ZD Atrea Duplex Easy 300 en

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Certificate Passive House Institute J?#/ Dr. Wolfgang Feist Certified Passive House Component 64283 Darmstadt For cool, temperate climates, valid until 31 December 2014 GERMANY Category: Heat recovery unit Manufacturer: Atrea s.r.o. 466 05, Jablonec nad Nisou Czech Republic Product name: DUPLEX Easy 300 Certified for air flow rates of 45 - 152 m*/h This certificate was awarded based on the following criteria: Thermal comfort Osuppy ar 2 16.5 °C at Boutdoor a= -10 °C Effective heat recovery nett 75% rate Electric power Poi $ 0.45 Whim? consumption Airtightness Interior and exterior air leakage rates less than 3 % of nominal air flow rate Balancing and adjustability Air flow balancing possible yes Electric power Automated air flow balancing: yes consumption Sound insulation Sound level Lw < 35 dB(A) is not met Here Lw = 59.9 dB(A) 0.37 Whim? Unit should be installed so that it is acoustically separated from living areas Indoor air quality Outdoor air filter at least F7 Extract air filter at least G4 Frost protection Frost protection for the heat exchanger with continuous fresh air supply down to Boutdoor ar = -15 °C Further information can be found in the appendix of this certificate, CERTIFIED COMPONENT www.passivehouse.com 0661vs03 Passive House Institute Appendix to the certificate Atrea s.r.o., DUPLEX Easy 300 Manufacturer: = Atrea s.r.o. Ceskoslovenské armady 32, 466 05, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic Tel: (+420) 483 368 111 E-Mail: atrea@atrea.cz, www.atrea.cz Passive House comfort criterion ‘A minimum supply air temperature of 16.5 °C is maintained at an outdoor air temperature of -10 °C. Efficiency criterion (heat recovery rate) The effective dry heat recovery rate is measured at the test facility using balanced mass flows on the outdoor ait/extract air side. The boundary conditions for the measurement should be taken from the documents relating to the testing procedure. (Bara — Basin) + tee, HReff = 2 ee Been Pann) The (dry) ventilation heating load (the house is the system boundary) can be calculated using numer based on the formula Vagpyae * (1- nner) * 0.34" AD (multiplied by the infiltration rate). The rates of heat recovery are usually greater if condensation occurs in the heat exchanger. Initially, this will not be taken into account on purpose. For this device: Tinen = BB % Efficiency criterion (power consumption) The overall electrical power consumption of the device including that for regulation, but without that for the frost protection heating, is tested at the test facility at an external pressure of 100Pa (50 Pa for each of the pressurelintake sides) For this device: 0.37 Whim? Air tightness and insulation Before starting the thermodynamic test, the air tightness test should be carried out in accordance with the DIBt guidelines for under pressure as well as for over pressure. The leakage air flows must not be greater than 3 % of the average air flow volume of the operating range of the ventilation device. The following result was obtained for the device being tested according to DIBt guidelines: Internal leakage: 2.75 % External leakage: 2.71 % This ventilation unit meets the airtightness requirements. www.passivehouse.com Passive House Institute Page 1/3 Appendix to the certificate Atrea s.r.o., DUPLEX Easy 300 Adjustability It must be possible to adjust the balance between the exhaust air flow rate and the outdoor air flow rate for all units. + This unit is certified for air flow rates of 45 - 152 mish + Balancing the air flow rates of the unit is possible The alr flow rates are hold steady automatically (by constant flow fans) The users should have at least have following possibilities for adjustment: ¥ Switching the system on and off Y Synchronized adjustment of the supply air and extract air flow to basic ventilation standard ventilation (= 100 %) and increased ventiation (= 190 %) with clear readability of the set status. Depending on the demand, the user can choose between several operating levels that can be set at the control unit of the operating element manually or automatically based on the schedules ‘The device being tested here has a standby power consumption of 8.6 W and therefore does not comply with the target value of 1 W. The device must be equipped with an additional external switch to separate the device from the electric circuit if required After a power failure the device automatically continues to operate in the mode that was set before the power failure. Acoustical testing In order to restrict the sound pressure level in the installation room, the sound power level should be restricted to 35 dB(A). With an equivalent room absorption area of 4 mé the amounts of sound power level and sound pressure level are nearly the same (the exact value of the sound pressure level in the specific installation room can be calculated with the help of the sound protection tool (download on www.passivehouse.com). Installation instructions must be provided which describe how the sound level can be kept below 25 dB(A) in living areas and below 30 dB(A) in functional areas. The following sound power levels have been determined at an air flow rate of 182 mth: ‘Sound level unit | SoundlevelODA ] Soundlevel SUP | Sound level ETA | Sound level EHA [aB(A)] [dB(A)] [aB(A)] [aB(A)] [aB(A)] 59.9 49.3 72.3 49.7 72.2 + The sound level of the unit exceeds the limit value of 35 dB(A). Therefore the unit should be installed so that itis acoustically separated from living areas. Silencers are recommended by the manufacturer for complying with the required sound level in the supply air and extract air rooms. Detailed information about these can be found in the full report. Dimensioning of a suitable silencer is required for the specific project on the basis of the measured sound intensity level. www.passivehouse.com Passive House Institute Page 2/3 Appendix to the certificate Atrea s.r.o., DUPLEX Easy 300 Indoor air hygiene Inspection and cleaning of the central device including the heat exchanger is simple. The filter can be replaced by the user himself/herself (no specialist required). The unit is equipped (as default) with following filter qualities: © Outdoor Air filter G4 ¥ Extract Air fiter G4 The unit should be equipped with F7 filter on the outdoor air side (available as additional component), It the device is not operated during the summer, the filter should be replaced before the next operation. Filter replacement is recommended after an interval of 3 months. Frost protection Appropriate measures should be taken to ensure prevention of icing over of the heat exchanger and freezing up of hydraulic post-heater colls during extreme winter temperatures (-15 °C). The regular functioning of the device should be permanently ensured during uninterrupted operation of the frost protection circuit (there is no interrupt circuit for outdoor air in the Passive House, as the heating loads caused by the forced inftration would become to0 high). If heater coils for hot water are used, a suitable frost protection citcuit should ensure prevention of frost damage to these heater coils. In the process, the possibilty of failure of the pre-heating coils and extract air fans must also be taken into consideration + Frost protection circuit for the heat exchanger: ¥ The default frost protection strategy of the unit is not suitable for Passive Houses. The frost, protection has to be improved by using of the external pre-heater of outdoor air. The producer recommends electric pre-heater ATREA EPO-PTC 160 with power of 1700 W. The switching temperature is set to 0 °C as default ‘+ Frost protection circuit for downstream hydraulic heater coils: As detault, the unit doesn’t provide the frost protection of the downstream hydraulic heater coils. in the case the hydraulic heating coil is used, the external optional thermostat has to be installed in order to turn off the fans if necessary to avoid damage to the heating coil, The manufacturer recommends the installation of the RANCO Capillary Thermostat. The switching point of the thermostat should not be set lower than 5 °C. It should be noted that cold air can also lead to freezing up of stationary fans due to free circulation; this can only be ruled out if the air duct is closed (by means of a shut-off flap) Abbreviations AUIODA ~ Outdoor air FOIEHA = Exnaust ar ZUISUP = Supply ar ABI ETA = Extract ar www.passivehouse.com Passive House Institute Page 33

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