BUK Post UTME Past Questions For Science
BUK Post UTME Past Questions For Science
BUK Post UTME Past Questions For Science
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Zoology); and Education/Biology. B. Mineral salts
C. Water
Time Allowed: 90 Minutes D. Platelets
INSTRUCTIONS: 7. Which of the following diseases is not
caused by bacteria?
I. Candidates are required to answer all A. Leprosy
questions B. Chicken pox
II. Candidates are to are to shade their C. Tuberculosis
correct options boldly using HB pencil, on D. Typhoid fever
the answer sheet provided.
A. Transpiration
2. Which of the following is not a plant B. Photosynthesis
hormone? C. Absorption
A. Cytokinin D. None of these
B. Ethylene
C. Gibberellin 10. Normal human adult man has ____
B. Chloroplast blood
C. Ribosomes D. 24gram of haemoglobin/100gramblood
D. Golgi apparatus
11. Plants developing in dry conditions
4. Which of the following is responsible for are____
converting milk into curd? A. Xerophytes
A. Virus B. Mesophytes
B. Yeast C. Lithophytes
C. Fungi D. Hydrophytes
D. Bacteria
12. Fleshy fruits with stony endocarp are
A. Conspicuous eye spot D. Shrub biome
B. Presence of gullet
C. Limited movement 22. Which of the following animals has both
D. Present of starch grains. exoskeletal and endo skeletal structure?
A. Tortoise
15. Ordinary table salt is sodium chloride B. Frog
what is baking soda? C. Jelly fish
A. Potassium chloride D. Fresh water mussel
B. Potassium carbonate
C. Potassium hydroxide 23. Fertilization occurs in _____
D. Sodium bicarbonate
C. Light called_____
D. Soil A. Basidiocarp
B. Primary mycelium
during the earth`s early and solidified into B. Cl2
hard rock is called_____ C. H2
A. Granite D. NH3
B. Basalt
C. Igneous rock 37. The heat required to raise the
D. Sedimentary rocks temperature of body by 1 k is called?
A. Specific heat
30. The law which states that the amount B. Thermal capacity
of gas dissolve in a liquid is proportional to C. Water equivalent
its partial pressure is_____ D. None of the above
A. Dalton’s law
B. Gay Lussac’s law
C. Hanry’s law
38. The nuclear particles which are
assumed to hold the nucleus together are
D. Raolt’s law A. Electrons
B. Positrons
31. Which of the following compounds is C. Neutrons
B. Pb
32. Which of the buffer system of the C. Cu
human blood is D. Pt
which filters out some of the sun’s B. This corrosive acid is secreted by ants to
ultraviolet light and provides an effective drive away their enemies.
shield against radiation damage to living C. This acid was first obtained by the
things is_____ distillation of ants.
A. Helium D. Ant are attracted by the odour of this
B. Ozone acid
C. Oxygen
D. Methane 41. The inherited traits of an organisms
are controlled by
34. The most commonly used bleaching A. RNA molecules
agent is_____ B. Nucleus
A. Alcohol C. DNA molecules
D. Enzymes
Section III: Physics Questions
42. What is the number of moles of CO2
which contains 16g of oxygen? 50. Light year is a unit of____
A. 0.5 mole A. Time
B. 0.2 mole B. Distance
C. 0.4 mole C. Light
D. 0.25 mole D. Intensity of light
43. The single acid which dissolved gold 51. Mirage is due to____
is______ A. Unequal heating of different parts of the
A. Nitric acid atmosphere
B. Hydrochloric acid B. Magnetic disturbances in the atmosphere
C. Aqua regia C. Depletion of ozone layer in the
D. Selenic atmosphere
D. equal heating of different parts of the
44. Which of the following is used as atmosphere
laughing gas
A. Nitrogen oxide 52. Pa (pascal) is the SI unit of____
B. Nitrogen dioxide A. Thrust
C. Nitrogen trioxide B. Pressure
D. Nitrogen tetra oxide C. Frequency
D. Conductivity
45. One of characteristic of transition
metals is____
A. Ability to conduct electricity
B. Formation of coloured ions
53. Metals are good conductors of
electricity because
A. They contain free electron
C. Reducing ability B. The atoms are lightly parked
D. Ductility C. They have high melting point
D. All of the above
D. Hydrolysis B. 10.0Ω
C. 0.5 Ω
47. Which of the following pollutant is D. 5.0 Ω
59. Inside of an aeroplane, flying at a high A. 60˚
altitude_____ B. 30˚
A. The pressure is the same as that outside C. 150˚
B. Normal atmospheric pressure is D. 0˚
maintained by the use of air pumps
C. The pressure inside is less than the 67. Which gas is filled in refrigeration?
pressure outside A. Acetylene
D. Normal humidity and partial vacuum are B. Chlorofluorocarbon
maintained. C. Methane
D. Carbon monoxide
60. One thousand microns is equal to____
A. 10-3m
B. 10-6m
68. The efficiency of air-conditioning
machine is measured in_____
C. 10-9m A. Tonnes
D. 10-12m B. CPO
C. Percentage
A. Kgm-3S-2
when firing to obtain a maximum horizontal below each sentence should replace the
range for the bullets? phrases printed in bold type to make the
A. 0.00 sentence grammatically correct. If the
B. 22.50 sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e. No
C. 30.00 correction required as the answer.
D. 45.00
79. The meeting is attempted to mend
Section IV: English language the strained relations between the
management and the employees.
In each of questions 74 to 79, choose A. Was attempted for mending
the option that best complete the B. Is an attempt to mend
gap(s) C. Is attempted at mending of
D. Will be attempted by mending
74. You must ensure the correctness of the E. No correction required
information before _____to conclusion
A. Drawing 80. Hafeez arrived at the hotel, which a
B. Enabling reception was held in his honour.
C. Learning A. In which a reception is
D. Jumping B. While a reception being
E. Examining C. Where a reception was
D. Since a reception going on
75. The rocket_____ the target and did not E. No correction required
cause any casualty
A. Sensed 81. Since his college days, Rolihlahla has
B. Reached
C. Missed
D. Exploded
been standing up with the rights of weak
and the oppressed
A. Stood up along with
E. Aimed B. Standing in for
C. For standing beside
76. It is desirable to take_____ in any D. Standing up for
A. Excellent
C. Clearly express
78. When he found the wallet his face was D. Be clearly expressed
glowed but soon it faded as wallet E. No correction required
A. Empty 84. Gambo must be punished for acting in
B. Vacant opposite to my wishes
C. Recovered A. Opposing to
D. Stolen B. In opposite with
E. Expensive C. Opposite against
D. In opposition to
Instructions for Q. 79-Q. 85; which of E. No correction required
the phrases ( A) ( B) ( C) and ( D) given
85. Nigeria is a diverse and breath- taking B. Land and water areas rest on the mantle
country with many places worthwhile to C. The mantle rest on the earth’s core
see D. Water areas drift onto the mainland
A. Worth sight
B. Worth seeing 88. The mantle is_____
C. Worthwhile scene A. Pliable substance under the crust
D. Worthy seeing B. A solid layer of the earth’s crust
E. No correction required C. A thin layer of earth under the ocean
D. The semi-solid exterior of the earth
Reading passage for questions 86-90
89. The second paragraph states that
The earth’s crust averages 16 miles thick eroded materials creates pressure in ocean
and rests and what is called the mantle. areas, causing the formation of_____
This layer, about 750 miles thick is belief to A. Continental areas
be semi-viscous or plastic nature rather B. Dome mountains
than solid. Thus, both continental and C. Fault blocks
oceanic areas could be said float on the D. Fissures reefs
mantle, with continental areas pushing
deeper into the mantle than do oceanic 90. Folded mountains consist of_____
areas where the crust is thinner. A. Broad fissures
B. Molten rock
Constant erosion moves dirt and rock into C. Plastic material
ocean areas where they settle. These areas D. Sedimentary rock
gradually sink deeper into the mantle.
Eventually creating pressure that thrust
new land up forms surrounding areas.
Mountains formed by this process are made
In each of the following sentences,
there is one word or group of words
underlined and gap. From the list word
of sedimentary rock and are called folded or group of word lettered A to D
or domes. choose the one that is most nearly
opposite in meaning to the underlined
Earthquakes occur where the crust shifts or word or group of words and that will,
creaks apart sharply under pressure; the at the same time, correctly fill the gap
resulting breaks or fissures are called fault in the sentence.
D. Obstructions
coastlines. B. Rejection
C. Expulsion
86. The first paragraph is mainly about D. Obstructions
A. Continents 93. Rather than make derogatory remarks
B. Crust about host, a guest should make______
C. Mantle ones.
D. Oceans A. Polite
B. Complementary
87. The writer uses the word-float to C. Interesting
describe the way____ D. Honest
A. Dirt and rocks erode into the sea
32. D 33. B 34. D 35. B 36. D 37. D 38. –
From the words lettered A to D In each
of the following sentences, choose the 39. A 40. A 41. C 42. A 43. C 44. A 45. D
word or group of words that is nearest
in meaning to the underlined word or 46. B 47. C 48. B 49. B
group of words as it is used in the
96. The marathon is a gruelling race. 50. B 51. A 52. B 53. A 54. NIL 55. A 56. B
A. Powerful
B. Exhausting
C. Interesting
D. Distant
57. B 58. D 59. B 60. A 61. B 62. - 63. A
D. Durable
81. D 82. D 83. A 84. D 85. B 86. C 87. B
C. Discouraged
D. Perplexed
A. Ignorant
B. Doubtful
C. Embraced
D. Lukewarm
1. The main difference between gram- 9. Which of the following human cell do not
positive and gram-negative bacteria is contain mitochondria?
_____ A. Nerve cell
A. Cell membrane B. Red blood cell
B. Cell wall C. Liver cell
C. Ribosome D. cell white blood cell
D. Mitochondria
10. A female anopheles can be recognized
2. Lactase hydrolyses lactose to_____ by_____
A. Glucose A. Proboscis and palpi long and more or
B. Glucose and galactose less of equal length
C. Fructose B. Proboscis long and palpi short
D. Glucose and fructose C. Proboscis short and palpi long
D. Both Proboscis and palpi are short
3. When oxygen supply to the tissue is
inadequate, the condition is_____ 11. Pyramid of energy in ecosystem
A. Dyspnoea is_____
B. Hypoxia A. Always upright
C. Asphyxia B. Always inverted
D. Apnoea
C. De Vries B. CO2
D. Mendel C. CO
D. O2
D. sporozoite
6. Acid rain is caused by_____
D. CO2 B. hydrophytes
C. mesophytes
7. A plant cell become turgid due to_____ D. thallophytes
A. Plasmolysis
B. Exosmosis 15. One of the following is not a function of
C. Endosmosis bones
D. Electrolysis A. Place fore muscle attachment
B. Protection of vital organs
8. Which function will be lost due to C. Secretion of hormone for calcium
damage of occipital lobe? regulation blood and bones
A. Hearing D. Production of blood corpuscles
B. Speech
C. Vision 16. Photosynthesis take place faster in
B. Decrease in thickness of ozone layer in
troposphere 26. The present of an impurity in a
C. Decrease in the thickness of ozone layer substance will cause the melting point
in stratosphere to____
D. Increase in the thickness of ozone layer A. Increase
in troposphere B. Be stable
C. Be zero
19. Pollination is best defined as_____ D. Reduce
A. Transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
B. Germination of pollen grains
C. Growth of pollen tube in ovule
D. Visiting flowers by insects
27. How many unpaired electrons are there
in orbitals of fluorine acid?
A. 1
B. 2
20. Plants receive their nutrients mainly C. 3
from______ D. 0
A. Chlorophyll
B. Atmosphere 28. 10.0 dm3 of water added to 2.0 mol
C. Light dm-3 of HCl, what is the final in mol dm-3?
D. Soil A. 2.0
B. 0.5
C. Rose
B. Amoeba B. Be at equilibrium
C. Spirogyra C. Be indeterminate
D. Chlamydomonas D. Be spontaneous
23. Which of the following is used in 31. Which of the following is employed as
measuring atmospheric pressure? anaesthesia?
A. Barometer A. NH3
B. Hydrometer B. NO
C. Hygrometer C. N2O
D. Thermometer D. NO2
A. Pipes
34. The decarboxylation of ethanoic acid B. Glass
will produce carbon (iv) and_____ C. Alloy
A. Propane D. Ceramics
B. Butane
C. Methane 42. The rate of reaction usually decrease
D. Ethane with a decrease in a concentration of
reactant because_____
35. An example of oxidation reduction A. Kinetic energy decreases
enzyme is_____ B. Temperature increases
A. Amylase
B. Protease
C. Lipase
C. Speed increases
D. Reactant collision decreases
D. Dehydrogenase 43. Which of the following is a physical
36. The saponification of an alkanoate to A. Freezing ice cream
C. Hydrolysis
D. Oxidation 44. Which of the following metals is purified
commercially by electrolysis?
37. An isotope has atomic number of 15 A. Zn
and a mass number of 31. The number of B. Fe
proteins it contain is_____ C. Sn
A. 31 D. Cu
B. 15
C. 16 45. The gas that is most useful in
D. 46 protecting humans against solar radiations
49. Which of the following metal is the least A. The balloon is a conductor
reactive? B. The balloon is an insulator
A. Pv C. The balloon transfer charges to the cloth
B. Sn D. The balloon receive charges from the
C. Hb cloth
D. Au
55. What is the magnitude of the
50. Which of the following in an example if momentum 0.50kg ball moving in a straight
chemical change? line at 5.0 m/s
A. Dissolution of salt in water A. 0.1kg m/s
B. Rusting of iron
C. Melting of ice
D. Separating mixtures by distillation
B. 2.5kg m/s
C. 6.3kg m/s
D. 10kg m/s
SECTION III: PSYSICS 56. The human ear is most sensitive to
sound that has frequency of about
51. A rode is attached to block that has a 4000Hz. Assume that the speed of sound in
weight 120N. when the rope exert an air is 350 m/s. what is the wavelength of a
upward force N on the block, what is the sound heard in the air with this frequency?
B. 370 N up C. 12 m
C. 130 N up D. 340 m
D. 370 N up
57. A light bulb with a potential difference
earth with constant speed but not a 40.5A. which of the following is the power
constant velocity. Which of the following consumption of the light bulb?
statement best explains why A. 0.013 W
the satellite velocity is not constant? B. 80 W
B. Body weight, time spent climbing, width separated by a large distance. One of the
of steps positively charged object is replaced by a
C. height climbed, time spent climbing, negatively charged object, and the two
Bode weight objects are move closer to each other.
D. height climbed, time spent climbing, Which of the following occurs in this
width of steps situation?
A. The attractive force become a repulsive
61. an appliance draws 4Amps of current force, which increases as the objects move
when connected to 120V. what is the closer to each other.
resistance of the appliance? B. The repulsive force become an attractive
A. 0.03V
B. 30V
C. 124V
force, which increases as the objects move
closer to each other.
C. The attractive force become a repulsive
D. 480V force, which decreases as the objects move
closer to each other.
62. Which of the following statements best D. The repulsive force become an attractive
explains how heat flows by conduction? force, which decreases as the objects move
A. A large mass of air begins to move closer to each other.
B. Energy is transferred by electromagnetic 67. Which of the following has the greatest
waves momentum?
63. A person starts driving and travels 3km 68. What method of heat transfer allows
east to a store. The person then turns the sun’s heat energy to reach earth
around and travels 1 km west to another through the vacuum of space?
store. Finally, the person travels 2km west, A. Condensation
70. A man standing 300m away from a wall most suitable to fill the numbered gap
sounds a whistle, the echo from the wall in the passage.
reaches him 1.8s later. Calculate the
velocity of sound in air. PASSAGE
A. 540.0 ms-1
B. 333.3 ms-1 Locusts have from time to time been the
C. 270.0 ms-1 cause of terrible __76__ of farms. __77__
D. 166.7 ms-1 of locusts can, in a few hours strip vast
E. 83.3 ms-1 areas of green and fertile country of all
signs of __78__. They are __79__ or
71. Which of the following radiation has the periodic __80__ after a heavy __81__ of an
highest frequency? area, they may not appear for ten years or
A. Radio waves fourteen years. Now that more is known of
B. Light waves the way of life of locusts, these periodic
C. X-rays __82__ are better under stood and
D. Infra-red rays consequently more __83__ scientist know
the regions in which the gregarious phrases
72. Which of the following is used for of locusts may occur and can even
controlling the amount of light entering the sometimes __84__ when an __85__ can
eye? take place.
A. Cornea
B. Pupil 76. A. Deprivation
C. Iris B. Infection
D. Optic nerve C. Disease
77. A. Swarms
moving_____ B. Herds
A. Atoms C. Colonies
B. Ions D. Flock
C. Neutron
D. Protons 78. A. Pasture
B. Life
A. Inverted
B. Real 79. A. Perennial
C. Virtual B. Casual
D. Erect C. Temporary
D. Seasonal
C. Electrons D. Vermin
D. Neutrons
81. A. Encounter
C. Adventure
In the following passage, the D. Downpour
numbered gaps indicate missing
words. Against each number in the list 82. A. Attack
below the passage, four choices are B. Ambushes
offered in columns lettered A to D. for C. Escapades
each question, choose the word that is D. Combats
From the word lettered A to D below 92. I shouldn’t go outside without raincoat
each of the following sentences, because it is raining cats and dogs
choose a word or group of words that A. It is just started to rain
is nearest in meaning to the underlined B. It raining heavily
expression as it is used in the sentence C. It going to rain
(86-88). D. It is raining a little
86. Death is unavoidable for every human 93. It is lovely house and big but, no body
being. uses it so it’s a bit of a white elephant
A. Inevitable
B. Essential
C. Necessary
A. Something very beautiful and useful
B. Something very cheap and useless
C. Something very big and useful
D. Immoral D. Something very expensive and useless
87. The suspect was made to walk in front 94. When the business folded, he took the
88. The monk lived an austere life in order 95. Without my glasses I can’t see where
to discipline himself I’m going in fact, I’m as blind as bat
A. Holy A. Very short sighted
From the word lettered A to D below Questions 96-100, choose the correct
D. Same
100. I only_____ one mistake in last
night’s test.
A. Made
B. Done
C. Did
D. Makes
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B
10. 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. C 15.C 16. B
71. A
A. Ectodermis
B. Ectodermic endoderm 10. Which of the following process occurs
C. Ectodermic and dermis when the body temperature of a mammal
D. Epidermis and dermis rises above normal?
I. The arterioles in the skin dilate
3. Which of the following organisms has a II. Sweat production is reduced
largest surface area to volume ratio? III. The erector muscle contract
A. Man A. I only
B. Earthworm B. II only
C. Amoeba C. I and III only
D. Grasshopper
5. Which of the of the following plants parts D. Measuring the length and breadth of a
does not perform supportive function? leaf
A. Parenchyma, xylem, and collenchyma
fuses with the ovum A. Cerebellum
D. The nucleus of the pollen tube divides B. Hypothalamus
C. Medullar oblongata
16. The possession of breathing roots is a D. Spinal cord
characteristic of plants growing in___
A. Mangrove swamp 23. Which two structures are presence in
B. Coastal savannah palisade cell but not in a liver cell?
C. Guinea savannah A. Cell wall and cytoplasm
D. Shrub biome B. Cell wall and chloroplast
C. Cell membrane and cytoplasm
17. Measles in infants can be prevented
A. Sleeping under mosquito net
D. Cell membrane and chloroplast
C. Produce
18. Wildlife conservation can be enhanced D. Adapt to environment
by _____
A. Enacting laws to encourage poaching 25. How many conjugal are involved in
B. Discouraging elimination of endangered sexual reproduction of paramecium?
species A. 1
C. Encouraging creation of satellite hunting B. 2
unit C. 4
D. Suppressing the activities of wildlife D. 8
conservation agencies
then the food substance is likely to a raw material for the manufacture of
contain_____ plastic?
A. Carbohydrates A. Ethyne
B. Fat B. Ethane
C. Protein C. Monochloro-ethene
D. Sugar D. Propene
E. butadiene
20. In any food chain, first member must
be a______ 27. which of the following statement is not
A. Carnivore correct about esterification?
B. Herbivore A. It is a slow reaction
C. Zooplankton B. The process is reversible
element is sum of its_____ A. 42
A. Electron, neutron and proton B. 45
B. Electrons and proton C. 126
C. Protons and neutrons D. 145
D. Orbital electrons E. 180
E. Valence electrons
36. Which of the following is used as water
30. How many unpaired electrons are there softener?
in an atom of an element with the following A. Na2CO3. 10H2O
electronic configuration 1S22S22P2 B. CuSO4
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
C. mgSO4. 7H2O
D. CaCl2. 2H2O
E. Na2SO4. 10H2O
D. 6
E. 8 37. What is the percentage by weight of
calcium by Ca(OCl)2?
B. Vapor C. 43.8%
C. Density D. 44.5%
D. Temperature E. 90.3%
E. Concentration
38. Which of the following gases is lighter
32. Which of the following is a general than air?
42. If a solution has a pH of 2, it can be 49. What is the mass number of an element
concluded that it if its atom contains 10 protons, 10
A. Is a weak electrolyte electrons and 12 neutrons?
B. Has hydrogen ion concentration of 0.2
mol dm-3 50. Equilibrium is said to be attained in
C. Is as twice as acidic as a solution of pH 1 reversible reaction when:
D. Will produce effervescence with A. All the reactants have been used up
magnesium ribbon B. All the products have been formed
E. Is neutral C. There is no further change in
43. A finely divvied form of a metal burns
more readily in air than the rod form
because the rod has_____
D. The rates of the forward and backward
reactions are equal
E. Rate of information of the product
A. Higher molar mass decreases with time
B. Smaller surface area
C. Protective oxide coating
A. Difficulties
52. A. harvesting B. Deficits
B. Agriculture C. Defects
C. gardening D. Defaults
D. Ranching
In each of the following sentences,
53. A. Urban there is one word or group of word
B. City underlined and one gap. From the list
C. Rural of word or group of words lettered A to
D. cultivated D, choose the one that is most nearly
opposite in meaning to the underlined
54. A. manufacture word or group of words and that will,
B. output at the same time, correctly fill the gap
C. production in the sentence.
D. Distribution
61. My uncle is a prosperous business man;
55. A. Hatcheries my aunt, unfortunately, is quite _____
B. poultry A. Unskilful
C. Tractors B. Dishonest
D. Livestock C. Unsuccessful
D. Unqualified
Questions 56-60, choose the correct
option that best complete the 62. The university has a large yearly
sentence. intake; very few_____ take place.
B. Devastated D. Honest
C. Demarcated
D. Troubled 64. Our mechanized services contrast
sharply with the_____ operation we had
C. Disbanded
D. Executed 65. After ade had listen to some advice, his
rigid ideas became more_____
59. The officers pledge their _____ loyalty A. Friendly
to the new government. B. Compromising
A. Indefatigable C. Flexible
B. Complete D. Democratic
C. Questionable
D. Unalloyed From the word lettered A to D below
each of the following sentences,
60. Cosmetics are sometimes use to cover choose a word or group of words that
the_____ of nature.
is nearest in meaning to the underlined C. Owns the last house in the comfort
word as it is used in the sentence. D. Has a house that is not comfortable
66. The marathon is a gruelling race. 73. I was given a standing ovation for my
A. Powerful outstanding performance. This means that
B. Exhausting the senator_____
C. Interesting A. Everyone stood up to clap for me
D. Distant B. Everyone stood to catch a glimpse of me
C. Everyone congratulated me
67. The work of art in this gallery are D. I was asked to stand up
A. Irreplaceable 74. We left kano one year ago to the day.
B. Precious This means that we left kano_____
C. Invaluable A. Exactly one year ago
D. Durable B. One year minus a day
C. One year and a day
68. The detective was perplexed when the D. About a year a go
clues pointed to several suspects.
A. Excited 75. I am not going to say yes or no until
B. Worried you come out into the open. This means
C. Confused that I will not give an answer until
D. Discouraged A. We go both outside
B. We agree on a position
69. My father was sceptical about the story C. You go outside
I told him.
A. Ignorant
B. Doubtful
D. You reveal your own position
70. The suspect refused to divulge the respectively, how many neutrons are
source of his information. present in the atom?
A. Confirm A. 11
B. Disclose B. 12
C. Extract C. 23
D. Affirm D. 34
After each of the following sentences, 77. Which of the following is a scalar
a list of possible interpretations is quantity?
81. When a metal ball is heated through C. The combination of overtones produced
30˚C its volume becomes 1.00180ms-3 if by musical instrument determine the
the linear expansivity of the material of the quality of sound
ball is 2.0 x 10-5K calculate its original D. The pitch of a note depends on
volume. frequency of vibration
A. 1.0000cm3 E. Noise can be produced by a combination
B. 1.0020cm3 of sounds of irregular sounds
C. 1.0036cm3
D. 1.0038cm3 87. A boy timed 20 oscillation of a certain
E. 1.0045cm3 pendulum three times and obtained
83. Which of the following reasons explain 88. Which of the following statement is an
why the walls and ceilings of a standard advantage of nuclear fusion over nuclear
84. Calculate the length of a constant wire 89. A ball bearing is projected vertically
of cross-sectional area 4𝜋 x 10-8 m2 and upward from the ground with a velocity of
resistivity 1.1 x 10-6 Ωm (take 𝜋 as 7 ) 15m-1 calculate the time taking by the ball
A. 0.42m to return to the ground
B. 0.90m [g = 10ms-2]
C. 1.00m A. 1.5s
D. 2.25m B. 4.5s
C. 4.0s
85. A body moves along a circular path D. 5.3s
with uniform angular speed of 0.6rad 8-1 E. 3.0s
and a constant speed of 3.0 ms-1. Calculate
D. 9.0 ms-1
E. 10.0 ms-1 97. Which of the following values on the
absolute scale of temperature is the ice
92. In a domestic circuit, electrical point.
appliances and lamps are arranged in a A. 0K
parallel across the main so as to enable B. 32K
the_____ C. 100K
A. Same current to flow through the D. 273K
electrical appliances and lamps E. 723K
B. Maximum energy to be consumed at
least cost
C. Same fuse to be used for the electrical
appliances and the lamps
98. A force acting on a body causes a
change in the momentum of the body from
12kgms-1 to 16kgms-1 in 0.2s. calculate the
D. Voltage across the appliances not to be magnitude of the force.
affected when the lamps are switch on and A. 14.0N
off B. 20.0N
load is 20cm-2. Calculate the angular for using soft iron in making core of a
frequency of the motion transformer?
A. 2 rad s-1 A. Retains its magnetism for a long time
B. 4 rad s-1 B. Is easily magnetized
94. When compared with water, mercury is 100. The main function of the mouth piece
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. C
24. A 25. A
33. 34. D 35. 36. 37. A 38. 39. C 40.A
41. B 42. 43. B 44. B 45. B 46. D 47.C
48.D 49.B 50.D
51. A 52. B 53. A 54. C 55. D 56. A
74. D 75. D
99. D 100. B
petroleum product to its consumers
SECTION I: ENGLISH LANDUAGE through its agency, the Nigerian National
Corporation [NNPC]. In the same way, the
Read the passage below carefully and government argues that if the government
answer the questions that follow. NNPC monopoly were broken with the
introduction of entrepreneurs to the
Those who have been following the refining and sale of petroleum product in
arguments for or against the deregulation the country, the Nigerian population will be
of the oil industry in Nigeria may have got all better for it. It stands to reason that
the impression that deregulation connotes ones the government continuous to fix
or indifference on the part of the
government. But there is nothing so far
from official quarters to suggest that
maximum prices for petroleum product in
the country, the deregulation of the oil
sector should bring some relief to the
deregulation will cause the government to people by ensuring that wastage,
relinquish its control of oil industry because corruption and inefficiency are reduced to
the absence of oil industry does not mean it the minimum. Consumers will also have the
will surrender all its rights to entrepreneurs last laugh because competition will result
who may want to participate in the prices. This appears to be the sense in the
industry. deregulation.
Yet the opposition express so far against 1. Which of these correctly summarises the
deregulation stems from fear that arguments adduced by the advocates of
pump price of oil to rise above the means B. The government should deregulate every
of most Nigerians. As a result of such fears, aspect of the Nigerian economy
many Nigerians have become resentful in C. Competition in the oil industry will be
deregulation and, in fact the Nigerian D. Completion should be allowed in the
labour Congress [NLC] has threatened to production and distribution of petroleum
deregulate the government if it should go products
D. The deregulation of the oil industry does of a variety of situations, and can be used
not preclude the Government from exerting to find the answers to questions are widely
its influence different as possible.
A. The Nigerian labour congress has been 8. A. studies
able to prevent the Government from B. procedures
deregulating the economy C. objects
B. The introduction of entrepreneurs to the D. conditions
oil industry will make life easy only for a
few Nigerians 9. Constant
C. The opposition to the deregulation of the B. good
oil industry is not unanimous C. dark
D. A better life for all Nigerians is D. Natural
conditional upon the deregulation of the
ordinary Nigerians
D. Only a heartless cartel will benefit by the 11. He travelled ONLY 20 kilometres before
option for each gap from the options before his car stopped?
B. did sister resign from the police? D. Buds
C. did uncle retire from the police?
D. did brother retire from the police? 23. The animals that move by means of
flagella include_____
SECTION II: CIVIL EDUCATION A. Chlamydomonas and euglena
B. Planaria and amoeba
16. Which of the following is an acceptable C. Amoeba and hydra
societal value? D. Paramecium and planaria
A. Honesty
B. Merriment 24. The structures found only in plant cell
C. Praise singing
D. Family planning
A. Cell membranes and cytoplasm
B. Chromatin nucleolus
17. Which of the following is an effective C. Cell wall and chloroplast
way of resolving inter-communal conflict? D. Cell membranes and lysosome
A. Meditation
B. Pistillate
18. When there is dispute in a community, C. Perfect
31. If the gas is cooled at what
27. The correct evolutionary sequence of temperature will start to condensate?
the organisms represented is A. 125˚C
A. I → III → II → IV B. 150˚C
B. II → III → IV → I C. 175˚C
C. III → II → I → IV D. 250˚C
D. IV → II → III → I
32. How long does it takes all the solid to
28. Oviviparity is the type of fertilization
exhibited by the organism labelled
A. I
A. 2.5mins
B. 6.0mins
C. 1.0mins
C. III D. 3.0mins
A. Particles of different elements combine above the ground is the equal to_____
in a simple whole number ratio A. Its kinetic energy on the ground.
B. Atom can neither be created nor B. Half its initial potential
destroyed C. initial potential energy
C. The particles of the same elements are D. twice its initial potential energy
exactly alike
D. All elements are made of small 44. a plane sound wave of frequency
indivisible particles 85.5Hz and velocity 342ms-1 is reflected
from a vertical wall. At what distance from
39. Which of the following gives a the wall does the wave have an antinode?
precipitate when treated with NaOH
A. Na2CO3
A. 1m
B. 0m
C. 2m
B. CH3COONa D. 3m
C. NH4Cl
D. AlC3 45. A ray of light strikes a plain mirror at
A. 45˚
CH3CH C H B. 20˚
C. 70˚
D. 25˚
A. Tertiary alkanol 46. The driving mirror of a car has a radius
C. 4 : 1
D. 1 : 4
when the___
A. Conductor is at right angles within the
B. Force is independent of the angle
between the field and the conductor
C. Conductor is parallel with the field
D. Conductor makes an angle of 60˚with
the field
50. The eye controlled the amount of light
reaching the retina by adjusting the
A. Cornea
B. Iris
C. Retina
D. Optic nerve
1. D 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. A
29.A 30.B
39.C 40.
him , the wolf said: well, last year you against the rich and mighty.
insulted my father I was not even born D. No matter how highly placed he is in the
then, replied the lamb. society, the unmindful law breaker will
always meet his nemesis
You are good at finding answers, said the
wolf, “but what do you mean by taking up 4. From the way the story ended, it can be
so much of the path where I am walking? " concluded that the_____
The lamb, frightened at the wolf 's angry A. Lamb did not survive the encounter.
tone and terrible aspect, told him with all B. Wolf and the lamb parted amicably
die submission, that he could not conceive C. Wolf had encountered the lamb parents.
how his walking on such a wide could
occasion him any convenience. What!
exclaimed the wolf, seemingly in great
D. Lamb offended the wolf quite seriously.
just pay off a few of your fore fathers' the options provided.
scores before we part.' So, saying, he leapt
at the lamb from behind and garrotted him. Capitalism is an economic system which
found in hr the principle of free enterprise
1. The expression when this excuse failed and the private ownership of the means of
9. A. Customer 15. The investigators stated clearly that
B. consumer they had reach a dead end in their scrutiny
C. controller of suspects in the murder case
D. marketer A. The investigators did not know what to
do with the suspects' murder.
10. A. neutralize B. The investigators has evidence to
B. harmonize sentence the suspect to death in the end.
C. settle C. There was no further progress in the
D. decide investigation of the murder suspects.
11. Everyone was ready to play the devil's 16. What does the eagle in the Nigerian
on it. C. Agriculture
B. Everyone was willing to defend an D. Strength
12. Adamu's father was a key figure in that 18. The military government in Nigeria was
ministry. headed by
A. The ministry trust Adamu's father as a A. General Murtala Muhammad
central figure B. General Yakubu Gowon
B. Adamu's father was a figurehead in the C. General Agunyi Ironsi
ministry D. General Olusegun Obasanjo
C. Adamu's father position is essential in
the ministry 19. Which of the following is NOT one if the
D. Adamu`s father keeps the key to the data processing function of a computer?
ministry A. Gathering data information
B. Passing data information
13. The government warns that drink- C. Analyzing the data or information
driving is a punishable under the law____ D. Oaring the data or information
C. Mesophytes
20. The computer system language “DOS” D. Hydrophytes
stand for?
A. Disc Operating System 27. The structural adaptation for desert
B. Disc Operating Session plants for water conservation is_____
C. Digital Operating System A. Spiny leaves
D. Digital Open System B. Prominent stomata in leaves
C. Broad leaves with numerous stomata
SECTION III: BIOLOGY D. Spongy mesophyll
21. The process in which complex 28. Fungi are referred to as heterotrophs
substance are broken down into simpler because they_____
ones is refer to as_____ A. Have mycelium
A. Metabolism B. Lack roots
B. Tropism C. Are filamentous
C. Anabolism D. Lack chlorophyll
D. Catabolism
29. The blood circulatory system of
22. The organ which is sensitive to light in vertebrates consists of_____
euglena is_____ A. Heart, aorta, arteries and veins
A. Chloroplast B. Heart, vena cava, arteries and veins
B. eyespot C. Heart, arteries, capillaries and veins
C. gullet D. Heart, aorta, capillaries and veins
D. flagellum
D. 0 compound above is
35. The bond formed between two 41. In order to remove error from parallax
elements with electron configuration when taking measurements with a meter
1s22s22p63s2 and 1s22s22p4 is_____ rule, the eye should be focused___
A. Dative A. Slantingly towards the left on the
B. Ionic markings
C. Metallic B. Slantingly toward the right on the
D. Covalent markings
C. Vertically downwards on the markings
36. In an electrochemical cell, polarization D. Vertically upwards on the markings
is caused by_____
A. Tetraoxosulphate (IV) acid 42. A load is pulled at a uniform speed
B. Hydrogen along horizontal floor by a rope at 450C to
C. Chlorine floor. If the force in the rope is 1500N,
D. Oxygen what is the frictional force on the load? A.
37. The minimum amount of energy
required for a reaction to take place is____
A. Activation energy
B. 1350N
C. 1260N
D. 1061N
B. Kinetic energy
C. Lattice energy
D. Ionization energy
A. Not be spontaneous
B. Be at equilibrium
C. Be indeterminate
D. Be spontaneous
ammonia, the flask is placed in a slanting From the velocity-time graph shown above,
1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. B
10. D 11. A 12. C 13.B 14. D 15. C
16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. C
C. 6000J
D. 7000J
31. D 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. B 36. B 37. A
B. 50m
C. 100m
49. D 50. C
D. 150m
A. At the radius of curvature
B. At the focus
C. Beyond the radius of curvature
D. Between the focus and radius of
SECTION I: ENGLISH LANDUAGE Bon Ekri won the 1999 booker price with
his work, 'The famished road', and the
Read the following passage carefully world celebrate Nigeria as the giant of
and answer the questions 1 to 5. Africa. It was also gathered that most of
the publishers hurriedly produced books
Recent literary researches reveal that and in the process marred their good
Nigerians hardly have time to read. In contents. Most of the books are not
essence the reading culture in Nigeria is properly edited and eventually become
now at a low ebb. It’s disturbing however, substandard when compared with foreign
the few Nigerians that reads concentrate products the extent to which books
more on foreign books than indigenous publishing standard have fallen in Nigeria is
productions. Most Nigerians authors of alarming.
novels, story books , fiction and non-fiction
series have decried on different occasions, Often Nigerian publishers have been
their woes. They were bitter as way most blamed for this it instructive that none of
owners of bookshop and publishes treat the books mention have been published in
them. It was gathered that most renowned Nigeria. It was discovered that most of the
bookshop’s hardly sells books that was student in tertiary institutions depends on
writing by indigenous authors. They prefer dictations from their lecturers or handout. A
to stock foreign books. science lecturer in one of the Nigerian
universities who had been a victim of
When contacted by DAILY INDEPENDECE,
the general manager of popular bookstore
in Lagos island declared that most of the
handouts sale scandals, told DAILY
INDEPENDENCE the reality campus
challenges in relation to books: I was
bookshop prefer to store foreign books forced to dictate note to students who hung
because of higher demands for them. The in my every word in the absence of text
question that borders most Nigerian books in a library that had, to all intent and
authors is, while their overseas counterpart purpose, stop buying new books when the
are been rewarded with great international local currency is devalued. But what other
honours, why Nigerians are not according alternative do one have?
Ngozi Adichie, won 2007 orange prize A. Nigerians have access to foreign books
award the literary world’s top award for only
fiction written by women. The award carries B. Nigerians undergraduates do not read
4. The university lecturer gives his reason 11. The party supporters vilified the
for issuing handouts as _____ chairman for the role he played in the
A. Lack of teaching aids among students crises that rocked the party.
B. Low purchasing power A. Impeached
C. Low quality of books B. Condemned
D. Lack of sufficient time C. Challenged
D. Elect
5. A suitable title for this passage is_____
A. Nigerian literary readers 12. Publishing as a business venture has
B. Nigerian publishers and international become a hot potato in Nigeria
awards A. Unacceptable
C. Poor reading culture in Nigeria B. Unpleasant
D. Why Nigerian lecturers sell handouts. C. Expensive
D. Profitable
In each of question 6 to 10, choose the
option opposite in meaning to the 13. The cynics feared that the nation’s
word(s) or phrase in italics. nascent democracy will fail.
D. Various euthanasia
A. A sleeping pill
7. I am loath to the assignment. B. A major operation
C. Dying
D. Willing 15. There was a glut of oil on the market
A. An abundance of
8. Only these who are gullible fall victim to B. An increase in
A. Astute D. An accumulation of
B. Courteous
D. Devastated
C. Geneva, Switzerland B. More rapid elongation of an epicotyl
D. Paris, France than the hypocotyl
C. Equal growth rate of both the hypocotyl
20. Fathometer is used to measure____ and epicotyl
A. Earthquakes D. Lack of growth of the hypocotyls
B. Rainfall
C. Ocean depth 27. Nervous control is different from
D. Sound intensity hormonal control in that the former_____
A. Involves only chemical transmission
SECTION III: BIOLOGY B. Is a slower process
C. Amylases A. Prolactin
D. Peptidases. B. Testosterone
C. Thyroxine
D. Capillaries B. Mutualism
C. Parasitism
23. The anaerobic fermentation of a D. Commensalism
glucose molecules yields_____
A. 38 ATP molecules 30. The progressive loss of energy at each
31. Which of the following are structural 38. Kerosene is commonly used to remove
isomers? the red colour stain of palm oil from cloth
A. Propanoic acid and propan-1,2- diol because it____
B. Propanol and propanone A. Help to spread the oil over a larger
C. Ethanoic acid propanoic acid surface area
D. Ethan-1,2-diol and ethanoic acid B. Reacts with the oil surface to form an
odourless compound
32. In the purification of impure sample of C. Makes the oil to evaporate easily by
ethyl ethanoate synthesized by dissolving it
esterification, concentrated D. Helps to dilute the oil and reduce its
tetraoxocarbonate (IV) solution is used to colour
A. Water basic impurities 39. The gas that is the most dangerous
B. basic impurities pollutant to human is_____
C. acidic impurities A. Sulphur (IV) oxide
D. ethoxyethane B. Carbon (IV) oxide
C. Nitrogen (II) oxide
33. How hydrogen atoms does a single ring D. Hydrogen sulphide
cycloalkane have less than the
corresponding open chain-alkane? 40. How many moles of limestone will be
A. Two required to produce 5.6kg of CaO?
B. Three A. 0.20mol.
C. Four B. 0.10mol.
D. One C. 1.12mol.
B. Propene D. 1%
C. Methane
D. Butane 42. The particle that is responsible for
nuclear fission in a nuclear reactor is____
filled completely, the volume of the ENGLISH ANSWERS:
container is
A. 240m3 1. D 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B 10. B
B. 600m3
C. 2400m3 11. A 12. D 13. A 14. C 15.A
D. 6000m3
46. Water does not drop through an open
umbrella of silk material unless the inside if 16. D 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. C
the umbrella is touched. This is due
A. Capillarity
B. Osmotic pressure
A. 15N
B. 20N
C. 30N
D. 60N