Lab Report American Cusine Jambalaya

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Republic of the Philippines


Lingayen Campus
College of Teacher Education
Technical-Vocational and Livelihood Education

Laboratory Activity No.

Russian Cuisine

(Cabbage Rolls Golubtsy )

Name: Lazo, April Pauline

Magsalay, Sthib Kier
Reyes, Rona May
Rodriguez, Jackie
Ruelo, Janeil
Sarmiento, Mary Ann
Villanueva, Ma. Chriselle
Year& Section: III-BTVTED-FSM-A

I. Laboratory Activity Objectives:

Upon completion of this laboratory activity the students will be able to:

a. Perform Mise en place;

b. Demonstrate the step-by-step procedures in preparing
chicken Cabbage Rolls Golubtsi; and
c. Present a table setting that is cultural relevant in Russian
II. Laboratory Description:

Russian cuisine reflects the geographic diversity of Russia, the religious

beliefs, and the traditions and ways of life. Traditional Russian dishes used a
lot of grains, berries, vegetables, flour and fish. These were all products that
were common in the houses of even the most common people. Meat dishes
were most common for holidays, and these dishes were true culinary

III. Suggested Output

IV. Ingredients, Tools and Equipment:

A. Tools and Equipment:

o Casserole
o Oven
o measuring spoon and cups
o Ladle
o frying pan
o Knives
o Chopping board
o Table napkin
o Centerpiece
o Chef toque
o Apron
o Table cloth
o Food warmer
o Grater
B. Ingredients:
 1 medium kabocha squash
 1 yellow onion, roughly chopped
 2 cloves garlic, smashed (optional – I like it both ways)
 2 tablespoons olive oil
 1 1/4 cup milk
 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
 toasted walnuts
 salt to taste
 cream to taste

V. Procedure

1. Freeze the cabbages 3 days before you need it. The night
before defrost cabbage and keep them in the fridge until you are
2. Cook rice in plenty water the same way you would pasta until al
dente for approximately 5 minutes after the water boils. It
shouldn't be too soft. Drain and set aside.
3. In a frying pan heat olive oil and cook onions over low heat for 7-
10 minutes until tender.
4. Grate carrots. In a large bowl combine beef, pork, parsley,
onions, carrots, rice, salt and pepper.
5. In a medium bowl whisk together stock, crushed tomatoes and
creme fraiche, salt and pepper. Set aside.
6. Place your head of cabbage on a cutting board, cut off the
bottom and pull the leaves away from the stalk. Repeat with the
second head of cabbage.
7. Preheat your oven to 350F/180C. Clear your workspace, so all
ingredients are within reach.
8. Take a cabbage leaf and cut the rib down, so it's not too thick.
Put 2 tbsp of filling at the bottom of the wide part of a leaf (see
picture above) and roll it like a burrito, tucking sides in.
9. Your cabbage rolls will vary in size slightly depending on the
size of cabbage leaves. You will have approximately 30-32
cabbage rolls.
10. Pour a cup of the sauce on the bottom of your cast iron
casserole or any other heavy bottom casserole and start
stacking your cabbage rolls. Half way through add a couple of
bay leaves and ⅓ of the sauce and continue stacking until all
cabbage rolls are gone.
11. Pour the remaining sauce over cabbage rolls, cover with a lid
and bake in the oven for 1 hour. Then take the lid off and bake
for 30 more minutes. 12. Serve with additional sour cream or
creme fraiche and fresh herbs like dill and parsley.
VI. Evaluation:
A. Rubrics for Food preparation

Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Poor Score

4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt Points

Student demonstrated a Student demonstrated some Student demonstrated some

Student participated but tended to
Cooperation/ willingness to complete all willingness to complete all willingness to complete all
play. Refuse non-preferred tasks,
Participation tasks. Participated very well tasks. Participated well tasks. Participated fairly well
or quit before all tasks were
though the whole process of though the whole process of though the whole process of
preparation. preparation. preparation.

Student followed safety rules

Student followed safety rules Student followed safety
and food handling procedures Student barely followed safety
and food handling procedures rules and food handling
fairly. Students left working rules and food handling. Students
Safety & Cleanliness excellently. The student left the procedures well. Student left
area fairly clean and tidy. Not left working area untidy. Very few
work space very tidy and clean. working area clean and tidy.
all dishes were washed. dishes were washed. Tables were
The dishes were all cleaned. Some dishes were washed.
Tables were fairly clean and not clean and dry.
The tables were tidy and dry. Tables were clean and dry.

The recipe is associated with

the country assigned to the
student. Two outstanding criteria
Cultural Relevance The recipe is linked to the met, without elaboration or One outstanding criterion met. None of the outsanding criteria met
country's food culture by great detail.
accurate and interesting
supporting evidence

The presentation was The presentation was fair. It

The presentation was very The presentation was good. It
Plate Presentation creative. It contained very contained some color and plate
creative. It contained excellent contained color and plate was
good color and plate was was organized with some
color and plate well organized. fairly organized.
organized. creativity.

Correct preparation of food Correct preparation of food Correct preparation of food

Final food product was edible; but
Final Product products resulted in excellent products resulted in very products resulted in good
lacked in flavor, texture and
flavor profiles, texture and good flavor profiles, texture flavor profiles, texture and
consistency. and consistency. consistency.

TOTAL Score Points

Points and Grade Evaluated:

20 (1.0)
18-19 (1.25)
17 (1.5 )
16 (1.75)
15 (2.0)
14 (2.25)
12-13 (2.5)
11 (2.75)
10 (3.0)
8-9 4.0)
7- below (5.0)
VII. Documentation & Reflection:
Before they start to prepare their Spanish dish, Group 1 wear
personal protective equipment (PPE). After that they organized and prepare
the equipment and ingredients they would use in preparing the dish. Group 1
applied the mise en place preparation of the ingredients they will use.

Jackie tasked with Documentation. After wearing our PPE, April

started grating the ingredients needed such as carrots and cheese while
Janiel is measuring the exact measurement of the ingredients.

While doing that, Mary ann and Sthib started to chop all the
ingredients such as onion.
After that, Janel started pre-cooking the rice while Chriselle
started to sautéing the onion.

After all ingredients prepare, Sthib started to combine all the

ingredients while April and other members started to remove the cabbage
leaves from the stem.
After preparing all the ingredients, the group
members finally started stuffing the cabbage and then started
putting the sauce and stuffed cabbage to the tray and cooked
in the oven.

As a result here’s the final look of our Cabbage Rolls Golubtsy.

VIII. Evaluation

 Regarding to the Ma'am Niella it is very tasty.

 Regarding to the , Ma’am Niella said that it is very relevant to the
Russian cuisine.
 The group received compliments on the food's presentation.

IX. References:

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