MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 18/12/2010 12144 EE/EP5

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Course Name : Electrical Engineering Group

Course Code : EE/EP

Semester : Fifth
Subject Title : A. C. Machines
Subject Code : 12144

Teaching & Examination scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

04 -- 02 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175

➢ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
➢ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be
entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
This subject is classified under core technology group intended to teach students of facts, concepts,
principles & procedure for operations and testing of electrical machines such as induction motor
alternator and synchronous motor. Student will be able to analyze the characteristics and qualitative
parameters of these machines
These machines are widely used in industries and for generation of electricity. The knowledge gained
by the student is useful in the study of technological subjects such as Utilization System, Manufacturing
Processes and Testing and Maintenance of Electrical Machines
The knowledge and skills obtained will be helpful in discharging technical functions such as
supervision, controlling and as R & D technician.

Student will be able to
1) Know the constructional details & working principal of various types of ac machines
2) Operate given machine properly.
3) Use the knowledge for testing of machine.
4) Select motors of proper rating for particular use.
5) Relate this knowledge to understand the subject of higher semester.

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Learning Structure:

Applications: Application in industries like sugar mills, paper mills, machine tools and agricultural
applications. Application in railway, traction, windmills peripherals.

Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction

Procedure and operation and operation and operation and & operation
: of 3 phases of 3 phase of 3 phase operation of of Induction
1 phase Alternator Synchronous A C series generator and
induction motor motor linear
motor induction

Types of 3 phase & 1 Synchronous Special machines

phase induction motors machine

Working Principle of AC machines

Statically and mutually Dynamically
induced EMF induced EMF

: Various parameters of electrical network, Laws of electromagnetic
induction, Lenz’s Law, concept of LCR and power factor. Fundamentals
of 1 phase and 3 phase ac circuits

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Contents: Theory

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks

Three phase induction motor
1.1 Construction of three phase induction motor
1.2 Production of rotating magnetic field
1.3 Principle of working/operation
1.4 Concept of slip
1.5 Equation of rotor induced emf, current, frequency, reactance,
and impedance under steady and running condition
1.6 Torque equation of three phase induction motor 12 20
1.7 Starting and running torque of squirrel cage and slip ring
induction motor
1.8 Condition for maximum and starting torque
1.9 Torque slip characteristics of three phase induction motor
1.10 Effect of change in rotor circuit resistance on torque-slip
1.11 Effect of change in supply voltage on torque-slip characteristics
1.12 measurement of slip by
a) Tachometer method
b) Comparing rotor frequency and stator frequency
1.13 Speed control of three phase induction motor by
a) Pole changing method
01 b) Frequency control method
c) By stator voltage control
d) Rotor resistance control
1.14 Comparison between squirrel-cage and slip-ring induction
motor. 12 20
1.15 Applications of three phase induction motor.
1.16 Power stages of three phase induction motor.
(Numerical on all above)
1.17 Double cage IM
a) Construction
b) Characteristic of outer, inner cage & combined characteristic
c) Industrial Applications
1.18 I.M. as a generalized transformer
1.19 Vector diagram of IM
1.20 Equivalent circuit of 3-phase IM (No numerical)
1.21 Starting of 3-phase IM (No numerical)
a) Stator resistance starter
b) Star-Delta starter 06 08
c) Auto transformer starter
d) Rotor resistance starter
Three Phase Alternator
2.1 Definition and construction of three phase Alternator
a) Armature
b) Rotor- smooth cylindrical & projecting type
02 12 20
2.2 Derivation of e.m.f. equation of Alternator which includes
a) Chording factor
b) Distribution factor
2.3 Factors affecting the terminal voltage of Alternator

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a) Armature resistive drop
b) Leakage reactance drop
c) Armature reaction at various power factors & concept of
Synchronous impedance
2.4 Regulation of three phase Alternator by
a) Synchronous impedance method
b) mmf method
(Numerical on all above)
Synchronous Motor
3.1 Principle of working/operation
3.2 Synchronous Motor on load with constant excitation
3.3 Effect of excitation at constant load
3.4 V curve & inverted V curve
03 10 12
3.5 Hunting & phase swinging
3.6 Applications
3.7 Starting of Synchronous Motor
3.8 Comparison between IM & Synchronous Motor
(Numerical on all above )
Single phase Motors
4.1 Double field revolving theory
4.2 Types of Single phase IM
4.3 Split phasing principle of starting
a) Resistance start induction run
b) Capacitor start induction run 06 12
c) Capacitor start Capacitor run
d) Double value Capacitor applications motor
4.4 Shaded pole IM
4.5 Applications
Special machines
5.1 Induction Generator: Principle of operation, Construction and
05 5.2 Linear Induction Motor Principle of operation, Construction and 06 08
5.3 AC series motor Principle of operation, Construction and
Total 64 100

Intellectual Skills: 1. Analytical Skills
2. Identification Skills
Motor Skills : 1. Measuring Skills
2. Connecting instruments
List of Practical:
1) a) To measure the slip of 3-phase IM by
i) Tachometer
ii) Comparing rotor & stator frequency
iii) Stroboscopic method.

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b) To reverse the direction of rotation of 3-phase IM.
2) To measure the performance of 3-phase IM by direct loading
3) To list different types of starters used for 3-phase IM .Identify & use the same to
start & run 3-phase IM
4) Using an MG set (DC motor-Alternator) observe the effect of excitation & speed
on induced e.m.f. & plot O.C.C. of the given alternator.
5) To find the percentage regulation of 3-phase alternator by synchronous impedance method at
various power factors.
6) To find the percentage regulation of 3-phase alternator by direct loading
method at various power factors.
7) To list & explain various starting methods of synchronous motor & applying one
of them to start the synchronous motor. Plot V & inverted V curve of the same.
8) To list the various types of 1-phase IM, Collect the literature for them from
dealers/manufacturers of local places & compare on the following pts.
i) Method of starting ii) Cost iii) Performance iv) Starting torque etc.
Prepare a report

Learning Resources:

Sr.No. Author Title Publisher

01 S. K. Bhattacharya Electrical Machines TTTI, Chandigarh
02 B. L. Theraja Electrical Technology Vol. II S Chand & Co.
03 C. L. Dawes Electrical Technology --

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