005 Reading Writing Speaking Listening
005 Reading Writing Speaking Listening
005 Reading Writing Speaking Listening
Hi, everyone!
In this episode:
The traditional approach tells you that the more you write and
speak, the better. That’s why language schools insist on writing a
lot and “practicing” your speaking with other students, sometimes
in groups.
But then...is speaking and writing a waste of time? No, I didn’t say
When you speak in a conversation, you can see what areas of the
language you need to improve. Then, when you listen again, you
will naturally pay more attention to those areas. For example, if
you’re in a conversation, and you have to describe something in
the past tense. When you try to do it, you see that you make some
mistakes. The next day, when you listen to your materials again, I
bet you’ll pay more attention to the past.
(improve your grammar)
Here I’ll use the Point of View Technique. The main benefit of this
technique is that it’ill help you to learn grammar intuitively, without
boring exercises or memorizing rules.
This is how it works: I’ll tell you a short story more than one time.
Every time, I will change a grammar point. For example, I can
change the tense or the person. This way you will intuitively
recognize the changes.
It was a small step, but she got excited and paid more, and
more attention to the conversations.
Little by little, she was getting used to English. She was very
happy with the results!
Very well, let’s change the point of view to the present tense.
It’s a small step, but she gets excited and pays more, and
more attention to the conversations.
Ok, this is the end of this short Point of View. As you can see, just
by changing a point of view of a story, you can learn grammar
intuitively. Today, you have practiced the past and present in the
third person. Have you noticed how the verbs change?
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