School Attendance
School Attendance
School Attendance
1.0 Introduction
The problem of poverty on school attendance and academic performance of secondary school
students is not only in Tanzanian primary schools but is a global issue which cuts across even in
developed countries. The problem affects the performance of primary schools students due to the
poverty most of the students attend rarely in school.
Tanzania like many other countries is facing with the issue of poverty which affect their student
performance in their examinations due to lack of necessities. Although the SEDP is expected to
sustain and consolidate gain attained through implementing the educational goals in areas of
quality management and conducive teaching and learning environment as expressed in the
performance evaluations in SEDPI still the problem of poverty not solved. The study intends to
examine the impacts of poverty on school attendance and academic performance among the
primary School pupils.
the community and the parents the study helps them to know the challenges facing children from
poor family. For students this study helps them to know how poverty can be affect the academic
performance. Not only that but also the study benefits other researchers on the same topic as
their related literature.
1.4 Objective of the Study.
1.4.1. General Objective
The general objective of this study was to investigate the impact of poverty on school attendance
and academic performance among the primary school pupils at Mtwara rural district.
1.4.2. Specific Objective
i. To examine the causes of poverty in Mtwara rural district.
ii. The effect of poverty on school attendance and academic performance.
iii. The measures that will eradicate the challenges of poverty on school attendance and
academic performance in Mtwara rural district.
1.5 Research Question
i. What are the causes of poverty in Mtwara rural district?
ii. What are the effect of poverty on school attendance and academic performance?
iii. What are the measures that will eradicate the challenges of poverty on school attendance
and academic performance in Mtwara rural district?
1.8 Scope of the Study
This study was conducted in Mtwara rural district. The study was conducted in Mtwara rural
district especially at Moma and Ziwani wards in Mtwara region which is among the six district
of Mtwara region to find out the impact of poverty on school attendance and academic
performance among the primary school pupils in Tanzania.
1.9 Definitions of the Key Terms
Poverty - refers to the lack of means necessary to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and
Performance - According to this study performance is the very of students done their studies
either good or bad.
Academic performance - this means how students done good or bad in their subject.
Attendance - basing from the study is the situation of the students to be present in school and
classroom during the periods of studies.
2.0 Introduction
This chapter provides review on different scholars based on the impact of poverty on school
attendance and academic performance among the primary School pupils, according to (Jack and
Norman, 2000), literature review not only help the researcher to grasp what other scholars
written about the topic but also let him see the results of other (similar or related) studies more
over this section focused on the theories related to the topic.
Several studies report that kindergartners have the highest rate of absenteeism after high school
students. This finding is particularly alarming in light of the fact that early intervention is crucial
in a child’s development. “Falling behind before 3rd grade has a high correlation not just with
high school dropout rates, but with incarceration rates as well.” Chronic absenteeism and the
effects of poverty have lifelong consequences that can fuel a cycle of poverty for generations.
Cutillo, M (2013).
3.0 Introduction
This chapter presented the research method design adopted in the study. It describes the research
procedures in terms of research approach, research design, targeted population, sampling
producers, data collection techniques data analysis strategies.
3.5 Sample and Sampling procedures
Is the process of obtaining information about the entire population by examining only part of it
(Kothari, 2000). Researcher will use randomly sampling to select school and respondents such as
students, teachers, head of schools and parents.
3.7.2 Interview
Is the method of collecting data which involved presentation of oral-verbal stimuli and reply in
terms of oral-verbal responses. This method used personal interview and if possible telephone
interview. (Kothari, C.R. 2004).
Mill, (2007), argued that, data analysis is an attempt by the researcher, to summarize, collected
data in dependable and accurate manner”. Data analysis was done after acquire all required
information from the respondents through interview, questionnaires and documentation, and this
was achieve with assistance of computer software known Microsoft excel.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents analyses and discusses the findings obtained from the field related to
“Impacts of poverty on school attendance and academic performance among the primary School
pupils in Tanzania A case study Mtwara rural district”. The presentation was based on the
objectives of the study. These objectives included;
4.1.2 Education level of Respondents
The respondents involved in this study were in different levels of education from which the
teachers, students and parents levels of education were in the following status; primary level
includes 52 (52%), ordinary level includes 21 (21%) and certificates includes 7 (7%), diploma
level includes 14 (14%) and degree level includes 6 (6%).
Figure 4.2 Education Level of the Respondents
4.2 The causes of poverty in Mtwara rural district
Table 4.1 The Responses of respondents on the causes of poverty in Mtwara rural district.
Responses Total Percentage
Ineffective governance policy on economic infrastructure 24 24%
Geographical characteristics of Mtwara rural district 26 26%
High rate of illiteracy 23 23%
Total 100 100%
Field data (2020).
4.3 The effect of poverty on school attendance and academic performance of students at
Mtwara rural district.
Table 4.2: The Responses of respondents on the effect of poverty on school attendance and
academic performance of students in Mtwara rural district.
Responses Total Percentage
Social-Emotional behaviour 17 17%
Earl Pregnancy 16 16%
Poor Attendance at School 23 23%
Field data (2020).
4.3.1Social-Emotional behaviour
The interview with 22 (79%) out of 28 parents and education officers reported that it is also
important to consider how emotions relate to poverty and education. Students who live in
poverty-stricken families encounter many situations that can seriously affect them socially and
emotionally. Studies show that many of these students live in single-parent households. When
only one adult provides for a child’s needs, that parent suffers a great deal of stress; they struggle
financially, and they often get inadequate rest. The effects of negative and unstable environments
manifest in children’s behavior at school.
4.4 The measures that will eradicate the challenges of poverty on school attendance and
academic performance in Mtwara rural district.
Table 4.3 The Responses of respondents on the measures that will eradicate the challenges
of poverty on school attendance and academic performance of students in Mtwara rural
The finding show that 98% of respondents which represent 98 respondents out of 100
respondents suggested that, since some of the parents were not aware with the importance of
education. And therefore, they suggested that, these roles should be admitted to the school
administration, whereby through school meeting, administration should use that chance to
motivate them, to understand importance of education and therefore should provide education on
important of participating in leading academic student.
5.0 Introduction
In this section providing the summary of research findings obtained from Mtwara rural district
on the impacts of poverty on school attendance and academic performance among the primary
school pupils in Tanzania.
5.2 Conclusion
From the findings, it has been pointed out that there is close link that exists between poverty
situation existing to the community of Mtwara rural district with school attendance and poor
academic performance in public primary schools Mtwara rural district.
5.3 Recommendations
5.3.1 Recommendations for the actions
Parents should struggle for improvement of socio-economic status through working hard
seeking other economic opportunities to help in fulfillment of schools to their children.
Teachers’ have to inspire and motivate students to study so they can improve their academic
The government through ministry of education can also help by providing the needed school
materials regularly and check the illegal payment of unapproved fees on educational
materials to enable school children to be in school.
The study was conducted in small area (in Mtwara rural District) with few sample size.
Therefore other researchers should conduct a research on the “Impacts of poverty on school
attendance and academic performance among the primary School pupils in Tanzania” in
recognize so as to come with the data that can be generalized.