonry buildings with cement mortar, NBC 202,
based on the engineering and experimental study with the idea of BBB to avoid heavy
damage from future earthquakes.
Considering the above gap, the scope of the Project in terms of housing reconstruction was
discussed from the view of cost, workability, feasibility including the capacity, social acceptability,
and sustainability.
The 2nd TC in Japan was held to finalize the scope of project in terms of housing reconstruction.
Based on the conclusion of 1st TC in Japan, the Project Team explained the results of structural
calculation and analysis.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
(2) Schools
The preparation of the Seismic Resistant School Guideline has been carried out through a joint
effort of ADB, JICA and DOE. Procedures were repeated to which; ADB prepares a draft of the
guideline, which is then reviewed by DOE and JICA, and ADB modifies the draft based on the
results of the review. This process was repeated and the guideline was completed in April 2016.
The guideline consists of two volumes. One volume focuses on architectural, mechanical and
electrical criteria and the title is “Guidelines for Developing, Type Designs for School Buildings in
Nepal”. The other volume mentions structural criteria and the title is “School Disaster Risk
Reduction, Structural Design Criteria for School Buildings” (see Figure 8.2.17).
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Source: DOE
Contents of the two volumes are shown in Table 8.2.11 and Table 8.2.12.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The main concepts of architectural, mechanical and electrical criteria of seismic resistant building
guidelines which the three organizations (JICA, ADB, and DOE) discussed and decided were as
On the other hand, the Study Team’s Views on the main concept of structural criteria of seismic
resistant school building guidelines were different from ADB’s concept and the three organizations
decided to include two criteria in the guideline:
The two volumes of seismic resistant school building guidelines will be applied not only for JICA,
ADB, and DOE are expected to be adopted by different kinds of development partners which will
help with the reconstruction of schools. In addition, each development partner will choose structural
design method RRNE or ADB based on the respective decisions.
8.3 Support for the Construction of House and School Models Based on the Earthquake-resistant
Building Guidelines.
8.3.1 Housings
The Project targets 46 VDCs in five clusters from the Gorkha and Sindhupalchok Districts. Figure
8.3.1 shows the map of target districts.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project Team was initially planning to construct model housing in each of the five target cluster
areas. The Project Team prepared a set of design works and bill of quantities for the construction of
cutaway models of 1-storey and 2-storey models indicated in the Design Catalogue for the
Reconstruction of Earthquake Resistant Houses. However, four were cancelled due to the long time
required by the Government of Nepal to secure necessary land. One model housing is being
constructed under a Quick Impact Project in Barpak VDC of Gorkha District, as of September
1) Training
To increase the number of masons with sufficient knowledge and skills to build earthquake resilient
houses, the JICA Build Back Better Housing Training was started in Dec, 2015.
The curriculum was formulated based on six days of DUDBC official curriculum, and one day was
added for cement work.
The policy for housing reconstruction is ‘owner driven’, and house owners themselves are
responsible for the reconstruction of their own houses. Therefore, awareness of safer house
construction is most important.
Table 8.3.1 Training and Beneficiaries
Training Beneficiaries No. of training
Training for masons 2,157 72
Refresh training for masons 1,404 49
Training for house owners 6,518 135
Source: JICA Project Team
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Brochures for disseminating the Minimum Requirements to all of the earthquake affected areas
were prepared. A total of 12,000 sets were printed in December 2016 and have been distributed
through the training sessions by TPIS-ERP and VDC offices in order to disseminate the information
to local residents.
Figure 8.3.5 Brochure of Load Masonry Structure (SMM, BMM, SMC and BMC)
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
3) Technical Handbook for the Reconstruction of the Earthquake Resistant Housings for
4) Guidebook for the Reconstruction of the Earthquake Resistant Houses for Housings Owners
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
These materials have been used in training masons and house owners by the TPIS-ERP
implemented by JICA. Through the training, 2,726 technical handbooks and 3,478 guidebooks were
The Project Team has also prepared a technical video for visual understanding safer of construction.
Target: Craftsmen, Masons (unskilled, skilled), Carpenters
Contents: Earthquake mechanism, typical damage of masonry structure, National Building
code, Earthquake resistant house (Design, Construction), etc.
Purpose: Teaching material for mason training.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
8.3.2 Schools
DOE already had fourteen kinds of classroom prototypes which followed the NBC, and had
constructed many classrooms all over the country. The Project Team compared their features in the
light of structure type, number of stories, area, dimensions and type of materials, and analysed them.
The results of analyses were used for designing the new classroom prototypes.
The original concept of prototype proposed by the Project Team was as follows:
“Reinforced concrete frame with brick masonry walls” was selected for the structural type of the
prototype taking into consideration the result of site surveys for damaged schools.
Prototypes for the classrooms, teachers’ room, library, laboratory, multi-purpose room, and toilets
were required in the Seismic Resistant School Building Guideline. Since DOE did not have any
prototype except for the fourteen kinds of classrooms and three toilets, various kinds of prototypes
were needed. To adapt the above needs, a “grid plan” was selected for the floor planning of the new
Mechanical and electrical planning of the new prototype followed the Seismic Resistant School
Building Guideline.
Some new prototypes were designed at the initial stage of the Project. The number was later
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
increased based on the demands of DOE. A total of 37 new prototypes were designed by the Project
Team as new prototype in order to cover ECD, primary schools, lower secondary schools,
secondary schools, and higher secondary schools.
The numbers of stories were decided from a single floor to three floors and different sizes of rooms
were designed in order to fit for various kinds of lands.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
As mentioned, all new prototypes followed the Seismic Resistant School Building Guideline which
was proposed by the Project Team, ADB and DOE. In the guideline, the structural design of the
prototype by the Project Team had an option to conduct pushover analysis by using computer
software in order to analyse the deformation and cracking of the structure in case of an earthquake.
For the pushover analysis, four prototypes (1 storey type, 2 storey type, 3 storey type and Multi hall
type) out of 37 prototypes were selected and the actual analysis was carried out by a local consultant
contracted under TPIS-ERP.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The results of the pushover analysis of the four prototypes were checked by the Project Team and
the results were found to satisfy the Seismic Resistant School Building Guideline.
The project for the reconstruction of schools was implemented under TPIS-ERP until March 2017
and the ESRP (Emergency School Reconstruction Project) has taken over the responsibility since
March 2017. There are 83 schools under construction in six districts as of the end of March 2017.
Many houses were damaged by the earthquakes. The Government of Nepal (GON) issued
lump-sum payments as relief money to the households which lived in those damaged houses.
Furthermore, GON is implementing a subsidy payment and a low-interest loan for the
reconstruction of a damaged house through the “Nepal Housing Reconstruction Programme”.
GON conducted a simple survey on the housing damage situation shortly after the occurrence of the
earthquake and classified the damage to the houses into three categories; totally destroyed, partially
damaged and no damage. GON paid NPR 15,000 to households that lived in houses judged totally
and/or partially damaged. GON also issued an Earthquake Disaster ID with photographs to all of
the earthquake affected people. The payment record of NPR 15,000 is described on the back side of
this ID.
Initially, NPR 200,000 subsidy per household has been decided as support for the reconstruction of
damaged houses. The payment of subsidy is divided into three stages (1) NPR 50,000 after signing
the Participation Agreement, (2) NPR 80,000 after Plinth Band construction, and (3) NPR 70,000
after completion of wall construction.
In the Grant Distribution Guideline for Completely Destroyed Private Houses by Earthquakes, 2072
(2015) published on 20th May, 2016, the subsidy amount was increased to NPR 300,000; (1) NPR
50,000, (2) NPR 150,000, (3) NPR 100,000 at the reconstruction agency steering committee held in
September 26, 2016. In addition, when only engaging in retrofitting work, payment of NPR
100,000 was decided. Subsidies for housing reconstruction are paid to households participating in
the programme through bank accounts.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The subsidy of NPR 200,000 is generally not sufficient to cover the construction cost of housing to
the size of pre-earthquake. Therefore, GON plans to provide a low interest financial scheme to pay
for the reconstruction of housings up to its previous size, in addition to the subsidy. The government
will provide funds for the low interest loans for housing reconstruction and commercial banks will
implement a loan to people and/or groups. The low interest loans fall into two categories. One is a
special loan for poor households and the other is for normal households.
To apply for the loan, not only poor households but also other households have to join the
programme and they have to select one of the model houses provided by the programme. Poor
households will not require any mortgage for the loan. However, banks will require a mortgage
from other households for the loan. In many cases, real estate such as a house or land will be the
security for a mortgage. The maximum value of the mortgage will be 60% of the assessed property
value. If the assessed property value is lower than the loan amount, banks cannot provide loans to
those households according to the guideline provided by the central bank.
The loan amount will not be paid in a lump sum, but will be paid step by step based on the progress
of the housing construction. However, banks do not have provisions to directly check the progress.
Therefore, banks are expected to pay the loan based on the inspection conducted in the programme.
(4) Programme Operation Manual (POM) for the Nepal Housing Reconstruction Programme
For the smooth implementation of the programme, GON prepared the first draft Programme
Operation Manual (POM) on 25th July, 2015. JICA, the Project Team, WB and other agencies
interested in the programme made comments regarding the first draft POM. Based on the comments,
GON prepared the second draft POM. The second draft has also been planned to be discussed by
GON and the concerned agencies, and be modified and issued by GON for starting the programme.
The objectives of the programme are to restore houses damaged during the April and May 2015
earthquakes in Nepal using earthquake resistant building techniques, and materials, through an
owner-driven approach, and improving long-term resilience and a culture of safer and sustainable
housing and settlements.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Owner-driven construction
Uniform and simple housing reconstruction and rehabilitation policy
Updating and dissemination of earthquake safer construction standards, design, and
construction practices
Primarily in-situ reconstruction
Effective communication
Third party monitoring and evaluation
(5) Issues
There are some issues for implementing the programme. These should be solved and cleared before
the implementation of the programme.
In-situ housing reconstruction is one of the principles of the programme. However, a detailed
explanation of “in-situ” is not mentioned in the POM.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
2) Damage Evaluation
An Earthquake Household Damages and Characteristics (EHDC) Survey for clarifying the degree
of housing damage will be implemented in the programme. The result of the survey is one of the
most important pieces of data and information to judge eligibility. A damage evaluation form for
the survey is provided in the POM. However, the criteria of damage judgement are not clear.
Pictures and/or figures showing the degree of housing damage should be provided for fair damage
judgement. Engineers who judge the degree of housing damage should be trained before the
implementation of the survey.
It is said that only owners of a house categorized as “completely destroyed/in need of demolition”
have eligibility to join the programme. Owners of a house categorized as “partially damaged” and
“not damaged” have no eligibility to join the programme and cannot receive any support from the
government for restoring a partially damaged house and/or for implementing seismic strengthening
work to an undamaged house.
Objectives of the programme are improving long-term resilience and culture of safer and
sustainable housing and settlements. Therefore, to achieve the objectives, GON should study and
develop another housing support scheme such as a subsidy for the rehabilitation and reconstruction
for partially damaged houses and a subsidy for seismic strengthening work for undamaged houses.
Income tax credit or reduction of interest should also be studied for housing owners who take a loan
from a bank for repairing and/or seismic retrofitting their house.
4) Building Permits
In the POM, it is mentioned that simplified building permits will be applied to beneficiaries who
choose a design from the project catalogue. However, the process of the permit is not mentioned in
the POM.
A shortage of engineers and/or architects to check documents submitted for construction of houses
is the biggest problem to implement a building permit system at present. For the smooth
implementation of the system in the programme, the necessary number of engineers and/or
architects should be provided and staffed at local level offices.
In the POM, it is said that the inspection of housing reconstruction will be conducted by designated
government officials in three stages; completion of the foundation, completion up to the ground
floor level, and completion of the roof. However, it is not mentioned how to inspect the buildings or
the completion of each stage, criteria for the inspection and criteria for judgement. These should be
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
clarified and necessary documents for inspection should be provided in the POM. Training for
inspectors using the documents should be conducted before the implementation of the inspection.
Beneficiaries are required to open a bank account irrespective of the presence of a financial institute
qualified to participate as a payment service provider in their respective VDC or municipality.
Beneficiaries receive the subsidy through the bank account that they have opened. However, the
number of municipalities and VDCs where financial institutes, especially class A and B, exist is
very limited. As an example, the locations and number of commercial banks of class A and B in
Sindhupalchok and Gorkha Districts are shown in the table below. There are 21 and thirteen banks
in Sindhupalchok District and Gorkha District, respectively. However, the number of VDCs and
municipalities which have banks in Sindhupalchok District and Gorkha District is seven and four,
respectively. Many beneficiaries that have joined the programme live in VDCs far from those
VDCs/municipalities which have banks. Most of them have no transportation means.
Visiting a bank for opening a bank account and getting a subsidy forces them to spend enormous
time and effort. Some way to reduce their burden, such as establishment of temporary branch
offices at VDCs or introduction of mobile banks, should be studied and found before implementing
the programme.
Table 8.4.3 Banks in Sindhupalchok and Gorkha Districts
No. of
District VDC/Municipality Village Remarks
Melamchi Municipality Melamchi Bazar 3
Chautara Municipality Chautara 3
Sanghachok Sukute 1
Mangkha Khadichaur 4
Tatopani Tatopani 2 Not operating at present
Barhabise Barhabise 7
Jethal Mude 1
Total: 21 banks in 7 VDCs/Municipalities
Gorkha Municipality Gorkha 9
Aaruchanaute Arughat 2
Gorkha Palungtar Municipality Palungtar 1
Masel Ghyampesal 1
Total: 13 banks in 4 VDCs/Municipalities
Source: JICA Project Team
NRA published Grant Distribution Guideline for Completely Destroyed Private Houses by
Earthquakes, 2072 (2015) on 20th May, 2016.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
This SOP is prepared to make the inspection easy and systematic for safer and stronger construction
on the basis of Grant Distribution Guidelines 2015, for the reconstruction of houses that were
damaged by the earthquake of April 25, 2105. To facilitate all the stakeholders, house owners,
beneficiaries, and local bodies, a Technical Inspection team was formulated to create uniformity in
the understanding of the procedure of the grant distribution for construction of safer houses .
A study on low cost construction models with the jacketing method to avoid brittle fracture, which
can be used even with earthquake resistant reinforcement, was conducted.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The objective of this component is to investigate damaged facilities for recovery and facilities to
contribute to the recovery from damage due to Nepal Earthquake and to select facilities to be
recovered and constructed by the Programme Grand Aid Projects.
The implementation schedule and cost through the refining and incorporation based on the outline
design and the cost estimation for each sub-project under the Japan’s Grant Aid on the basis of the
site survey and natural condition survey was summarized.
In this chapter, the selection result of sub-projects components and results of the outline design and
cost estimation are explained.
A long-list of the damaged public facilities in the target areas was prepared based on the damaged
public facility list from DDCs and interviews with MOUD and concerned DDCs, and 66 facilities
were inspected by the JICA Project Team. The number of long-listed facilities in each district is as
Sindhupalchok : 21 facilities
Lalitpur District : 17 facilities
Bhaktapur District : 7 facilities
Kathmandu District : 8 facilities
Gorkha District : 13 facilities
Among the long-listed facilities, the government facilities assisted by Asian Development Bank
(ADB) and the district hospitals assisted by other donors were eliminated from the selection of
Grant Aid Projects, and a short-list was prepared.
Possible candidates for Grant Aid Projects were carefully examined in accordance with the 19
criteria in Table 9.2.1, with consultation with relevant ministries and agencies, examination of
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
project cost and consideration of the balance with the Civil Work Projects. Table 9.2.1 shows the
Priority Order of the short-listed facilities. Finally, the following facilities were selected for JICA
Grant Aid Projects (building construction).
In Nepal, 5 Public Hospitals and 16 Specialized Hospitals, including Paropakar Maternity and
Women’s Hospital and Bir Hospital selected for JICA Grant Aid Projects, are categorized as level 3
National Hospitals. Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital is the Central/Specialized Public
Hospital, and Bir Hospital is the oldest Central Public Hospital in Nepal. These two hospitals are
important hospitals responsible for the central medical treatment of the country.
Table 9.2.1 Priority Order of Candidate Facility
Paropakar Kathmandu Gorkha Harihar Bhawan
Durbar High DOLIDAR
Maternity and Bir Hospital Metropolitan District DOR Office* Government Office
Criteria School Office*
Women’s Hospital City Office Hospital Complex*
Kathmandu Kathmandu Kathmandu Kathmandu Gorkha Kathmandu Lalitpur Lalitpur
1) Heavy damage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2) Contribution to rehabilitation and repair from
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nepal Earthquake
3) Other donor’s support No (WB in case No (WB in case
No (Previously Yes (ADB,
No No Yes (KfW) not supported by not supported No
India and USAID) China)
4) Large number of beneficiary 26,494,504 26,494,504 975,453 500+ (Students 271,061 Government Government Government officer,
(Nepal Total) (Nepal Total) (Kathmandu) and neighbour) (Gorkha) officer officer visitor
5) Easy access to the site during construction 4-5 hours
(not rural area) Yes Yes Yes Yes from Yes Yes Yes
6) Project cost more than JPY5Million Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
7) Appropriate for Japanese contractor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
8) JICA environmental category C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
9) Temporary facilities for construction period Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Based on site investigations and interviews with the relevant organizations in five districts, Gorkha
District, Sindhupalchok District and Kathmandu Valley, a long-list for the Programme Grant Aid
Projects for civil work was formulated. Projects for the local road improvement, large scale
landslide protection in Jure, and local power distribution network improvement, etc., were included
in the long-list as facilities of possible candidates for Grant Aid Projects.
JICA Project Team conducted a survey for collection of basic information for 23 facilities indicated
in the long-list. The number of facilities in each district is as follows:
Kathmandu Valley :8
Sindhupalchok District : 6
Gorkha District :9
Among the long-listed facilities, facilities not suited to the scale of Grant Aid scheme, and facilities
assisted by other development partners were eliminated from the selection of Grant Aid Projects,
and the short-list was prepared.
Short-listed projects were carefully examined in accordance with the criteria for selection as a Grant
Aid candidate facility, with consultation with the relevant ministries and agencies, examination of
project cost and consideration of the balance with the construction project. Table 9.2.3 shows the
comparison of evaluation results of short-listed projects.
Thus, the following two sub-projects were proposed to be applied for the Programme Grant Aid
Project from the candidates for the civil work component.
Regarding the sub-project “Bridge Construction at District Road”, it was difficult to apply for a
Grant Aid scheme because the construction sites are widely spread in the Gorkha and
Sindhupalchok Districts. However, considering the total construction cost for the sub-project
“Bridge Construction along Barhakilo - Barpak Road,” one more candidate bridge, which is the
Daraudi Khola Bridge, was included from the candidate bridges from the sub-project “Bridge
Construction at District Road.” In case this bridge is constructed, Saurpani Village, which is located
at the epicentre of the Nepal Earthquake and had been seriously damaged, will become easier to
access the Barhakilo - Barpak Road, and it will contribute greatly to the earthquake disaster
reconstruction. Therefore, it was decided by the Project Team that the sub-project “Bridge
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Construction along Barhakilo – Barpak Road” to be selected from the “Bridge Construction at
District Road.”
On the other hand, as a result of adjustment within the upper limit of the grant amount of the
programme, the sites in the table below were eliminated from the selected sub-projects, but as an
alternative, it will be implemented by the Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) or by government budget.
9.3 The Subproject of Reconstruction of Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital, and
Reconstruction of Bir Hospital
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Hospital provides the following medical services; OPD, delivery, operations, ultrasound
examination, pathology, physiology, ER, abortion care and infertility treatment.The Hospital had a
total of 415 beds before the last earthquake: obstetrics ward 241-beds, gynaecology ward 61-beds,
new-born 34 beds, and 79 other service beds, but the hospital is no longer useable according to the
assessment of the government authority. All hospital functions of the damaged buildings were
relocated to other buildings due to the assessment. Therefore, there are a total of 360 hospital beds
at the time of the survey.The number of birthing cases was more than 200 thousand every year, but
it has been decreasing in the most recent 2 years. However, the number of birthing cases is
approximately 50 a day, and Caesarean section delivery cases are more than 25%. The rate of
maternal mortality became a half of the rate of 10 years ago and neonatal mortality rate is also
decreasing year after year.
The implementation organization of the sub project for this hospital is PMWH under the Ministry of
The implementation organization of the subproject for this hospital is Bir Hospital under the
Ministry of Health.The location map of the PMWH and the Bir Hospital is shown below.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
1) Topographic Survey
Topographic surveys which show the information about boundary walls, existing facilities and
elevations were conducted in both hospital sites. Several benchmarks in each site were newly
installed so as to make the surveyed points precise for design and construction.
2) Boring Survey
A boring survey and standard penetration test (SPT) which show the hardness of the foundation and
liquefaction were carried out in both sites.
The boring survey which was carried out to a depth of 30m from the current ground level showed
that N-values which show the hardness of the foundation were 6-9 on average in PMWH and 7-10
on average in Bir Hospital. It was recognised from the result that though the foundation was a loose
foundation, there is no necessity for piling to support the reconstructed building.
Detailed liquefaction tests based on the SPT result shows that there are many points which have no
possibility of liquefaction. Thus, it is comprehensively judged there is little possibility of
liquefaction in both sites.
The team carried out plate loading tests to confirm whether the foundation near the ground can
support the reconstructed building using a spread foundation method.
The level was at a depth of 2.0 m from the current ground level for the test. The test results are as
Table 9.3.1 Plate Loading Test Results
PMWH Allowable Bearing Capacity = 106 kN/m2
Bir Hospital Allowable Bearing Capacity = 94 kN/m2
Source: JICA Project Team
Raw water of the existing wells in both hospital sites has high colour, turbidity, suspended solids,
ammonia, manganese, iron and microbiological counts.
Pressure filtration and disinfection treatment shall be applied along with activated carbon filters,
colour removal, organic scavenger filtration, and ammonia removal filtration systems for the well
water in both hospitals.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Discussions with related organizations and site surveys have been held based on the following
design policies:
Policy 1: The following codes, standards, guidelines and manuals are principally used in
establishing design conditions of the structures.
Policy 2: As the model type of hospitals, it shall be designed as a disaster resistant building with
features that will protect against earthquake to allow the continuous function of
operations of the hospital that has a standby generator, UPS and water reservoir tank.
Policy 3: The building grade shall be set to enable the adequate selection of materials,
construction methods and applicable techniques based on the Build Back Better policy.
The damaged building had functions such as obstetrics, gynaecology, a low-risk delivery room and
neonatal intensive care units which were mixed together in the same building before the earthquake.
After the earthquake, the high-risk delivery room and operation theatre were relocated to a separate
The new building has been planned to accommodate all the obstetrics and academic functions in the
same building with an obstetrics emergency department, operating room and delivery room,
excluding a part of the postnatal ward, such as the maternity ward and the intensive care unit, which
will be inside the specialized building for obstetrics and academic functions that were constructed
before the earthquake.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Before the earthquake, the academic function was accommodated in the old building making it
difficult to incorporate the wards and other functions. Thus, the academic function is to be shifted to
the new building where spaces allocated for academic functions can be used as a disaster transfer
area in the future if required.
After the construction of the new building, the old building will be demolished by the GON and the
space will be used for a place for temporary refuge and triage in case of another disaster.
2) Bir Hospital
Bir Hospital had a renewal master plan for the facility that was created before the earthquake. This
hospital site extends across three city blocks that are aligned in a north/south direction.
According to the master plan, there are plans to build a surgical complex in the northern city
block. That facility includes an emergency room, operation theatre and surgical intensive
care unit etc.
Preparation of construction has started this year because budgetary measures for this year
was also taken. (Master plan: Phase1, 2)
The block where the re-construction of the buildings is starting is located in the middle of the
3 city blocks. This city block is devoted to an outpatient department and medical complex.
(Master plan: Phase 3, 4)
The plan is intended to play a part in the medical complex of Phase 3 of the master plan, and
the building design should be functional and efficiently planned to fulfil its function for
examinations and treatment and provide wards that are organ-specific centres on each floor.
The functions that are to be provided in the new building are shown below;
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
In addition, the south block holds the existing trauma centre. It is not included in the renewal master
Through the discussions with the hospitals, the outline of facilities has been determined as follows.
Table 9.3.5 Outline of Facilities (PMWH)
Facility No. of Bed Structure No. of Stories Area [㎡]
GF 1,799
1F 1,700
Reconstructed 192 Reinforced 3 2F 1,700
building Concrete
RF 207
Total 5,406
Source: JICA Project Team
2) Bir Hospital
Table 9.3.6 Outline of Facilities (Bir Hospital)
Facility No. of Bed Structure No. of Story Area [㎡]
GF 959
1F 917
Reconstructed Reinforced 3 2F 917
building Concrete
94 RF 152
Total 2,945
GF 174
Utility Building Ditto 1
Total 174
Grand Total 3,119
Source: JICA Project Team
Finishing materials for the subproject facilities were planned in consideration with procurement,
maintenance and the level of local construction technologies to make the work as possible in
Kathmandu. The outline is shown below.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Table 9.3.7 Exterior Finishes
Pavement Wall Roof
Asphalt / Interlocking Blocks Brick Tile / Plaster with Multi-Layer Asphalt Waterproofing with Protective Concrete
Coating Layer
Source: JICA Project Team
Table 9.3.8 Interior Finishes
Room Floor Wall Ceiling
Ward Vitrified Ceramic Tile Paint Rock Wool Acoustic Board
Labour Rm Non Wax PVC Sheet Paint Rock Wool Acoustic Board
OT Non Wax PVC Sheet Decorative Calcium Silicate Board Decorative Calcium Silicate
Academic Carpet Tile Paint Rock Wool Acoustic Board
Source: JICA Project Team
2) Bir Hospital
Table 9.3.9 Exterior Finishes
Pavement Wall Roof
Asphalt / Interlocking Blocks Brick Tile / Plaster with Multi-Layer Asphalt Waterproofing with Protective Concrete
Coating Layer
Source: JICA Project Team
The structural design of the subproject buildings conforms to the NBC and IS. PMWH and Bir
Hospital are top referral hospitals in Nepal and are designated as medical service bases for disaster.
Thus, the importance factor is set as follows; I = 2.0
Foundation Method
Mat foundation, effective method for reducing construction cost and time, is adopted based on the
result of the standard penetration tests and plate loading tests.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Structural Type
Ductile moment-resisting frame with reinforced concrete shear walls which have strength and
toughness will be used.
Material Grade
Materials which can be provided within the domestic area will be used. The material grade is as
1) Connection to Infrastructure
Electric and Telecommunications in PMWH
The power supply source to the reconstructed building is the existing power receiving line of
250KVA, 1φ230V, or 3φ400V. They will continue to be used until the switch board is replaced
during construction.
The switchboard is to be provided in the electrical room of the specialized O.P.D building. Power
supply cables are connected to the reconstructed building by overhead wiring along the site
boundary line. These cables are fixed on poles. Telephone and internet cables are wired to the
reconstructed building by overhead wiring from the telephone switchboard room of the admission
block. Television and broadcast cables are also wired the same way.
Construction of a 500KVA substation is planned by Bir Hospital for April 2016 within the premises.
Cabling to the reconstructed building is an overhead and underground wiring system from the
branch circuit of the switchboard of the new substation. Telephone and internet cables are
connected to the reconstructed building using overhead wiring along the south site boundary from
the existing telephone switchboard. Television and broadcast cables are also wired the same way.
Both hospitals will connect to the existing water supply system. For Bir Hospital, the well which
was the main water source has some trouble and has not been functional since May 2016. Therefore,
a test well of 300 m depth was made from June to July 2017 to search the possibility of a stable
water source, and pumping test was conducted. It was confirmed that the water source was enough
to cover the demand of the main building of the hospital. Drainage which will be treated to standard
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
water quality will be discharged to public sewers by connecting to the existing sewage basin in the
The reconstruction facilities are supplied with commercial power by a low-voltage power source
(400V/230V) from a substation in their premises. A diesel generator is also planned as a back-up
emergency power supply in consideration of the frequent power outages, easy procurement of fuel
and maintenance. An uninterruptible power supply system (UPS) is provided in the haemodialysis
room, CCU, Cath. Lab, NICU, MICU, and OT.
Telephone service is provided to the reconstructed building through use of the existing telephone
exchange. Broadcast equipment and television receivers are provided as with the existing hospital.
LAN wiring is laid in the nurse station and main staff room. A monitoring camera system is
installed for the purpose of security, supervising of staff, and education. Fire alarm equipment
which is based on the law is provided.
4) Water Tank
A “Reservoir Tank and Elevated Tank System” is applied for water supply to sanitary appliances
and medical equipment. A well water treatment system is introduced in consideration of
maintenance. The reservoir tank capacity is 50% of daily water consumption. The water
consumption calculation is based on Nepal National Building Code (NBC) 206: 2015.
For the Haemodialysis Department in Bir Hospital, an exclusive elevated water tank and water
supply pipeline are installed so that tank service can be used in case of breakdown of the well
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Hot water is generally supplied to staff’s working sink, scrub basin, shower, and bathing sink using
local electric water heaters.
5) Drainage / Sewage
A septic tank for the reconstructed facilities is provided for both sites, and treated water is
discharged to public sewers. The treated water quality shall be within the tolerance limits based on
the Environmental Protection Act- 2054 Government of Nepal.
6) Air Conditioning
Electrical package air conditioning systems are provided in both hospitals. Rooms with air
conditioning are shown below. Central control system is planned to prevent overuse.
Temperature condition for calculation of air conditioning capacity is as below. Average maximum
and minimum temperature during thirty years are referred to Monthly Weather Data in Kathmandu.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
7) Medical Gas
Oxygen (O) and Vacuum (V) are provided as medical gas supplies.
Oxygen supply is planned with a central piping system and manifold setting. Vacuum supply is
planned with a central piping system and vacuum pump setting.
Medical equipment for the subproject is planned for selection of model and quantity based on the
planned function of the reconstructed buildings and the equipment list which the hospital requested
for the reconstructed buildings. Planning policies are as follows;
Functions in the reconstructed building shall be able to work appropriately using the
equipment provided.
Specifications and quantities of equipment shall match with staffing and skill of the
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
1) Principle
With the approval of the Japanese government, the Exchange of Note (E/N) shall be entered
into between the Government of Japan and the GON. A Grant Agreement (G/A) shall be
entered into between JICA and the GON in order for the subproject to be formally committed
to and to be implemented.
Following conclusion of the G/A, consultant firms of Japanese nationality and the GON will
conclude a detailed design and supervisory agreement, and immediately start detailed design
Table 9.3.21 Schedule (Detailed Design and Tendering)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
DD & Tendering
Detailed Design
PQ / T ender / Contract
2) Tendering
The tender will take place in accordance with the JICA procurement guidelines for Japanese
Grant Aid.
It is thought that the tendering method will be either a consortium between Japanese
construction and trading companies that combines facility construction and equipment, or a
stand-alone method dividing facilities and equipment. Coordinating facility and equipment
construction work schedules for the subprojects is important, so it is considered that choosing
the former method would be desirable to avoid disagreements.
The party executing the tender will be the implementing agency, but it is necessary for
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
4) Implementing Agencies
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Work plans, progress schedules and working drawings will be submitted by the contractor to the
consultant for approval. The consultant will approve them if they conform their compliance to the
contract, drawings and specifications.
2) Safety Control
Safety control during the construction stage shall follow the “Guidelines for Safety Control of ODA
Project Construction”. The contractor will submit the “Safety Measures Plan” for comprehensive
construction works and the “Safety Work Plan” for each work item. The consultant and the
implementing agencies will review these plans. Safety control policies are as follows;
Safety First: The first priority is the safety of hospital users and construction works in both
hospital realms that include construction areas because the construction works will be
executed in working hospital complex areas.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Secure the safety of access to the sites: Since the vehicles and machineries for the
construction need to pass through the hospital realm, traffic control should be carefully
managed. Only 1 gate for the construction area shall be set and it shall be separated from the
hospital user’s circulation. And seamless control organization with multiple security guards
shall be established for safe access control so as to avoid any failure.
Site protection fence: Temporary fences with panels shall be installed at sites to prevent
persons from going into the construction area and prevent hospital users from casually
entering into the area. These fences will prevent accidents caused by collision and flying
Protect hospital environment: Hospitals are working 24 hours a day and have inpatients.
Hence, noise, vibration and dusts from the construction areas shall be minimized and night
work, except specific works such as interior works that disturb no one, shall basically not be
3) Progress Management
Monthly progress reports based on a comprehensive work schedule shall be submitted by the
contractor. They shall reflect processes implemented by the month-end in a predicted performance
curve, and be monitored so that delays and progress can be shown quantitatively. If there are serious
delays in the planned schedule, the cause shall be traced and grasped, and appropriate instructions
shall be given to deal with the problem and catch up with the planned schedule.
4) Schedule
Inspection / Handover
T raining/Inspection/Handover
Inspection / Handover
T raining/Inspection/Handover
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
5) Others
The Minutes of Discussion between JICA and GON stipulate that EIA/IEE shall be conducted by
the GON in accordance with the regulations of Nepal. The Process of EIA/IEE was confirmed by
MOH to NRA, and the Bir Hospital was exempted from conducting the EIA/IEE as per the
“Working Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment of Reconstruction of Structure Affected
by Earthquake, 2072” in August 2016. As for PMWH, however, the EIA was deemed unnecessary,
and the IEE was required at that time. Finally in February 2017, PMWH was also exempt from
conducting the EIA/IEE as per the revised “Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment of
Reconstruction Work of Structure Affected by Earthquake, 2072.”
Demolition work of the existing buildings within the two hospital sites damaged by the earthquake
was undertaken by the Nepalese side. The two hospitals which were selected as the JICA Grant Aid
Projects are:
Technical advisory work on the demolition work had been carried out in accordance with Nepalese
requirements from March, 2016. Through the cooperation with the relevant organizations regarding
the demolition of existing buildings for the construction of the new hospitals, after the field survey,
the issues of the Demolition Plan was confirmed as TECHNICAL NOTE ON THE DEMOLITION
PLAN (Here in after Demolition T/N) dated 11th April, 2016. Demolition monitoring and advice
regarding demolition and coordination of the schedule in the field have been conducted for four
times, a total 50 days by the end of August 2016. The completion of demolition work was 31st
August, 2016, but since there were unfinished items, the Government of Nepal (GON) and the
Consultant have agreed to extend the deadline of the schedule to 30th November, 2016, and to
complete all the agreed items on the Demolition T/N, in a written agreement “AMENDMENT
ATTACHMENT” on 22nd August. The points to note of demolition of damaged hospital buildings
were as follows;
The demolition work will be carried out while the hospital continues in operation. Therefore
advisory work on the demolition work will be carried out to ensure not only to safe
construction, but also to ensure the safety of the patients and the staff.
Disposal of the industrial waste arising from the demolition in the appropriate manner
according to Nepalese law.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Services cables and piping shall be rerouted and the demolition work carried out while
minimizing the environmental load, and without causing any hindrance to the operation of
the existing hospitals.
After removal, the site shall be in an appropriate condition as a construction site for
reconstructing the buildings.
The Advisory Work has been done with the following items in four survey periods;:1) Define
Services cables and piping to be rerouted, 2) Ensuring construction safety, 3) Environmental
considerations, 4) Coordination regarding demolition schedule, 5) Preservation of the foundation
bed for the reconstructed building.
The Demolition T/N was signed on 11th April 2016, with agreement on the following: 1)
Demolition Site Plan, 2) List of Existing Buildings to be demolished, 3) Demolition Schedule, 4)
Responsible Organization and Implementing Organization, 5) the security of the hospital users and
safety of the demolition19, 6) Flow of Demolition Work (Draft).
International Organization for Migration (IOM), who has continued to remove damaged buildings
by the earthquake throughout Nepal, had been in charge of PMWH. The Project Team had several
meetings with IOM, and surveyed the IOM’s demolition site at the damaged Tribhuvan University
school building which has four stories, where the IOM demolition condition such as putting
protective gear when using heavy machine was confirmed. Since IOM has prompted the policy to
reuse the foundation including the first floor upon removal of the damaged buildings, it has been
determined not to remove the foundation for PMWH. Thus, it was not clear which organization will
remove the foundation of PMWH.
Regarding Bir Hospital, “Umesh Singrh Jorpati, Nayabasti, Kathmandu” as one private enterprise
had already started demolishing work from February 2016, and the top floor of the NEW ICU
BUILDING had been demolished manually by hammers and vibrators.
Refer from Safety Guideline ODA, Sep. 2014., JICA
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Demolition T/N) was issued on 21st July 2016. IOM had demolished above the plinth level. So next,
it was decided that Laxmi Nirman Sewa as a private enterprise, will start demolishing the
foundation and underground structure including the plinth level by the report of MOH and PMWH.
After the 4th Survey, the Project Team monitored the condition of the demolition work in Japan by
using email, and the completion of the demolition and removal of existing facilities for both
hospitals were confirmed. The completion date of the demolition work is as below.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
MOH has prepared the Site Survey Map including piping & cable lines after the demolition work of
both PMWH and Bir Hospital according to the agreement document between RRNE and MOH.
Although Khahare Bridge and Jhyalla Bridge will not be implemented by Programme Grant Aid,
but by QIPs as explained in Chapter 9.2.2, the outline of the survey and the result of the outline
design are explained the as same as the other three bridges in this Chapter.
1) General
According to Köppen climate classification system, the study area of 5 bridges is classified as a
"Warm temperate climate with dry winter and warm summer" ("Cwb")20.
Nepal’s climate is influenced by maritime and continental factors, and it has four distinct seasons.
The spring lasts from March to May, and it is warm with rain showers. The summer, from June to
August, is the monsoon season when the hills turn a lush green. The autumn, from September to
November, is cool with clear skies. In the winter, from December to February, it is cold at night
with temperatures sometimes below zero. However, the maximum temperatures can still reach up to
20°C. Then the mountains are covered with snow including some high hills.
The Rampur Station which is downstream has a "Warm temperate climate with dry winter and hot summer; Cwa".
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Nepal has been affected by extreme weather events etc., resulting in natural disasters such as floods,
debris-flows and landslides. Nepal’s fragile geological conditions, topographical extremities,
climatic extremities and seismic activities coupled with deforestation, unscientific agricultural
practices, unscientific land use changes, and developmental activities such as construction of roads,
irrigation systems and hydro-powers make it vulnerable to several natural disasters.
Extreme precipitation events during monsoon periods are common in Nepal. Extreme rainstorms in
the past years have been induced by abnormal behaviour of monsoon depression paths originating
from the Bay of Bengal when associated with low-pressure systems in Nepal.
Meteorological stations and gauging stations are arranged in the study area and surrounding basin,
as shown in Figure 9.4.1. The Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), a subordinate
organization of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, carries out meteorological
observations and river discharge measurements. A few meteorological stations are also equipped
with a thermometer, a hygrometer, an anemometer and an evaporation pan, while the other stations
are provided with only a rain gauge. Among the meteorological stations in the table, only the
Rampur Station measures all of items, and the others measure only rainfall.
The data collection items and period at the related meteorological / hydrological stations at the study
area and surrounding basin are shown in Table 9.4.1 and Table 9.4.2.
167 Arughat D. Bazar Dhading 84.81667 28.05000 518 Jun-57 - - - - 1985-2008 1991-2008 1990-2008
146 Rampur Chitawan 84.41667 27.61667 256 Jan-67 1985-2014 1985-2014 1968-2012 2001-2010 1985-2014 1995-2014 1990-2014
Source: DHM
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
a) Temperature
The monthly mean maximum/minimum temperature during 1985-2014 is shown in Figure 9.4.2.
The maximum temperature varies from 22 degrees to 36 degrees, and its peak occurs in April to
June. On the other hand, the minimum temperature varies from 8 to 25 degrees, and its nadir is from
June to August. Although long-term fluctuation of annual mean temperature shows in Figure 9.4.3,
signs suggesting the global warming are not particularly seen.
Source: DHM
Figure 9.4.2 Monthly Mean Temperature at Rampur Station
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Source: DHM
b) Relative Humidity
The monthly mean relative humidity at 8:45 and 17:45 during 1985-2014 is shown in Figure 9.4.4.
As the pattern of relative humidity, the periods of high humidity continue throughout the year
except for spring season from March to May, and its peak occurs from December to January.
Source: DHM
c) Wind Speed
The monthly mean wind speed during 1968-2012 is shown in Figure 9.4.5. The monthly mean wind
speed varies from 0.4m/s to 1.4m/s, and its peak occurs in spring season from March to June.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Source: DHM
d) Evaporation
The monthly mean evapotranspiration during 2001-2010 is shown in Table 9.4.3 and Figure 9.4.6.
The monthly mean evaporation varies from 32 mm to 160 mm, and its peak occurs from May to
July while the peak of rainfall occurs from June to September. It is understood that the season from
October to April is dry, in terms of the rate of evaporation and rainfall.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Source: DHM
Figure 9.4.6 Monthly Mean Evaporation at Rampur Station (in mm)
e) Rainfall
The monthly mean rainfall at 5 stations is shown in Table 9.4.4 and Figure 9.4.7. The monthly
mean rainfall varies from 5 mm to 769 mm/month, and its peak occurs from June to September.
The annual mean rainfall at 5 stations varies from 1,347 mm at Jagat Setibas to 3,096 mm at
Gharedhunga Station.
Table 9.4.4 Monthly Mean Rainfall at 5 Stations
Station Name Observed Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
Jagat (Setibas) 1985-2014 26.9 45.4 68.9 65.5 93.9 191.7 333.2 268.0 178.8 53.8 7.6 12.9 1347
Gorkha 1985-2014 20.3 26.6 40.1 83.2 171.1 322.2 414.5 353.5 183.4 41.6 5.3 13.9 1676
Gharedhunga 1985-2010, 2012, 2014 18.7 32.9 55.8 80.0 254.9 559.4 769.2 758.1 445.6 92.0 9.0 21.0 3096
Arughat D. Bazar 1985-2008 20.7 31.0 53.7 67.6 198.1 422.7 629.6 581.3 332.1 59.6 10.7 19.2 2426
Rampur 1985-2014 14.1 18.0 21.3 59.2 176.4 355.0 525.4 457.0 295.9 81.6 5.7 14.0 2024
Average 20.1 30.8 48.0 71.1 178.9 370.2 534.3 483.6 287.2 65.7 7.7 16.2 2114
Source: JICA Project Team by using DHM data
Source: DHM
Figure 9.4.7 Monthly Mean Rainfall Pattern at 5 Stations
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
As reference for the construction program, the unworkable days are estimated based on the total
annual days in which daily rainfall is more than 10 mm. The estimated quantities based on the past
daily rainfall at 5 stations are shown in Table 9.4.5.
The long-term fluctuation of annual rainfall at 5 stations is shown in Figure 9.4.8. The annual
rainfall at 5 stations varies from 728 mm to 3,573 mm. From this, increased signs suggesting global
warming are not particularly seen.
Source: DHM
The probability rainfalls at 5 stations are calculated from the past annual maximum rainfall
(extreme values) which was collected, as shown in Table 9.4.6 and Figure 9.4.9. The probability
rainfall is calculated according to the following:
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
or Logarithmic space method), Iwai's method, Ishihara and Takase's method, 3-parameter
log-normal distribution (Quantile method or Slade II method), etc.
Distribution model selected by reference to SLSC (Standard Least Squares Criterion) value
or adequacy of probability value, etc. (SLSC value of 0.04 or less is desirable.)
Calculation of rainfall for return periods of 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, 300,
400 and 500 years.
Table 9.4.6 Probability of Daily Rainfall at 5 Stations
Jagat Gharedhun Aru Ghat
Station Name Gorkha Rampur
(Setibas) ga D.Bazar
Source: DHM
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
As one example, the spatial distribution of 100-year probability rainfall of Table 9.4.6 is plotted in
Figure 9.4.10. The 2-100 years probability rainfalls of each bridge are estimated by reading the
probability values of the centroid of each catchment area on the TIN (Triangulated Irregular
Network) of GIS software.
And then, the Mononobe's equation is applied in order to derive the correlation between intensity of
short term rainfall duration and 24-hour probability rainfall. This equation has also been proved to
perform well in Nepal.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The probability rainfall intensities at the locations of each proposed bridge is shown in Table 9.4.7.
And the IDF curve at whole catchment area is shown in Figure 9.4.11.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Figure 9.4.11 Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) Curve of Whole Catchment Area
In order to ensure the required accuracy in topographic surveys in the vicinity of the target bridges a
topographic survey was performed. Using this survey, topographical conditions of the project site
have been accurately grasped to determine the structure and scale of the facility design and
construction planning.
Table 9.4.8 to Table 9.4.12 shows the summary of the topographic survey and Figure 9.4.12 to
Figure 9.4.16 represents the topographic map of the 5 bridges.
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The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
1) Investigation Summary
In order to understand the soil composition, condition and profile, drilling surveys were carried out
in the proposed abutment/pier locations. In total 15 bore holes were drilled in all the 5 bridge sites
for an average of 3 per site.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
2) Site Photographs
Photographs taken during the geological investigation are shown below, and, photographs for core
samples are shown following.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
RBH 3 (2/2)
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
(4) Hydrology
In the “Nepal Bridge Standards -2067”, it is described that all permanent bridges shall be designed
for a discharge of 100 years return-period. Therefore, the 100 years return-period is applied.
In the same way as above, the design minimum freeboard with the bottom of superstructure is
applied from Nepal standards. (See Table 9.4.18.)
Source: Nepal Bridge Standards-2067 (Ministry of Physical Planning and Works, Nepal)
The size of the flood opening is determined by the magnitude of the design discharge. In order to
design the opening for the bridge waterway, the following design criteria for hydraulics must be
The backwater does not significantly increase the flood damage to properties upstream of the
The velocity through the bridge does not damage the road facility or increase the damages to
downstream properties.
The existing flow distribution is maintained to the greatest extent practicable.
The pier and abutment are designed to minimize the flow disruption.
Potential local scour is within acceptable limits.
Clearance at the structure is adequately designed to safely pass any anticipated debris.
In this study, the design standards are based on the HEC series of FHWA, which are highly
recognized international standards.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
a) Targeted Rivers
The proposed 5 bridges in the study area are planned in the Daraudi River and its tributaries.
The Daraudi River (Khola) basin is a sub-basin of Narayani (also known as the Gandaki in India)
Riverine system. It is located in the western development region of the country and passes through
the Gandaki district. The Daraudi River originates from the south of Mountain massif Manaslu,
flows southward through the Daraudi valley, and merges into the lower reaches of the Marsyangdi,
8 km above its confluence with the Trishuli. The total length of the river is about 60 km and its
catchment area is bordered to the east by the Budhigandaki and to the west with that of Chepe,
another tributary of the Marsyangdi.
The catchment areas that are related to the proposed 5 bridges are shown in Figure 9.4.19, and the
catchment basin for the Daraudi mainstream at a point just downstream of the Khahare Bridge -
No.1 is 347.9 km2. Although there is no hydrological gauging station in this Daraudi basin, the
Garambesi Station - ID 440, in the adjoining Chepe River basin has been operating under the DHM
from 1964.
Chepe River is a tributary of the same Marsyangdi River. It originates south of Mt. Manaslu and the
river flows in a southerly direction. A significant part of the Chepe river basin lies below 3000 m.
The total catchment area is 308 km2, and the total length of the river from its origin to the gauging
station at Garambesi is 32 km. At the gauging station, the water levels have been recorded and
discharges measured regularly, hence daily as well as average monthly flow data is available. The
hydrological data of the Garambesi Station will be collected in order to carry out the comparative
verification of the flow characteristics with the Daraudi River.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
b) River Characteristics
The mean monthly flow pattern from the data of the most recent 20 years at Garambesi and
Bimalnagar gauging stations are shown in Figure 9.4.20. Also, the long-term fluctuations for
daily discharge at the stations are shown in Figure 9.4.21 and Figure 9.4.22.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The maximum instantaneous discharge occurs in June to September, and maximum extreme
discharge among them is recorded as 1,040 m3/s (Aug 2008) at the Garambesi Station and
2,520 m3/s (Jun 2000) at the Bimalnagar Station.
Figure 9.4.20 Mean Monthly Flow Pattern at Garambesi and Bimalnagar Stations
during 1991-2010
Figure 9.4.21 Long-term Fluctuation of Daily Mean Discharge at Garambesi during 1991-2010
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Figure 9.4.22 Long-term Fluctuation of Daily Mean Discharge at Bimalnagar during 1987-2010
Flow Regime
The discharge-duration curve is examined in order to understand the potential surface water
characteristics of the river through the year. The flow regime shows the annual flow
condition using the daily discharge at each hydrological station, and is indicated by the daily
discharge and the number of exceeding days. The annual flow regime is defined as follows;
The coefficient of a river regime is the ratio of the minimum flow and the maximum flow
rate at an optional point of the river, and shows the stability of the river flow quantitatively.
The magnitude of the coefficient of the river regime indicates that the flow fluctuation is
large, and if it is large, it indicates that full year water intake is difficult to achieve and flood
damage can easily occur.
The flow regime which was calculated at Garambesi - Chepe River, and Bimalnagar -
Marsandi River stations during 20 years more, is summarized in Table 9.4.19 - Table 9.4.20
and Figure 9.4.23 - Figure 9.4.24. The Chepe River is a steep river, which is the same as the
Daraudi River, and the coefficient of the river regime is high. On the other hand, the
coefficient of the Bimalnagar Station which is located in the midstream of the Marsandi
River is lower, compared with the Garambesi Station of the Chepe River.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The elevation distribution map for the study area in the Daraudi Khola is shown in Figure 9.4.25.
The targeted Daraudi River originates at an elevation of 5,804 m southerly of Mt. Manaslu, and the
river flows to an elevation of 479 m in a southerly direction. The catchment area is classified as
30% for cultivated area, 22% for grassland and 48% for forestland in terms of the category of the
land cover as indicated in Table 9.4.21 and Figure 9.4.27. These percentages are used for the
estimation of runoff coefficients of the rational formula.
Source: JICA Project Team based on ASTER GDEM data (Advanced Space-borne
Thermal Emission and Reflection radiometer - Global Digital Elevation Model,
METI of Japan and NASA of USA)
Most of the catchment area is sloping land, and its slope is very high. The percentage of the area of
each gradient is 0.1% for 1 degree or less, 1.1% for 1-3 degrees, 17% for 3-10 degrees, 29% for
10-15 degrees and 53% for 15 degrees or more as shown in Figure 9.4.26. According to the debris
flow countermeasure guidelines of Japan, it is described that the debris flow will occur at sites
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
higher than 15 degree slope and the sedimentation will start from about 10 degrees and will stop at
up to 3 degrees. Debris flows occur in a variety of forms depending on the conditions of the site and
the factors contributing to their occurrence. When classified by the contributing factors, debris flows
are roughly divided into "Riverbed sediment movement", "Slope failure/Landslide", "Natural dam
collapse" and "Volcanic activity" types. Except for the natural dam collapse type, all types of debris
flows are primarily related to the short-term rainfall intensity. As described in these guidelines, it is
estimated that the occurrence risk for debris flow of this study area is high, and there is the fear of
degradation and river course shifting of rivers with high flow-velocity and its erosive action.
Furthermore, at the proposed bridges except for the Daraudi Khola Bridge, since the slope of the
stream bed is steeper than 3 degrees, it is estimated that the risk of debris-flow is high.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Table 9.4.21 Land Cover Classifications of Catchment Areas of Each Proposed Bridge
No.1 Khahare Khola No.2 Jhayalla Khola No.3 Ghatte Khola No.4 Rungrung Khola No.5 Daraudi Khola Low Point of Daraudi Khola
Land Cover Classification 2 2 2 2 2 2
Area (km ) (%) Area (km ) (%) Area (km ) (%) Area (km ) (%) Area (km ) (%) Area (km ) (%)
Cultivated Area 1.90 9.38 2.22 6.72 31.46 98.79
Cultivation Glacier 0.00 1.92 33.62% 0.00 9.49 68.07% 0.00 2.30 31.03% 0.00 6.80 19.76% 0.09 32.86 15.32% 0.09 102.17 29.37%
Sand 0.02 0.11 0.08 0.08 1.31 3.30
Barren Land 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 21.89 21.90
Built Up Area 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bush 1.30 1.32 23.01% 2.25 2.28 16.33% 1.80 2.71 36.44% 2.52 2.69 7.82% 9.74 65.09 30.35% 22.05 78.13 22.46%
Embankment or Cutting 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.54 0.64
Grass 0.01 0.03 0.89 0.15 32.92 33.54
Forest Forest Areas 2.48 2.48 43.37% 2.18 2.18 15.60% 2.42 2.42 32.53% 24.94 24.94 72.42% 116.24 116.24 54.20% 166.79 166.79 47.94%
Pond or Lake 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.06
Water 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.27 0.13% 0.80 0.23%
Water Body 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.74
Total Area (km2) 5.72 5.72 100.0% 13.94 13.94 100.0% 7.43 7.43 100.0% 34.43 34.43 100.0% 214.5 214.5 100.0% 347.9 347.9 100.0%
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
There are many methods and procedures for flood estimation in general. The theories for many
methods have been developed by various institutions, and are either based on measured / statistical
data or a deterministic basis or are empirical relationships. Except for the statistical method, the
methods were "calibrated" for certain regions and flood events, and are limited in terms of the size
of catchment areas on which they could be applied. In case of this study area, it is made up of
mountainous areas, and therefore the flood prediction shall be considered using its own unique
formulae which are applied in mountainous regions such as Nepal, in addition to the general flood
prediction formulae.
If time series extreme discharge data are available at gauged basins, frequency analysis is the
preferred method for computing design peak flood discharge. Although there is no hydrological
gauging station in this study area, there is a gauging station in Garambesi - ID 440 in the Chepe
River basin which is located next to the Daraudi River of the study area. The catchment areas of
both rivers are nearly the same and they originate from the same Mt. Manaslu, and it can be
expected that both flood characteristics are relatively similar.
In the same process used for the calculation of the probable rainfall, the probable discharges at
gauging stations are calculated from annual maximum discharges / extreme values. The calculation
result at Garambesi is shown in Figure 9.4.28, along with a result of Bimal-Nagar station for
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
In addition to the above-mentioned frequency analysis by the statistical data, the other empirical
formulae which are often used for un-gauged basins of Nepal are shown in the following. In this
study, the typical 3 prediction formulae among them are used.
Rational Method
Modified Dicken's Method
(PCJ Method)
(Sharma and Adhikari Method), etc.
As shown in, the risk of debris flow is high except for the Daraudi Bridge - No.5, because
there are many steep slope sites in the drainage area. Hence, in addition to the above, the
debris-flows for 4 bridges are estimated using the Japanese standards.
The probability flood calculation by each formula is shown in Table 9.4.23, and the design
discharge for each proposed bridge is summarized in Table 9.4.22. The ordinary/low/drought
discharges are calculated by the discharge per unit drainage area, from past discharge-duration
curve at Garambesi Station.
Table 9.4.23 Calculation Results of Probability Floods and Debris Flows at each Proposed Bridge
4) Hydraulic Calculations and Design High Flood Level at the Proposed Bridges
a) Hydraulic Calculations
The 1-dimensional hydraulic analyses are performed under the average flow condition at 5 bridges
of the study area, for confirming of the several hydraulic quantities and the bridge scour. For the
1-dimensional hydraulic analyses, the Hydrologic Engineering Centre - River Analysis System
(HEC-RAS) model developed by US Army Corps of Engineers, is used.
The hydraulic calculation models for the 5 bridges are shown from Figure 9.4.29 to Figure 9.4.33.
The cross-sections for the hydraulic calculations are from the topographic survey results.
Hydraulic analysis is performed under the following conditions and the resulting hydraulic profiles
are shown in Figure 9.4.34 - Figure 9.4.38.
Kha ha
Main 128.118*
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Jh 166.939*
ol 156.984*
te K
l a
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Main 452.651*
ud 433.712*
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
WS Debris 100yrs
Crit Debris 100yrs
Elevation (m)
0 100 200 300 400
Main Channel Distance (m)
WS Debris100yrs
Crit Debris100yrs
650 ROB
Elevation (m)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Main Channel Distance (m)
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Crit Debris100yrs
WS Debris100yrs
Elevation (m)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Main Channel Distance (m)
Crit Debris100yrs
WS Debris100yrs
Elevation (m)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Main Channel Distance (m)
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Crit 100yrs
WS 100yrs
Crit DWL
670 WS DWL
Elevation (m)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Main Channel Distance (m)
The design High Flood Levels (HFL) at each proposed bridge is shown in Table 9.4.24. The scale
of design return period applied the 100-year flood in anticipation of debris flow for 4 bridges and
the pure 100-year flood (without debris flow) for the Darudi Khola (No.5) bridge.
Table 9.4.24 Design High Flood Level (HFL) at each Proposed Bridge
Bridge (River) Bridge Bridge Up Water Level with Bridge (existing)
Bridge No. Chainage
Name Width (m) Chainage Debris 100yrs 100yrs 50yrs 10yrs 2yrs Ordinary Dis. Low Dis. Drought Dis.
1) Applicable Standard
Design condition of this subproject was decided in accordance with major standards, specifications
and guidelines in Nepal.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
- Nepal Road Standards 2070, Design Standards for Feeder Roads (Third Revision) specified
by DOR in 2013
- Nepal Rural Road Standard (2055), 2nd Revision, 2071 specified by DOLIDAR in 2014
- Other related Japanese standards and specifications
a) Road Classification
Four bridges located along Barhakilo-Barpak road, which is specified as a “Feeder Road” and one
bridge crossing Daraudi River will be constructed in this subproject. Because of the classification as
a “Feeder Road” which is classified as “Class III”, design speed will be considered to be 30 km/h as
for mountainous and steep terrain. On the other hand, the road classification for the bridge across
Daraudi River is considered to be a “District Road” which is classified as “Class IV”. Therefore,
design speed for this road is 30 km/h, also.
b) Road Specifications
c) Design speed
The design speed of the approach road on the basis of the table below is Vs = 30km/h.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The minimum radius of horizontal curves of the approach road on the basis of the table below is
adopted as Rmin = 30m. However, when used in a hair pin bend, it is reasonable to use the value of
Rmin = 15m as for the Daraudi River approach road.
e) Maximum gradients
The maximum gradient of the approach road on the basis of the table below is imax = 10%.
However, when leader gradient of the existing road is used, it is possible to use a value of more than
the default maximum gradient as a special case.
f) Carriageway
The standard width of the carriageway of the approach road on the basis of the table below is Wcw =
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
g) Shoulder
The standard width of shoulder of the approach road is Ws = 1.875m. Also, the standard shoulder
width of the design standard is a 2.00m in the road of class III, and is 1.50m in the road of the class
h) Extra-widening
The value the design criteria for extra widening in short radius curves is defined as 0.6m at R =
20-40m. On the other hand, for approach road design, because of the adequate width of the shoulder
and the reduction of the project cost, there is no extra widening in the curved sections.
In accordance with the Bridge Design Standard in Nepal as mentioned before, the load applied to
the bridge shall be based on the IRC Standard specified in India. Therefore, the design conditions of
this subproject are specified in accordance with IRC standards as shown in the following;
a) Live Load
Class 70R and Class A loading specified in “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road
Bridges - IRC: 6-2014” will be applied.
b) Seismic Force
Seismic force will be calculated as follows, in accordance with “Standard Specifications and Code
of Practice for Road Bridges - IRC: 6-2014”
c) Pavement Load
In general, there is no pavement structure applied for Asphalt Concrete. Moreover, only Double
Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST) is applied along Barhakilo-Barpak Road, and there is no
pavement applied in the bridge sections. Therefore, pavement structure will not be applied in this
subproject either. However, according to DOR, there is a plan to apply asphalt concrete to the whole
section of Barhakilo-Barpak Road in the future. Therefore, a 75mm thickness of road pavement will
be considered in the bridge design in order to accept installation of asphalt pavement to the bridge
surface in the future.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
d) Material
Concrete strength for lean concrete and filling concrete at sidewalks is 18 [N/mm2].
Reinforcement Bar:
Locations for 5 bridges to be constructed by this subproject are shown in Figure 9.4.39 and the
current condition for each crossing point is explained as follows;
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Jhyalla Khola Bridge (Km27)
Ghatte Khola Bridge
Saurpani (Epicenter of
Gorkha City
Khahare Khola Bridge is located at Km16 of Barhakilo-Barpak Road. There is almost no water in
the river; however, there is water flow when it rains. According to observation of the flood status at
the site, current speed is about 3-4m/sec. Based on observations of a few ten cm sized rocks on the
riverbed; current speed is considered fast at flood time. There are a few dozen houses near the left
bank of Khahare river and about a dozen houses within a few hundred meters of the right bank of
Khahare River.
Jhyalla Khola Bridge is located at Km27 of Barhakilo-Barpak Road. Width of the river is about
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
10-15m during normal flow, water depth is a few dozen cm and current speed is about 2-3m/sec.
Because several rocks from tens of centimetres to one meter were observed on the riverbed, it is
considered that the current speed in a flood will be fast. There are about 10 houses on the right bank
of Jhyalla River and, there are agricultural fields upstream of the current river crossing point on both
the right and left banks of Jhyalla River.
Ghatte Khola Bridge is located at Km31 of Barhakilo-Barpak Road. Width of the river is about
10-15m during normal flow, water depth is a few dozen cm and current speed is about 2-3m/sec.
Because several rocks from tens of centimetres to one meter were observed on the riverbed, it is
considered that the current speed during a flood will be fast. There are about 100 houses in Baluwa
Village on the left bank of Ghatte River and agriculture fields on the right bank of Ghatte River.
Rangrung Khola Bridge is located at Km37 of Barhakilo-Barpak Road. Width of the river is about
20m during normal flow, water depth is a few dozen cm and current speed is about 3m/sec. Because
several rocks from tens of centimetres to one meter were observed on the riverbed, it is considered
that the current speed during a flood will be fast. There are a few residents living around the
Rangrung Bridge construction site and most of the area is forest area. The area after crossing
Rangrung River to go to Barpak is precipitous mountains; Barhakilo-Barpak Road becomes a
winding road after crossing Rangrung River.
Construction of Daraudi Khola Bridge is proposed in order to cross Daraudi River and connect
Saurpani with the Km29 point of Barhakilo-Barpak Road. Saurpani was in the epicentre area of the
Nepal Earthquake. Width of the river is about 30m, water level is 1-2m, and current speed is
2-3m/sec in normal flow. There are no residents living near this point. A Hydro Power Plant
Construction Project is in progress about 1km downstream from the crossing point of the river.
Construction of a dam and installation of a supply pipeline is being carried out by this project.
Typical cross sections decided based on design conditions explained in previous sections are shown
in Figure 9.4.40 and Figure 9.4.41.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Figure 9.4.40 Typical Cross Section for Barhakilo-Barpak Road (Approach Road and Bridge)
Figure 9.4.41 Typical Cross Section for District Road (Approach Road and Bridge)
The adopted geometric design values and control-points of each approach road are shown below.
The approach road design is carried out keeping in mind the reduction of construction costs and the
adjustment of the control-points.
Table 9.4.31 Design of Khahare Khola bridge approach road (Plan and Profile)
Minimum radius of horizontal curve Maximum gradient
Design Rmin m imax %
Road Road
Classification Specification Specified Specified
Vs km/hr Adopted value Adopted value
minimum value minimum value
Feeder Road Class III 30 30 10 10.00
in hair pin bend
Plan/Profile Chainage (Sta.) Name of control-point Descriptions
To coordinate the centre line of the existing road and planned
0+00 Beginning point of design road. Also it matches the pavement width and road width at a
distance of 20m.
Road alignment of bridge To adopt a hair pin bend (R=20) in order to shorten the bridge
0+30 - 0+55
Plan section length.
0+110 Both sides Houses along the road This is a control point to avoid.
To coordinate the centre line of the existing road and planning
0+120 End point of design road. Also it matches the pavement width and road width at a
distance of 20m.
0+00 Beginning point of design To match with the height of the existing road.
Considering that the elevation of the Khahare River flow at
HFL=505.80m, and taking into account the free board from
Road alignment of bridge
Profile 0+30 - 0+55 the HFL=1.0m and the assumed depth of the girder of the
bridge =1.8m, the proposed road elevation is set at H
0+120 End point of design To match with the height of the existing road.
Source: JICA Project Team
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Table 9.4.32 Design of Jhyalla Khola bridge approach road (Plan and Profile)
Minimum radius of horizontal curve Maximum gradient
Design Rmin m imax %
Road Road
Classification Specification Specified Specified
Vs km/hr Adopted value Adopted value
minimum value minimum value
Feeder Road Class III 30 30 60 10 5.25
Plan/Profile Chainage (Sta.) Name of control-point Descriptions
To coordinate the centre line of the existing road and the planned road.
0+00 Beginning point of design Also it matches the pavement width and road width at a distance of
0+00 - 0+50 Both Houses along the road This is a control point to avoid.
This is a control point to avoid. And to protect the fish pond by installing
0+70 Left Fish pond
Road alignment of bridge To cross the river alignment and the road alignment at a right angle as
0+81 - 0+111
section much as possible in order to shorten the bridge length.
0+140 Right Houses along the road This is a control point to avoid.
To coordinate the centre line of the existing road and planned road.
0+190 End point of design Also it matches the pavement width and road width at a distance of
0+00 Beginning point of design To match with the height of the existing road.
Considering that the elevation of the Jhyalla River flow at
Road alignment of bridge HFL=638.84m, and taking into account the free board from the
Profile 0+81 - 0+111
section HFL=1.0m and the assumed depth of the girder of the bridge =2.0m,
the proposed road elevation is H ≥641.84m.
0+190 End point of design To match with the height of the existing road.
Source: JICA Project Team
Table 9.4.33 Design of Ghatte Khola bridge approach road (Plan and Profile)
Minimum radius of horizontal curve Maximum gradient
Design Rmin m imax %
Road Road
Classification Specification Specified Specified
Vs km/hr Adopted value Adopted value
minimum value minimum value
Feeder Road Class III 30 30 60 10 8.77
Plan/Profile Chainage (Sta.) Name of control-point Descriptions
To coordinate the centre line of the existing road and planned road. Also
0+00 Beginning point of design
it matches the pavement width and road width at a distance of 20m.
0+00 Right Houses along the road This is a control point to avoid.
Road alignment of bridge To cross the river alignment and the road alignment at a right angle as
Plan 0+39- 0+69
section much as possible in order to shorten the bridge length.
0+106 Right Houses along the road This is a control point to avoid.
To coordinate the centre line of the existing road and planned road. Also
0+120 End point of design
it matches the pavement width and road width at a distance of 20m.
To match with the height of the existing road. On this occasion, the road
gradient is 10% or more (i=20.73%) in order to match the existing road
0+00 Beginning point of design
height and gradient. Therefore, the K value is satisfied by extending the
length (L=60) of the vertical curve.
Profile Considering that the elevation of the Ghatte River flow at HFL=768.78m,
Road alignment of bridge and taking into account the free board from the HFL=1.0m and the
0+39- 0+69
section assumed depth of the girder of the bridge =2.0m, the proposed road
elevation is H ≥768.78m
0+120 End point of design To match with the height of the existing road.
Source: JICA Project Team
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Table 9.4.34 Design of Rangrung Khola bridge approach road (Plan and Profile)
Minimum radius of horizontal curve Maximum gradient
Design Rmin m imax %
Road Classification Speed
Specification Specified Specified
Vs km/hr Adopted value Adopted value
minimum value minimum value
Feeder Road Class III 30 30 200 10 7.00
Plan/Profile Chainage (Sta.) Name of control-point Descriptions
To coordinate the centre line of the existing road and planned road. Also it matches the
Beginning point of
0+00 pavement width and road width at a distance of 20m. To avoid a private house (barn)
by adjusting the road alignment.
0-07 Left Houses along the road This is a control point to avoid.
Existing ground would
0+35-0+55 Right This is a control point to avoid.
require a cut
Road alignment of To design a nearly straight bridge alignment (R=200) in consideration of the
0+60- 0+110
bridge section workability.
Existing ground would
0+110-0+130 This is a control point to avoid.
require a cut
To coordinate the centre line of the existing road and planned road. Also it matches the
0+150 End point of design
pavement width and road width at a distance of 20m.
To match with the height of the existing road. On this occasion, the road gradient is
Beginning point of
0+00 10% or more (i=22.17%) in order to match the existing road height and gradient.
Therefore, the K value is satisfied by extending the length (L=60) of the vertical curve.
Profile Considering that the Rangrung River flow at HFL=881.34m, and taking into account
Road alignment of
0+60- 0+110 the free board from the HFL=1.0m and the assumed depth of the girder of the bridge
bridge section
=2.8m, the proposed road elevation is set at H ≥885.14m
0+120 End point of design To match with the height of the existing road.
Source: JICA Project Team
Table 9.4.35 Design of Daraudi Khola bridge approach road (Plan and Profile)
Minimum radius of horizontal curve Maximum gradient
Design Rmin m imax %
Road Classification Speed
Specification Specified Specified
Vs km/hr Adopted value Adopted value
minimum value minimum value
30 200
District Road Class IV 30 10 7.65
15 in hair pin bend 15 in hair pin bend
Plan/Profile Chainage (Sta.) Name of control-point Descriptions
To form a 3-leg at grade intersection with the Barhakilo-Barpak road. In the point of
Beginning point of
0+00 view of the turning of vehicles near the intersection to adopt a minimum curve radius
0+140 Near the A1 Abutment To adopt a hair pin bend (R=15) in order to straighten the shape of the bridge.
Road alignment of
Plan 0+156- 0+288 To design a straight bridge alignment in consideration of the workability.
bridge section
0+300 Near the A2 Abutment To adopt a hair pin bend (R=15) in order to straighten the shape of the bridge.
To coordinate the centre line of the existing road and planned road. Also it matches the
0+320 End point of design pavement width and road width at a distance of 20m. To fit the height of the existing
Beginning point of To match the height of Barhakilo-Barpak road. Also designed in easy grade around the
design intersection. (i=1.5%≤2.5%)
Approach section of the
0+00-0+150 To set the profile (vertical alignment) higher than the HFL of Daraudi River.
Crossing of the existing In the point of view of the traffic on the existing road to ensure the clearance under the
Profile 0+200.5
road girder of H=3m.
Considering that the elevation of the Daraudi River flow at HFL=667.37m, taking into
Road alignment of
0+156- 0+288 account the free board from the HFL=1.5m and the assumed depth of the girder of the
bridge section
bridge =2.0m, the proposed road elevation is set at H ≥670.87m
0+320 End point of design To match with the height of the existing road.
Source: JICA Project Team
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Structure type and material which have advantage in earthquake resistance and durability are
applied in accordance with BBB policy
Due to the very steep gradient of the river profile, except for Daraudi River, there is a high
possibility of receiving debris flow during high flood. Therefore, a single span bridge is
applied in order to avoid negative impact on the substructure from debris flow.
Based on the study result of the road alignment and river condition, the necessary span length for
each bridge is decided as follows;
Recommended superstructure types are selected from Table 9.4.36 which shows the relationship
between superstructure type and recommended span length.
Table 9.4.36 Relationship Between Superstructure Type and Recommended Span Length
Recommended Span Length [m] Ratio of Girder
Superstructure Type depth and Span
50m 100m 150m length
Simple Composite
Simple I-Girder 1/17
Steel Bridge
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Based on above table, recommended superstructure types are selected as follows, in consideration
with above mentioned span length.
- Steel Bridge (Span Length: 30m and 50m): Simple Composite Girder, Simple I-Girder and
Simple Box Girder
- PC Bridge (Span Length: 30m): Hollow Slab, 2 Main Girders, Simple T-shape and Simple
Box Girder
- PC Bridge (Span Length: 50m): Simple Box Girder and π-shape Rahmen
The result of the comparison study on superstructure type is shown in Table 9.4.37. Based on the
study result, PC 2 Main Girder type and PC Box Girder type are recommended to span 30m and
50m bridges, respectively.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
3) Foundation Type
The geological condition of this subproject is considered to be good, because a firm gravel layer can
be observed at 1~2m depth below the surface soil layer. Therefore, the foundation type of these
bridges is the direct foundation type.
Results of the outline design are summarized in Table 9.4.38 and the outline design drawings are
attached as Appendix 9 -2.
1) General
The main purpose of the construction of revetments and dikes is to protect the bridge from flooding.
This means that no river bank erosion should occur. Secondary effects are to protect agricultural
land and infrastructures in the existing protected area, etc.
In the case of the 5 proposed bridges, the slope of the stream-bed is very steep and the flow velocity
is very fast, and hence its flow regime almost reaches super-critical flow, and its risk of erosion is
high. In addition, the risk of debris-flow at 4 bridge site, except for the Daraudi, is high. In the
project area of Khahare 25 years ago, the debris flow occurred as a real event.
As the method to control debris flows, three methods are generally considered: (i) to prevent the
start of debris flow movement; (ii) to prevent the growth of debris flow movement that has already
started; (iii) to dissipate the energy of debris flow movement and put it under control.
A sabo dam is the principal measure to be taken against debris flows. It can provide a variety of
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
functions, ranging from the storage function like arrest and accumulation of debris flow, control
function of sediment load, erosion control function, conversion function of transportation mode, and
grading function of grains. However, its countermeasure work is large-scale and the construction
cost is huge.
In this study, the main purpose of the project is the construction of bridges that provide earthquake
safety, and it will be established as a primary goal that the debris-flow will be allowed to pass
through the bridge opening. The countermeasure to allow the debris-flow to pass through the bridge
opening will decrease the total bridge cost. Also, the sweeping measures, namely, structural
measures or development of warning / evacuation systems for debris-flow, shall be separately
considered as another project. Hence, the revetment work only having the function of allowing
passage of the debris-flow will be examined.
2) Scour Calculations
The most common cause of bridge failures is from floods eroding bed material from around bridge
foundations; abutments and piers. Therefore, safe bridge design must account for scour conditions
that may occur over the life of the bridge. Scour estimation by steady flow analysis of HEC-RAS is
conducted, based on Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 18 (HEC 18) of the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), USA, by using the value of probable maximum discharge and probable
high water level. A sample image of the calculation is shown in Figure 9.4.42.
The results of scour estimation are as shown in Table 9.4.39. At the Daraudi Bridge, river training
works (RTW) shall be conducted in order to diminish the encroachment or hydraulic-loss due to the
road embankment construction blocking a portion of flow. Therefore, the result after installing the
RTW is shown in this Table.
In all bridges, the estimated bridge scour depth is relatively deep, and the river bank/bed of each
bridge will need to be protected by the appropriate protection works such as Gabion or Riprap, etc.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Note. Flow condition is under 100-years flood with debris-flow for 4 bridges except Daraudi and 100-
years flood for Daraudi Bridge.
WS 100yrs
Bank Sta
Contr Scour
Total Scour
Elevation (m)
0 50 100 150 200
Station (m)
3) Scour Countermeasures
For erosion and scouring protection in river beds, riprap or gabions are considered as alternatives
since flexible revetment is the most advisable one. However, if the riprap protection-works are
adopted, the necessary rip-rap size is very large and is hard to construct; e.g. the necessary mean
diameter of rip-rap is from 1.0 to 3.2 m, even if the bank angle with horizontal is assumed as "1:2".
(See Table 9.4.40.) Therefore, the gabion protection, for which the permissible velocity for
erosion is relatively high, will be applied as the typical revetment type. The permissible maximum
velocity for gabion protection is 6 m/s for riverbed material of "shingle with gravel". Although
galvanized or vinyl-coated wire will be adopted, the wire will deteriorate in the future, or individual
baskets might be shifted downstream and deformed as the material moves under use in
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
high-velocity flow. Hence, the reliability will be lost as a result, and their maintenance or
replacement will be recommended periodically. For the Rangrung Khola Bridge only, since the
ground is on solid footing and the flow-velocity is the fastest, a concrete revetment will be adopted.
The revetment type is divided into three types based on the place where it will be set up, and the
typical cross section of the revetment is shown in Figure 9.4.43 - Figure 9.4.45.
Figure 9.4.43 Typical Cross Section of Stacked Block Gabions Revetment for Bridges
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Figure 9.4.44 Typical Cross Section of Concrete Revetment for Rangrung Bridge
Figure 9.4.45 Typical Cross Section of Gabion Revetment for Daraudi Bridge
At the time of construction of each bridge, the main stream of the river will be diverted, since the
construction will be performed by the open cut method. The magnitude of the diversion channel is
decided by considering the statistical maximum flow-rate during the construction period. In this
study, among the statistical discharges per drainage area of the past 20 years of the Chepe River, the
125th daily flow-rate from annual maximum, in other words the 240th flow-rate from annual
minimum, is adopted as the criterial flow-rate at the construction time. The scale / dimensions of the
temporary diversion channel of each bridge are shown in Table 9.4.41.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Table 9.4.41 Hydraulic Calculations and Sections for Temporary Diversion Channel
125th Maximum Q 125th Maximum Q
125th Average Q 125th Average Q
Bridge Name / Items during 20 yrs records during 20 yrs records
during 20 yrs during 20 yrs Remarks
records records
No.1 Khahare Khola Bridge
・ Circular section item
Total flow rate Q= 0.355 0.355 0.591 0.591 (m3/s)
Cell No. N= 2 1 2 1
flow rate: Q= 0.178 0.355 0.295 0.591 (m3/s)
Diameter: D= 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 (m)
Roughness coefficient : n= 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.024 Coorrugated-metal pipe
Gradient of channel: I= 70.12 70.12 70.12 70.12 (‰) Existing slope
・ Calculation result
neutral depth : h= 0.183 30.5% 0.265 44.2% 0.239 39.9% 0.360 59.9% (m)
Area : A= 0.073 0.121 0.105 0.177 (m2)
hydraulic radius : R= 0.104 0.138 0.128 0.166 (m)
Water Velocity : V= 2.437 2.948 2.807 3.339 (m/s)
full bobbin flow rate Qm= 0.881 0.881 0.881 0.881 (m3/s)
Frude No.: Fr= 2.144 2.094 2.118 1.945
surface width : T= 0.552 0.596 0.588 0.588 (m)
・ Calculation result
neutral depth : h= 0.358 59.6% 0.455 56.9% 0.406 50.8% 0.539 53.9% (m)
Area : A= 0.176 0.295 0.256 0.432 (m2)
hydraulic radius : R= 0.166 0.216 0.202 0.262 (m)
Water Velocity : V= 2.463 2.935 2.807 3.337 (m/s)
full bobbin flow rate Qm= 0.651 1.402 1.402 2.542 (m3/s)
Frude No.: Fr= 1.441 1.536 1.584 1.620
surface width : T= 0.589 0.792 0.800 0.997 (m)
・ Calculation result
neutral depth : h= 0.198 33.1% 0.290 48.3% 0.261 43.5% 0.359 51.2% (m)
Area : A= 0.082 0.135 0.118 0.198 (m2)
hydraulic radius : R= 0.111 0.147 0.137 0.178 (m)
Water Velocity : V= 2.824 3.403 3.245 3.865 (m/s)
full bobbin flow rate Qm= 0.976 0.976 0.976 1.473 (m3/s)
Frude No.: Fr= 2.373 2.288 2.326 2.319
surface width : T= 0.564 0.600 0.595 0.700 (m)
・ Calculation result
neutral depth : h= 0.436 54.5% 0.579 57.9% 0.517 51.7% 0.705 58.8% (m)
Area : A= 0.280 0.472 0.410 0.691 (m2)
hydraulic radius : R= 0.211 0.273 0.255 0.330 (m)
Water Velocity : V= 3.816 4.531 4.337 5.143 (m/s)
full bobbin flow rate Qm= 1.852 3.359 3.359 5.462 (m3/s)
Frude No.: Fr= 2.057 2.094 2.163 2.148
surface width : T= 0.797 0.987 0.999 1.181 (m)
1:n h
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
1) Principle
The executive agency of the project is DoR under the MoPIT and the local supervision of the
construction work is carried out by the project management office for the improvement project of
Barhakilo-Barpak Road.
In accordance with the Japan’s Grant Aid Scheme, the E/N was signed between the Japanese
Government and GoN, and the signing of the G/A between JICA and GoN followed the E/N.
The Japanese consultant assigned by JICA assumes the detail design, preparation of the
tender documents, support for tendering, and supervision of the construction work.
The contractor was selected through tendering and be adjudicated by the client. After signing
of the contract, the contractor started procurement of materials, preparation of yards near the
construction sites, and the construction work followed the arrival of materials.
After signing of the E/N, the Nepal side shall conclude the Banking Arrangement (B/A) with
the Bank in Japan immediately, issue the Authorization to Pay (A/P), and take necessary
measures in cooperation with the MoF to exempt customs duties, internal taxes and other
fiscal levies which may be imposed in Nepal with respect to the purchase or import of
materials procured by the contractor.
2) Construction Method
Daraudi Khola Bridge is located in the middle of the project area, 2 bridges are located upstream of
the Daraudi Khola Bridge and 2 bridges are located downstream. Therefore, construction of these
bridges are recommended to be completed by 3 construction teams, one is in charge of the
construction of Daraudi Khola Bridge, one is in charge of the construction of Khahare Khola Bridge
and Jhyalla Khola Bridge and the last one is in charge of the construction of Ghatte Khola Bridge
and Rangrung Khola Bridge.
It will be necessary to secure a large scale construction yard near Daraudi Khola Bridge
construction site, therefore, a site office for both the Contractor and the Consultant and a stock yard
for material and equipment are recommended at this location.
In addition, the pre-stressed concrete bridges which will be built in this project are rare in Nepal.
Therefore, the Japanese side will arrange technical transfer to local technicians and counterparts.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
1) Preparation
As explained in previous sections, it is planned to prepare a main construction yard which includes
site offices for both the contractor and the consultants and a stock yard for equipment and material
at the construction site for Daraudi Khola Bridge.
Expected area for the main construction yard is 100m x 50m as shown in Figure 9.4.46. Temporary
fences will be installed around this main construction yard. Because local villages and the existing
Barhakilo-Barpak Road are near this main construction yard, a resident guard will be assigned in
order to avoid property loss.
Borkha-Barpak Bridge Project Area - Layout
Ac c omod a t ion
Covered Storage Area C on s u lt a n t 's
Wa s t Wa t er
Offic e
Conttactor's Office
T re a t me n t
Oil St r age
Ar e a Strage Area
Wa t e r Ta n k
Dist r ibu t i
on Pan e l
Mixing Hopper
Plant QA &
Storage Tank
Gate Gate
a) Structural Excavation
Due to deep excavation (3 to 4m depth), installation of a temporary cofferdam of steel sheet pile is
considered for structural excavation work. However, the geological condition at the site is a very
hard gravel layer, therefore, installation of steel sheet pile is planned to be carried out by a compress
machine with an auger all of which is imported from Japan.
The construction site is located in a mountainous area, and it is impossible to purchase fresh
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
concrete from a manufacture. However, it is necessary to use concrete produced with good quality
control, because this subproject is for construction of bridges. Therefore, a batching plant for
concrete will be mobilized at the main construction yard. From this construction yard, fresh
concrete will be transported by concrete mixer car to each bridge construction site.
3) Superstructure
The superstructure type for this subproject is PC 2 Main Girders and PC Box Girder which will be
constructed by the All Staging Method. Basically, casting of concrete will be executed in the dry
season. During construction of the superstructure, concrete pipe will be installed in the river bed as
shown in Figure 9.4.47, in order to secure the space for river water flow.
Concrete Pipe
1) Consultant’s Supervision
For smooth implementation of the project, the consultant will execute its professional service
including the following;
To completely understand the contents of the E/N signed between GoN and Japanese
To completely understand the contents of the G/A signed between GoN and JICA
To confirm the details of the obligations of the Nepal Side and its progress, and to coordinate
with the Client to complete some matters that should be done before commencement of the
work, in accordance with the construction schedule.
To confirm the implementation of measures for exemption of tax or customs imposed in
Nepal for import of materials and to obtain the necessary support for the executive agency.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
2) Detail Design
a) Field Survey
The following information should be collected and confirmed in the site for the detail design;
Furthermore, the obligations to be covered by the Nepal side should be confirmed in this stage,
including the responsible division and prospect of budget.
b) Analysis in Japan
Following the survey in Nepal, structural calculations, hydraulic analysis, detail drawing and tender
documents are prepared and the construction schedule is planned.
The consultant shall assist the client in the following manner; preparation of the tender documents,
approval by the client, distribution of the tender documents, evaluation of the tender and conclusion
of the contract.
4) Supervision
The consultant will enter Nepal country in accordance with the construction schedule prepared by
the contractor for site investigation and coordination with the related agencies in Nepal. After that
the consultant’s permanent supervisor will execute its supervisory work.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
(Survey in Nepal)
Detaile Design
(Analysis in Japan)
(Preparation of Tender Documents)
(Approve of Documents)
(Tender Procedure/Verification) Total 9.0 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
(Site Preparation)
(Construction of Khahare Bridge)
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
(1) General
Chautara Municipality, known as a central city in the Sindhupalchok District, is one of the cities
that were seriously damaged by the Nepal Earthquake. Most of the public and private buildings
were destroyed and various forms of assistance are required for recovery of their standard of living.
Three water sources are located in the mountain area more than 10 km away from Chautara city.
The water transmission pipeline was damaged by a landslide, unexpected movement and
disconnection of joints, so that the water supply had to be suspended for two weeks due to this
serious damage. Immediately after the earthquake, these transmission pipelines were repaired
temporarily by efforts of WSSDO and WUSC with support from the Nepal Military Force.
However these pipelines were repaired by a simple method with simple materials that were easy to
procure at that time. In addition, the actual pipeline route is in danger and could easily be damaged
by further landslide and the major part of the pipeline is exposed on top of the ground. The existing
pipeline is at a great and obvious risk of being damaged by earthquake and land slide.
This project aims at the enhancement of the transmission capacity, stability and toughening of
transmission system through changing existing pipes for ductile iron pipes with earthquake resistant
mechanism through Japan’s Programme Grant Aid Scheme.
The facilities to be rehabilitated are the water intake chambers located in the northern area,
transmission pipeline and miscellaneous facilities such as air valves and washout valves.
The Holche scheme highly needs to be renewed among the existing schemes.
This pipeline was constructed around 40 years ago and is the oldest scheme in Chautara. The major
part of the pipeline consists of cast iron and galvanized steel. Many sections are exposed on the
surface of the earth and risk damage by land slide.
Some damaged parts were temporally repaired with polyethylene pipe, but there is still a high risk
of rock falling or load by a passing vehicle.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
These schemes were constructed after operation of the Holche line, and about 25 years have passed
since their construction. Each line was constructed at a different time and has an independent water
source. Both transmission lines are equally important but the actual situation after repairing is
similar to the Holche line. The installation route of the Majuwa line is very close to the Thalkharka
line, and their hydraulic conditions are similar to each other. Therefore, it will be possible to unify
the two lines into one line for further efficient operation unless the demand for water becomes much
higher than the actual flow.
However, there are many branch points directly connected with the transmission pipe for water
supply to some small settlements located near the pipeline, and it will be necessary to prepare
tapping saddles to supply water from the new pipeline.
Each water source has a collection chamber to collect water from the intake. The chamber located
in Majuwa is in normal condition and no significant damage was observed. However, the chamber
of Thalkharka has been damaged by the earthquake and some leakage from the wall is observed,
and the chamber of Holche has also big leaks on the base slab and wall, and it is impossible to
repair the chamber.
Considering the above mentioned situation, the chambers of Thalkharka need to be repaired by
constructing a new reinforced concrete structure inside the existing stone masonry chamber. The
chamber of Holche needs to be newly constructed.
The existing pipelines located near the water source were also damaged seriously, but now they
have been temporally repaired by the WSSDO. However, most of the pipelines are located on the
slope of the mountain with weak support and is always in danger of landslides.
In consequent of the study in Japan, the renewal of these pipelines located in the water source area
has been excluded from this Grant Aid Programme, but other possible measures remain under
consideration for other cooperation schemes.
The current layout of the transmission pipeline system is shown in the next page.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Project objective : Stable water supply is available to residents in Chautara and settlements
located along the supply pipeline.
2) BBB Concept
It is important to rebuild a society stronger after a disaster than before. At this time when many
restoration and reconstruction projects have been started following the emergency recovery work
implemented immediately after the earthquake, the BBB Concept should be materialized through
this sub-project.
3) Target year
This project is being implemented to contribute to stabilize the water supply in Chautara and to
provide the basic infrastructure for smooth restoration activities in the future, through improvement
of water conduction facilities that were damaged by the earthquake.
This project is an assistance that aims principally at smooth restoration of damaged facilities.
Confusion caused by the earthquake still remains in the project area, such as many destroyed
buildings, involuntary resettlement, or debris clearance problems. Therefore it is unreasonable to
establish a concrete target year for this project.
However, the potential of new water sources for future development should be considered in
determining the design capacity, in addition to the actual intake capacity of water and to the
capacity of the existing water treatment plant, to make the future extension of the water supply
service projected by WSSDO possible.
Raw water collected by the chambers in the three water sources, Holche, Majuwa and Thalkharka is
transmitted by galvanized iron pipes of 75/80mm in diameter, where some parts consist of HDPE,
to Chautara City.
On the way to Chautara, there are many branch connections with 20mm diameter to supply water to
some small villages and settlements.
Since constructing the actual system, the water flow has not been measured, so that the water supply
volume is estimated from the water source capacity at the time of construction.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The actual system of water transmission in Chautara is shown below, and the capacity of each
pipeline is estimated based on the topographical survey result;
3.0 L/s
: Existing Intake
Small Settlments
No.2 Chitre Inlet
PBC 10.0 L/s
PBC φ80 3.0 L/s φ80
No.1 φ75 4.0 L/s
φ75 φ80 8.0 L/s φ80
No.4 4.0 L/s
No.3 φ80
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Prior to determination of the renewal planning for the transmission pipeline, the following scenario
was projected as a design basis. The below mentioned flow value is established in consideration of
the request of the Nepal side, the possible capacity of water sources in the future and the capacity of
the existing water treatment plant
To be changed the
Thalkharka pipeline route
φ75 4.0 L/s
(No.1-4) Syaule Junction
Small Settlments
No.2 Inlet
20.0 L/s
No.1 14.0 L/s φ150
φ150 φ100
No.4 φ75 4.0 L/s Phusre Chitre φ100
New Holche Holche Small Settlments
Intake φ75
The possible volume of water intake is established as 6.0 L/sec including surrounding water sources.
To improve the actual hydraulic condition, the diameter of the pipes should be changed to 100mm
in the principal section. The short section with steep slope is designed with the diameter of 75mm to
assure a balance of water flow and velocity.
The possible volume of water intake is established as 6.0 L/sec considering the actual overflow of
water in the rainy season. To enable the pipes to be connected with the New Phusre pressure
breaking chamber (PBC), the route of a part of the section needs to be changed to a diameter of
100mm for good hydraulic condition.
The possible volume of water intakes (No.1 to No.4) is established as 8.0 L/sec, and the future
intake volume is assumed to be the same as the current capacity.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
However, there is a possibility of changing the pipeline alignment that comes from the Intakes No.1
and No.2 for a safer route near the Majuwa line, and this new route has been proposed in the outline
design stage.
The pipeline between the Phusre PBC and the Chitre PBC will consist of 150mm diameter on
upstream section and 100mm on other section.
The section between the Phusre PBC and the Syaule Junction has a favourable hydraulic condition
due to the large difference in ground elevation, so that the existing 2 pipelines can be unified into 1
line. In this case, the upstream short section will be 150mm diameter and the remaining section will
be 100mm diameter.
The section beyond the Syaule Junction to the water treatment plant follows the road slope gently
down and the pipe diameter should be 150mm to secure the suitable hydraulic condition.
In this design, 2 PBCs in the Holche transmission line and 5 PBCs in Thalkharka/Majuwa Line are
projected. The detail locations and their quantities were determined based on the topographical
survey carried out in the dry season.
However, it is important that the locations for these chambers shall be secured and provided by the
Nepal side in the implementation stage.
The water treatment plant located in the northern part of Chautara City was constructed about 10 years
ago by the DWSS/WSSDO. This plant consists of 1 rough filtering basin and 3 slow sand filtering
basins. The quality of water is fully pure even in rainy season, and the appearance of high turbidity
is seldom observed. For this reason, the water condition is suitable for slow sand filtering systems.
The dimension of the sand filtering basin is 15.5 m x 8.2 m (127.1 m2), and with the two basins, the
treatment capacity will be about 15 L/sec under the filtering ratio of 5 meters per day.
In the above mentioned water conduction scenario, the total volume of transmitted water is
established as 20 L/sec, but the practical amount of water that can reach the treatment plant will be
less than 20 L/sec, due to many branch connections along the pipeline. Therefore, the existing
treatment plant has an adequate capacity for the estimated scenario.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
On the Holche Line, there are some branch connections to supply water for the small settlements
located along the pipeline route. One of these settlements is known as Syaule Village.
This village has been accustomed to enjoying the benefit of Holche Water for a long time, and is not
willing to change their water source or mix with the different sources. For this reason, it is difficult
to unify the existing three pipelines into one line and the Holche line has to be maintained
On the other hand, the Thalkharka line and Majuwa line also have service branches for other small
settlements, but mixing the water will not cause problems because the water sources of the two lines
are located in the same area.
For the above mentioned reason, the tapping saddles for branch connections should be installed on
the pipeline that will be newly constructed by this project.
The climate of the project site belongs to the subtropical type, and a year is clearly divided into
monsoon season (from June to September) and dry season (from October to May).
The annual precipitation is around 2,500mm, and 80 % of the annual precipitation concentrates in
the rainy season.
There are especially many sections damaged by landslide on the transmission pipeline route. Some
parts of the pipeline must be located in the mountainous area characterized by its steep slope, and
the working condition is extremely severe.
Therefore such special conditions should be considered in planning of the material transportation
and construction schedule.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Source: http//
Source: http//
The water supply system is operated by gravity flow, and there will be no cost for electricity even
after rehabilitation. The condition for daily maintenance, operation and control of service branch
connections will also stay the same.
There are some settlements along the new pipeline route with less than one hundred households,
and it is necessary to install some branch saddles on the new pipeline to maintain the water service
condition for such settlements.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
This project aims at rehabilitation of the existing transmission pipeline, and it is not especially
required to consider laws, norms and standards.
Although it is unavoidable to change topographical features on the pipeline route, the most part of
the construction work is on the existing roads or unused lands, and the negative impact to the
environment is expected to be very small.
The piping materials for this project have been commonly used in Kathmandu, and special
techniques or special experience in operation will not be required.
For installation of the service branches for water supply to small settlements, an exclusive branch
material for the ductile iron pipe shall be needed. It is necessary to guide the local technical staff to
maintain suitable maintenance through installation work with staff of the executive agency.
Most parts of the existing pipeline consists of galvanized iron pipe (steel pipe) with screw type
This steel pipe has an advantage in its light weight, high strength in tension and bending, and high
shock resistance, but most of the pipes have been damaged by earthquake due to of lack of
flexibility and elasticity.
Although the ductile iron pipe has a disadvantage in its weight, it is commonly used for water
transmission lines because it has a high shock resistance and a flexibility to be able to follow the
ground movement. The push-on joint of ductile iron pipe is easy to connect, and has the option of
an advanced joint design which can avoid joint separation by ground movement. Furthermore, the
pipe can be installed and directly backfilled with earth in the trench if the base of the excavated
trench is almost smooth.
Considering the above mentioned matters, the ductile iron pipe should be adopted for this project
under the BBB Concept to minimize the risk of disasters, such as further earthquake or natural land
slide. The joint system of such pipe shall be the push-on type with anti-separation mechanism
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
(11) Policy for Construction Method, Procurement Method and Work Period
Some areas of the construction site are located in a mountainous area, so the accessibility is very
difficult in the rainy season.
Furthermore, most parts of the roads are narrow and impassable for large construction machines,
such as a dump trucks or crane vehicles, so that the major part of excavation and installation works
depends on human power.
The sufficient amount of materials for temporary works will be also needed for worker’s security in
the mountain area.
The existing road is located in a mountainous area and its surface is not paved. This surface
condition is one cause of land corrosion by strong rainfall and unexpected pipeline damage is then
caused by vehicle load.
Considering the above mentioned condition, the projected depth of the new pipeline shall be
resistant to such natural phenomenon. Therefore, the depth of 1.0 meter in the traffic road and 0.6
meter on the mountain trail will be projected.
3) Ground Installation
During installing the pipeline on the trail, some difficulty of work is expected due to exposing of
rock or steep slope, or impossibility of access by vehicle. In this case, the ground installation with
concrete support should be applied.
Among the existing three pipelines, the Holche line has a section that was damaged by a large scale
rock slide about 150 meters long. Now this section is in a dangerous situation and the full
consideration of safety will be needed.
If it is considered to be difficult to assure safety in this section at the time of detail design stage, the
work of pipeline that corresponds to such condition shall be excluded from the scope of work
designated for a Japanese Contractor, and this section should be installed with temporary
polyethylene pipe. However, the material for the pipes (DIP) should be procured by the Japanese
side and handed over to the Nepal side for future installation on a community basis.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The drawings for the outline design are attached in the annex.
The hydraulic condition of the targeted pipeline is confirmed by the topographical survey conducted
between October and November 2016 as shown below.
Longitudinal Profile
(Holche CC - WTP_Project) Ground Level Dynamic Level
Elevation (m)
1,800.000 WTP
φ100 φ75 φ100
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Distance (m)
Figure 9.5.6 Hydraulic Gradient (C2-C1, Between Holche Intake and WTP)
Longitudinal Profile
(Phusre New CC - Chitre CC _ Project) Ground Level Dynamic Level
Phusre New PBC
Elevation (m)
φ150 φ100
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Distance (m)
Figure 9.5.7 Hydraulic Gradient (C4, Between Phusre PBC and Chitre PBC)
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Longitudinal Profile
Chitre PBC (Chitre CC - WTP_Project) Ground Level Dynamic Level
Pressure Breaking
2,250.000 Q=14.0 L/sec
Chamber (Type-1)
Pressure Breaking
2,100.000 Chamber (Type-1)
2,000.000 Pressure Breaking
Elevation (m)
Distance (m)
Figure 9.5.8 Hydraulic Gradient (C3-C1, Between Chitre PBC and WTP)
Longitudinal Profile
(Majuwa CC - Phusre New CC _ Project) Ground Level Dynamic Level
2,400.000 D=100mm
Majuwa CC
Elevation (m)
2,150.000 φ100
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Distance (m)
Figure 9.5.9 Hydraulic Gradient (Between Majuwa Intake and Phusre PBC)
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
1) Principle
The executive agency of the project is the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS)
under the MoUD and the local supervision of the construction work is carried out by the Water
Supply and Sanitation Division Office (WSSDO) in Chautara.
In accordance with the Japan’s Grant Aid Scheme, the E/N was signed between the Japanese
Government and GoN, and the signing of the G/A between the JICA and GoN followed the
The agreement for the supervisory service and the contract for the construction is
administrated by the DWSS delegated by the MoUD.
The Japanese consultant assigned by JICA assumes the detail design, preparation of the
tender documents, support for tendering and supervision of the construction work.
The contractor was selected through tendering and be adjudicated by the client. After signing
of the contract, the contractor started procurement of materials, preparation of a yard near the
construction site, and the construction work followed the arrival of materials.
After signing of the E/N, the Nepal side shall conclude the B/A with the bank in Japan
immediately, issue the A/P, and take necessary measures in cooperation with MoF to exempt
customs duties, internal taxes and other fiscal levies which may be imposed in Nepal with
respect to the purchase or import of materials procured by the contractor.
2) Construction Method
As mentioned above, some parts of the construction site have difficult conditions for work due to
difficult accessibility in the rainy season. The work projected at these sites such as pipe installation
and rehabilitation of intake chambers should be done in the dry season.
In addition, ductile iron pipe with earthquake resistant mechanisms will be applied for this project,
which requires technical transfer to local technicians and counterparts regarding its special
connecting method and usage of tools. The Japanese side will arrange this procedure and work for
its promotion.
1) Preparation
The ductile iron pipes, accessories and other construction material and equipment will be
transported from Japan by sea and land packed in containers.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The equipment and material which arrive at Nepal will be temporally stocked in the stockyard of
Bhaktapur as proposed by DWSS. After that it will be transported by trucks in small lots to the
construction site in Chautara according to the construction schedule.
Confirmed at the time of outline design, this stockyard has an area of 50m by 50m approximately
and should be surrounded by a temporary fence. This area faces the principal traffic road, and needs
to be controlled by a guard against unauthorized person’s entry.
b) Sub-yard of Chautara
The material transported from Bhaktapur will be stocked in Chautara in small lots and be supplied
to the sites. It is assumed that this temporary stockyard will be provided to the contractor from the
Nepal Side officially without compensation, such as a public area or other vacant land with an area
of 20m by 20m. In this case, the contractor will prepare a temporary fence.
a) Installation of Pipe
The earth work will be performed by open drain cutting. The back hoe can be used only on the
traffic road, and on other trails the earth should be excavated by man power.
Although the road has not been paved, the excavated soil contains stones and conglomerate.
Therefore the pipes installed in the trench should be covered by sand or selected soil up to 10 cm
over the top of pipe. After backfilling with the sand, the excavated soil can be used to backfill to the
original surface level with compaction (each 30cm of depth).
b) Construction of Chambers
The construction site for the chambers has no vehicular access. Therefore all the excavation and
backfilling should be performed by man power. After smoothly bedding the bottom, a gravel layer
will be laid with 15cm of thickness, after that the base concrete will be set with 5 cm of thickness.
After setting the formwork panels and reinforcement bars, mixed concrete will be placed.
3) Concrete Work
a) Temporary Work
The projected chambers are all of small size and their height does not exceed 2 m, except for the
Holche intake chamber, so that no special scaffold will be needed. If the height of the upper slab is
less than 4 m, the concrete will be placed into the slab supported by pipes with formwork panels.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
b) Production of Concrete
The placing of concrete will be performed in order, such as base slab, wall, upper slab etc. and the
placed concrete will be carefully consolidated with a vibrator. At the construction joint of the
concrete, a water stop sheet made of PVC will be installed for water proofing. If the ambient
temperature is high at the time of curing, the concrete should be kept moisturized with water
4) Piping Work
In principle, the pipe installation method should be in accordance with the instruction issued by the
Japan Ductile Iron Pipe Association.
The base of the trench for the pipeline should be a flat-bottomed channel and no special foundation
is needed, unless rock or stone is observed. However, if the bottom of the trench is solid rock or
contains stones or cobbles, the contractor shall lay a sand bed with a thickness greater than 0.10m.
For the installation on the traffic road, a truck with a crane can be used for transport and laying of
pipes, but for the other sites, all the installation should be done by man power.
If the ground surface has a hard rock or a steep slope and does not permit normal excavation of the
trench, the pipes can be set as a ground installation by providing concrete supports. And if the
inclination of the ground surface exceeds 20 grades, a concrete anchor should be prepared
underground and cover the pipes
b) Miscellaneous Facilities
The pipeline work includes the following miscellaneous facilities; air release valve, washout valve,
pressure breaking chamber.
1) Consultant’s Supervision
For smooth implementation of the project, the Consultant will execute its professional service
including the following;
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
To completely understand the contents of the E/N signed between GoN and the Japanese
To completely understand the contents of the G/A signed between GoN and JICA
To confirm the details of the obligations of the Nepal Side and its progress, and to coordinate
with the client to complete some matters that should be done before commencement of the
work in accordance with the construction schedule.
To confirm the progress in implementing the measures for exemption of tax or customs
imposed in Nepal for import of materials and to obtain the necessary support for the
executive agency.
2) Detail Design
a) Field Survey
The following information should be collected and confirmed in the site for the detail design;
natural condition, geological condition, procurement condition of materials, procurement condition
of labour, topographic data, and other issues that were not confirmed in the basic design stage.
Furthermore, the obligations to be covered by the Nepal side should be confirmed in this stage,
including the responsible division and prospect of budget.
b) Analysis in Japan
Following the survey in Nepal, structural calculations, hydraulic analysis, detail drawing and tender
documents will be prepared and the construction schedule will be planned.
The consultant shall assist the client with the following items; preparation of the tender documents,
approval by the client, distribution of the tender documents, evaluation of the tender, and conclusion
of the contract.
4) Supervision
The consultant will enter Nepal in accordance with the construction schedule prepared by the
contractor for site investigation and coordination with the related agencies in Nepal. After that the
consultant’s permanent supervisor will execute its supervisory work.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
(Survey in Nepal)
Detail Design
(Analysis in Japan)
(Approve of Documents)
(Tender Procedure/Verification)
Total 7.0 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
(Site Preparation)
(Fabrication/Transportation of Materials)
(Installation of pipes)
1) Order of works
Once the dry season starts, the work will be commenced. In principle, the pipeline work will start
from sections with difficult accessibility. For pipe laid along the traffic route, if permitted by the site
condition, the installation work will be performed by two parties using back hoes and trucks with
cranes, from the northern part toward the city in order.
The section between Shaule and the water treatment plant has good accessibility compared with the
other sections even in the rainy season, and the work on this section can be done in the rainy season
with low risk of delay.
For the sections along the trail, it is necessary to work in parallel in different sites to shorten the
construction period. However, the number of parties that work simultaneously needs to be limited to
3 parties as a maximum to ensure the quality control.
The construction of chambers will be executed at the same time as the pipeline work. It is necessary
to carefully coordinate these works for smooth execution of the leakage test of the pipeline and
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
The construction and rehabilitation of the intake chambers will be done in the dry season only.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Many valuable lessons were learnt through the various challenges encountered during the
implementation of the Project. The lessons learnt through component 1 to 3 and further steps for
the forward are summarised below.
One of the important issues for the KVRP is how to link resilience in the government expenditure
for development. Currently, there is no single organization in charge of disaster management in
Nepal. In addition, KVRP currently does not have legal grounds for its implementation. Under such
circumstances, it was strongly recognized that the central government's strong leadership is
necessary to realize medium- and long-term measures to promote resilience.
Until now, the importance of KVRP has been confirmed in JCCs and TCs chaired by the National
Reconstruction Agency (NRA). In order to advance the resilience of Kathmandu Valley, NRA shall
take the lead and coordinate with related ministries and agencies to implement KVRP in the short
term. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider the establishment of a permanent organization that has
jurisdiction over all disaster management for advancing resilience in the long perspective.
In Nepal, RRPs are not defined by law, and the process of RRP preparation followed by activities
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
for recovery and rehabilitation in accordance to the plan has not been conventionally applied. Under
such circumstances, ensuring the effectiveness of the RRPs was a major issue from the beginning of
the Project. In this context, the Project Team actively coordinated with MoFALD and the authorities
of Gorkha and Sindhupalchok in order to align the formulation of RRP with the PDDP, which is a
legally defined development plan. As a result, aspects of RRP have been included in the PDDPs,
where implementing the PDDPs will also mean the implementation of RRPs. Formulation of RRPs
are dictated in PFRP. It has started to be understood that the first step in reconstruction is the
formulation of plans.
In a reconstruction plan, it is necessary not only to restore the physical damage by the disaster but
also to consider the risk of future disasters based on the concept of BBB. In the RRP, landslide
Hazard Maps were generated to scientifically understand disaster risk and to realise the concept of
BBB. Under scientific verification, RRP was developed, including considerations for the risk of
future landslides. The importance of the Hazard Map was also understood by the Nepalese side, and
the technology of a Landslide Hazard Map was transferred through workshops on the utilization of
the Hazard Maps and outline of Hazard Map preparation. Further generation of Hazard Maps for
other affected areas is currently planned within the budget of Nepal. The understanding on
propelling reconstruction based on scientific basis has been deepened for the Nepalese side through
RRP preparation.
PDDP is formulated in a bottom-up method, valuing the planning of the process. Not only
government officials but also politicians and local residents could gain understanding through the
process of formulating RRPs together with the PDDP planning. Moreover, the understanding that
reconstruction does not aim only at physical reconstruction but also contains a broad concept
including the revival of livelihoods and the economy has been deepened as well.
At the final stage of RRP formulation, due to reforms of the local government, the responsibilities
and authorities of the Districts were delegated to Municipalities and Rural-Municipalities. Therefore,
it is necessary to divide the formulated PDDP/RRP as to fit each local government body. It is hoped
that these divisions will be carried out by the Nepalese side and the contents of the RRPs will be
implemented at an early stage.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Based on the interpretation of satellite images and confirmation at representing sites, Hazard Maps
of the landslide disaster hazards of Gorkha and Sindhupalchok were prepared and handed over to
GoN. It was a rare case in JICA's international cooperation projects that completed a Hazard Map at
a practical level for a vast area. Such interventions can be considered to be an area to expand in the
Since there was no precedent in the work, the Project Team first examined the combination of
category and scores in order to increase the discrimination rate of the Hazard Map. Then, the results
were explained to the related organizations in Nepal who further provided feedback.
In the course of Hazard Map preparation, the trial and error process was repeated for a considerable
time at the initial stage. The relationship between slopes and slope inclination, inclination direction,
and geological structure and relationship with the epicentre, which were the final extracted
categories, can be considered to be utilised as universal categories to be applied to evaluate slope
stability in other areas.
In further opportunities to provide similar Hazard Maps in countries other than Nepal, it will be
more effective if analysis will be done after the categories are comprehensively selected with those
above as a basis, and by adding other area specific categories in consultation with the organizations
related to geology and disaster risk reduction of the target country
For this purpose, it is an important lesson that in the early stages of the project, the procedures and
goals of work should be clarified and a system to consult and cooperate with experts from related
organizations of the relevant country should be established to create a Hazard Map.
When preparing and utilizing Hazard Maps in a specific area, the Hazard Map has to clearly
indicate important points of notice such as how the topographic data was utilized, how the map was
prepared, and what its applicability and limitations are. The Hazard Maps prepared for the Gorkha
and Sindhupalchok Districts already indicate such information, and this practice should be
continued for the Hazard Maps which will be developed in the future. Important points to be
indicated are as follows:
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
Information used as general factors: General factors used are map and landslide information
identified from the satellite images captured after the April 2015 Nepal Earthquake.
Method: Slope failure risks are evaluated for each 50m x 50m square on the overlaid grid and
coloured from blue to red in gradation.
Applicability and limitations: This Hazard Map is for globally indicative purposes only. By
overlaying additional information as needed, this Hazard Map can be utilized as a decision making
tool for DRR planning. However, for site specific planning or designs, further studies are necessary
for reducing the landslide risks.
In the fiscal year of 2017/18, NRA has budgeted for the development of Hazard Maps in the
remaining nine districts, but it is not yet clear when this will be conducted. In order to realize the
concept of BBB in the affected areas, it is desirable to develop Hazard Maps as soon as possible.
For preparing Hazard Maps for the remaining nine districts, the following process is recommended:
Overlay satellite imagery, landslide distribution and DEM data provided from JICA to NRA.
Divide each district map by 50m x 50m square mesh.
Calculate slope inclination, slope direction, distance from epicentre and distance from MCT.
Analyse the relationship between each factor and landslide.
Consider other general factors to be introduced in each district if they a have high relationship with
After deciding the factors to be introduced, determine the weight allocation by using the
quantification programme provided to NRA.
Prepare each hazard map by weighted factors of each district.
After the completion of Hazard Maps, hold a presentation seminar to review the problems faced in
each district and to raise the technical level of each district engineer.
It was re-recognised that in the process of urgent recovery and reconstruction from earthquake
disasters, early recovery and reconstruction of the living environment and building a resilient city
for the future is the most important challenge. For this, multiple reconstruction programmes are
necessary. These are, for example the formulation and implementation of eligibility analysis
systems, grand-in-aid systems for reconstruction of housing, building permit application systems
and developing seismic designs for housing.
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
In the case of reconstruction in Nepal, it took quite a while for the Household Registration for
Housing Reconstruction Survey (HRHRS) to re-verify the victims of affected households, and it
took until the end of June 2016 to complete the survey in the eleven districts which were heavily
affected. The Vol.1 design catalogue for reconstruction of earthquake resistant housings as fixed
design was published in October 2015, and then in March 2016, the minimum requirements for
flexible design of masonry structures and RC structure were developed by NRA. However, the
completion of Building Inspection Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) was completed in
September 2016, and 2,000 engineers as inspectors were newly recruited. The building inspection
was finally started after one and a half years had passed since the earthquake.
Although one reason of the delay is that the establishment of NRA took some time, until December
2015, regarding the implementation of an early reconstruction programme, early completion of
eligibility survey, formulation of grant-aid system, and establishment of building permit application
system and developing seismic design also should have been discussed and conducted
simultaneously. Although it is more likely that discussion on developing seismic design draws more
attention, the importance of establishing and implementing the institutional framework and
implementation structure at the earliest stage must not be neglected.
Not only in this Nepal earthquake but also in past earthquakes around the world, most human
casualties are caused by the collapse of buildings, particularly by the vulnerable masonry
constructions in developing countries. Most of these buildings are categorized into
“Non-Engineered Construction”, which are built by local masons or the house owners themselves.
In Nepal, activities for dissemination of earthquake safer design for Non-Engineered Construction
were attempted by the Government of Nepal (GoN) lead by NSET. Seismic resistant construction
methods suitable for the land have been adopted as building standards, and based on those standards,
the verification of the structure and design proposals have been made. However, many of the
construction methods have not sufficiently spread, and the understanding of the seismic resistant
method of residents is not enough. This caused many houses to be damaged and collapsed in this
In order to build a seismic resilient society, not only buildings should be constructed during the
reconstruction assistance period, but also the method and knowledge of seismic resistant building
should be instilled to the local people. Particularly in the case of masonry, since it largely depends
on the elements of materials and workability, sufficient consideration should be given to locally
produced and locally consumed materials. In order to disseminate highly seismic resistant buildings
in non-engineered construction in developing countries, it is a prerequisite to technically ensure
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
seismic resistance, but it is also necessary to propose reconstruction houses which are endowed with
affordability, feasibility and adaptability.
When a disaster affected area is wide spread, the human resource development of engineers
involved is inevitable. Technical trainings sessions and workshops should be held for all
stakeholders such as government engineers, professionals such as architects and civil engineers,
construction workers and house owners to widely disseminate knowledge.
Since government-related engineers who review buildings in various places are temporarily hired
after the disaster, young graduate engineers accounted for their majority, and there are only a few
engineers with practical experience. Still, their technical ability greatly affects the quality of the
rebuilt housing. Technical training is conducted at the central level in Kathmandu and the local level
in each district, but because young newly graduated engineers with scarce practical experience
occupy the majority, it is necessary to take sufficient time before implementation. Because there are
only a few teachers to lecture in this training, the training of human resources such as ToT is also
Earthquake safety will not be achieved unless a bottom up approach is taken in which the house
owners and common people attain sufficient knowledge, especially in owner driven construction
such as non-engineered construction. The first step for disaster rick reduction is to understand the
disaster risk. For the dissemination of earthquake resilient techniques, technical matters should be
understood not only by masons, but also by house owners. Because housing reconstruction also
relates to the financial matters of the house owner, knowledge of the house owner on the necessity
of proper construction will directly influence the quality of the construction. In addition, the skill of
workers to appropriately implement seismic construction is also very important.
To establish a unified standard for seismic resistant construction and widely disseminate this up to
the residents where there are a mix of different ways of thinking between implementation partners
and NGOs, technical elements related to seismic design must be set step by step from the
fundamental principles.
Fixed designs of seismic structures were introduced through the Housing Catalogue, using many
images to facilitate easy understanding by local residents and focusing on methods with seismic
elements added to conventional construction methods. Further, after the formulation of a common
understanding that the seismic construction should be based on NBC 105, Minimum Requirements,
where seismic standards were summarised into ten points for flexible design of masonry structures
was developed, followed by inspection sheets of masonry. The ‘Correction and Exception manual’
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
which consists of exceptional and correctional measures for specific non-compliant cases were also
developed. This manual has helped to correspond to field situations of reconstructed houses without
compromising the seismic requirements. Through these step by step activities, the regulations of
techniques for seismic design were unified and disseminated to people concerned to the
reconstruction programme. The important point is to follow the order so as to first solidify the
fundamental principles for BBB without the premise of mitigation or compromise, and then
consider measures to improve the effectiveness of its implementation.
The main structural method in the areas affected by the earthquake is masonry structure using stone
and mud mortar. For stone with mud mortar masonry structures, there is not enough elemental
property data in the academic field. A considerable amount of time was required to analyse the
material property because factors such as the shapes of individual stones influence the load bearing
capacity. A full scale shaking table test of a stone with mud mortar masonry structure would be
useful to find out the actual behaviour until the structure collapses by earthquakes which is a major
cause of human casualty. Japan is one of the leading countries in shaking table tests, and therefore
such tests on stone masonry should be conducted utilizing its knowledge.
In consideration of future networking of research institutes and academia, particularly with those of
Japan, the subject/target such as historical building, engineered construction, vernacular architecture
etc., should be made clear. In the academic field in Japan, studies on masonry structure have not
progressed compared to other structural methods. Therefore, international studies and literature
should be referred to.
Regarding the procedure of the establishment of a seismic resistant building guideline for school
reconstruction, the Project followed four phases: damage survey and the analysis, review of existing
prototype of school designs, proposal of a seismic resistant building guideline, and design of new
school prototypes based on the guideline. These phases should be referred to when implementing
similar interventions.
After the commencement of the Transitional Project Implementation Support for Emergency
Reconstruction Projects (TPIS-ERP), it has become clear that most of the schools had smaller land
for reconstruction than initially expected. This issue could be coped with because the Project Team
The Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
had proposed 37 prototypes with a range of single to three storeys and also with different sizes of
rooms in order to fit for various kinds of lands. On the other hand, ADB had initially proposed only
single floor prototypes and therefore had to later prepare multi-floor prototypes, and also had to
apply some of the 37 prototypes proposed by RRNE for their project. It is desirable to conduct prior
sampling field surveys which include basic information such as access of road, number of students,
grade of school, topography of school site and area of land in order to avoid such issues in similar
projects in the future.
At the initial stage of the formation of potential Grant Aid Projects, it has become evident that other
development partners had already started to provide assistance ahead of JICA. Therefore, it was
very difficult to identify projects. This was because neither the Project Team nor JICA had the
necessary information before hand and considerable time was therefore necessary to obtain such
information. In emergency projects, information on the movements of other development partners
should be gathered in detail, in parallel with project identification, from the earliest stages of the
survey, in order to make the offering of projects faster.
Also, it was difficult to propose well-balanced projects in different fields, namely as civil
engineering and architecture, with pre-defined target cost of four billion yen as Programme Grant
Aid. Making the budget flexible will enable a quick response to combinations of projects. In
addition, since the original target projects were formulated using the results of site reconnaissance
and before the basic data collection through geological and topographic surveys etc., it was
necessary to modify the project based on the results of subsequent surveys. It is necessary to deal
with such problems by determining the target project after the basic survey such as topographic and
geological surveys as required.
Since it was just after the disaster, GoN was unable to prepare the necessary budget urgently after
the selection of the Grant Aid Projects, and it was also difficult to organise the implementation
structure. As a result, considerable time was required for the removal work of existing buildings and
the work was not done with due quality. There should be a system that allows flexible handling of
work items, where some items to be under the responsibility of recipient countries in normal Grant
Aid Projects could be included in the scope of the Japanese side in consideration of the nature of
emergency aid projects.