Mole Concept 38-59

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NaCl.1= 1. one positive or negative charge eon BaCl; "= 2, two positive or negative change \ FeCyOq . (ferrous oxalate). n ~ charge Fes (C04)s . (ferric oxalte), » charge 2. two pesitive or negative Six pesitive or negative FeSO, (NH,)SO,°6H,0 (Mohr's salt), negative change n factor of a redox reaction: It is the number of | electrons: imolvedina rednetion oF oxidation (redox) reaction (fefer hapten, 3 for details), For example, SHP + Se-+Mn0,° —> Mat + 14 (acidic medium,» = 5) © +Mn0,° —> Mno- (basi medium, n 4 + 36+ Mn0,° —s Mn0, + 24,0 (neutral or faintly alkatine medium, n = 3) MMH + 6" + C4,0,?° —s 2¢1* + 7H,0 (acidic medium, n = 6) = 6, six positive or » Formulae of Normality (N) Number of gram equivalent of the solute » Volume of solution in litres hg © Eg, Foo Gn) gp Fog ima 1000 1000 ___ Wf, x1000 Brey Vin ml Mia yin mL) 0 iy Wh» Vay Gin il Thus. W=n 7 M. Note: N= Number of gram equivalent L-? Number of milliequivalent mL! M = Number of moles L-! Number of millimoles mL! N» V(L)= Gram equivalent or simply equivalent N* ¥(mL)= Milliequivalent M > V(L)= Moles M* V(mL) = Millimoles Normality equations: Ifa solution having normality Nand plume Fis diluted to volume V,, 50 that the new normally, is 2 then the number of gram equivalent remains Ue same in the lition. Thus, MRNA M la Some Basie Concepts and Mole Concept 1.34 This equ n is called normality equation. Msohutions having normalities M,..Ny, Ny. and volumes F. Vy Vos Respectively, are mixed together then the normality (N,) of final resulting solution is NP END EM bm NK, “, V+ heny Molarity equation: fa solution with molarity Mand volume Vis diluted to volume 1, $0 Ut the new molarity is MG then as the number of moles remains same in the solution. Thus MV = MeV, This equation is called mofarity equation, For the neutralisation of ¥, mL of an acid with moarlity M, ‘and basicity n, by V, mL of a base with molarity M, and acidity n, nhl, = mal When two reactants A and 8 wth, and” moles reac then, c / May MaV, Calculate the molarity (M) and normality (¥) ofa solution of ‘oxalic acid ((COOH),:2H,0] containing 12.6 2 of the acid in 500 ml of the solution. [GID Molar mass of (COOH),2#,0 D+ 2118) 22-32 90+ 36= 1262 Molar mass Equivalent mass of (COOH),-2H,O = MiryxToq (nm) 126% 12.6 1000 Hx 1000 )~ 63x 500 Poa Cl $0.2 =04N) (Alternatively, N= AL 100 mL. of 0.1 MHL + 100 mil of 0.2 MALSO, 0.1. M HINO, are mixed togethe LOO ant of a, What isthe final cone oo centration of the solution, 1 L by adding BO? ration of the solution if 6. What would be the tinal con 700 nl. oF HO is ashe to the et aE EME Nyy (Fr 100-6 100-4100 = 300 mb) sn factor for HCLand HNO, — 1 2:32_Priclchomsty _ 1 factor for HjS0, = 2 In such questions always convert motarity to normality, since 1 gram equivalent of one reactant is always equal to 1 gram equivalent of another reactant fb oan br », Final vohume= 1 L = 1064 100 < 0.1 + 1000.2 < 2+ 100 «0.1 =, x 1000 ml. “ So -006N Too0 °° ence final concentration of soliton = 0.06 N «Final volume = 300-+ 700 = 1000 mt. x,- 2 -0.06N = Fo00 “Hence, final concentration of solution = 0.06 N UTALUSTRATION 1.69 TL of 0.1 MNAOH, 1 L of 0.2 M KOM, and 2 L of 0.05 M Ba(OH), are mixed together Whats theinal concentration of the solstion [Sal Total volume (v,)=1+1+2=4L rfactor for NaOH and KOH is 1, while for Ba(OW) 2 NVA NV ANNAN OL 140214005 «2*2=Njx4 0.14025 02=N, 4 oa Hence, final concentration of solutio LusTRATION 1.70 * 7 50 ml-0f 0.2 M HCI, S0mL of .2NH,SO,,and200 mL of 02M ‘Bal OH). are mixed together and the volume was made o | Lby ‘adding H,O. What i the final concentration ofthe solution, and trhat isthe nature of the final solution: acide, basic or neutral? (Bail) In this case, sirong acids and strong bases are mined. Equal ‘amount of mill equivalents of acid and base will neutralise. Concentrations of HCI and Ba(OIN), ae in molarities; they have to be converted to normalities as concentration of HS0,i8 “Total acids ven in normality 50702716 507021 10410 20mbq 2007027 21 factory “Total base HO mby Since 20 mEq oF acid would neutralise 20 mb oF base, tha, Base left = #0~ 20» 60 mig Fora votume of solution =1L=1000mL _ mEq __60 so, final concentration of olution = r= 755 =004y Final resulting mixture of solution isbasic, since 60 may | strong base is lef. 1.13.4 FORMALITY Iris used to express the concentration of the solutions of igi Compounds (since they are not molecular) in place oT may, Since the molar mass or the molecular weight of ionic sods, not determined accurately experimentally duc to their dissociation ature, therefore, the molecular weight of ionic solid is referred as formula weight and molarity as formality Its defined as the number of formula weights present in ‘of the solution Mass of weight of the compound in gram Formula weight of the compound in gram * Volume of solution in litre Formality W, x 1000 Formula weight of the compound Vx (in mL) Like molarity, formality fs temperature dependent 1.13.5 MOLE FRACTION (7) 11s the ratio of umber of moles of a particular component tothe ‘number of moles of the solution. It is denoted by the symbol (alled chi). If solute B dissolves in solvent A and their number of moles are my and n,,Tespectively, then their mole fraction, and xp are given as: ‘Mole faction of solvent 4 =z, Number of moles of Number of moles of solution me. WL Mig meme a, Ta Mi * es Mole fraction of solute 8 = xp __Number of mol Number of moles of solution om Wy / Mbp nytt Ty, We Mie,” My nce total mole fractions of solute and solvent (ie. solution) is kat tye nel ty vo solutes are dissolved in solvent, Let the number of moles ‘of yolvent and the two solutes ate 2, cdl, respectively, then, Mole traction of solves a em en Mn, “My * Ming ‘Mole fraction of first solute (y,) = —"2__ ny tm +m Wy / Mig Mole fraction of sceond solute (y;)= [1 ~ (4, + 9,)] or nem. _ EM wy Mv,” Mins A solution contains 2.5 mol of ethanol (C,H,OH) and 7.5 mol cf H.0. Calculate the mole fraction of each component ofthe solution, BAD esasi= yo 71-025 ‘The percentage composition by mass of a solution is 20% urea (NH,CONH,), 40% glucose (CH, ,0,), and 40% water (H,0). Calcaate the mole fraction ofeach component of he solution (SBD) Molar mass of urea (NH,CONH,)(Mw,) (SH,),CO 14+ 2)+12+16 32 + 12 + 16 = 60 g mol ! ‘Molar mass of glucose (C,H,,0,)(Mw,) 2*64+12+6%16 72+ 12+ 96 = 180 g mol? Molar mass of H,O (Mw,)= 18 g mol! mW Moy momem We, Mi” Min, * My _ 20/60 ~ 40 + 20 4 40 16" 60" 1K0 ny 25 23 os mom Vocal t2) 033 224033 + 0.22 2033.69 275 Some Concepts and Male Concept _1.33 my WyIMwy nomen WH, Miu * Me * Mu, 40/180 2.2+0.33 + 0.22 0.22 2.240.334 0.22 0.22 = 355 7008 1 (0.12 + 0.08)] = 0.8 Helcore (Ls) ~ Relation Between Molality (m) and Moles and Mole Fraction ‘The formula of molality (m) is _ Hh, 1000 Thus, m Note: In case ofa solution of two liquid solution, the liquid with more amount of moles or mole fraction is taken as solvent and the liquid with less amount or moles or mole fraction is taken as solute, For example, refer Illustration 1.73. A solution is prepared by mixing ethanol and water. The mole fraction of ethanol in the mixture is 0.9 a, What is the molality (m) of the solution? 'b, Water is added to the above solution such that the mole fraction of water in the solution becomes 0.9. What isthe ‘molaltiy (m) of the solution’? Molar mass of H,0 = 18 x mot ! Molar mass of ethanol (C,IOH) QNDESHLOHT = 46 x mol ! Mole fraction of ethanol is 0.9 and is greater than the mole fraction of water (ie., 10.9 = 0.1), so ethanol is solvent and water i solute, Thus, er is IS, % = 0.9 and %y0.(Mo, = 4oand Mivy= 18), " 1.34 Physical chemistry _ fy 1000 moe X Molar mass of solvent _ 0.1 1000. 09x46 b, Now mole fraction of water is 0.9 and is greater than the mole fraction of ethanol (i.e.. 1 = 0.9 = 0.1). so, water is solvent and ethanol is solute, Thus, x, ~ 0.9 0.1 (ifr, = 18 and Mivy = 46) pa BS 1000 0.110006 1 PS yw My 09xTs 1.13.6 Mass FRACTION (X) Itis the ratio of mass ofa particular component tothe total mass of the solution, It is denoted by symbal (A). Ifa solute B of mass or weight of IV. is dissolved in a solvent 4 of mass or weight of 17), then the mass fraction of solvent (¥,) and solute (X) are given as, W, ‘Mass fraction of solv y= solvent 4 (= Fe Mass fraction of ute B (A) 1.13.7 PERCENT CONCENTRATIONS a. Mass percent or weight percent (H/1%) oF Wy/Wi%) Ibis defined as the mass of solute dissolved in 100 g or 100 kg of solution. tis denoted by (W/W,.% Mass of solute Mass of solution ~ x100 Mass percent = a ‘ol For example, an aqueous solution of H,SO, is 49% by weight or by mass or simply 49% it is taken as mass percent. It means 49 2 of H,SO, is dissolved in 100 g of solution. Formula for molarity (M) when mass percent is given, ea M” ha, 7 V,, (in mL) Ww, 100% Mass Man or weighr oF cotaton (Gopses =) Mes ensiyy of solution We 210007 Bhs 7 Way Wy NOME 4 doy Mw, 7106 We N04 day — Yoby mass «10+ yy May “Mi For example, 49% by mass or weight of aqueous solution of H,SO,, whose density of solution is 1.1 x mL. ! The molarity (M) is: Molar mass of H,SO, = 2-132 +16 *4= 98 g molt, 49 10% Ld OR | 5.5 mol L!=5.5M b, Volume percent (V/V% or VP yq\%) | Itis defined as the volume of solute dissolved in 100 mt op 100 Lof solution, Wis denoted by (V/V. .4%). dy by mass «10 * Mi _ Volume of solute gy _ ¥ +100 Volume percent = Vyotume of solution hs For example, if aqueous solution of ethanol is 46% volume, it means 46 mL. of ethanol is dissolved in 100 mt of solution. cc. Mass by volume percent (HIV % or W/V.i%) Itis defined as the mass or weight or solute dissolved in 109, gor 100 kg of solution. It is denoted by (W7,/V,.,%), Mass of solute = Massof sche __ Mass/volume percent ~ “7jume of solution W100 V, ol Forexample, a solution of glucose is 18% by mass/volume, itmeans 18 g of glucose is dissolved 100 ml. of solution. d. Volume by mass percent (F/% or VJ 4%) It is defined as the volume of solute dissolved in 100 ¢ or 100 kg of solution. It is denoted by (VY W,,%). Volume of solute 100 ‘Mass of solution Volume/mass percent x100 W, For example, aqueous solution of ethanol is 46% by volume/mass. It means 46 mL or46 L. of ethanol is dissolve in 100 g or 100 kg of solution Y Calculate the molarity (M) and molality (mn) of toes aguedss methanol (CH,OH) solution by volume. Density of solution = 09 gmL | (BOND 16 mL of CH OH is dissolved in 100 mL of solution. Volume Stl =S4g (ine dy eg me) ul mass OF HO = LOO V6 Mass of solution — 1, > a 1009-90 g Mis or weight a ste () Hy 984-68 Molar mass of CHOU ~ 32 g W, = 1000 61000 Mg «Fay 33x 1007 875M vn He 1000 _ 6 1000 = 2.232 m Mw, I 32x84 “[.13.8PARTS PER MILLION (ppm) «defined asthe mass of solute dissolved in | millionth part (10° Mid of solnion Ts done Se ) Mass of solute x10 _ Wx 10° Mass of solution Way pem 20mg of K® ions are present in 1 Lof aqueous solution. Density of the sofution is 0.8 g mL. What is the concentration of K® jons in ppm? [BAD Mass of K® ions (113) = 20 mg~ 20 10 g ‘Mass of solution = 1, * dy ~ 100nL x 0.8 g mL“! = 800 g Wr x 10° 20107 x 108 800 1.14 HARDNESS OF WATER 1. The hardness of water is due to the presence of bi chlorides, and sulphates of Ca and Mg, ‘The hardness is temporary due to bicarbonates and permanent due to chlorides and sulphates of Ca and Mg, pom : 25 ppm nates, b. . The extent of hardness is known as the degree of hardness defined as the number of parts by weight of CaCO, present per million parts by weight of water. Grams of CaCO, 10° g of water ams of CaCO, 10° mL of water Gd=n Water softness: The hardness may be removed by either of ‘the reactants on treating with water. a. Washing soda: Hardness CaCl, + Na,CO, 2» CaC0,t +211,0 ». Slaked lime: CallHCO,), + Ca(OH), —825 CaCO, + 21,0 © Permutit or sodium aluminium orthosilicate oF sodium zeolite: CaCl, + Na,AL,Si,0,—» Ca(AL,Si,0,) + 2NaCl 4. Calgon or sodium hexametaphosphate: 2Ca** + Nag[Na,(PO, jy] —> 4Na® + NaglCa,(PO,),] 101 of hard water requires 0.28 g of lime (CaO) for removing hardness. Calculate the temporary hardness in ppm of CaCO, IBRD Temporary hardness is due to HCO,” of Ca?" and Mg?" CA{HCO,), + CaO —» 2CaCO, + H,0 S68 2+ 100g 56 CaO = 200 g CaCO, in 10 L of HO 200 «0.28 028 gcao = OA 1g CaCO, in 10 Lof H,0 1g CaCO, in 10 * 1000 mL of 1,0 Some Basie Conenpts and = 1 g CaCO, in 10% mL of H,0 = 100 g CaCO, in 10° mL of H,0 = 100 ppm temporary hardness of CaCO, = 100 ppm. Calculate the weight of CaO required to remove hardness of 10% Lof water containing 1.62 g of Ca(HHCO4), in 1.0L. (Mw of CALICO,), = 162, Mh of CaO = 56) SAD The reaction is: 19 + Ca(HCO 4), > 2CaCO, + HO 1.82 _ 9 Moles of Ca(HHCO,), in 1.0 Lof sample = 25° = 0.01 mol Moles of CaO required in 1.0 L of sample = 0.01 mol L-! Moles of CaO required in 10° L of sample = 0.01 * 10 mol/10# L = 10* mol (108 Ly! Weight of Ca = 10" « 56 = 5.6 « 10% g 1.15 PERCENT FREE SO, INAN OLEUM ‘What is percent free SO, in an oleum (considered as a solution of SO, in H,SO,) that is labelled “109% H,SO,"? Such a designation refers to the total mass of pure H,SO,, 109 g, that would be present after dilution of 100 g of the oleum, when all free SO, would combine with water to form H,SO, 9g H,0 will combine with all the free SO, in 100 g of the leur to give a total of 109 g H,SO, ‘The equation H,0 + SO, —> 11,80, indicates that 1 mole H,O (18 g) combines with | mol SO, (80 g). Then, 9 g H,O combines with 9x80 - 40.280, is 280, ‘Thus, 100 g of the oleum contains 40 g SO, or the percent free in the oleum is 40%. Using the above result, am Shoe 80 109 (100 * x= 40% Calculate the percent free SO, in an oleum which is labelled 118% H,S0,', [SND (118 100) = 18 ¢ H,O combine with 100 g of the oleum to give a total of Uh 18 HO combines with 80 x SO, all the Free SO, it 18 S80 ‘Thus, percent five SO, in the oteum - S*S° 0% Huh percent oleun fs 20%, then label the sample of oleum in terms of pe Dy [BOND Let. x 1,0 combines with all he free SO, in f00 g of © {he oleum to give a total (100 +.) g H,SO,, 1.36 Physical Chemistry _ —— 18 g HO combines with 80 g SO, x x g H,O combines wi be 75% oO = 20250 20x18 a 5 “80 & Labelling of oleum in terms of percent H,SOy = (100 +x) = (100 +45) = 104.5% H,SO4 1.16 LIMITING REAGENT wits Sometimes. one of the reactants is not present ia the amen as required by’a balanced chemical reaction and isin (OF SCT amount over the other The reactant which is present in USO amount is consumed after some time and after thal no RIP AY reaction takes place what ever be the amount ofthe other rea m present. Hence. the reactant, which is completely consumed, limits the amount of the product formed and is therefore called he limiting reagent. For example, Caco, + 2HC! —+CaCl;+H,0+ CO, soaise3e6 5 insane Sos We wae ‘According to the balanced chemical reaction, 100 g CaCO, reacts with 73 g of HClo give 44 g of CO,, Example: If 10.0 g of CaCO, is reacted with 10.0 g of HCl, ‘what mass of CO, will be produced and which reactant is the limiting reagent? 100 g CaCO, requires 73 g HCL 10 g CaCO, requires 7.3 g HCL Mass of HCI left unreacted 10-73 =2.7 2 Hence, CaCO, is the limiting reagent, since itis completely consumed in the reaction and CaCO, will decide the amount of product formed. 100 g CaCO, gives 44 CO, 10 g CaCO, gives 4.4 g CO, 50.0 kg of N,(z) and 10.0 kg of H,(g) are mixed to produce NH,(g). Calculate the NH,(g) formed. Identity the limiting reagent GAD Nate) 2H) — WH) ee Oe sah According to the balanced chemical reaction, 28 ky of No reacts with 6 kg of H, to give 34 kg of NH, Thus, 6 kg of H, requires 24 ky of N, 610 10kg of H, requires” 46.6 ky of Ny Hence, H, is the limiting reagent, since it is completely ‘consumed in the reaction, and H, will decide the amount of ‘product formed. ae — “Ts, 6 kg of Hy = 34 ke of NH, vokgot t= 34x10 _ 56.6 kg of NH, ith 0.2 mol of K,Po, 10.5 mol of CaBr, is mixed witl SPO, the sain ‘umber of moles of Ca,(PO,), that can be formed. A b.02 6.05 4.07 (Sol) | 4% 3CaBh + 2KsPO, — 6KBr + Cas(PO)y ‘According to the chemical reaction, 2 mol of K, PO, reacts = 3 mol of CaBr, 0.2 mol. of K,PO, reacts = 0.3 mol of CaBr, Moles of CaBr, left unreacted = 0.5 - 0.3 = 0.2 Hence, KPO, is the limiting reagent, since it reacts completely and it decides the amount of products, thus formed 2 mol of KPO, gives 1 mol of Ca,(PO,),. 0.2 mol of K,PO, gives = 0.1 mol of Ca,(PO,), Thus, the answer is (a). Upon mixing 100.0 mL of 0.1 M potassium sulphate solution ‘and 100.0 mL. of 0.05 M barium chloride solution, precipitation of barium sulphate takes place. How many moles of barium sulphate are formed? Also, calculate the molar concentration of species left behind in the solution. Which is the limiting reagent? K,SO, + BaCl,—> BaSO,J + 2KCI Tmmol —Lmmol J mmol 2 mel equation) (mmole before 1000.1 1OxO0S - reaction) mmol = S meal (inmole ef ater 10-5 — mmol 10mm reaction) =Smmot 5 mmol of BaCl, will react with 5 mmol of K,SO,. Hence ‘BaCl, isthe limiting reagent which is completely consumed in the reaction and it will decide the number of millimoles of products formed, Total volume of solution = L00 + 10 200mL Smmol Moles of BaSO, precipitated = 22 _ a precie 1000 mt. ~ 9005 mol Unreacted K,80, and KCL are let in the solution. Concentration of K,SO, lef in the solution = 22 | 2 the solution 00 mL = 0.025 M. ‘Concentration of KCI formed in the reaction = 10mmot nthe reaction = 42m a 4.17 PERCENT YIELD 1 eneraliedorecta ld any eacisaaptee ‘Toe the theoretical or calculated yield fom the bsenced showed 2 pena ote wa edn then ged Tefre pen the pent ifexprnet and neoretical yield, s laking place oF Experimental yield Calculated yield * 10° Mg + S$ —+Mgs Me Re se The calculated yield of MgS in the above reaction is $6 g. but experimentally it was observed to be 50 g 30x10 36 Hence. percent yield = = 89.28% eee Subjective Type 1. A sample of clay was partially dried and then found to contain $0% sitiea and 7% water. The original clay contained 12% water. What is the percentage of silica in the original sample? 420 g of mixture of Na,CO, and NaHCO, loses 0.248 ¢ ‘when heated to 300°C, the temperature at which NalTCO,, decomposes to Na,CO,, CO, and HO. What is the peroentage of Na,CO, in mixture? | 3. The molality of 1 M solution of sodium nitrate is 0.858 mol kg™'. Determine the density of the solution. How. such BaCl, would be needed o make 280 ml ofa solton| having same concentration of CI° as the ene containing| 3.78 g of NaCl per 100 mL? | 4. 49 g of H,SO, is dissolved in enough water to make one) lime ofa solution of density 1.049 g ce! Find the molarity. normality, molaliy, and mole fraction of H.SO, in the| solution, 5. 40 g of a minture of NaCl and Na,CO, was dissolved in water and volume made up to 250 mL. 25 ml. of this solution required 50 mL of N/10 HCI for compete neutralisation. Calculate the percentage composition ofthe original mixture 6. S00 mL of 2M HCI, 100 mL of 2M H,SO,, and one gram | equivalent of « monoacidie alkali are maxed together | 30 mL ofthis solution required 20 ml of 143 gNa,CO, HO. in one litre solution, Calculate the water of erystalls of Na,COy 11,0 Objective Type 7. k.Accertain compound has the molecular formal XO, 1F10 of X,0, has 5.72 g X, then atomic mass of X i: (1)32ama @)42amu (3) 9K amu (4) 37 amu li, For 109% labelled oleum, if the number of moles of iv. |The atomic mass of Cu is 63 Some Basic Concepts and Mole H,SO, and free SO, be p and g. respectively: then what vill be the value of P= pew amy ay Q@yis 413 Hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solution decomposes on warming to given oxygen according to the equation. 2HOW) OM) 5 occupies 24 dim’, 100 em! of VM solution of 11,0, produces 3edm' of O,. Thus. (M25 0s (025 (4) 4 g of sulphur is burt to form SO,, which is oxidised by Cl, water. The solution is then treated with BaCl, solution, The amount of BaSO, precipitated is: (1) 0.24 mol (20.5 mol @) 1 mol (4) 0.125 mol A reaction occurs between 3 moles of H. and 1.5 moles of 0, to give some amount of HO. The limiting reazent in this reaction is (1) H, and 0, both e OH. (4) Neither of them. Ie + Hg?* —> Hele 1 mole each of He" and F will form (1) 1 mol of Hel, 2) 05 mol of Hel? (8) 0.25 mol of Hel, (4)2 mol of Hel, ‘The molarity of an aqueous solution of glucose (CeH1,,0,) is 0.01. To 200 mL of the solution. which of the following should be carried out to make it .02 M2 1. Evaporate $0 mL of solution Add 0.180 g of glucose and then evaporate 50 mL of solution MIL. Add 50 mL of water “The correct option is: at ut ou LM 6. There are only ne naturally oecurring isotopes of copper Cu and Cu The percentage of natural abundance of Cur is nearly (30 yo so ays i. An aqueous solution of urea (NUCONH, Vis 8.0 moll The mole fraction of urea is 0a V0.2 Q)Be6 OS 0.2 MHS, (1 mL) is diluted 1000 umes of its initial volume. The final normality of USO, is 2-2 IF VAS TOE Es 10F Which of the following quantities are dependent on temperature () Motarity (2) Normality (3) Mote fraction (A) Motality ') is 90% by that has to be .38_ Physical Chemisty _ vie A sample of H,SO, (density 1.8 ¢ mL weight. What is the volume of the acid used to make | L of 0.2 MH,S0,? (1) 16mL Q)ISmL_— G)IZmL_ (4) 10m ‘The hydrated salt Na,SO,nH,0 undergoes 55.97% loss and becomes anhydrous. The value in weight on heating @ of » will be ays 7 @3 4) 10 | 0.2 mol of HCI and 0.1 mol of barium chloride is, “discolved in water to produce a 500 mL solution. The | | molarity of Cl is | (10.06. 2)0.12MG)0.09 ME (4) 0.80 M ix. The density of 1 M solution of NaCl is 10585 g mL" The molality of the solution is (1) Loses 2) 1.003) 0.0585 (4) 0.10 Hydrochloric acid solutions A and B have concentration of 0.5 N, and 0.1 N, respectively. The volume of solutions A and B required to make 2 L of 0.2 N hydrochloric acid are (1) 05 LofA+ 1.5 LofB 2) LOLofA+1.0LofB (3) 0.75 LofA + 1.25 LofB (4) LS LofA+0.5 LofB H,PO, is a tribasic acid and one ofits salt is NaH,PO, What volume of 1 M NaOH solution should be added| to 12 g of NaH,PO, to convert it into Ns,PO,? (1) 100 mL (2) 200 mL (3) 80 mL, (4) 300 mL Sulphuryl chloride, SO,Cl,. reacts with H,O to give mixture of H,SO, and HCl, Aqueous solution of one mol SO,Cl, will be neutralised by (1) 3 mol of NaQH (2)2 mol of Ca(OH), (3) Both (4) None Iii, The normality of a mixture obtained by mixing 100 mL) of 0.2 MH,SO, with 100 mL of 0.2 M NaOH is (1)0.05N (2)01N (3) 0ISN_ (4)0.2N ix, 100 mL solution of 0.1 N HCI was titrated with 0.2 N NaOH solutions. The titration was discontinued fier adding 30 mL of NaOH solution. The remaining titration was completed by adding 0.25 N KOH x solution. The volume of KOH required from completing the titration is: (170ml (2)35 ml B)32mL (4) 16 mL Fill inthe Blanks Type | 10, a. ‘The equivalent weight of NafICO, is eenuone and of] 50, is b. 2 mol of 50% pure CalJICO,), un healing, forms | 1 mol of CO,. The % yield of CO, is | 5 gofK,SO, was dissolved in 250 mL of solution. The| > ‘volume of this solution that should be used so, that 1, g of BaSO, may be precipitated from BaCl, is..." (molecular mass of K,SO, = 174 and BaSO, = 233)" 4d. Theresidue obtained on strongly heating 2.76 gAg,co,| is [Ag,CO, —*> Ag+ CO, +03] ‘Atomic mass of Ag = 108 | ‘The mass of MgCl, should be dissolved in 750 g of water in order to prepare a 1,05 m solution is The percentage composition (by mass) and ‘mole| fraction of each component in sugar solution contain. ing 1000 g of sugar in 2000 g of water is . 2.24 L of ammonia at STP neutralised 100 mL of a solution of H,SO,. The molarity of acid is .. . b. The equivalent weight of a metal carbonate 0.84 g reacts exactly with 40 mL of N/2 H,SO, is| 12. a of wi 1.575 g, of hydrated oxalic acid (COOH),-nH,0 is dissolved in water and the solution is made to 250 mL. On titration, 16.68 mL of this solution is required for neutralisation of 25 ml of N/IS NaOH. The value of water crystallisation, 1.¢., 2,18 wn 4d. 1 mL of HPO, was diluted to 250 mL. 25 mL this solution required 40.0 mL of 0.10 N NaOH for neutralisation using phenolphthalcin as indicator. The specific gravity of acid i8 en.-n- ‘e. The density of 1.48 mass percent calejum hydroxide solution is 1.025 g mL". The volume of 0.1 M HCl solutions required to neutralise 25 mL of this solution is. © ANSWERS: Subjective Type 1. 473% 2. 66.4% 3 = 125 ¢mL", 16.82. 4.0.5 M, LON, 0.5 m, 0.009 5. 66.25% 6.10 Objective Type 7. Le U)y the (Dale (1p vs A, Ys He VB) Bi (3) fH. (4)y i, (4), Hv. (3), Ve (La 2). Vi BD, Vide Ds Vill. (4), fx. (2), %6 (1) 2), Hh (2) Hh (2), vs 4D | ill in the Blanks Typ 10, a, 88, 32, b. 100%, 44.8 mb, de 2.16 | 200 nM s.,097 | 1, a, 748 | 12, a.0.5M,D.A2, ©. 2d. 1.32 g mL €, 102.54 mL Solved Examples Al as of Chesnieal Combinato 4 gofethane C,H, on complete combustion gave 8.8 gol CO, and Sg of water, Show that the results are in aceordance with dhe law of conservation of mass, [GHD First method: 1 Cay +50: —> 2C0, + 31,0 mre 2 tied get ae mS nite a. 30g0f CH, =88 gof CO, 3 gof GH,= 88 g of CO, b. 30g of CH, = 54 g of H,0 3 gofCsH,= 54 gof HO «. 30g0fCH,= 112g 0f0, 3g ofC.H,= 11.2 g of 0, Weight ofreactant= 3+ 11.2 142g Weight of product = 8.8 +5.4= 14.2. Hence, the aw of conservation of mass is verified. Second method: Weights of C and H contained in 8.8 g of CO, and 5.4 g of HO are 1288 Weight of C in 8.8 g of CO, =248 Weight of H in 5.4 g of H,O = 2554 06g ‘otal weight of C and H in the hydrocarbon after combustion =24+06=32 Since the weight of C and H afier combustion is the same asthe weight of hydrocarbon before burning, the results are in accordance with the law of conservation of mass ‘Weight of copper oxide obiained by heating 216 g of metalic ‘copper with HINO, and subsequent ignition was 2.70 g In another ‘experiment, 1.15 g of copper oxide on reduction yielded 0.92 {of copper. Show that the results illustrate the law of definite Proportions, TD caer: Cu + HNO, —> Cu(NOs), > uo ate) Weight of oxygen= 2.7 ~2.16= 0.54 g eof, in Cuo = 2544 a Case I: Copper oxide taken = 1.15 g Copper left= 0.92 g Oxygen present = 1.15-0.92= 0.23 % FO, in Cuo = 223 *1% - 20% 1s re Some Basic Concepts and Mole Concept 1-39 1 im both the cases 0 law is ed by calculcting | In experiments on the effect of heating on oxides of lead in a current of hydrogen the following results were obtained. Show that they are in agreement with the law of multiple proportions. a, 1.393 goof litharge (PbO) gave | 293 of lead 1b. 2.173 gof lead peroxide (PHO,) gave 1,882 g of lead ce. 1.712 g of red lead (Pb,0,) gave 1.552 g of lead Percentage of oxygen is sa verified. Similarly, the law can be ver the pereent of Cu in both the a. Weight of POO = 1.393, Weight of Pb= 1.293, Weight of 0, = 1.393 - 1.293 = 0.1 g 0.1 g of O, combines with 1.293 g of Pb. 1 g of, combines with a =1293g of Pb b. Weight of PbO, = 2.173 ¢ Weight of Pb = 1.882 ¢ Woight of 0, =2.173~ 1.882= 0.291 g 0.291 gof0,= 1.882 g of Pb 188 _ 6.468 of Pb 0291 fe Weight ofPb,0,= 1.712 Weight of Pb = 1.552.¢ Weight of 0, = 1.712 ~ 1.552 = . 0.16 g of y= 1.852 g of Pb 552 1 gof0,= FE =9.7 gof Pb 16 g0f0, ‘Therefore, weight of Pb in three cases which combines with a fixed mass (I g) of O, = 12.93 : 6.46 :9.7 2.93 6.46 9.7 646 646° 6.46 Hence, the law of multiple proposition is verified ‘Alternatively, the weight of O, in three cases which combines with a fixed mass of Pb can also be calculated and they will also bear a simple whole number ratio, which proves the lw ‘of multiple proportions ‘Two oxides of metal were found to contait 31.6%» and 48% of oxygen, respectively. Ifthe formula of first is represented by M,O,, find that of the other (BAD First methoa: First oxide Second oxide M0, MO, O-31.6% 048% M= 084% M=52% 1.40 _ Physical Chemisty Let the atomic weight of the metal = Mg (2M +48) g of M0, contain 100 g of M,0, contains = (ane Solve for Atomic weight of metal = 52 Therefore in second oxide 48 Onis Therefore, formula = MO, Second method: First oxide: 684 g of M contains ~ 31.6 g of oxygen 31.652 52 g of M contains =2g0f0, Ratio of O in M,O, and M,O, = 24:48 (given) = 1:2 Therefore, the ratio of O in second oxide should be twice the oxygen in frst unide and the % of Ms fixed. Therefore, first oxide Second oxide = ‘Third meth a. 68.4 g of M in first oxide~2 atoms of M 252 52 g of M contains = eq ~/Satoms of M b. 31.6 g of oxygen in first oxide contains = 3 atoms of oxygen 3x48, 316 = 4.5 atoms of oxygen Ratio of M:0 = 1.5:4.5= 1:3 Thus, the formula is MO, 48 g of oxygen contains = cs fil ‘A.B, and C are three elements giving compounds AB, AC, and BC. AB contains 75% of A, AC contains 57.14% of C, and BC ‘contains 11.11% of B. Show that the resalts illustrate the law of reciprocal proportions. HEAD AB - 75% A, 25%B AC = 42.86% A, 57.14% C A = 1% ic BC = 11.11% B, 88.89%. 10) \ ge In AB: Y 25 g of B combines with 75 g of A. nH c 8 ines with 22 =3 gor A, 1 gofB combines with 7 = 3 InBC: 11.11 gofB combines with 84.49 g of C. 88.49) of B combines with 5° _ ¢ » 1 gofB wt = Beolc Ratio of A and C which combines with a fixed mass of B (1gy=3:8. (ove ay (SHLD First methoa: HSB Nact Similarly the aio oF A and C in AC = 42.86: 57.14 42.86. S114 92.36 42.95 1333 ‘The two ratios are A:C Henee, the law of reciprocal proportions is verified, ‘A metal forms two oxides. The higher oxide contains sing metal. 0.72 g ofthe lower oxide gave 0.8 g of higher oxide whey oxidised. Calculate the weight of oxygen that combines with the fixed weight of the metal in the two oxides, and show ie | the data supports the law of multiple proportions. Since, 0.8 g of higher oxide is obtained from 0.72 ¢ of lower oxide, therefore, the weight of lower oxide that ould produce 100 g of higher oxide on oxidation 0.72% 100 _ ~~ 080 Thus, 90 g of lower oxide contains as much metal as 100 of higher oxide, ie., 80 g (given). Hence, 80 g of metal combines with 10 g of oxygen inthe lower oxide and 20 g of oxygen in the higher oxide, The weights of oxygen thatcombine with the same weight ofthe tmetal in the two oxides are inthe ratio of 10:20 or 1:2. The ratio, being simple, proves the law of multiple proportions. Second method: Lower oxide + 0, Higher oxide Lower oxide: 0.72 2 Weight of oxide = 0,72 ¢ Weight of M (fixed weight) ~ 0,64 g Weight of ©, = 0.72 0.64 = 0.08 g of 0, Higher oxide: 0.2 g 100 g of oxide contains = 80 g of Af 08 g of oxide contains => 2 X08 = 0.64 g of Weight of O, = 0.8-0.64=0.16 g of 0, Ratio of oxygen in lower oxide and higher oxide 0.08 :0.16 => Limiting Reagent 500 mLof0.2M NaCl sol isadded to 00 mL of 0.8 MAgNO, solution resulting inthe formation of white precipitate of ASC How many moles and how many grams of Aglare formed? Which ithe Kiting reagent? + AgNO, —> AgCl + NaNO; sooza2 ‘asa Te ed ‘50 mmol of AgNO, will react with $0 mmol of NaCI and 50. nmol of AgCl will be formed. “AgC1= 50m moles = 50x 10 = 0.05 mot Weight of AgCl= 0.05 * 14: 18g Hence, AgNO, is the limiting reagent, ‘Upon mixing 50.0 mL of 0.1 M lead nitrate solution with 50.0 mmLof 0.08 M chromic sulphate solution, precipitation of lead ulphate takes place. How many moles of lead sulphate a formed? Also, calculate the molar concentration of the species jefi behind in the final sohution. Which is the limiting reagent? JAB 3PHNO,). + C{60,), ~> 3PHS0,b + 26004), a) Vinmet 3mm so~o0s iia! 50° 0.1 = 5 mol a, 3 mmol of PD(NO,) 25 mmol 1 mmol of CHS0,), 5 mmol of POONO,),= 451.66 mmo} b. Since P(NO.), is completely consumed, so itisa limiting reagent Cry(S0,)5 left = 2.5 ~ 1.66 = 0.833 mmo 3 mmol of PP(NO,), = 3 mmol of PSO, 5 mmol of PO(NO;). = 5 mol of PbSO, 5* 10% mol 6.005 mot of PHSO, «. 3 mmol of Pb(NO,), = 2 mmol of Cr(ND,)y 5 mmel of Pb(NO;) 205-333 mmol 3 ‘Total volume = 50+ 50= 100 mL Concentration of Cr(NO,), in the solution _ mmol _ 3,33 mL 100 033M 0.83: “oncentration of Cr, left = °° = 0.0083 4. Concentration of Cr,(SO4), left = “Fg Empirical and Molecular Formulae is the percentage of aluminium in Al,O,? (Al = 27, one IRB sw of AL0, 227 «2+ 1643+ 1008 4100 ol % far 22100 5.94 ‘Wha is the percentage composition of each element in zine- Phosphate Zn(PO,),? (Zn = 65.5, P= 31,0= 16) Mw of Zn,(PO,),~ 65.5 «3+ 21314 16% 4] = 196.5 +2 + 95 = 386.5 \ % of Zn = 196.5100 _ 59 540%, 3865 Some Basic Concepts and Mole Concept ‘An organie compound consists of 6.023 ” 102 carbon atoms, 1.8069 » 1024 hydrogen atoms, and 3.0115 » 10? oxygen atoms. ‘What is its simplest formula’? 6.023 x 10" [BADMotes orc SS 1.8069 > 10% Moles of H= “Soo oi Jes of 0 = 201510 Moles of = "6023 107 C:H:0=1:3:05=2:6:1 Empirical formula = C,H,O ‘What is the simplest formula of a comp- ound that contains 0.25 g atom of silicon per 0.50 g atom of oxygen? {Sel} 025 g atom or mol of Si =0.5 mol of oxygen 5 1 mol of Si = 2 mol of oxygen 025 Formula: SiO, 0.1653 g aluminium reacts completely with 0.652 g chlorine to form chloride of aluminium. ‘a, What is the empirical formula of the compound? b. Ifmolecularmass of the compound is 267 amu, calculate the molecular formula of the compound. (BOI) 0.1653 g of Al = 0.652 g of chlorine 27 got ai= 282 x a 27801 Al~ 0165; = 106.95 g of chlorine 106 oles of Chloring 2.998<3) Moles of Chi ae ‘Therefore, formula = AlCl, b, Mw = 267g Empirical formula weight of AICI, = 27 +3.» 35.5 = 13s Mw | 267 0 FW Molecular formula = 2 * AICI = ALC, 1.42 Physical Chemisty - - 4 39.04 2.44 | ee reer lr ‘40.2075 g sample of a ow ysis was found to contain 0.1475 g cobalt, Calculate the empirical formula of Empirical formula ~ Na,PO, the oxide. (Co = 59 amu) Weight of 0 = 0.2075 - 0.1475 = 0.06 x it ‘An organic compound contains 43.98% C, 2.09 % H, and 37, “co 87S 902s Mot of Co= “55 = 0.0025 CL Caleulate its empirical forma 0.06 9.003 [SAID Oxygen = 100 — 43.98 - 2.09 -37.2= 16.73. Mol of 0 = “5 = 0.008 Element Moles Least ratio Whole number ~ 0.0025 rato Simplest ratio of CO™ Gy3s = 10 ° se . 0.003, ‘Simplest ratio of O = 1s 2.09 0.0: H ror 4 Tos Ratio of Co: 0-1 Formula = Co,0, a 2 Saati ce o a 3 The molecular mass of ide of tin (Sn) is 626.5 amu, What 1.04 isthe empirical formula ofthe substance? (I= 127,$n= 118.5) Empirical formula ~C,!,CLO, [SAID Let the formula of foie of Sn = Sal, Since the valency of lodide = -1 : Sal, = 1185+ 127 solve ha contain 0.34% Fe. Ifeach haemoglobin molecule bas four Fe “ ions, what isthe molecular mass of haemoglobin’ (Fe = 56 amu) Formula = Sal, {[Sall) 100 g of haemoglobin contains = 0.34 g of Fe 1 mol of haemoglobin contains = 4Fe°* ions max soe=204¢ OAtarie te empiric foula fora compound ta cones; 024 gof ets prem in 100g obaemeplobin Desant me PrS 3a Fe 1) om weit = 224 porte iepesntin= MOA22 «oss. 9 ment Motes » A of cmoglobin~ 6582.4 | 5 Beooers Avogadro's Hypothesis and Mole Concent } , Beato ’ Ls ‘How many g atoms and number of atoms are there in (a) 60 ‘masses of C, Cu, and Pb are 12, 63.6, and 207.2, respectively | Formula = SF,, ‘carbon, (b) 224.4 g Cu, and (c) 72.52 g lead. Given atomic (Avogadro's number = 6.02 * 10°), Sneed eerste senha he flowing mae ile Aes. as OTNa BS% Ran 38.0 — MMB 88 Feo waa Fe est empire fermula of te compound . (Neo 23,P=31,0=16) and numberof atoms = =e Na Soon ig ement Moles ait sto 1 Fords 207 19 o 201 99 sion Na 23 ad 06 , 5 2 06 , 224.4 x 6.02 x10” sey ° oe Numer fates = 224*602*10" 99 10 A b. For 224.4 ¢ Cu: _ 2244 guom - BAA 355 aber of atoms REED cor 7252 2 Ph Number of atm = 2252-80219 oy yp 7h ine namie of g toms and weight ofan element having atoms. Atomic mass of element is 32. = atoms have I g atom _ 2x10 6.023 «10 Natoms of element weight 32 g <=. 2» 10 atoms of element weigh 2+ 108 =033 ga0m ela te numberof sms and volume of |g helium gas » 4 g belium has 6.023 ~ 107° atoms = 1,506 » 10 atoms Also, » 4g helium has volume at STP 1g helium has volume at STP From 200 mg of CO,, 107! molecules are removed. How many ams and moles of CO, are left? 6.023 - 10 molecules of CO, = 44 44-10" 0 molecules of CO. = gst =7317102=73.1 mg + CO, left = 200 ~73.1 = 126.9 mg Weight 126.9 «10 * ‘Also, moles of CO. Sfcfecular weigh 44 = 28K «10 * Sllaaeas Lu ew ‘Weight of one atom of an element is 6.644 » 10°. Calculate atom of element in 40 ke. i foc tires wa mele Carew SAB (MRD esse of 3 moe of element Werght of 1 atom of element fhe ey ” 480 2 wenght of element has B10? g weight of clemet sre gem In cecal, How many g of S are required to produce 10 mol sad 100 = H,SO, separately? NBM | mol of H.S0, bas = 3225 100 mol of H,SO, bas + 98 gH.SO, bas S= 32g 327100 z z Calculate the number of oxalic acid molecules i 100 mL of 0.02 N oxalic acid. *. 100 g H,SO, has S = (Moles = nT) = Number of molecules of oxalic acid = 0.001 * 6.023 = 1 = 6.02310" Haemoglobin contains 0.25% iron by weight The molecalar ‘eight of haemoglobin is $9600, Calculate the number oF ive atom per molecile of haemoglobin. [SAD 100 e haemoglobin has = 025 Fe 038.9000 Te a iM Fe ~ Tmol or N molecules of haemoglobin has. 89600 g haemoglobin has = Therefore, | motecute of haemoglobin has 4 atoms of Fe, Prand Q are wwe elements that form P,Q, and PQ. 160.15 mole of P,Q, weighs 15.9 g and 0.15 mote of PQ, weighs 9.3 g, what are the atomic weights of P and Q? 146 Physical Chemisty _ - [BAD Letthe atomic weights of P and Q are a and b, respectively. Molecular weight of P,Q, = 20+ 36 and molecular weights of PQ,= a+ 2 Now given that 0.15 mole of P,Q, weighs 15.9 g Weight ft 18.9 } Qa+34)= 2 = mole (ata) ( Molecular wei ous Similary, #25 = 25 Solving these two equations b=18 a=% ‘Mole Concept in Solution Find the milli equivalent of a. Ca(OH), in 74g . H,SO, in 2.45 ¢ b. NaOH in 20 g w 4 1000 = (SAD me3 of cxom= 5 Tea 1000 = 2000 meq of NaoHt = 221000 (+ Exon = 40) = 500 mEq= 245 «1000 (+ Ex,so, =49) a= $04 =50 Calculate the normality of NaOH when 2 g is present in 800 ml. solution. Equivalent int) - Equivalent of NaOH = 2. and volume of solution = = L 21000 Fa = 00625 Caleulate normality and molarity ofthe following: 4. 0.74 g of Ca(OH), in 5 mL of solution, . 3.65 g of HCI in 200 mL of solution. € 1/10 mol of H,S0, in 500 mL of solution {Sony 0.74 W, » Equivale = Spe! a «> Equivalent of Ca(OH), 2g B) Volume of solution = $ mL. _ 0.74 «10002 - T4x5 Ny Valeney 2 365 36.5 and Volume of solution = 200 mL _ 3.65 «1000 © 36.5 x 200 N a Valency 1 b. + Equivalent of HCL 0s and M- 1 ¢. Equivalent of H,S0,= 75 *2 (+ Eq= Mole * Valeney) Volume of solution = $00 mL. 21000 *Toxso0 ~°* Calculate the normality ofthe resulting solution made by adding 2 drops (0.1 mL) of 0.1N SO, in | lite of distilled water. [Sai mEq of solute does not change on dilution *. mEq of H,S0, (conc) = mEq of H,SO, (dil) 0.10.1 =x 1000 (CF mEq=. ¥,,,inmL) N= 105 What volume at STP at ammonia gas will be required t0 be Passed into 30 mL of N H,SO, solution to bring down the acid normality to 0.2 N? [BAD mEq of original H,S0, = 30 1 =30 ‘mEq of H,SO, after passing NH, = 30 x 0.2=6 + MEg of H,S0, lost 0-6 =24 * mEq of NH, passed= mEq of H,SO, lost w 7 a0 + y= 408 5 "Nn of of se = 22420408 = 05376 L= 537.6 mL. Calculate the normality of mixture obtained by mixing 100 mL of 0.1 N HCI +50 mL of 0.25 N NaOH b. 100 mL of 0.2 MH,SO, + 200 mL of 0.2 M HCI © 100 mL of 0.2 M H,S0, + 100 mL of 0.2 M NaOH 4. 1 gequivalent of NaOH + 100 mL of 0.1 N HCI mEq of HCI = 100 x 0.1= 10 ‘mEq of NaOH = 50 = 0.25 = 12.5 Because HCI and NaOH neutralise each other with equal equivalents mEq of NaOH left = 12.5—10=2.5 Volume of new solution= 100 + 50 = 150 mL. 28 Myson left= T= = 0.0167 mEq of H,S0,= 100 « 0.2 2 (+ N= Ax Valeney) =40 mEq of HCI= 200 x 0,2» 1= 40 *. Total mEq of acid= 40 + 40 ~ 80 Total volume of solution= 300 mL. 80 N, a5 acid shaion™ 399, mEq of H,SO, left after reaction = 40 — 20 = 20 ‘Total volume of solution= 100 + 100 = 200 mL 20 Maso, = 306 ~ 4. mq of NaOH 1+ 1000 = 1000 mEq of HCI = 1000.1 10 mEq of NaOH left after reaction = 1000 ~ 10 = 990 Total volume of solution = 100 mL 990) 2 Mo left = 729.9 ‘Tn what ratio should you mix 0.2 MNaNO, and 0.1 M Ca(NOy)y ‘olution so that in resulting. solution, the concentration of -ve ions is 50% greater than the concentration of +ve ions? WEBB Let v, ml of NaNO, is mixed with 75 mL. of Ca(NO,),, mmoles of NaNO, mixed = 0.2 * V, ‘moles of Ca(NO,), mixed = 0.1 * V> "© Mol ratio of Ca?*; NO;° in Ca(NO,), is 1:2. * Molarity of NO,° in the mixture asic Concepts and Male Concept 1.65 ~ [No] orNaNo, + [Noy] of carno,), = 02K, O12 H Oh) rr) 0.2Y, + 0.20, WY Similarly, molarity of Na® and Ca?" in mixture 202K OL Yrh Wty, 02%, +0. Y+h, Now given tat Molary of No,® = 3 Molaity of Na® and Ca! 0.2K, + 0.2%, -3(% <0) Wy We 1 KH a ‘What volume of water is required to make 0.20'N solution from 1600 mL. of 02050 N solution? USAID sq of concentrated solution ~ 1600 x 0.2050 =328 Let ater dilution volume becomes ¥ mL. ‘mEq of diluted solution = 0.20 » ¥ +328 = 0.20% 7 Y= 1640 mL. Thus, the volume of water used to prepare 1640 mL. of 0.20 N solution = 1640 ~ 1600 = 40 mt 20 ml of 0.2 MAl(SO,) is mixed with 20 mL of 0.6 M BaCl, Calculate the concentration of each ion in solution, Lat ALGO), + BaCl, > BaSO,L-+ lc, batons 002-8 oxeend MSO A mEq = Nx V (in mL) = Af Valeney 24 =02M 20+ 20= 40 mt. oy = 24 [cP]= F) 06M No concentration of Baz? or SO, BaSO, gets precipitated, 2.46 Physical Chemistry - ale. 3541000 Tawa (8H) Ty §x 1000, Pieeeh BaC!, would be needed to mace 250 mLof a solution OF NAC Concentration of CI asthe one containing 3.78 & 1000 Per 100 mL, "ig & Way & ts 3) 3.78% 1000 BD ee ss100 ote 118(1000%1. Let IW’ g of BaCl, is dissolved in 250mL, then 35.4%1000 \ ¥ 1189723, we” TOR ST ep = 9.0385" Nan M=2%03=06 2” 1000 Weight of solvent (¥,) {CI ]im both is same = Weight of solution ~ Weight of solute Nuc = © Maer Naso, Vo % dy My 0.646 = 0.03851" a ons 11680 = 1000 * 1.0077 - 35.4 i my MIM, PERCENTAGE V/V Bam W az | Mw, Min Calculate the molarity and molality of 20% aqueous ethanol 354/118 (CsH.OH) solution by volume. (density of solution = 0.96 g B23 358 mL) 18 118 [BAD 1,08 is 20% by volume, ie, 20 mL of CyH,OH is, _ 03 oss dissolved in 100 mL of solution. “5440307 ‘Volume of 100 — 20 = 80 mL — 0.0055 = 0.9945, Weight of H,0 = 80» 1=80 8 (dy, =1) ‘Weight of solution = 100 » 0.96 = 96 g Weight of C,H,OH = 96-80 16 g ‘A solution contains 2.80 moles of acetone (CH,COCH,) 8.20 mole of CHC1,, Calculate the mole fraction of acetone. (hw of CH,OH = 12.4245 +16+1=46) = 28028 jy 555 | 21000 _ 1671000 54g BD a ae | Mie Veg, 46100 j W000 _ 1671000 _ 4 45 May, 46°80 The percentage composition (by weight) of a solution 45% X, 15% Y, and 40% Z. Calculate the mole tract of cach component of the solution, (Molecular mass of _Hf4 g NaOH are dissolved in 100 mL of agueous solution, what X= 18, Y= 60, and Z = 60) ‘will be the difference in its normality and molarity? HEBD x= 45%», - Ses (BBD (Mi of NAOH =23 + 16 + 140) er) W100 471000 M07 Vex $0100 Y= 15%, + (Since NaOH is monobasic acid its normality and molarity 72 40% will be same) 1 n 1 enn ‘An agueous solution of dibasic acid (molecular mass = 118) containing 35.4 g of acid per litre of the solution has density ~25 Lon 1.0077 g mL" 3416 Express the concentration in as many ways as you ean? my 025 _ nomen 34167007 x37 006, +2) 1- 0.730.073) = 0.195 ‘Whatis the normality and nature ofa mixture obtained by mixing 0.62 g of NagCOsH,O to 100mL of 0.1 N1,80,? 0.02 w [SAB mEGoANA,CO,H,0- SS «1000 (4 1000 =10 mEq of H,S0, = 100 0.1 = 10 Na,CO, + H,$0,— Na,S0, + 4,0 + CO, mEqadded 10 10 0° 00 mEqlet =O ° 0 10 10 10 is, = 799 =0.1 Solution becomes neutral since both acid and base are used. up and Na,SO, does not show hydrolysis. ‘A sample of H;SO, (density 1.787 g mL-!) is labelled as 86% by weight. What is the molarity of acid? What volume of acid Ina to be used to make 1 L of 0.2 MH,S0,? [SAP 1,80, is 869% by weight Weight of H,S0, = 86 g Weight of solution ~ 100 g 1 100 ume of solution = M0C- mat, = —_100_ ‘el ski 1.787 1-787 «1000 © 86 Mus = 1804 TOO ~ 15.68 8 T5787 = 1000 Let’ mL ofthis H,SO, are used to prepare | L of 0.2 M HS0,. ‘mmoles of concentrated H,SO, = mmoles o dilute H,S0, 15.68 = 1000 « 02 2212.75 mL Mole fraction of 1, in C,H, is 0.2. Calculate moiality of I in CH (Mw of Coli, ~ 78 g mol!) Wap = 22100 0.21000, % 7 Mu, OR TR Calculate molality of | litre solution of 93% H,SO, by volume, The density of solution is 1.84 g mL"! Given H,S0, is 93% by volume. Weight of H,SO,=93 g ‘Volume of solution = 100 mL. Some Basie Concepts and Mole Concept 1.47 Weight of solution = 100 + 1.84 =184 9. Weight of water 184 93-91 W, +1909 9% 1000 Molatity (on) ~ one = 10.42 ‘What would be the molality of a solution obtained by mixing ‘equal volumes of 30% by weight H,SO, (d ~ 1.218 ¢ mL!) and 70% by weight H,SO, (d= 1.610 g mL. ')? the eesulting solution has density 1-425'g mL, calculate its molality, Mwy» HSBHD Let 1’ ml of each are mixed For solution 1 H,S0, is 30% by weight +. Weight of H,S0, = 30 g 100. 1218 ‘mL contains 30 g H,S0, 30 F «1.218 ©. Vl contains 100 2H,SO,, For solution 1 H,S0,is 70% by weigh Weight of 1,50, = 70 Weight of solution = 100 8 to + Volume of solution = = [Pia F mL contains gH,S0, Onn 149246 0 Lo00 oss Hof total solution — 21 LAPS g Weight of water “(2881 149241) Laster ys Lava Molality (mn) of so paver MA? 100 Alternatively: (use the formula) 4.0 of NAOH is contained in one deciitre im ae ‘of aqueous solution, Calculate the following in the solution (dof NaOH solution 038 g mL) ‘a, Mole fraction of NaOH Molarity of NtOH Molality of NaOH 1000 _ 41000 30% 100 (1 éecilitre = 100 mL) . W, x 1000 ~ Thy = (Weight of solution ~ Weight of solute) Weight of solvent = Fogg ® dy Me = 100 * 1.0384 = 9 92146 Tk 92 4002 1k” 46 Mass fraction (%) 8g ‘Weight of solution ~ Weight of solute =0.0177 © 0.166 0.17 ", 92 WaW, teed oa 034 ee q Se od SEE ere “A solution © ‘saan oy = 120 gan, what wl begat ‘and molarity? ly 11000 (SBD ~ Fhe ray | 1031000 19g | Seei000 11000 "Mig Vd) . 410.3 «1000 © 98x (1000 « 1.243 - 410.3) Cemented HNO Is 936 by mass of iri acd, Calera cee re cation which contains 23g of HNO, (Dea of concentrated HNO, solution is 1.41 g mi") [BAD 69 g of HNO, = 100g of solution 100 of = Wy aa=3: 23 g of HNO, = 3.3% 3, folume of solution = 7-7 = 23.6 mL. Volume of solution = 37 Calculate the molality ofa solution obtained by dissolving IS: 7 getty] alcohol (C,H,OH) in 168 g of H,0. WW, 1000 _ 1587 1000 [SID = Noy x” aOx168 2.05 | ‘What volume of 95% H,S0, by weight (d= 1.85 g mL") a0 ‘what mass of water must be’ taken to prepare 100 ml of 15% solution of H,SO, (d= 1.10 g mL)? 9510x185, oR 1 Vo 9 wh Volunie of 1,0 added = 100 - 9.4 = 90.6 mL Weittht of HO added = 90.6 1 =90.6 g ta? 1, Calculate the molality of a sulphuric acid solution in which the mole fraction of water is 0.85. b. Calculate the molality of sul mole fraction of water is 0.15. Iphuric acid solution in which the Note here solvent is water, which i in excess _ 2x10 ms 1% Mw, % = 085.%= 1 = 2:15 «1000 O85 x18, 0.85 = 0.15 8 >. Note: Here solvent is H, SO,, which is in excess m= 1221000 _ 9.181000 _ Mu, ~ 085x981 8™ E bottle of commercial sulphuric acid (d= 1.787 amb) is 86% by weight ‘a, What is the molarity of the acid? 'b, What volume of the acid has to be used to make 1 Lof 0.2MH.S0,? &. What is the molality of the acid? Yoby weight x10%¢d _ 86% 101.787 _ Mw 98 aM 15.68 be MY, = MY, 15.68 * ¥,=0.2%1 ¥,= 0.01274 L= 12.74 mL &. Wy = Weight of HO = Weight of solution ~ Weight of solute = 100-86= 14g n= £1000 Min,» W, 861000 _ 6, 6g 8x14 4.6.90 M solution of KOH contains 30% by weight of KOH Calculate the density of the solution, Se by weight x10 xd Sp wv ee _____ Some Basie concent and mote Co 30104 36 d= 1.288 ¢ mL 6. 3.$ litte of 0.01 M NaCl is mixed with 1.5 litre of 0.05 M NaCl. ‘What is the concentration of the final solution? WSR yy, + ayy, any, 001+ 384005 -15=4, 75 (y=, 4¥,=35-15=5) 022 The density of 5% aqueous MgCl, solution is 1.043 g mL! ‘What isthe molarity and molality ofthe solution? What isthe molality of CI” ion? (Mg_= 24 amu) ISHID Mv of Mgci,=24 +355 -2=95¢ aya BbY weight <1O%d _ $<101.083 _ 5 56 Mw, 95 ‘Weight of solvent (17) = 100 Wy «1000 _ $x 1000 Min x 95x95 MgCl, —» Mg + 2c19 Im im 2m O5S6m —osstm — 2x05s4 ‘m of Cle = 1.108 m. The density of 0.06 M solution of KT in water is 1.006 g ml Determine the molality of this solution. (K = 39, 1= 127 amu) [SOD Me of KI=39+ 127-1662 Solve for m, m= 0.06024 ‘Alternate method: apa Yoby weight 10d My _ Yoby weight » 10s 1,006 006 = Ge 166 x 0.08 sight ~ OO* 006 _ 9.90, “bby weight ToL 90m

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