Drug Infusion Systems Technologies, Performance,.24

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Technology, Computing, and Simulation

Section Editor: Maxime Cannesson

Drug Infusion Systems: Technologies, Performance,
and Pitfalls
Uoo R. Kim, MD,* Robert A. Peterfreund, MD, PhD,† and Mark A. Lovich, MD, PhD*
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This review aims to broadly describe drug infusion technologies and raise subtle but important
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issues arising from infusion therapy that can potentially lead to patient instability and morbidity.
Advantages and disadvantages of gravity-dependent drug infusion are described and compared
with electromechanical approaches for precise control of medication infusion, including large-
volume peristaltic and syringe pumps. This review discusses how drugs and inert carriers interact
within infusion systems and outlines several complexities and potential sources of drug error.
Major topics are (1) the importance of the infusion system dead volume; (2) the quantities of
coadministered fluid and the concept of microinfusion; and (3) future directions for drug infusion.
The infusion system dead volume resides between the point where drug and inert carrier
streams meet and the patient’s blood. The dead volume is an often forgotten reservoir of drugs,
especially when infusion flows slow or stop. Even with medications and carriers flowing, some
mass of drug always resides within the dead volume. This reservoir of drug can be accidentally
delivered into patients. When dose rate is changed, there can be a significant lag between
intended and actual drug delivery. When a drug infusion is discontinued, drug delivery continues
until the dead volume is fully cleared of residual drug by the carrier. When multiple drug infusions
flow together, a change in any drug flow rate transiently affects the rate of delivery of all the oth-
ers. For all of these reasons, the use of drug infusion systems with smaller dead volumes may
be advantageous.
For critically ill patients requiring multiple infusions, the obligate amount of administered fluid
can contribute to volume overload. Recognition of the risk of overload has given rise to micro-
infusion strategies wherein drug solutions are highly concentrated and infused at low rates.
However, potential risks associated with the dead volume may be magnified with microinfusion.
All of these potential sources for adverse events relating to the infusion system dead volume
illustrate the need for continuing education of clinical personnel in the complexities of drug
delivery by infusion.
This review concludes with an outline of future technologies for managing drug delivery by con-
tinuous infusion. Automated systems based on physiologic signals and smart systems based
on physical principles and an understanding of dead volume may mitigate against adverse
patient events and clinical errors in the complex process of drug delivery by infusion.  (Anesth
Analg 2017;124:1493–505)

he operating room, intensive care unit (ICU), inter- complex. Anecdotal evidence, albeit much of it unpub-
ventional radiology suite, cardiac catheterization lab- lished, suggests that the complexity of drug infusions can
oratory, and ancillary procedural sites are operated lead to patient morbidity and mortality. Indeed, morbid-
and managed by intensivists, nurses, and anesthesiologists. ity and mortality conferences year after year are filled with
Clinical care often requires continuous infusion of vasoac- examples of harm to patients or near misses that directly
tive, positive and negative inotropic, analgesic, and seda- arise from the complexity of drug infusion and the manner
tive medications to critically ill patients. As a result of their in which human users interact with the technology. This
profound physiologic effects, relatively short half-lives, and review aims to broadly describe various options for drug
high initial concentrations of these infused medications, infusion devices and technologies; it is not intended to pro-
combined with dynamic clinical circumstances of many vide an exhaustive list of all available technologies or mate-
of these patients, infusion therapy can be extraordinarily rials. It is our intent to outline subtle but important issues
that arise with infusion therapy that can potentially lead to
patient instability and morbidity.
From the *Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, St.
Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts; and †Department of An-
esthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, VERY BRIEF HISTORY OF INTRAVENOUS
Boston, Massachusetts.
Accepted for publication September 26, 2016. A complete history of IV infusion is beyond the scope of this
Funding: None. review. IV infusion technologies advanced in the wake of the
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. need for resuscitation. Ancient texts allude to infusing sub-
Reprints will not be available from the authors. stances for therapeutic benefit that include “solutions” and
Address correspondence to Mark A. Lovich, MD, PhD, Department of An- “donated” blood.1,2 The first reported instance of IV infusion
esthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, 736
Cambridge St, Boston, MA 02135. Address e-mail to mark.lovich@steward.org. was in 1492, when Pope Innocent VIII was given a blood trans-
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society fusion by vein–vein anastomosis from several live donors
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001707 after a stroke, but unfortunately all subjects involved died.2,3

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E NARRATIVE Review article

In 1616, William Harvey completed the description of the cir- common arrangement is to establish a primary infusion of
culatory system in “De moto cordis” started by predecessors inert crystalloid carrier into a catheter port or peripheral IV
that provided a rationale to attempt drug infusion. In 1656, Sir catheter and then to “piggyback” all other medications into
Christopher Wren fashioned the first documented drug infu- the main line as secondary infusions. This inert flow can be
sion device using a quill as an IV catheter and a pig bladder designed for volume resuscitation or can be modified for
as a reservoir, giving IV injections of wine, ale, opium, and more precise control to propel all coinfused medications.
liver of antimony into his dog’s vein. In 1662, Johann D. Major
injected an unpurified compound into the vein of a man; how- Gravity-Driven Infusion
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ever, the outcome was suboptimal. In 1665, Richard Lower Before the development and adoption of electromechanical
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achieved the first successful blood transfusion in animals. pumps, most drug infusions were propelled by gravity. Drug
This was followed by the transfusion of blood from a sheep infusions today may still be given by gravity, especially in
into a human by Jean Baptiste in 1667, and shortly thereaf- environments with fewer resources available. Specialized
ter, the first documented transfusion reaction, death from clear tubing systems allow direct visualization for rough
transfusion, and trial for manslaughter allegedly caused by approximation of flow rates. Such tubing systems have a drip
transfusion. Given these failures, blood transfusion was dis- chamber in which fluid from the reservoir exits a narrow hol-
couraged or banned in some European countries. Transfusion low tube with the orifice pointing downward. The droplets
was not attempted again until 1795 when Philip Syng Physick of fluid are presumed to be a fixed volume. Two models are
(credited as the father of modern surgery) suggested human- widely available, either 15-drop/mL or 60-drop/mL tubing
to-human transfusion and likely attempted it in an unpub- (Figure 1). In the former, each drop is approximately 1/15th
lished series of patients. The first successful human-to-human of 1 mL and in the latter each drop is approximately 1/60th of
transfusion was performed by James Blundell in 1830 to save 1 mL. The drop size of 1/60th of 1 mL is convenient, because
a woman with postpartum hemorrhage.4 The cholera epidem- the flow rate in mL/h is equal to the drops per minute.
ics in the 1830s motivated physicians to advance IV resuscita-
tion, initially unsuccessfully with water and then successfully
in 1833 when Thomas Latta infused dilute saline to transiently
save a patient near death.5
All of these advances in transfusion and resuscitative
therapies were coupled to advances in drug infusion tech-
nologies, including the hollow-bore metallic needle by the
mid-19th century and adoption of antiseptic techniques in
the late 19th century. In 1930, the first plastic IV catheter
was demonstrated. In 1960, central line cannulation was
first described. Since then, there have been a multitude of
advances in catheters, IV tubing systems, connectors, reser-
voirs, and fluid propulsion devices.

The Present Era Figure 1. Drip chambers within the IV tubing set allows direct visu-
Modern drug infusion systems have common basic elements: alization of the fluid droplets for rough approximation of flow rates
reservoir, tubing, propulsion mechanisms, flow controllers, by counting the drops per unit time. A, Macrodrip chamber with com-
and an IV catheter.6 Drug dissolved in solutions start in some mon IV tubing sets delivering 10, 15, or 20 drops (gtt) per milliliter.
sort of reservoir, a bottle, plastic bag, or syringe. All drug B, Microdrip chamber with the most widely used IV tubing set deliver-
ing 60 drops (gtt) per milliliter.
infusions end in an IV catheter designed for insertion into
a peripheral or central vein. (This review does not discuss
intraosseous or subcutaneous infusion.) Tubing systems con- The flow rate of fluid in gravity-driven systems is
nect the reservoir to the catheter. Every infusion system needs often controlled by a simple roller clamp. This type of
a method of propelling fluid. The simplest, least capital-inten- clamp has a nonlinear response to roller position, that is,
sive, but perhaps least precise are gravity-driven infusions. the resistance of the tubing, and therefore, the flow rate
For gravity-driven infusions, a flow control mechanism such from a bag suspended at a fixed height above the patient
as a roller clamp on the tubing regulates the rate of fluid or has little effect at the extremes of the roller excursion
drug administration. On the other end of the spectrum, elec- but changes abruptly at intermediate positions. This can
tromechanical syringe pumps and peristaltic infusion pumps make selecting an exact flow rate imprecise.7 The preci-
are designed to deliver fluid with reliable precision. sion of counting the drops to determine the flow rate is
Most infusion systems have built-in ports for merg- predicated on each drop being exactly 1/60th or 1/15th
ing other drug flows or inert crystalloids into a common of 1 mL. There is a relationship, however, between drop-
fluid pathway. Back check valves on these ports are often let radius r and surface tension (γ ) of the fluid8:
included to prevent retrograde flow into the tubing or res-
ervoirs of other medications. A multitude of connectors,
stopcocks, and manifolds can be inserted between the tub-
3γ d t
ing and the catheter to make connections for additional r= 3
drugs before flowing into a common fluid pathway. A very 4ρ g 

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Drug Infusion Systems

(ρ is the fluid density, g is the gravitational constant, and position by limiting the effects of creep.15 However, the lack
d t is the diameter is the dropper tube). It is reasonable to of accuracy and flow rate variations between brands may
suspect that the droplet size may vary with molecular prop- limit clinical use.15,16
erties of drug solutions, pharmaceutical formulations, and The main advantages of gravity-driven drug delivery is
additives.9,10 Temperature plays a role in flow variability as the low cost and simplicity of use (Table 1) and an instan-
a result of its effect on surface tension that affects the droplet taneous drug flow response when flow controllers are
size.11 Manufacturer differences between drip chamber tip opened, which is why this propulsion method is still widely
diameters of disposable IV sets may also account for varia- used today. In addition, the pressure of fluid emitted from
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tions in droplet size.12 Variations in flow over time may be the catheter is limited to what is imposed by the height of
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the result of creep, in which the plastic tubing distorts, alter- the reservoir. Thus, in theory, there is less likelihood of tis-
ing resistance long after the roller clamp is tightened or sue damage from an infiltrated IV compared with pressur-
relaxed, thus requiring periodic adjustment.13,14 These fac- ized sleeves for fluid bags (Figure 3A) or mechanical pumps
tors can make control and quantification of flow rate impre- that may continue to infuse at higher pressures.
cise.7 Available technologies include manual flow regulators A limitation of gravity-driven delivery systems is that they
(Figure 2) such as the Dial-A-Flo™ flow controller (Hospira, are subjected to the gravimetric head, the distance between
Lake Forest, IL), which provide the ability to make finer the height of the fluid line in the drip chamber and the patient,
changes in flow resistance compared with roller clamps, and changes in downstream pressures. Changing the height
and may exhibit a more linear flow response to controller of the bag reservoir or repositioning the patient changes the
gravimetric head and, thus, the flow rate.17 The flow control
device (roller clamp or manual flow regulator) needs to be
adjusted to compensate. Because the flow rate is measured
by counting drops in a time interval, this is a slow, cumber-
some process and may take several minutes to complete.
Furthermore, as the central venous pressure of the patient
changes, the downstream backpressure alters the flow of
medications.11,18,19 Similarly, if the medication flow is into a
peripheral IV in the antecubital vein, simple flexion of the
elbow can abruptly slow gravity-driven infusion. The changes
Figure 2. Manual flow controllers allow finer changes in flow resis- in position of other joints can influence IV performance when
tance compared with roller clamps, such that resistance changes the catheter is inserted near those joint. Size of the IV cannula,
linearly with controller position. the target vein, temperature, viscosity, and density of fluid

Table 1.  Comparison of Gravity-Driven Infusion With Both Large-Volume and Syringe Pumps
Large-Volume Peristaltic and Cassette
Gravity-Driven Flow Pumps Syringe Pumps
Infusion category Macroinfusion Macroinfusion or microinfusion Microinfusion
Ease of use – Simple, fast setup – Pump programming required – Pump programming required
– Requires assembling multiple – Requires assembling multiple
components components
Complexity – Simple tubing/infusion set – Proprietary specialized tubing – Simple syringe (syringe
– No special equipment or and components specification must be in pump
electricity required library)
– Low compliance tubing
Cost – Low cost – Expensive proprietary components – Generic syringe
– Requires maintenance – Requires maintenance
Drug libraries No Yes Yes
Sensitivity to back pressure or CVP Yes No No
Sensitivity to gravitational head Yes No Noa
Precision Nob Yes Yes
Possible free flow error Yesc Nod Noe
Programming error possible No Yes Yes
Air detection Nof Yes No
Back pressure/occlusion alarm No Yes Yes
Alert when reservoir is near empty? No Yes Yes
Duration of transition to new Short Short but requires reprogramming Potentially long with possible drug
reservoir VTBI flow interruption
Abbreviations: CVP, central venous pressure; VTBI, volume-to-be-infused.
Flow rate may be transiently affected by vertical displacement of the pump.36,37,40,42
Drop counters (Figure 4) and manual flow controllers (Figure 2) may assist in more precisely regulating flow rates.15,21
Inadvertently leaving the clamp open can bolus drug.
Most inserts have integrated safety clamp fitments that automatically clamp tubing when removed from the pump (Figure 7).
Leaving the clamp open with the plunger disengaged may cause siphoning into or out of the syringe, leading to bolus of drug if elevated above the patient or
possible dilution if positioned below the patient.41
Unless used with dedicated air detectors.

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E NARRATIVE Review article

Gravity-driven drug delivery systems can be subjected

to human error. Roller clamps can be inadvertently left open
leading to drug or fluid overdose. For pediatric patients,
multichambered tubing systems, known as burettes, such as
the Buretrol (Baxter Healthcare, Deerfield, IL) and Soluset
(Hospira, Lake Forest, IL) are available to release fluid in mea-
sured stages and thus prevent drug or fluid overdose (Figure
3B). Another human error associated with gravity-driven
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flows is the failure to recognize an empty reservoir, because

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the simple nonelectronic system is unable to generate audi-

ble alarms. Not only would drug delivery cease, but air may
enter the tubing possibly resulting in a potentially dangerous
venous air embolism. Some of these dangers may be miti-
gated through newer technologies. Drop counters such as the
DripAssist™ have an optical sensor that quantifies the drop
rate in the drip chamber and therefore the flow rate (Figure
4A). In addition, devices such as the AutoClamp™ integrate
a drop counter (Ace Medical, Seoul, South Korea) with an
automated adjustable flow rate controller (Figure 4B).21 Such
devices can compensate for changes in reservoir height or
Figure 3. A, Pressure bags may be used for rapid infusion of blood
changes in downstream pressure and circumvent some of the
products or fluid. B, In the pediatric population, burettes are used to
better control fluid administration. Many burettes have a ball valve at limitations of gravity-driven systems.
the bottom that prevents air from entering the infusion line.
Electromechanical Pumps
all affect the rate of infusion.20 Finally, the composition of the The first medical use of an electromechanical device to pump
delivered fluid can affect the flow rate. For example, human fluid was in 1951, when Sigmamotor, Inc. developed a linear
serum contains a factor that causes sustained venoconstric- peristaltic pump used in cross-circulation open heart sur-
tion with resulting slower flow compared with whole blood, gery.22,23 This technology was then adapted for drug infusion
although whole blood has over double the viscosity.18 in 1961. The precision provided by electromechanical pumps
In ICU and operating room settings, multiple medica- allowed development of total parenteral nutrition and IV
tions are often infused via a single fluid pathway, usually as chemotherapies.24 Successive iterations introduced numer-
a result of the limited IV access and the multitude of infused ous safety and ergonomic features. The principal advantages
medications. Changes in the flow rate of any of the medi- of mechanical pumping over gravity-driven drug adminis-
cations or the inert carrier will change the pressure at the tration include improved accuracy and precision in volume
manifold and alter the flow rates of all the others. Clearly, and infusion rate. Mechanical pumps can also overcome
much time is consumed iteratively adjusting all the flow small changes in resistance to flow or back pressure. The flow
controllers. Given the short half-lives and rapid onset of rate from these devices is less subject to physiologic changes
many vasoactive and inotropic compounds and the time in downstream pressure, perturbations from adjustment of
required to adjust all of the flow controllers, much potential other medications or inert carriers, and changes in patient or
for iatrogenic hemodynamic instability exists. reservoir positioning than is gravity-driven drug delivery.

Figure 4. A, Drop counters utilize an optical sensor that counts the drops in the drip chamber to calculate the rate of flow. B, Integration of
drop detectors into IV sets that can control an adjustable clamp give the ability to set gravity-driven flow to a desired rate. This may aid in more
accurate administration of fluid and medications, including compensation for changes in gravimetric head.

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Drug Infusion Systems

Some electromechanical pumps have utilized drop counters mechanisms whose advantages and disadvantages are dis-
to ensure accurate flow rate.24 These features make reposi- cussed below.
tioning patients on operating room tables and ICU beds, and
also transport between care units, more reliable and safer. Syringe Pumps
Perhaps the most important and useful safety feature Syringe pumps use a rotary stepper motor that turns a drive
added to electromechanical infusion pumps is software that screw coupled to a carriage such that rotation is converted
incorporates drug libraries that include “guard rails” for dos- to linear excursion. The carriage secures the plunger plate
ing that are programmable by local hospital pharmacies with of a syringe with a fitting mount and slides along a guide,
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upper and lower limits for the rate of infusion.25 This may min- which drives the plunger forward (Figure 5). A mechani-
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imize human errors in programming the pumps. However, cal clutch mechanism allows the carriage to be decoupled
it is important to note that these drug dose limits are “soft” from the drive screw so that the carriage can be extended
alerts that may be overridden by the user. Clinicians may also backward for syringe insertion. The carriage is then moved
choose generic infusion modes where the rate is solely deter- in approximation to the plunger flange of the syringe before
mined by the clinician without soft alerts. In addition, pres- releasing the clutch. Modern clinical-grade syringe pumps
sure alarms can detect resistance (such as kinks in tubing) and have a software library of syringe inner diameters from dif-
possible obstruction in the infusion system from catheter infil- ferent manufacturers. The user selects the manufacturer and
tration, thrombus, or blockage from drug precipitation. Air size, so the software utilizes the relationship between rota-
detectors have the capability of sensing bubbles as small as tional movement of the drive screw, the linear movement
0.1 mL of volume. Volume-to-be-infused settings reduce the of the plunger, and volume flow rate of fluid. Because these
potential for air aspiration and alert the clinician when reser- pumps can accommodate standard syringes, the dispos-
voirs are near empty, thus minimizing the potential for abrupt ables are potentially less expensive than the cartridge–tub-
cessation of drug flow. Some infusion pumps are capable of ing combinations used in peristaltic or cassette-type pumps.
reading bar-coded medications and may decrease the likeli- As a result of the mechanics of the stepper motor that
hood of “incorrect drug” errors. Certain pain/patient-con- turns the drive screw, this pump delivers fluids in small,
trolled analgesia pumps are passcode-protected, so that the discrete drug volumes, which at higher flows appears to be
settings are not changed without physician or nurse consent. continuous but at ultralow flows may appear intermittent.
Although electromechanical devices provide quantita- This is especially important in the pediatric population in
tive and reliable drug infusion, they do so at considerable which medications are often administered at low-flow rates
cost, which includes purchase, maintenance, and special- with the syringe plunger moving incrementally with each
ized disposable tubing systems. They are not free from step in drive screw rotation, causing intermittent regular
potential sources of error. Even with drug libraries, pro- small boluses. In the case of inotropic drugs such as dopa-
gramming errors by clinicians are still possible.26 User inter- mine or epinephrine, this may manifest as regular repeated
faces may be unintuitive and the multitude of alarms and hemodynamic fluctuations.31,32 In addition, the friction in
safety mechanisms can be complex. When using low flows, the plunger head on the wall of the syringe barrel may cause
there may be significant delays in alerting clinicians that the it to intermittently stick (“stiction”), with drug delivery and
catheter or tubing is occluded, and thus, critical medications hence hemodynamic implications.31 Recently, the U.S. Food
may not be administered in a timely manner.27–29 Excessive and Drug Administration released a safety communication
infusion line compliance may increase the time until the report outlining concerns of flow discontinuity at low rates
pump alarms from an occlusion and also creates a poten- that may result in dosing variability, potentially leading to
tial drug bolus upon occlusion release.30 Therefore, infusion adverse clinical outcomes.33 To minimize flow rate variabil-
tubing should be made from stiff noncompliant materials. ity, some recommend using the highest possible flow and
Mechanical infusion pumps are classified by the res- therefore lowest concentration.34
ervoir and mechanism of action. Syringe pumps deliver There are multiple sources of delays and inaccura-
steady flow at low rates but have a limited reservoir vol- cies inherent in syringe pump systems, many of which
ume, typically ≤60 mL. Conversely, volumetric pumps have occur at the time of first starting an infusion.35 On user
larger reservoirs, often up to 1 L. Peristaltic and cassette initiation of flow, the stepper motor turns to translate
pumps are volumetric pumps that utilize different drive the carriage assembly. A delay in drug flow may result

Figure 5. Syringe pump schematic: a rotary step-

per motor is coupled to a carriage by way of a
drive screw, which turns rotation of the motor into
linear excursion. The plunger plate of the syringe
is secured to the carriage through a fitting mount
that slides along a guide. A clutch mechanism
decouples the carriage from the drive screw to
allow manual movement of the carriage for inser-
tion and removal of syringes.

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E NARRATIVE Review article

if the carriage assembly is not snuggly applied to the turn in a circular fashion and compress a tube aligned in a cir-
plunger of the syringe. Syringe pump design also affects cular geometry to produce forward displacement (Figure 6B).
the start-up delay times.36 Various brands of disposable The reservoir for peristaltic pumps is usually sus-
syringes may differ in the thickness of the plunger flange. pended over the pump and can be of almost unlim-
Pump manufacturers have introduced gaps in the fitting ited size. These pumps demand a specialized cartridge
mount to accommodate this variable thickness, which embedded within the infusion tubing to transmit the
may lead to free play between the fitting mount and the peristaltic motion to the fluid and thus drive it forward,
plunger flange. This gap has been shown to cause an ini- which drives up the cost of each disposable. Desired char-
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tial start-up delay between 7 minutes and nearly 1 hour, acteristics of pump tubing include durable materials with
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depending on the syringe, pump, and flow rate.36 For this known and consistent mechanical properties and little
reason, manufacturers recommend pump priming, deliv- potential for degradation after tens-of-thousands of peri-
ering a bolus of fluid out the end of the tubing via the staltic compressions. For these reasons, silicone is most
pump before connecting the infusion line to the patient, often used for pump tubing. Many peristaltic pumps
to ensure that the carriage mechanism is fully engaged can be easily adapted to use a syringe as the reservoir
with the syringe plunger. A small bolus of 2 mL has been wherein the syringe is mounted inverted over the pump
shown to greatly decrease or even eliminate many start- and fluid is merely drawn from the negative pressure
up delays.36 generated by the peristaltic motion. In addition, built
When the user starts a syringe pump, the pressure in the into many cartridges are gravity-free-flow-stop actuators
syringe and tubing rises; however, fluid will not flow at the that automatically clamp the tubing when it is removed
full programmed rate until all of the distensible elements of from the pump, thus avoiding uncontrolled drug deliv-
the infusion system become pressurized, including the rub- ery (Figure 7).44
ber plunger head and the infusion tubing itself.30,35 These Peristaltic pumps are able to flow over a broad range of
delays are more significant at lower infusion pump flow infusion rates (Table 1). In fact, they can usually flow faster
rates.37 At very high flows, inaccuracies may result from lim- than many gravity-driven drug infusion systems. The
ited power in the pump motor, and thus intermediate flows Alaris™ infusion system (Becton, Dickinson and Company,
may be most accurate.35 Prewetting or lubricating syringes Franklin Lakes, NJ) is an example of linear peristaltic posi-
may paradoxically exacerbate delays in drug reaching tive displacement pumps that has a range of flows from 0.1
desired flow rates.35 Syringe size also seems to play a role in to 999 mL/h. Indeed, the AlarisTM pump reports an accu-
variability and start-up delay. The time to reach target flow racy of ± 5.5% at rates <0.1 mL/h.44 However, at ultralow
using a 50-mL syringe compared with a 10-mL syringe was flow rates, there is concern for pulsatile ejection from the
significantly longer, and this difference was exacerbated at pump, which can lead to pharmacologic and hemody-
lower flows.38 Pump priming ensures that the compressible namic lability.32,45–48 This is because the drive mechanism
or distensible components of the system are pressurized, works through a series of small discrete steps, causing a
thus minimizing start-up delay. However, this pressure will pause in flow when the linear actuators lift off the tubing
dissipate if the pump is paused even for a few minutes.39 (Figure 6A).
Drug delivery after restarting an infusion may be delayed
because of the need to repressurize the compliant elements Cassette Pumps
of the infusion system. Cassette pumps, otherwise known as volumetric pumps,
The flow rate from a syringe pump may be affected by infuse a known volume of fluid in 2 separate sequential
the height above or below the central venous pressure of the cycles through a valve mechanism coupled to a mechani-
patient. Lowering a syringe pump may lead to a decreased cal piston.49 In the first cycle, a set volume (usually 5 mL)
infusion rate,37 and raising a syringe pump may lead to an from the infusate bag is directed by the valve mechanism
inadvertent bolus.40,41 Therefore, the height of the syringe into the pump chamber with downward movement of the
pump should not be abruptly altered during transport.42 piston, and with the next cycle, upward movement of the
The Panomat P-10 is a microvolumetric infusion pump piston redirects the valve so that the collected fluid is then
(Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) that consists of administered to the patient (Figure 8A).50 The Plum A+™
a specially designed noncompliant syringe unit combined infusion system (Hospira, Lake Forest, IL) is an example
with stiff tubing. This pump has lower susceptibility to of a cassette pump. The major disadvantage is intermittent
start-up delays and errors caused by vertical displacement, interruptions in flow, up to 1 second, when the piston fills.51
even at minimal flow rates.43 Cost also plays a role because each pump has manufacturer-
specific cassettes that can be expensive. As a result of these
Peristaltic Pumps factors, cassette pumps have been largely replaced by peri-
Linear peristaltic pumps have a rotary stepper motor that is staltic and syringe-type pumps.
converted to linear movement by the use of a camshaft, which
in turn activates a series of linear peristaltic actuators (fin- Passive Mechanical Pumps
ger-like projections or rollers). Alternating vertical displace- Spring-powered passive syringe pumps such as the
ment of the actuators in a stepwise fashion compresses the Springfusor™ (Go Medical Industries, Ltd, Subiaco, Western
tubing that causes a positive forward displacement of fluid Australia) are portable, low-cost, simple to use, and do not
(Figure 6A). This is the most common type of infusion pump require a power source. They drive fluid out of a syringe
used today. Rotary peristaltic pumps have rotating cams that over a limited time period (approximately 10 minutes), but

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Drug Infusion Systems

Figure 6. A, Peristaltic infusion devices

utilize a rotary stepper motor that
is converted to linear movement by
the use of a camshaft, which in turn
activates a series of multiple linear
peristaltic actuators. Up and down
movements of the rollers in a step-
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wise fashion compress the tubing that

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causes a positive displacement of

fluid. B, In rotatory peristaltic pumps,
rotating cams compress the tubing by
turning in a circular fashion, which pro-
pels the fluid forward.

Figure 7. A, Safety clamp fitment integrated

into pump tubing for the Alaris™ device,
which is a gravity-free-flow-stop mechanism
that automatically clamps the tubing when
it is removed from the pump, preventing
uncontrolled drug flow. B, When the tub-
ing is initially removed from the package,
the safety clamp is in the open position.
However, when the tubing is inserted into the
Alaris™ device and subsequently removed,
the safety clamp will be in the closed posi-
tion, preventing uncontrolled drug flow.

the rate is imprecise and variable. These devices are most to cause havoc when released into the patient at some later
often used for infusions of medications whose delivery is time or a void to be traversed when drug flow first starts. If
not time-critical such as antibiotics (Figure 8B). multiple infusions are running, it can be considered to be a
Elastomeric pumps are not electromechanically operated volume common to all of the medications and inert carrier
and do not require a motor or microprocessor system. These fluids. Both terms, common volume and dead volume, are
devices utilize the elastic properties of the drug reservoir used essentially interchangeably in the published literature.
to provide flow when pressurized. A desired rate can be Dead volume is a seemingly easy concept to grasp;
achieved by adjusting a mechanical flow controller. These however, incident reports demonstrate that the lack of
pumps are commonly used to deliver local anesthetics to understanding continues to cause harm in daily practice.
implanted catheters along peripheral nerves or surgical In a review of over 4000 safety incidents reported to the
incisions. An example is the On-Q pump (Halyard Health, Australian Incident Monitoring Study, 8 cases were the
Alpharetta, GA) that has wide use in ambulatory orthope- result of tubing dead volume; 6 of those 8 cases were the
dic surgery (Figure 8C). result of succinylcholine remaining in the dead volume
causing unintended muscle paralysis with the adminis-
Drug Infusion Systems Subtleties tration of medication or fluid later in the perioperative
Drug infusion systems all have tubing, drive mechanisms period.52 Additional reports described drug precipitation
with flow controllers, ports and connectors, and an IV cath- after inadvertent mixing of incompatible drugs (thiopen-
eter.6 Even if all elements of the infusion system, including tal and vecuronium) in the dead volume, causing occlu-
electromechanical pumps, work perfectly as users expect, sion of the vascular access device.53 In an analysis of safety
there is nuance in how drugs come together inside infusion incidents involving neuromuscular blockade in the United
systems and interact with inert carrier flows in a common Kingdom, 1 case details a patient who developed respira-
fluid pathway. Unanticipated delays or transient perturba- tory distress during the recovery period immediately after
tions in drug administration into the patient can lead to iat- an IV tubing system was flushed, implicating vecuronium
rogenic morbidity. in the dead volume.54
The dead volume, also known as the common volume, In addition to the risk of unintended drug administra-
of a drug infusion system is defined as the volume between tion at some later time, residual drug in the dead volume
the point where drug and inert carrier streams meet and the is undelivered. This may have implications for compounds
patient’s blood. Contributions to this volume can be from dis- that need to rapidly reach threshold serum concentrations
tal parts of infusion tubing, connectors, manifolds, and cath- such as some antibiotics.55 Clearly, much continuing educa-
eter lumens. When flows are stopped, one can think of this tion is needed to prevent these kinds of events related to the
volume as a “dead volume”: a reservoir for forgotten drug dead volume of drug infusion systems.

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Figure 8. A, Cassette pumps withdraws a set volume from the drug reservoir into the cassette reservoir (usually 5 cc) in the first cycle, and
in the next cycle, the upward movement of the piston redirects the valve so that the collected fluid is then administered to the patient. B,
Spring-powered syringe pumps such as the Springfusor™ are portable, do not require electricity or battery, are simple to use, and are low
cost. C, Elastomeric pumps such as the OnQ® pump provide constant pressure from the elastic properties of the balloon-like reservoir that
contains medication.

Implications of the Dead Volume multiple drug infusions are flowing, a change in dose of 1
Infusion system architectures with multiple infusions and drug transiently affects the rate of delivery of all the oth-
an inert carrier converging on a manifold connected to an IV ers.58,61,64 If multiple drugs are flowing into a bank of con-
catheter give rise to many considerations for safe use. First, the nected stopcocks, the dead volume for drugs inserted
dead volume becomes a reservoir for forgotten drugs when all upstream may be slightly larger than for those inserted
of the flows stop. Second, even if medications and inert carri- downstream.
ers are flowing, some mass of drug always resides within the The magnitude of these phenomena is proportional to the
dead volume (Vd) that is based on the concentration in the res- dead volume of the infusion system and inversely propor-
ervoir (Cres), the drug (Qd), and carrier (Qc) flow rates56: tional to the total flow rate through it (Eq. 3). Use of signifi-
cantly higher carrier flow rates could minimize these issues
cresQd at the expense of more fluid administered. Although that
Massof drugin dead volume = Vd (2) may be acceptable in operating room management where
Qd + Qc 
fluid administration may be more liberal, high carrier flows
may be a source of morbidity for many ICU patients.65–67
This drug mass can be accidentally delivered into There are technologies that minimize the contribution of the
patients if medications (eg, muscle relaxant, dilute opiate manifold to the dead volume.58–60,63,68 One design shrinks
solution, propofol) are pushed upstream, carrier flows are the common lumen of the manifold to a very small volume
suddenly increased, or another drug infusion is started (Figure 9A). Another approach is to run all infusions in par-
at a high flow rate.56–59 Third, when a drug is started or a allel lumens of a single tube that meet at the downstream
dose rate changed, there can be a significant lag for the new connector to the catheter (Figure 9B), thereby minimizing
concentration at the upstream side of the dead volume to the dead volume from the manifold.
propagate to the patient. This lag is usually up to 3 to 4 time Many of these pitfalls become moot if each drug flows in
constants (τ )57,60: its own lumen without a carrier, thus eliminating the dead
volume. This is often an impractical option because many
τ= patients have limited vascular access ports. Minimizing
Qd + Qc  (3) dead volume will reduce all of the aforementioned potential
dangers; however, safe practices require full comprehension
This lag time can lead to delays in intended dose of each of these pitfalls.
delivery that, under some conditions, can be surprisingly
long.57,59,61,62 For infusions into standard central venous cath- In Vivo Verification Using Living Simulators
eters of sizeable dead volume (9-Fr introducer sheath, dead Several studies have demonstrated in vitro the lag between
volume ~2.5 mL) with inert carrier flow rates designed to intended and actual drug delivery, generated by the need
minimize excessive fluid administration (10 mL/h), steady- for drugs to transverse the dead volume of infusion sys-
state drug delivery rates may not be fully realized for over tems.14,57,59–62,64 Other studies using catecholamine infusions
20 minutes.61 Fourth, when drug is discontinued, drug in porcine models have verified that these lags may generate
delivery continues for some time until the dead volume is delayed responses in blood pressure and contractility.58,63,69
fully cleared of drug by the inert carrier.39,57,61,63 Restarting One can, however, question whether these delays are of clini-
drug or increasing the carrier may deliver residual drug to cal significance in ICU management. It is possible that some
the patient, perhaps as an unwanted bolus. Finally, when clinicians can overcome the disadvantage of dead volume

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Drug Infusion Systems

through vigilance and skill. Large multicenter prospective Microinfusion Versus Macroinfusion
double-blind clinical trials could determine whether ICU Historically, medications were given by macroinfusion,
patients suffer less iatrogenic morbidity with infusion sys- defined as administration of dilute medication solutions
tems designed to have minimal dead volumes. Such trials infused at high flow rates. This approach was necessary
might be difficult to conduct because of ethical constraints, before technology evolved to provide accurate delivery of
cost, and the challenge of establishing concrete endpoints in concentrated medication at low flow rates, referred to as
a real-world setting. microinfusion. The precision of electromechanical pumps
As an alternative, a living swine simulator was used in the modern era allows clinicians to infuse medications
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to determine whether the magnitude of the infusion sys- at flows as low as 0.1 mL/h. The choice between microin-
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tem dead volume affected the ability of experienced ICU fusion and macroinfusion tends to be institution-specific
nurses to maintain blood pressure within a specific range because familiarity, education, and training are essential to
in a model of hemodynamic instability.70 Occlusion bal- the safe execution of either. A summation of the pros and
loons were placed in the thoracic aorta and inferior vena cons of each approach is summarized in Table 2.
cava of anesthetized swine to rapidly raise or lower blood The fast flow rate associated with macroinfusion has sev-
pressure. Experienced ICU RNs were tasked to maintain eral implications (Table 2). First, the concentrations of drugs
blood pressure within a narrow range using only infusions in the infused fluids are lower, so there is less liability that
of norepinephrine or sodium nitroprusside. The RNs were large amounts of potent drug might be stored within the dead
blinded to balloon occlusions but had full access to hemo- volume and inadvertently bolus injected (Eq. 2). Second, the
dynamic monitors. The data showed a wide range of RN start-up delays from pumps may be minimized because pres-
practice styles (indices included time to act, frequency of sure in the tubing rises faster. Third, there is less likelihood
actions, and magnitude of drug infusions). However, the of delayed occlusion alarms from pumps with faster flows.
data also showed that hemodynamic stability was more In addition, there are shorter lags between intended dosing
easily restored after balloon occlusion perturbation when and drug delivery at faster drug and total flow rates (Eq. 3).
the medications were infused via an infusion system with a The drug flow rates typically seen in macroinfusion may
smaller dead volume than a large one (Figure 10). Thus, one be 7 to 50 mL/h, but under some circumstances may be much
might infer that infusion system architecture plays a role in higher. If multiple medications are infused, the fluid volume
achieving therapeutic goals in a living simulator of hemo- delivered in a day may greatly exceed the patient’s maintenance
dynamic stability, even in very experienced hands. fluid requirements. This volume would be in addition to the
All of the modeling of continuous drug infusion through drug volume associated with intermittent dosing of antibiot-
in vivo swine simulation58,63,70 has been performed using ics, electrolyte supplementation, or analgesics. Although many
drugs with short half-lives (epinephrine and norepineph- patients might compensate for this excess fluid, patients with
rine) and therefore rapid onset of biologic effect. Plasma cardiac, pulmonary, renal, or neurologic illnesses may not tol-
concentrations of infused drugs with longer half-lives erate this excess volume. Thus, the low concentration of drugs
reach steady-state within the circulation slower than drugs mandates higher administered volumes of fluid, which can be
with short half-lives.71 Therefore, for drugs with long half- a major source of morbidity in the critically ill.65–67 Clinicians
lives, although untested, delays in delivery from traversing and pharmacists may attempt to increase the concentration
the dead volume may be insignificant compared with the of each medication (“double or quadruple strength”) to miti-
time needed to reach steady-state plasma concentration. gate the problem; however, it is usually adopted in a reactive
Examples include milrinone, vasopressin, some analgesic manner after much excess fluid has already been given. In
agents, diuretics, and anticoagulants. For such drugs, the addition, dosing errors can ensue when drugs are available in
effect of dead volume on delaying therapeutic goals is likely multiple concentrations. Thus, some hospital intensivists and
to be less significant. pharmacists elect a microinfusion strategy.

Figure 9. A, Conventional 4-stopcock manifold (Top, Arrow International, Reading, PA) has a much larger internal volume than the 6-port Multi
Line Extension Set (Bottom, Summit Medical Products, Worcester, MA). B, Low-dead volume manifold (Edelvaiss Multiline, Doran International,
Toussieu, France) wherein drug infusions and crystalloid carriers flow coaxially down a 150-cm tube. Schematic of the tip of the Edelvaiss
Multiline visualizing the separation of multiple drug stream compartments so that both the carrier and the drug meet at the downstream con-
nector to the catheter, minimizing contribution of the manifold to infusion system dead volume.

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Figure 10. A living swine simulator was used to determine whether the magnitude of the infusion system dead volume affected the ability of
experienced intensive care unit nurses to maintain blood pressure within a specific range in a model of hemodynamic instability. Occlusion
balloons were placed in the thoracic aorta and inferior vena cava to rapidly raise or lower blood pressure, and intensive care unit RNs were
tasked to maintain the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) between 70 and 90 mm Hg using only infusions of norepinephrine or sodium nitro-
prusside. RNs were blinded to balloon occlusions but had full access to hemodynamic monitors. Representative samples of MAP data during
and after aortic and inferior vena cava (IVC) occlusion are shown.70 Hemodynamic stability was more easily restored after balloon occlusion
perturbation with a smaller dead volume infusion system than a large one. Reproduced with permission.70

Microinfusion is designed to minimize fluid delivery

Table 2.  Comparison of Microinfusion with
associated with drug administration (Figure 11). The low
drug flow rates, however, can lead to errors in drug dosing Macroinfusion Microinfusion
and patient morbidity. When flow is first initiated, all the Typical medication flow rates 7–50 mL/h 0.1–10 mL/h
factors that cause start-up delays with syringe and peristal- Medication preparation Bedside or pharmacy Pharmacy
tic pumps become more germane. A prototype microvolu- Pump Peristaltic large Syringe or
metric infusion pump device has been shown to decrease volume peristaltic large
start-up time and no drug delivery time through a special volume
Fluid volume administered Liberala Conservative
microsyringe designed with a rotating valve that mechani-
Lag time to steady-stateb Short Long
cally isolates the pump tubing into afferent and efferent Start-up delay Minimal Variable
infusion lines without a rubber plunger head, thus minimiz- Mass of drug residing in Lower Higher
ing system compliance.72 catheter and manifold
As discussed, the mass of drug residing in the infusion dead volume
system dead volume can be rapidly administered if a car- Potential for clinically Lower Higher
significant drug bolusc
rier rate increases, coinfusion of another drug is initiated,
or if a bolus of fluid is “pushed” upstream in the same fluid
Can be much greater than patients total fluid requirements and may be a
source of morbidity in patients with extreme cardiac, pulmonary, neurologic,
pathway. For a given dead volume, the drug mass avail- or renal disease.65–67
able for bolus is much greater with microinfusion than with b
When infused with an inert carrier typical of intensive care unit conditions
(adult: 7–20 mL/h or pediatric: 1–10 mL/h), delay in achieving steady-state
macroinfusion because the drug flowing from the reser- drug delivery after a change in drug or carrier flow rate.
voir is concentrated (Eq. 2). The use of inert carriers dilutes c
If a drug is pushed upstream or if a carrier flow rate or other drug flow rate
the concentrated drug within the infusion system tubing. is raised abruptly.
However, if carrier rates are slow or if drug solutions are
highly concentrated, the dilution may be insufficient to for propofol administration.73 Other medications such as
protect the patient from a large inadvertent bolus.56 Thus, remifentanil, sufentanil, and alfentanil have been studied
concentrated drug delivered by microinfusion strategies for use in TCI systems.74–77 The promise of TCI includes a
decrease the volume of fluid administration at the expense decreased incidence of recall, movement under anesthesia,
of potential dangers and iatrogenic sources of morbidity and delayed emergence. Studies have yet to show improved
from drug boluses. outcome of TCI compared with manual injection.78 This
may be attributable in part to limitations and inaccuracies
Future of Drug Infusion in the performances of available infusion pumps capable
Computer control of infusion rates was introduced in 1996 of external control by computers.35 Unrecognized delays in
as a method of tailoring drug infusion to produce a desired drug delivery resulting from the need for the drug to tra-
effect. A comprehensive review of such control methods is verse the infusion system dead volume may also contribute.
beyond the scope of this work. Briefly, these systems use The promise of TCI drug dosing may some day be fully real-
either pharmacokinetic models or feedback control from a ized with refinements in infusion pumps along with recog-
physiologic measurement. Target controlled infusion (TCI) nition of, and compensation for, dead volume-related drug
systems use population-based pharmacokinetic models to administration delays by TCI algorithms.
automatically drive drug delivery to achieve a theoretically Physiologic feedback technologies seek to titrate medi-
estimated target site drug concentration. Devices using cation infusion rate based on responses measured by moni-
these methods have been developed and are in clinical use toring systems such as the bispectral index monitor.79 Other
in some countries such as the Diprifusor™, a TCI system methods include electroencephalographic algorithms

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Drug Infusion Systems

steady-state drug administration after changes to drug dose

and carrier rates set by clinicians has been demonstrated.69,89
Syringe pumps were modified to allow external control from
central computers running software that use finite element
models of the movement of drug through the dead volume.
Algorithms designed to coordinate and control both the
drug and carrier flows speed the movement of drug across
the dead volume. This dramatically decreases the time to
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achieve intended drug delivery in vitro and pharmacologic

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response in vivo. It is possible that in the future, integrated

infusion systems will allow users to set desired drug deliv-
ery goals and software will coordinate and control drug and
carrier infusions to provide near instantaneous desired drug

Drug infusion systems range in complexity, precision, and
cost from simple, inexpensive, gravity-driven drips to the
sophisticated electromechanical infusion technologies
featured in modern large-volume peristaltic and syringe
pumps. This review outlines the technology and high-
lights advantages and disadvantages of these very different
drug delivery systems. The distinction between microin-
fusion- and macroinfusion-based systems is specifically
emphasized along with a quantitative discussion of infu-
sion system dead volume and its effect on drug delivery.
Modern drug infusion systems provide precise drug deliv-
ery and important safety enhancements. However, all infu-
sion systems have the potential for iatrogenic morbidity
from unappreciated residual drug in the dead volume and
unappreciated delays in the kinetics of drug administra-
tion by infusion. New technologies may ultimately lead to
the implementation of “smart” systems capable of diffus-
ing some of these risks. Until then, continuing education is
needed to prevent adverse events related to the nuances of
drug infusion systems. E
Figure 11. Phenylephrine, a commonly used vasoactive medica-
tion, is conventionally diluted in 250-mL bags. A more concentrated
microinfusion mix can be prepared in a syringe such as 60 mg/50
mL. Phenylephrine infused at 60 µg/min will require 90 mL/h from The authors wish to thank Joon Kim for assisting with the
the infusion bag (macroinfusion), whereas the concentrated syringe illustrations in many of the figures.
preparation will achieve the desired dose at 3 mL/h (microinfu-
sion). One syringe (50 mL) has the same drug mass as 6 bags have
(1500 mL).
Name: Uoo R. Kim, MD.
Contribution: This author helped read the reference literature, and
write and edit the manuscript.
developed to recognize burst suppression,80–83 which have Name: Robert A. Peterfreund, MD, PhD.
been used for titration of propofol.84,85 Other systems have Contribution: This author helped read the reference literature, and
write and edit the manuscript.
used hemodynamic endpoints as a basis for titration of Name: Mark A. Lovich, MD, PhD.
medication during cardiac surgery.86–88 Such intelligent Contribution: This author helped read the reference literature, and
feedback-driven drug delivery may one day allow devel- write and edit the manuscript.
opment of automated hemodynamic or electroencephalog- This manuscript was handled by: Maxime Cannesson, MD, PhD.
raphy-based anesthetic delivery systems. Similar to TCI,
widespread deployment of effective physiologic feedback
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