B1 Session 8 (B)

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• Talking about yourself
• Answering awkward questions
• Making a mark at the end
Input 8.1A Understanding positive words
Which of these words best answers each of the questions below?

generous hardworking sensitive reserved confident

trustworthy moody lazy optimistic ambitious
sociable attentive cheerful impatient unreliable

1. Is your friend usually in a good mood? …………………….

2. Is it important for your friend to be successful in whatever he/she does?
3. Does he/she notice other people’s feelings? ……………...……..
4. Does he/she often give presents, or pay for lunch or a coffee? ………………..…..
5. Does he/she work hard? ……..……………..
6. Does he/she become angry or annoyed if he/she has to wait for something or
someone? ………………..…..
7. Can you trust a secret with your friend? ………………..…..
8. Does he/she listen well when you are speaking? ……………..……..
9. Does your friend keep his/her feelings to him/herself? ……………..……..
10. Is your friend usually not worried by things, no matter what happens? ……………..……..
11. Does your friend think the future will be good? …………..………..
12. Does he/she often change their opinion about things? ……………..……..
13. Does your friend often postpone things he/she has to do? ……………..……..
14. Is your friend happy one moment and then sad the next? ……..……………..
15. Does your friend get along well with people? ………………..…..
Input 8.1B Language summary
Talking about abilities:
I have a reputation for …
I am good at …-ing
I am capable of …-ing
I consider myself to be …
I’m proud of my … / I take pride in my ...

Positive words you can use to describe yourself:

generous hardworking sensitive reserved confident
trustworthy moody lazy optimistic ambitious
sociable attentive cheerful impatient unreliable
Input 8.1C Some more useful words
The adjectives below can be used to describe people's personalities.

absent-minded active adaptable aggressive ambitious

amusing analytical approachable arrogant authoritative
assertive astute attentive bashful brainy
bright brilliant carefree cautious cheerful
commanding conscientious conservative courteous creative
critical decisive demanding determined diligent
diplomatic direct discerning disorganized disinterested
eager easy-going eccentric egotistic emotional
excitable experienced farsighted forgetful frank
friendly generous gentle giving greedy
hard-working harsh headstrong helpful hypocritical
imaginative impulsive independent innocent inquisitive
insightful intelligent jealous jovial just
keen kind knowledgeable level-headed liberal
likeable logical loyal materialistic mature
meticulous mischievous modest moody naive
narrow-minded non-judgmental observant obstinate old-fashioned
open-minded optimistic organized outgoing passionate
patient pleasant polite possessive predictable
quick quick-witted rational realistic reasonable
rebellious relaxed resourceful responsible sarcastic
secretive sensitive serious sincere skilful
sloppy stylish sympathetic tactful talented
talkative temperamental tenacious thoughtful timid
uncivil unmannerly unpleasant unreasonable vague
vehement vivacious warm-hearted weak weird
Input 8.2A Tough interview questions
• Why should we hire you?
• Why do you want to work here?
• When were you most satisfied in your job?
• What are your weaknesses?
• What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?
• What do you think of your last boss?
• How would you deal with a difficult boss?
• What did you like most/least about your last job?
• How well do you work under pressure?
• What was the most difficult decision you ever had to make?
• Would you describe a situation in which your work was criticized?
• Have you applied elsewhere?
• Has your job application ever been rejected? Why?
• Is there anything else you’d like to tell me about yourself?
• What are your expectations of us as an employer?
• Where do you want to be in five years?
• What do you know about our organization?
• What are your salary requirements?
• Are you willing to go where the company sends you?
• Do you like routine tasks/regular hours?
• Do you make your opinion known when you disagree with the views of your manager?
• Have you ever been asked to resign?
• Have you ever had difficulties getting along with others?
• How do you handle tension?
• How long will you stay with the company?
• How long have you been looking for another position?
• Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten.
• What area of your skills/development do you want to improve?
• What are some of the problems you encountered in your previous job?
• What are some of the things that you find difficult to do?
• You’re overqualified for the position on offer. Why do you want the job?
• How do we know that you won’t leave us the minute you get a better offer?
• Why haven’t you found a job before now?
Input 8.2B Language summary

How you worked on your weaknesses:

I overcame my shyness by taking a communication skills course.
I worked on it
I broke the habit of getting nervous before presentations by practicing with my
I complete all my assignments on time now. I trained myself to prioritise important
and not important tasks.
I learned the hard way to say ‘no’ sometimes.

Words for emphasising:

There’s absolutely no doubt about that.
I cannot emphasize that strongly enough.
I must stress this point, although I have said it before.
Input 8.3A Questions for the interviewer

1. What are some of the aims of this job?

2. What are some of the long-term objectives you would like to see completed?
3. What are some of the more difficult problems one would have to face in this
position? How do you think these could best be handled?
4. What type of support does this position receive in terms of people, finances, etc.?
5. What freedom would I have in determining my own work objectives, deadlines and
methods of measurement?
6. What advancement opportunities are available for a successful employee?
7. How is one evaluated in this position?
8. What accounts for success within the company?
9. Are there any parts of my résumé you’d like me to elaborate on?
10. Could you explain how this job fits into the overall structure of your company?
11. What standard is expected of me? How am I going to be measured in relation to
these standards?
Input 8.3B Language summary

It’s important to ask the interviewer questions at the end of your interview. Ask ‘Wh’
questions to get all the information you like. But avoid asking about salaries and perks.

Who will I be reporting to?

What are the performance standards?
What are the opportunities for professional development?

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