MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 18/12/2010 12144 EE/EP5
MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 18/12/2010 12144 EE/EP5
MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 18/12/2010 12144 EE/EP5
➢ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
➢ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
This subject is classified under core technology group intended to teach students of facts, concepts,
principles & procedure for operations and testing of electrical machines such as induction motor
alternator and synchronous motor. Student will be able to analyze the characteristics and qualitative
parameters of these machines
These machines are widely used in industries and for generation of electricity. The knowledge gained
by the student is useful in the study of technological subjects such as Utilization System, Manufacturing
Processes and Testing and Maintenance of Electrical Machines
The knowledge and skills obtained will be helpful in discharging technical functions such as
supervision, controlling and as R & D technician.
Student will be able to
1) Know the constructional details & working principal of various types of ac machines
2) Operate given machine properly.
3) Use the knowledge for testing of machine.
4) Select motors of proper rating for particular use.
5) Relate this knowledge to understand the subject of higher semester.
Applications: Application in industries like sugar mills, paper mills, machine tools and agricultural
applications. Application in railway, traction, windmills peripherals.
: Various parameters of electrical network, Laws of electromagnetic
induction, Lenz’s Law, concept of LCR and power factor. Fundamentals
of 1 phase and 3 phase ac circuits
Intellectual Skills: 1. Analytical Skills
2. Identification Skills
Motor Skills : 1. Measuring Skills
2. Connecting instruments
List of Practical:
1) a) To measure the slip of 3-phase IM by
i) Tachometer
ii) Comparing rotor & stator frequency
iii) Stroboscopic method.
Learning Resources: