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Journal of Advanced Research (2015) xxx, xxx–xxx

Cairo University

Journal of Advanced Research


Stiffening of short small-size circular composite

steel–concrete columns with shear connectors
Sherif M. Younes, Hazem M. Ramadan *, Sherif A. Mourad

Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt


Article history: An experimental program was conducted to investigate the effect of shear connectors’
Received 18 June 2015 distribution and method of load application on load–displacement relationship and behavior
Received in revised form 20 July 2015 of thin-walled short concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) columns when subjected to axial load.
Accepted 6 August 2015 The study focused on the compressive strength of the CFT columns and the efficiency of the
Available online xxxx shear stud in distribution of the load between the concrete core and steel tube. The study
showed that the use of shear connectors enhanced slightly the axial capacity of CFT columns.
Keywords: It is also shown that shear connectors have a great effect on load distribution between the
CFT concrete and steel tubes.
Axial Ó 2015 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University.
Shear connectors

Introduction concrete core sustains the axial load and prevents or delays
local buckling of the steel tube. Because of the importance of
Concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) columns are widely used in the CFT, they have been under extensive investigation for many
construction of high-rise buildings, bridges, subway platforms, years. In CFT columns, it is of great practical and economic
and barriers. Use of CFT columns improves mechanical prop- interest to have mechanical shear connectors at the interface
erties under static and cyclic loading including strength, ductil- between the concrete core and the steel tube to achieve the
ity, stiffness and energy-absorption capacity. CFT columns composite action with the help of natural bond. It is believed
combine the benefits of both steel tube and concrete core. that the bond strength has a significant effect on the behavior
The steel tube supports axial load, confines concrete core, of the CFT column. Although numerous tests have been
and eliminates the need for permanent formwork. The carried out within this area, there is still uncertainty about
the effect of bond strength and the stress transfer is not well
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +20 100 1729 084; fax: +20 2
A survey of the available literature showed that very little
26343849. research has been performed to investigate experimentally
E-mail address: Drhazem2003@yahoo.com (H.M. Ramadan).
the behavior of small-size CFT using shear connectors when
Peer review under responsibility of Cairo University.
subjected to axial loading. An experimental study was per-
formed by Schnider [1] to investigate the effect of the steel tube
shape and wall thickness on the ultimate strength of short
Production and hosting by Elsevier composite concrete-filled steel tube columns concentrically

2090-1232 Ó 2015 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Cairo University.

Please cite this article in press as: Younes SM et al., Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns with shear connectors, J Adv Res (2015),
2 S.M. Younes et al.

loaded. Confinement of the concrete core provided by the tube states. Nonlinear analysis was conducted by Hsuan et al. [11]
shape was also addressed. Various ratios of the depth-to-tube using finite element program ABAQUS to study the behavior
wall thickness and the length-to-tube depth ratios were inves- of axially loaded CFT columns. It was shown that circular
tigated. The behavior of eccentrically loaded CFT columns tubes can provide a good confining effect to the concrete
was studied by Fujimoto et al. [2] through an experimental compared to square ones. An analytical study aiming to
program containing sixty-five specimens. The aim was to inves- calculate the mechanical behavior and ultimate strength of
tigate the effect of section shape, diameter-to-thickness ratio, circular CFT columns subjected to axial compression loads
and the combination of strengths on the flexural behavior of was paid by Lu and Zhao [12]. The concrete confinement, which
the steel tube and filled concrete. An experimental study con- depends mainly on the ratio of the external diameter of the
taining several specimens composed of circular steel–concrete steel tube to the plate thickness, the yield stress of the steel tube
composite stub columns was performed by Johansson and and the unconfined compressive strength of the filled concrete,
Gylltoft [3]. The study indicated that the mechanical behavior was empirically deduced. An analytical study was conducted
of the column was greatly influenced by the method of load by Choi and Xiao [13] to analyze the behavior of concrete-
application to the column section. Sakino et al. [4] studied filled steel tubular (CFT) stub columns under axial compression
the behavior of centrally loaded concrete-filled short steel- and predict various modes of lateral interactions between steel
tube columns to clarify the synergistic interaction between steel tube and filled-in concrete under axial compression.
tube and filled concrete, and to derive methods to characterize Most of previous experimental researches, conducted on
the load–deformation relationship of CFT columns through circular composite columns, were performed to examine the
an experimental program containing 114 specimens. The stud- effect of change of load application, strength of material,
ied parameters included the following: tube tensile strength, dimensions of columns. Little attention was paid for using
tube diameter-to-thickness ratio and concrete strength. The shear studs with different arrangement and distribution espe-
flexural behavior of large CFT was investigated experimentally cially with thin-walled columns. The aim of this research is
by Probst et al. [5] through four full-scale tests. Two beams to investigate experimentally the behavior of thin-walled short
were rectangular 12 in. wide and 18 in. deep and the other concrete-filled steel tubes under concentric compression with
two were circular with a diameter of 18 in. The results showed the presence of shear stud connectors. The effect of shear studs
that composite action is significantly improved by shear con- distribution on pipes ductility and axial buckling capacity was
nectors only for circular CFT beams and that the AISC also studied. Different load application methods were investi-
moment capacity prediction is not conservative for circular gated through the experimental program. A total of ten short
CFT beams without shear connectors. The strength and stiff- stub cold-formed CFT columns using steel tube were tested. A
ness of CFTs were studied by Roeder et al. [6] when subjected detailed description of the test specimens, the experimental
to combined axial and flexural loadings through an experimen- setup and instrumentation, is highlighted next.
tal program. The results showed that current specifications
provide inaccurate predictions of the flexural stiffness, and a
new stiffness expression was proposed. The cyclic behavior Experimental
of CFT was investigated through a series of experimental
works presented by Hanswille et al. [7]. Based on the test Test specimens
results, an improved damage accumulation hypothesis
considering load sequence effects and an analytical expression A series of nine circular hollow steel short columns sections
determining the cyclic deformation behavior of headed shear filled with concrete were loaded to failure. The tests were con-
connectors were derived. ducted at the laboratory of the Housing and Building Research
Shear connectors were tested by Shim et al. [8] to investi- Center (HBRC) located in Dokki, Cairo, Egypt. All specimens
gate the effects of group arrangement on the ultimate strength consisted of a small part of a circular steel section fabricated
of stud shear connection. This study dealt with a group of from cold formed galvanized steel plates longitudinally welded
shear studs connectors for precast decks. Push-out tests were with electric resistance welding. The outer diameter of pipes
conducted to evaluate the ultimate strength according to the was chosen equal to 114.3 mm while the thickness was 4 mm.
expected failure modes. The main parameters studied were as The chosen dimensions give a D/T ratio of 28 to avoid local
follows: stud spacing, reinforcement details and stud diameter. buckling effect. Specimen height was taken 600 mm to be in
Test results showed that current design provisions for the stud the range of 3D < H < 20 ry (where ry is the minimal radius
connectors can be used for the design of group stud shear con- of gyration of the composite section) to avoid the overall buck-
nection when the design requirements on the minimum spacing ling. Holes were drilled in the shell to allow fixation of the
of studs are satisfied and the splitting failure of concrete slab is shear connectors. High strength bolts (10.9) with smooth
prevented. Wang et al. [9] presented an experimental study on shank were used as shear connectors with nominal diameter
high strength large diameter stud shear connectors used in of 9.5 mm and a length of 134.3 mm. The bolt holes in the
many composite structures, through twelve push-out tests. pipes were one mm oversized to facilitate erection adjustments.
The comparison with formulas issued by design codes showed Test specimens are shown in Fig. 1a and the summary is listed
that these formulas are all conservative and can be used to in Table 1. The tests were divided into four groups I, II, III and
calculate the shear resistance of studs with large diameter IV. One steel specimen was tested unfilled and the other
and high strength. specimens were provided with shear connectors with different
Several numerical attempts were also paid to investigate distribution. The studied parameters were the number and
and study the CFT columns. Kuranovas and Kvedaras [10] arrangement of the shear connectors. All other parameters
showed that the behavior of hollow CFST elements is more such as column size, column height, shell thickness, connectors
complicated than that of solid ones due to complex stress section, steel and concrete quality were not changed. The first

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Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns 3

Fig. 1a Top View of Test Specimens. Fig. 1b Details of C2 specimen.

group consisted of one specimen of steel pipe without any

concrete filling and was used as pilot test. The second group
of specimens consisted of sections filled with concrete and
loaded through the steel shell. This group included two
specimens C2 and C4. To facilitate load application, pipes
were filled with concrete and only 10 mm from both ends of
the specimens was left unfilled. The differences among these
columns were in the shear connectors distribution. Details of
the specimens and shear connectors distribution are shown
in Table 1 while their geometries are shown in Fig. 1b and
1c. The third group of specimens consisted of sections filled
with concrete and loaded through the concrete core only.
This group included only three specimens C5, C6 and C7.
Similar to group II, 10 mm was left from both sides unfilled.
An external steel plate with dimensions 106 mm diameter
and 55 mm height was used for load application. The plate Fig. 1c Details of C4 specimen.
diameter was smaller than the internal tube diameter by
2 mm to allow for concrete loading only. Details of these spec-
imens are shown in Figs. 1d–1f. The fourth group of specimens Test setup
consisted of sections filled with concrete and loaded through
the concrete core and the steel pipe. This group included three An AMSLER rigid hydraulic compression machine with a
specimens C8, C9 and C10. Shear connectors were only pro- maximum compressive load capacity of 5000 kN was used to
vided for specimens C8 and C10. Details of these specimens test the specimens as shown in Fig. 2a. The specimens were
are shown in Figs. 1g–1l. placed between the base and the head of the loading machine

Table 1 Description and details of the tested specimens studied.

Group Column Number Column Filling with Load Stud Stud Stud
series of tests eight H concrete application using diameter distribution
(mm) (mm)
I C1 1 600 N.A. Steel N.A. N.A. N.A.
II C2 1 600 YES Steel YES 9.5 6 Dstud
C4 1 600 YES YES 9.5 4.2 Dstud
III C5 1 600 YES Concrete YES 9.5 6 Dstud
C6 1 600 YES N.A. N.A. N.A.
C7 1 600 YES YES 9.5 9 Dstud
IV C8 1 600 YES Steel + concrete YES 9.5 6 Dstud
C9 1 600 YES N.A. N.A. N.A.
C10 1 600 YES YES 9.5 9 Dstud

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4 S.M. Younes et al.

Fig. 1g Details of C8 specimen.

Fig. 1d Details of C5 specimen.

Fig. 1e Details of C6 specimen. Fig. 1h Details of C9 specimen.

Fig. 1f Details of C7 specimen.

Fig. 1l Details of C10 specimen.

and centered with the applied load axis to ensure concentric

axial compression loading. The load was applied in increments specimen failure. A 2000 kN load cell was attached to the
with a value of 50 KN per increment and with a rate 50 kN/ machine head to measure the load during testing. All the
min. The load remained constant for ten minutes during each instrumentations were connected to a data acquisition system
loading increment while the readings for deformation and to record different measurements with a rate of 2 readings
strain were monitored. The load application was continued till per second.

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Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns 5

circumferential directions for outer steel tubes were measured

electrically using strain gauges. Two electrical strain gauges
were used for steel with the following criteria: a length was
10 mm, resistance was 119.6 ± 0.4 O, and the gauge factor
was 2.08 ± 1.0%. The strain gauges were installed in perpen-
dicular directions at the middle part of the outer steel tube with
special care. Two Linear Variation Displacement Transducers
(LVDT) of length 100 mm each were placed at two different
locations on the outer surface of the steel tube in order to mea-
sure the vertical overall deformation of the column at various
load levels up to failure. The two transducers were arranged
180° apart from each other as shown in Fig. 2b. For group
III only, four LVDT were placed at four different locations
on the outer surface of the steel tube in order to measure the
slippage between concrete core and steel tube and to record
the vertical overall deformed shape of the column at various
load levels up to failure. The four transducers were arranged
90° apart: two LVDT were attached on the specimen and
another two LVDT were installed with the testing machine.

Steel mechanical properties

Fig. 2a Test setup.
The actual steel mechanical properties for pipe and shear con-
nectors were determined through material tension tests. A total
Instrumentation of two coupons prepared in accordance with DIN 50125 [14]
were conducted to establish the constitutive properties of the
Fig. 2b shows the distribution of instrumentation for a typical welded steel pipes used in this test program. Table 2 shows
column specimen. The strains in the vertical and the the measured properties where Fy, Fu and Es are the yield

Fig. 2b Instrumentation and test setup for compression specimens.

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6 S.M. Younes et al.

Table 2 Tested tension coupons results for steel tubes.

Material Elongation percentage (%) Fy (MPa) FU (MPa) ES (GPa)
Steel 11.2 442.8 508 212
M10 Bolt 10.8 768.6 791.3 210.2

Table 3 Specimens Failure Loads and Displacements.

Group series Column Load application Failure load (kN) Ultimate vertical displacement (mm)
I C1 Steel 689 2.514
II C2 1131 17.981
C4 1151 16.975
III C5 Concrete 1125 2.597
C6 982 1.34
C7 1107 4.084
IV C8 Steel + concrete 1196 16.79
C9 1136 12.644
C10 1161 12.449

stress, the ultimate stress and the modulus of elasticity,


Concrete mechanical properties

Nine concrete test cubes with dimensions

150  150  150 mms were cast at the same time with the
specimens. Three of them were tested under compression after
7 days and six were tested after 28 days. The average cube
strength after 7 and 28 days was 33.4 MPa and 43.3 MPa,

Results and discussion

This section discusses the outcome of the experimental testing.

Table 3 shows the specimen failure loads and the observed
modes of failure of the steel pipes. Furthermore, the steel pipes
were carefully removed after testing to expose the concrete
core and comment on the concrete cracking patterns.
Fig. 3a C1 pipe failure.
Failure modes
diameter exhibited local cracks at connectors as well as some
group (I) diagonal cracks which may indicate higher load transfer to
Signs of local buckling were observed due to increase in hoop the concrete core.
tension or radial expansion in the tube at one third of column
height closer to load application as shown in Fig. 3a. The group (III)
failure load was 689 kN. As shown in Fig. 3d, all column tube welds failed due to
increase in the hoop tension beyond the maximum capacity.
group (II) This is attributed to the increase of concrete core volume in lat-
Fig. 3b shows local buckling at the top and bottom ends of the eral direction due to its crushing. Therefore, the failure mode is
column due to increase of hoop tension at the critical sections. considered as brittle and occurred at critical loading sections at
The failure loads were 1131 and 1151 kN for C2 and C4, the columns ends. As shown in Fig. 3e, all concrete cores were
respectively. Fig. 3c shows all concrete core cracking that cracked with different patterns according to stud arrangement.
was observed after removing the steel tubes after the test. It Specimen C6 with no shear connectors shows vertical cracking
is clear that each column had different crack pattern according close to loading area due to the higher bearing stress. Local
to stud arrangement. Sample C2 with stud spacing of 6 times cracks occurred at stud location for the other two specimens,
stud diameter showed hoop cracking starting from connectors C5 and C7, due to local load transfer between the steel and
location, while specimen C4 with stud spacing of 4.2 times stud concrete. Such local cracks are more evident in specimen C5

Please cite this article in press as: Younes SM et al., Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns with shear connectors, J Adv Res (2015),
Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns 7

Load versus vertical deformation behavior

Figs. 4a–4c show the variation of the axial load versus the ver-
tical displacement for the tested specimens. Close observation
of the results leads to the following:

 The steel column represented by Group I specimen behaved

in a stiff manner at the beginning of loading till the steel
tube reached the yield strength in the longitudinal direction.
 Specimens of Group II behaved as empty steel column at
the initial loading due to the absence of concrete at the
top and bottom parts. This explains the decrease of load
resistance for the first time due to pipe local buckling.
There is a decrease of load resistance for the second time
due to pipe welding failure which is accompanied by local
buckling of the pipes. After 15 mm of vertical deformation,
the loading plates of the testing machine came in contact
with the concrete which started to contribute directly to
Fig. 3b Group II pipe failure. the load carrying capacity. This increase in load carrying
capacity continued until the ultimate strength of the con-
crete was reached and a second plateau was obtained.
Although the columns of group I and II have the same ini-
tial stiffness, the local buckling of the steel tube differed.
The ultimate vertical deformations were about 18 mm for
both C2 and C4.
 Specimens of group III acted initially in a slightly stiffer
manner and the load resistance was in the same range for
all specimens C5, C7, and C6. Once the concrete core
reached its ultimate capacity, the control specimen C6
(without shear connectors) experienced brittle failure, while
specimens C5 and C7 (with shear connectors) were able to
sustain larger deformations and supported more axial load.
 Specimens of group IV acted initially in a stiffer manner
compared to the other specimens and the load resistance
was in the same range for both cases with and without shear
connectors. It could be observed that the column C8, with
connectors spacing of six times stud diameter, could sustain
larger deformations before failure. When the spacing
Fig. 3c Group II concrete failure.
between connectors increased to nine times stud diameter
with smaller stud spacing. It can seen also that no cracks (specimen C10), the column behaved like specimen C9 that
appear at lower stud away from the load application of C7 had no shear connectors.
specimen with higher stud spacing which may indicate a  The stiffness of the column is affected by how the load is
smaller contribution to load transfer. applied to the section. In group IV, the concrete core and
the steel tube are loaded simultaneously; consequently, the
group (IV) load is distributed from the beginning of the loading. In
group III columns, the concrete core carries almost the
Figs. 3f and 3g show the failure modes of group IV specimens.
entire load in the initial stage of the loading resulting in a
It is clear that local buckling occurred at mid height of speci-
lower stiffness than for the group IV. As the load is further
men C9 due to excessive hoop tension which is attributed to
increased, the force carried by the steel tube increases.
inside concrete crushing. Global buckling of the specimen is
shown in C10 and C8 due to the presence of shear connectors
which forced the steel tube and the concrete core to interact
Load versus longitudinal strain behavior
and deform as one unit. Welding failure due to increase of con-
crete core volume resulted from crushing at ends is shown in
specimens C8 and C9 and at mid span in specimen C10 which Figs. 4d–4f show the variation of the axial load versus longitu-
led to local buckling. Also hoop and diagonal concrete cracks dinal steel tube strain for all tested specimens in the different
were noticed around all connectors in C8 and C10 with similar groups. Close observation of the results leads to the following:
patterns which indicate uniform force distribution. Sever
concrete crushing at critical section at mid height of column  The load strain relations for the tested specimens are almost
was observed in C9. similar in shape but differ significantly in the values.

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8 S.M. Younes et al.

Fig. 3d Group III steel failure mode.

Fig. 3e Group III concrete failure mode.

Fig. 3f Group IV steel failure mode.

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Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns 9

Fig. 3g Group IV concrete failure mode.

Load, P [kN] Load, P [kN]


P con.+ Pu-St.= 1087 kN

P con.+ Pu-St.= 1087 kN
1000 P con.+ Py-St.= 997 kN 1000 P con.+ Py-St.= 997 kN

750 750
Pu-Steel= 704kN Pu-Steel= 704kN
Py-Steel = 614kN Py-Steel = 614kN
500 500
P concrete = 383kN P concrete = 383kN
250 250
C2 C1 C4 C7 C6 C5
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 0 2 4 6 8 10
Vertical deformation, δv [mm] Vertical deformation, δv [mm]

Fig. 4a Load versus vertical deformation for groups I and II. Fig. 4b Load versus vertical deformation for group III.

 Linear behavior at the beginning of loading with relatively

small values of strain is shown. Then the strain values Load, P [kN]
increase through a nonlinear behavior till the failure load
is reached with minor load changes. All measured strain P con.+ Pu-St.= 1087 kN
values were compressed up to failure. 1000 P con.+ Py-St.= 997 kN
 The measured longitudinal strains at peak load were 0.0251,
0.0033, and 0.0372 for specimens C2, C5, and C8, respec- 750
Pu-Steel= 704kN
tively which had shear connectors spaced of 6D. Larger
Py-Steel = 614kN
and lower strains were measured with values of 0.054 and
0.002 for specimens C10 and C7, respectively, where shear 500

connectors were spaced of 9D. Although specimen C4 has P concrete = 383kN

closer shear connectors compared with C2, it has almost 250

the same strain with a value of 0.0268. It can be concluded C9 C10 C8
that the measured longitudinal strain values depend on type 0
of load application and shear connectors distribution. For 0 4 8 12 16 20
specimens loaded through the steel alone and the full sec- Vertical deformation, δv [mm]
tion (both steel and concrete), the measured strains are very
high compared to specimens loaded through the concrete Fig. 4c Load versus vertical deformation for group IV.
section only. The measurements above clearly indicate that
group II and IV specimens with larger stud spacing have closely spaced connectors provide a higher and more uni-
higher strain values in steel as expected since the contribu- form confinement of the concrete near the face of the col-
tion of concrete is less. In addition, more numerous and umn. On the other hand, group III specimens with closely

Please cite this article in press as: Younes SM et al., Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns with shear connectors, J Adv Res (2015),
10 S.M. Younes et al.

Load, P [kN]

P con.+ Pu-St.= 1087 kN

1000 P con.+ Py-St.= 997 kN

Pu-Steel= 704kN
Py-Steel = 614kN

P concrete = 383kN


C4 C2 C1

0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Longitudinal Strain, ε [mm/mm]

Fig. 4d Load versus longitudinal steel tube strain for groups I and II.

Load, P [kN]
P con.+ Pu-St.= 1087 kN

1000 P con.+ Py-St.= 997 kN

Pu-Steel= 704kN
Py-Steel = 614kN

P concrete = 383kN


C7 C6 C5
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
Longitudinal Strain, ε [mm/mm]

Fig. 4e Load versus longitudinal steel tube strain for group III.

Load, P [kN] Load, P [kN]

1250 1400

P con.+ Pu-St.= 1087 kN 1200

1000 P con.+ Py-St.= 997 kN

1000 P ySteel + Pcon.= 997kN

Pu-Steel= 704kN 800
Py-Steel = 614kN
600 Py steel = 614kN
P concrete = 383kN
400 P concrete = 383kN
C9 C10 C8 C2 C1 C4
0 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Longitudinal Strain, ε [mm/mm] Hoop Strain, ε [mm/mm]

Fig. 4f Load versus longitudinal steel tube strain for group IV. Fig. 4g Load versus hoop steel tube strain for groups I and II.

Please cite this article in press as: Younes SM et al., Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns with shear connectors, J Adv Res (2015),
Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns 11

Load, P [kN]


1000 Py St. + Pcon.= 997 kN


600 Py steel = 614 kN

400 P concrete = 383 kN

C6 C7 C5
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Hoop Strain, ε [mm/mm]

Fig. 4h Load versus hoop steel tube strain for group III.

Load, P [kN]


1000 Py St. + P conc.= 997kN


600 Py steel = 613.75 kN

400 P concrete = 383 kN

C9 C10 C8
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Hoop Strain, ε [mm/mm]

Fig. 4i Load versus hoop steel tube strain for group IV.

spaced connectors exhibit more ductile response due to  The load strain relations for the tested specimens were
increase of load transfer from concrete to steel shell leading almost similar in shape until the load reached 0.95Pu but
to the uniform distribution of load between the concrete differ significantly in values at the failure load. A linear
core and steel shell. behavior in the early stages of loading is observed with
small strain values, and then the strain values increase non-
linearly with the loading till failure.
Load versus hoop strain behavior  At failure loads, values of hoop strains depend clearly on
the presence and distribution of shear connectors. The mea-
Figs. 4g–4i show the variation of the axial load versus the hoop sured hoop strains at peak load for group III tests were
strains measured at the mid of steel tubes for the tested speci- 0.0031, 0.000629, and 0.00189 for specimens C5, C6, and
mens. Upon examination of the figures, the following com- C7, respectively. Group IV specimens had higher measured
ments can be written inferred: strains with values of 0.0092, 0.00387, and 0.00512 for spec-
imens C8, C9, and C10, respectively. Also the peak strains
 Hoop tension strain values measured in C1 are higher com- at the end of loading were 0.0083, 0.0056, and 0.0036 for
pared to the other specimens since the steel tube expands in C1, C2 and C4, respectively. It is shown that groups II
the radial direction due to compressive loads in its longitu- and IV specimens with steel and entire section loading
dinal direction. For the rest of specimens, additional ten- express more hoop strains compared to group III speci-
sion strains resulted from circumferential steel hoop mens. It is also clear that there is an increase of hoop strains
tension developed to provide lateral confining pressure to when the shear connectors are used and larger spacing of
the concrete. shear connectors yields limited increase of hoop strains.

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12 S.M. Younes et al.

This increase reached five and two and half times for spec- the steel pipe. It is also shown that specimens C6, C7 and
imens C5 and C8, respectively with shear connectors spaced C5 reach its unconfined strength at 60%, 67% and 90%,
of 6D. On the other hand, such increase reached three times respectively of the maximum applied loads which indicate
and 30% for specimens C7 and C10, respectively which that closed spaced shear connectors delay the concrete fail-
used shear connectors spaced of 9D. This may be attributed ure. Therefore, the shear connectors have a great effect on
to the fact that closer shear connectors lead to higher loads load distribution and load capacity of the CFT specimens.
transferred to concrete core and consequently higher con-  In group IV specimens with load application to the whole
crete deformation is expected. section, the results suggest that the bond and confinement
have a small influence on the strength of the column since
the enhancement in concrete strength is only 15%. It is also
Failure loads of CFT columns relevant to loading type and shear shown that all group IV specimens reach its unconfined
connectors distribution strength at 85% of the maximum applied load which indi-
cates that the distribution of shear connectors has a minor
Figs. 5a–5c show the beneficial effect of using shear connectors effect on the enhancement percentage of axial capacity. On
on the total load carrying capacity of CFT columns. The fig- the other hand, steel pipes reached its ultimate capacities at
ures show the sharing of the applied loads between the steel 0.91Pu, 0.87Pu, and 0.95Pu for specimens C8, C9, and C10,
pipe and the encased concrete. The axial pipe load is calculated respectively which indicated that the presence of shear con-
by multiplication of the measured longitudinal steel tube strain nectors delays the pipe failure during loading. Also the
by its cross-sectional area and by Steel Young’s modulus cal- specimens with closely spaced connectors reach its failure
culated from the mechanical tests. However the concrete load load more ductile response due to increase of load transfer
is calculated by subtracting the pipe load from the total load. from concrete to steel shell.
Close observation of the results would lead to the following:

 In group II the percentage of concrete core contribution is

higher for small stud spacing specimen, C4 as compared to Pst. or Pconc. [kN]
the larger stud spacing specimen, C2 due to better distribu-
tion of load with more connectors. This occurs mainly prior Py-Steel = 614 kN
to reaching the local buckling load of steel tube (at load
level less than 700 kN). At higher loads, the loading plate 525

comes into contact with the concrete core, and the effect
of shear connectors spacing becomes less significant and
P concrete = 383kN
the concrete contribution increases. 350
 In Group III specimens with load application to the con-
crete core, the axial force was redistributed between the
concrete core and the steel during the loading due to the 175
presence of shear connectors and bond between the con-
C7-St C6-St C5-St
crete core and steel tube. This explains the great increase
C7-Conc. C6-Conc. C5-Conc.
of specimen C6 capacity which reached to 40% compared 0
to unconfined concrete strength in Fig. 28. In the same 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Figure, it is shown that the presence of shear connectors Total Applied Load, kN
helped in releasing the core loads and transmitting then to
Fig. 5b Pipe and Concrete loads for group III.

Pst. or Pconc. [kN] Pst. or Pconc. [kN]

700 700

Py- Steel = 614 kN Py-Steel = 614 kN

525 525

P concrete = 383 kN P concrete = 383kN

350 350

175 175
C10-St C2-St C10-St C9-St C8-St
C4-Conc. C2-Conc. C10-Conc. C9-Conc. C8-Conc.
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Total Applied Load, kN Total Applied Load, kN

Fig. 5a Pipe and Concrete loads for group II. Fig. 5c Pipe and concrete loads for group IV.

Please cite this article in press as: Younes SM et al., Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns with shear connectors, J Adv Res (2015),
Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns 13

 The use of connectors enhanced the axial capacity which is

clear when comparing the strength of groups III and IV. It
is worth mentioning that the closer the shear connectors the
higher the CFT capacity. This is attributed to the fact that
the load transferred to the steel tube is increased by the
increase in the number of shear connectors. Comparing
C6 with C5 and C7 results, it can be shown that the pres-
ence of shear connectors and their distribution somewhat
affect the amount of increase in CFT normal capacity.
Such enhancement reaches up to 15% and 13% in speci-
mens C5 and C7, respectively. While when comparing spec-
imens C9 with C8 and C10 results, the enhancement
capacity was limited to 5.3% and 2.2% for specimens C8
Fig. 6a C4 cracking with 4.2 diameter connectors spacing. and C10, respectively.
 The conducted tests suggest that using connectors spacing
with more than 6 times stud diameter may reduce concrete
stress concentration and avoid cracking as shown in
Fig. 6a–6d. Further tests are recommended to better study
and understand the behavior.


From the tested CFT thin-walled short columns with shear

connectors subjected to axial loading, the following conclu-
sions may be deducted:

1. The use of connectors enhanced the axial capacity load of

CFT columns, the closer the shear connectors the higher
Fig. 6b C8 cracking with 6 diameter connectors spacing. the CFT capacity. This is attributed to the fact that the load
transferred to the steel tube is increased by increase in the
number of shear connectors. Such enhancement was in
the range of 13–15% for columns loaded through its con-
crete core with connectors spacing six to nine stud diame-
ter. When the columns were loaded through the whole
section, the enhancement capacity was limited to the range
of 2.2–5.3%.
2. All CFT column pipes have tension hoop strains regardless
of the loading type due to the development of circumferen-
tial steel hoop tension to provide lateral confining pressure
for the concrete.
3. The load-hoop strain relationships are almost similar in
progress and values until the applied load reaches about
95% the maximum capacity for all types of loading but dif-
fer significantly in the strain values at the failure load
Fig. 6c C5 cracking with 6 diameter connectors spacing. depending on shear connectors spacing. The larger spacing
of shear connectors leads to lower increase of hoop strains.
This may be explained by the assumption that closer shear
connectors lead to higher load transferred to the concrete
core, and consequently higher circumferential steel hoop
tension developed to confine the concrete.
4. Due to the concrete confinement, the concrete compressive
strength increases by 40% when CFT columns are loaded
through its concrete section.
5. CFT columns loaded through its concrete sections reach its
unconfined strength at 60%, 67%, and 90% of the maxi-
mum applied load when no shear connectors are provided
or connectors are used with spacing of six and nine stud
diameter, respectively. This suggests that shear connectors
have a great effect on load distribution. Since the presence
Fig. 6d C10 cracking with 9 diameter connectors spacing. of shear connectors helps to release the core loads and

Please cite this article in press as: Younes SM et al., Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns with shear connectors, J Adv Res (2015),
14 S.M. Younes et al.

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Please cite this article in press as: Younes SM et al., Stiffening of short small-size circular composite steel–concrete columns with shear connectors, J Adv Res (2015),

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