9th Computer

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Chapters: I) Browsers  Lesson No. 3.

II) Introduction to Database  Lesson No. 4

Q1: Multiple Choice Questions:
Ans a: - Option (d) Ans b: - Option (a)
Ans c: - Option (d) Ans d: - Option (d)
Ans e: - Option (b)
Answer the following Question:
Q1: Write the purpose of a web browser?

Ans: A web browser is software used to view webpages and other documents on the Internet.
The first graphical web browser called NCSA Mosaic, was developed at the national center for
supercomputing applications in 1993.

Q2. Name any two popular web browsers?

Ans: The two popular web browsers are as under:

1. Mozila Firefox.
2. Google Chrome.

Q3. What is meant by Open source browser?

Ans: Web browser is software which provides an interface to surf the web. With an
introduction in around 1992, their development and advancement have advanced many folds
till the current stage which we see today.

Q4. Write the purpose of the following buttons in a web browser

Ans: Stop: The stop button stops downloading a webpage clicked for.

Refresh/Reload: Clicking on this button makes the browser obtain a new copy of the webpage
from the server.
Back: While surfing the net, after moving to a new webpage, we may want to return to a
previously visited one. Click on the back button to go back one page.

Forward: it lets the user to move direction through the pages we had revieved using the back

Home: this button returns us to the home page – the webpage that the browser loads when it
first starts.

Q5. Write the purpose of history feature of a web browser?

Ans: This feature keeps tabs on your internet browsing for as long as you’re online. Within the
realm of computing, the web browsing history is the list of web pages a user has visited recently
as well as associated data such as page title of visited, which is recorded by web browser
software as standard for a certain period of time.
Introduction to Database
Q1: Multiple Choice Questions:
Ans a: - Option (a) Ans b: - Option (d)
Ans c: - Option (d) Ans d: - Option (b)
Ans e: - Option (d) Ans f: - Option (a)
Ans g: - Option (a) Ans h: - Option (c)

Q 1: Define the following?

Ans: Database: data is a collection of raw facts and figures which are processed into information.
Databasebase is a large, organized collection of related data.

DBMS: A database consists of programs that allow us to create, enter, store, access and manage data.

Table: A table is a collection of closely related information. A table has data organized into rows and
columns and is similar to a spreadsheet.

Row: A row in a table contains data about a single person, event or item and constitutes a record

Column: A column, also known as field, contains one specific type of data about a person, event or item.

Primary Key: is a column or set of columns that is unique for every row in a table. It allows the database
management system to uniquely identify each row in a table.

Q2: Name three popular data base management systems?

Ans: The three popular data base management systems are:

1. BASE,
2. MS Access
3. Oracle

Q 3: How is open source software is better than proprietary software with respect to license fee?

Ans: Open source software means the software is free and you do not need to pay any license fees for
using it, as it does not belong to any company. Open source software can be downloaded for the
internet easily. We can make the copies of this software and share it with friend and family. We can
even modify the code of the open source software the way we like to so. We can even improve this
softare by joining software project’s e-mail list and sending our suggestions and proposals.
Q4. Write four functions of database management system?

1. We can add, update, delete and store data in a structured way.

2. We Query the databases ask questions and retrieve information.

3. Sort and manipulate the data in the database.

4. Validate the data entered and check for inconsistencies.

Q5. Write three advantages of using database?

Ans: 1. It reduces data redundancy means duplication of data is not validated in DBMS.

2. Data is integrated and is considered to be complete.

3. The data integrity is improved means the data is accurate and in to date.

Q6. Write one disadvantage of using database?

Ans: Database systems are complex, difficult, and time consuming to design.. Substantial hardware

and software startup costs. Damage to database affects virtually all applications programs

Q7: What is Base?

Ans: BASE is an open source relational database management system. It is a component of OpenOffice
Suite. It allows us to store, alter, scroll through, delete or add entries. We can perform searching, sorting
and retrieving operations on the stored data. With its rich set of tools, Base allows us to create and print
helpful and impressive reports for comparison and analysis.

Q6. Write the full form of RDBMS?

Ans: The full form of RDBMS is Relational Database Management System.

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