Core Java Brochure
Core Java Brochure
Core Java Brochure
02 Course curriculum
03 Course journey
04 Our partners
05 Key features
06 Membership benefits
07 Certificates
08 About us
About this programme
What is Java?
Java is the world's leading programming language and development platform. This results
in lower costs, shorter timeframes for improvements, and improved utility services. More
than fifty one billion Java Virtual Machines are utilized worldwide by tens of thousands
and thousands of developers, making Java the development platform of choice for
businesses and developers.
The reason Java is important is that it is a vital and invaluable programming language
that continues to be so today, but it has substantially influenced the way technology will
evolve in the coming two decades and for the foreseeable future as well.
01 Programming Languages
Object Oriented Programming
Classes & Objects
Pillars Of Object Oriented Programming
OOPS concepts and terminology
Encapsulation & Examples
Abstraction & Examples
Advantages of OOPS
Fundamentals of OOPS
02 What is Java?
Execution Model Of Java
How to Get Java?
A First Java Program
Compiling and Interpreting Applications
The JDK Directory Structure
Module Methods:
05 Expressions
Assignment Operator
Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Increment and Decrement Operators
Operate-Assign Operators (+=, etc.)
The Conditional Operator
Operator Precedence
The Cast Operator
07 for Loops
A for Loop Diagram
Enhanced for Loop
The continue Statement
The break Statement
09 Defining a Class
Creating an Object
Accessing Class Members
Instance Data and Class Data
Defining Methods
Access Modifiers
Course Curriculum
Module Using Java Objects
11 Inheritance in Java
Why use Inheritance?
Types Of Inheritance
Single Inheritance
Multi-level Inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance
Hybrid Inheritance
Method Overloading
Run-time Polymorphism
Method Overriding
Polymorphism in Java
Types Of Polymorphism
super keyword
The Object Class & Methods
12 What is a Stream?
Reading and Writing to Files (only txt files)
Input and Output Stream
Manipulating input data
Reading Lines
Opening & Closing Streams
Predefined Streams
File handling Classes & Methods
Using Reader & Writer classes
13 What is an Interface
Defining Interfaces
Separating Interface and Implementation
Implementing and Extending Interfaces
Abstract Classes
Course Curriculum
Module Packages
14 What is a Package?
Advantages of using a Package
Types Of Packages
Naming Convention
Steps For Creating Packages
The import Statement
Static Imports
CLASSPATH and Import
Defining Packages
Package Scope
15 Lambda Notation
Lambda Syntax
Lambda Expression
java.util.function package
Use primitive versions of functional interface
Use binary versions of functional interface
Use the Unary Operator interface
16 Exceptions Overview
Exception Keywords
Catching Exceptions
Exception Methods
Declaring Exceptions
Defining and Throwing Exceptions
18 Nested Classes
Anonymous Inner Classes
Local Nested Classes
Static Nested Classes
Member Classes
Instance Initializers
Module Threads
19 Non-Threaded Applications
Introduction to Threads
Threaded Applications
Creating threads
Lifecycle Of A Thread
Phases of Thread life cycle
Runnable Interface
Priority Of Threads
Coordinating Threads
Thread Interruption
Thread Groups
Module Swing
20 Introduction To Swing
Using Swing API
Module Applet
21 Introduction to Applet
A "Hello World" Applet
Applet Layout Manager
Module JDBC
22 Introduction To JDBC
JDBC Architecture
Types Of JDBC Drivers & Differences
Common JDBC Components
Importing Packages
Registering JDBC Drivers
Opening Connection
Connecting a Java program to a Database
Executing Query
Statement Class & Objects
Getting Information from Database
Obtaining Result Set Information
DML Operations through JDBC
Cleaning up Environment
Course Curriculum
Module Servlets
Module JSP
24 Introduction of JSP
JSP Architecture
JSP Processing
JSP Tag library
Core Tags
JSP Standard Tags
JSP Page Life Cycle
Creating the first Dynamic web page using JSP
Module Hibernate
25 Introduction to Hibernate
Hibernate v/s JDBC
What is Object Relational Mapping
Module Spring
2nd Month project Managemnet
Solving highly complex problems will help students to have both
fundamental skills and analytical skills. Project handling will improve
the student's ability to collaborate with new peers, building teamwork
and group skills.
1 Year course access
Learners can access recorded sessions for a whole year to review any
topic if they want for clarifications.
Real time industrial experience
Aptitude building session
Helping students understand their aptitudes and how they can
influence their professional capabilities allows them to find a career
that best suits their unique strengths.
We will look at what aptitudes are, the most demanding types of
aptitudes, why understanding a specific aptitude set is important, and
how to enhance aptitudes when applying for jobs.
Resume building sessions
This session will teach students how to create the best and most
effective resume possible in order to land opportunities outside of their
comfort zone.