Disser Tai On
Disser Tai On
Disser Tai On
I would like to express my utmost gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Atanu Rajak
for the guidance and constant motivation. He has not only just taught me the
topics, but inspired me to learn more. He has provided progressive insights and
contributed immensely. This dissertation would not have been possible without
his supervision. His patience and confidence kept me going. I would also like
to thank my classmate Sk Nasim Ali for discussing on the unsettled topics ,my
classmates, my family members, my seniors, all my for their enormous courage
and support.
The Hamiltonian of a classical rotor can be quantized, by assuming mo-
mentum and position to be quantum operators satisfying canonical conjuga-
tion relations. For this system, the quantum evolution operator over one pe-
riod is the product of free evolution and instantaneous kick operators which
is called Floquet operator. Using the eigenvalue equation of the Floquet op-
erator, it has been shown before that a quantum kicked rotor can be mapped
to a quantum particle moving in a one-dimensional static disordered poten-
tial. We will first review this result. This system also supports ”accelerator”
modes. In this project, we will investigate how this affects the phenomenon
of dynamical localization, i.e., whether it can destroy localization for a short
or long time.
1 Introduction 5
2 The Model 5
3 Classical Dynamics 7
4 Floquet Operator 8
5 Quantum Dynamics 10
7 Experiment 15
8 Appendix 18
1 Introduction
The kicked rotor[Fig:1] describes, a particle that is constrained to move on a ring
. The particle is kicked periodically by an homogeneous field .
The classical diffusion of particles in disordered solids is suppressed by quan-
tum interference. This is the phenomenon of Anderson Localization. Ander-
son localization has a dynamical counterpart whereby the chaotic classical diffu-
sion of momentum or energy found in such deterministic classical systems as the
Chirikov Standard Map, is suppressed when the same Hamiltonian is quantized.
This phenomenon was realized experimentally for cold atoms.1958, Philip An-
derson published his seminal paper on how certain materials can undergo a phase
transition from conductor to insulator when the amount of disorder in the system
passes a certain threshold . This sudden reduction in conduction is associated
with the localization of the electronic wavefunction; when the state no longer is
extended, and instead is spatially localized. In 1977, Anderson was awarded the
Nobel Prize, in part for his work on localization phenomena. Anderson localiza-
tion, as it is now known, can be understood as an interference phenomenon. In the
original tight-binding model formulated by Anderson, electrons are able to tunnel
between neighbouring lattice sites. However, at high enough disorder in the lat-
tice, the quantum amplitudes associated with tunnelling paths cancel each other,
resulting in a localized wavefunction. An equivalent wave model has been pro-
posed, in which the incoming wave is scattered off of potentials generated by the
disorder. At a high enough disorder, the scattered wavelets interfere destructively
in the forward direction, causing the wave to decay exponentially.
Scientists has found that when we study kicked rotor quantum mechanically
after long time average energy is saturated the wavefunction in momentum space
is localised, which is nothing but the anderson localisation.
In this report i have discussed about the model, classical dynamics, quantum dy-
namics and link with Anderson Model.
2 The Model
We will study the quantum motion of a system defined by Hamiltonian
h̄2 ∂ 2
H= + k̂V (θ )∆(t), (1)
2I ∂ θ 2
Figure 1: An image of a kicked rotor
tor with moment of inertia I driven by a time dependent potential which can be
factorizable by a time dependent part and angle.We shall assume V is periodic
function of θ with period 2π and ∆ has a period t0 = 1. Now t0 has the unit of
time then hamiltonian will depend two dimensionless parameter,
τ = h̄I , k = h̄k̂ then,
in this unit the time-dependent schrodinger equation will be
∂Ψ τ ∂ 2Ψ
i =− + k̂V (θ )∆(t)ψ.
∂t 2 ∂θ2
Between kick time evolution is free rotation and at kicks kinetic energy is
unimportant and is easily integrated.Time evolution of wave function can be easily
expressed in angular momentum representation.We call the wavefunction in this
representation ψn .where pψn = nψn .
The relation between angle representation to angular momentum representa-
ψ(θ ,t) = ∑ ψn (t)einθ .
Using ∓ to mean before after kick and absorbing k inside the potential,we can
represent free propagation,
1 2πR
where Jm−n = 2π 0 exp(i(m − n)θ )exp(−iV (θ ))dθ .
From eq(iii) it is understood that if we know the wavefunction after t-th kick then
we know the wavefunction after t+1 th kick.
3 Classical Dynamics
As energy is time dependent ,so it is not conserved, but due to periodicity of hamil-
tonian, we can analyze the motion stroboscopically and build a map picturing the
revolution once every period.This map relates the phase space co ordinates just
before n+1 kick to the coordinate jusr before n kick,
In+1 = In + Ksin(xn )
xn+1 = xn + In+1 ,
where K = kT and I = T pn .Here pn and xn are the momentum and position right
before the n-th pulse.
Now, numerically generating a set of initial condition of p and x, we will find
a set of pn at nth time then taking the average of p2 if we plot < p2 > vs t we willl
find a straight line.So the motion in momentum space is diffusive, < p2 >= 2Dt
[ref:1] increases linearly with time[Fig:2].The diffusion constant depends on k
and is approximately given by the equation,
D= .
4 Floquet Operator
Suppose Hamiltonian depends periodically on time H(t) = H0 +V (t).
V (t) describes coupling with the oscillating field , obeying the relation V (t + τ) =
V (t).
Since Hamiltonian depends explicity on time it is not possible to solve time-
dependent Schrodinger equation,
Hψ = ih̄
by separation of variable.
As hamiltonian is periodic, wave function will be same with some phase factor .
Tτ ψn (x,t) = ψn (x,t + τ) = λn ψn .
For solution to be stationary λn should be pure phase factor.
ψn (x,t + τ) = e−iφn ψn (x,t)
It follows that we can write, ψn (x,t) = e−iωnt un (x,t)
As, ψn (x,t + τ) = e−iωn (t+τ) un (x,t + τ)
= e−iωn (t) e−iωn τ un (x,t + τ)
= e−iωn (t) e−iωn τ un (x,t)
= e−iωn τ ψn (x,t)
= e−iφn ψn (x,t)
where ,un (x,t + τ) = un (x,t).
In Floquet system the role of the energy is taken by the so called quasi energy
E = h̄ωn = φn .
Time evolution operator is defined by the equation ,
ψ(x,t) = U(t)ψ(x, 0).
Time dependent Schrodinger equation,
ih̄ = Hψ
ih̄U̇ψ(x, 0) = HUψ(x, 0)
ih̄U̇ = HU. − − − −(A)
Now taking the complex conjugate both side of the equation,
(ih̄U̇)† = (HU)†
−ih̄U̇ † = U † H. − − − −(B)
Operate U † on left in (A) and U on right in (B) and subtract (A) to (B),
ıh̄(U̇U † + U̇ †U) = 0
d †
(U U) = 0
U † (t)U(t) = Constant
U † (0)U(0) = Constant
C = 1 [Using the initial condition U(0) = 1.]
or we can say
U †U = 1.
Now, ψ(x, nτ) = U(τ)ψn (x, (n − 1)τ) = U(τ)2 ψn (x, (n − 2)τ) = U(τ)n ψn (x, 0),
as hamiltonian is periodic.
In ourcase Hamiltonian is,
H0 nτ < t < (n + 1)τ − ∆τ
H= V0
H0 + ∆τ (n + 1)τ − ∆τ < t < (n + 1)τ.
p2 V0
where I consider τ as time period, H0 = 2 and potential as ∆τ .
Now for 0 < t < τ − ∆τ equation(A) becomes,
ih̄ = H0U
dU −i
= H0 dt
U h̄
U(t) −i
[lnU]U(0) = H0 [t]t0
U(t) = U(0)exp( H0t)
U(t) = exp( H0t).
For τ − ∆τ < t < τ,
ih̄ = (H0 +V0 /∆τ)U
= (H0 +V0 /∆τ)t
[lnU]U(τ−∆τ) = (H0 +V0 /∆τ)[t]tτ−∆τ
U(t) = U(τ − ∆τ)exp( (H0 +V0 /∆τ)(t − τ − ∆τ)).
Floquet operator F = U(τ)
−i −i −i
F = exp[ (H0 +V0 /∆τ)∆τ]exp[ H0 (τ − ∆τ)] [where U(t − ∆τ) = exp( H0 (t − ∆τ))]
h̄ h̄ h̄
−i −i
= exp[ (H0 ∆τ +V0 )]exp[ H0 (τ − ∆τ)]
h̄ h̄
Now the limit ∆τ → 0 can be performed, yielding
−i −i
F = exp[ V0 ]exp[ H0 τ]
h̄ h̄
5 Quantum Dynamics
The quantum Hamiltonian is obtained from the classical , through the canonical
replacement of p by −ih̄ ∂∂x . The evolution operator over one period is the product
of the free evolution operator and the instantaneous kick operator:
−i p2 T −i
U(T, 0) = exp( )exp( kcos(x)).
h̄ 2 h̄
The long-time dynamics is generated by successive iterations of U.In the eigen
basis of p ,
1 inθ
|n⟩ = e
the matrix element of U in momentum eigen-basis are given by,
Plotting this numerically we found that E(n) get saturated after long time.The
classical dynamics is diffusive in momentum space, but the quantum dynamics
is localized at long times. It is characterized by the saturation of E(n) or ⟨p2 ⟩
at long time — in strong contrast with the classical unlimited growth and by the
exponential shape of the density in momentum space, very much like the usual
Anderson localization. This localization was baptized “dynamical localization”
when it was observed in numerical simulations . Only later, people realized that it
is nothing but the Anderson scenario of 1d localization, as explained below.
Figure 2: The expectation value < p2 > for the quantum periodically kicked rotor,
displaying a diffusive behavior at short time (following the classical dynamics)
and saturation at long time.
Figure 3: The average probability density in momentum space for the quantum
kicked rotor after it reaches dynamical localization (after 400 kicks). It displays
an average exponential localization . Parameters are K = 11.6, h̄= 1.0
where uω (θ ,t + 1) = uω (θ ,t).
ψω (t + 1) = e−iω(t+1) uω (θ ,t + 1) = e−iω ψω (θ ,t).
So after each kick a phase factor is added to the wave function.This is analog
of the well-known Bloch-Floquet theorem where potential is periodic in space.
Since quasi energies are periodic it is sufficient to study these states before/after
kick. Again we use both the angle and angular momentum representations. Sub-
stitution of Eq. (iv) into Eqs. (ii) and (iii) with t integer gives
n (t) = e
−iK(n) iω +
e un (t) − −(v)
u+ (θ ) = e−iV (θ ) u− (θ ) − −(vi)
−iK(n) +
u+ iω
m (t) = e ∑ Jm−n e un . − −(vii)
The transformation we wish to make uses an alternative representation of po-
tential V in terms of Hermitian operator w, namely, we define
1 + iw(θ )
e−iV (θ ) =
1 − iw(θ )
or equivalently
w(θ ) = tan(V (θ )/2).
u+ (θ ) + u− (θ )
ū(θ ) = ,
E = −w0
Em (ω − K(m))
Tm = tan = tan( ). − −(xi)
2 2
This equation (x) describes one dimensional tight-binding model.This equation
establishes therefore the correspondence between the quantum dynamical prob-
lem and the solid-state problem with the angular momentum in the quantum prob-
lem corresponding to the lattice sites in the solid-state problem. We will refer to
(vii) as the quantum dynamical problem or the rotator problem while we will refer
(x) to as the tight-binding.
Equation (x) is the time-independent Schrödinger equation for a one-dimensional
Anderson model with site index m, on-site energy Tm , coupling wr to the nearest
sites and total energy -w0 .
One can certainly arrive at the Anderson model by choosing for Km a random
sequence. However, there is yet another possibility that, to our knowledge, has not
been studied before in any detail and is of importance to understand the dynamics
of the quantum rotator, namely, the one in which the sequence Km is pseudo-
random, i.e.,Km has some but not all the properties of a truly random sequence.
This is of relevance for’ the problem at hand because, as will be seen shortly, the
sequence Km = αm2 that corresponds to the rotator problem is, indeed, pseudo-
random. Independence in random number is main reason for localisation. But the
numerical evidence proves that the sequence Tm is random enough to localize the
solution of equation (x).
7 Experiment
The simplest observation uses a cold atomic gas. A periodic train of laser pulses
is applied to the atoms.Each laser pulse thus produces a kick on the atom velocity,
whose amplitude is proportional to the gradient of the potential. After the series
of pulses is applied, the momentum distribution is measured . Fig. 4 shows the
average value energy as a function of time (number of kicks). One clearly sees
a linear growth at short time followed by a saturation, that is a freezing of the
diffusive growth when dynamical localization takes place. Figure 5 shows the
momentum distribution as a function of time. The parameters used in this exper-
iment (Na atoms, K = 11.6, h̄ = 2.0) are such that the theoretical prediction is
in good agreement with numerical experiments and the experimental observation.
The saturation level of energy at long time is also quantitatively predicted.
Figure 4: Average value < p2 > for a collection of cold atoms exposed to a
series of kicks, as a function of time (the number of kicks). The solid line shows
the linear growth predicted by theory at short time (classical chaotic diffusion).
The dashed line is the saturation value predicted by dynamical localization and
the dots are the experimental observation. The inset shows the final momentum
distribution on a logarithmic scale.
ref: 2
Figure 5: Experimental time evolution of the momentum distribution of the atomic
kicked rotor [6], from the initial Gaussian distribution until the exponentially lo-
calized distribution at long time; N is the number of kicks.
ref: 3
8 Appendix
Appendix A
The Hamiltonian of classical-kicked-rotor is,
H= + kcos(x) ∑ δ (t − nτ).
now we know ẋ = ∂p
and ṗ = − ∂∂Hx .
so ṗ = −
ṗ = ksin(x) ∑ δ (t − nτ)
Z pm+1 Z (m+1)τ
dp = ∑ ksin(x)δ (t − nτ)dt
pm mτ
pm+1 − pm = ksin(xm )
multiplying both side by time-period τ,
In+1 = In + Ksin(xn ) [where, In = τ pn and K = kτ]
R (m+1)τ
R (m+1)τ R
[As, ∑ mτ ksin(x)δ (t −nτ)dt = mτ ksin(x)δ (t −τ)dt + mτ ksin(x)δ (t −
R (m+1)τ R (m+1)τ
2τ)dt +.... mτ ksin(x)δ (t −mτ)dt +... mτ ksin(x)δ (t −nτ)dt = ksin(xm )]
ẋ = p
Z xm+1 Z (m+1)τ
dx = pdt
xm mτ
pdt = p dt − [ dt]dt [integration by parts]
Z (m+1)τ
= [pt]mτ + ksin(x)δ (t − nτ)tdt
= [pt]mτ + ksin(xm )mτ
= pm+1 (m + 1)τ − pm mτ + (pm+1 − pm )mτ
= pm+1 τ
so , xn+1 − xn = pn+1 τ.
Appendix B
Time dependent Schrodinger equation is
∂Ψ h̄2 ∂ 2 Ψ
ih̄ =− +V (θ ,t)ψ.
∂t 2I ∂ θ 2
∂Ψ h̄2 ∂ 2 Ψ
ih̄ =− + k̂V (θ )∆(t)h̄ψ
∂t 2I ∂ θ 2
∂Ψ h̄ ∂ 2 Ψ
i =− + kV (θ )∆(t)ψ
∂t 2I ∂ θ 2
∂Ψ τ ∂ 2Ψ
i =− + kV (θ )∆(t)ψ.
∂t 2 ∂θ2
Appendix D
In between the kicks there is only kinetic energy so the schrodinger equation will
be ,
∂Ψ τ ∂ 2Ψ
∂t 2 ∂θ2
∂ ψn (t) inθ τ ∂ 2 ψn (t) inθ
∑ ∂t e = − e
2 ∑ ∂θ2
∂ ψn (t) 1 2π i(n−m)θ ∂ 2 ψn (t) 1 2π i(n−m)θ
∑ i ∂t 2π 0 e dθ = − ∑ e dθ
2 ∂ θ 2 2π 0
∂ ψn (t) ∂ 2 ψn (t) 1 2π i(n−m)θ
∑ i ∂t δmn = − 2 ∑ ∂ θ 2 δmn [Where,δmn = 2π 0 e dθ ]
∂ Ψn τ ∂ 2 Ψn
i =−
∂t 2 ∂θ2
∂ Ψn τ
i = n2 ψ n
∂t 2
Z Z t+1
∂ Ψn 2τ
= −in ∂t
ψ 2 t
−in2 τ
ψn− (t + 1) = ψn+ (t)e 2
Appendix E
Over a kick potential energy is so high that kinetic energy can be neglected. So
the Schrodinger equation will be
i = V (θ )∆(t)ψ
i = V (θ )∆(t)∂t
Z ψ + (t) +∞ Z t+ε
= −iV (θ ) ∑ δ (t − n)∂t
ψ − (t) ψ n=−∞ t−ε
ψ + (t) = ψ − (t)e−iV (θ )
R 3+ε R 3+ε R 3+ε
[as 3−ε δ (t − 1)∂t + 3−ε δ (t − 2)∂t + 3−ε δ (t − 3)∂t = 1 ]
Appendix F
n2 τ
Now we have ψn− (t + 1) = ψn+ (t)e−iK(n) ,where K(n) = 2 , between the kicks
and ψ + (t) = ψ − (t)e−iV (θ ) over a kick.
1 R 2π −iV (θ ) −i(m−n)θ
where Jm−n = 2π 0 e e dθ
Appendix G
In the eigen basis of p, angular momentum,
1 imθ
|m⟩ = e
the matrix elements of U are,
where V (θ ) = kcos(θ )
Appendix H
From the discussuon of Quasi-energy we know,
uω (θ ,t) = uω (θ ,t + 1).
e−iω(t+1) u−
n (t + 1) = e
−iK(n) −iωt +
e un (t)
n (t) = e
−iK(n) iω +
e un (t). − − − −(I)
we get,
e−iωt u+
ω (θ ,t) = e
−iV (θ ,t) −iωt −
e uω (θ ,t).
u+ (θ ) = e−iV (θ ) u− (θ ). − − − − − −(II)
Again we know,
+∞ −in2 τ
ψm+ (t + 1) = ∑ Jm−n e 2 ψn+ (t)
+∞ −in2 τ
e−iω(t+1) u+
m (t) = ∑ Jm−n e 2 ψn+ (t)
m (t) = e
∑ Jm−ne−iK(n)u+n . − −(III)
We define,
1 + iw(θ )
e−iV (θ ) =
1 − iw(θ )
2iw(θ ) e−iV (θ ) − 1 e−iV (θ )/2 − eiV (θ )/2
= −iV (θ ) = −iV (θ )/2
2 e +1 e + e−V (θ )/2
V (θ )
w(θ ) = −tan( ).
We know,
−iV θ u+ (θ )
e = − [ f rom(II)]
u (θ )
1 + iw(θ )
= [from definition]
1 − iw(θ )
u+ (θ ) u− (θ )
= .
1 + iw(θ ) 1 − iw(θ )
Again we define,
u+ (θ ) + u−(θ )
ū(θ ) =
u+ (θ )
= (1 + e−iV (θ ) )
u+ (θ ) u− (θ )
= = .
1 + iw(θ ) 1 − iw(θ )
Using angle to angular momentum representation, we can write
u+ (θ ) = ∑ u+
u− (θ ) = ∑ u−
ū(θ ) = ∑ um eimθ
w(θ ) = ∑ wm−r ei(m−r)θ .
u+ (θ ) = ū(1 + iw(θ ))
∑ u+m eimθ = ∑ umeimθ + i ∑∑ wm−r ei(m−r)θ eirθ ur
∑ u+m eimθ = ∑ umeimθ + i ∑∑ wm−r eimθ ur
∑Z u+m ei(m−n)θ = ∑ umeZi(m−n)θ + i ∑∑ wm−r ei(m−n)θ uZr
2π 2π 2π
∑ u+m 0
ei(m−n)θ = ∑ um
ei(m−n)θ dθ + i ∑∑ wm−r
ei(m−n)θ dθ ur
m = (um + i ∑ wm−r ur ).
u− (θ ) = ū(1 − iw(θ ))
∑ u−m eimθ = ∑ umeimθ − i ∑∑ wm−r ei(m−r)θ eirθ ur
∑ u−m eimθ = ∑ umeimθ − i ∑∑ wm−r eimθ ur
∑Z u−m ei(m−n)θ = ∑ umeZi(m−n)θ − i ∑∑ wm−r ei(m−n)θ uZr
2π 2π 2π
∑ u−m 0
ei(m−n)θ = ∑ um
ei(m−n)θ dθ − i ∑∑ wm−r
ei(m−n)θ dθ ur
m = (um − i ∑ wm−r ur ).
Now putting the value of u− +
m and um at eq(I) we get,
[1] Kicked rotor and Anderson localization , Boulder School on Condensed Mat-
ter Physics, 2013 By Dominique Delande Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Uni-
versite Pierre et Marie Curie, Ecole Normale Superieure, CNRS; 4 Place
Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France
[4] A brief introduction to Anderson Localization Chenguang Guan, Xingyue
Guan Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Dated:
May 18, 2019)