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Course Specification File*

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A. Course Identification and General Information

Faculty:English Department:English
Degree Program:BS English Course Name: world History
Course Code:GC-106 Course Category: Social Science
Credit Value: 3 Course Level/Semester:2nd Morning
Nature of Course (Theory/Lab):Theory Course Specific Requirement (If any):
Contact Hour:6 Additional Information (If any):
B. Faculty Member Information
Name of Faculty Member: Fozia Naseer Designation: Visiting Lecturer
Contact Details:0333-1284482
Office No: Office Visiting Hour:
Course Level/Semester:2nd Additional Information (If any):
C. Course Description and Objectives
Studying history allows us to observe and understand how people and societies
behaved. For example, we are able to evaluate war, even when a nation is at
peace, by looking back at previous events. World History provides us with the
data that is used to create laws, or theories about various aspects of society.

D. Course Learning Outcomes

By the time of completion of the Bachelor’s degree, students will:

World History, history in its broadest sense is the totality of the past events. Although more
realistic definition would limit it to the known past. So World History means the written record
of human lives and societies in the past and historians attempt to understand them.

Object of the study is to acquaint the students with all human endeavors towards progress of all
sorts i.e. material physical, spiritual and intellectual. It traces the long and complex path
traversed by the human race from the era of primitive society right up to the Modern Age. For
the huge volume of this human voyage turning points of history will be emphasized.

E. Course Contents / Topics to be covered.

Historical Background of World history, concepts, religious resolutions, , life on earth, ,
birth of civilization, world wars, , Greek empires, Muslim contributions.
F. Course Schedule / Weekly Course Outline

Topic Description Week

Week 1: Historical Background
 Definition 1
 History and Origin of World History
Week 2: Continued…..
 Concepts of world history 2
 Problems related to World History
Week3: The Ancient World
 The beginning of life on earth. 3
 Concepts
Week 4 :The four great revolutions in thought and religion:
 Confucianism
 Buddhism,
 Monotheistic revolution
Week 5: The birth of civilizations:
 Mesopotamia
 Egypt
 Indus
Week 6: Greek Philosophical Empires and cultures of the Ancient World:
 Greek
 Roman
 Iran
 India

Week 7:
 Quiz 7
 Assignment
Week 8: Mid Exams 8
Week 9: Middle Ages
 Consolidation and interaction of world Civilization
 Formation of Islamic Civilization
 Islamic Heartlands-India and Africa
Week 10: Muslim contribution to Science and Technology:
 Europe
 India 10
 China
 The World in transition 1500-1800.
Week 11: Age of reformation:
 New direction in Western Science 11
 Thoughts of western science

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Week 12: Since Renaissance:
 Modern East Asia
 Europe between the wars 12
 Latin America
 Industrial Revolution
Week 13: Global conflict and Détente:
 World War-II Post Colonial World
 Cold war era
 Post Cold war Era up to 2002.
Week 14:
 Class Presentations 14
 Question Answer Session
Week 15: Final Exams 15

G. Schedule of Assignments/ Quiz / Academic/Reserach Activity

Sr. Nature of
Description of Activity Week Expected Outcome(s)
No Activity

Evaluate students' grasp of Assessment of students'

fundamental world history 3,7,10, understanding and
1 Quiz
concepts, Resolutions about 12,16,20 knowledge on specific
religion, world Wars topics
Assign individual task about
Demonstration of individual
Greek period, Muslims
2 Assignment 5, 17 or group application of
contributions on science and
learned concepts
Organize group presentations
18, 19, is clear communication of
3 for students to share information Presentation
20, 21 findings to an audience
about world history
H. Course Components (Total contact hours and credits per semester)
Lecture Tutorial Practical Other Total
Contact Hours 3 3
Credit 3 3
I. Teaching-Learning Strategies

 Lecturing (40%):Deliver engaging lectures covering basic world history concepts

 In-Class Activities (10%): Foster active participation through hands-on exercises and
problem-solving sessions focused on world history. Encourage collaborative learning to
reinforce theoretical concepts.
 Home Tasks (10%): Assign homework to strengthen theoretical knowledge. Integrate these
tasks with real-world scenarios to promote practical application of world history concepts.

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 Presentations (10%): Facilitate student presentations on selected topics, encouraging
research and effective communication. Promote peer engagement and feedback to create a
collaborative learning environment.
 In-Class Discussions (10%): Stimulate discussions on world history trends, challenges, and
emerging technologies. Encourage critical thinking and the application of theoretical
knowledge to real-world scenarios.
 Extra Reading (10%): Provide supplementary reading materials for deeper exploration of
specific topics. Encourage self-directed learning to enhance understanding and broaden
 Attendance (10%)

J. Learning Resources / Recommended Books / Research Papers /Web-Links /

1) 1Graig A.M. The Heritage of world of world Civilization, 2nd Vol. New York 1986.
2) Wells. H.G. An Outline of World History
3) Reither. J. World History- A brief Introduction USA, 1973
4) Langer. W.L An Encyclopedia of World History USA, 1972
5) Roberts, J.M. Huntington’s World History
6) Durant, Will, Story of Civilization
7) Burns, E.M & Ralph, World Civilization

K. Facilities Required (If any)

 Projector and Audio-Visual Equipment: Facilitates interactive lectures, and multimedia

presentations for enhanced understanding.
 High-Speed Internet: Essential for downloading software updates, accessing online
resources, and supporting seamless communication and research activities.
 Library Resources: Should include a collection of textbooks, reference materials, and
online resources.
 Collaboration Spaces: Dedicated areas for group discussions, collaborative work, and
peer-to-peer learning, fostering teamwork and creativity.
 Online Learning Platforms: Utilizes a Learning Management System (LMS) for course
materials, assignments, and communication among students.

L. Additional Information (If any)

Name of Course Instructor:__Fozia Naseer_______________________________________

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Signature: ______Fozia Naseer________________ Date: __________________________

Program Coordinator (Signature and Stamp): __________________________

Chairperson/ Teacher In charge (Signature and Stamp): __________________

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