Tax Levy 1099c 1096 + 2193946 + NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION

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Intemal Revenue ox: Treasuny Afr Ka Village teerel Reverue lee 2193946 Calabash Bay Postal Agency a ice date September 15,2022 IR Pedro Pains, saint Elizabeth, Cornwall County, Jamaica Jairdereneatiniinnintwe 21593846 reference number 2193946 jore information Internal Revenue Creditor: ‘Sharon Ann Peart Johnson as Bonding Fiduciary for the NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION ‘Afri Ka Village, Calabash Bay Postal Agency Pedro Plains, Saint Elizabeth, Cornwall County Jamaica Debtor/Taxoaver: 2193946 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION Sth Floor, Sagicor Building, 28-48 Barbados Avenue Kingston 5, Kingston, Jamaica 876-927-9941 A iimepiate TAX LEVY (SEIZURE) To: NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION (NWC) As of August 22, 2022, we have not received your overdue tax after sending several notices to you. Because you have not paid your balance which is past due, we have levied (seized) property claimed by you and your claimed rrights to property. Each year, more than 8 out of 10 taxpayers pay their taxes. You are part of a minority that has not fulfilled that duty. Amount Past Due: 100,000,000 gold United States Dollars / Suis Franes for each Moorish American ‘National Trust pursuant to Universal Commercial Code 1 Lien Affidavit dated, August 22, 2022 Final Bankruptcy Judgment was issued on September 15, 2022, 4.33 pm, Eastern Standard Time You are required to do the following actions: Due to your inability to pay the stated debt, all property is hereby placed in the possession and custody of, and for the original indigenous ancient sovereign people who are the Moorish National Republic Federal government, possessing custodians and Internal Revenue. This Congressional affidavit is effective immediately upon all debtors, agents, principals, heirs, assigns and any and all derivative debtos thereof. jotice 2193946, Notice date September 15, 2022 reer pe trctonNsrner 2193946 ase reference number 2193946 ‘More information Intemal Revenue Your Biling Summary Formatte Number Amount You owe Total ‘Tax Period ending September 15, 2022 1040 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 for each Moorish for each Moorish ‘American National Trust American National Trust '$100,000,000 for each Moorish American National Trust Amount Due Immediately Notification: All locations are ancient land locations. All addresses are living corporate situs trust addresses. 31 United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Government entitlements {@) Amount shall be recorded as a paid emttlement for, of and by the United States government when supported by documentary evidence of (a binding agreement between an agency and another person (includins an agency) that i, by affidavit, and fora purpose authorized by law: and (B) executed before the end of the period of availability for entitlement of the appropriation or fund used for specific goods to be delivered. real property to be bousht or leased, or wark or service to be provided: sreement showing the amount and terms for repay G)a court command required by law to be placed with (4) court command issued in alignment w (A) when nevessary because ofa national progr (B) for natural foods or perishable subsistence st (©) reeardless of specifie monetary limits (5) a grant, subsidy or national programme (A) from appropriations made for payment of, or contributions to, amounts paid in specific amounts fixed by law or by formulas prescribed by law sment authorized by law: oF (C)by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law (©) a Hability that may result from pending litigation: (7)employment, work or serviees of persons or expenses of travel in alignment with the law 8) services or works provided by public utilities: or Op other general welt ement for the Government from a constitutional appropriation or Fund, (b) A statement of entitlements provided by Congress or Congressional member shall include only these amounts nents consistent with subsection inited States Code 95a, part B2 Reval a for gold and silver, property transfers, 1 entitlement, payment, conveyance. transfer, assignment, or property delivery, made to or for the United Sates. or as otherwise directed by this competent court, pursikint to this section or any rule, regulation, instruction, or rection issued hereby shall be a full acquittance and discharye or tendered payment and marked paid in ful, forall ‘entitlements issued hereby The Constitution forthe United States Article I Section IX Money shall be paid from the Treasury ip alignment with national appropriations made by Sincerely, Srompse 2 =») Sharon Ann Par sohoton,dicin Ttee, tornay infact Internal Revenue Se | £$0 | ‘ =a

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