Source Data For QM - Selected Set Code
Source Data For QM - Selected Set Code
Source Data For QM - Selected Set Code
Version S4CORE 107 - Standard Scope - 07.09.2023 © Copyright SAP SE. All rights reserved.
A migration template (Microsoft Excel XML Spreadsheet 2003 file) consists of different sheets which are visible at the bottom of the migration template. You
use the different sheets to specify the data that belongs to different data structures. For example the migration template for the migration object 'Product',
contains a sheet for basic data, a sheet for plant data, and so on. Some sheets are mandatory, and some are optional.
A migration template is based on the active view of the relevant migration object. You can find information about the active view in the Microsoft Excel XML
file. In the file, navigate to File -> Info. You can find the active view name under Properties -> Tags.
In the Microsoft Excel XML Spreadsheet 2003 file, navigate to 'File' -> 'Options' -> 'Advanced'. Under the option 'When calculating this workbook:', ensure
that the option 'Set precision as displayed' is selected.
Information about File Sizes
If you are migrating data to SAP S/4HANA Cloud, the default size limit for each uploaded XML file is 100MB. If required, you can zip several files together.
Note that the combined size of all the XML files you want to add to the zip file must not exceed 160MB. The limit for zip file is still 100MB.
It contains information about the mandatory and optional sheets, as well as detailed information for each sheet (for example the expected data type and
length for the fields in each sheet).
On the 'Field List' sheet, you can view the following information for each field in the migration template:
• The name of the sheet, and whether it is mandatory or optional. Only mandatory sheets have the suffix 'Mandatory', for example 'Basic Data
(Mandatory)'. All other sheets are optional.
You can quickly get an overview of the mandatory and optional sheets by looking at the color of the sheet names at the bottom of the migration template.
The name of the mandatory sheets have the color orange, while the optional sheets have the color blue.
• The group name for the fields in a sheet.
• The individual fields in each sheet, as well as whether fields are mandatory for a sheet.
• Information about the expected format of the individual fields, for example the data type and length.
In the field list sheet, certain technical information about the fields is hidden by default. The columns 'SAP Structure' and 'SAP Field' (columns 8 and 9) are
hidden by default. The column 'SAP Structure' is the technical name of the structure that the field belongs to. The column 'SAP Field' is the technical name
of the field. To unhide these columns, select the columns adjacent to either side of the columns that you want to unhide. Right-click your selection, and
choose 'Unhide'.
If you want to extract data from SAP ERP, the technical name of structure and the technical name of the field often corresponds to the SAP ERP table name
and field name. Also, the SAP Release Note (2568909) for SAP S/4HANA Cloud data migration content uses the technical names of the structures and
Although an optional sheet may contain mandatory columns, if the sheet is not relevant for your project, there is no need to fill the mandatory columns in the
sheet with data.
Rows 4, 5, and 6 are hidden by default. Row 4 is the technical name of the structure (corresponds to the sheet name). Row 5 is the technical name of the
field (corresponds to row 8 - the field description). Row 6 contains technical information such as the data type and length.
To unhide these rows, select the rows adjacent to either side of the rows that you want to unhide. Right-click your selection, and choose 'Unhide'.
• Number
Enter numbers with decimals in the relevant country-specific format, for example 12.34 (United States) or 12,34 (Germany). For fields with decimals, the
declared length includes decimals (if required), for example if the information for the column states: Length: 8, Decimals: 3, then a number such as
12345.678 is permitted. Note that decimal places are not mandatory. In this example, you can specify a whole number up to length 8 without decimal places,
for example ‘1’. This number would be set to ‘1.000’ internally. For negative numbers, ensure that a minus sign ('-') directly precedes the number, for
example '-100'. Note that currencies with more than 3 decimal places are not supported.
Note that the maximum field length supported by Microsoft Excel is 15 digits (including decimals). If you have longer numbers, use the option for transferring
data to S/4HANA using staging tables.
• Date
Enter the date in your country-specific format, for example 12/31/1998 (United States) or 31.12.1998 (Germany). Note that Microsoft Excel automatically
recognizes different date formats and transforms them automatically to the correct XML format.
• Time
Enter the time in the format HH:MM:SS, for example 02:52:40
Copying Data to a Sheet
When copying data to a sheet from Microsoft Excel, always right-click the relevant cell and choose the paste option 'Values (V)'. Avoid pasting data that
includes formatting and formulas into the migration template, as this will corrupt the structure of the XML migration template.
Important Information
Do not make any changes to the structure of the migration template, specifically:
• Do not delete, rename or change the order of any sheet in the migration template.
• Do not change the formatting of any cells.
• Do not use formulas.
• Do not hide, remove, or change the order of any of the columns in the migration template.
Any changes to the sheets will result in a corrupted XML structure. Such modified migration templates are not supported by the SAP S/4HANA migration
Field List for Migration Object: QM - Selected set code
Version S4CORE 107 - Standard Scope - 07.09.2023 © Copyright SAP SE. All rights reserved.
Sheet Name Group Name Field Description Importance Type Length Decimal
QM Code for Selected Set (mandatory)
Key Plant mandatory for sheet Text 40
Catalog mandatory for sheet Text 20
Selected Set mandatory for sheet Text 20
Code Group mandatory for sheet Text 20
Code mandatory for sheet Text 4
Selected set codes Code Valuation mandatory for sheet Text 1
Defect Class Text 80
Source Data for Migration Object: QM - Selected set code
Version S4CORE 107 - Standard Scope - 07.09.2023 © Copyright SAP SE. All rights reserved.
Plant* Catalog* Selected Set* Code Group*
Key uniquely identifying a plant. Main category by which code You use selected sets to combine Key for the code group.
groups and codes are classified different codes from one or more
Type: Text according to their contents (for code groups within a catalog Type: Text
Length: 40 example characteristic attributes, type. Length: 20
defect types, usage decisions).
Only catalog type '1' is supported Selected sets are defined for
for selected set/selected set code particular uses, for example, to
created. define allowed attributes of a
qualitative characteristic.
Type: Text
Length: 20 Type: Text
Length: 20
Represents the lowest level within the hierarchy of catalog A Accepted (OK) Categorizes the possible defects
type, code group and code. A code refers to the actual R Rejected (not OK) into classes according to a defect
coding for the attribute. For example, in a code group of valuation based on the results
colors, the code BL can represent the color blue, GR can Type: Text caused by the defect. If a code is
represent the color green, and so forth. Length: 1 valuated as rejected, a defect
The code can be uniquely identified only with the catalog class must be maintained. Enter
type and code group. one of the following values:
Special characters (such as "%","_","*") are not supported. 91 Critical defect
92 Major defect
Type: Text 93 Minor defect
Length: 4
Type: Text
Length: 80
001 A
002 R
005 A
001 A
002 A
003 A