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Volume 3, Issue 4 (2015) 716-721 ISSN 2347 - 3258
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation
contained within the aeration chamber. Typically this ratio Suspended growth processes.
is expressed in terms of mass of BOD per day per mass of Fixed growth processes.
microbes in the treatment unit. The microbial population is (1) Suspended growth processes refer to treatment systems
dynamic and responds to changes in life-sustaining where microorganisms and wastewaters are contained
parameters. In aerobic processes, waste is stabilized by in a reactor. Oxygen is introduced to the reactor
aerobic and facultative microorganisms; in anaerobic allowing the biological activity to take place. Examples
processes, anaerobic and facultative microorganisms are of suspended growth processes include ponds, lagoons
present. and activated sludge systems.
4. Dairy Waste or Waste Water Treatment (2) Fixed growth processes refer to systems where a
biological mass is allowed to grow on a medium.
The common methods of treatment of waste water in Wastewater is sprayed on the medium or put into
dairy industry are: mechanical, chemical and biological contact in other manners. The biological mass
treatment. stabilizes the wastewater as it passes over it. Examples
4.1 Mechanical Treatment of fixed growth processes include trickling filters and
The preliminary stage of waste treatment comprises rotating biological contractors.
screens, grit chamber, skimming tank and primary 4.3.1 Aerobic Treatment:
sedimentation tank. The screens are provided to remove Aerobic biological treatment methods depend on
floating matter of large size which may choke up the small microorganisms grown in an oxygen-rich environment to
pipes or affect the working of sewage pumps. Grit chambers oxidize organics to carbon dioxide, water, and cellular
are provided to remove the heavier inorganic matter such as material. Systems of aerobic treatment can include the
grit, sand etc. Skimming tanks are installed to remove such conventional activated sludge process, the rotating
floating matter such as grease, oil, soap, wood pieces, fruit biological contactors, the conventional trickling filters, etc
skins; etc. Sedimentation is also known as settling tank or (Carta-Escobar et al.,2004) All compounds of dairy
clarifier. Influent is either rest or moving with a very low wastewater are biodegradable except protein and fats which
velocity in the sedimentation tank so that inorganic matter are not easily degraded. Owing to the presence of high
settles down at the bottom. Material collected at the bottom organic matter, dairy wastewaters are well suited for
of sedimentation tanks is known as ‘sludge’ and partially biological treatment, especially anaerobic treatment (Rico
treated waste water is known as ‘effluent’. Sludge and Gutierrez et al.,, 1991). However, the presence of fats shows
effluent both require further additional treatment to make the inhibitory action during anaerobic treatment of dairy
them harmless (Parekh and Devsani, 2003). wastewaters (Vidal et al., 2000). This inhibition is due to the
4.2 Chemical Treatment presence of long-chain fatty acids formed during the
Chemical treatment is also known as precipitation. The hydrolysis of lipids, which causes retardation in methane
precipitation stage starts with flocculation tanks where the production. Long-chain fatty acids were reported to be
flocculants are added and vigorously mixed into the water inhibitory to methanogenic bacteria (Koster, 1997) but
by agitators. This results in precipitation of insoluble lipids do not cause serious problems in aerobic processes
phosphates, initially in the form of very fine particles which, (Lareo, 2007)
however gradually aggregates into larger flocs. The flocs 5. Biological Aerobic Unit Operation For
settle out in pre-sedimentation basins from which a clear Waste Water Treatment:
effluents overflows in to a basin for biological treatments.
Pre-sedimentation is the final step in combined mechanical Biological treatment processes are those that use
and chemical treatment. The water is allowed to flow slowly microorganisms to coagulate and remove the non settleable
through one or more basins where the finer particles colloidal solids to stabilize the organic matter. Different
gradually settle to the bottom as primary sludge (Parekh and aerobic biological treatments are as follows:
Devsani, 2003). 1. Activated Sludge Process
Tapered aeration
4.3 Biological Treatment Extended aeration
Biological degradation is one of the most promising Contact stabilization
options for the removal of organic material from dairy Oxidation ditch
wastewaters. However, sludge formed, especially during the 2. Trickling filter
aerobic biodegradation processes, may lead to serious and Standard rate trickling filters
costly disposal problems. This can be aggravated by the High-rate trickling filters.
ability of sludge to adsorb specific organic compounds and Accelo-filter system
even toxic heavy metals. However, biological systems have
the advantage of microbial transformations of complex
Aero-filter system
organics and possible adsorption of heavy metals by
suitable microbes. Biological processes are still fairly Enclosed filtration.
unsophisticated and have great potential for combining Alternating double filtration
various types of biological schemes for selective component 3. Rotating biological contactors
removal. 4. Aerated lagoons
The biological treatment processes have been further 5. SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor)
divided into the following two categories: (Rangwala, 2011; Lateef et al., 2013)
Volume 3, Issue 4 (2015) 716-721 ISSN 2347 - 3258
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation
5.1 ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS: 5.1.3 Advantages and Disadvantages Of
This Process was developed in England in 1914 by Activated Sludge Process
Ardern and Lockett and it was so named as it involved the Advantages
production of an activated mass of microorganisms capable
The cost of installation is low.
of aerobically stabilizing a waste. The various modifications
The effluent of good quality is obtained.
of the original process have been made. But in principle,
The process requires small area of the land and hence,
they are fundamentally the same. The term activated sludge
is used to indicate the sludge which is obtained by settling the design may be made compact.
sewage in presence of abundant oxygen. The activated There is comparatively very small loss of head through
sludge is biologically active and it contains a great number the treatment plant.
of aerobic bacteria and other microorganisms which have a There is freedom from fly and odor nuisance due to high
got an unusual property to oxidize the organic matter. The degree of treatment given to the sew age in this process.
activated sludge process has been employed extensively Allows good nitrification since COD is uniformly low
throughout the world in its conventional form and modified Able to handle peak loads and dilute toxic substances
forms, all of which are capable of meeting secondary Used in smaller systems, like package plants
treatment effluent limits. It includes preliminary treatment Disadvantages
consisting of bar screen as a minimum and, as needed,
comminutor, grit chamber, and oil and grease removal units If there is sudden increase in the volume of sewage or
(Rangwala, 2011). if there is sudden change in the character of sewage,
there are adverse effects on the working of the process
and consequently the effluent of bad quality is
The cost of operating the process is relatively high.
The increased quantity of wet sludge obtained at the end
and of process requires suitable method for its disposal.
The process is sensitive to certain types of industrial
The process requires skilled supervision for its efficient
working. It becomes necessary to ascertain that the
(http://www.d.umn.edu/~rdavis/courses/che4601/articles/Ac sludge actually remains active during the process.
tivated%20Sludge.pdf 5.2 Trickling Filters
In activated sludge process wastewater containing
organic matter is aerated in an aeration basin in which These are also known as the percolating filters or
micro-organisms metabolize the suspended and soluble sprinkling filters. The concept of a trickling filter was made
organic matter. Part of organic matter is synthesized into mainly to design a device which would overcome the
new cells and part is oxidized to CO2 and water to derive limitations of a contact bed and the first trickling filter was
energy. In activated sludge systems the new cells formed in put into operation in 1893 in England. The first municipal
the reaction are removed from the liquid stream in the form installation of trickling filter in the States took place in 1908
of a flocculent sludge in settling tanks. A part of this settled and since then they have been used to provide the biological
biomass, described as activated sludge is returned to the sewage treatment. The sewage is allowed to sprinkle or to
aeration tank and the remaining forms waste or excess trickle over a bed of coarse, rough, hard material and it is
sludge. then collected through the underdrainage system. The
oxidation of the organic matter is carried out under aerobic
5.1.1 Activated Sludge Process Variables conditions. A bacterial film known as a bio-film is formed
The main variables of activated sludge process are the around the particles of filtering media and for the existence
mixing regime, loading rate, and the flow scheme. of this film, the oxygen is supplied by the intermittent
working of the filter and by the provision of suitable
Mixing Regime
ventilation facilities in the body of the filter. The colour of
Generally two types of mixing regimes are of major this film is blackish, greenish and yellowish. It consists of
interest in activated sludge process: plug flow and complete bacteria, fungi, algae, lichens, protozoa, etc.
5.2.1 Types of Trickling Filters
Loading Rate
The trickling filters are broadly divided in to two categories:
A loading parameter that has been developed over the
(1) Standard rate trickling filters
years is the hydraulic retention time (HRT), q, d
(2) High-rate or high capacity trickling filters
q = V/Q Where, V= volume of aeration tank, m3, and
Q= sewage inflow, m3/d 5.2.2 Types Of High Rate Trickling Filters
5.1.2 Modification In Activated Sludge Process Accelo-filter system
1. Tapered aeration Biofiltration
2. Extended aeration Aero-filter system
3. Contact stabilization Enclosed filtration.
4. Oxidation ditch Alternating double filtration
Volume 3, Issue 4 (2015) 716-721 ISSN 2347 - 3258
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation
5.3 Rotating Biological Contactors obtained by elimination of clarifiers and other equipment
Rotating Biological Contactors are used to treat in a In recent trends, aerobic granular activated sludge SBR
cost effective manner from 5,000 gallons to millions of (GAS-SBR) have been reported to give a very high-rate of
gallons per day of domestic and industrial wastewaters. The aerobic treatment and better settling (Wichern et al., 2008).
RBC process provides an extremely high degree of Schwarzenbeck et al., (2005) reported removal efficiencies
treatment providing effluent qualities as low as 5 mg/l of of 90% COD, 80% TN, and 67% total phosphorus in a
soluble Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and 1 mg/lit GAS-SBR. Loperena et al., (2007) reported that although
ammonia nitrogen. They are also used for significantly the commercial and mixed activated-sludge inocula gave
lowering the levels of soluble organics and Chemical similar COD removal in batch experiments for the treatment
Oxygen Demand (COD) (Kadu et al., 2013) of a dairy industrial effluent; however, the COD degradation
rate was greater for the commercial inoculum.
5.3.1 Advantages
The treatment efficiency of SBR depends on the
Low power requirements operating parameters such as
Low construction and installation costs Phase duration,
Easily installed under any hydraulic gradient, Hydraulic retention time (HRT) and
Minimum Headloss Organic loading,
Capability to treat high temperature waste – up to 90OF Temperature,
with standard media material Mixed liquor-suspended solid (MLSS),
Eliminates the need for operator control of oxygen and pH,
solids return Dissolved-oxygen concentration, and
Reduced chemical and electrical needs minimize The strength of the wastewater
operation costs Sequencing Batch Reactor has five basic operating:
Flexible design allows for units to be shipped fully Fill, React, Settle, Draw and Idle (Franta et al., 1997;
assembled or knocked down for assembly in existing Bandpi and Bazari, 2004). Amongst the various aerobic
buildings technologies, sequential batch reactor (SBR) seems to be the
Treatment flexibility with wastewater flow path most promising technology for treatment of dairy
variation. wastewater. It is a fill- and draw-activated sludge system. In
5.4 Aerated Lagoon this system, wastewater is added to a single batch reactor,
treated to remove undesirable components, and then
Aerated lagoon technology, especially that of high-
discharged. Equalization, aeration, and clarification can all
performance systems. This misunderstanding is largely the
be achieved using a single-batch reactor. Hence, savings on
result of its evolution from the technology of facultative
the total cost are obtained by elimination of clarifiers and
lagoons, in which algae play a vital role and hydraulic
other equipment (Mahvi, 2008). SBR is often operated with
retention times are long. In fact, the technology of high-
higher TS, thus decreasing investment costs for the
performance aerated lagoons has much in common with that
treatment plant. The treatment efficiency of SBR depends
of activated sludge. With proper design and operation,
on the operating parameters such as phase duration,
aerated lagoons can deliver effluents that meet limits of 30
hydraulic retention time (HRT), organic loading,
mg/L. Furthermore, with modification or with the addition
temperature, mixed liquor-suspended solid (MLSS), pH,
of low-tech process units, they can be designed to nitrify.
dissolved-oxygen concentration, and the strength of the
The major advantages of aerated lagoon systems are their
wastewater (Kushwaha et al., 2011). Bandpi and Bazari
low cost and their minimal need for operator attention. The
(2004) used a bench scale aerobic SBR to treat the industrial
performance of aerated lagoon systems, as well as the
milk factory wastewater. More than 90% COD removal
diagnosis and remedies of their operational problems
efficiency was achieved when COD concentration was
6. Advanced Technologies for Dairy Effluent varied from 400 to 2500 mg/l. The optimum dissolved
Treatment oxygen in the reactor was 2 to 3mg/l and the mixed-liquor
volatile-suspended solids (MLVSS) were around 3000 mg/l
The conventional effluent treatment technologies such (Franta et al., 2013)
as aerobic process include Activated Sludge Process (ASP), Neczaj et al., (2008) studied the dependency of the
trickling filter, Rotating biological contactor etc., are removal efficiency on the operating parameters using two
commonly adopted in dairy effluent treatment plant which SBR for the treatment of dairy wastewaters having initial
requires more energy for aeration. Advance technology can
COD concentration in the range of 400-7500 mg/l. The
need to minimize energy consumption like SBR. aeration time of 19 h and an anoxic phase of 2 h gave 98.6%
6.1 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) COD and 80.1% TKN (Total kjeldahl Nitrogen) removal.
Amongst the various aerobic technologies, sequential The removal efficiencies of the SBRs decreased with
batch reactor (SBR) seems to be the most promising increasing organic loading or decreasing HRT. The best
technology for treatment of cheese whey. It is a fill- and effluent quality was observed under organic loading of 0.8
draw-activated sludge system. In this system, wastewater is kg BOD5/m3 d and HRT of 10 day. Amongst the various
added to a single batch reactor, treated to remove aerobic technologies, sequential batch reactor (SBR) seems
undesirable components, and then discharged. Equalization, to be the most promising technology for treatment of dairy
Aeration and Clarification can all be achieved using a wastewater. It is a fill- and draw-activated sludge system. In
single-batch reactor. Hence, savings on the total cost are this system, wastewater is added to a single batch reactor,
treated to remove undesirable components, and then
Volume 3, Issue 4 (2015) 716-721 ISSN 2347 - 3258
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation
discharged. Equalization, aeration, and clarification can all when COD concentration was varied from 400 to 2500 mg/l
be achieved using a single-batch reactor. Hence, savings on (Wichern et al., 2008)
the total cost are obtained by elimination of clarifiers and
7. Conclusion
other equipment (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
1999). The treatment efficiency of SBR depends on the In order to reduce energy consumption in aerobic
operating parameters such as phase duration, hydraulic treatment, physico-chemical treatment processes may be
retention time (HRT) and organic loading, temperature, combined with aerobic treatment as the primary purification
mixed liquor-suspended solid (MLSS), pH, dissolved- of dairy wastewater. Membrane methods are promising for
oxygen concentration, and the strength of the wastewater. producing high quality effluent suitable for direct reuse.
Mohseni-Bandpi and Bazari (2004) used a bench scale Combinations of RO, NF, and UF with each other and/or
aerobic SBR to treat the industrial milk factory wastewater. with biological and/or chemical methods are likely to
More than 90% COD removal efficiency was achieved become areas of future research.
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