RP2.1 Lesson-4
RP2.1 Lesson-4
RP2.1 Lesson-4
Kalyanee Boruah
14 July, 2021
Interaction of charged particles with matter :
Classical theory of inelastic collision with atomic
Energy loss per ion pair by primary and
secondary ionization-
Dependence of collision energy losses on the
physical and chemical state of the absorber-
Cerenkov radiation-
Electron absorption process- Scattering
excitation and ionization-
Radiative collision- Bremmstrahlung-
Review : The Bethe-Bloch Formula
The correct quantum-mechanical calculation was first
performed by Bethe, Bloch and other authors. In the
calculation the energy transfer is parametrized in terms
of momentum transfer rather than the impact
parameter. This, of course, is more realistic since the
momentum transfer is a measurable quantity whereas
the impact parameter is not. The formula obtained is,