HACCP Manager Practice Exam

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The purpose of a ______ is to provide a clear, simple outline of the

steps involved in a food process

A. hazard analysis.
B. monitoring procedure.
C. verification exercise.
D. flow diagram.

2. The MOST important element in starting an effective food safety

management system is

A. conducting a hazard analysis.

B. obtaining management commitment.
C. establishing pre-requisite programs.
D. an operational employee health program.

3. Which one of the following is considered a Pre-requisite Program?

A. Personal Hygiene
B. Identifying critical control points
C. Monitoring procedures
D. Setting critical limits

4. When assembling the HACCP team the MOST important thing to consider is

A. including individuals from multiple disciplines.

B. ensuring the team members are food safety experts.
C. to assure the team does not include local personnel.
D. creating a team of quality assurance and control specialists.

5. Which of the following information is required on the label of a food product

container (for compliance with applicable codes and regulations) intended
for the end consumer?

A. It must include ingredient list in the country of origin language

B. The water must be identified even if absorbed during processing
C. The common and or scientific name of the ingredient must be listed
D. Radiation use must say treated by irradiation and display Radura logo
6. Determining the likelihood of a hazard occurring

A. must be established during monitoring a present hazard.

B. is part of the hazard analysis being conducted.
C. is when the hazard is identified as a critical control point.
D. happens during establishing critical limits for the hazard.

7. Wherever possible knowing the _______ of a hazard should be included

when performing a hazard analysis

A. severity and adverse health effects

B. the most likely critical limits
C. records from the previous year
D. associated past foodborne illnesses

8. An example of a critical control point is:

A. dicing raw ingredient for the preparation of soup mix.
B. reviewing the source of raw ingredients for a food product.
C. Cooking a raw food product to the critical limit.
D. serving finished, ready-to-eat product.

9. A potential hazard identified in a HACCP plan is

A. paper packaging.
B. food intolerance.
C. glass fragment.
D. aluminum cookware.

10. When is the BEST time to update a HACCP plan?

A. Eighteen months after development for the product and process

B. During the regulatory agency’s review of product and process
C. After the regulatory agency performs review of product and process
D. After performing an onsite flow diagram of product and process
11. A solid foundation for the production of safe food is BEST defined as

A. a risk control management plan.

B. a hazard analysis.
C. a pre-requisite program.
D. an integrated pest management program.

12. Corrective actions are put into practice

A. after the critical limits process.

B. after monitoring the process.
C. before identifying the hazard.
D. before determining critical control points.

13. The BEST method for validating the critical limits and critical control points
of a HACCP plan is by

A. making in-house observations, evaluations and measurements.

B. requesting the regulatory agency in charge to perform an inspection.
C. using personnel from a different division to review the plans.
D. requesting laboratory assistance to perform environmental sampling.

14. In a food safety management system a hazard may be prevented by having

controls established in the

A. pre-operational program standards.

B. management safety standards.
C. operational pre-requisite program.
D. total quality management program.

15. Calibrating an oven to make sure cooking temperatures are correct is

A. part of a verification exercise.

B. required when monitoring the product line.
C. part of the record keeping process.
D. required when the hazard analysis is performed.
16. A food processing plant that produces canned salmon may use which of the
following regulations as a pre-requisite program?

A. Good Retail Practices

B. Good Manufacturing Practices
C. CFR Title 21 Part 120
D. Best Practices for Seafood

17. Knowledge of an emerging pathogen

A. requires establishing a new HACCP system to be developed.

B. is the responsibility of the front line employee.
C. must be first analyzed by the food laboratory.
D. necessitates reviewing and, if required, altering the current HACCP

18. Complying with applicable laws and regulations is useful for

A. document disbursement.
B. setting control points.
C. verification practices.
D. monitoring programs.

19. The training program for an effective food safety management system
should begin by

A. developing in-house training materials including HACCP.

B. creating a HACCP team with outside third party members.
C. appointing a food safety team leader with responsibility and
D. requiring the person in charge to be the food safety manager of the

20. Who is the person MOST likely to perform a corrective action?

A. Person in charge
B. Food safety team leader
C. Front line food employee
D. Designated food employee
21. When conducting a review for continuing improvement of a HACCP plan, it
is MOST important to

A. establish appropriate critical limits.

B. consider consumer complaints regarding food safety issues.
C. have scientific knowledge.
D. develop monitoring practices and procedures.

22. To effectively manage a HACCP team requires

A. identifying members who have knowledge in food science.

B. knowledge of rules and regulations that affect different members.
C. expertise in understanding the roles of members and implementing
the system.
D. Knowledge of the different training methods members must have.

23. In a HACCP plan an effective verification exercise is

A. assuring food employees are free of disease

B. random sampling of product
C. establishing corrective actions
D. auditing management resources

24. Part of monitoring involves

A. taking temperatures.
B. reviewing HACCP plan.
C. developing safe limits.
D. determining the cause.

25. When reviewing product and process for developing a HACCP plan,

A. product and process must be written as individual plans.

B. the process must be handled as part of the pre-requisite program.
C. a product must be handled separately from other products.
D. a single plan may include similar products and processes.
26. What is necessary when considering the standard of identity of a product?

A. Ingredients and their weights.

B. Packaging of the product.
C. A consumer’s individual nutritional needs.
D. Quality of the product.

27. What is the first step you must take when performing a hazard analysis?

A. Establishing intended use of the product.

B. Appointment of a food safety team leader.
C. Developing a food safety hazards policy.
D. Gather and document preliminary information.

28. When establishing a HACCP plan, what should be the first law or rule to

A. Code of Federal Regulation

B. Codex or NACMCF Documentation
C. Local or state health code
D. Food and Drug Administration Food Code

29. The known food allergens are considered a hazard when

A. undeclared on a food product label.

B. sold in interstate commerce.
C. product is made under the cottage food law.
D. consumed by a highly susceptible population.

30. How can a hazard be controlled by an operational prerequisite program?

A. By establishing a system wide safety and sanitation program

B. By using a hazard based third party inspection program
C. By establishing a purchase specification that addresses the hazard
D. Requesting the regulatory authority to evaluate the wholesaler
31. A comprehensive HACCP system validation should be done at least
A. biennually.
B. yearly.
C. monthly.
D. every six months.

32. If a supervisor were to take a food temperature after an employee, it is a

tool use for ________.

A. examination
B. quantitative
C. qualification
D. qualitative

33. A food employee sees that the food product being cooked has not reached
the proper temperature within the proper time; the next step required is to

A. create a flow diagram to see where the process went wrong.

B. conduct a hazard analysis of the food product.
C. implement the corrective action specified in the HACCP plan.
D. contact supervisor to determine the seriousness of the hazard.

34. A good example of a verification exercise is

A. end food product testing.

B. determining facility layout.
C. document process procedure.
D. review monitoring records.

35. What is the first step a food safety manager should take to address food
employees who may come to work ill?

A. Contact the local health department

B. Restrict a food employee’s activities
C. Consult your employee health policy
D. Remove food employee from the facility
36. Which is the MOST important element in a food defense plan?

A. implementing a proper pest tracking and control program

B. covering open containers of food or ingredients in food preparation
C. monitoring the proper procedure for use of gloves and other utensils
D. ensuring employee awareness of suspicious activity and reporting

37. An activity that may be mandated by the Food and Drug Administration,
but is handled by the food establishment is:

A. requiring food product specifications.

B. requiring a health card for Hepatitis A.
C. embargoing a food product.
D. recalling a food product.

38. A criterion which separates acceptability from unacceptability is a

A. hazard analysis
B. critical control point
C. critical limit
D. monitoring step

39. The MOST important step during a recall requires that a food

A. trace product distribution

B. remove the food in question from commerce
C. sample the product for hazard
D. know the product specifications

40. The first line of food defense is

A. the food employee.

B. a pre-written plan.
C. conducting background checks.
D. the management staff.
41. Verification involves being able to confirm that HACCP elements are
working properly. Which of the following is NOT a method used for
A. Random sampling
B. Microbiological testing
C. Performing a mock recall
D. Chemical testing

42. Microbiological testing at various points in the cooking process of a whole

roast chicken to confirm the destruction of pathogens is an example of:
A. Verification
B. Corrective action
C. Hazard analysis
D. Critical limits

43. Verification procedures to determine if the HACCP program is working

properly should NOT be conducted by:
A. An external consultant
B. The individual responsible for performing normal monitoring and
corrective actions
C. A properly trained person from another department
D. The HACCP team leader

44. An internal audit to verify a HACCP system is working properly to ensure

the production of safe food should include
A. A review of the qualifications of the sanitation team
B. Confirmation of the production schedule of the plant
C. Confirmation that the CCPs are under control
D. Verification of compliance with OSHA regulations

45. Confirming that the process and CCPs are under control is also known as
validation. An example of validating a pre-requisite program is
A. Reviewing Food Defense procedures for a food plant.
B. Swab testing of equipment after cleaning and sanitation procedures
have been finished
C. Microbiological testing for pathogens in a finished food product
D. Taste testing a finished food product for consumer preferences
1. D 10. D 19. C 28. C 37. D
2. B 11. C 20. D 29. A 38. C
3. A 12. B 21. B 30. C 39. A
4. A 13. A 22. C 31. B 40. A
5. D 14. C 23. B 32. B 41. C
6. B 15. A 24. A 33. C 42. A
7. A 16. B 25. D 34. D 43. B
8. C 17. D 26. A 35. C 44. C
9. C 18. C 27. D 36. D 45. B

This practice exam was developed using the following guidance documents:

o HACCP Principles & Application Guidelines/National Advisory Committee on

Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) 8/14/97

o ISO 22000 Food Safety Standard in Plain English

o Codex Alimentarius/General Principles Of Food Hygiene Cac/Rcp 1-1969

o FDA Model Food Code 2009/2013

o Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 Part 110

o FDA Managing for Food Safety operator/regulator guide

o FDA Food Defense ALERT/FIRST

o Introduction to HACCP for Food Manufacturing

For more information about the Food Safety HACCP Manager Examination from
National Registry of Food Safety Professionals, go to

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