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Guruh Dwi Septano

Graduate Student of Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia


The word manufacturing derives from manus (hand) and factur (make), where the
combination means made by hand. The manufacturing operation is concerned with
transforming materials into items with greater value; the manufacturing process has
adopted the automation system for the production system. Automation refers to mechanical
equipment that performs physical tasks without the need for oversight by human workers.
An automated system consists of three basic elements: the power to accomplish the
system's operation, a program of instructions to direct the process, and a control system to
actuate the instructions. The control system causes the process to accomplish its defined
function, which performs several manufacturing operations. The controls in an automated
system can be either closed-loop or open-loop, using discrete control and programmable
logic controller. Sensors and actuators also support the logic controller's role in industrial
control systems, which can be used for robotics.

Keywords: Manufacturing, Industrial control, Automation, Logic Control, Control system

In ordering materials, moving the work

1 INTRODUCTION through the factory, ensuring that products meet
The manufacturing was accomplished when the quality standards, product design and certain
word first appeared in English around 1567, business functions are included in the
defined from two Latin words, i.e., manus (hand) manufacturing support systems. Production
and factus (make), which means made by hand. In system flow will be shown in Figure 1
those times, the commercial goods were made by
hand in small shops, and the goods were relatively
simple. As many years passed, factories emerged
with many workers at a single site, and much of
the work had been organised using machines
rather than hand-crafted techniques.
A production system is a collection of people,
equipment, and procedures organised to perform
a company's manufacturing operations. It consists
of two major components, namely facilities and
manufacturing support systems, as shown in
Figure 1.
Facilities of the production systems consist of
manufacturing system, factory and plant layout.
And also, the layout of equipment is located. For
Figure 1 Production system flow
manufacturing support systems, this section
manages production and solves technical or Manufacturing operations are concerned with
logistics problems. transforming materials into items of greater value
through one or more processing of assembly
operations. The key point is that manufacturing
*Corresponding author’s email: gd.septano@gmail.com
Journal of Mechanical Science and Engineering 8(2) 11-17, 2021
ISSN 2354-9467 © JMSE 2021

adds value to the material by changing its shape or output flow. Batch production occurs when the
properties or by combining it with other materials materials are processed infinite amounts or
that also have been altered. When iron ore is quantities. The finite amount or quantity of
converted into steel, value is added. When sand is material is called a batch in both the process and
transformed into glass, value is added. When discrete manufacturing industries. Batch
petroleum is refined into plastic, value is added. production is discontinuous because there are
And when plastic is moulded into the complex interruptions in production between batches.
geometry of a patio chair, it is made even more Reasons for using batch production include (1)
valuable. The classification of the manufacturing differences in work units between batches
process is shown in Figure 2. necessitate changes in methods, tooling, and
equipment to accommodate the part differences;
(2) the capacity of the equipment limits the
amount or quantity of material that can be
processed at one time; and (3) the production rate
of the equipment is greater than the demand rate
for the parts or products, and is, therefore, makes
sense to share the equipment among multiple parts
or products.

Figure 3 Batch production in the process and

discrete manufacturing industries
Figure 2 Classification of manufacturing
processes Figure 3 is depicted the differences in batch
production between the process and discrete
The industry consists of enterprises and
manufacturing industries, where (a) continuous
organisations that produce and supply goods or
production in the process industries, (b)
services. Industries can be classified as primary,
continuous production in the discrete
secondary, and tertiary.
manufacturing industries, (c) batch production in
Primary industries cultivate and exploit natural the process industries, and (d) batch production in
resources, such as agriculture and mining. the discrete manufacturing industries.
Secondary industries convert the output of the
primary sectors into products. Manufacturing is 2 DISCUSSIONS
the principal activity in this category, but the Every industry and manufacturing process
secondary industries also include construction and should have an automation system for the
power utilities. Tertiary industries constitute the production system. Automation refers to
service sector of the economy. mechanised equipment that performs physical
Production operations in the process and tasks without the need for oversight by a human
discrete product industries can be divided into worker. An automated system consists of three
continuous and batch production. Continuous basic elements: (1) power to accomplish the
production occurs when the production equipment process and operate the system, (2) a program of
is used exclusively for the given product, and the instructions to direct the process, and (3) a control
output of the product is uninterrupted. In the system to actuate the instructions. The
process industries, continuous production means relationship among these elements is illustrated in
that the process is carried out on a continuous Figure 4. All systems that qualify as automated
stream of material, with no interruptions in the include these three basic elements in one form or
another. They are present in the three basic types

Journal of Mechanical Science and Engineering 8(2) 11-17, 2021
ISSN 2354-9467 © JMSE 2021

of automated manufacturing systems: fixed, However, the term can also be applied to
programmable, and flexible. material handling and other industrial equipment.
Industries and their production operations were
divided into two basic categories: (1) process
industries and (2) discrete manufacturing
industries. Process industries perform their
production operations on materials because they
tend to be liquids, gases, powders, and similar
materials. In contrast, discrete manufacturing
industries perform their operations on quantities
Figure 4 Elements of an automated system: (1) of materials. After all, the materials tend to be
power, (2) program of instructions, and (3) control discrete parts and products. The kinds of unit
systems. operations performed on the materials are
different in the two industry categories.
Power is also required for the following There are differences in the types of actuators
material handling functions: Loading and and sensors used in the two industry categories at
unloading the work unit, Material transport the device level, simply because the processes and
between operations. The automation power is equipment are different. In the process industries,
used to; controller unit, power to actuate the the devices are used mostly for the control loops
control signals, data acquisition, and information in chemical, thermal, or similar processing
processing. A program of instructions defines the operations. In contrast, in discrete manufacturing,
actions performed by an automated process. the devices control the mechanical actions of
Whether the manufacturing operation involves machines. At level 2, the difference is that unit
low, medium, or high production, each part or operations are controlled in the process industries,
product requires one or more processing steps and machines are controlled in discrete
unique to that part or product. These processing manufacturing operations. At level 3, the
steps are performed during a work cycle. difference is between the control of
Work cycle programs are usually much more interconnected unit processing operations and
complicated than the furnace example described. interconnected machines. At the upper levels
Following are five categories of work cycle (plant and enterprise), the control issues are
programs, arranged in approximate order of similar, allowing for the products and processes
increasing complexity and allowing for more than are different.
one process parameter in the program; Set-point Industrial control systems used in the process
control, Logic control, Sequence control, industries tend to emphasise the control of
Interactive program, and Intelligent program. continuous variables and parameters. By contrast,
The Control system of the automated system the manufacturing industries produce discrete
executes the program of instructions. The control parts and products, and their controllers
system causes the process to accomplish its emphasise discrete variables and parameters. Just
defined function, which is to perform some as there are two basic types of variables and
manufacturing operation. The controls in an parameters that characterise production
automated system can be either closed-loop or operations, there are also two basic types of
open loop. A closed-loop control system, also control: (1) continuous control, in which the
known as a feedback control system, is when the variables and parameters are continuous and
output variable is compared with an input analog; and (2) discrete control, in which the
parameter. Any difference between the two is variables and parameters are discrete, mostly
used to drive the output to agree with the input. binary discrete. Most operations in the process
All the control will work as industrial control and discrete manufacturing industries include
manufacturing process. Industrial control is both continuous and discrete variables and
defined here as the automatic regulation of unit parameters.
operations and their associated equipment and the Consequently, many industrial controllers are
integration and coordination of the unit operations designed to receive, operate on, and transmit both
in the larger production system. In the context of types of signals and data. Chapter 6 covers the
this book, the term unit operations usually refer to various types of signals and data in industrial
the manufacturing process. control systems and how the data are converted
for use by digital computers

Journal of Mechanical Science and Engineering 8(2) 11-17, 2021
ISSN 2354-9467 © JMSE 2021

In continuous control, the usual objective is to Temperature, heat, heat flow,

maintain the value of an output variable at the thermal conductivity, specific heat
desired level, similar to the operation of a Type of radiation (e.g., gamma-ray,
feedback control system. Most continuous Radiation X-ray, visible light), intensity,
processes in the practical world consist of many
Magnetic field, flux, conductivity,
separate feedback loops, all of which must be Magnetic
controlled and coordinated to maintain the output Component identities, concentration,
variable at the desired value. There are several Chemical pH levels, presence of toxic in
ways to achieve the control objective in a gradients, pollutants
continuous process-control system. In the
following paragraphs, the most prominent Besides the sensor, in industrial control
categories are surveyed. systems, an actuator is a hardware device that
In discrete control, the parameters and converts a controller command signal into a
variables of the system are changed at discrete change in a physical parameter. The change in the
moments in time, and the changes involve physical parameter is usually mechanical, such as
variables and parameters that are also discrete, a position or velocity change. An actuator is a
typically binary (ON/OFF). The changes are transducer because it changes one type of physical
defined in advance by employing a program of quantity, such as electric current, into another type
instructions, for example, a work cycle program. of physical quantity, such as the rotational speed
The changes are executed either because the of an electric motor. The controller command
system's state has changed or because a certain signal is usually low level, so an actuator may also
amount of time has elapsed. These two cases can require an amplifier to sufficiently strengthen the
be distinguished as (1) event-driven changes or (2) signal to drive the actuator.
time-driven changes. Most actuators can be classified into one of
The control computer must collect data from three categories, according to the type of
and transmit signals to implement automation and amplifier: (1) electric, (2) hydraulic, and (3)
process control. In Section 5.1.2, process pneumatic. Electric actuators are most common;
variables and parameters as continuous or they include electric motors of various kinds,
discrete, with several subcategories in the discrete solenoids, and electromechanical relays. Electric
class. The digital computer operates on digital actuators can be either linear (output is linear
(binary) data, whereas at least some data from the displacement) or rotational (output is angular
physical process are continuous and analog. displacement). Hydraulic actuators use hydraulic
Accommodations for this difference must be fluid to amplify the control command signal. The
made in the computer–process interface. available devices provide either linear or
A sensor is a device that converts a physical rotational motion. Hydraulic actuators are often
stimulus or variable of interest (such as specified when large forces are required.
temperature, force, pressure, or displacement) into Pneumatic actuators use compressed air (typically
a more convenient form (usually an electrical "shop air" in the factory) as the driving power.
quantity such as voltage) to measure the stimulus. Again, both linear and rotational pneumatic
The conversion process quantifies the variable to actuators are available. Because of the relatively
be interpreted as a numerical value. Sensors can low air pressures involved, these actuators are
be classified in various ways, the most relevant of usually limited to relatively low-force
which for this discussion is by the category of applications compared with hydraulic actuators.
stimulus or physical variable measured, as For this industrial era, the industry used
presented in Table 1. numerical control. Numerical control (NC) is a
Table 1 Categories of sensor and Physical form of programmable automation in which the
Variables mechanical actions of a machine tool or other
equipment are controlled by a program containing
Category Examples of physical variables coded alphanumeric data. The alphanumeric data
Position (displacement, linear and
represent relative positions between a work head
angular), velocity, acceleration,
force, torque, pressure, stress, strain,
and a work part and other instructions needed to
mass, density operate the machine. The work head is a cutting
Voltage, current, charge, resistance, tool or other processing apparatus, and the work
Electrical part is the object being processed. When the
conductivity, capacitance
current job is completed, the instructions can be

Journal of Mechanical Science and Engineering 8(2) 11-17, 2021
ISSN 2354-9467 © JMSE 2021

changed to process a new job. Changing the Figure 6 Configuration of CNC machine control
program makes NC suitable for low and medium unit.
production. Writing new programs is much easier
than making major alterations in the processing A robotics system can motorise all This CNC.
equipment. Numerical control can be applied to a An industrial robot is defined as "an automatically
wide variety of processes. The applications are controlled, reprogrammable, and multipurpose
divided into (1) machine tool applications, such as manipulator programmable in three or more axes,
drilling, milling, turning, and other metalworking, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for
and (2) other applications, such as assembly, rapid use in industrial automation applications".
prototyping, and inspection. The common It is a general-purpose machine possessing
operating feature of NC in all of these applications certain anthropomorphic characteristics, the most
is control of the work head movement relative to obvious is its mechanical arm. Other human-like
the work part. An NC system consists of three characteristics are the robot's capabilities to
basic components: (1) a part program of respond to sensory inputs, communicate with
instructions, (2) a machine control unit, and (3) other machines, and make decisions. These
processing equipment. The general relationship capabilities permit robots to perform a variety of
among the three components is illustrated in industrial tasks. The development of robotics
Figure 5. technology followed the development of
numerical control (Historical Note 8.1), and the
two technologies are quite similar. They both
involve coordinated control of multiple axes (the
axes are called joints in robotics), and they both
use dedicated digital computers as controllers.
Whereas NC (numerical control) machines are
designed to perform specific processes (e.g.,
Figure 5 Basic components of an NC system. machining, sheet metal hole punching, and
thermal cutting), robots are designed for a wider
The machine control unit (MCU) is a micro-
variety of tasks. Typical production applications
computer and related control hardware that stores
of industrial robots include spot welding, material
the program of instructions and executes it by
transfer, machine loading, spray painting, and
converting each command into mechanical
actions of the processing equipment, one
command at a time. The related hardware of the The arm or manipulator of an industrial robot
MCU includes components to interface with the consists of a series of joints and links. Robot
processing equipment and feedback control anatomy is concerned with the types and sizes of
elements. The MCU also includes one or more these joints and links and other aspects of the
reading devices for entering part programs into manipulator's physical construction. The robot's
memory. Software residing in the MCU includes anatomy affects its capabilities and the tasks for
control system software, calculation algorithms, which it is best suited. A robot's joint, or axis as it
and translation software to convert the NC part is also called in robotics, is similar to a joint in the
program into a usable format for the MCU. human body: It provides relative motion between
Because the MCU is a computer, the term two body parts.
computer numerical control (CNC) is used to Robots are often classified according to the
distinguish this type of NC from its technological total number of axes they possess. Connected to
ancestors based entirely on hardwired electronics. each joint are two links, an input link and an
Today, virtually all new MCUs are based on output link. Links are the rigid components of the
computer technology. The configuration of the robot manipulator. The purpose of the joint is to
CNC machine control unit is shown in Figure 6. provide controlled relative movement between the
input link and the output link.
Nearly all industrial robots have mechanical
joints classified into five types: two types that
provide translational motion and three types that
provide rotary motion; 1—linear joint (type L
joint). The relative movement between the input

Journal of Mechanical Science and Engineering 8(2) 11-17, 2021
ISSN 2354-9467 © JMSE 2021

link and the output link is a translational robot programming languages, and (3) offline
telescoping motion, with the axes of the two links programming.
being parallel. 2. Orthogonal joint (type O joint).
We know there are discrete control and
This is also a translational sliding motion, but the
programmable logic controllers in industrial
input and output links are perpendicular. 3.
control. Discrete process control systems deal
Rotational joint (type R joint). This type provides
with parameters and variables that are discrete and
relative rotational motion, with the axis of rotation
that change values at discrete moments in time.
perpendicular to the axes of the input and output
The parameters and variables are typically binary;
links. 4. Twisting joint (type T joint). This joint
they can have either two possible values, 1 or 0.
also involves rotary motion, but the axis of
The values mean ON or OFF, true or false, object
rotation is parallel to the axes of the two links. 5.
present or not present, high voltage value or low
Revolving joint (type V joint, V from the "v" in
voltage value, and so on, depending on the
revolving). In this joint type, the axis of the input
application. The binary variables in discrete
link is parallel to the joint's axis of rotation, and
process control are associated with input signals
the axis of the output link is perpendicular to the
to the controller and output signals from the
axis of rotation.
controller. Input signals are generated by binary
Robot controllers can be classified into four sensors, such as limit switches and photosensors,
categories: (1) limited-sequence control, (2) interfacing with the process. The controller
playback with point-to-point control, (3) playback generates output signals to operate the process in
with continuous path control, and (4) intelligent response to the input signals and time. These
control. The robot has many applications for output signals turn on and off switches, motors,
industrial robots that are used in a wide field of valves, and other binary actuators related to the
applications in industry. Most of the current process—interpreting their 0 and 1 values. The
applications are in manufacturing. The controller's purpose is to coordinate the various
applications can usually be classified into one of actions of the physical system, such as
the following categories: (1) material handling, transferring parts into a work holder, feeding a
(2) processing operations, and (3) assembly and machining work head, and so on. Discrete process
inspection. control can be divided into two categories: (1)
logic control, which is concerned with event-
A robot must be programmed to perform a
driven changes in the system, and (2) sequence
motion cycle to accomplish useful work. A robot
control, which is concerned with time-driven
program can be defined as a path in space to be
changes in the system.1 Both control types are
followed by the manipulator, combined with
referred to as switching systems because they
peripheral actions that support the work cycle.
switch their output values on and off in response
Examples of peripheral actions include opening
to changes in events or time.
and closing a gripper, performing logical decision
making, and communicating with other pieces of A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a
equipment in the cell. A robot is programmed by microcomputer-based controller that uses stored
entering the programming commands into its instructions in programmable memory to
controller memory. Different robots use different implement logic, sequencing, timing, counting,
methods of entering the commands. In the case of and arithmetic functions through digital or analog
limited-sequence robots, programming is input/output (I/O) modules for controlling
accomplished by setting limit switches and machines and processes. PLC applications are
mechanical stops to control the endpoints of its found in both the process industries and discrete
motions. A sequencing device regulates the manufacturing. Examples of applications in
sequence in which the motions occur. This device process industries include chemical processing,
determines how each joint is actuated to form the paper mill operations, and food production. PLCs
complete motion cycle. Setting the sequencer's are primarily associated with discrete
stops and switches and wiring is more akin to a manufacturing industries to control individual
manual setup than programming. Today, nearly machines, machine cells, transfer lines, material
all industrial robots have digital computers as handling equipment, and automated storage
controllers and compatible storage devices as systems. The basic components are as follows: (1)
memory units. For these robots, three processor, (2) memory unit, (3) power supply, and
programming methods can be distinguished: (1) (4) I/O module. These components are housed in
lead through programming, (2) computer-like a suitable cabinet designed for the industrial

Journal of Mechanical Science and Engineering 8(2) 11-17, 2021
ISSN 2354-9467 © JMSE 2021

environment. In addition, there is a programming

device that can be disconnected from the PLC
when not required [1]. A schematic diagram of a
PLC is presented in Figure 7

Figure 7 Component of PLC

The industrial revolution 4.0 era is a phase of

change. The manufacturing industry uses the
internet for all activities in digital form. One of the
challenges in industrial revolution 4.0 for the
manufacturing industry is monitoring and
evaluating product quality. Product Quality
Assurance (PQA) systems are used to ensure the
production process from raw materials until
becoming a product [2] [3].

[1] Groover M P 2014 Automation,
Production Systems, and Computer-
Integrated Manufacturing
[2] Illes B, Tamas P, Dobos P and Skapinyecz
2017 New Challenges for Quality
Assurance of Manufacturing Processes
Solid State Phenom. 261 481–6
[3] Daniel D E, Koerner R M and Carson D A
1995 Quality Assurance and Quality
Control for Waste Containment Facilities.
(Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)


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