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Demand and Revenue Trends 6
Customer Segments 7
Industry Competitors 7


Video Surveillance System Architecture 9
Types of Cameras 11
Video Compression Standards 12
Transmission Options 12
Wired - Coaxial Cable 12
Wired - Fibre Optic 12
Wireless Transmission - Mesh Networks 13
Wireless Transmission - Infrared Beams 13
Wireless Transmission - Microwave Links 14
Storage 14
Level of Human Intervention 15


Defining Public Spaces 16
Purpose of Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 16
Strength and Weaknesses of Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 16
Suitable Video Surveillance Systems in Public Spaces Environment 17
Cost of Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 17


United Kingdom 19
United States 20
Australia 20
China 21



Public Video Surveillance Systems and Services Deployment Management Models 25
Management Model 1 – Local Authority Funded and Operated Public Video
Management Model 2 – Public-Private Operated Video Surveillance 26
Public Video Surveillance Systems and Services Deployment Management in Malaysia 29
Key Findings 30


Privacy 30
Workplace Surveillance 30
Liability 31
Limitation on Disclosure 31

2 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces


On behalf of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM), it is my

pleasure to present to our readers the Report on Video Surveillance in Public Spaces.

The report explores a theme seemingly apart from the usual SKMM core communications
and multimedia industry research reports. Introducing in this report a review on video
surveillance industry and market may be opportune in view of the developments in digitisation
and increasingly Internet Protocol or IP-based networks upon which video surveillance is
or is going to be supported in terms of delivery platform, hardware and software solutions.
It is considered a part of networked content, although deemed as one in closed or private
network basis.

The report highlights focal points in video surveillance in the public space, the changing
video content delivery and transmission modes and provides an overview of the conditions
that warrant the need for public video surveillance. Developments on adoption of video
surveillance in public spaces in Malaysia are studied, with comparative analysis from other
countries such as United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (US), Australia and China.
This is also covered from aspects of not only market and services provided, but also in the
area of implementation and accompanying legislations involved.

There is also an analysis on the generic types of management models in video surveillance
systems and services deployment in public spaces with discussion on roles and responsibilities
of authorities involved in managing the implementation and maintenance.

The report provides a general understanding on the development of video surveillance

in public spaces as well as the implementation approaches taken by various authorities.
Service providers need to consult experts within the context of their implementation in
order to maximise the impact of their services.

A soft copy of this report can be obtained from the SKMM website at:


I trust this report will provide useful information to our readers. To improve the industry
report, we welcome any feedback to assist us in the future. Please send your comments to

Thank you.

Datuk Dr. Halim Shafie

Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM)
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 3


Crime incidents that have taken place around the In a video surveillance system, a Closed Circuit
world have changed government’s orientation and Television or widely known as CCTV is the most
spending towards security measures and solutions commonly used equipment in recording surveillance
in the country. Coupled with higher demand for activities together with Digital Video Recorders
security levels from society and security measures, (DVRs). But lately, key market trends are that:
video surveillance is increasingly becoming a need
in fulfilling the wish for greater levels of safety • CCTV cameras and digital products are
within the community. Other drivers including gradually converting to IP cameras and
the decreasing equipment cost and advancement networked or IP networked products;
in the hardware systems and software application
• Cameras are using Network Video Recordings
technologies have also increased the demand for
(NVRs) as opposed to full DVRs and going
video surveillance systems. Widely used to monitor,
Internet Protocol (IP)-based;
observe and analyse a person, a group, activities or
even objects, the video surveillance camera will also • Smart and intelligent applications such as
assist in deterring and detecting potential offenders Video Content Analytics software are being
and crimes and aid police in rendering assistance used; and
effectively. • Storage technology has improved in terms of
capacity and scalability through the
By 2012, the worldwide video surveillance industry development of Storage Area Networks
market revenue is expected to grow to USD12.72 (SANs).
billion, with Asia Pacific accounting for almost
a third of the market at USD3.59 billion. The The video surveillance system architecture today
customer segment for video surveillance industry goes beyond a simple system of analogue cameras
varies from the government sectors to retail, and CCTVs. Digitisation of images and transmission
financial, educational and even industrial sectors has opened the surveillance system to digital
while industry competitors are fragmented to video recorders, networked video recorders and
include legacy surveillance competitors, digital and IP systems on network, supported by a full range
networked-focused surveillance competitors and of hardware and software solutions such as digital
IT-oriented competitors. Overall, the industry is and IP and smart cameras, with Pan Tilt and Zoom
represented by a chain of providers at almost every (PTZ) capability, time stamping, video analytics,
stage until the end users. Our report here focuses on to a range of transmission systems over wired and
video surveillance in public spaces. The consumer wireless options in network.
side is excluded for future reporting.
There appears no fixed rate for video surveillance
installations or even fixed methods of their
implementation. Nevertheless, in a simple ballpark
calculation, the UK example for placing a video
surveillance system costs RM12,500 per camera.
This is higher than the ballpark for Malaysia at
RM9,701 per camera.
4 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces

While video surveillance has been used widely and leasing approach depending on which is more cost
in public areas as a crime prevention measure in effective in the long run. As funding is dependent
United Kingdom (UK) and other European and on the sum of monies awarded by the Ministry, the
western countries since early 1980s and 1990s, number of systems deployed is usually in phases.
the adoption of video surveillance in public spaces
in Malaysia is still at an early phase. In Malaysia, Therefore, the implementation of a video surveillance
CCTV was first implemented by the Kuala Lumpur system in public spaces is no small task in view
City Hall (DBKL) with the purpose of monitoring of cost and other resources involved amounting to
traffic in the city centre using black and white millions in monetary terms. If video surveillance is
cameras connected with direct cables and leased deemed a necessity after cost saving alternatives
lines. Subsequently, in 2003, the Ministry of have been exhausted such as proper and ample
Housing and Local Government issued a directive street lighting and similar measures, the other
requiring all public buildings to install CCTV cameras issues on liability and legality to be considered are
at the car park areas. A Safe City Programme was privacy, workplace surveillance, liability incurred
then initiated by the Government that includes and limitation on disclosure.
the installation of CCTV cameras as part of the 23
measures to be taken, specifically under Strategy 2 Implementing a video surveillance systems in public
of Target Hardening1. Therein, the number of CCTV spaces must be done with integrity and respect
systems implemented by the local authorities in for personal privacy and civil liberties. Other
Malaysia increased state-wide. consideration and issues are recording of workplace
surveillance as cameras installed at public spaces
Comparative studies show typically two generic indirectly record the activities of on-street workers
approaches in the deployment and implementation and cleaners, the potential risk of liability incurred
of public video surveillance systems and services in the responsibility of ensuring public safety within
by various local authorities and councils. Examples CCTV areas and limitation of disclosure of video
from UK and New Zealand show surveillance systems recording and images to other parties.
are either deployed solely by local government
authorities or in joint partnership between a local Moving forward, as technological advancement takes
government authority and private security service place; the surveillance system is expected to improve
provider. dramatically over the coming years especially
in the areas of product development, network,
Additionally, acquiring or leasing of systems by investments and systems integration. With that the
the local authorities is much dependant upon growth of the market is very much dependant on
funding provided by respective Ministries and also the advancement of technology and the eagerness
the cost of overall implementation. In Malaysia, of the industry to embrace the system. In Malaysia,
there is a mixed or combination of approach in the the use of video surveillance in public spaces is
deployment and implementation of public video poised to expand. The wider implementation plan
surveillance systems and services by the local by the local authorities will
authorities whereby some acquire encourage the overall growth
the systems, while others prefer a of the industry in Malaysia.

The strategy outlines guidelines for installation of police post, crime prevention signages, safety mirrors and alarms, cleaning and
management of unkempt areas, motorcycle locking facilities, lighting and also the installation of CCTV
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 5


The use of video surveillance is getting instrumental as a crime prevention tool used both in private and
public spaces. In many ways, larger metropolitan areas such as London and Perth are equipped with
video surveillances; setting precedents in public realm implementations since early 1980s and the 1990s.
In contrast, the deployment and implementation approach in public spaces within Malaysian settings is
considered relatively new with prevalent developments only in the last four to five years.

Video surveillance can be defined as an activity using a video appliance that enables image capture
of video images or extract information to be compressed, stored and transmitted over communication
networks and digital data link. It is also used to monitor, observe and analyse a person, a group, and
activities or even objects using surveillance camera for reasons including crime deterrence, efficiency in
security deployment, discipline and detection of potential offences.

Anticipated Results from Using Video Surveillance Cameras

Deterrence Installing surveillance cameras can discourage potential offenders.

Efficiency in security With such cameras, the authorities can gauge if police assistance is required,
deployment thus avoiding false alarms incurring unnecessary police resources.

Self disciplining offenders & Potential victims are reminded of the risk of crime whereas offenders are
victims disciplined through fear of being watched.

Detection Video recordings of crimes and offences can be used to punish, remove
offenders or used as evidence in court.
Source: Community safety practice briefing - To CCTV or not to CCTV? A review of current research into the effectiveness of
CCTV systems in reducing crime. Nacro, Crime and Social Policy Section, UK

When deliberating on video surveillance, CCTV is

often highlighted since CCTV is one of the earliest
and most well-known forms of video surveillance
since its availability in 1960s. CCTV is short for
Closed Circuit Television which is a television
transmission system where live or pre-recorded
signals are sent over a closed loop to a finite and
predetermined group of receivers, a monitor, sets
of monitors or video recorder, either via coaxial
cable, telephone wires, fiber-optic, microwave radio
systems, Internet or communications satellite. This
is in contrast to open-circuit (broadcast) television
which is openly transmitted for the public2.

Video security and surveillance are popular due

to technology advancement and affordability; a
tool for cost savings as well compared to manual
monitoring activities. Whether retailers are
monitoring shoplifters or employee theft, police
observing traffic, government or city council keeping
an eye on pedestrians, combating street crimes and
terrorism or individuals protecting their home, the
benefit of an effective video surveillance system is

Sci-Tech Encyclopedia, Answers.com, VideoSurveillanceGuide.com
6 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces


The video surveillance industry is a segment of the overall security industry and it has experienced
accelerated growth due to better pricing and efficiency of cameras, recorders as well as software. Other
drivers include:

• Rising awareness in terms of security related to defense and counter-terrorism;

• Decreasing equipment and applications cost; and
• Better technology advances in hardware and systems.


Increasing global demand for video surveillance posted increasing revenue from worldwide video
surveillance equipment at USD6.3 billion in 2005. Forecast revenue is USD12.7 billion in the year 2012,
with Asia Pacific region accounting for almost a third of the market at USD3.59 billion.

Worldwide Video Surveillance Equipment Revenue Worldwide Video Surveillance Equipment Market
by Equipment Type 2007 Revenue by Equipment Type


USD318 million,

5% 6,000

USD493 million,


USD (million)












USD5,322 million,
87% 0
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

CCTV Cameras IP Cameras IP Encoders/Streamers CCTV Cameras IP Cameras IP Encoders/Streamers

Source: “IP/Networked Video Surveillance Market: Equipment, Source: “IP/Networked Video Surveillance Market: Equipment,
Technology and Semiconductors” by MultiMedia Intelligence, Technology and Semiconductors” by MultiMedia Intelligence,
April 2008 April 2008

Worldwide Video Surveillance Equipment Market Worldwide Video Surveillance Equipment Market
Revenue by Equipment Type Geography (Asia Pacific, US, EMEA)



1,268 1,263


1,200 1,119



1,048 4,000
USD (million)




825 953
USD (million)




600 510


380 454
363 2,000
293 285 265 270 282 313
300 217 250
239 217
121 213
182 177
125 185 144
80 86
146 147 138 1,000
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

PC Card DVRs Embedded DVRs 0

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Hybrid NVR/DVRs Embedded NVRs
Software/Virtualised Storage NVRs Asia Pacific US EMEA

Source: “IP/Networked Video Surveillance Market: Equipment, *EMEA = Europe, the Middle East and Africa
Technology and Semiconductors” by MultiMedia Intelligence, Source: “IP/Networked Video Surveillance Market: Equipment,
April 2008 Technology and Semiconductors” by MultiMedia Intelligence,
April 2008
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 7

According to MultiMedia Intelligence, the IP and • Legacy installations have long replacement
Networked segment in the video surveillance cycles of five to ten years. IP installations thus
industry will see a significant growth over the need to wait for end-user cycle;
forecast period. However, the CCTV and analogue • IP products as premium products now do not
segment will continue to persist. It is estimated that appeal to as many mainstream buyers; and
90% of surveillance video cameras in use today are • IP cameras performance parity is not yet the
analogue. Video chip vendors like Texas Instrument same as that for CCTV.
realise that most analogue CCTV camera companies
need to build expertise on IP camera3. Though
there will still be demand growth in the IP segment,
the belief is that adoption of IP equipment may not CUSTOMER SEGMENTS
be as fast due to4:
The customer segments in the global video
• Video surveillance integrators not skilled in surveillance industry are diverse or fragmented in
network video or are not recommending it to nature – government, retail, financial, industrial,
users; transportation and education with significant
• Therefore, the change from physical security overlapping. Each customer requires surveillance
organisation to Information Technology for different use, in turn involving different systems
organisation is expected to take time to requirements and equipment according to the
happen; environment it operates in.

Customer and Use

Government - Public safety and facilities, Prisons and correctional facilities, Military Office buildings
Manufacturing plants - Communication infrastructure, Utility plants, Oil and gas plants, Mining areas
Retail - Shopping malls, Business centres and shops, Car park basements
Transportation - Airports, Train stations, Ports, Bus terminals
Financial - Banks, ATM machines
Education - Schools, University campuses, Car parks
Source: “IP/Networked Video Surveillance Market: Equipment, Technology and Semiconductors” by MultiMedia Intelligence,
April 2008


As the industry evolves, new competitors have emerged, for example, solution providers to the video
surveillance industry. The industry has three types of competitors, that is, of legacy surveillance; digital
and network-focus surveillance; and IT-oriented competitors.

Competitors of Video Surveillance Solution Providers

Industry and


2. Digital and
1. Legacy
Network-Focus 3. IT-Oriented
Surveillance Competitors

Source: “IP/Networked Video Surveillance Market: Equipment, Technology and Semiconductors” by MultiMedia Intelligence,
April 2008

Legacy video surveillance solution providers like to steer their growth. They are the ones that take
Honeywell, Bosch, General Electric and Panasonic advantage of DVR and adding complementary
still represent the biggest industry segment. On networking technologies and video management
contrary, digital and networked-focus solution software. Digital and network centric competitors are
providers focus on digital and network technologies IndigoVision, Verint, March Networks and Steelbox

“Booming Video Surveillance Market Grabs the Limelight” by EE Times Asia, 4 April 2008
MultiMedia Intelligence, April 2008
8 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces

Networks. IT-oriented video surveillance solution are Cisco, IBM, Intel, Oracle and Seagate. On
providers are usually companies with a history in IT. top of segmentation by products, competitors and
They differ from other competitors by diffusing and customers, the industry is represented by a chain
leveraging on IT relationships into their solutions. of providers at almost every stage until the end
Among the highest profile IT-oriented competitors users.

Video Surveillance Market Value Chain – Users to Technology Providers

Manufacturers Channels Users

Software and System Customers

Analytics Integrators
Camera and Peripheral Residential
Semiconductor Security Government
Manufacturers Dealers

Source: MultiMedia Intelligence

Two technology providers involved in the value chain are:

• Software and analytics providers responsible for the software that underlies the video surveillance
equipment; supplying Video Management Software (VMS) and Video Content Analytics (VCA); and
• Semiconductor manufacturers offering innovation and technology for image sensors, video
encoders and decoders, video codecs, memory for storage and processors, network and
connectivity interfaces and analogue interface and power management.

Camera and peripheral manufacturers are the main producers of video surveillance hardware such
as cameras, digital video recorders, displays and monitors, switchers, control room equipment, video
streamers and encoders. Such manufacturers are world over, located particularly in China, Korea and
Taiwan. Manufacturers may also be systems integrators who deploy video surveillance systems via a
complex combination of hardware and software installations of video management software, viewing
monitors, multiple cameras, video storage, cabling and control rooms. Distributors are crucial to the
value chain and so are security dealers, who together recommend and advise end-users in the installation
process. They also provide monitoring and response services including maintenance work.
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 9



The architecture of video surveillance system has adaptations that include a controller if the cameras
improved over the years due to factors such as have PTZ capability and is usually centrally located.
convergence of technologies in securities and IT All components therein are dedicated to this CCTV
functions, merging of computers and CCTV and system and the system is ‘closed’ to any external
other technologies replacing conventional system5. access. Analogue systems have storage that is
General trends indicate that over the years there is limited to low-technology tapes which are high in
a shift in the technology used from analogue-based maintenance and limited in search capabilities. In
to digital and lately, to IP or network-based. contrast, digital technology offers more flexibility.

Today, analogue cameras and CCTV are no longer

the only means to transmit and perform video Three stages:
1. CCTV: analogue
surveillance. The surveillance system now comes 2. DVR: digital capture
in different types of model, each with different 3. IP: digital networking

and specific functions for time of day, fixed or Pan,

Tilt and Zoom (PTZ) capability, resolution quality, CCTV
analogue or IP based and many other features IP/NVR

providing necessary flexibility and use within the

context in which they are engaged. Essentially,
there are three types of video surveillance systems;
analogue video system, digital video system and IP
based video system.
In a typical CCTV system, analogue cameras are
connected via coaxial cabling back to a central 2000 2005 2010
management room where the coax is connected to a
monitor and a Video Cassette Recorder (VCR). This Source: IP CamSecure-Digital Surveillance Software,
system initially used fixed bulky cameras with later extracted from JP Freeman 2003 Report

Analogue Video Security System with Fixed

Analogue Video Security System and PTZ cameras

Fixed Analogue
Analogue Display
Analogue Recorder

PTZ Analogue
(coax) Cable Camera

Analogue Analogue Analogue Analogue

Camera Network Storage Display Multiplayer
Replay Monitor


Source: Adapted from Kane Computing Ltd-IP in action Live, Source: Adapted from Transition Networks

Digital video surveillance systems use Digital Video adjustment to the cameras is also possible such
Recorder (DVR) replacing the traditional VCR. as changes in colour, resolution, compression and
Essentially storage is on a hard disk. DVR also offers capture speeds. Such flexibility saves cost and time
computer connectivity, time/date, motion detection on search and retrieve functionality.
and easy searching due to digital images. Automatic

“Surveillance & Security Market Trend” by JP Freeman, 2003 Report
10 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces

Shift from Analogue to Digital Infrastructure

Analogue Camera Decode and Display

Digital Video Recorder


Analogue Camera Analogue Network Digital Digital Digital Display

Conversion and Network and Replay

Source: Adapted from Transition Networks

IP-based surveillance systems are relatively new to • As system has IP standards, cameras are easy
the market. Typical IP-based systems use cameras to connect and offer remote access;
over a Local Area Network (LAN) to any PC or server on • Integrates with existing CCTV systems and
the network. Since the cameras are IP addressable, equipment;
they can be effectively accessed from anywhere in • Smarter network cameras take on much of the
the world. IP-based video surveillance also offers work of the DVR and include functions of time
advantages in scalability, cost and technology. scheduling, targeting higher frame rates,
Analogue systems are limited to maximum of 32 motion detection triggering and more;
cameras. IP system scalability allows for as little as • Highly scalable solutions, with no maximum
three or more than 300 cameras on a server at any number of cameras; and
one point of time. • Remote accessibility and storage mean IP
network video is more reliable and secure.
Advantages of IP surveillance system over DVR
systems with analogue cameras include: Beyond security, applications such as process
control, integration with databases and employee
• Lower installation costs, as IP eliminates the training can provide cost savings.
need for dedicated video cabling;

Evolution from Digital to IP-based Networks and Cameras

IP Camera
Decode and Display

Network Encoder
Analogue Camera

Digital Storage, Display

Digital/Analogue Camera Digital Compression Digital Network and Replay

Source: Adapted from Transition Networks

Issues going forward for surveillance systems are: from digitalisation. Also for network video
cameras to allow interoperable plug-and-play
• Standards development to identify ‘protected’ communication standards between camera and
bandwidth requirements on shared networks6, storage devices; and
on installation, liability cost and specific cable • Fiber-based backbones with Power-Over-
colouring; Ethernet (POE) connectivity for surveillance
• Digital storage capacity increase to provide a system.
robust platform allowing user to benefit fully

Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 11


Cameras used in surveillance today offer different conditions and purposes of usage depending on
requirements necessary.

Type Function

Indoor Camera
Indoor camera is used for indoor security mechanism. Depending upon your
security needs, you can mount it at any suitable location inside the building.
Suitable for security in location where indoor surveillance is required for
example, homes, schools, offices, and hotels.

Outdoor Camera
Outdoor CCTV camera is used for the outdoor such as entry and exit points
with limited night lighting. Outdoor cameras typically have hard shell vandal-
proof casings and a variety of lens options.

IR Day/Night Camera This type of camera is used for high alert security areas for day and night
surveillance. In the daytime, the camera functions like a normal camera with
standard colours but at night, it switches to ‘low-lux’ black and white mode.
When visibility decreases due to no-light situation, Infrared LEDs automatically
kick in. These cameras are also used by military personnel and in parking
Dome Camera
Dome cameras are installed inside a dark dome offering compact design for a
discreet appearance. These cameras can also be rotated and tilted manually.
Dome type cameras are used in public places like railway stations, bus
terminals, and other areas where there are huge gatherings of people.

Bullet Camera
Bullet cameras encased in bullet shaped housing are used in residential places
as well as commercial places. They are small in size, with integrated design
and offer illuminate viewing even in darkness and are weatherproof.

Vandal Proof Camera

Vandal proof cameras are for outdoor security. These cameras are sheltered
within solid material and are covered by a break-proof glass. These cameras
are difficult to break making them suitable for high security. They are suitable
for wall or ceiling mounting and are rain and fog resistant.

Hidden Camera
Hidden cameras are compact in size and are used for secret monitoring. They
are usually installed in public places like department stores, theatres, and
clubs. Hidden cameras have a built-in recorder that records and broadcasts
simultaneously. By using a number of security cameras in network, strategic
surveillance is obtained.

Pan Tilt Zoom Camera

Pan-tilt-zoom camera offers the ability to view and zoom in all directions. One
can even set the camera to automatically rotate to different fields of vision.

Source: Axis, Canon, CCTV today and various websites

12 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces


Without video or data compression, the efficiency of the video storage system is compromised. Different
applications have different concern on clarity of image, data volumes and compression format. Selection of
compression standards depends on the network and application used. In general, the less the compression
the better the playback and recorded image will be.

Commonly Used Standards MJPEG MPEG2 MPEG4 H.264

Bandwidth and Storage Required High High High Low

Requirements of bit rates for high quality Highest High Low Lowest
Court Usage (as evidence) Yes No No No
Source: Adapted from Axis Communication, Kance Computing Ltd-IP in action 2005 and various websites


Coaxial cable is the standard for video transmission Fibre optics transmission is the next most popular
for years7. Today, many security professionals find means in transmitting video, audio and various
the quality, bandwidth and distance required for signals. It carries more information and delivers
basic surveillance sometimes go beyond coaxial with greater reliability than coaxial cable as the
cable. medium of transmission is light. Light waves
have an extremely high frequency and travel
The choice of transmission for video surveillance at 186,000 miles (300,000km) per second.
depends on location of cameras and controls. The
transmission system has to reproduce the signal In addition, the use of fibre optic cable will allow
accurately at the receiving end point with no loss of for cable to be installed in over 1,500 metres on
information whichever the system. There are two multimode and distances of over 10km on a single
main types of connections for video surveillance; mode cable8. If a usual fibre optic attenuation
wired and wireless. is between 0.3 and the decibel per km is
3dB/km, that fibre optic links can achieve distances
over 60km. Fibre optics also present unique benefits
Wired – Coaxial Cable not present in either coax or UTP cabling such as:

Coaxial cable consists of a conductor, usually a bare • Smaller size and better in strength, so easier
copper surrounded by a polyethylene dielectric. to install pulling through conduit or in
Coax is shielded with a metal to protect against overhead trays;
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). Coax’s low • Immune to electrical interference such as EMI,
attenuation and resistance to EMI makes it an RFI, high voltages that distorts picture and
excellent choice for transmission distances as long audio;
as it is within 1,500 feet. Performance is normally • Offers higher bandwidth, with more improved
measured in high frequency loss per 100 metres - on reliability and overall transmission
the lower the loss the less the distortion to video performance ;
signal. Therefore, higher quality cables are used • Does not corrode or affected by most
when transmitting the signal over long distances. chemicals; and
• High degree of security – The signal content is
Coaxial cable is a widely used technology that works difficult for unauthorised tap or access.
well and cost effective. Because it does not require
signal conversion, it has fewer connection points that
could lead to signal loss or breakdown. This axial
cable or the newer version cable called Unshielded
Twisted Pair (UTP) is widely used indoors and places
where distances are not that far.

CommScope White Paper, May 2008
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 13

Diagrammatic View of Typical Multimode Transmission using Fibre Optic

FM Demod
FM Mod

FM Demod
FM Mod

FM Mod Splitter FM Demod


FM Mod Optical Fibre Link FM Demod

FM Mod FM Demod

Source: Adapted from www.cctv-information.com

The cost of fibre optical installation can be high, but wirelessly and easily connect cameras with mesh
many city councils and government use it because nodes that are small transmitters and use the
of the unique capabilities. Usually, if cost is not an common Wi-Fi standards of 802.11a, b and g.
issue, fibre optic is the perfect video surveillance Unlike other fixed wireless connections, mesh only
medium especially for those over long distances. needs one node to be physically wired to a network
connection like DSL Internet modem. The biggest
advantage of this network is self-configuring and
Wireless Transmission – Mesh Network self-healing, where all the nodes can automatically
incorporate a new node into the existing network
Wireless network uses radio waves and find the fastest and most reliable path to send
to transmit and receive data. Most data.
wireless surveillance connections use the
2.4GHz frequencies to transmit video images. Using video senders and receivers, a Pan Tilt Zoom
In US, the Federal Communications Commission camera can be controlled from anywhere in the world
(FCC) has reserved the 4.9GHz spectrum for public with less than a second delay over low bandwidth
safety agencies to conduct video surveillance. There circuits. Wireless transmission negates the need
are many types of wireless network but the most for high cost leased line and Integrated Services
significant enabler for the video surveillance market Digital Network (ISDN) circuits by converting the
is the deployment of wireless Mesh network. analogue video signal to MPEG4 streams, which
can be transmitted across cost effective Internet
Mesh network topology extends the range of or wireless networking.
traditional LANs and WLANs. It can effectively,

Wireless Transmission – Mesh Network

Outdoor Point
Printer HotPort

HotPort Internet




Surveillance Internet Internet
Camera Gateway

Source: Adapted from County Communication

Cisco, meraki.com, hindawi.com
14 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces

Wireless Transmission - Infrared Beams

With this type of system, the video is superimposed onto an infrared beam by a transmitter. The beam is
then aligned to a receiver, where the signal is produced as a conventional video signal. There is a range
of beam power but there is always a trade off between range and the quality of transmission. Usually if
high resolution and high penetration are required, then the range covered drops dramatically to a shorter
distance. Examples of trade off between ranges in metres with video requirement are as follows:

Requirement Model A Model B Model C Model D Model E

(1) Economic quality 190 710 1,220 2,350 3,100

(2) Full quality 120 320 620 1,200 2,100
(3) High Penetration 30 160 300 750 1,200
(4) High Resolution 80 250 390 950 1,820
(3) and (4) together - 120 250 600 900

Infrared links offer cost-effective solution to free STORAGE

space transmission. However, performance can be
affected by weather and environmental conditions. Storage solutions depend on a PC or server ability
It is also suitable for very short local transmission. to store data. For decades, images were stored in
There is no requirement of any license to perform video cassettes. Today, with the rapid advancement
an infrared link. in technology of video surveillance system, video
is stored in hard disks - as larger hard drives now
cost lower, it is now becoming less expensive to
Wireless Transmission - Microwave Links store video this way. Two traditional approaches
to hard disk storage are storage attached to the
This link is flexible, reliable and uses very high actual server running the application, called direct
bandwidth. Microwave links carry the video and attached storage; and the other with storage
telemetry along a link from a transmitter to a separate from the running application, called
receiver where distance ranges from one kilometre Network-Attached Storage (NAS) or a Storage Area
to 50 kilometres10. They are more expensive Network, commonly known as SANs.
than infrared links and not affected by weather
conditions as much as infrared links. There is no As video surveillance moves toward network-based
signal encryption which is generally necessary to systems, end users can specify their needs for higher
guard against unauthorised access by the third party resolution cameras and longer retention times. This
since the beam is so direct. The signals however, leads to the need for even greater storage capacity
should be mounted at higher position and the range in video surveillance systems. IMS Research
between transmitters to a receiver must be in line forecasts11 a total of 3.3 exabytes12 is needed to
on sight. store video in a new video surveillance system. IP
Storage Area Networks (IP SANs) offered improved
scalability, storage capacity, reliability and retention.
Case Study: Penang City Council As the processing system is no longer carried out by
(Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang – MPPP) DVRs, fewer DVRs or NVRs are required to manage
the same number of cameras and store the image.
Penang is the first state in ASEAN region to use
wireless broadband in their Close Circuit Television It has been said that external storage like SANs will
(CCTV) system. The system uses wireless likely to be the next step forward in the evolution of
bandwidth with capacity of 4.9 gigahertz (GHz) for video surveillance storage.
overall 31 locations through out the whole state.
The system, which is named as Penang Integrated
Public Safety (PIPS), will have the ability to act as
an alert system and for public announcement in
addition to its audio system.
Source: “Pulau Pinang Pertama Guna CCTV Jalur Lebar” by
Utusan Malaysia, 6 November 2007

According to www.cctv-information.com
‘World Market For External Storage Used For Video Surveillance, 2008’
An exabyte is a unit of computer memory equal to 1,024 petabytes. One Petabyte is equal to 1,000 terabytes
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 15


Although the need for human intervention in carrying

• Motion tracking • People counting
out surveillance tasks lessens due to technology
advances in video surveillance, there is still a need • Create virtual fence • Queue management
in the minimum level of human intervention in terms • Prohibited area detection • Fire and smoke detection
of monitoring. This is due to the human capability
• Left item detection • Behavior recognition and
to be able to make subjective decision and respond face recognition
appropriately compared to a video surveillance
camera. For example, say in a shopping centre a
person is running unusually. The video surveillance For example, in a real test scenario of a behavioural
system through video content analytics software recognition system monitoring access to parked
can detect that the person is running but it may not aircraft in the US, the system will be pre-programmed
be able to differentiate between a benign event or to detect and track unfamiliar movements or further
a criminal event. to that, programme the area as a prohibited space.

However, with the digitisation that is taking place in Any unusual movements or sights will be alerted
video surveillance systems, the function of complex by the system. Using this, the need for human
analysis in surveillance and monitoring can be intervention is still required but in a smaller team of
assisted. With the advent of video content analytics, which the operating cost would be reduced from 720
the job of video surveillance can almost take care man hours to 2.5 man hours of labour. So, instead
of itself and suspicious images and recordings can of employing staff 24/7 for 30 days to monitor the
be extracted quickly without the tedious need for tunnel, only two and a half man hours are required
security personnel to continuously monitor or plow over a 30-day period14.
through video recordings that will take immense of
time and resources. Video content analytics usually
provide the following13:

“IP/Networked Video Surveillance Market: Equipment, Technology and Semiconductors” by MultiMedia Intelligence, April 2008.
White paper on “Video Content Analysis, what is it and why would I want it?”
16 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces


Of late, there has been a worldwide acceleration DEFINING PUBLIC SPACE

in the deployment of video surveillance especially
in the public realm. So much so that the practice A public space is defined as any place that an
of installing video surveillance cameras in public individual has the right to access and use as opposed
spaces has become a norm. The increasing trend of to private space which may have restrictions. In
urbanisation, worldwide terrorism and the need for Australia, a public place is defined in the Local
public safety due to escalating crime have shifted Government Act 1993 as public reserves, public
the terrain in worldwide government spending on baths or swimming pools, public roads, public
security and surveillance. Due to this demand push, bridges, public road-ferries with the addition of
there has been a consistent overall trend of spending public transport and car parks.
by local government authorities across countries to
deploy public video surveillance in public spaces. In Europe, a public area is defined as a place
which can be in principle accessed by anyone
freely, indiscriminately, at any time and under any
circumstances. Public areas are open to the public.
Examples of relevant public areas include public
parks, pedestrian streets in the city centres, outdoor
public parking areas, residential neighborhood
streets and areas such as sports arenas and subway


Purpose of Video Surveillance in Public Spaces is “Security” in Various Aspects such as:
1. Prevention of any potential trouble - Providing assurance or safe feeling on a street or any public area. Covert
surveillance can avoid crime such as kidnapping and snatch thief.
2. Promotion of security – Allows for reducing the fear of crime amongst individuals.
3. Crime detection - To help authorities curb crime. A proposed hidden camera is essential as crimes may be occurring
in other places apart from where the unhidden systems are fixed. Also a video taken with desired picture quality is
important for identification of suspects on investigation.
4. Protecting public and private properties - Video surveillance is provided as a facility of safety for people to gain easy
assistance in an emergency.
5. Maintenance of city centres - To assist local authorities in monitoring city centres in terms of managing cleanliness
and monitoring the upkeep of surrounding areas.
6. To be used in court of law – Provision of images admissible in court of Law as evidence.
7. Traffic management – To aid traffic management, accident or problems on the highway.


Though the implementation of video surveillance in public spaces has its own strengths, however, findings
have shown that there are some pitfalls and weaknesses as well:

Strengths Weaknesses
Video surveillance can reduce the fear of crime and increase Video surveillance can increase level of expectation in the
the perception of safety community that may not be manageable or sustainable
Image identification is easier in small populated area Image identification is difficult in a big populated area
Video surveillance recordings and images can be used for Offenders use face caps, balaclavas and sunglasses to
prosecutions in court disguise their identity
Early detection of crime could offset the cost of Installation and maintenance could be very expensive
installation depending on the area and density
Installation could lead to more crime detection and arrest Installation of video surveillance cameras at a particular
area only may lead crime occurrence in other places
May lead to reduction in crime There is a possibility that criminals and community
become immune to the existence of the camera

“European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission) opinion on Video Surveillance in Public Places” by Public
Authorities and the Protection of Human Rights
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 17

Strengths And Weaknesses Of Video Surveillance In Public Spaces (Continued)

Strengths Weaknesses
Is most effective with mix of crime prevention strategies Less effective if used as a stand alone
such as alarm and police patrol
Is more effective if monitored by skilled operator Places a sense of responsibility in the hand of skilled operator
creating high expectation from the individuals in that area
as to enhancement to their personal safety
The advancement in video surveillance technology i.e. Issues on incompatibility with latest video surveillance
hardware and software are constantly advancing and Technology can breakdown, needs repair, and runs out of
reducing with costs older version spare parts.
Limitation as to without the voice recognition system would
Future technology should include face recognition, alerting
not allow for operators to sense threatening or intimidating
suspicious activity and also 3D images
Source: Adapted from “To CCTV or Not to CCTV – That is the Question: But is it the Answer?” A Practitioner’s Point of View,
August 2003


Public spaces involve great scale of area covered. Therefore, a surveillance system needs to suit the given
environment for cost-effectiveness and achieve specific requirements. The type of area, what image to
be captured – either people or traffic, and its operations are elements that need planning and careful
selection. Main criteria are aspects on spectrum, video compression, transmission, cameras and storage.

Criteria for Public Spaces’ Video Surveillance based on Commonly Used and Effectiveness

Spectrum 2.4GHz is one of the most widely used unlicensed bands for public areas but the 4.9G is licensed
to public safety agencies, usually the police.
Video Compression MPEG-4 , MJPEG and ITU standards of H.264
Transmission Hybrid Network – Fibre Optics and Internet Connection – is the most talked about technology,
hailed as the best media conversion system
Cameras PTZ with Infrared and vandal proof casing with real time zooming up to 300 metres
Storage IP SANs which have capacity of more than 1,000 terabytes.

Source: Adapted from various sources

Hybrid Video Surveillance System, with Media Conversion


PC 1
Fiber Optic Cable


PC 2
IP Network

Network Cameras Network Switch Router


Source: Adapted from various sources


Determining factors of cost on the type of video surveillance installed are firstly, who and what is being
monitored. The objective is to find the “right” system to suit customer and area specific needs. Costs
include initial funding and maintenance. As there is no fixed rate, it all depends on type of camera,
infrastructure and system required for the customer and location.

In a simple ballpark calculation, the UK example for placing a video surveillance system costs RM12,500
per camera. This is higher that the ballpark for Malaysia at RM9,701 per camera.
18 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces

Estimated cost for deploying video surveillance in public spaces in UK and Malaysia


Example 1 Example 2
Capital cost: Capital cost:
Number of Cameras 162 Number of Cameras 10,524 in 32 London boroughs
Infrastructure £2 million for 10 years Infrastructure £200 million for 10 years
Running cost – CCTV system £688 per camera a year Running cost Not stated
Cost per camera per year RM12,500*
Note: This may be inclusive of running cost
(based on capital + one
Source :www.thisislondon.co.uk/news, September 2007
year running cost)
*Assuming exchange rate at RM6.80 per sterling pound
Source: Cambridge City Council, CCTV System, March 2007

Capital cost:
Number of Cameras 162
Camera System RM1,863,000
Wireless Equipment RM2,361,960
Other Items and Accessories RM2,297,970
Control Room Equipment:
-Software RM177,300
-Work Station RM79,000
-Server and Video Recorder RM610,000
Others RM 1,451,400
TOTAL RM8,840,630
Cost per camera (based on capital + one year running cost) RM9,701
Running Cost:
Maintenance Costs :
Year 1 Comprehensive Maintenance, includes spare parts and labour RM 480,000
Year 2 Comprehensive Maintenance, includes spare parts and labour RM520,000
Year 3 Preventive Maintenance, excludes spare parts RM300,000
Year 4 Preventive Maintenance, excludes spare parts RM 375,000
Year 5 Preventive Maintenance, excludes spare parts RM 470,000
Year 6 Preventive Maintenance, excludes spare parts RM 580,000
Year 7 Preventive Maintenance, excludes spare parts RM 725,000
Year 8 Preventive Maintenance, excludes spare parts RM 900,000
Year 9 Preventive Maintenance, excludes spare parts RM 1,125,000
Year 10 Preventive Maintenance, excludes spare parts RM 1,400,000
Source: Quoted by Prisma Bytes Sdn.Bhd

Malaysia UK

As at February 2007, there are about five million CCTV

It has been estimated by the Ministry of Housing and
cameras installed throughout UK. With installation
Local Government, Malaysia, that the cost of installation
and running cost, cameras would approximately cost
of 65 CCTV cameras within the vicinity of Putrajaya
at least £3,000 per camera. On the other hand, the
may cost within RM3 to RM4 million. These cameras are
equipment supply industry is worth more than £1
basically meant for preventive and corrective action.
billion annually.

Source: Perbadanan Putrajaya Source: Times Higher Education Press, UK, February 2007
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 19


Countries like the UK are the forerunner in the UNITED KINGDOM

use of public video surveillance as a primary tool
to monitor public activities and prevent terrorism. The UK relies heavily and extensively on video
A substantial amount of money has been spent by surveillance as a tool to fight crime. This is evident
the UK Government on new technology, making it from the development of public video surveillance in
the country with the most security cameras than the country. The provision of CCTV in public spaces
any other countries in Europe. Overall, the growing in UK started in the early 1980s. Though UK has
prevalence, in the use of such surveillance systems about one percent of the world’s population, the
in diverse applications is gradually being felt by number of CCTV cameras used is equivalent to one
society at large. of every 14 people. Overall, there are an estimated
4.2 million cameras17 in the country. Londoners
The US and other European countries however did being the most densely monitored society boast
not respond as fast in the use of public surveillance. about 500,000 cameras with the average Londoner
City surveillance is not growing as rapidly as initially appearing on public video surveillance up to 300
expected due to privacy reasons16. But in keeping times on any given day18 making the city a “Maximum
up with other countries, US of late has followed Surveillance Society”.
suit in fully utilising the system after realising that
it may just be the powerful tool that they need to Due to the huge investment involved in the
combat terrorism. implementation of public CCTV surveillance, the
local authorities or borough councils are usually the
In Asia, countries like China are not only the major owners of the CCTV systems. Today, the CCTV is
producers of video surveillance equipment in the the best crime prevention method funded by the
world but also one of the largest to deploy video UK Government. According to the Public Sector
surveillance systems across their cities. With major Technology and Management website, the CCTV
events like the 2008 Beijing Olympics bringing market in the UK is expected to be worth £700
millions of tourists to the country, security and million annually.
surveillance have become a priority to the country.

Year UK Public Video Surveillance Developments

1985 The first large-scale public surveillance systems in Bournemouth, UK

1996-1998 CCTVs account for more than three-quarters of the Home Office’s spending on crime prevention

1997 CCTV systems operational in over 300 towns and city centres in UK and Wales for purposes of
preventing and detecting crime, protecting public properties, managing city centres and monitoring

1999-2003 The UK Home Office in a Crime Reduction Programme undertook major investment in public space
CCTV surveillance and made available £170 million in capital funding to the local authorities through
a bidding process resulting in more than 680 CCTV programmes installed in town centres and other
public spaces

2007 UK Government spent a total of £200 million on 10,000 crime-fighting cameras in London19 alone. In
April, the UK Home Office announced new CCTV systems that are armed with speakers to warn offenders
are in the planning. Its trial phase indicates that the new “talking cameras are a success”. To continue
efforts in development of the operation of public CCTVs and to set the way forward clearly and concisely
in terms of standards, enforcement and management of CCTVs, the Home Office drafted a National
CCTV Strategy in October 2007
Source: Various sources

In the UK, regulations require that all CCTVs that process data are registered with the Information
Commissioner, which is an independent body to promote access to office information and protect personal
information. Other legislations regulating the installation and use of CCTV systems in public places include
the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998.

Products Sectors and Challenges in US Market Segments, 6 June 2007
“Britain is surveillance society” by BBC News, 2 November 2006
“The Maximum Surveillance Society: The Rise of CCTV” by Clive Norris, Gary Armstrong, September 1999
Billions spent on CCTV have failed to cut crime and let to an “utter fiasco”, says Scotland Yard surveillance chief, http://www.
20 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces

UNITED STATES and drug dealings in public housing and high crime
While public video surveillance is not a recent
phenomenon in the US, the exponential growth in Lately, in the wake of serious events of terrorist
its use is not as fast as in the UK. Early public attacks and bombings, the overall American public
CCTV surveillance lacked capital funding and local began pressing for tighter security measures.
public support and the systems generally consist This has made the public CCTV surveillance in
of cameras installed in downtown business districts and around US cities more acceptable to the
or in shopping areas. Although large public or city American society boosting the industry’s growth.
wide CCTV systems are rare in the US, the scope of More recently, millions of dollars were channeled
use for the systems is mainly for monitoring traffic by the Department of Homeland Security to local
on the city streets and interstate belt lines around governments nationwide for the purchase of high-
the city, subway corridors and mass transit routes tech video camera networks to accelerate the plan
for vandalism, burglary areas such as city parks of a “surveillance society”.

Year US Public Video Surveillance Developments

Early 1960s The used of CCTV surveillance in banks was mandated by federal laws followed by the use in commercial
1966 and 1971 The earliest documentation of public CCTV surveillances instances was in 1966 in the city of Hoboken, New
Jersey and 1971 in Mount Vernon, New York21. Both surveillance systems were enforced by the American
Police Department which was implemented in small scale with fewer than half a dozen of cameras covering
each city. Due to the minimal impact on crime in each of the city, the systems were dismantled after 3 years
of installation.
Mid 1980s Other cities like Newark, New Jersey, Charleston, West Virginia and Miami Beach, Florida also began
experimenting with small numbers of cameras.
2003 The Department of Homeland Security has handed out some USD23 billion in federal grants to local government
for surveillance equipment and training.
2004 Chicago unveil plans to have more than 2,000 surveillance cameras in public places which are in network that
would use sophisticated software to spot emergencies or suspicious behavior. In place 2006, the USD5.1
million cost will be covered through a federal homeland security grant22.
2005 New York City officials added surveillance plans to include 1,000 video cameras and 300 motion detectors for
subway, commuter railroads, bridges, tunnels and hubs; USD212 million allocated on the systems with each
camera costing about USD1,200.00 and covering 300 feet23.
2008 New York City police to install more than 100 cameras in Lower Manhattan by 2008 as a part of a proposed
USD90 million surveillance system that also links 3,000 public and private cameras into a central command
hub. The new cameras will bring the total downtown to about 7,000.
Source: Various sources

The US Congress in 1968 passed the first major voyeurism legislation which prohibits knowingly
electronic surveillance law, Title III of the Omnibus videotaping, photographing, filming, recording by
Crime Control and Safe Streets Act 1968. The any means, or broadcasting an image of a private
Act defined the use of electronic surveillance; area of a person without that individual’s consent,
however, Title III did not specifically address video under circumstances in which the person has a
surveillance. Twenty years later, the Electronic reasonable expectation of privacy24.
Communications Privacy Act was passed by the
Congress in 1986. This Act allowed law enforcement
to use rapidly expanding technologies such as video AUSTRALIA
surveillance. The application of the Act can be
witnessed in the World Trade Centre bombing in The use of video surveillance at public spaces in
2001 when the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Australia is expanding. The first system was
was allowed to conduct extensive video surveillance implemented in early 1990s and was installed and
at a defendant’s home to collect evidence used to overseen by the local government authority. The
convict him. push for the establishment of CCTV systems comes
from the local government itself including the source
In 2004, the Congress passed the anti-video of funding.

“Public CCTV Surveillance Systems: A Review of the Issues” 22 May 1996
“Public Video Surveillance: Is it an Effective Crime Prevention Tool?” by California Research Bureau, June 1997
“Chicago Mayor Unveils Surveillance Plans” by NewsMax Wires, 10 September 2004
“New York City to add CCTV Cameras to Subway” by Privacy International, 24 August 2005
“Video Surveillance – Surveillance Camera, PHR2006-Privacy Topics – Video Surveillance” by Privacy International, December
2007, www.privacyinternational.org
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 21

Year Australia Public Video Surveillance Developments

1991 Perth was the first city in Australia to administer a public video surveillance system. Operation of the system or
open-street CCTV as it is known in Australia costed AUS750,000 with 48 pan-tilt-zoom monochrome cameras.
2002 Perth has largest town centre surveillance systems in Australia, with 105 cameras25. The number of local government
with CCTV systems grew to 33 with 20 out of the 33 systems solely funded by them.
2005 The number of local governments with CCTV systems doubled to 66 from 33 in 2002. The New South Wales
Government reported the existence of 7,000 cameras in Sydney alone26.
2007 In 2007, the Australian Security Industry Association estimated that there were between 40,000 and 60,000
cameras permanently monitoring Sydney.
Source: Various sources

In 2002, it was reported in the study of Open- Act 1998 when considering the establishment
Street CCTV in Australia that there is no specific and implementation of CCTV. Additionally, when
Federal, State or Territory legislation covering CCTV CCTV systems are installed in public areas where
surveillance in public areas. However, the study recordings of local council employees such as street
showed findings that in 2000, the Labour opposition cleaners and garbage collectors are made indirectly,
introduced a bill into the ACT Legislative Assembly. the Workplace Video Surveillance Act 1998 applies.
The Surveillance Camera (Privacy) Bill 2000 would
have represented the first statutory regulation
of overt video surveillance in Australia. The bill CHINA
however, failed to pass into law. Contrary to that,
in the same year the New South Wales Government In China, the Golden Shield project started in 1998
introduced a guideline for the adoption of CCTVs. by the Ministry of Public Security and resumed
operations in November 2003 was the catalyst to the
The guidelines known as the NSW Government Policy widespread deployment plan of video surveillance.
Statement and Guidelines for the Establishment One of the stated objectives of the Golden Shield
and Implementation of Closed Circuit Television project is the establishment of a nationwide network
(CCTV) in Public Places provided a policy framework of closed-circuit television or CCTV cameras in
and fundamental principles assisting agencies public spaces to improve police response times to
considering CCTV as a safety measure. The outbreaks of social unrest. When implemented, the
guidelines also incorporated issues on privacy and Chinese citizens will be observed around the clock
liability to be considered as well as information such through networked CCTV cameras and remote
as the Code of Practices, Protocols and Standard monitoring of computers. In Beijing itself, there are
Operating Procedures for operating the schemes. It 260,000 image-gathering tool. The roll-out of the
also stipulates the need for local councils to refer Golden Shield project is already underway.
to the Privacy and Personal Information Protection

Year China Public Video Surveillance Developments

2003 The Golden Shield project commenced operation.
2006 The Chinese Government mandated all Internet cafes, restaurants and other entertainment venues to be
installed with video cameras that lead directly to the local police stations27.
2007 The Economic Observer Online reported that by end of 2007, 3,000 ATMs, most markets, gas stations and
small and medium-sized schools will be part of a network monitored by police. The city management and
law-enforcement agencies to extend reach to all busy streets, bridges and tunnels.
2009 The Chinese internal-security market reported to be worth $33 billion by 200928.
2010 In its efforts to create a “safeguard society”, the busy financial city of Shanghai plans to install 200,000
surveillance cameras by 2010 to deter crime; to cover 600 square kilometers, that is approximately 300
cameras per square kilometer.
Source: Various sources

In terms of legislation, according to a report by Privacy International, there are limited rights to privacy
in the Chinese Constitution. Although there is a growing trend in the numbers of surveillance cameras
installed in China, there are no laws regulating this system29.

“Open-Street CCTV in Australia: A Comparative Study of Establishment and Operation” by Adam Sutton and Dean Wilson, April
Caslon Analytics. www.caslon.com.au
“Chinese’s All-seeing Eye” by Naomi Klein, 29 May 2008
“Chinese’s All-seeing Eye: by Naomi Klein, 29 May 2008
“Smile! You’re on Communist Camera – Surveillance in China has gone high-tech, but people are starting to complain” by Globe
and Mail, 23 June 2005
22 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces


The implementation of public video surveillance was first carried out in Malaysia in the 1990s. Generally,
the growth in the use of public video surveillance in Malaysia did not begin in earnest until 2003. Currently,
there are 113 areas in the Kuala Lumpur city installed with CCTV cameras which are being monitored
by the police. Additionally, there are 255 CCTVs all over the city installed by the Integrated Transport
Information System (ITIS).

Year Malaysia Public Video Surveillance Developments

1966 The first implementation of CCTV systems in Malaysia was carried out by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL)
to monitor traffic in the city centre using black and white cameras connected with direct cables and leased
lines. More cameras were added in phases, incurring a RM6.75 million spending on installation and another
RM1.45 million on maintenance30.

2003 A traffic monitoring system, commonly known as ITIS, was implemented within the larger area of Klang
Valley. ITIS also provides vehicle detection and surveillance31. The Government issued a directive in March
for all car park areas in public buildings to be installed with CCTV cameras. The directive also calls for all local
authorities to stringently ensure that car park and building owners complied with the order.

2004 The number of CCTVs installed by DBKL amounted to 63; not only for traffic surveillance and enforcement
but also flood monitoring, keeping an eye on snatch thefts, and public safety in major roads and locations in
the city.

The Cabinet issued a directive to all local authorities (Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan, PBT) to install CCTV in public
areas to curb crime activities. All PBTs were given a 3-month time period to comply with the instruction which
came into effect in July 2004.

The Safe City Programme was initiated by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government for the installation of
CCTV cameras as part of the 23 measures as stipulated in Strategy 2 of Target Hardening. The strategy states
that the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) will monitor the installation of CCTV in the cities
and the Local Authority is required to report the status of implementation to the Ministry from time to time32.
The Local Authorities are also required to refer to the Safe City Programme Minimum Technical Specification
on Installation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) for implementation within their areas. The Internal Security
Ministry reported the installation of CCTVs has proven effective within Kuala Lumpur, with 50% drop in snatch
thefts, while the whole country saw a 26.2% drop33.

It was agreed upon at the National Council for Local Government meeting that the State Governments are
also duty-bound to ensure that there are CCTVs installed and monitored at crime prone areas34.

2008 In early 2008, the Cabinet proposed to authorise the police to determine the location of CCTV installations
which was previously under the responsibility of the Minister of Housing and Local Government35.

Source: Various sources

“Monitoring Safety in the City”, www.dbkl.gov.my, November 2004
“City Surveillance e-Guarding Lives” by Global Security Web, www.asmag.com, 14 February 2008
“The Safe City Programme. Illustration of 23 Crime Prevention Measures”, September 2007
“Privacy and Human Rights 2006 – Country Reports” by Privacy International, 18 December 2007
“CCTV: It’s a State Priority” by The New Straits Times, 26 October 2004
“Kaji Wajib Pasang CCTV” by Harian Metro, 9 January 2008
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 23

With the Safe City Programme initiative, other states in Malaysia have also installed video surveillance in
public spaces over the years as summarised in the following table:

Case Study: Perbadanan Putrajaya

The implementation of public video surveillance systems in Putrajaya started in 2000 for purpose of day-to-day
operation in monitoring the maintenance of the city. The project was carried out in 2 phases with 74 cameras
installed in Phase 1 consisting of both wired and wireless based. However, interference issues, bad signals and
impeding line of sight with wireless systems, saw Perbadanan Putrajaya upgrading the wireless surveillance system
to a wired system and additional cameras installed in Phase 2.
In Phase 2, all public video surveillance systems in Putrajaya are transmitted through a dedicated LAN fibre optics
cable using IP based Bosch cameras with zoom capability between 200 to 250 meters and IndigoVision system.
Therefore, the scope of use for the cameras in Phase 1 has since expanded to surveillance of public safety and
movement, traffic monitoring, crime preventive measures and lately as a supporting evidence for court use. The
systems in Putrajaya will be linked to the police by the end of June 2008 and will be monitored jointly by the police
from July 2008 onwards.
As of today, there are 176 units of cameras installed in Putrajaya. These cameras are installed within the core
island which covers Precinct 2,3,4,5 and 18 of Putrajaya and also outside the core island area. There are 100 units
of camera in full operation with 76 still in installation and cabling stage. A central monitoring centre is located at
the Control Room based in Perbadanan Putrajaya building itself. Monitoring is done on shift basis from 7:00am to
8:30pm and 8:30pm to 11:00pm by the Traffic and also Enforcement Division respectively.

Source: Perbadanan Putrajaya

Number of Video Surveillance Cameras Installed by Various Local Councils in Malaysia

and Cost of Installation

Year Authority Area No. of Cameras Cost Lease Source

(Where available) (Where Contract
available) (√ )

2004 MBSA Shah Alam 10 Berita Harian,

13 August 2004

2005 MPAJ Ampang 58 RM700,000/ √ Kosmo,

month 4 October 2005

2005 DBKL Cheras, Brickfields, 10 RM2 million Berita Harian,

Sentul 6 May 2005

2006 DBKL 30 RM8 million Harian Metro,

23 January 2006

2006 MBPJ Section 12, SS2, 6 (16 cameras The New Straits
Uptown already installed Times,
prior to this) 11 August 2006

2006 MBMB Melaka 20 The New Straits

17 October 2006

2007 MPPP Komtar, Gurney Drive, 31(the first RM5.8 million √ The Star,
Upper Penang Road, wireless (5-year lease 13 January,
Jalan Masjid Kapitan broadband contract) 4 November 2007,
Kling, Jalan Burmah, CCTV system at and
Jalan Sultan Ahmad, 4.9GHz) 12 June 2008
Sg. Nibong Bus
24 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces

Number of Video Surveillance Cameras Installed by Various Local Councils in Malaysia and Cost of Installation (Continued)

Year Authority Area No. of Cameras Cost Lease Source

(Where available) (Where Contract
available) (√ )

2007 MPSJ Subang Jaya, Seri 100 RM700,000 1-year lease The Star,
Kembangan, Kinrara contract) 28 August 2007

2007 Perbadanan Persiaran Putrajaya, 114 (additional to RM21.6 million Utusan Malaysia,
Putrajaya Dataran Putrajaya, car the 62 cameras for 114 cameras 25 October 2007
parks of housing areas, installed prior to and RM3.2
shopping mall this) million for
upgrade and
maintenance of
62 cameras

2008 Kelantan Kota Bahru area 50 √ Sinar Harian,

State 21 January 2008

2008 MBSA Jalan Bunga Melor, 74 (26 cameras Sinar Harian,

Seksyen 2, Jalan to be installed 17 April 2008
Permata, Seksyen 7, in July 2008
Express Bus Terminal, and 48 cameras
Seksyen 17, KTM, to installed in
Seksyen 19 December 2008)

2008 MPS Pasar Besar Seremban, 32 RM800,000 Kosmo,

Persimpangan Stesen for the first 16 7 February 2008
KTM cameras

2008 MPK Klang area 60 (26 cameras Utusan Malaysia,

to be installed 5 April 2008
in Phase 1; 31
cameras Phase 2)

2008 MPKj Kajang 40 (24 from RM4.8 million The Star,

Ministry of 2 February 2008
Housing and Local
Government and
26 from State

2008 DBKL Public Housing Area – 130 The Malay Mail,

Sri Kota, Taman Wahyu 28 May 2008
II, Desa Tun Razak,
Jelatek, Jalan Loke
Yew, Sri Tioman, Jalan
Hang Tuah, Gombak

2008 MPT Kuala Terengganu 31 The Star

19 May 2008

Although there are directives from the Malaysian Government on the installation of CCTVs in public areas,
however, there are no laws governing the privacy rights in the use of CCTVs in public spaces. According to
the Privacy and Human Rights 2006 – Country Report, the Bar Council chairman then expressed that there
is no need to incorporate privacy safeguards for the use of CCTV in Malaysia’s proposed Personal Data
Protection Act, as long as images recorded “are used for the sole purpose of preventing criminal acts”.
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 25



The deployment of video surveillance systems in a large • Model two is often a joint-partnership between
public space is usually a long term programme. Like the local government authority and an external
many other countries in the world, the establishment private service provider with the alternative to
and implementation of a video surveillance system purchase or lease the camera by the local
in public spaces involve substantial investments and government authority.
resources from the local government authorities.
Accordingly, it is essential to take into considerations Though some countries may have a standard
the impact and costs that will be incurred. Usually, deployment management model across their
this also includes a considerable amount of planning councils, countries like UK have differing deployment
and technical consultation and considerations required management models across their borough councils.
before the process of implementation. Monitoring of public video surveillance is also
sometimes done with the assistance of the local
Like many technologically driven equipment, the police authorities. Additionally, there may also be
sophistication behind the video surveillance systems an involvement of a consultant by means of contract
and applications will evolve due to technological appointment, who is independent of any commercial
advances over time. Evidently, this will impact video interest in any equipment manufacturer, supplier
surveillance deployment, upgrade or extension plans in or installer and is therefore able to exercise true
public spaces as video surveillance equipment installed impartiality and provide the best advice on design,
will sooner or later become obsolete like most other delivery services and drafting of contract.
devices. Other considerations will include the ongoing
operating, management and maintenance costs of the MANAGEMENT MODEL 1 - LOCAL
systems and equipment involved which can add up if AUTHORITY FUNDED AND OPERATED
there is no proper planning, risking the system to be PUBLIC VIDEO SURVEILLANCE
an expensive solution to the owners. Owners also
had to understand that video surveillance systems at In most countries, the local government authorities
public spaces must be deployed and operated with or city councils, who use the video surveillance as
integrity and respect for personal privacy and civil a situational crime prevention tool, are usually the
liberties. predominant owners of the video surveillance systems
and services in public spaces. This is due to the fact
PUBLIC VIDEO SURVEILLANCE that the wide deployment of video surveillance in
SYSTEMS AND SERVICES DEPLOYMENT large areas is a costly project and the acquisition of
MANAGEMENT MODELS video surveillance systems and equipment will be part
of the capital expenditure for them. The advantage
Currently, there are various video surveillance is to enable the local authority greater control over
deployment management models that have been the systems. In summary, this model has the public
adopted for public spaces. The types of management video surveillance equipment purchased and owned
models are dependant on the following: by the local government authorities and they are
• Who will fund the provision of public video responsible for the in-house operation, management
surveillance system?; and monitoring of the video surveillance systems.
• Who will procure the video surveillance systems
Management Model 1
and equipment?; and
• Who will install, operate and maintain the video
surveillance equipment and systems? CITY COUNCIL

Generally, overseas trends show two generic types

of management models in the video surveillance Key function:
• Acquire video surveillance systems and equipment
systems and services deployment: • Install video surveillance systems and equipment
• Model one solely involves the local government • Operate, manage and monitor video surveillance
systems (usually in collaboration with the police
authority in the whole deployment process from where central operational control room is located at
acquiring, operating, managing and maintaining the police stations)
• Maintain video surveillance systems
the system; and
Source: Adapted from various sources
26 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces

Case Study: Hasting District, New Zealand Crime Prevention Cameras

In Hastings, New Zealand, the crime prevention cameras or CCTVs are installed in the Hastings Central Business District,
Havelock North Central Business District and Flaxmere Village commercial area. The establishment of CCTVs is undertaken
by the Hastings District Council who is responsible for the capital outlay, installation, maintenance and line costs of the
cameras in all Hastings City, Havelock North and Flaxmere central commercial areas. All items purchased by the Council
remain as the property of the Council.

In this case, the Council owns the cameras, software, hardware and infrastructure of the CCTV systems. Whilst the overall
operative management of the system is provided by way of the Hastings District Council security patrol, the housing or
electronic monitoring and recording equipment is located at the police stations.

Hastings District Council

Key Functions:
• Custodian of Assets
• Management
• Maintenance
• Signage
• Technical Advice
• Live Monitoring

Hastings Crime Prevention New Zealand Police

Camera Trust Key Functions:
• Overseeing systems operation
Key Functions: • Reporting
• Funding • Disclosure requests
• Recommendations and expansion • Reporting effectiveness
• Perform advisory role • Technical Advice
• Reporting to Council • Live Monitoring

Source: The Hastings District Council, The Hastings Crime Prevention Camera Trust and Hastings Police Crime Prevention
Cameras (CCTV): Operating, Protocols, Policies and Procedures


PRIVATE OPERATED VIDEO video surveillance systems in terms of installation,
SURVEILLANCE maintenance and technical solutions of the systems
or alternatively replace it with a contract between
As the industry grows and technology advances, the local government authorities and the systems
the world of video surveillance systems has provider to lease the entire system for an agreed
become more complex. There is often a need now time period.
to engage security consultants or specialists with
technical expertise in video surveillance systems In Australia, the New South Wales Government Policy
and technology in a partnership or joint-effort with and Statement Guideline for the Establishment and
local government authorities for deployment of the Implementation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
system. in Public Places encourages the local councils to
lease CCTV services rather than make a capital
In this case, there are examples where local investment in their installation. According to
government authorities contract a licensed security the guidelines, programmes using leased CCTV
consultants or operators with appropriate expertise equipment under a service contract may be more
to undertake the development and provision of flexible than capital expenditure on CCTV cameras
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 27

as a permanent fixture. This is particularly relevant in light of rapidly developing technological advances
in the area of video surveillance (Refer to diagram below).

Management Model 2
(Lease** and) Installation and Maintenance Contract


Key functions:
• Acquire video surveillance systems
and equipment*
• Operate and manage systems Key functions:
• (Lease video surveillance systems and equipment)**
* If systems owned by local government • Install video surveillance systems and equipment
authorities • Maintain systems and providing technical solutions
** If systems not owned by local government

Source: Adapted from various sources

Case study: Oxford City Centre, UK, CCTV scheme

An example of City Council-owned system involving installation and maintenance contract with a security specialist

The public CCTV scheme in Oxford City Centre was established in 1999 by Thames Valley Police and the Oxford City
Council. The Council appointed Quadrant Video Systems, one of the largest CCTV installation companies in UK and a
member of the British Security Industry Association, to support both installation systems and the ongoing maintenance of
CCTV equipment. Monitoring operation is via a secure room within St Aldate’s Police Station. Oxford City Centre now has
33 CCTV cameras that were upgraded in 2002, including the installation of 12 new cameras funded by the Home Office
under the Crime Reduction initiative.

Source: Oxford City Centre CCTV Scheme

Case study: Stevenage Borough, UK, Maintenance Agreement

An example of City Council-owned system involving installation and maintenance contract with a security specialist

The Stevenage Borough Council tendered a contract to supply an upgrade for their CCTV scheme. The tender was
awarded to CCTV installation company, Quadrant Video Systems, for installing 17 additional colour cameras and a Vigilant
digital recording system. However, to ensure that the surveillance system stayed in prime condition, the Council secured a
prime solution that would help to extend the operational effectiveness of the town’s CCTV surveillance monitoring system.
The Council turned to the installer of the system, Quadrant, and examined the feasibility of their proposal for supplying a
maintenance plan before awarding the company a three-year maintenance contract.

Source: Maintenance Agreement Case Study-Maintenance Provider the Key at Steranage, www.quadratcctv.com

Case study: Harborough District Public Space CCTV

An example of a leased system which was later reverted to ownership system.

CCTV schemes funded by the Home Office were developed in Harborough district, UK in 1996 for the towns of Market
Harborough and Lutterworth. The system in Market Harborough is owned by the Council with monitoring provided by
Lifeline services while the system in Lutterworth is leased with monitoring responsibilities undertaken by the police staff
of Lutterworth Police Station. For 2007/2008, the Council agreed to provide substantial investment to upgrade the CCTV
equipment from analogue to digital by allocating £48,000.

Over the years, the Council was aware that leasing the CCTV equipment in Lutterworth proved to be inefficient in providing
a CCTV system for the town and decided that it should be purchased and maintained by the Council. Cost of leasing the
equipment is at £7,800 per annum. The cost of one time purchase is £18,000 with annual maintenance of £2,000. As such,
a decision was taken by the Council to purchase new equipment rather than committing to a new lease agreement.

Source: Harborough District Public Space CCTV Strategy 2007-2010

28 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces

Case study: CCTV in Torbay, UK

An example of a leased system

CCTV was installed in Torbay since 1993 due to upsurge in violence, destruction and theft of property, particularly in
Victoria Park and the Council’s multi-storey car parks. The supply and maintenance of the cameras and communication
links were provided under rental contracts with the Council staff operating the Control Room. The original installation cost
of the CCTV system was approximately £250,000, the first phase costing £100,000 - all through a combination of Council
funding and Government grants.

As a popular location for holiday makers, Torbay, in 2006, has 233 public surveillance cameras installed to help fight crime
and deter anti-social behaviour. The cameras provided various public areas in Torbay a 24 hours-a-day monitoring. All
cameras installed in 2006 in Torbay were still under a rental agreement since 1993 and the Council extended the lease
agreement of another 15 months before considering other CCTV upgrade options available.

Source: Torbay Council Corporate Security Services, October 2001 and BBC News, UK - Council considers CCTV upgrades
Council Considers CCTV Upgrader by BBC News, Torbay Council Corporate Security Services, October 2001

There is also a variant to management model 2. The variant involves the outsourcing of the installation
and maintenance of the system to an installation contractor and monitoring and operation of the system
to a security company. (Refer to diagram below)

Management Model 2 (Variant)

(Lease** and) Installation and Maintenance Contract


Key function:
• Acquire video surveillance systems and

Key functions:
• (Lease video surveillance systems and equipment)**
SECURITY COMPANY • Install video surveillance systems and equipment
• Maintain systems and provide technical solutions

Key function:
• Monitoring and operating video surveillance
control room

* If systems owned by local government authorities

** If systems not owned by local government authorities
Source: Adapted from various sources

Case study: Hertfordshire CCTV Partnership

Like most other districts and boroughs in UK, Herfordshire had chosen to appoint the installation and maintenance of the
public CCTV to a contractor, Quadrant Video Systems. However, in terms of monitoring the system, Hertfordshire has
awarded the security company, Broadland Security as of 1 January 2008, a 5-year monitoring contract to manage the
monitoring of the CCTV systems within the Control Room.

Source: Hertfordshire CCTV Partnership 2007 Full Year Report

Case study: Fareham Borough Council CCTV System

The Fareham Borough Council CCTV is managed jointly with the Gosport Borough Council in 2003. The Councils awarded a
five-year maintenance contract to Associated Systems Services Limited (ASS). The contract includes cost of carrying out
any necessary refurbishment and replacement of equipment on a rolling programme. The CCTV equipment and software
used are purchased by the Council. The Council also awarded an annual monitoring contract to Genesis Security Ltd.

Source: “Future Proposal for Closed Circuit Television” by Fareham Borough Council
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 29



Based on case studies from other countries such as UK and New Zealand, Malaysia comparatively has an
almost similar approach in the management of public video surveillance systems and service deployment.
However, like in UK, each local authority has diverse means of management approach and there are
no similar methods across all local authorities. Case studies shown below are some examples of the
management approaches that have been implemented.

Case study: Perbadanan Putrajaya

The public video surveillance system in Putrajaya is an example of a whole system and service which is managed by the
local government authority, Perbadanan Putrajaya. This is almost similar to the Management Model 1. The systems and
equipment for the public video surveillance is procured out right from a vendor by Perbadanan Putrajaya through an open
tender system. Installation of the public video surveillance system is carried out by Perbadanan Putrajaya together with
the management, operation and monitoring of the system.

However, in terms of maintenance, Perbadanan Putrajaya outsources it to an external party by way of maintenance
contract which is also through a tender system. All expenses incurred for the public video surveillance project are borne
by Perbadanan Putrajaya as part of its development budget.

Maintenance Contract


Key functions: Key function:

• Acquire video surveillance systems and • Maintaining systems and providing
equipment technical solutions
• Install video surveillance systems and equipment
• Operate, manage and monitor video surveillance

Source: Perbadanan Putrajaya

Case study: Rental of CCTVs by Ministry of Housing and Local Government

In early January 2008, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government announced that it will install rented CCTVs in crime
prone areas under the jurisdiction of 25 municipal and city councils. The Ministry had secured a special allocation of RM75
million from the Ministry of Finance on 2 January 2008. With this, the Ministry decided to use the funds to rent CCTVs
and engage the service of the providers to maintain the facilities as it was a cheaper option than purchasing them. This is
almost similar to the Management Model 3.
Source: “Ministry to Rent CCTVs, says Ong”, The Star, 13 January 2008

Case study: Leasing option for State Government and Councils

The leasing model has been used widely by some of the State Government and Councils in Malaysia. An example is
the Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) which spends RM700,000 per month for the cost of leasing 58 cameras to
monitor traffic flow and identify crime offenders. Even the Penang Municipal Council has resorted to leasing CCTV cameras
for crime surveillance instead of the option of outright purchase. The reason given was that leasing was a better approach
as it saves maintenance cost.

Subsequently, it would prevent the Council from owning obsolete equipment as CCTV systems like any other technology
devices need to be replaced approximately every five years. Similarly, in Kelantan, the State Government has opted to
lease the 50 CCTV cameras to be installed in Kota Bahru, Kelantan to ease the cost of burden of the State Government.

Source: “RM700,000 Sewa CCTV”, Kosmo, 4 October 2005, “Penang Council to Rent CCTV Cameras”, The Star,
13 January 2007, and “50 CCTV akan Dipasang di Kota Bahru”, Sinar Harian, 21 January 2008
30 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces


Although the public video surveillance is generally Many have argued that the act of public video
funded by the State Government or Local City surveillance itself is an invasion of right to privacy.
Councils or Municipal Councils, like in other countries, But most tolerate it as a minor inconvenience they
there is a mixed approach to management of public must deal with in order to experience the benefits
video surveillance systems and service deployment and assurance gained from the added security
in Malaysia. While there have also been others achieved. For this reason, video surveillance in
who solely undertook the deployment projects public spaces must ensure that:
themselves, some local government authorities
have outsourced the entire deployment works to an • It does not intrude to an unreasonable extent
external private security party through a contract the recording of an individual’s personal affairs;
agreement or go into a joint-partnership with the • Efforts should be taken not to include
external parties in terms of leasing, installing and monitoring and recording of private residences
maintaining the systems and equipment. or at least seek consent from owners of
residences if it is within the camera view; and
An outsourcing or leasing contract may not be • Cameras are not placed at public facilities such
feasible and cost effective to some local government as inside public toilet facilities.
authorities in the long run due to the higher
cost required, minimum capital availability, and As a guide, consideration is given to allocate
development and operation funding available to video surveillance cameras at the following public
them. As funding is also dependant on the sum spaces:
of monies from the Ministry, systems deployed are
usually by phases. • Identified crime hot spots;
• ATMs and banking institutions;
• Licensed premises;
• Bus stops, taxi ranks, car parks and railway
CONSIDERATION • Places frequented by potentially at risk groups
such as the elderly and young people.
During the implementation of video surveillance
in public spaces, there are a few issues and
concerns to be considered as these involve the WORKPLACE SURVEILLANCE
recording of public images and activities in general.
Implementation of a video surveillance system in In some countries, the loss of privacy rights in the
public spaces is no small task in view of cost and workplace is a growing concern among employees.
other resources involved as discussed so far. If However, in terms of video surveillance in public
video surveillance is deemed a necessity after cost spaces, there will be many cases where work
saving alternatives have been exhausted such as activities of street cleaners and garbage collectors
proper and ample street lighting in the affected are indirectly or covertly recorded by the CCTVs
areas and similar measures, the other issues on located at the area of work.
liability and legality to be considered as discussed
here are privacy, workplace surveillance, liability Covert surveillance is illegal unless an authority is
incurred and limitation on disclosure. given like for the purpose of monitoring an employee
to see if he is involved in any unlawful activity. The
local council as employers of these workers must
therefore ensure that employees are informed that
video surveillance is there for other reasons and
not for the purpose of monitoring their daily work
Video Surveillance in Public Spaces 31

LIABILITY Network Availability

According NSW Government Policy Statement and Network availability is to guarantee an efficient flow
Guidelines for the Establishment and Implementation of data in a timely, accurate, fast and affordable
of CCTV in Public Places, local councils should be delivery in high volume and with quality images.
aware of the potential for increased liability which Improvement in compression technology and
may be incurred when considering the installation efficient use of bandwidth are crucial to ensure no
of CCTV. By taking on the responsibility of ensuring congestion at the network.
public safety within the CCTV area, a local council
may be found liable should a person be injured
in some way. Therefore, they must ensure that
surveillance cameras used for monitoring public Investment
safety must always be in a working condition. CCTVs
installed will be a liability when it is in a non-working The adoption of IP network in video surveillance is
condition, unsupervised or is pointing in the wrong seen to take place slowly and in stages as operators
direction. Local councils should seek independent maximise usage of their analogue and digital
legal advice on this issue prior to installing CCTV instruments. Eventually there is a need for added
equipment. investment into hybrid networks that link analogue
systems to digital and later IP or in simpler terms to
build a bridge across old and new networks. Hybrid
LIMITATION ON DISCLOSURE systems however, require lower capital investment
compared to a single mode traditional system.
The images that have been collected or accessed
from CCTV should have limitation of disclosure
and not be easily given without consent to any System Integration
other irrelevant authorities or bodies such as the
media. It also cannot be and should not be used for As consumers are deemed king in the surveillance
commercial or trade purpose such as advertisement. market as well, they will eventually want to integrate
Privacy guidelines for CCTV should build on public all their applications into one system. For example,
domain as well as guidelines on the use of recorded CCTV, alarm, access control and so on into a single
images. system.

Overall, the use of video surveillance in public

spaces is poised to fully take up IP to save cost and
CONCLUSION other benefits it offers in the long term. With many
other countries increasingly implementing such
The video surveillance market is a growing market systems due to their proven effectiveness in crime
although at present it is still in transition stage from prevention, Malaysia may well broaden their use to
traditional analogue devices to digital networked and not only urban areas but non-urban as well. The
to transmission over IP network base. Surveillance wider implementation plan especially by the local
systems have improved dramatically over the years authorities is expected to augur well for the overall
as technology advances. This market growth depends growth of the industry in Malaysia.
on evolution of technology and the eagerness of
the industry to embrace the technology. There will
be further improvements in the areas of product
development, network, investments and systems

Product Development

Surveillance products are expected to be increasingly

able to interoperate as the transition from analogue
to digital and eventually fully IP network-based.
32 Video Surveillance in Public Spaces


ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line MPAJ Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya
ATM Automated Teller Machine MPEG Moving Pictures Expert Group
AVC Advanced Video Coding MPK Majlis Perbandaran Klang
CCTVs Close Circuit Televisions MPKj Majlis Perbandaran Kajang
CIF Common Intermediate Format MPPP Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang
DBKL Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur or MPS Majlis Perbandaran Seremban
Kuala Lumpur City Hall MPSJ Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya
DVD Digital Video Decoder MPT Majlis Perbandaran Terengganu
DVRs Digital Video Recorders NAS Network Attached Storage
IP Internet Protocol NSW New South Wales
ITIS Integrated Transport Information NVRs Network Video Recorders
System PBT Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan or Local
EMEA Europe, the Middle East and Africa Authorities
EMI Electromagnetic Interference PTZ Pan-Tilt-Zoom
FCC Federal Communications Commission QCIF Quarter Common Intermediate
IR Infra Red Format
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network RFI Radio Frequency Interference
ITU International Telecommunication SAN Storage Area Network
Union SQIF Sub Quarter Common Intermediate
LAN Local Area Network Format
MBMB Majlis Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
MBPJ Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya VCA Video Content Analysis
MBSA Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam VMS Video Management Software
MJPEG Moving Joint Photographic Experts VCRs Video Cassette Recorders

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