Notes On Ciculatory System

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Notes on Circulatory system function , anatomy and diseasea

Notes on Circulatory system function and anatomy

The circulatory system consists of heart, blood vessels and the lymphatic
Study: Cardiology
Physician: Cardiologist

Function: Pumping of blood and carries blood throughout the body.

Heart: Heart is a cone - shaped, hollow, muscular organ having the base
above and apex below. The apex inclines towards the left side. The heart
weights about 300 grams.

Position: The heart is located in the mediastinum, the space between

the lungs.

Notes on Circulatory system function , anatomy and diseasea

Structure: The heart consists of four chambers - Right atrium, right

ventricle, left atrium and left ventricle.

❖Interatrial septum - Between right and left atrium

❖Interventricular septum - Between right and left ventricles
❖Atrioventricular septum - Between the auricles and ventricles

❖Tricuspid valve - Between right atrium and right ventricle
❖Bicuspid valve or mitral valve - Between the left atrium and left

Notes on Circulatory system function , anatomy and diseasea

Blood vessels:
❖Pulmonary artery ❖Pulmonary veins ❖Aorta
Arteries: It carries oxygenated blood from the heart Veins: It carries
deoxygenated blood to the heart Capillaries: It unites arterioles and

Layers of the heart:

❖Pericardium: Outer layer of the heart ❖Myocardium: The middle
muscular layer of the heart ❖Endocardium: The inner layer of the heart

The cardiac cycle:

The events which occur in the heart during the circulation of blood is
known as cardiac cycle
• Contraction of heart - Systole
• Relaxation of heart – Diastole

Conduction of heart:
The hearts action originates from the SA node (sino-atrial node), then
the atria contract, the electrical impulse moves along the bundle of his
and the ventricles contract.
✓ Contraction of atria - Atrial systole
✓ Relaxation of atria - Atrial diastole
✓ Contraction of ventricle - Ventricular systole - 0.3 seconds
✓ Relaxation of ventricle - Ventricular diastole - 0.5 seconds
In this way the heart beats continuously.

Heart sounds:
• First sound - Lubb - Closure of Tricuspid & bicuspid valves (long &
• Second sound - Dup - Closure of aortic & pulmonary valves (short &

Notes on Circulatory system function , anatomy and diseasea

Normal heart rate:

➢ Adult - 60 to 80 beats per min
➢ New born - 140 per min
➢ Adult - 150 per min, during exercise
Cardiac output: In resting person the heart beats about 70 times a
minute & pumps 70 ml of blood each time. The stroke volume is 70ml.
The amount of blood pumped each minute is therefore 70 x 70ml or
about 5 litres.

The circulation of blood:

➢ Superior and inferior vena cava carries the deoxygenated blood
from the
➢ whole body to the right atrium.
➢ Blood enters into the right ventricle through tricuspid valve.
➢ From there blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery which
carries the
➢ deoxygenated blood to the lungs.
➢ Blood is oxygenated in the lungs and return back to the left atrium
➢ through four pulmonary veins.
➢ From left atrium blood enters into left ventricle through mitral
➢ From left ventricle the blood is pumped into the aorta.
➢ Aorta supplies the oxygenated blood throughout the body.
➢ Arterial system carries the blood throughout the body where it
➢ eventually reaches the capillary beds.
➢ In capillary beds, O2 is transferred from the blood to the
➢ tissues and CO2 is transferred from tissue to the blood.
➢ Venous system transports deoxygenated blood to superior and
➢ vena cava.

Notes on Circulatory system function , anatomy and diseasea

Pulmonary circulation:
• The course of blood from right ventricle
• Lungs
• Left atrium

Systemic circulation:
• Left ventricle
• Aorta
• Arteries, arterioles, capillaries
• Return back to right atrium by veins (SVC and IVC)

Coronary circulation:
Coronary circulation supplies the heart. The right and left coronary
arteries which encircle the heart and supply blood to the all parts of the
heart. The return blood from the heart is collected by the coronary sinus
and returned directly into the right atrium.
✓ Tachycardia: Increase in heart rate.
✓ Bradycardia: Decrease in heart rate.
✓ Palpitation: Abnormality of heart beat that causes a conscious
awareness of its beatings.
✓ Cardiomegaly: Enlargement of heart.
✓ Cardiomyopathy: Disease of heart muscle.
✓ Cor pulmonale: Abnormal enlargement of the right side of the
heart due to disease of lungs or pulmonary blood vessels.
✓ Arrhythmmias: Abnormal rhythm of heart.
✓ Fibrillation: Irregular, fast heart rate.
✓ Flutter: Abnormal heart rhythm that occurs in the atria of the
heart, usually associated with tachycardia.
✓ Heart block: Blockage at any level of electrical conduction
system of heart.
✓ Murmurs: Abnormal heart sounds.

Notes on Circulatory system function , anatomy and diseasea

✓ Rheumatic heart disease (RHD): Inflammatory disease of

the heart following rheumatic fever
✓ Cardiac arrest: Sudden cessation of heart function.
✓ CPR: Mouth to mouth respiration, external cardiac massage.
✓ Pericarditis: Inflammation of pericardium, it is one of the cause of
heart failure.
✓ Endocarditis: Inflammation of endocardium usually associated with
rheumatic fever.
✓ Coronary artery disease (CAD): Plague builds up inside the
coronary arteries or narrowing by atheroscelerosis or thrombus
formation inside the coronary artery.
➢ Myocardium deprived of blood supply (myocardial ischemia)
➢ Pain results (Angina pectoris)
➢ If artery totally occluded
➢ Heart muscle dies (myocardial infarction or heart attack)
✓ Atheroscelerosis: Hardening and narrowing of blood vessel
✓ Aneurysm: Dilatation of blood vessel.
✓ Congestive heart failure (CHF): Pumping mechanism of heart fails.
Mitral, aortic, pulmonary & tricuspid valve lesions are common cause of
➢ Symptoms: dyspnea, oedema in soft tissues, pheripheral oedema,
pulmonary oedema occurs.
✓ Congenital (birth) heart diseases (CHD):
✓ Atrial septal disease (ASD): Hole in the wall between the upper
chamber of heart.
✓ Ventricular septal disease (VSD): Hole in the wall between lower
chamber of heart.
✓ Tetrology of fallot (TOF): It involves four heart defect.
➢ A large VSD
➢ Pulmonary artery stenosis
➢ Right ventricular hypertrophy

Notes on Circulatory system function , anatomy and diseasea

➢ Overriding of aorta
✓ Mitral valve prolapse (MVP): Two way blood flow, blood pumps in
both sides when ventricles contract.
✓ Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA): In fetal life connection between
and pulmonary artery will be seen. After birth the hole in the aorta
remains patent (unclosed).

➢ X-ray
➢ CT
➢ Angiography

➢ Angioplasty
➢ CABG - Coronary artery bypass grafting
➢ Heart transplantation


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